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Managing A Project

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Jan 17 2021



BTEC HND in Business

Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Unit Code: D/508/0491

Session/Year: December 2020 Assessment No: 01

Assignment Launch Date: 14 Jan 2021 Due Date: 28 March 2021

Assignment Title: conducting a small scale research on the theme “Talent Management”

Student Name: Registration No: Final Grade:

Assessor: IV: …………………………………

Submission Format
The submission is in the form of an individual written report or as guided below. This should be
written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required
to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced using the APA referencing system.

Learning Outcomes Covered

 LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme

 LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection, generating
knowledge to support the project

 LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on

meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis

 LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to
support sustainable organizational performance

You have been working in an organization under the research and development department. One
of your key roles is to help the organization conducting small scale research to help the team
understand the recent changes in the business environment. This time they have asked you to
conduct a small research on in of the areas in “Talent Management”.
Talent management (TM) is simply defined as the process by which businesses and
organizations recognize and develop talented people who can have a positive impact on their
organizations and their productivity. It not only has become a key component of human resource
management but also the responsibility of leaders and managers at all levels to manage talent
within the business, with TM strategies being developed in line with the particular needs and
structure of the business and industry.
In order to gain understanding of the challenges that business organizations are facing and how
they are rethinking ways to get the most from their staff. Your senior manager has asked you
carry out a small research on "What talent management strategies do the business
companies/organizations use to attract and retain people?”(Select any one business sector
e.g. marketing, service, finance, operations, manufacturing).

Your research report will:

Step 1. Establish your aim and Objectives

 Establish your aims and objectives for the project. Outline objectives and timeframes
based on the scenario.

Step 2. Project Planning

 Devise a project management plan to map out how you intend to meet the project
o Begin with the scope. What activities and tasks as defined in your project must be
done in order to make the project a success?
o Note the milestones or major events or phases in your project.
o Provide details of activities to be carried out initiation, planning and execution of
the project.
o Create a work break down structure, sequence activities and Gantt chart to track
the activities to be undertaken.

Step 3. Conduct primary and secondary research

o Devise a short questionnaire/ or interview questions to complete with employees

within the selected organizations (select 10-12 0rganizations).
Step 4 – Present Findings

o Collate your research and analyse your findings and draw conclusions to form the
basis for recommendations.
o Present the report in written format and also prepare a presentation that includes
research process and outcomes to the audience who has little or no knowledge on
the research process.
o Write recommendations based on the research findings and outcomes.
Note: Follow the guidelines below to design your report presentation.

Font style Arial or Times New Roman.

Font size: Main text should be minimum font size 16 -24  (readable from 2 meters
away). Headings 30-42. Sub-headings can be smaller. Avoid writing all in capital
letters and use same font throughout the presentation(Margins, fonts, font size,
and colors should be consistent)

Use same background on each slide. Label images and graphs. Use bulleted
points and avoid writing long sentences. And provide citations and references

Step 5. Reflective practice

o Complete a performance review to critically reflect upon the project plan, process
and outcomes in terms of your own personal and professional development. Think
about how well you have performed and achieved your project objectives, what
obstacles did you have to overcome? What worked well or not well? What have
you learnt from completing this project? Use the temp-lets given below.

1. Template for Evidence Collection (you can use the below given temp-let to prepare a

In your log book you will write the kinds of activities you have done, experience you have and
things you have learnt while completing this assignment


Project title:

1. Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
o Points to consider:
o What have you completed?
o Did you fulfil task requirements?
o Are you on track and within deadlines set?
o Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
2. Any risks and/or issues identified?
o Points to consider:
o Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking
o Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project
management plan?

3. Problems encountered
o Points to consider:
o What barriers did you face?
o How did you overcome them?

What have I learnt about myself this week?

Points to consider:
 How did I feel when I had to deal with tasks/problems?
 Did I find it useful to complete the tasks?
 How well have I performed? What did I contribute?
 What can I improve on next week?
 How might this learning apply in the future?
Tasks planned for next week
Points to consider:
 Which tasks are priority?
 Have you set aside sufficient time for completion?
Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind
Supervisor comments to address- your teacher might have given you some suggestions and
feedback on your research, you need you explain what were they and how did you respond
them .

2. Performance Review Template- You write this part when you have completed the
research. You review your own performance. The questions below guides you to write
the performance review.
• What was the project supposed to accomplish?
• Did the project succeed in its aims? How do you know? Specifically, outline any
evaluation and assessment undertaken.
• What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the project (e.g.
initial inception, project activities and project outcomes) from a range of perspectives.
• What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there timely
identification of issues and resolution during the project process?
• What did you learn from undertaking the project?
• How would you rate your performance as project manager?
• What strengths and weaknesses of your performance did you identify?
• How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?

Essential task
You have to produce two separate evidences.
1. First a hand written logbook which records the kinds of activities you have done, experience
you have and things you have learnt while completing this assignment. Use the template 1.
2. Performance Review - You write this part when you have completed the research. You
review your own performance. The questions below guides you to write the performance
review. Use the template 2.

While completing the assignment consider the following learning Outcomes and assessment

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the LO1 andLO2
chosen theme

P1 Devise project aims and objectives M1 Produce a D1 Critically evaluate

for a chosen scenario. comprehensive project the project management
management plan, milestone process and appropriate
P2 Produce a project management plan schedule and project research methodologies
that covers aspects of cost, scope, schedule for monitoring and applied
time, quality, communication, risk and completing the aims and
resources. objectives of the project.
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure
and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes
and stages for completion.
LO2Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data
collection, generating knowledge to support the project
P4Carry out small-scale research by M2Evaluate the accuracy
applying qualitative and quantitative and reliability of different
research methods appropriate for research methods applied
meeting project aims and objectives
LO3Present the project and communicate appropriate LO3 and LO4
recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the
evidence findings and/or analysis D2 Critically evaluate
P5 Analyse research and data using M3Evaluate the selection of and reflect on the
appropriate tools and techniques appropriate tools and project outcomes, the
techniques for accuracy and decision- making
P6 Communicate appropriate
authenticityto support and process and changes or
recommendations as a result of research
justify recommendations developments of the
and data analysis to draw valid and
meaningful conclusions initial project
management plan to
LO4Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its
support justification of
usefulness to support sustainable organisational performance
recommendations and
P7Reflect on the value of undertaking M4 Evaluate the value of the learning during the
the research to meet stated objectives project management process project.
and own learning and performance and use of quality research
to meet stated objectives and
support own learning and

Mention all the grades awarded in this assignments:

Other requirements
 It should be the student’s own work – plagiarism is unacceptable
 Your work should be submitted as a well presented, word-processed document with headers
and footers, and headings and subheadings.
 You are expected to undertake research on this subject using books from the Library, and
resources available on the Internet.
 Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document and
these sources should be referenced within the text of your document using APA style
 Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or graphics.
 (Expect guided otherwise) must be typed in Times New Roman or Ariel, size 12, 1½
spacing, justified (align to both left and right), have the standard cover sheet and be signed
stating that the work is original.

I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work and I understand that if
any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarized, none of the work
submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment.

Assignment Prepared By: Signature: Date:

Brief Checked By: Signature: Date:

Dhruba Babu Joshi

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