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The Simple Formula to

Get What You Want

Karim Hajee
The Simple Formula for Getting What You Want

Hi and welcome, I’m so glad you’re here and ready to take the next step
toward living the life you want. You’re about to receive the simple and powerful
formula to get what you want in life.

This formula has already helped over 200-thousand people make the changes
they want, enjoy a happier, more rewarding life and get what they really desire.
It’s worked for them and it will work for you as well.

You’re here, reading this, because you want a better life. Maybe you want a
better job, to make more money, meet that wonderful partner, get healthy, lose
weight, start or grow your business, discover your calling, feel more confident
or maybe you just want to feel happy or feel like your life is heading in the right

Perhaps you’re tired of the way things have been or you may not like some of
what’s happening in your life right now. You’re tired of being tired, feeling lost,
unmotivated and unhappy or just feeling “blah.”

Maybe you’ve tried to make changes, but for some reason nothing works!

You may be looking for a solution but just haven’t found it. Don’t give up.
Because you have the solution, it’s inside you. Yes it is. And I’m about to show
you how to tap into the solution by using a special formula. You’ll then be able
to make the changes you want and you’ll know exactly how to get what you
really want in life.

Life isn’t meant to be difficult. It’s supposed to be fun and your life should be
filled with happiness.

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The Simple Formula for Getting What You Want

You could be in a wonderful relationship and then suddenly things go sour and
you find yourself on your own wondering what happened.

Unfortunately, as we go through life things can change and often we don’t even
foresee these changes. One day you could be the rising star at your company,
the next day there’s a new boss and you’re walking a tightrope just trying to
keep your job.

One day you feel like you’re in great shape, then something goes wrong, you
land in a hospital and you wonder if you’ll ever get better.

Your business or career could be soaring, then things suddenly change and you
find yourself struggling just to make ends meet.

Or maybe at one point you felt happy, in control of your life and everything
seemed to work out. But now that you’re older, you find you’re not enjoying life
and you just can’t seem to find a way to get what you want.

Or maybe you feel like you can’t get back on track, or nothing seems to go
your way.

Or maybe you’ve been enjoying life, you’ve had some success and you just
want to take things to another level. You’d like to have more and achieve more
but you’re just not sure what to do.

If any of this sounds familiar don’t worry, I’m about to share a formula with you
that will turn things around. Follow this formula and you’ll get back on track and
start enjoying life again.

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The Simple Formula for Getting What You Want

Now to get the most out of this formula you’ll need to keep an open mind
because for you to create the changes you want you’re going to tap into your
special power.

We all have this same special power. We were born with it. It’s the power of
your Subconscious Mind.

Now you may have heard about the power of the subconscious mind or you
may know nothing about it. Regardless I’ll give you a little background to help
you understand the power of the subconscious mind but I’m not going to go into
all the scientific evidence. You can spend some time researching it if you like.
My goal here is to give you concise and practical information and tools that you
can use right away.

You are where you are; you are at this point in your life because of your past
thoughts and past beliefs. Your subconscious creates your life based on your
thoughts and beliefs.

Your current thoughts and the beliefs you have today will be reflected in your
life in the future, possibly within the next month or two.

The thoughts you have tomorrow and in the days, weeks and months after will
be reflected in your life in the future.

By creating new thoughts and new beliefs, the kind that allow you to get what
you want in life, the kind that allow you to make the changes you want, you’ll be
able to direct your subconscious to make sure you succeed and live the kind of
life you want to live.

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The Simple Formula for Getting What You Want

So if you’re ready to keep an open mind then, if you’re ready to tap into the
awesome power of your subconscious mind so you can live the kind of life you
want, then let’s get started.

I’m Karim Hajee and for more than 20 years I’ve been helping people just like
you get what they want in life, achieve their goals and live the kind of life they
really want. I’ve done that by showing them how to tap into a special power
that we all have, a power that’s working right now and is always at work.

Enough about me, let’s get back to why you are here – to start making some
positive changes in your life.

Chances are that throughout your life no one ever really taught you how to use
the power of your subconscious mind.

So here you are now, years later, using your subconscious mind without
knowing how. In fact, you may actually be using your subconscious mind the
wrong way. You may be directing it to bring you exactly what you don’t want.
That happens when you give it the wrong instructions.

How do you know if you’re giving your subconscious mind the wrong

If you feel like:

You can’t get ahead

Nothing you try works
You constantly feel stressed
You just can’t seem to get a break
You’re just not happy where you are
You really want things to change but they don’t

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Then you may actually be using your subconscious power the wrong way and
misdirecting it. Let’s change that.

Here’s how:

Think about the kind of life you want, or the changes you want or specific goals
you want to achieve.

Once you have that in mind, be ready and open to changes taking place. If you
want things to get better, or if you want to achieve a particular goal, there will
be changes taking place. So get comfortable with those changes.

If you keep your life the way it is nothing will ever get better, nothing will ever
improve and you’ll never get ahead. Things may actually get worse as time
passes because you haven’t directed your subconscious mind to make the
changes you want.

So get comfortable with change because a lot of things in your life will have to
change if you really want to have a better, more fulfilling and happier life.

