ALL Ob-Gyn MCQS: Compiled and Edited by
ALL Ob-Gyn MCQS: Compiled and Edited by
ALL Ob-Gyn MCQS: Compiled and Edited by
Compiled and Edited By:
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. History and Examination in OB-GYN: ........................................................................... 5
2. Anatomy of the female genital tract, bony pelvis and fetal skull: ............................... 6
3. Labor and Fetal Surveillance and Mechanism of Labor: .............................................. 9
4. Embryology of Female genital tract, Malformations, intersexuality and Puberty:.... 18
5. Physiology of Menstrual Cycle:................................................................................... 24
6. Physiological Changes During pregnancy: .................................................................. 29
7. Reproductive Biology:................................................................................................. 37
8. Antenatal Care: ........................................................................................................... 38
9. Fetal assessment: ....................................................................................................... 44
10. The Neonates:............................................................................................................. 46
11. Multiple Pregnancy:.................................................................................................... 47
12. Bleeding in early pregnancy: ..........................................................................................
Abortions: .............................................................................................................. 52
Ectopic pregnancies:.............................................................................................. 59
13. Antepartum Hemorrhage: .......................................................................................... 64
14. Rh isoimmunization and ABO incompatibility:........................................................... 71
15. Postpartum Hemorrhage and Coagulation disorder: ................................................. 74
16. Instrumental deliveries, C-section and Vaginal Birth After C-section (VBAC):........... 77
17. Premature Labor and PROM: ..................................................................................... 83
18. Prenatal Infections: .................................................................................................... 89
19. IUGR and IUFD: ........................................................................................................... 92
20. Post-term and IOL:...................................................................................................... 95
21. Abnormal Presentation and Breech: .......................................................................... 98
22. Puerperium and Puerperal Sepsis: ........................................................................... 103
23. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancies: ................................................................... 107
24. Diabetes in Pregnancy: ............................................................................................. 116
25. Anemia and Thyroid Diseases in Pregnancy:............................................................ 122
26. Cardiovascular Diseases: .......................................................................................... 123
27. Urinary Tract Diseases in pregnancies: .................................................................... 125
28. General Questions: ................................................................................................... 126
29. Contraception: .......................................................................................................... 129
30. Infections of the lower genital Tract: ....................................................................... 136
31. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):........................................................................... 139
32. Infertility and Hirsutism:........................................................................................... 142
33. Amenorrhea:............................................................................................................. 149
34. Incontinence & Genital Prolapse:............................................................................. 154
35. Menopause:.............................................................................................................. 158
36. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: ..................................................................................... 161
37. Dysmemorrhea & PMS & Endometriosis: ................................................................ 165
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
38. General Oncology: .................................................................................................... 169
39. Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyomas): ............................................................................... 170
40. Benign and Malignant Ovarian cancer: .................................................................... 174
41. Uterine carcinoma: ................................................................................................... 178
42. Cervical cancer:......................................................................................................... 180
43. Gestational Trophpblastic Diseases (GTD): .............................................................. 182
425 Exams:
Mid-Cycle: ......................................................................................................................... 203
Final:.................................................................................................................................. 206
426 Exams:
Mid-Cycle: ......................................................................................................................... 214
Mid-Cycle: ......................................................................................................................... 229
Final:.................................................................................................................................. 246
427 Exams:
Mid-Cycle: ......................................................................................................................... 256
Final:.................................................................................................................................. 268
428 Exams:
Mid-Cycle: ......................................................................................................................... 276
Final:.................................................................................................................................. 290
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. The Expected date of delivery of a human pregnancy can be calculated:
A. From a change in the patient's weight.
B. As 10 lunar months after the time of ovulation.
C. As40weeksafterlastmenstrualperiod.
D. As 280 days from the last full moon.
E. As 36 weeks after the last menstrual period.
2. The last menstrual period was June 30. the expected date of delivery (EDD) is
A. March 23.
B. April 7.
C. March 28.
D. April 23.
E. March7.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Uterine Cervix:
A. Istheportionoftheuterusbelowtheisthmus B.
External OS cell lining is columnar epithelium C.
Laterally is attached to the round ligament
D. The cervical canal is covered with stratified squamous epithelium
E. Can be dilated with dilators without the need of anesthesia
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Bitemporal.
E. Biparietal.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Columnarepitheliumwithcilia.
E. Fibrous connective tissue.
13. The cilia of the fallopian tube has the following function: A.
Remove the zona pellucida which surrounds the ovum. B.
C. Enhance the rapid division of the zygote.
D. Transport the ovum towards the peritoneal cavity.
E. Has a bactericidal function to prevent peritoneal function
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Hyperextension of the fetal head is found in:
A. Vertex presentation
B. Facepresentation
C. Shoulder presentation
D. Breach presentation
E.Hydrocephalic baby
2. Stages of labor
A. The first stage commences at the time of membrane rupture
B. The cervix dilates at consistent rate of 3 cm per hour in the first stage
C. Thethirdstageendwiththedeliveryoftheplacentaandmembranes D.
Forceps or ventose may be useful in slow progress of the late 1st stage E.
Syntometrine is a combination of oxytocin and Ergometrine which is
used in the treatment of secondary postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
4. In the fetus:
A. The coronal suture lies between the two parietal bones.
B. The umbilical artery normally contains one artery and two veins.
C. Fetalliedescribesthelongaxisofthefetustothelongaxisofthemother.
D. Entanglement of the umbilical cord is common in diamniotic twins.
E. The anterior Fontanelle is usually closed by the time of labor.
5. Which of the following terms best describes the pelvic type of small posterior
saggital diameter, convergent sidewalls, prominent ischial spines, and narrow
pubic arch?
A. Android.
B. Gynecoid.
C. Anthropoid.
D. Platypelloid.
E. Mixed.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
7. Which is true?
A. Position – cephalic.
B. Station–levelofischialspines.
C. Presentation – flexion.
10. At term, the ligaments of the pelvis change. This can result in:
A. Increasing rigidity of the pelvis.
B. Degeneration of pelvic ground substance.
C. Decreasing width of the symphysis.
D. Enlargementofthepelviccavity.
E. Posterior rotation of the levator muscles.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. During the delivery, the fetal head follow the pelvic axis. The axis is best
described as:
A. A straight line.
B. A curved line, 1ST directed anteriorly then caudal. C.
Acurvedline,1STdirectedposteriorlythencaudal. D. A
curved line, 1ST directed posteriorly then cephalic. E.
None of the above.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
19. The relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother is
A. Lie.
B. Presentation.
C. Position.
D. Attitude.
E. None of the above.
21. The fetal head may undergo changes in shape during normal delivery. The
most common etiology listed is:
A. Cephalohematoma.
B. Molding.
C. Subdural hematoma.
D. Hydrocephalus.
E. None of the above.
22. If the large fontanel is the presenting part, what is the presentation?
A. Vertex.
B. Sinciput.
C. Breech.
D. Face.
E. Brow.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
24. A transverse lie of the fetus is least likely in the presence of:
A. Placenta previa.
B. Pelvic contraction.
C. Preterm fetus.
D. Grand multiparity.
E. Normaltermfetus.
25. What is the station where the presenting part is at the level of the ischialspines
A. -2 .
B. -1 .
C. 0 .
D. +1 .
E. +2 .
26. A primpara is in labor and an episiotomy to be cut. Compared with a mid line
episiotomy, an advantage of medio-lateral episiotomy is:
A. Ease of repair
B. Fewer break downs
C. Lower blood loss
D. Less dyspareunia
27. A patient sustained a laceration of the premium during delivery, it involved the
muscles of Perineal body but not the anal sphincter. Such a laceration would
be classified as : A.
First degree
B. Seconddegree
C. Third degree
D. Forth degree
E. Fifth degree
29. A primipara is in labor & and an episiotomy is about to be cut. Compared with
a midline episiotomy, an advantage of mediolateral episiotomy.
A. Ease of repair,
B. Fewer break downs.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
41. During which of the following conditions would the serum Prolactin level be
A. sleep.
B. Ovulation.
C. Parturition.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Menopause.
E. Suckling.
46. Which of the following fetal scalp pH results should prompt immediate
A. 7.30.
B. 7.22.
C. 7.18.
D. 7.26.
E. 7.25
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
51. Umbilical cord prolapse is associated with all the following, EXCEPT :
A. Post maturity.
B. Cephalo pelvic disproportion.
C. Multiparity.
D. Footing breech presentation.
E. Anencephaly.
52. In a Case of labor with meconium stained amniotic fluid, your next step is:
A. Amnio-infusion
B. Close observation
C. Fetalscalpbloodsample
D. Immediate C/S
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. In patient with bicornuate uterus when getting pregnant can get all these
complication, EXCEPT:
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Abortion
C. Preterm labor
D. Abnormal fetal lie
E. Retained placenta
2. In Turner's syndrome:
A. A chromosomal structure of 45 XY is characteristic
B. Secondary amenorrhea is usual
C. Ovariesarestreak
D. The ovaries are multicystic
E. Phenotypically are male
3. Sexual differentiation
A. Developmentofmalegenitaliadependsonthepresenceoffunctioning
B. Due to the absence of testes XX fetus exposed to androgens in uteri will
NOT be musculinized
C. The development of the female genital requires presence of the ovary
D. 45 XO fetus will have normal ovaries
E. The development of the testes does not require presence of the Y
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Central nervous.
E. Tracheoesophageal.
14. In Turner’s syndrome patients, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. Thestreakovariesshouldberemovedsurgicallydueto25%tendencytobe
B. Are usually less than 5 feet tall.
C. Have raised FSH levels.
D. Have female internal genitalia.
E. Have normal but infertile external genitalia.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
18. Ovarian Dysgenesis is associated with the elevation of which of the following
A. PituitaryGonadotropins.
B. Estradiol.
C. Estriol.
D. Pregnandiol.
E. Progesterone.
20. In cases of androgen insensitivity syndrome the following findings are true
A. Thechromosomalsexis46XX
B. Scant or no pubic or axillary hair.
C. No uterus.
D. Normal female external genitalia.
E. Breast are usually well developed.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Müllerianagenesis(Mayer-Rokittanky-Kuster-Husersyndromes)is
E. Bicornuate uterus & uterus didelphus result from vertical fusion defects of
the müllerian ducts.
26. Anomalies or the uterus can be associated with the following EXCEPT:
A. Urinary tract abnormalities.
B. Recurrent pregnancies loss.
C. Preterm labor.
D. Müllerian tract anomalies.
F. Polycysticovary.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Which of the following is suggestive of ovulation:
A. Basal body temperature drop at least 0.5C in the second half of the cycle
B. Day 21 estrogen level is elevated
C. Progesterone level on day ten of the cycle is elevated
D. Regularcyclewithdysmenorrhea
E. Oligomenorrhoea
4. A sample of cervical mucus is taken on day 12 of the menstrual cycle. The mucus is
thin, clear, & stretchy. It placed on a slide and allowed to air dry. When placed
under microscopic, what would you expect:
A. Calcium citrate.
B. Clear fields, devoid of bacteria Cell.
C. Thick mucus with background bacteria.
D. Afrenpatterncharacteristicofestrogen.
E. Clearly defined para-basal cells.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
8. Which of the following is the best method to predict the occurrence of ovulation:
A. Thermogenic shift in basal body temperature.
B. LHsurge.
C. Endometrial decidulaization.
D. Profuse, thin, acellular cervical mucous.
E. Mittelschmerz.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
A. Itisproducedincorpusluteum.
B. It is responsible for secretory changes in endometrium.
C. It is mainly secreted as E3 by the ovary.
D. Can not be detected in the blood of postmenopausal.
E. Stimulates sebaceous gland activity
13. Regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. It is produced by the placenta.
B. Is reversible for the maintenance of corpus luteum.
C. It'sleveldoublesevery48hoursinectopicpregnancy.
D. Reaches a peak concentration in maternal serum by 10 weeks gestation.
E. Forms the main tumor marker for trophoblastic neoplastic diseases.
15. Inadequate luteal phase is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
A. InsufficientsecretiononFSHintheantecedentfollicularphase.
B. Induction of ovulation with Clomiphene citrate.
C. Induction of ovulation with human menopausal gonadotropins.
D. Administration of progesterone in the luteal phase.
E. Hyperprolacternemia.
16. In the days after ovulation, all of the following occurs EXCEPT:
A. The basal temperature rises.
B. The endometrium undergoes secretory changes.
C. Theplasmaprogesteroneconcentrationfalls.
D. Cervical mucous becomes more viscous & scanty.
E. Corpus luteum form.
17. The following hormones are secreted from the anterior pituitary gland EXCEPT:
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. LH.
