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Shifting Out of Chronic Stress: A 7-Step Journey to Regain Your Balance and Inner Strength
Shifting Out of Chronic Stress: A 7-Step Journey to Regain Your Balance and Inner Strength
Shifting Out of Chronic Stress: A 7-Step Journey to Regain Your Balance and Inner Strength
Ebook255 pages2 hours

Shifting Out of Chronic Stress: A 7-Step Journey to Regain Your Balance and Inner Strength

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Shift from barely surviving to consciously thriving – in 7 simple steps!

In this powerful book, Danielle Sax offers a new look at “chronic stress” and an effective, solid and long lasting solution. She developed this 7-step process after recovering from a debilitating stress-related illne

Release dateMar 8, 2016
Shifting Out of Chronic Stress: A 7-Step Journey to Regain Your Balance and Inner Strength

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    Book preview

    Shifting Out of Chronic Stress - Danielle Sax

    The World Health Organization calls stress the health epidemic of the 21st century. Employers all over the world rank stress as today’s #1 workforce issue. Newspaper headlines talk about teenagers suffering from burnout and more people than ever before are feeling out of balance and seeking help.

    My questions to you, dear reader:

    Do you often feel stressed?

    Do you think you might be chronically stressed?

    I did not think so about myself. I thought that I was superwoman and that I was doing what I could and should to keep on going in these demanding times. As a woman, I took on the roles of a perfect wife, mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend and business woman, thinking that I was fine. I thought I was a bit stressed like everybody else. I assumed that being tired, losing my zest for life and often being anxious and overwhelmed was absolutely normal.

    It is not. It is not at all normal. Life is supposed to be an adventure, fun, and challenging in a positive way. Your life should not put you in the position of thinking you should or have to, of feeling pressure and urgency combined with the thought of not being (good) enough as you are. Do you feel any of these stresses? If you do, then you have picked up the right book.

    My mission in writing this book is to warn people about the underlying danger of daily stress that can silently cripple your life. Stress is often a hot media topic, but chronic stress is ignored and neglected as the real cause of major physical diseases and mental problems that can affect hard-working, loving and caring people like you and me.

    Is this kind of stress affecting you, too?

    The physical symptoms of stress demonstrate that the connection between our minds and our bodies can no longer be ignored. Ongoing stress has a huge, undeniable effect on our bodies.

    In the first chapters of this book, I will tell you my own story and describe my unique personal view on chronic stress. You will find that the judgement of others and the judge within ourselves feed our fears of not being (good) enough and that this is strongly encouraged by our education system. For those of us who are born as highly sensitive people, everyday life becomes even more challenging. That chronic alertness seriously endangered my life, and I have seen it affecting the lives of so many of my coaching clients in an extremely negative way.

    Chronic stress is a silent killer. It affects your health, your daily life, your capacities in work and sports, your relationships, your family, your environment and so many areas that you are not even aware of.

    Chronic stress depletes and destroys us. We cannot afford to leave it unattended or let it run its course. We need to treat it. We need to shift out of it. However, the quick-fix schemes do not work. There are no miracle cures; we need to start by addressing the cause seriously from within ourselves.

    My intention is to show you throughout the course of this book how you can find the root of the stress problem, eliminate it or shift it and arm yourself with the strength you need to live without fear, judgement, shame and guilt. Through following my 7 steps, each explained in a separate chapter, you will learn to shift out of chronic stress and live the balanced life you desire and deserve. It is a method that works, again and again, because it addresses chronic stress at its core.

    This book is about change. Life constantly changes, just like nature and the seasons do. But the changes I encourage in this book are changes, big and small, that come from within yourself.

    These changes will follow a choice, a decision you make to finally do something about the stress in your life, for any of these possible reasons:

    Because you have had enough of other people or external circumstances controlling you and your life.

    Because your body is telling you that you cannot handle your situation any longer in the way you have been until now.

    Because the balance between your work and your family has been completely lost.

    Because one of your children or grandchildren has made you realize that you want a better quality of life.

    Because you have heard one or more cancer survivors say that their perception of life has changed since receiving a second chance.

    Because . . .

    The fact that you picked up this book tells me that you are ready to take action. This book will guide you to make one little change that works for you, inspires you and motivates you to start doing things differently. You can start with one change at a time and begin to feel the difference.

    Or, imagine that you take on the changes in all areas that are illustrated in each chapter, as a commitment to yourself. Day by day the small changes will become a huge change and, before you know it, you will have completely shifted out of chronic stress. I can tell you this for sure because I have lived it! This book will change your life.

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

    When you read this book and start to apply its content, you will automatically see the changes within you, in your inner world but also in your outer circumstances. The only thing you can change in your life is you. Start to change your world by changing yourself. Make that commitment, read this book, apply its principles, do the exercises, talk about it in your environment and see what happens. It is by example that people around you will be inspired to act for themselves too.

    You are your best investment.

    Enjoy the ride and please feel free to contact me to let me know how you are doing. I sincerely care and look forward to your shift out of chronic stress!


    If you do not make a decision, something or somebody else will make it for you.

    My body did just that.

    The morning of November 25, 1998, seemed like every other morning. At that time of the year, spring was in full swing in Durban North, South Africa. Waking up at 5:30 a.m., one could feel the oxygen in the air at the beautiful start of a sunny day. But these last months, after a very demanding winter, I did not take the time to see or feel that natural beauty, as I had too many worries about everything else that was going on in my life. I was living on autopilot, which seemed normal to me. I was responsible for so many things, and it felt as if I had to have it all under control. I was living in my head most of the time, feeling anxious, restless and often in overdrive. I knew deep inside of me that I needed to slow down, but I did not.