You’re now about to create the kind of life you want and that means letting go
of the kind of life you’ve been living or the kind of life you don’t want.

Now if you’re ready to do that, let’s begin tapping into and directing the
amazing power of your subconscious mind.

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Understanding Your Power
You really are a remarkable and powerful person. You have tremendous power
within you and when you tap into this power and use it correctly, you’ll be able
to get what you really want in life. As a result, you’ll be happier and feel more
If that’s not happening for you then you haven’t been able to tap into and direct
the power of your subconscious mind so that it creates the life you want.

Your subconscious mind responds to what you repeatedly think and your
strongly held beliefs. It simply creates your life based on your repeated
thoughts and strongly held beliefs.
Not every thought you have will be reflected in your life. Just because you think
you might get hit by a car when you’re crossing a street doesn’t mean that
you’ll get hit by a car. Instead, you’ll likely be more careful and avoid being hit
by a car.

Also, just because you think one day you’ll win the lottery doesn’t mean you’ll
ever win it.

It’s your repeated thoughts AND your strongly held BELIEFS that shape and
create your life.

Think about what you WANT

Now to begin creating your new life you first have to get a clear idea of what
you want so that you can properly instruct your subconscious to bring it into
your life.

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We often make the mistake on focusing on what we don’t want – we don’t want
to be sick, we don’t want to be poor, we don’t want to be in a bad relationship.

When you constantly think about what you don’t want you place your energy on
the negative outcome.

You think about bad relationships, you think about being poor, you think about
being sick and so your subconscious picks up on the negative outcome and
says: “Okay, you want bad relationships; sure, here you go another bad

Or: “You want to be poor, here you go, less money for you” Or: “You want to
be sick, here you go, another illness for you”

If you keep thinking about what you don’t want you’ll be misdirecting your
subconscious and it will bring what you don’t want. So think about what you
really want. It can be anything.

If you want to make more money you have to regularly THINK and strongly
BELIEVE that you can make more money.

If you want to get a great job you have to regularly THINK and strongly
BELIEVE that you can get a great job.

If you want to lose weight or get in shape, you have to regularly THINK and
strongly BELIEVE that you can lose weight and get in shape.

If you want to be happy you have to regularly THINK and strongly BELIEVE
that you can be happy.

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If you want to meet the right partner, you have to regularly THINK and strongly
BELIEVE that you can meet and be with the right partner.

What ever it is you want in life you have to regularly THINK and strongly
BELIEVE that you can have it.

I know that’s easier said than done and that’s because right now you have too
many negative thoughts, and too many negative and limiting beliefs holding you
back and preventing you from getting what you want or achieving your goals.

When you look carefully at some of the most successful people you know,
you’ll find they have many of the same challenges that you have, perhaps even
more. But they persevered and found their success. They succeeded. I
succeeded and you can too!

Just so you know, I’m not making this up. The power of the subconscious mind
and how it works is backed with scientific research and evidence.

Doctors and researchers who for years refused to accept the existence of the
subconscious mind are now fully embracing it and recognizing that the
subconscious governs every aspect of our lives.

At Memorial Sloane Kettering in New York, Doctors are now teaching cancer
patients how the benefits of positive thinking and positive beliefs can help them
in their recovery. They’re teaching them how to enlist the help of their
subconscious mind to speed up their recovery process.

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The Simple Formula for Getting What You Want

For you to create the changes you want in life, you have to first recognize and
accept that your subconscious is at work and that your subconscious is your
partner and is ready to help you.

Many of the changes you want can happen very quickly, it all depends on the
messages you send to your subconscious mind.

To get the full benefit of my formula you’ll have to apply the exercises I provide.
Only by doing the exercises will you see significant changes. This is where
most people fail; they just don’t do the exercises.

So if you’re really serious about making changes, about improving your life and
getting what you want then make a commitment to apply the exercises and
continue. If not, that’s okay; you can simply stop here and come back when
you’re ready to make the commitment.

I’m glad you decided to continue because what you discover and work with
here will change your life for the better. You’ll thank me later.

Each step I share with you comes with exercises that once you master and
apply will help you achieve your goals and live the life that you want.

By following what I outline you’ll make lasting positive changes in your life and
you’ll have your subconscious power bringing you exactly what you desire.

How will all this happen?

It’s a lot easier than you think.

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The changes will take place because you’ll be retraining your mind and re-
programming your subconscious mind. I’m going to give you the tools to get
started and I get into further details in my Creating Power system, more about
that a little later.

Now that you understand how the power of your subconscious mind works, it’s
time to make a decision and go after what you want.


When you make a decision it should be focused on what you want. I know this
sounds pretty easy but often people will focus on what they don’t want just as I
mentioned above.

When you think about what you don’t want you could end up telling your
subconscious mind to bring you what you want to avoid or you create more
confusion and end up getting more of what you don’t want.

Everyday I speak to people who can tell me exactly what they don’t want. But
when I press them and ask them to tell me what they want, they can’t come up
with an answer. They often tell me they want a better life, but can’t explain
what a “better life” includes.