E. Prolactin.
23. Raised FSH levels are found in all of the following conditions EXCEPT:
A. Postmenopausal women.
B. Turner's Syndrome.
C. WomenonCombinedOralContraceptivePills.
D. Gonadal dysgenesis.
E. Peri-menopausal women who had hysterectomy with bilateral
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
27. Besides infertility, the most common symptoms of a luteal phase defect:
A. Vaginal dryness.
B. Earlyabortion.
C. Tubal occlusion.
D. Breast tenderness.
E. Ovarian enlargement.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. The following are presumptive skin signs of pregnancy except:
A. Chloasma
B. Maculo-papularrash
C. Linea Nigra
D. Stretch Marks
C. Spider Telangiectases
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
9. In the fetus, the most well oxygenated blood is allowed into the systemic
circulation by the:
A. Ductus arteriosus.
B. Foramen ovale.
C. Rt.Ventricle.
D. Ligamentum teres.
E. Ligamentum venosum
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. During pregnancy, maternal estrogen levels increases markedly. Most of this
estrogen is produced by the:
A. Ovaries.
B. Adrenals.
C. Testes.
D. Placenta.
E. Uterus.
14. During normal pregnancy, the renal glomerular filtrate rate (GFR) can
increase as much as:
A. 10%.
B. 25%.
C. 50%.
D. 75%.
E. 100%.
15. Fetal blood is returned to the umbilical arteries & the placenta through:
A. Hypogastricarteries.
B. Ductus venosus.
C. Portal vein.
D. Inferior vena cava.
E. Foramen ovale.
17. Regarding Renal changes in pregnancy, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. Bloodflowisincreasedby10%.
B. Glomerular filtration rate is increased by 50%.
C. Plasma urea will be reduced.
D. Glycosuria could be normal.
E. Mild hydronephrosis is normal.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
18. Consequences of fluid retention, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:
A. Hemoglobin concentration decreases.
B. Hematocrit falls.
C. Serum albumin falls.
D. Stroke volume increases.
E. Renal blood flow increases
20. Regarding renal tract during pregnancy, the following are true EXCEPT:
A. The ureters are dilated.
B. The renal pelvis calyces are dilated.
C. The right side is affected more then the left side.
D. The primigravida shows more changes then multigravida.
E. Thebladdertoneincreases.
23. The supine position is important during late pregnancy because it may cause
all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Complete occlusion of the inferior vena cave.
B. Asignificantdecreaseinmaternalventilatorycapacity.
C. Hypotension & syncope.
D. A significant reduction in renal blood flow & glomerular filtration.
E. Augmentation of the cardiovascular effects due to high conduction
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
28. Select the most correct statement about fetal & neonatal IgM:
A. It is almost entirely maternal in origin.
B. It is approximately 75% maternal & 25% fetal in origin.
C. It is 50% maternal, 50% fetal in origin.
D. It is 25% maternal, 75% fetal in origin.
E. Itisalmostentirelyfetalinorigin
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
33. Which of the following does NOT accurately describes the placenta in humans:
A. 15-20 cm in diameter.
B. 2-4 cm thick.
C. Weighs about 1/6 of what the term infant does.
D. Deliveredfrommaternal&fetaltissue.
E. Umbilical cord originates from the center of the placenta in all most of
the cases.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
37. All the following hormones are products of placental synthesis, EXCEPT :
C. Prolactin.
D. Progesterone.
E. Estriol.
38. We can detect the fetal heart beat by Sonography (Transvaginal) at:
A. 5 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 7 weeks
D. 8 weeks
E. 9 weeks
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
43. Using your knowledge of normal maternal physiology, which of the following
would employ if a 38 weeks’ pregnant patient become faint while lying supine on
your examination table:
A. Blood transfusion.
B. Turningthepatientonherside.
C. Oxygen by face mask.
D. I.V. saline solution.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. The number of chromosomes in the human somatic cell is:
A. 24.
B. 44.
C. 46.
D. 48.
E. 23.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Sure sign of pregnancy is:
A. Amenorrhea
B. Hegar's sign
C. Nausea and vomiting
D. Auscultationoffetalheart
E. Abdominal distension
2. If your patient is 8 weeks pregnant which one of the following USS measurement is
most useful
A. Crown rump length
B. Biparietal diameter
C. Femur length
D. Placental site
E. Abdominal circumference
3. The following statement are all TRUE about vomiting in pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. May be cured by admission to hospital
B. Iscommonestinthethirdtrimester
C. Associated with multiple pregnancy
D. Is associated with trophoblastic disease
E. Is associated with urinary tract infection
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Toxoplasmosis
E. Thyroidfunction
8. A serum progesterone value less than 5ng/ml can exclude the diagnosis of viable
pregnancy with a certainty of:
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 80%
E. 100%
10. The β-hCG curve in maternal serum in a normal pregnancy peaks at:
A. 6 weeks of pregnancy.
B. 8 weeks of pregnancy.
C. 10weeksofpregnancy.
D. 14 weeks of pregnancy.
E. 18 weeks of pregnancy.
12. A woman in early pregnancy is worried because of several small raised nodules on
areola of both breasts. There are no other findings. Your immediate management
should be:
A. Reassuranceafterthoroughexamination.
B. Needle aspiration of the nodules.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. The source of progesterone that maintains the pregnancy during early 1ST
A. Placenta.
B. Corpusluteum.
C. Corpus albicans.
D. Adrenal glands.
E. Endometrium.
14. During normal pregnancy, a weight gain anticipated. The average weight gain is
A. 5-10 kg.
B. 10-15kg.
C. 15-20 kg.
D. 20-30 kg.
E. 30-40 kg
15. Counseling of a pregnant patient during early prenatal care should include
detection of & information on:
A. Smoking.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Drug abuse.
D. Avoiding infections.
E. Alloftheabove.
17. Which of the following medications, when given before & during pregnancy may
help to protect neural tube defects?
A. Vitamin B6.
B. Iron.
C. Folicacid.
D. Zinc.
E. Magnesium
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
18. Which of the following is/are needed by women in increased amount during
A. Iron.
B. Folic acid.
C. Protein.
D. Calcium.
E. Alloftheabove.
19. Often, an increase in vaginal discharge may be noted during pregnancy, It may be:
A. Bacterial.
B. Caused by Trichomonas.
C. Caused by Candidiasis.
D. Physiological.
E. Alloftheabove.
20. The following measures are usually performed during a routine antenatal visit for
a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy at 36 weeks gestations' EXCEPT:
A. Symphysis-fundal height.
B. Maternal blood pressure.
C. Maternal weight.
D. Mid-steamurinespecimen(MSU)forculture&sensitivity.
E. Listening to the fetal heart.
23. The softening of the cervical isthmus that occurs early in gestation is called:
A. Hegar'ssign.
B. Chadwick's sign.
C. Braxton Hick's contraction.
D. Von fernwald's sign.
E. Cullen's sign.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
24. During early pregnancy, a pelvic examination may reveal that one adnexia is
slightly enlarged. This is most likely due to:
A. A parovarian cyst.
B. Fallopian tube hypertrophy.
C. Ovarian neoplasm.
D. Follicular cyst.
E. Corpuslutealcyst.
26. Antenatal care can prevent all the following complications, EXCEPT :
A. Anemia due to iron deficiency or folic acid deficiency.
B. UTI of pyelonephritis.
C. Macrosomia.
D. Pretermlabor.
E. Rh immunization.
30. Of the following laboratory studies, which test might be done routinely at booking:
A. Electrolytes.
B. Urinary estriol.
C. Serum glumatic-oxaloacetic transaminase.
D. Hemoglobin.
31. The following drugs cross the placenta to the fetus, EXCEPT :
A. Heparin
B. Tetracycline
C. Warfarin
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Diazepam
E. Aspirin
33. Hypoplasia & yellow discoloration of the primary teeth has occurred in infants
whose pregnant mothers were treated with drug:
A. Sulphonaudes.
B. Penicillin.
C. Streptomycin.
D. Dihydrostretomycin.
E. Tetracycline.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. In fetal circulation:
A. Oxygenated blood goes along the umbilical arteries
B. The fetal lung is bypassed by means of ductus venosus
C. The foramen ovale connects the two ventricles
D. Mostofthebloodenteringtherightatriumflowsintotheleftatrium
E. The blood in the umbilical arteries is more oxygenated that blood in
umbilical Vein
4. Which of the following procedures allow the earliest retrieval of DNA for prenatal
diagnosis in pregnancy:
A. Fetoscopy.
B. Amniocentesis.
C. ChorionicVilliSampling(CVS)
D. Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)
E. Fetal biopsy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. A low APGAR score at one minute:
A. Is highly correlated with late neurologic sequelae.
B. Indicates an academic newborn.
C. Has the same significance in premature & term infants.
D. Indicatestheneedforimmediateresuscitation.
E. Is a useful index of resuscitative efforts.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Multiple pregnancy increases
A. In white people more than black
B. Withadvancingmaternalage
C. With Bromocriptine use for infertility treatment
D. If first pregnancy
E. After ovarian diathermy for polycystic ovary syndrome
6. The major cause of the increased risk of morbidity & mortality among twin
gestation is:
A. Gestational diabetes.
B. Placenta previa.
C. Malpresentation.
D. Pretermdelivery.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Congenital anomalies.
9. If twin A is in a transverse lie & twin B is vertex. The most appropriate route for
delivery is:
A. C-section.
B. Internal podalic version followed by breech extraction.
C. Both
D. Neither.
11. Regarding Hyperemesis gravidarum, which one of the following items is TRUE?
A. Isacomplicationofmultiplepregnancy
B. Not known to happen in molar pregnancy
C. Worsen in missed abortion
D. Liver function test is not required
E. Urine for culture and sensitivity is not important
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
17. The following factors affect the incidence of dizygotic multiple pregnancy
A. Induction of ovulation
B. Increase maternal age
C. Heredity
D. Race
E. Nuliparity
18. The following statements about multiple pregnancy are true EXCEPT:
A. Its occurrence in West Africa.
B. Its incidence is increased by increased age and parity.
C. Twin to twin transfusion common in monochromic twins.
D. Canbediagnosedbyultrasoundonlyafter12weeks.
E. Associated with induction of ovulation.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
22. Regarding twin pregnancies all of the following are correct EXCEPT:
A. It has a higher incidence of preterm labor
B. Mal-presentation of one of the main factors leading to increase incidence
of C/S
C. Abruptio placenta may occur with the sudden decompression of the
uterus immediately after delivery of the first twin
D. Dexamethasone is useful in case preterm labor
E. Identicalormonozygotictwinarisefromfertilizationoftwoovum
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
25. Regarding multiple pregnancy. All the following are true, EXCEPT :
A. Is frequently complicated by premature labor.
B. Is associated with an increased risk of post partum hemorrhage.
C. Occurs in approximately 1 in 80 pregnancies.
D. Oftencausesprolongedlabor.
E. Is often diagnosed early by US.
27. Multiple Gestation is frequently associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Hypertension.
B. Hydramnios.
C. Fertility drugs.
D. Post-maturity.
E. Pre-term labor.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Regarding missed abortion, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:
A. Patient may present with loss of the symptoms of pregnancy
B. Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptom
C. Immediateevacuationshouldbedoneoncethediagnosisismade
D. Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation may occur as a sequele of
missed abortion
E. Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis
2. 14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete
abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
A. Uterus is usually bigger than date
B. Cervical OS is opened with tissue inside the cervix
C. Need to have evacuation of the uterus
D. Aftercompleteabortionthereisminimalornopainandminimalorno
E. Follow up with β-hCG for one year.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
11. Of the proposed etiologies for recurrent pregnancy wastage, the least likely is:
A. Maternaltrauma.
B. Maternal balanced translocation.
C. Paternal balanced translocation.
D. Luteal phase deficiency.
E. Autoimmune disease.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. The most common etiology for spontaneous abortion of a recognized first
trimester gestation:
A. Chromosomal anomalyin 50-60%of gestations. B.
Chromosomal anomaly in 20-30% of gestations. C.
Maternal hypothyroidism.
