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Your Indestructible Core
Your Indestructible Core
Your Indestructible Core
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Your Indestructible Core

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About this ebook

Carlos A. Santiago, a former military interrogator and former senior instructor at the U.S. Armys interrogation school, has spent years breaking detainees and training other interrogators how to quickly go beyond masks and defense mechanisms to break the resolve of the most hardened terrorists and criminals. Along the way, he has developed a unique perspective on human nature, about what makes us susceptible to the will of others what makes us both vulnerable and invincible. In Your Indestructible Core, Carlos A. Santiago reveals how to reverse our social conditioning and make us unbreakable in life.

Your Indestructible Core challenges our views on pain, fear, anger and our social conditioning to become slaves of the opinions of others. This book will help you uncover your deepest drives those impulses the world has been using to control and regulate us and will teach you how to take charge of your deepest core, once and for all.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 16, 2014
Your Indestructible Core

Carlos A. Santiago

Carlos A. Santiago is a former military interrogator with combat experience. He also served as a federal law enforcement agent and as a senior instructor at the U.S. Army’s interrogation course. Carlos has studied Eastern and Western philosophies and spiritual teachings, martial arts, psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). He currently spends his time teaching martial arts, writing books, conducting workshops, and coaching individuals. Originally from Puerto Rico, he now lives in Arizona. For the latest information on workshops and other products, please visit the author’s website: www.carlosasantiago.com.

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    Your Indestructible Core - Carlos A. Santiago

    Copyright © 2014 Carlos A. Santiago.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013923783

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/15/2014





    The Journey Begins

    Laws of Change

    The Context

    What Do We Seek to Change?

    The Language of Change

    The Power of No

    Our Basic Training

    Compromising and Recovering our Power

    A Powerful Attitude

    Moving On and Rewriting the Future

    Theater of the Mind

    Peeling the Layers: Discovering the Real You

    Feeling Safe and Resuscitating Joy

    The Center

    Your Indestructible Core

    The Power of Yes

    The Gift that is the Mask

    What Do You Stand For?

    Expanding into the Future

    Validation and Pride: Another Source

    From the Smallest Light

    Trust in Yourself: The Pleasure of Making Mistakes

    Permission to Feel Good

    Out of the Cave

    Unbroken by People

    Heart to Heart


    About the Author


    I dedicate this book to Daniel Entin;

    my dear friend, mentor, teacher,

    and loftiest example of the best in all of us.


    I wish to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude to my greatest loves in the world: Dalin, Sergio and Ney. Many great friends and teachers have graced me with their presence in my life: Daniel, J. Kongtrul, Yangsi R., K. Tsenshab, K. Gyaltsen, S. Atmarupananda, T. Arakawa; you are my luminaries. To Jose N. Garcia, my friend, inspiration and teacher for so many years, thank you for what you continue to do for all of us. To Hank, thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me how a great gator does it. To Apolinar Pabon and Dr. Melvin Ruiz Miranda, thanks for your friendship and for introducing me to NLP. It changed my life! To my dear friend Roberto Pineda, thanks for your unconditional support and for your invaluable feedback. I am truly blessed to consider you my friend. To my family, thanks for your love and support. To all my teachers along the way, thanks for all you have done. And to all my students, learning is always a two-way street; thank you for that. I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize my wife Dalin’s enlightening feedback throughout the making of this book. May this book be of benefit to those who seek…


    The Journey Begins

    This book is about change, about how to influence yourself to make lasting and positive changes. It is not just about refreshing your memory and telling you what you already know. Now, my journey into the realm of influence is a little different from most. It’s not psychology or psychiatry, although we do pay attention to their cutting-edge findings. My field is military interrogation. Military interrogators get paid to get the information our country wants as quickly as possible to use it against whomever we consider the enemy.

    Interrogations are conducted with subjects that are not happy to talk to us (not unlike our inner selves sometimes…). They curse at you, spit, reject, deny, withdraw, lie, and play mind games to avoid surrendering the information we want. How do you get someone who wishes the most painful and excruciating death upon you to essentially betray what they hold dearest and help those whom they were raised to hate?