Over the years you may have blocked out what you want because you’ve been
spending too much time trying to avoid what you don’t want, so you just haven’t
allowed yourself to pursue what you really desire. Or you may have spent too
much time taking care of others, that you forgot about yourself and now you
can’t recall what you really want.

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Often people will avoid making a decision so that they don’t get disappointed,
don’t make the wrong choice or because they don’t want to fail. And there are
some who avoid making a decision because they’re afraid to succeed. Sounds
strange, but it’s true. Some people are simply afraid and don’t know how they
will handle success. They’d rather stay where they are and avoid making
significant changes because they fear the change.

You may want to be a millionaire but feel that having more money will change
you and you might think it will change the way people see you. So instead of
pursuing your goal to be a millionaire you choose to avoid it because you don’t
want the changes that will come with having more money.

You might want a better job but you realize that if you leave your current job
you’ll have to make new friends in a new environment, possibly commute more
and take on new responsibilities. That kind of change may scare you, and
prevent you from going after your goal of getting a better job.

The fact that you want a better life is a clear indication that on a deeper level
you’re ready for changes, now you just have to consciously prepare for these

So take a look at what you want.

Think about what changes you’d like to make or what you’d like to improve,
achieve or something you want to have in your life in the next 30 or 60 days.

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Do you want to:

Make more money?

Get a job or a better job?
Get a promotion?
Start or grow your business?
Reduce your stress?
Feel more confident?
Feel happier in life?
Meet the right person?
Get in shape?
Lose weight?
You can have or achieve whatever you want so think about what you want,
not what you don’t want.

Let’s look at some of our possible thoughts/beliefs and how we can rework

“I don’t want to work long hours anymore.”

Instead, you would say:

“I want to work less and/or have more free time”

“I don’t want to meet people who treat me badly”


“I want to be with someone who treats me kindly and with respect.”

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“I don’t want to be in debt”


“I want to make more money so I can payoff all my bills on time with ease”

Get the idea?

Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

Write down all the things that you want, all the changes you want to take place,
all that you want to achieve and all that you would like to have happen in your
life. Make this your wish list for your subconscious and it can be as long as you
want. Just make sure you write it down.

Why write it down?

Because studies have shown that 80 percent of people who write down their
goals and what they want in life succeed. But and this is a big one, only 5
percent of people in the world write down their goals and desires.

Those are astounding figures. Think about it, just by writing down your goals
and desires you increase your chances of success and achievement by 80%!

Did you know the most successful and the wealthiest people in the world wrote
down their goals and came up with a solid plan of action before they became
successful? Now you know why they’re successful.

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Why does coming up with a plan and making a decision to follow it make you
successful? Because when you make a decision, when you write it down, when
you come up with a plan, you imprint your intention on your subconscious mind.
You tell your subconscious mind exactly what you want. You give it a clear
instruction and you send out a message that you’re ready for success and that
you will accept nothing less than success.

It’s a powerful message that supercharges your subconscious mind to start

working on achieving your goals.

I find writing down and making decisions so important, not only do I practice it
regularly in my life, but I also teach this process in the first week of my
Creating Power system where I show you how to get clear on what you want,
get focused and instruct your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you

Now come up with a list of all that you want and then decide what is most
important. Start with one or two goals at a time and begin sending your
subconscious mind the right instructions to achieve your goals.


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Now you might say: “I don’t know what I want”

Don’t accept that. Instead, tell yourself that you do know what you want and
allow yourself to explore all kinds of options and possibilities. Dream big, aim
high, anything is possible so think of the kind of life you want to live and then
focus on what you want.

This is your life. Make the most of it. Make sure you enjoy your life. You don’t
want to wake up one day when your best years are behind you and have
nothing but regrets, or think about what you should have done. You want to live
life doing what you love and enjoy, making sure you’re doing everything you can
to live the life you want.

Deep down inside you do know what you want. You’ve just buried it so far
deep that you’ve forgotten about what you really want. Now you just have to
bring it back up to the surface so that you recognize what you really want. And
you do that by allowing yourself to explore and have some fun.

Just start thinking about what you want to accomplish in life, how you want to
live your life and what you would like to be doing if you could do anything.

Fast forward to 5 years from now:

What does life look like?

What are you doing 5 years from now?

What are you doing 10 years from now?

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By simply thinking about what you want now or 5-10 years from now, by
thinking about your ideal life you get your mind to make a decision. You also
get your mind focused on what you want. You avoid thinking about what you
don’t want. At the same time you give your subconscious mind specific
instructions so that it helps you get what you really want and desire.

So decide what you want.

Once you have a list take a moment to circle what is a top priority and set a
time frame for achieving your top priority.

So let’s recap:

Then supercharge your subconscious mind by giving it the right instructions so

that you begin attracting the situations and people that will help you get what
you want.

Make a decision. Decide what you want in life.

Focus on what you WANT, not what you don’t want.
Think about what you want now, in 5 years and in 10 years – what will
your life look like?
Write down what you want – put it on paper

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Without believing that you can and will get what you want you’re likely to give
up. Believing is usually the difference between failure and success.