D. Maternal Diabetes.
E. Progesterone deficiency.
16. Management of a patient with threatened abortion includes all the followings
A. Ultrasound.
B. Physical exam.
D. Detailed menstrual history.
E. Immediatedilationandcurettage.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
20. During the first & second trimester of pregnancy, the most common pathologic
cause of vaginal bleeding :
A. Hydatiform mole
B. Abruptio placenta
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. Abortion
E. Uterine rupture
21. Which of the following items may be associated with a mid trimester abortion:
A. Recurrent pelvic infection
B. Maternal smoking
C. Uterine anomalies
D. Sickle cell disease
E. Hyperemesis gravidarum
22. Bleeding in early pregnancy could be causes by all of the following, EXCEPT :
A. An ectopic pregnancy
B. Trophoblastic disease
C. Carcinomaoftheovary
D. Invasive carcinoma of the cervix
E. Threatened abortion
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
24. Abortion :
A. Hasanincidenceof15%ofallpregnancy
B. 18 weeks missed abortion is usually managed with suction curettage
C. In threatened abortion, the cervix is always open
D. 1st trimester abortion is usually causes by incompetent cervical os
E. Pregnancy usually continue to term in cases of inevitable abortion
28. A 26- year- old married white whose LMP was 2 ½ months ago developed bleeding,
uterine cramps, and passed some tissue per vagina. Two hours later she began to
bleed heavily
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
A. Bleeding hemorrhoids
30. A 25 primigravida with 8 weeks threatened abortion. The US would most likely
reveal :
A. Thickened endometrium with no gestational sac.
B. Fetal heart motion in the adnexia.
C. Empty gestational sac.
D. Anintactgestationalsacwithfetalheartmotion.
E. Collapsed gestational sac.
31. 14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete
abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
A. Uterus is usually bigger than date
B. Cervical OS is opened with tissue inside the cervix
C. Need to have evacuation of the uterus
D. Aftercompleteabortionthereisminimalornopainandminimalorno
E. Follow up with β-hCG for one year.
33. In patients with three consecutive spontaneous abortion in the second trimester
the most useful investigation is:
A. Chromosomal analysis
B. Hysterosalpingogram
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Endometrial biopsy
D. Post coital test
E. Prolactin level
36. Repeated 2ND trimester abortions, especially when associated with a lack of
painful uterine contractions, suggests most strongly:
A. Defective germ plasm.
B. Uterine myoma.
C. Maternal hyperthyroidism.
D. Folic acid deficiency.
E. Incompetentcervicalos.
37. Inevitable abortion is usually associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Pain.
B. Dilated cervix.
C. Bleeding.
D. Fever.
E. The pregnancy is almost doomed.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
Ectopic pregnancies:
41. Regarding ectopic pregnancy, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
A. Is associated with uterine enlargement
B. Is situated in the ovary in about 0.5% of all cases
C. Is more dangerous when it is situated in the isthmus of the fallopian tube
D. Canonlybediagnosedafterithasruptured
E. Is a complication of assisted conception
43. The following are factors affecting the choice of Methotrexate as a choice of
treatment for ectopic pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. Size of the ectopic
B. Presence or absence of cardiac activity
C. Level of β-hCG
D. Parityofthepatient
E. Integrity of the tube
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
45. Following evacuation of a molar pregnancy, β-hCG titers will fall to untraceable
levels in about 90% of patients within:
A. 2 weeks.
B. 4 weeks.
C. 8 weeks.
D. 10 weeks
E. 12weeks.
II) The most important step in this patient's evaluation should be:
A. Sonography.
B. Physical exam.
D. Quantitative β-hCG.
E. Detailed menstrual history.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Dyspareunia.
E. Decreased pregnancy associated symptoms.
48. Acceptable management of possible rupture ectopic pregnancy would include all
of the following EXCEPT:
A. Exploratory laparotomy.
B. Diagnostic laparoscopy.
C. Partial salpingectomy.
D. Total salpingectomy.
E. ObservationfollowedbyMethotrexate.
49. If the above described patient has had a previous term pregnancy prior to her
ectopic pregnancy, her chances of subsequent intrauterine pregnancy would be
A. 80%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 20%
E. <10%
51. Etiological factor of ectopic pregnancy include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Gonococcal Salpangitis
B. Tubal surgery
C. CombinedOCP
D. TB salpingitis
E. Previous ectopic
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
56. Regarding ectopic pregnancy, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
B. Is associated with uterine enlargement
C. Is situated in the ovary in about 0.5% of all cases
D. Is more dangerous when it is situated in the isthmus of the fallopian tube
E. Canonlybediagnosedafterithasruptured
F. Is a complication of assisted conception.
57. The following are factors affecting the choice of Methotrexate as a choice of
treatment for ectopic pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. Size of the ectopic
B. Presence or absence of cardiac activity
C. Level of β-hCG
D. Parityofthepatient
E. Integrity of the tube
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. USShasreliablediagnosticinformation.
63. The quantitative β subunit of HCG in a serum of patient with ectopic pregnancy
will :
A. Rise in a rate greater than expected.
B. Rise at rate consistent with the normal curve.
C. Riseataslowerthanexpected.
D. Plateau.
E. Progressively fall.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Antepartum haemorrhage may be caused by the following, EXCEPT:
A. Placenta previa
B. Cervical cancer
C. Abruptio placenta
D. Ectopicpregnancy
E. Vasa praevia
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
8. A pregnant woman presents with a placenta praevia of a major defect and fetus is
malformed. Which of the following will be the best management?
A. Caesariansection
B. Oxytocin drip
C. Rupture of membranes
D. Induce with PG E2
E. Forceps delivery in the second stage to accelerate delivery.
9. Abruptio placenta:
A. Is defined as premature separation of low lying placenta.
B. There is no increase risk of recurrence.
C. The etiology of placental abruption is usually known.
D. The diagnosis of placental abruption is frequently confirmed by
E. ThemostpredisposingconditionischronicmaternalHypertension.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Face presentation
16. Extensive bleeding into the myometrium & beneath the uterine serosa in severe
cases of abruption placenta may result in :
A. Acouvelaireuterus.
B. Active uterus
C. Placental perfusion
D. Normal fetal heart rate
E. Reactive CTG tracing
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Face presentation
19. Which of the following signs is most useful in predicting the absence of placental
abruption following trauma :
A. Absence of uterine contraction
B. Absence of vaginal bleeding
C. Presence of normal fetal heart tones
D. Absenceoftense,painfuluterus
E. Absence of nausea and vomiting
22. The likely causes of ante -partum hemorrhage in 32 weeks pregnant women has
recurrent attack of vaginal bleeding with proven fundal placenta are :
A. Subserous uterine fibroid
B. Diabetes
C. Circumvallateplacenta
D. Anemia
E. Multiplepregnancy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
27. 33 year female at 37 weeks gestation confirmed by early sonography presents with
moderate severe vaginal bleeding, she is noted to have placenta previa, which of
the following is the best management for her :
A. Induction of labor
B. C-Section.
C. Expectant management
D. Artificial rupture of membrane
E. Give tocolytic drugs
28. Which of the following patients would be most likely to have a placenta previa:
A. 19-year-old G1, P0, Vertex presentation.
B. 24-year-old G2, P1, cephalic presentation, 2/5 palpable.
C. 34-year-old G5, P3+ 1(abortion), vertex presentation.
D. 36-year-old G7, Previous 5 LSCS, P6, transverse lie.
E. 28-year-old G3, P1+1(abortion), head at 0 station.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Placentaprevia.
E. Active labor.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
36. Velamentous insertion of the cord is associated with an increased risk for:
A. Premature rupture of the membranes.
B. Fetalbleedingbeforelabor.
C. Torsion of the umbilical cord.
D. Fetal malformation.
E. Uterine malformations.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Select the most correct statement about fetal and neonatal IgM:
A. It is almost entirely maternal in origin
B. It is approximately 75% maternal and 25% fetal in origin
C. It is 50% maternal, 50% fetal in origin
D. It is 25% maternal, 75% fetal in origin
E. Itisalmostentirelyfetalinorigin
2. Anti-D prophylaxis:
A. Should be given to all sensitized Rhesus negative women after delivery
B. ShouldbegiventoallRhesusnegativewomenafteramniocentesis.
C. Should be given to all Rhesus positive women who give birth to Rhesus
D. negative babies.
E. Should be given to all women who's babies are Rhesus negative
F. Is contra-indicated during pregnancy if the women is Rhesus negative
4. RH disease :
A. Occurs when the mother is Rh+
B. Occurs when the father is RHC.
C. OccurswhenthefetusisRh+ve
D. Can never occurs in the 1st pregnancy
E. Antibodies are formed against maternal RBCs
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
7. In ABO incompatibility :
A. The mother has to be blood group AB
B. The father has to be B1 group O
C. It doesn't protect against RH disease
D. Itisanantigenantibodyreaction
E. Erythroblastosis
10. A Rh negative women has increase the chances of being immunized during
pregnancy when:
A. PerformingExternalcephalicversion.
B. Maternal anemia.
C. Premature labor.
D. Maternal Thyrotoxicosis.
E. Multiple pregnancy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Placentaledema
D. Splenic enlargement
E. Polycythemia
13. All of the following maternal antibodies may cause erythroblastosis fetalis
in the fetus EXCEPT:
A. Anti-nuclear antibodies
B. Anti-E
C. Anti-D
D. Anti-lewis
14. If blood must be given without adequate cross matching, the best to use is:
A. AB Rh-positive.
B. AB Rh-negative.
C. O Rh-positive.
D. O Rh-negative.
E. A Rh-positive.
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All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. A 28 years old patient complains of the amenorrhea after D & C for postpartum
bleeding. The most likely diagnosis:
A. Gonadal dysgenesis
B. Sheehan's syndrome
C. Kallman's syndrome
D. Mayer-Rokitansky- Kuster-Hauser syndrome
E. Asherman'ssyndrome
14. Post-partum hemorrhage may have higher incidence in all the following
conditions EXCEPT:
A. Multiple pregnancies
B. Polyhydramnios
C. Macrosomic baby
D. Placenta previa
E. Pregnancy induced hypertension
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
4. The best uterine scar a patient can have for Caesarian section is
A. Transverse upper segment
B. Longitudinal upper segment
C. Transverselowersegment
D. Longitudinal lower segment
E. A T-shaped incision
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Veress needle
D. Light source
E. CO2 inflation set.
9. Obstructed labor:
A. Diagnosed only when the cervix is fully dilated.
B. Usually predicted before the onset of labor.
C. More common in developed countries.
D. Mento-posteriorpositioncouldbeacause.
E. X-ray pelvimetry is essential to predict cephalo-pelvic disproportion in a
10. Prerequisites for instrumental delivery include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Cephalic presentation.
B. Engaged head.
C. Full dilation of the cervix.
D. Rupture of membranes.
E. Thepresenceofepiduralanalgesia.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. These conditions are always an indication for caesarean section. Which one of
these is an absolute indication for C/S :
A. Twin pregnancy
B. Breech presentation
C. Severe PET
D. Majordegreeplacentaprevia
13. Advantage of lower segment caesarean section over the classic incision
A. Ease of repair
B. Decreases blood loss
C. Lower probability of subsequent uterine rupture
D. Decreases danger of intestinal obstruction
E. Alloftheabove
14. Indication for cesarean section include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Previous caesarean section
B. Failed forceps delivery
C. Cervical cerculage.
D. Cord prolapsed
E. Primigravida.
15. Pre-requisite for a forceps delivery include all of the following EXCEPT :
A. A complete dilated cervix
B. An empty bladder
C. Thevertexintheoccipito-anteriorposition
D. Ruptured membrane
E. The known position of the vertex
16. Which of the following neonatal morbidities is not related to forceps delivery?
A. Fractured skull
B. Sepsis
C. Nerve palsies
D. Cephalohematoma
E. Convulsion
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
22. These conditions are always an indication for C-section. Which one of these is
an absolute indication for CS?
A. Twin pregnancy.
B. Breech presentation.
C. SeverePET.
D. Minor degree placenta previa.
24. Pre-requisite for instrumental delivery include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Cervix fully dilated.
B. Ruptured membranes.
C. Fetal head engaged.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Fetalheadat-2station.
E. Empty catheterized bladder.
25. A newborn is noted to have a darkened swelling of the scalp that does not
cross the midline. This is most likely a:
A. Caput succedaneum.
B. Subdural hemorrhage.
C. Cephalohematoma.
D. Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
E. Tentorial tear.
26. Which of the following anesthetic technique will produce the greatest uterine
A. Spinal block.
B. Caudal.
C. Nitrous oxide.
D. Halothane.
E. Paracervical.
29. Which of the following anesthetic technique will produce the greatest uterine
A. Spinal block
B. Caudal
C. Nitrous oxide
D. Halothane
E. Paracervical
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Stroke
D. Hemorrhage
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. All of these drugs can be used as tocolytic to stop labor, EXCEPT:
A. Salbutamol ventolin
B. Diazepam(valium)
C. Calcium channel blocker
D. Indomethacin non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
E. Ritodrine (β agonist).
3. Regarding Surfactant:
A. Is secreted by type I pneumocytes
B. Are glycoprotein.
C. After38weekstheratiotosphingomyelinsis2:1.
D. Its secretion is suppressed by betamethzone.
E. Its deficiency leads to adult respiratory distress syndrome.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
9. In the diagnosis of premature rupture of the membrane, all of the following are
true EXCEPT:
A. History of fluid loss per vagina
B. Visualization of amniotic fluid in the vagina by sterile speculum
C. Positive Nitrazine test
D. Positive fern test
E. Positivemethylinebluetest
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
16. In cases with premature rupture of membranes, all the following are
acceptable in the conservative management except:
A. Frequentvaginalexaminationtoassesscervicaldilatation.
B. serial complete blood count to diagnose rising of WBC.
C. Close monitoring of maternal vital signs.
D. Ultrasound to assess fetal weight and amount of liquor.
E. Monitoring of the fetus by doing cardiotocogram.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
19. Premature rupture of membrane is most strictly defined as rupture at any time
prior to:
A. A stage of fetal viability.
B. The 2ND stage of labor.
C. The 32ND week of gestation.
D. Theonsetoflabor.
E. The 38TH week of gestation.
23. All of these drugs can be used as tocolytic to stop labor, EXCEPT:
A. Salbutamol ventolin
B. Methotrexate
C. Calcium channel blocker
D. Indomethacin non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs Retodrine (_-
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
26. Complication of pregnancy that predispose to preterm labor includes all the
following EXCEPT :
A. polyhydramnios
B. Urinary tract infection
C. 25yearsoldprimigravida.
D. Premature rupture of membranes
E. Multiple pregnancy
27. Which of the following complications is associated with ruptured appendix &
peritonitis ?