    My husband was already off to work and I started my race against the clock to get our children to school on time. Later that morning, I was planning to go to the Belgian Consulate to do some preparation for the coming Trade Mission from Belgium (my part-time job). At 3 p.m., some PR work for my husband’s company (my other part-time job) needed to be done. That night, I would make arrangements for the upcoming birthday of my youngest daughter and finish my day by keeping an appointment with a loyal client to give him a good relaxing massage, which was my specialty as a physiotherapist. It was a difficult financial period for our family, so I took on as much work as I could.

    But first, on that particular day, I wanted to go to the gym to do my daily work-out, which felt like a need to exercise to stay in balance. Besides my family and my work, I was a very active woman, with a busy social life. I felt tired, exhausted even. Despite my intuition whispering to me to skip the gym today and go for a walk on the beach instead, I convinced myself I would probably feel better after a workout. I thought that I should work my body to be in shape, and it made me feel good enough to know that I had the right body looks.

    I got to the gym around 8 a.m. and went for it. Toward the end of my 45-minute run, I felt a bit dizzy and by the time I was doing my series of strengthening exercises, my body got the shivers. Suddenly, I could not continue. I almost collapsed on the spot and felt extremely weak, as if I had a bad flu coming on. I sat down, tried some breathing exercises, but I could feel that something was really wrong. A friend agreed to take me home as I was not able to drive or walk properly at that point.

    Within the next 24 hours, I was admitted to hospital with an exceptionally serious viral infection that showed up on the X-ray as a big black spot the size of an orange on my right lung. I was seriously struggling for breath, unable to sleep and could not do anything anymore, bound to lay flat on my back. But that was only the tip of the iceberg.

    That first night in the hospital was my moment of truth, my red light. My body went into a complete state of alert; my heart was pounding out of my chest. I started sweating and became so anxious that I thought I was having a heart attack. I had a panic attack in the middle of the night, which lasted for hours since no medication could control my body or bring it back to its resting state. The fear of dying was real. What the hell was going on here? How had it come this far?

    I went over the previous months and realized that there had been so many signs that I had not noticed. My intuition had told me so many times that I was doing too much. My mind had been racing and was not able to slow down. So many symptoms were running through my head. All signs were telling me to stop the rat race, but I never listened to the warnings of my body or my inner voice. It became clear that I had been living with chronic stress for months—even years—and now, it had completely shut down my body’s immune system.

    There and then I knew that turning this around would not take a day, not a week, not a month, but a very long time. I had been in complete overdrive for many months and was now seriously ill. Every fiber in my body was telling me that, although I thought I was handling everything well, this way of living lead to a dead end. I was slowly but surely killing myself. For years along the way, my body and mind had given me so many signals, and I had never listened, always feeling the need to go on. It felt as if I should care for and save everybody else around me while neglecting myself.

    I realized that it was time to stop, rewind the movie of my life and investigate my inner world. Time to consciously look into the real cause of my illness and to learn from my mistakes. I had no choice but to stop hiding and pretending that all was well. Time to face the truth. Time to choose that day as the first day of the rest of my life. And so I did.

    I have started this book with this story to warn you. Stress is a silent killer and at the root of so many diseases. Knowing what I know now, it was not at all surprising that my body gave in suddenly and dramatically from one moment to another. The mind and the body are so deeply connected. The chronic stress in my mind had a serious effect on my body. The body is so strong it can take and take and take until one drop makes the bucket run over. Then it may be too late or take a long time to undo the damage that has been done within the body. I sincerely hope this information reaches you in time.

    More than warn you, I want to inspire you to choose to make a shift from within and end the vicious cycle of stress once and for all.

    Questions for evaluating stress levels

    So here are some questions for you to help you get a sense of what chronic stress feels like. If you recognize yourself in a few of them, see them as signals warning you that you are in the red zone.

    Do you feel like you are living on autopilot?

    Are you finding it difficult to relax and enjoy yourself?

    Do you never stop thinking?

    Are you finding it difficult to say no to others?

    Do you take things that other people do or say personally?

    Are you living out of balance or only living for the outside world?

    Do you have low self-esteem or self-worth?

    Are you feeling over-stimulated or anxious in any way?

    Do you have a feeling of being too sensitive?

    Does your over-sensitivity leave you feeling depleted?

    Are you irritable, reactive or short-tempered?

    Do you have more negative thoughts and worries than you want?

    Are you feeling tired and exhausted?

    Do you always want to help, please and save others?

    Are you letting others make you feel guilty?

    Do you feel that your energy level has been too low for a while?

    Are you having trouble concentrating and staying focused?

    Do you have trouble falling asleep or waking up in the morning?

    Are you left with no time for yourself?

    Do you often start your sentence with I should. . .?

    Are you feeling overall stressed and overwhelmed?

    Do you know what you desire and love?

    These questions may tell you if you are living with chronic stress, which can be destructive to you and your health. If you recognize yourself in these questions, you have picked up this book just in time. I know the feeling associated with each of these situations. I have been there. That’s why this book can help you. More than that, it will heal your life from within—your internal world—so that none of the above situations will affect you in the future. The intention of this book is to shift you out of chronic stress. The 7 conscious steps explained in this book are tools that you can start to use and practice right away so that you will

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