Earlier I mentioned how cancer patients at Memorial Sloane Kettering center in

New York are being taught the benefits of positive thinking and positive beliefs.
Well, researchers have found that those who believe they will recover are more
likely to recover sooner than those who don’t or those who have a “doom and
gloom” or “poor me attitude.”

It’s vital to your success and happiness to develop a positive belief system that
supports the kind of life you want.

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If you have a negative belief system then you’ll significantly reduce your
chances of getting what you want in life. In fact you’ll probably never succeed
because you simply don’t believe you can.

With a negative belief system you’re likely to endure more failure and hardships
as you get older. Why? Because those negative beliefs will get stronger and
stronger. As more time passes and as you hold on to your negative beliefs,
they’ll become more rigid and you’ll be forcing your subconscious mind to
create and attract more and more negative situations.

Of course that’s not what you want, that’s not what anybody wants.

The good news is you can change them, regardless of how old you are or how
long you’ve had the negative beliefs.

That’s why you have to create a positive belief system, so that you have beliefs
that allow you to get what you want and enjoy the success or happiness you

Unfortunately most people don’t think and believe that they can achieve their

They often wish they can but they don’t truly think and believe they can.

Instead, they’re conditioned to think and believe that:

Things are difficult

Life is tough
They have to fight to get to the top
They can’t do or have something

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They have to work really hard and long hours to succeed

They’re not good enough or smart enough and so on.

These are negative and limiting thought and belief patterns that destroy your
chances for success. And that’s why you need to remove and replace them
with positive supporting thoughts and beliefs.

Remember: your subconscious simply creates your life based on what you
think and believe. Your thoughts and beliefs create the vibrations that bring
similar situations and like-minded people in your life to make sure your reality
reflects what you think and believe.

If you want to make more money but think that it’s hard to make money then
this kind of negative thought is tied to a negative belief. You believe it’s difficult
to make more money and so your subconscious mind just finds more ways for
you to have difficulty when it comes to making more money.

If you think and believe that you don’t know what you want or that you don’t
know what to do about something then you’ll just create more confusion in your

If you continually say something like: “I just have too much to do, there’s not
enough time.” Your subconscious mind will just make sure that you always have
too much to do and that you just don’t have enough time to get everything

Your negative thoughts aren’t automatically negative beliefs. They simply start
as a single negative thought and then as you continue to allow the negative
thoughts to stay in your head, they become beliefs, until one day you think
that’s just the way things are and that’s when you’ve created a belief – negative
or positive.

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So to really get what you want and to succeed you have to get rid of the
negative thoughts and negative beliefs that hold you back. You have to then
replace them with positive thoughts and positive beliefs.

So why does your mind get filled up with negative thoughts so quickly and so
often? Why can’t it just be positive instead of negative?

Because your mind has never been told what to do and you’ve never been
taught how to think and how to create beliefs that allow you to enjoy your life,
succeed and get what you really want.

Here’s the good news: you’re in charge. You get to decide what to think and
believe. You can choose to keep these negative thoughts and negative beliefs
in your head or you can choose to change them.

You see, your subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between what is good for
you and what is bad for you.

It doesn’t’ say: “Hey, let’s not do that it won’t be good for you.”

That part of you that decides what is good or bad for you is in your mind, you
consciously make that choice. Your subconscious mind simply responds to the
instructions for your mind. Those instructions are your thoughts and beliefs.
That’s why if you have a negative belief about something, your reality will
eventually reflect that belief.

And you’ll continue to believe it because you’ll think it’s true. It becomes a
vicious cycle which you created in the first place because of the negative
thought pattern that you held on to for so long.

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The only way you can break that pattern is to change your thoughts and
subsequently change your beliefs, then you’ll change your reality and your life.

Start changing your thoughts and beliefs today and begin taking control of your
life right now.

Earlier you wrote that list of what you want in life.

Now go back and look at that list and thinking about getting what you want,
then write down any thoughts that come up.

Take a look at the thoughts and ask yourself the following:

Are they negative or positive?

Do they help you get what you really want?

Do they limit you?

Do they get in the way of what you want to achieve?

Remember; the thoughts you wrote down are tied to beliefs.

Let’s take a look at another example:

Say you want to get a better job. But you think and believe that it’s hard to get
a job, that you don’t have the qualifications, that you’re not good enough or
smart enough or that there are no good jobs available or that no one is hiring.

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These are all negative thoughts that don’t allow you to a get what you want,
which is a better job, hopefully one that you enjoy and pays you a lot more

Your subconscious mind will simply make sure you don’t get a better job
because you don’t think and believe that you can get a better job.

By holding on to that negative thought pattern and those negative beliefs, no

matter what you do, no matter what you try, you’ll never get a better job. You’ll
keep choosing the wrong opportunities and you’ll be rejected for the good
positions you want.

If you have a negative thought system and negative beliefs about money or
success, if you worry, stress out or are scared about your future, your
subconscious mind will act on those beliefs and make them your reality.

In many ways, you destroy your own life based on the negative thoughts that
you constantly allow to enter your mind and become negative beliefs, you’re
only making your own life miserable.

Now change it.

Turn things around today.

You don’t have to keep your negative thoughts and negative beliefs. They don’t
have to be part of your life from now on.