A. Fetal growth restriction
B. Oligohydromnios
C. Chorioamnionitis
D. Pretermbirth
E. Placental abruption
28. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis are not generally used for tocolysis
because they:
A. Are effective
B. Produce marked hypertension
C. Maycauseprematureclosureofthefetalductusarteriosus
D. Are too expensive
E. Are associated with lactic acidosis
29. In cases with premature rupture of membranes, all the following are
acceptable in the conservative management except:
A. Frequentvaginalexaminationtoassesscervicaldilatation.
B. serial complete blood count to diagnose rising of WBC.
C. Close monitoring of maternal vital signs.
D. Ultrasound to assess fetal weight and amount of liquor.
E. Monitoring of the fetus by doing cardiotocogram.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Cardiacarrhythmias.
E. Asthma
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. In prenatal infection
A. Rubella can be prevented by administration of rubella vaccine during
B. Toxoplasma is a virus
C. HIVvirusinfectthebabymorereadilywhendeliveredvaginallythan
D. Cytomegalovirus causes macrosomic babies
E. In HIV patient breast-feeding is encouraged
6. A pregnant woman with Active vulval herpes infection, How would you
manage her?
A. Give acyclovir & then deliver
B. Deliver & give the baby prophylactic acyclovir
C. C/S.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
9. Genital tract Candida occurs more frequent in all these patients EXCEPT :
A. Diabetic
B. On long term antibiotic therapy
C. Thyrotoxicosis
D. On oral contraceptive pills
E. Pregnant
12. The following are characteristic findings in neonatal rubella infection, EXCEPT :
A. Deafness.
B. Spinabifida.
C. Congenital heart disease.
D. Cataracts.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
15. Which of the following is the predominant bacteria in vagina during pregnancy:
A. Peptostreptococci.
B. Listeria monocytogenes.
C. Lactobacilli.
D. Streptococcus agalatia.
E. Staphylococcus.
16. The following can be associated with toxoplasmosis infection during pregnancy
A. Rhinitis
B. Brain calcification
C. Hepatic Splenomegaly
D. Hydrocephalus
E. Spinabifida
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
4. Maternal causes for intrauterine growth restriction may one of these EXCEPT:
A. Hypertensive diseases with pregnancy
B. Chronic renal diseases with pregnancy
C. Smoking and alcoholism
D. Cyanotic heart disease
E. Rheumaticmitralstenosis
5. Risk factors for shoulder dystocia include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Maternal obesity.
B. Macrosomia.
C. Maternal diabetes.
D. Prolonged second stage of labor.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Placental insufficiency.
8. The following are causes for a uterus that is large for gestation during
pregnancy, EXCEPT :
A. Multiple pregnancy
C. Fibroid
D. Polyhydramnios
E. Incorrect dating of pregnancy
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All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
28. Which is a contraindication of induction of labor
A. Historyofuppersegmentcaesariansection
B. Sever P E T at 36 weeks
C. Gestational diabetes on insulin at 39 weeks
D. Post term pregnancy
E. Chorioamnionitis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
35. Indications for induction of labor include all the following EXCEPT :
A. Prolonged pregnancy
B. Severe pre-eclampsia
D. Previous3LSCS(lowersegmentc/s)
E. Prolonged rupture of membranes without labor
36. Risks and complications of induction of labor include all the following, EXCEPT :
A. Failed induction.
B. Atonic postpartum hemorrhage.
C. Uterine hyperstimulation leading to fetal hypoxia.
D. Prostaglandinmaycausehypothermiaduetoitsdirecteffectonthermo
E. Ruptured uterus in grand multipara of patients with previous C-section.
38. Risk and complications of induction of labor include all of the following
A. Failed induction
B. Atonic PPH
C. Uterine hyperstimulation leading to fetal hypoxia
D. Prostaglandinmaycausehypothermiaduetoitsdirecteffectonthermo
F. Rupture uterus in grandmultipara of patients with previous CS
12. Which of the following has NOT been shown to stimulate (induce) labor:
A. Amniotomy.
B. Prostaglandins.
C. Enemas.
D. Breast stimulation.
E. Overeating.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
18. A contraindication to the use of Oxytocin for stimulating labor at term is:
A. Dead fetus.
B. Hypertonicuterinedysfunction.
C. Hypotonic uterine dysfunction.
D. Twin gestation.
E. Prior history of LSCS.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Compound presentation is most consistently associated with :
A. Prematurity.
B. Advanced maternal age.
C. Uncoordinated uterine contractions.
D. Diabetic pregnant woman.
E. Large pelvic vessels.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Singlefootlingbreech.
D. Double footling breech.
8. The major cause of serious neonatal morbidity & mortality for infants with
breech presentation is:
A. Birthtrauma.
C. Cord prolapse.
D. Associated congenital anomalies.
E. Cerebral palsy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
22. All of the following associated with increase incidence of breech presentation,
A. Placenta previa
B. Müllerian anomaly
C. Uterine leiomyoma
D. Nulliparity
E. Prematurity
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All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Regarding Puerperium:
F. Refer to the first 6 months after delivery
G. The lochia usually persist for 7 weeks
H. Theuterinefundusshouldnotbepalpableabdominallyby14daysafterdelivery
E. The incidence of post partum depression is 50%
F. Fever due to engorged breast occurs on the second day after delivery
5. Which of the following is the most likely causes of a fever in a women on the second
day postpartum:
A. Pneumonia
B. Endometritis.
C. Mastitis
D. Cholycystitis
E. Thrombophlebitis
6. Postpartum, the deciduas becomes necrotic and is normally cast off within five to six
days as :
A. Decidual cast
B. Placental remnants
C. Lochia
D. Carunculae myrtiforms
E. None of the above
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
11. The most common bacteria isolated from cases of puerperal infection is:
A. E.coli.
B. Anaerobic streptococcus.
C. Anaerobic staphylococcus.
D. Aerobic streptococcus.
E. Clostridium perfringens.
12. Immediately after the completion of a normal labor, the uterus should be :
A. Firm&contractedattheleveloftheumbilicus.
B. At the level of the symphysis pubis.
C. Immobile.
D. Atonic.
E. Boggy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
16. Risk factors of post partum Endometritis include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Prolonged labor
B. Prolonged rupture of membranes
C. Multiple vaginal exams
D. Prolonged monitoring with an intrauterine pressure catheter
E. Gestationaldiabetes.
17. Symptoms and signs of puerperal endometritis include all the following,
A. Malodorous vaginal discharge.
B. Lower abdominal pain.
C. Fever.
D. Involutionoftheuterus.
E. Uterine tenderness on palpation.
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All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Therapeutic termination of early pregnancy is indicated in:
A. Uterine fibroid
B. Maternalpulmonaryhypertension
C. Placenta previa
D. Maternal blood sugar >12 mmol/L
E. Triplet pregnancy
6. Risk factors for pre- eclampsia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Elderly primigravida
B. African ethnicity
C. Positive family history of hypertension
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
11. What is the most common cause of acute renal failure in pregnancy ?
A. Drug abuse.
C. Pre-eclampsiaandeclampsia.
D. Sickle cell disease.
E. Placenta previa.
12. Regarding essential hypertension in pregnancy, all the following is true, EXCEPT
A. Commonly associated with +ve family Hx of hypertension.
B. Usuallydiagnosedinthe3rdtrimester.*
C. More common in women over the age of 35.
D. It's usually not associated with significant proteinuria.
E. Will develop pre-eclampsia more commonly than normotensive women .
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. A pre-eclamptic patient has just delivered and has a soft uterus with moderate
bleeding. Examination reveals no laceration. Of the options below, the BEST
choice is :
A. 0.2 mg IV ergometrine.
B. 0.5 mg oral ergometrine.
C. 5 units of oral oxytocin.
D. 0.5 mg IM ergometrine.
E. 20unitsOxytocinina500mlofD5WgivenIV.
14. Pregnancy induced proteinuric hypertension is associated with all the following,
A. An increase in serum uric acid level.
B. Plasma volume decreases.
C. An increase in the incidence of IUGR.
D. Anincreaseincreatinineclearance.
E. Hb concentration increases.
18. The most common presenting prodromal sign or symptom in patient with
eclampsia is:
A. Right upper quadrant pain.
B. Edema.
C. Headache.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Visual disturbance.
E. Severe hypertension.
19. Appropriate response to an initial eclamptic seizure include all of the following
A. AttempttoabolishtheseizurebyadministratingI.M.diazepam.
B. Maintain adequate Oxygenation.
C. Administer Mg sulphate by either the I.M. or I.V. route.
D. Prevent maternal injury.
E. Monitor the fetal heart rate.
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25. All of the following antihypertensive drugs are considered safe for short-term
use in pregnancy EXCEPT:
A. Captopril.
B. Methyldopa.
C. Hydralazine.
D. Nifedipine.
E. Labetalol.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
35. A pre-eclamptic patient has just delivered & has a soft uterus with moderate
bleeding. Examination reveals no laceration. Of the options below, the BEST
choice :
A. 0.2 mg IV ergometrine
B. 0.5 mg oral ergometrine
C. 5 units oral oxytocin
D. 0.5 mg IM ergometrine
E. 20unitsoxytocinina500mlofD5WgivenIV
36. Of the following, the most common cause of maternal death from eclampsia is:
A. Infection.
B. Uremia.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
37. The criteria for severe pre-eclampsia include all the following, EXCEPT:
A. Diastolic blood pressure of 110 mmhg or more.
B. Proteinuria more than 5g/24 hours.
C. Presence of epigastric pain .
D. Decreasedhematocrit.
E. Oliguria.
38. The immediate appropriate response to an eclamptic seizure includes all the
following, EXCEPT :
A. Monitor the fetal heart rate.
B. USdoneforfetalgrowth.
C. Administer Mg sulphate.
D. Maintain adequate oxygenation.
E. Prevent maternal injury.
39. All the following factors increase the risk of the development of pre-eclampsia,
A. Closedspacedpregnancies.
B. Pre-existing diabetes.
C. Multiple gestation.
D. Pre-eclampsia with a previous pregnancy.
E. Pre-existing renal disease.
41. Pregnancy induced hypertension is more common in all the following EXCEPT:
A. Primigravida.
B. Multiple pregnancy.
C. Patients with pre-existing hypertension.
D. WomenwithUTI.
E. Women with diabetes mellitus.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
B. Decreased Hematocrit.
C. Elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).
D. Elevateduricacid.
E. Elevated creatinine.
35. The following are true regarding patients with essential hypertension in labor,
A. Shouldn'thaveepiduralanalgesia.
B. Can be safely given IV syntocinon.
C. Shouldn't be given ergometrin as a routine in the 3rd stage.
D. Should have continuous fetal heart rate monitoring.
E. IV labetalol is a safe drug when required.
37. Markedly obese pregnant patients often experience all the following
complications, EXCEPT :
A. Hypertension.
B. Diabetes mellitus.
C. Thromboembolism.
D. Fetalgrowthrestriction.
E. Difficult intubation during anesthesia.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Gestational diabetes is associated with an increase risk of all the following,
A. Cesarean section
B. Shoulder dystocia
C. Fetal macrosomia
D. Intrauterine fetal death
E. Intrauterinegrowthrestriction
6. Indications of glucose tolerance test GTT in pregnancy include all the following
A. Previous Hx of gestational diabetes mellitus.
B. Hx of macrosomic baby.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Glycosuriainoneoccasion.
D. Hx of unexplained fetal death.
E. Hx of babies with congenital sacral agenesis.
10. Which of the following items in a pregnant patient's History suggests the
possibility of her having diabetes :
B. Past Hx of twins.
C. 1st trimester bleeding.
D. Diabetic husband.
E. Unexplainedstillbirths.
11. During pregnancy, blood tests for diabetes are more abnormal than in
nonpregnant state. This is due to :
A. Decreased insulin.
B. Increased absorption from the GI tract.
C. Increasedplacentallactogen.
D. Estrogen decreases and progesterone increases.
E. Hemoconcentration.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Glucosetolerancetest.
D. Hb A1C.
18. Infants of mothers with GDM have an increased risk of all of the following
A. Hypoglycemia.
B. Hyperglycemia.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Hypocalcaemia.
D. Hyperbilirubinemia.
E. Polycythemia.
19. GDM is associated with an increased risk of all the following EXCEPT:
A. C-section.
B. Shoulder dystocia.
C. Fetal Macrosomia.
21. Compared to Type II diabetes, type I diabetes is associated with all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. Greater incidence of pre-eclampsia.