    You do so by understanding how people construct their inner world, their sense of identity, their values, and their view of the world. You do so by sidestepping all the false walls, the masks, the defense mechanisms and go straight to the core of what makes them tick – their values, motivation, and beliefs about themselves and the world – and use it to our advantage.

    We get trained to do in a few minutes or hours what may take therapists to do in years: to open you up like a book and read your deepest secrets. Our goal is to exploit weakness, which means that we gain a unique insight into what makes us both strong and weak.

    Perhaps you’re asking yourself how we sleep at night getting paid to do this. Well, some sleep better than others. And while I firmly believe in the mission (we do this to keep our country safe), I realized at some point that I’d rather use this knowledge to help people grow and be their best.

    After practicing my craft for several years, I became one of the senior trainers at the U.S. Army’s interrogation school. And while I will not teach you here how to interrogate, I will teach you what I’ve learned about human nature and the possibility of lasting change. I will also teach you how to deal with others without letting anyone drain your power.

    Essentially, I will teach you to do the opposite of what we do as interrogators. The pinnacle of our triumph is to break our subjects; that is, to break their will to resist giving away their secrets. What we’ll address in this book is how to become unbreakable; that is, how to strengthen you to avoid being broken by life, by other people, by fear, and by our own pain.

    This book doesn’t address the individual as a machine to be programmed and reprogrammed. That is a simplistic approach that doesn’t work in the long run. We are living, breathing, dynamic organisms with a spiritual core.

    You may have attempted to change something in you, whether a habit, diet, depression, insecurities or simply achieve more success. You may have resolved that things will be different from now on. You might have been able to sustain some momentum for a few days. But then it happens! We crash and burn yet again. Why?

    This little book will show you why. Somewhere deep within us, we somehow know that we have the ability to create massive and lasting change, in an instant. I’ve always been amazed how a single traumatic experience can scar us so deeply, sometimes for life. We don’t visualize a trauma or phobia for 21 days, we don’t pray about it, we don’t fake it till we make it.

    A single event can have such a profound impact on our behavior, our emotions and our sense of identity. We don’t forget to have the nightmares. We don’t need sticky notes in the mirror to remind us to feel afraid. We don’t need to listen to MP3s while we commute. The brain has a powerful ability to influence itself in permanent ways. It’s time to learn how to tap that ability consciously.

    This book has a peculiar style. It is written in such a way to deliberately assist you in codifying the information for easy assimilation and use. It uses parentheses within parentheses; it seems to go off a tangent and then comes back to the initial topic. This is done because (a) some learning must be put in place before additional learning can be properly assimilated, (b) to set the necessary emotional tone for proper assimilation, and (c) so we can tell our brain how and when to access the new learning.

    Accordingly, it is highly recommended that the book is read in order, from beginning to end. The last part of the book feeds off the first. The intended effect of the book will be significantly diminished if pages are skipped. Also, take your time when pondering the questions posed throughout the book. It will maximize what you get out of it.

    As students, we’ve all experienced having memorized the test material, only to go through the frustrating experience of temporary amnesia. How many times have we remained quiet during a confrontation, only to come up with the best comebacks… 24 hours too late? In these instances, our inner resources (memory, creativity, etcetera) are somewhere floating in the mind. But because we did not wire our brains to access them when needed, they did not surface at the right time.

    We must not confuse understanding with change. Our minds want to understand. We get a sense of empowerment when we understand. But understanding doesn’t necessarily lead to change. Beyond those aha moments, we must seek to anchor our changes into our future. This book will show you how.

    Still, understanding is useful and can support the change. Therefore, let’s look at some of the major laws of change before we proceed to make them.

    Laws of Change

    Before we immerse ourselves in addressing the long laundry list of changes that we want in our lives, it is useful to understand what interrogators have noticed in trying to change others, and how these laws of change can be applied to self-work.

    First, we look at what we want to change. Where does the urge to change come from? Our social programming may have told us that we need to be thin, hard-charging, successful, or more spiritual (especially when our blueprint of spirituality doesn’t fit in with who we really are).

    What drives our desire to change? Are we changing because we think we must, and in the process going against our own core? It’s not that we can’t make changes that go against who we really are. Unfortunately,

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