You can change these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs into
powerful, positive thoughts and positive beliefs so that you achieve your goals
and live the life you want.

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Start tracking your thoughts everyday and when you come across negative
thoughts, remove them. Replace them with positive thoughts so that you create
positive beliefs in the future.

This will take some time and effort but it will be well worth it.

Getting rid of those negative thoughts and negative beliefs is crucial to your
success. How your life unfolds will be based on your current and future
thoughts and beliefs.

You can try doing this on your own and you’ll see how powerful it is. If you
need more guidance or structure, I give you a complete, simple system that
you can follow so that you develop the right thoughts and the right beliefs so
that you get your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want and
create the life you want to live.

It’s all laid out in my Creating Power system where I give you step by step
instructions and walk you through the entire process in a simple and easy to
follow system. To find out more you can simply go to
http://www.creatingpower.com/course - there I explain exactly how the
Creating Power system works and exactly what you’ll be getting in this
powerful program.

Once you change your beliefs so that they match what you want to achieve,
your subconscious mind and the universe conspire to make sure that what you
believe becomes your reality; it becomes part of your life

If you truly believe something, have faith that it will happen, then you will see
your beliefs manifest in your life.

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Now that’s a lot easier said than done, after all, you’ve got these old negative
beliefs hanging around and they’re pretty strong. Simply replacing them with
new beliefs is going to take some time and effort if you tried to do it on your

So to help you create new beliefs I’m going to give you a few things you can do
right now to make the transition a lot easier.

Your beliefs are super powerful, so powerful they can often be the difference
between living or dying, being poor or being wealthy, being happy or unhappy
or being sick or being healthy.

For example, a person who is constantly stressed and spends little or no time
meditating has a negative or bleak outlook on life is more prone to sickness,
will have an unhealthy lifestyle and is more likely to be in an unstable

On the other hand, a person who takes time to meditate, has a positive outlook
and believes they can cope is more likely to be healthier, look younger and will
have more positive fulfilling relationships.

So, how does what we believe impact our lives?

Let’s take a look at some examples:

If you believe relationships are difficult, and require a lot of work, then you’ll
only attract people who will make that relationship difficult and force you to put
a lot of work into it.

More importantly, if you worry about something, you basically believe the worst
and you’ll likely get the worst.

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Now that doesn’t happen all the time and there’s a reason for that. Even though
you worry, a small part of you is hopeful that you’ll have a positive outcome.
And thus, a complete disaster is often avoided.

But if you were to worry and think of the worst at all times, never being
hopeful, well then you could be setting yourself up for a massive disaster.

Now there’s more to believing then just creating beliefs. Having positive beliefs
is the first step towards creating a positive and successful life. Believing is
something completely different.

Here’s an example.

You may have positive beliefs about money. You may have a belief that there
are plenty of ways to make money but if you don’t truly believe that you will
make money, you won’t make as much money as you want.

A belief is the way you feel about something. It’s deeply rooted. It’s an
automatic response to how you see things.

Believing something requires that you trust that what you want can and will
happen. There’s not a single doubt that it will happen. You completely trust and
know that it will happen.

This is the key element that most people are missing when it comes to
achieving their goals.

They’ll do all the other work that is necessary to achieve their goals, but they
can’t get this element of believing into their system. So how do we begin
believing so we can have the life that we want?

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In my 4 week Creating Power system, I show you how to believe in yourself

and achieve your goals. You’ll be able to create a new belief system and form
a practice of believing so that you always enjoy success and constantly create
a more positive healthy life.

In this program you work at your own pace and you directly re-program your
subconscious mind to create the changes you want so that you live a happier,
more rewarding and happier life. To learn more about Creating Power simply
go to: http://creatingpower.com/course

You see in many ways we’ve been raised not to believe. If you can’t see it, it’s
not real, that’s what we are taught. But believing is vital to our survival and

If you could only believe that everything would work out and trust that what you
can and will get what you want, you’d succeed easily. Your life would change in
ways you’d never thought was possible.

But for some reason, most people just can’t believe that things will work out for
them. They look at past results and judge their future based on those results.

Let me ask you a few simple questions.

Do you believe, without a doubt that you can and will achieve everything that
you want in life?

Do you believe, without a doubt that you’ll be guided to the right situation at the
right time? No matter what, you’ll get to where you want to be in life?

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Do you believe, without a doubt that there is always a way to achieve your
goals? You just have to find it!

If you answered No or Maybe to any of the above questions, then you don’t
believe and therefore you’ll have more challenges and barriers when trying to
achieve your goals.

Believing requires a complete trust that you can and will get what you want out
of life.

Here’s an example of believing that most of us can relate to at some level.

Think of a young child that you know. Remember when they were an infant,
when they could not even feed themselves, or say a word. They had no motor
coordination and didn’t really recognize things very well.

Now assuming that this was a healthy child when they were at that stage, did
you or their parent, ever doubt that it would learn to walk? No! Everybody was
convinced; everybody believed that that child would learn to walk.

That’s the kind of belief that I’m talking about that is needed to achieve your

You have to believe that things will work out. There can be no doubts just
trusting yourself, your inner powers and the powers that be.