B. Greater incidence of preterm delivery.
C. Greater risk of maternal hypoglycemia.
D. Greater risk maternal diabetic ketoacidosis.
E. ReducedriskofIUGR.
22. GDM substantially increase the mother's risk for the ultimate development of:
A. Type I DM.
B. Type II DM.
C. Neither.
D. Both.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
25. Diabetes in pregnancy can cause all the following congenital anomalies
A. Sacral agenesis.
B. Central nervous system abnormalities.
C. Lower limb hypoplasia.
D. Congenital heart disease.
E. Yellowteethdiscoloration.
27. The serum insulin level in the newborn infant of a diabetic mother in
comparison to the infant of a euglycemic mother is generally :
A. Higher
B. The same as euglycemic
C. Lower
D. Extremely labile
E. None of the above
28. With overt diabetes, what is the most common fetal malformation?
A. Congenitalheartdisease.
B. Caudal regression.
C. Renal agenesis.
D. Neural tube defect.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Macrosomiaisoneofthecomplicationsofuncontrolledgestational
D. Gestational diabetes usually starts before 12 weeks gestation.
E. Gestational diabetes has a very low incidence in Saudi Arabia.
31. The most common congenital anomaly associated with diabetes is:
A. Congenitalheartdisease.
B. Neural tube defect.
C. Sacral agenesis.
D. Renal agenesis
E. Caudal regression
34. Risk factors for the development of gestational diabetes include all the
following, EXCEPT :
A. Obesity.
B. Family Hx of diabetes.
C. Previous Hx of IUFD.
D. PreviousHxofIUGR.
E. Previous Hx of diabetes.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. In a pregnant female which of the following depicts the level of iron:
B. Serum ferritin level
C. Haemoglobin level
D. Iron binding capacity
E. Serum Iron
4. Sickle cell:
A. Diseases presents in a heterotype (SA).
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
3. In pregnant patients with rheumatic heart disease, all of the following is true,
A. Should be always given iron to avoid anemia.
B. Commonlydevelopatrialfibrillation.
C. Should be given prophylactic antibiotic in labor.
D. Usually remain asymptomatic.
E. Ergometrine should not be given routinely in cases with mitral stenosis.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. All are true, about acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A.Occurin60%ofpregnantwomen. (it complicates only 1-2% of
B. Can be preceded with asymptomatic Bacteriuria
C. In severe form there should be administered and I.V. antibiotics should be
D. when recurrent should be investigated
E. May lead to premature labor
2. UTI in pregnancy :
A. Occurs in about 10% of pregnancies.
B. Can be easily diagnosed when there is more than 1000 bacteria per ml on
C. Is commoner in multigravida when compared with primigravida.
E. If it's reoccurring, it necessitated investigations after delivery.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. Markedly obese pregnant patients often experience all of the following
complications EXCEPT :
A. Hypertension
B. Diabetes Mellitus
C. Thromboembolism
D. Fetalgrowthrestriction
E. Difficult intubation during anesthesia
13. All of the following are possible causes of acute abdomen in pregnancy EXCEPT :
A. Large ovarian cyst
B. Largefetus
C. Large appendix
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
14. A patient in the third trimester of pregnancy is seen in the emergency room and
while being examined has a convulsion. The doctor should immediately:
A. Obtain neurologic consultation
B. Obtain psychiatric consultation
C. Give IV valium
D. Protectthepatientfromselfharm
E. Obtain a chest film
18. Maternal aspiration of gastric contents during labor is most often due to:
A. Gastric hypotonicity.
B. Pelvic pain.
C. Pneumothorax.
D. Anesthesia.
E. Narcotics.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Hypothyroidism.
E. Placenta previa.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Which of the following contraceptive methods should NOT be used by a
patient with coronary heart disease?
A. Combinedoralcontraceptivepills
B. Male condom
C. Female condom
D. Diaphragm
E. Spermicidal agent
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Ifpregnancyoccursthereisincreasedriskofectopicpregnancy.
E. Failure rate is 0.1%
9. Postulated mechanism of the IUCD include all of the following action EXCEPT:
A. Altered tubal motility
B. Altered endometrium
C. Alteredcervicalmucus
D. Cupper has spermicidal effect
E. inhibition of implantation
11. With regards to contraception failure, the pearl index refers to:
A. Numbers of Pregnancies in years.
B. Number of pregnancies in 1 woman-year.
C. Numberofpregnanciesin100woman-year.
D. Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-years over pregnancy losses.
E. Number of Pregnancy losses in 100 woman-years.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. 35Y,smokes>15cigaretteperday.
16. The use of OCP reduces the risk of all the following EXCEPT:
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Hepaticadenoma.
C. Salpangitis
D. Ovarian cancer
E. Endometrial cancer
17. Which of the following statements regarding the use of IUCD is TRUE :
A. Most IUD were withdrawn from the market due to the financial burden
B. The Contraceptive effectiveness of IUD is similar to that of barrier
C. The risk of Salpangitis in IUD wearer is positively correlated with duration
of use
D. Contraceptiveeffectivenessofcopper-containingIUDishigherthanthat of
E. Women using progesterone containing IUD have heavier than the women
using the inert device.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
21. Lowest pregnancy rate in 100 women using the method for 1 year :
C. Condom
D. Diaphragm
E. Spermicidal cream
24. The goal for developing a successful contraception include all of the following
A. Regulate fertility.
B. Stabilize population growth.
C. Reducing maternal morbidity.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Diminishingtheincidence.
E. Decreasing the prevalence of STD.
25. What is the effect of oral contraceptives on the incidence of DVT & embolism?
A. Decreases the incidence.
B. Doesn't affect the incidence.
C. Increases thrombosis but not pulmonary embolism.
D. Increasestheincidence.
E. Increases pulmonary embolism but not deep vein thrombosis.
26. The mechanism of action of OCPs include all the following, EXCEPT:
A. Enhancesovarianandrogenproduction.
B. Alter the cervical mucous.
C. Alter the endometrium.
D. Ovulation suppression.
E. Alter the tubal motility.
27. Postulated mechanism of action of IUD includes all the following, EXCEPT :
A. Alterthecervicalmucous.
B. Alter the endometrium.
C. Inhibits fertilization.
D. Alter the tubal motility.
E. Inhibition of implantation.
28. Which of the following contraceptive methods should not be used by a patient
with coronary heart disease?
B. Male condoms.
C. Female condoms.
D. Diaphragm.
E. Spermicidal agent.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
31. The goals for developing a successful contraceptive include all of the following
A. Regulating fertility.
B. Stabilizing population.
C. Reducing maternal morbidity.
D. Diminishingtheincidence.
E. Decreasing the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases.
33. The following are known contraindications to the use of combined oral
contraceptive pills (COCP), EXCEPT:
A. Deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.
B. Active liver disease.
C. Benign intracranial hypertension.
D. RepeatedLSCS.
E. Cholestasis in pregnancy.
34. The combined oral contraceptive pill, besides being used as a method of
contraception, can be used to treat the following, EXCEPT:
A. Endometriosis.
B. Ovulation pain.
C. Menorrhagia.
D. Dysmenorrhea.
E. Mucinousovariancyst.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
36. Combined oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen & progesterone produce
the following effects, EXCEPT:
A. Act by preventing ovulation.
B. Can cause hypertension.
C. Can cause venous thrombosis.
D. Usuallycauseamenorrhea.
E. Increase the viscosity of cervical mucous.
39. IUCD may prevent pregnancy by all of the following mechanism EXCEPT:
A. Creating chronic endometritis.
B. Inducing endometrial atrophy.
C. Inhibitingovulation.
D. Altering tubal motility.
E. Destroying sperm.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Vulvovaginal Candidiasis:
A. Cause muco-purulent cervicitis.
B. Frequently associated with systemic symptoms.
C. MaybediagnosedmicroscopicallybymixingdischargewithKOH.
D. Is treated with doxycycline.
E. Is one of the sexually transmitted diseases.
2. Bacterial Vaginosis:
A. Is rare vaginal infection.
B. Is always symptomatic.
C. Is usually associated with profound inflammatory reaction.
D. Causesfishydischargewhichresultsfrombacterialamineproduction.
E. Is treated with Clotrimazole.
3. Trichomoniasis:
A. Associated with cytological findings in PAP smear.
B. Associated with pregnancy & Diabetes mellitus.
C. Issexuallytransmittedparasitewhichcausespruriticdischarge.
D. May cause overt warts.
E. Is diagnosed on a wet smear which reveals clue cells.
6. Regarding gonococcal infection of the female genital tract, the following are
common site of infection:
A. bartholine gland
B. Skene gland
C. Urethra&cervix
D. Rectal crypt
E. All of the above
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
7. Vaginal Trochomitis is :
A. sexuallytransmitteddisease
B. Yeast infection
C. Cause Salpangitis
D. Is more common in diabetic
10. Genital tract Candida occurs more frequent in all these patients, EXCEPT:
A. Diabetic.
B. On long term antibiotic therapy.
C. Thyrotoxicosis.
D. On oral contraceptive pills.
E. Pregnant.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Trichomonas
16. All the following infection can be transmitted through sexual intercourse,
A. Genital herpes
B. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
C. Chlamydia
D. Gonorrhea
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
2. The differential diagnosis of vulvar swelling includes all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Bartholin's cyst.
B. Hematoma.
C. Condyloma.
D. Nabothiancyst.
E. Papilloma.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Gonorrhea
7. The differential diagnosis of vulvar swelling includes all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Bartholin's cyst
B. Hematoma.
C. Condyloma.
D. Nabothiancyst.
E. Papilloma.
8. A 38 year old woman is seen for the evaluation of a swelling in her right vulva.
She has also noted pain in this area when walking and during coitus. On
examination a mildly tender flactuant mass was noticed just outside the
introits in the right vulva. What the most likely diagnosis?
A. Bartholin'sabscess.
B. Lymphogranuloma venerum.
C. Chancroid.
D. Vulva carcinoma.
E. Herpes infection.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. The mechanism of infertility in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) include the
following EXCEPT:
A. Polycysticovary.
B. Peritubal adhesions.
C. Hydrosalpinx.
D. Pyosalpinx.
E. Frozen pelvis.
13. Disorders of pelvic support are commonly associated with all of the following
A. Multiparity. (children)
B. Aging.
C. Alcoholconsumption.
D. Pelvic trauma.
E. Heavy lifting.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. All the following are true, about ovarian hyperstimulation, EXCEPT:
A. It can follow any of ovulation induction drugs
B. In severe type admission to the intensive care unit may be required
C. Theovarieswillbeverysmallinsizehaveunilateralcyst.
D. It can diagnosed clinically and by ultrasound
E. Patients with PCO are at increased risk
4. Treatment of infertility
A. Clomiphene citrate helpful in patients with anovulatory premature
ovarian failure
B. Ovarian drilling is helpful in the treatment of infertility endometriosis
C. IVF is not helpful in the treatment of infertility due to male factor
D. Hyperstimulationsyndromecanoccursinpatienttreatedby
E. Spontaneous pregnancy can occur in patients with Müllerian agenesis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Motility 60%
D. Abnormal form 30%
E. Liquefaction complete in 30 minutes
10. Polycystic ovarian diseases, all of the following can be seen, EXCEPT:
A. Acne
B. Streakovaries
C. Insulin resistance
D. Hirsutism
E. Galactorrhea
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. In polycystic ovary syndrome patients, all the followings are true EXCEPT:
A. Theyareusuallyunderweightwithlowbodymassindex.
B. They have hirsutism.
C. They have Oligomenorrhoea.
D. They have high Prolactin level.
E. They have Subfertility.
15. Which of the following is a basic investigation for the male infertility :
A. Semenanalysis.
B. Sperm penetration assay of cervical mucous.
C. Sperm penetration assay of hamster ova.
D. Splits ejaculate analysis.
E. Sperm antibodies test.
18. 32 year old woman with PCO has infertility of 1 year’s duration. Her menses
occur at irregular intervals, and basal body temperature is monophasic. An
endometrial biopsy shows endometrial hyperplasia with mild atypia. The most
appropriate therapy:
A. Danazol
B. Megrostol acetate
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Oral contraceptive
D. Clomiphenecitrate
E. Human Gonadotropins.
21. Galactorrhea (non-gestational lactation) may result from all of the following
A. pituitary adenoma
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Renal failure
D. Intrapartumhemorrhage
E. Bronchogenic carcinoma
22. The test used to diagnose ovulation on day 21 in a 28 days menstrual cycle is:
A. Estrogen.
C. Progestrone.
D. LH.
E. Prolactin.
24. What is the association of ovulation induction for fertility and multiple births?
A. Decreases the incidence multiple pregnancy.
B. Increasestheincidencemultiplepregnancy.
C. Increases the incidence of only dizygotic twins.
D. Doesn't affect the incidence of twins.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
28. A woman with bilateral proximal tubal blockage which was diagnosed by
Hysterosalpingiogram and her husband have normal spermogram. There best
chance to have a pregnancy is by:
A. Doing a laproscopic opening of the tube and then expectant management.
B. Giving the woman clomide for 6 months and expectant management.
C. Doing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and IUI.
D. DoingIVFofthecouple.
29. Hyperprolactenemia:
A. Associated with positive progesterone challenge test.
B. Ovulation can be induced with dopamine antagonist.
C. If macro-adenoma is the cause, the management is surgical.
D. May be a cause of Homonymous hemianopia.
E. Galactorrheaispresentin30%ofcases.
30. The most likely cause of infertility in a 30 year old women, P2+4 who had
salpingitis after her last abortion, 3 years ago is:
A. Submucous fibroid.
B. Asherman's syndrome (Uterine synechiae).
C. Blockedtubes.
D. Tuberculous endometritis.
E. Endocervicitis.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
31. The following agents are used in ovulation induction in patients undergoing
assisted conception, EXCEPT:
A. Clomiphene Citrate.
B. Human menopausal gonadotropin.
C. GRH analogues.
D. hCG.
E. Aspirin.
36. A 28 year old lady comes to your clinic complaining of progressive hirsutism
(growing a beard) noticed in the past 3 months. Her initial evaluation includes
all the following, EXCEPT :
A. Check her testosterone level.
B. EnhancedCTofthebrain.
C. Do US of the ovaries.
D. Do US of the uterus.
E. Check her 17 hydroxy progesterone level.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Recognized feature of Sheehan syndrome :
A. Menorrhagia
B. Galactorrhea
C. Insulin resistance
D. Hypothyroidism
E. Dwarfism
3. In Sheehan syndrome, changes that take place include the following EXCEPT :
A. Complete lactation failure
B. Feeling of lethargy
C. Genital atrophy
D. Amenorrhea
E. IncreasedBasalMetabolicRate(B.M.R)
4. A 26 years old lady presented with secondary amenorrhea and FSH and LH are
found to be high, your diagnosis will be?