That everything will work out.

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Now, let’s do a recap of this section.

Thoughts become beliefs. What you repeatedly think will eventually

become a belief
Beliefs are picked up by your subconscious mind and the universe
Your subconscious mind and the universe simply make sure that your life
is a reflection of what you think and believe
Your life is determined by your thoughts and beliefs. Negative thoughts
and negative beliefs create a difficult life. Positive thoughts and positive
beliefs create a happier life.
You’re in charge. You get to decide what to think and believe. Take
control today and change your thoughts and beliefs now.

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Remember: thoughts that are repeated and stay in your mind eventually
become beliefs and that these are powerful forces; they create and shape your

To create powerful positive beliefs you have to start with your thoughts,
because thoughts become beliefs. The best way to create the right thoughts
and the right beliefs is to get rid of the negative thoughts and negative thinking

That’s because over time your thoughts become beliefs and those beliefs are
what your subconscious mind responds to; your subconscious creates your life
based on what you think and believe.

If you’re not living the kind of life you want, if you’re not enjoying the success
you want, if you’re not achieving specific goals no matter how hard you try, if
you’re not able to get what you really want or if you’re just not happy then you
likely have too many negative thoughts and these negative thoughts have
become beliefs which now hold you back.

You’re probably not even aware of many of your negative thoughts which have
created too many negative and limiting beliefs. And it’s the combination of
negative thoughts and negative beliefs which are making life more and more

Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool. Yet you only use a small part of it.
And when you do, you may be using that portion poorly.

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Researchers have proven that our mental state has a direct impact on our
body. If you’re stressed or worried you stand a better chance of getting sick.

When you use your mind and subconscious mind correctly, you’ll be able to get
back on track, discover what you want and why and start creating wonderful
opportunities in your life.


Because your subconscious mind will pick up the messages from your mind
and act on them.

Here’s how it works.

What we think and believe is what we get.

Our thoughts and beliefs create a vibration that attracts situations, people and
opportunities that match the vibrations you’re sending. The universe simply
makes sure that your life is a mirror of your vibrations which are based on what
you think and believe.

Positive thoughts, positive beliefs, optimism and enthusiasm will bring positive
situations and positive outcomes for you.

Negative thoughts, negative beliefs, worry thoughts, pity thoughts and doom
and gloom thoughts will bring negative situations into your life.

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Strongly held beliefs have powerful vibrations and will be manifested sooner.
So if you constantly say that you don’t know what you want to do or that you’re
not sure or that you can’t figure it out you’re only going to create more
confusion and you’re only going to attract situations and people that will
confuse you even more.

When you have negative thoughts, you create negative beliefs which are
negative vibrations and in the end you attract negative situations, negative
people and end up having a negative lifestyle.

Begin creating the right vibrations and the right energy to attract the
opportunities, people and situations to help you achieve your goals.

To turn things around, to put an end to the struggle, pain and hardship you may
be enduring you have to remove those negative thoughts and then replace them
with the right thoughts.

Once your new thoughts become beliefs you’ll begin to see the dramatic and
long lasting changes you want. To do that you have to take control of your daily
thoughts and begin removing and replacing the negative thoughts.

You can easily tell if you have a negative thought pattern if you hear yourself
saying things like:

“It’s too hard”

“It will never work”

“There are no good ways to make money”

“Nobody’s hiring”

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“There are no good men/women”

“I don’t know how”

“I’m not smart enough”

“What’s the point?”

Or anything similar

Any thoughts that don’t allow you to move forward and try to achieve your
goals are part of a deeper negative thinking pattern which needs to be
eliminated and replaced.

Regardless of where you are now, or how negative you are or how long you’ve
had a negative thought pattern you can change and get rid of the negative
thoughts. Once you do that you change your situation and your life.

Remember; you’re the boss and you’re in charge of your thoughts. You get to
decide what enters your mind. You get to decide what thoughts to keep and
which thoughts to discard.

So remove the negative thoughts. Then you’ll break the negative thinking

Here’s how you can do that:

Throughout the day track your thoughts, identify the negative thoughts and
replace them with thoughts that allow you to succeed.

From now on there is no room for negative thinking.

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You have to start getting rid of the negative thoughts from the time you wakeup
until you fall asleep.

Sure this may take some effort and at times you’ll want to give up. But
remember: this is your life. You’re in charge and you have to do everything you
can to make sure you live the best life possible.

So when you wake up track your thoughts. Your morning thoughts usually set
the pace and tone for the day. If you wake up worried, stressed, or thinking
about something that happened or if you wake up angry then you’re likely going
to have a negative or tough day. Instead, make sure you’re having positive
thoughts from the time you wake up until you go to bed.

It’s hard to keep this all in your head – so have a book where write down and
track the negative thoughts – it’ll be easier to recognize them if they are
repeating and zap them before they become beliefs.

Your thoughts are forces of energy and when combined they create the energy
that you send out and the energy that others pick up. You draw people into
your life based on your energy and what you’re thinking and what you believe.

That’s why it’s super important to have thoughts which allow you to succeed,
enjoy life and support your goals in life..