A. Sheehan syndrome
B. Asherman syndrome
C. Prematureovarianfailure.
D. Imperforated hymen
E. Pituitary adenoma
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Dysmenorrhea.
12. Regarding Primary amenorrhea ,all the following are correct EXCEPT:
A. Failureofbreastdevelopmentbyageof10requireinvestigation B.
kalman syndrome is recognized cause
C. it may be due to systemic disease
D. turner is known cause
E. the majority are constitutional
13. In Sheehan syndrome ,changes that take place include all of the following
A. Genital atrophy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
B. Feeling of lethargy
C. Complete lactation failure
D. Amenorrhea
E. Increasedbasalmetabolicrate
14. A 48-year-woman who had two normal pregnancies 13 and 15 years ago
presents with the complaint of amenorrhea for 7 months. She expresses the
desire to become pregnant again. After exclusion of pregnancy, which of the
following tests is next indicated in the evaluation of this patient's amenorrhea?
A. Hysterosalpingogram.
B. Endometrial biopsy.
C. Thyroid function test.
D. Testosterone and DHAS levels.
E. LHandFSHlevels.
15. In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome patients, all the followings are true EXCEPT:
A. Theyareusuallyunderweightwithlowbodymassindex.
B. They have hirsutism.
C. They have oligomenorrhea.
D. They have high prolactin level.
E. They have subfertility.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
23. The following are know criteria for diagnosing Polycystic ovarian syndrome
A. Decreasedbodyweight.
B. Hormonal evidence of androgen excess.
C. Chronic anovulation.
D. Recurrent miscarriages.
E. Inappropriate gonadotropin secretions.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
26. A 19-year-old women comes to your office with a compliant of never having
had menses. Physical examination shows that she is 1.37 m tall, & weighs 42 kg.
she lacks breast & pubic hair development. There is webbing of her neck &
cubitus valgus. Which of the following is likely to be true?
A. Testicular feminization.
B. Klinefelter syndrome.
C. Turner'ssyndrome.
D. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
E. Normal but delayed development.
28. The most common mass associated with amenorrhea in a reproductive age
women is:
A. Follicular cyst.
B. Corpus luteal cyst.
C. Benign cystic teratoma.
D. Leiomyoma.
E. Pregnancy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Urge incontinence
A. Is due to pelvic anatomic defect.
B. Patient loses small amount of urine.
C. Can be diagnosed with stress test.
D. Canbetreatedmedically.
E. Can be treated surgically with sling
3. The treatment of cystocele in a 32 years old may include the following, EXCEPT:
A. Pelvic floor exercise.
B. Weight loss.
C. Vaginal hysterectomy.
D. Anterior colporrhaphy.
E. Vaginal Pessary.
6. An Enterocele:
A. Contain part of the peritoneum.
B. Islinedbyperitoneum
C. Herniates into the bladder
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
7. Regarding Rectocele
A. Can be treated medically
B. Surgery is indicated in all patients
C. Constipation is not a predisposing factor
D. Shouldonlybecorrectedifitisinterferingwithdefecationandlifestyle
E. Is common in younger patients
9. 49 years old women comes in complaining that several years it feels as though
"her organ are progressively falling out her vagina" along with this, she
complains of losing urine with straining, occasional urgency, and sometimes a
feeling of incomplete emptying of her bladder with voiding. On further
examination you will find :
A. Rectocele
B. Cystocele
C. Enterocele
D. Complete uterine prolapse
10. 38 years old multigravida women complains of the painless loss of urine,
beginning immediately after coughing, laughing, lifting, or straining. Immediate
cessation of the activity stops the urine loss .this history is must suggestive of :
A. Fistula
B. Stressincontinence
C. Urge incontinence
D. Urethral incontinence.
11. The work up of patients with incontinence include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Culture & sensitivity
B. Stress test
C. pelvisU/S
D. Cystometric study
E. Residual urine volume
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All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
18. When the cervix protrudes well beyond the introitus, in a case of uterine
prolapse, the prolapse is called which of the following:
A. 1ST degree.
B. 2ND degree.
C. 3RDdegree.
D. Procedentia.
E. None of the above.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
3. Recently the main risk of hormone replacement therapy after menopause is:
A. fracture the neck of femur
B. Cancer of the colon
C. Hirsutism
D. Cancerofbreast
E. Genital atrophy
4. In the menopause :
A. Osteoporosis is common in black women
B. Theyhaveincreasetendencyoffracture
C. Post menopausal bleeding is always due to endometrial carcinoma
D. HRT is always indicated
E. OCP can be used as hormone replacement
5. Postmenopausal women:
A. Malignancy is the commonest cause of postmenopausal bleeding.
B. FSH and LH are characteristically low.
C. Fibroid uterus tends to grow bigger.
D. Hormonalreplacementtherapyincreasestheriskofbreastcancer.
E. Endometrium is characteristically thick on USS.
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8. Regarding hot flushes in the menopausal period. All the following are true,
A. They are reduced by exercise.
B. They are less in obese women.
C. They are more in smoking women.
D. The best treatment is HRT.
E. Itusuallydisappearsin1month.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. Which of the following is NOT a physical finding associated with the
A. Atrophic vaginitis.
B. Clitoromegaly.
C. Vaginal stenosis.
D. Small labia minora.
E. Amenorrhea.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
(DUB, Menoorrhagia and PMB)
3. After menopause
A. There is increase vaginal acidity.
B. Gonadotropins level falls.
C. There is increase in bone density.
D. The size of an existing fibroid increases.
E. Anypostmenopausalbleedingshouldbeinvestigatedbyendometrial
4. Menorrhagia is:
A. Intermittent irregular vaginal bleeding
B. Commonly presents as postmenopausal bleeding
C. Heavymenstrualcyclemorethan80ml
D. Infrequent spaced cycles every 45 days
E. The main presentation in case of Asherman Syndrome
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8. Menorrhagia :
A. progesteronemedicatedIUCDcantreatthiscondition
B. D&C are not required for diagnosis & management of the patient above
40 years or more
C. Asherman syndrome is the main cause
12. Initial management for patient with post menopausal bleeding is:
A. pap smear.
B. Ultrasound.
C. CT scan.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. D & C.
E. History&physicalexamination.
18. The initial attempt to control uterine bleeding due to blood dyscrasia
(Prothrombin deficiency) after ruling out anatomic lesions should be:
A. Hysterectomy.
B. D& C & hysterectomy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Cyclic estrogens.
D. Oralcontraceptives.
E. Pregnancy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Regarding Adenomyosis:
A. Is the presence of endometrial glands and stroma out side the uterus
B. Can be diagnosed by D&C
C. Can be detected by hysteroscopy
D. Cancauseseveredysmenorrhea E.
Can cause infertility
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
7. Regarding Endometriosis :
A. is the presence of endometrial tissue in the myometrium
B. The liver is the most common site
C. Implantation,lymphatic–vascularmetastasis&coelmicmetaplasiaare the
D. OCP are contraindicated as they worsen the symptom
E. Is best treatment by avoiding the pregnancy
8. Pelvic endometriosis :
A. Is a cause of 1ry dysmenorrheal
B. Associated with excessive vaginal discharge
C. Associated with prolonged use of IUCD
D. Combined OCP are predisposing factor
E. Canbediagnosedbylaparoscopy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
14. Endometriosis is :
A. The presence of endometrial glands outside the uterus.
B. The presence of endometrial stroma outside the uterus.
C. Thepresenceofendometrialglands&Stromaoutsidetheuterus.
D. A disease of menopause.
E. Hyperplasia of normally located endometrium.
17. Each of the following can be a treatment modality for endometriosis EXCEPT :
A. Depoprovera medroxy progesterone
B. GnRH analogues
C. Estrogenskinpatches D.
Oral contraceptive pills E.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
20. The diagnosis of endometriosis is often strongly suspected from patient's initial
history expressing the following EXCEPT:
A. Infertility
B. Dysmenorrhea.
C. Vaginaldryness.
D. Dyspareunia.
E. Chronic Pelvic pain.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
3. 16 year old single girl presented with a mass in the pelvis was detected
clinically all the following investigation can be done , EXCEPT :
B. Laparoscopy
C. PAPsmear
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. The Commonest uterine fibroid to cause excessive bleeding is :
A. Submucousfibroid.
B. Subserous fibroid.
C. Intramural fibroid.
D. Cervical fibroid.
E. Broad ligament fibroid.
2. Acceptable treatment for uterine fibroids includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. No treatment.
B. Myomectomyduringpregnancyifreddegenerationoccurs.
C. Myomectomy.
D. Hysterectomy.
E. GnRH agonist.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
7. Uterine fibroid:
A. Commonly associated with endometriosis
B. Are tumors of Striated muscle.
C. Commonly present with post menopausal bleeding
D. Associated with multiparty
E. progesteronedependenttumor
9. Regarding Submucous uterine fibroids all of the following are correct EXCEPT:
A. May become polypoidal.
B. Can become infected.
C. Frequentlycauseinfertility.
D. Often present with menorrhagia.
E. Can be removed hysteroscopically.
10. Regarding uterine leiomyomata may undergo the following changes EXCEPT:
A. Hyaline degeneration.
B. Squamousmetaplasia.
C. Atrophy.
D. Calcification.
E. Sarcomatous change.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
15. A 20 year old lady pregnant in 1st trimester came complaining of lower
abdominal pain, in examination a mass continued with the uterus was found
what is the diagnosis:
A. Reddegenerationoffibroid
B. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Uterine rupture
D. Rupture placenta
E. Placenta previa
17. Acceptable treatment for uterine fibroids include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. No treatment.
B. Myomectomy during pregnancy if red degeneration occurs.
C. Myomectomy.
D. Hysterectomy.
E. GnRH agonists.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Shouldberemovedsurgicallyifitbecomessymptomatic.
E. May cause postpartum hemorrhage.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Which of the following is an early symptom of ovarian cancer?
A. Pelvic pain.
B. Bloating.
C. Dysuria.
D. Constipation.
E. It'susuallyasymptomatic.
5. The following are Suspicious criteria for malignancy in ovarian tumors EXCEPT:
A. Presence of Ascites.
B. Presence of cachexia.
C. Edema of the lower limbs.
D. Bilateralism.
E. ElevatedserumEstradiol.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. The tumor marker secreted by Endodermal sinus (yolk sac) tumor is
A. Alpha-Fetoprotein.
B. hCG.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. Which of the following types of cancer is the leading cause death form
gynecologic neoplasm:
A. Ovarian .
B. Uterine.
C. Cervical.
D. Vaginal.
E. Vulvar.
16. Which of the following ovarian tumors are thought to be derived from ovarian
germinal epithelium:
A. Dysgerminoma.
B. Fibroma.
C. Theca cell.
D. Endometrioid.
E. Germ cell tumors.
19. You are called to the operating room to evaluate a pelvic mass in infant girl.
Laparoscopy shows a 3-cm cystic mass in the broad ligament between the
fallopian tube & the Ovarian hilum. You recommend:
A. Observation.
B. Cyst aspiration.
C. Cystectomy.
D. Adenxectomy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Laparotomy.
20. The staging of Ovarian carcinoma is based upon which of the following:
A. Pelvic examination.
B. CT imaging of the abdomen & pelvis.
C. Paracentesis of ascetic fluid.
D. Surgicalevaluationoftheextentofintraabdominaldiseases.
E. Barium enema.
21. The commonest site for metastasis form ovarian carcinoma is:
A. Pouch of Douglus.
B. Liver.
C. Uterus.
D. Peritoneum.
E. Bone.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. In patient with endometrial cancer and less than 50% myometrial invasion, the
stage is at least:
A. IA.
B. IB.
C. IC.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Historyoforalcontraceptivepills
E. Obesity
8. Which of the following types of endometrial carcinoma has the BEST prognosis:
A. Adenosquamous carcinoma.
B. Clear-cell adenocarcinoma.
C. Serous carcinoma.
D. Secretorycarcinoma.
E. Squamous-cell carcinoma.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Screening is most effective in preventing which of the following cancers:
A. Vulva.
B. Cervix.
C. Endometrial.
D. Ovary.
E. Fallopian tube.
5. 28 year old lady P3+2 presented to the clinic with history of irregular menstrual
cycle for 2 months, no history of post-coital bleeding. She had pap smear which
showed high grade squamous cell intraepithelial lesion (CIN II). The proper
management is:
A. Follow up & repeat pap smear after 6 months.
B. Laserconebiopsy.
C. Examination under anesthesia & (D&C)
D. Colposcopic assessment & pelvic biopsy.
E. Cryotherapy & antibiotic.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
9. Significant risk factor for cervical cancer are all of the following EXCEPT:
A. 1st sexual intercourse at a young age.
C. Cigarette smoking.
D. Human papilloma virus.
E. HIV-seropositivity.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
6. After the β-hCG titer becomes undetectable, the patient treated for
Hydatiform mole should be followed with monthly titers for a period of:
A. 3 months.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
B. 6 months.
C. 1year.
D. 2 years.
E. 5 years.
7. What is the most frequent site for metastasis from a malignant gestational
trophoblastic neoplasms:
A. Brain.
B. Liver.
C. Kidneys.
D. Vulva.
E. Lung. (cannon balls appearance).
8. If you find that a 25 –year- old patient with amenorrhea of 18 weeks duration
had an elevated serum hCG, and absent fetal heart & movement and uterine
size 28 weeks which of the following would be the most likely diagnosis ?