Let’s do a quick recap:

Thoughts are powerful forces, they shape and create your life
Negative thoughts lead to negative beliefs which create and attract
negative situations and more negative people
Track your thoughts on a daily basis and work on replacing the negative
ones with positive ones that support your goals in life.

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Get rid of the negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts
that lead to positive beliefs


Now that you’re removing the negative thoughts you need to be more aware
because you’ll be attracting new opportunities, the kind that will help you
succeed and achieve your goals.

To recognize the right opportunities you have to be open to new possibilities

and committed to getting what you really want in life.

If you want to improve your life and achieve your goals and find the right
opportunities – you first need to make a solid commitment to change and
improve things. Don’t take this lightly because your commitment is the
foundation for change and a better life.

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Too often I hear people saying

“Oh yeah, I’m going to make the commitment”

“I definitely want to change. In fact as of tomorrow, I’m going to make a list

and get started.”

Then tomorrow comes and nothing changes – instead they get distracted and
forget about the commitment they made.

A week later, here’s what they’ll say:

“You know I meant to get started last week but I just got too busy, there were
too many things that came up”

Everyday there are things that come up and if you don’t stay focused, those
‘things’ will throw you off track and nothing gets done. As a result, you don’t
see the opportunities you need to turn things around.

Nothing improves because you were too busy being distracted. Nothing
changes because you didn’t stick to your commitment to change. And most
importantly, nothing changes because you didn’t see the opportunity that will
help you succeed.

A commitment to improve your life, means you’re going to do everything you

can to make sure things get better. It says that you’re going to take action and
you can start by focusing on what you need to do to create the changes that
you want.

If you don’t stick to that commitment, you’ll only get distracted.

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If you keep that commitment at the forefront of your mind, then when you
sense something coming that could distract you, you’ll take charge and take the
time to make the change that you want.

If you’re in debt and want to get out of it, then you need to make a commitment
and that means not taking on anymore debt and doing everything you can to
reduce your debt.

However, it also means that if you’re focused on making more money, you’ll
attract new ways to make more money. You need to pay attention and
recognize new opportunities as they enter your life.

Here’s an example: you might be thinking about making more money and a
friend tells you about a job opening at his company. If you’re open minded, if
you’re aware and paying attention then you would explore the opportunity even
if you were comfortable and happy at your current job. It could be a way for
you to increase your salary and make more money.

Or a friend may propose a business idea. If you’re open minded and aware,
then you would explore the opportunity. It could allow you to make and have
more money.

If you want to be in a relationship, then you would start by making it a priority

to go out and meet people. That means doing what you can to meet the right
person, meeting more people and being open to finding new ways to achieve
your goal.

Then pay attention to the opportunities that come up because you never know
how you will meet that right person. You’ll always be attracting new
opportunities to meet the right person and if you pay attention you’ll succeed a
lot sooner.

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Making that commitment sends a message to your subconscious mind. It tells

your Subconscious that now I’m ready to change and improve my life, so let’s
get working.

So sticking to your commitment is the first step to attracting the opportunities

to help you succeed. The next step to pay attention and be aware of the
opportunities as they present themselves, then you have to follow up and
explore the opportunities as they arrive.

So start implementing this step and you’ll see how many opportunities will
come your way. When you work with my Creating Power course, the first thing
I ask you to do is to make a commitment, a promise to make time for yourself
and achieve your goals. Then I give you some important steps to help you
recognize the right opportunity so that you don’t waste a lot of time exploring
those that are pointless.

We all have the power to attract and have what we want, need and more. All
we have to do is allow ourselves to work at our full potential. When you work at
your full potential, your mind and subconscious mind are working together to
make the outcome happen.

Your Subconscious starts creating new opportunities for you. By working at

your full potential, you say to your higher power and your subconscious mind:
‘Hey, I’m ready to do my part”.

But when you say, “I’m waiting for my ship to come in” what you’re really
saying is ‘I’m too lazy to bother doing anything’. Why then, should your higher
power help you?

So start working towards your goals, do what ever you can to help achieve and
get what you really want. Then recognize the opportunities as they arrive.

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If you want to get out of debt, then start by paying off a small amount of the
debt then increase the amount you pay off. And then be open to new ways of
making more money and reducing your debt.

If you want to meet the right person, start by going out and then getting to
know people until you meet the person that you think is right for you. And then
be open to meeting people in many different ways. When you take action, work
towards your goal and you recognize the new opportunities that arrive two
things happen.

First, you build your confidence which is crucial to your success and at the
same time you start sending a message to your subconscious mind, telling it
that you’re ready to succeed and that you trust it will help you get what you
really want. You’re now giving your subconscious mind the right instructions so
that it brings you exactly what you want.

You end up creating a Success Consciousness that is sent directly to your

Subconscious. It now starts to pick up on your new success belief system and
that’s when you see significant changes.

Now be careful because your conscious mind will try to trick you and convince
you to give up. It will tell you that there’s no need to change, that things are just
fine the way they are or that you’ll get to it tomorrow, next week or next year.

Your mind will tell you that you don’t have the time right now to do the things
that you need to do in order to create the change that you want. It will tell you
that it’s no use, things will never get better.