A. Normal pregnancy
B. Hydatiformmole
C. Twin pregnancy
D. Missed abortion
E. Ovarian carcinoma (primary)
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
Collected by
Musaad H. AlHamzah
1. All the following characteristics are applied to a pelvis favorable to vaginal delivery
A. Sacral promontory can not be felt.
B. Obstetric conjugate is less than 10 cm. √
C. Ischial spines are not prominent.
D. Subpubic arch accepts 2 fingers.
E. Intertuberous diameter accepts 4 knuckles on pelvic exam.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
8. All of the following antihypertensives are considered safe for short term use in
pregnancy EXCEPT:
A. Captopril. √
B. Methyldopa.
C. Hydralazine.
D. Nifedipine.
E. Labetalol.
9. Postmenopausal women:
A. Malignancy is the commonest cause of postmenopausal bleeding.
B. FSH and LH are characteristically low.
C. Fibroid uterus tends to grow bigger.
D. Hormonal replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer. √
E. Endometrium is characteristically thick on USS.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Vasa previa.
E. Rh isoimmunization. √
12. Postpartum hemorrhage can occur due to all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Fetal macrosomia.
B. Polyhydramnios.
C. Placenta brevia.
D. Abruptio placenta.
E. Postdate pregnancy. √
13. Indications for instrumental delivery include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Prolonged second stage of labor.
B. Fetal distress.
C. Transverse lie. √
D. Breech presentation.
E. Maternal cardiac disease.
14. The peripheral tissues resistance to insulin in pregnant women is mediated by:
A. Human chorionic gonadotropin.
B. Human placental lactogen. √
C. Growth hormone.
D. Luteinizing hormone.
E. Follicle stimulating hormone.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
20. The differential diagnosis of vulvar swelling includes all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Bartholin's cyst.
B. Hematoma.
C. Condyloma.
D. Nabothian cyst. √
E. Papilloma.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
24. Management of a patient with threatened abortion includes all the followings
A. Ultrasound.
B. Physical exam.
D. Detailed menstrual history.
E. Immediate dilation and curettage. √
26. Risk factors for shoulder dystocia include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Maternal obesity.
B. Macrosomia.
C. Maternal diabetes.
D. Prolonged second stage of labor.
E. IUGR. √
28. While evaluating a 30-year-old woman for infertility, you diagnosed a bicornuate
uterus. You explain that additional testing is necessary because of the woman's
increased risk of congenital anomalies in which system?
A. Skeletal.
B. Hematopoietic.
C. Urinary. √
D. Central nervous.
E. Tracheoesophageal.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
30. A 48-year-woman who had two normal pregnancies 13 and 15 years ago presents
with the complaint of amenorrhea for 7 months. She expresses the desire to
become pregnant again. After exclusion of pregnancy, which of the following tests
is next indicated in the evaluation of this patient's amenorrhea?
A. Hysterosalpingogram.
B. Endometrial biopsy.
C. Thyroid function test.
D. Testosterone and DHAS levels.
E. LH and FSH levels. √
32. The following statements about multiple pregnancy are true EXCEPT:
A. Its occurrence in West Africa.
B. Its incidence is increased by increased age and parity.
C. Twin to twin transfusion common in monochorionic twins.
D. Can be diagnosed by ultrasound only after 12 weeks. √
E. Associated with induction of ovulation.
34. The test used to diagnose ovulation on day 21 in a 28 days menstrual cycle is:
A. Estrogen.
C. Progestrone. √
D. LH.
E. Prolactin.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
38. Which of the following terms best describes the pelvic type of small posterior
saggital diameter, convergent sidewalls, prominent ischial spines, and narrow
pubic arch?
A. Android. √
B. Gynecoid.
C. Anthropoid.
D. Platypelloid.
E. Mixed.
40. Prerequisites for instrumental delivery include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Cephalic presentation.
B. Engaged head.
C. Full dilation of the cervix.
D. Rupture of membranes.
E. The presence of epidural analgesia. √
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
42. Components of biophysical profile in addition to nonstress test include all the
followings EXCEPT:
A. Fetal movement.
B. Placental thickness. √
C. Fetal tone.
D. Fetal breathing movement.
E. Amniotic fluid pocket depth.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
48. Diabetes in pregnancy can cause all the following congenital anomalies EXCEPT:
A. Sacral agenesis.
B. Central nervous system abnormalities.
C. Lower limb hypoplasia.
D. Congenital heart disease.
E. Yellow teeth discoloration. √
50. Regarding missed abortion, all of the followings are correct EXCEPT:
A. The patient may present with loss of pregnancy symptoms.
B. Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptoms.
C. Immediate evacuation should be done once the diagnosis is made. √
D. DIC may occur as a sequela.
E. Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
55. In polycystic ovary syndrome patients, all the followings are true EXCEPT:
A. They are usually underweight with low body mass index. √
B. They have hirsutism.
C. They have oligomenorrhea.
D. They have high prolactin level.
E. They have subfertility.
56. All the following prenatal infections cause fetal anomalies EXCEPT:
A. HIV. √
B. Toxoplasmosis.
D. Rubella.
E. Syphilis.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
63. Development of the embryo in the early pregnancy is best measured by:
A. CRL. √
B. HC.
C. AC.
D. FL.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
70. PET:
A. MgSO4 is the drug of choice for eclamptic convulsions. √
B. Exaggerated knee jerk indicates MgSO4 toxicity.
72. Which of the followings is a contraindication for oxytocin infusion to induce labor?
A. Irregular first stage labor.
B. Transverse lie. √
74. Menstruation:
A. Amount loss is 20-80ml. √
B. Contains shedding and fertilized ovum.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
78. A 26-year-old patient presented with secondary amenorrhea, and her FSH and LH
levels were high. Your most likely diagnosis is:
A. Premature ovarian failure. √
86. A 32-year-old woman with IUCD was found pregnant. On examination, IUCD
thread was protruding from the cervix. The next thing to do is:
A. Continue pregnancy
B. Remove IUCD
C. Remove IUCD and terminate pregnancy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
88. Which of the followings can cause primary and secondary amenorrhea?
A. Anorexia nervosa
90. All the followings are risk factors of cervical carcinoma EXCEPT:
A. Nulliparity
B. Smoking
95. Which one of the following perinatal tests is not routinely done?
A. Rubella.
C. Toxoplasmosis. √
E. Syphilis.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
97. A 48-year-old, P6+0, presented with dysmenorrhea and deep dyspareunia. The
most likely diagnosis is:
A. Leiomyoma.
B. Adenomyosis. √
D. Endometrial cancer.
98. A 28-year-old woman presented with menorrhagia. All the followings are choices
of treatment EXCEPT:
A. Hysterectomy.
102. A young patient feels pain two weeks before menses starts. This is called:
A. Dysmenorrhea.
B. Dyspareunia.
C. Mittelschmerz ovarian pain. √
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
104. A 16-year-old girl with an adnexal mass, all these investigations should be done
D. Laparoscopy
105. Uterus:
A. Undergoes hyperplasia then hypertrophy with pregnancy
106. Fibroid:
A. Formed of fibrous tissue
B. Has a definite capsule. √
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
ا ط تا
ان ء ا * • ا رة
ا و د &ن وا و.. م ا د رة# ر م$% و.. ا وات ا ا • ر زو
(د م و &ن و.. ن ان ء% '• &و
NB: read carefully about PCOS.. see OBGYN secrets page 40.
4. In DM:
a. Inc unexplained IUFD even in controlled DM
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
NB: why not herpes?.. if it says ACTIVE herpes infection.. then u can choose
10. Inc growth of baby (fundal height is not corresponding with the GA) +
polyhydrominos in DM:
a. Long standing complicated DM
b. gastationalDM
c. Spina pifida
NB: in long standing complicated DM, the baby may be IUGR with
12. Pt with signs of PET, 35 weeks GA.. (constant headache, proteinuria+2, HTN
160/95).. how would you manage this pt:
a. Admit & observe
b. Start a-methyldopa
c. Inductionassoonaspossible
NB: although b is right, but the only relive for PET is delivery!
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. Female with infertility for 4 years, Hx of myomectomy of fibroid.. which type of
modality is the most appropriate:
a. U/S
b. Hysterosalpigiogram
16. Pregnant lady with a Hx of pulmonary embolism.. 5 years later she got pregnant..
how would you manage this pt:
a. Give a low dose heparin during pregnancy & preperium
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
3. *Episotomy repair:
• Skin, fascia, bubococcygeus, transversalis
Too much options.. but remember that the anal sphincter &
ischiovcavernosus muscle are not included!
4. Labor is:?
• Changes in fetus position + attitude
5. *In vertex position which part of fetus is related to the symphysis pubis :
• Occipit
6. in labor:?
• inhaler analgesia in head delivery
• episotomy in crowning
• crowining is cessation b/w contraction
• internal rotation by pelvic floor muscle
7. EDD is:? (the term NEGAR or something was mentioned) >> not sure
• Calculate follicular phase
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
11. fertilization:?
• proceed by second polar body
16. *Pt with PROM developed inc temperature, inc WBC, inc fetal distress:
• Intra amniotic infection
19. *Pt with tenderness in the Rt renal angle, protein in urine, no dysuria:
• Exaggerated physiological hydronephrosis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
29. Pregnant women with recurrent abortion in 16, 18, 20 س دك )ى را ر م
(ا ص ا "!ث ور ا:
• Chromosomal abnormalities
• Uterineanomalies
1. First endocrine influence in 2ry sexual characters:
a. Secretion of delta-4 Androstenedione from the adrenal gland
b. Pineal body maturation
c. Pituitary maturation
d. Hypothalamicdownregulation???
“The beginning of puberty is caused by a decrease in high gonadostate
sensibility to prepubertal levels of sexual steroids. What produces this
change and timing is still unknown. However, it seems that the adrenal
(delta-4 Androstenedione) as well as the pineal may play an important role.”
Downregulation dec steroid sensitivity + feedback
2. Activin
4. Apgar score values given (2 groups, one at the time of the delivery & the other 5
minutes after) .. calculate the score of both.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
14. Major factor for the fetal RBC to cross to the mother:
a. Labor&delivery?
b. Spontaneous abortion
c. Low Abruptio placenta
NB: Because the dose we given after delivery is higher than other conditions
like bleeding “as far as I know”
16. Wt keep the corpus luteum after 14 days is: ' " م ا$% &د ا
a. hCG
b. FSH
c. LH
19. BhCH 7 days 300, yesterday 400: ( '/ وات ا$ )ا
a. Missed abortion
b. Ectopicpregnancy???
c. Threatened abortion
20. Spotting at 8th week.. (BhCG=320.000).. On examination, the fundal height was
corresponding with 14 weeks.. ur Dx is:
a. Molarpregnancy
b. Abortion
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
c. Ectopic pregnancy
27. Old lady, have 6 children.. with extensive endometriosis.. how would u manage her?
( ن ز.* د1را ت% )ا
a. OCP
b. Resection
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
29. 19 pt on OCP with a Hx of migraine headache.. her grand mother was recently
diagnosed with breast cancer.. & her mother had DM.. u will tell her that she OCP
a. Cause DM
b. Inc incidence of breast cancer
c. Incthemigraineheadache?
d. Cause post-pill amenorrhea
30. A pt got pregnant recently concerning about her pregnancy.. the radiologist said that
she was exposed to
250 microrads.. that will cause:
a. Noeffect
b. Abortion
c. Fetal malformation
NB: The threshold level is >10 rads.. & comparing to the above, of course It’ll
have no effect.