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When the mind does that, when you hear those thoughts running through your
head, remember your mind is simply deceiving you. It’s simply trying to get you
to stop and avoid change. The mind does this because it doesn’t want change,
it wants things to stay the way they are..it’s comfortable there.

But you’re not happy there.

You want your life to change except your mind is not letting you change. If you
don’t stay focused, you’ll give in and nothing ever gets better.

Stay persistent, keep going, and keep creating new thoughts and new beliefs
so that you get your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want.

So let’s recap:

Make a commitment
Stay Focused on What You Want
Be Open Minded
Recognize New Opportunities
Embrace Change
As you recognize and explore your opportunities, come up with a realistic plan
on how these opportunities help you achieve your goals.

What you uncover could determine your chances for success.

Stick to your plan. Make the commitment and constantly work on changing and
improving your life. The rest will follow and before you know it, you’ll be
attracting opportunities to help you succeed.

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You’re now taking control of your life and directing your subconscious mind.
You have a better idea of what you want and you now know just how big an
impact your thoughts and beliefs have on your life.

If you have any desire to succeed you have to stay consistent and here are a
few things you can do to make sure you stay focused and stay consistent.

Now that you’re working on changing your thoughts and beliefs you’ll soon
begin to change your actions. But that will only happen if you stay consistent
and be persistent.

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Staying consistent requires that you stick to what you want and don’t constantly
change your mind. If you keep changing your mind about what you want then
you never give your subconscious mind a chance to help you succeed.

If you don’t stay consistent you can easily go off track. You need to stay
consistent and apply this formula regularly. That means doing the exercises I’ve
outlined. Only then will you see changes taking place.

When you’re consistent the message is continually sent to your subconscious

and the universe which then work together to help you get what you want.

You might say that you don’t know what you want, if that’s the case, then go
back to step one and take the time to understand and recognize what you
really want.

Almost everybody wants a better life in some way. You may want more
money, you may want more free time, you may want less stress, you may
want a better relationship, there’s always something that could be better in
your life and there’s always something that you would like. So take the time to
know what you really want and then stay consistent.

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So here is your complete simple formula for getting what you want in your life:

One of the most common questions I get is: “How long will it take before I see

You’ll see changes and results when your beliefs take hold and get planted on
your subconscious mind.

I’ve given you a few things to work with and the more you do the sooner you’ll
see changes.

One of the best ways to create long lasting changes so that you’re always
enjoying life, creating what you want in life and so that you’re always giving
your subconscious mind the right instructions is to work with a series of daily

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There are many books and programs that will teach you all kinds of techniques
that are often lengthy and time consuming.

In the end you’ll give up and go back to your old ways just because you don’t
want to spend the time doing long, lengthy exercises.

So to make your life easier I’ve developed a system where you can spend just
5 minutes a day doing a few exercises that will create the changes you want,
and these will be long lasting changes.

These exercises have helped over 200 thousand people all over the world,
from different backgrounds create the changes they want, achieve their goals
and get what they really want in life.

I give you all the exercises and step-by-step instructions in my Creating Power

When you use my Creating Power system you’ll use simple techniques to
directly re-program your subconscious mind so that you quickly and easily
remove any negative beliefs that are holding you back.

I also give you sure fire ways to remove negative thoughts and replace them
with positive thoughts that lead to positive beliefs. These are techniques that
have been helping people just like you for more than 20 years, and they’re
guaranteed to work for you.

And there’s a lot more that you get in Creating Power. I share with you the
most powerful way to instruct your subconscious mind directly. You’ll also
discover a time tested, simple exercise that I discovered years ago that will
accelerate your results. When you apply this exercise daily you’ll see changes
even sooner and this exercise only requires a few minutes of your time.

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Creating Power was developed with you in mind. We all have busy lives so I
designed a system that fits into your life. You don’t have to do a bunch of
exercises at the end of your long day. Instead, you do these exercises during
the day when you have a few free minutes.

When you work with Creating Power you’ll quickly identify the negative thoughts
and negative beliefs holding you back and you’ll be able to use a simple system
to easily replace those negative thoughts and negative beliefs.

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Now Creating Power isn’t for everybody. I only recommend working with
Creating Power if you’re serious about making changes, improving your life,
having a better life or achieving particular goals. You can even work with
Creating Power if you’re still trying to figure out exactly what you want because
I give you some simple tips that will help you discover what you want quickly
and easily.

But to get the most out of Creating Power you have to make a commitment to
work with it. My Creating Power system also comes with complete support so
you can always reach out for help or additional guidance when you feel like.

I could go on about Creating Power but instead if you really want to know more
about Creating Power and how it can help you live a better, more rewarding,
successful and happy life just visit: http://www.creatingpower.com/course

I’ve given you a lot that you can work with so that you get your subconscious
mind to help you get what you want in life.

Apply the exercises I’ve outlined and most importantly, remember to get rid of
those negative thoughts and negative beliefs. Then you’ll be able to
breakthrough to greater success and really enjoy life.

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Now get started and begin enjoying a wonderful, rewarding, successful and
happy life. Wishing you tremendous success and happiness,

Karim Hajee
Creating Power

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