31. Scanty vaginal bleeding (too much) & papsmear is –ve: ???
a. Estrogentherapy
b. Colposcopy
33. the most common cause of death in .. * ق س.. ؤال$ ن ا6 ط شا/ '$
' ت9 &:
a. hemorrhage???
b. eclampsia
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
40. Thyroid:
a. Estrogen increase the TBG
b. Progesterone increase the TBG
41. Most common type of ovarian cancer in postmenopausal women is: ل$( و اcame in
OSCE too!)
a. Germ cell tumor
b. Sex cord tumor
c. Epithelialtumor
43. FSH: ط/ < ='& ر6 ل س ا$ ن6 ؤ ال$ ا
a. Follicular maturation
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
47. Papsmear revealed Cx Ca (CIN III).. macroscopically invisible.. wts ur next step:
a. Colposcopy
b. Wide excision
49. Old women, (healthy), DEXA was done & showed 3 standard deviation.. wt would u
prescribe or her?
a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Vitamin D & Ca
d. Bisphosphonate
52. Cx Ca .. how does it lead to death: (most of the options were reasonable but the
correct answer was)
a. Matastasis to the brain
b. Metstasis to the bone
c. Obstructionoftheureters nephropathy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
53. Method of Dx of Vasa previa is: (> و$ ل: $ ا رت6ن ذ6 ةر و/ : ا ر6) م ذ
a. Kleihauer-betke test
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
426 Group C, Girls 1431 - 2010
Collected by: Monerah Almohideb
Thanks To: Hanan Alomran, Aurobah Almufleh, Nada Alrashed, Basha'er Albloshi, Auhoud Assery, Afnan
Almarshedi, Lama Amer, Eman Almaghaslah, Nora Alshehri, Dana Albassam and Wessam Althawab
1. In prenatal infection
A. Rubella can be prevented by administration of rubella vaccine uring pregnancy
B. Toxoplasma is a virus
C. HIV virus infect the baby more readily when delivered vaginally than
caesarean section
D. Cytomegalovirus causes macrosomic babies
E. In HIV patient breast-feeding is encouraged
2. Uterine Cervix
A. Is the portion of the uterus below the isthmus
B. External OS cell lining is columnar epithelium
C. Laterally is attached to the round ligament
D. The cervical canal is covered with stratified squamous epithelium
E. Can be dilated with dilators without the need of anesthesia
4. All the following infection can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, EXCEPT:
A. Genital herpes
B. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
C. Chlamydia
D. Gonorrhea
E. Vaginal Candidiasis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
6. All these tests can be useful in management of intrauterine fetal growth restriction
IUGR except:
A. Fetal kick chart
B. Cardiotocography CTG non stress test
C. Chorionic villous sampling
D. Biophysical profile
E. Umbilical cord Doppler waveforms
7. 14 weeks pregnant woman had abor0on and she was told that it is a complete
abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
A. Uterus is usually bigger than date
B. Cervical OS is opened with tissue inside the cervix
C. Need to have evacuation of the uterus
D. After complete abortion there is minimal or no pain and minimal or no
E. Follow up with BHCG for one year
8. In patient with endometrial cancer and less than 50% myometrial invasion, the
stage is at least:
B. 1B
9. If your pa0ent is 8 weeks pregnant which one of the following USS measurement is
most useful?
A. Crown rump length
B. Biparital diameter
C. Femur length
D. Placental site
E. Abdominal circumference
11. Untreated patients with cancer of the cervix usually die with
A. Cachexia and starvation
B. Bowel obstruction → this is in ovarian cancer
C. Renal failure and uremia
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
15. Regarding ectopic pregnancy, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
A. Is associated with uterine enlargement
B. Is situated in the ovary in about 0.5% of all cases
C. Is more dangerous when it is situated in the isthmus of the fallopian tube
D. Can only be diagnosed after it has ruptured
E. Is a complication of assisted conception.
16. Acceptable treatment for uterine fibroids includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. No treatment
B. Myomectomy during pregnancy if red degeneration occurs
C. Myomectomy
D. Hysterectomy
E. GnRH agonist
We will request it at any time → only if she present with amenorrhea, otherwise
we have to request the hormonal levels at 2nd, 3rd and 4th of the
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
23. In a pregnant female which of the following depicts the level of iron:
A. Transferrin level
B. Serum ferritin level
C. Haemoglobin level
D. Iron binding capacity
E. Serum Iron
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
35. All the following are true, about ovarian hyperstimulation, EXCEPT:
A. It can follow any of ovulation induction drugs
B. In severe type admission to the intensive care unit may be required
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
41. In patients with three consecutive spontaneous abortion in the second trimester
the most useful investigation is:
A. Chromosomal analysis
B. Hysterosalpingogram
C. Endometrial biopsy
D. Post coital test
E. Prolactin level
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
42. The predisposing factor to ( case of burning micturation, loin pain) is:
A. Hydroureter because of progesterone effect
B. Compression of ureter in the 3rd trimester by enlarging uterus
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. 45 xy
50. Hyperemesis gravidarum in 1st trimester is seen with increased frequency in all of
the following except
A. H. Mole
B. Twins
C. Missed Abortion
D. Primigravida
E. Patient with history of hyperemesis
51. Regarding missed abortion, all of the followings are correct EXCEPT:
A. The patient may present with loss of pregnancy symptoms.
B. Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptoms.
C. Immediate evacuation should be done once the diagnosis is made.
D. DIC may occur as a sequel.
E. Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis.
56. Which of the following contraceptive methods should not be used by a patient
with coronary heart disease?
A. Combined oral contraceptive pills
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
B. Male condom
C. Female condom
D. Diaphragm
E. Spermicidal agent
58. In patient with bicornuate uterus when getting pregnant can get all these
complication, EXCEPT:
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Abortion
C. Preterm labor
D. Abnormal fetal lie
E. Retained placenta
59. A 26 years old lady presented with secondary amenorrhea and FSH and LH are
found to be high, your diagnosis will be?
A. Sheehan syndrome
B. Asherman syndrome
C. Premature ovarian failure
D. Imperforated hymen
E. Pituitary adenoma
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
63. A 20 year old lady pregnant in 1st trimester came complaining of lower abdominal
pain, in examination a mass continued with the uterus was found what is the
A. Red degeneration of fibroid
B. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Uterine rupture
D. Rupture placenta
E. Placenta previa
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
69. The most common congenital anamoly associated with diabetes is:
A. Congenital heart disease.
B. Neural tube defect.
C. Sacral agenesis.
D. Renal agenesis
E. Caudal regression
71. Pateint complaining of dysmenorrhea and heavy menstrual bleeding what the
diagnosis :
A. endometriosis
B. fibroid
C. ?
D. ??
E. ??
73. At which week we can detect the first fetal heart (they add "we mean intravaginal
A. 12
B. 6
C. 17
D. 18
E. 19
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
75. What is the associa0on of ovula0on induc0on for fer0lity and multiple births?
A. Decreased multiple pregnancy
B. Increased multiple pregnancy
C. Increased only dizygotic twins
D. Doesn’t affect the incidence of twins
76. The most antigen which would account for fetal hydrops is
A. C
B. D
C. Keu
D. Lewis
E. Duffy
81. Risk and complica0ons of induction of labor include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Failed induction
B. Atonic PPH
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
83. 33 year female at 37 weeks gesta0on confirmed by early sonography presents with
moderate severe vaginal bleeding, she is noted to have placenta previa, which of the
following is the best management for her :
A. Induction of labor
C. Expectant management
D. Artificial rupture of membrane
E. Give tocolytic drugs
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
93. The following are absolute contraindications to the combined oral contraceptive
A. Varicose veins
B. Ischemic heart disease
C. history of DVT
D. Diabetes mellitus
E. Age above 35 years
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
98. All these tests can be useful in management of intrauterine fetal growth restriction
IUGR except:
A. Fetal kick chart
B. Cardiotocography CTG non stress test
C. Chorionic villous sampling
D. Biophysical profile
E. Umbilical cord Doppler waveforms
1. Anti-D prophylaxis
A. Should be given to all sensitized Rhesus negative women after delivery
C. Should be given to all Rhesus positive women who give birth to Rhesus
negative babies.
D. Should be given to all women who's babies are Rhesus negative
E. Is contra-indicated during pregnancy if the women is Rhesus negative
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
12. Patients with the following conditions present with primary amenorrhoea
A. Bicornuate uterus
B. Polycystic ovary syndrome
C.Imperforatehymen D.
Sheehan’s Syndrome E.
Anorexia nervosa
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
18. The following values of semen analysis indicates abnormal semen quality
A.Volumelessthan2ml B.
Count of 40 million / ml C.
Motility 60%
D. Abnormal form 40%
E. Liquefaction complete in 30 minutes
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
31. All of the following associated with increase incidence of breech presentation,
A. Placenta previa
B. Mullerian anomaly
C. Uterine leiomyoma
E. Prematurity
33. Risk factors of post partum endometritis include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Prolonged labor
B. Prolonged rupture of membranes
C. Multiple vaginal exams
D. Prolonged monitoring with an intrauterine pressure catheter
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
34. Gestational diabetes is associated with an increase risk of all the following,
A. Cesarean section
B. Shoulder dystocia
C. Fetal macrosomia
D. Intrauterine fetal death
37. Mechanisms of Oral Contraceptive Pills include all of the following except:
A. Ovulation suppression
C. Altered cervical mucus
D. Altered endometrium
E. Altered tubal motility
38. Postulated mechanism of the IUCD include all of the following action EXCEPT:
A.Alteredtubalmotility B.
Altered endometrium C.
Altered cervical mucus
D. Cupper has spermicidal effect
E. inhibition of implantation
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
42. The most important reason to give antihypertensive drug for hypertension in
pregnancy is to decrease the:
A. Incidence of IUGR
B. Incidence of oligohydramnios
C. Incidence of fetal death
D. Incidence of placental abruption
43. Management of a patient with threatened abortion includes all of the following,
A. Ultrasound
B. Physical examination
D. Derailed menstrual history
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
46. Infants of mother with gestational diabetes have an increased risk of the following,
A. Hypoglycemia
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Hyper bilirubine
E. Polycythemia
48. Risk factors for pre- elcamsia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Elderly primigravida
B. African ethnicity
C. Positive family history of hypertension
D. Positive history of pre- elcampsia in previous pregnancies
50. Pre-eclampsia is associated with an increase risk of all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Delivery of a small for gestational age infant
B. Placental abruptio
C. Pulmonary edema
E. Cerebral vascular accident (CVA)
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
54. The following are factors affecting the choice of methotrexate as a choice of
treatment for ectopic pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. Size of the ectopic
B. Presence or absence of cardiac activity
C. Level of BHCG
E. Integrity of the tube
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
64. Risk Factors of gestational trophoblastic disease include all of the following,
A. Far East Asian
B. age under 20
D. Age above 40
E. Diet lower beta carotene
66. Hyperemesis gravidarum in 1st trimester is seen with increased frequency in all of
the following except
A. H. Mole
B. Twins
D. Primigravida
E. Patient with history of hyperemesis
67. In a pregnant female which of the following depicts the level of iron:
B. Serum ferritin level
C. Haemoglobin level
D. Iron binding capacity
E. Serum Iron
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
77. A pregnant woman presents with a placenta praevia of a major defect and fetus is
malformed. Which of the following will be the best management?
B. Oxytocin drip
C. Rupture of membranes
D. Induce with PG E2
E. Forceps delivery in the second stage to accelerate delivery
78. Polycystic ovarian diseases, all of the following can be seen, EXCEPT:
A. Acne
C. Insulin resistance
D. Hirsutism
E. Glactorrhoea
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
82. The treatment of cystocele in a 32 years old may include the following, EXCEPT:
A. Pelvic floor exercise
B. Weight loss
D. Anterior colporrhaphy
E. Vaginal Pessary
84. Which of the following is contra indication for delivery using vacuum extraction:
B. Second twins in vertex presentation
C. post term pregnancy
D. Occipito transverse position
E. Chorio amnionitis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Scared uterus
91. The best uterine scar a patient can have for Caesarian section is
A. Transverse upper segment
B. Longitudinal upper segment
D. Longitudinal lower segment
E. A T-shaped incision
92. The diagnosis of endometriosis is often strongly suspected from patient's initial
history expressing the following except:
A. Infertility
B. Dysmenorrheal
C. Vaginal dryness
D. Dyspareunia
E. Chronic Pelvic pain
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
1. Disseminated intravascular coagulation has a recognized association with:
B. Multiple pregnancy
C. Iron deficiency
D. Diabetic mother
E. Prolonged bed rest
2. In prenatal infection
A. Rubella can be prevented by administration of rubella vaccine during
B. Toxoplasma is a virus
C. HIV virus infect the baby more readily when delivered vaginally than
caesarean section
D. Cytomegalovirus causes macrosomic babies
E. In HIV patient breast-feeding is encouraged
3. Uterine Cervix
A. Is the portion of the uterus below the isthmus
B. External OS cell lining is columnar epithelium
C. Laterally is attached to the round ligament
D. The cervical canal is covered with stratified squamous epithelium
E. Can be dilated with dilators without the need of anesthesia
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Shoulder presentation
D. Breach presentation
E. Hydrocephalic baby
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
11. In patient with bicornuate uterus when getting pregnant can get all these
complication, EXCEPT:
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Abortion
C. Preterm labor
D. Abnormal fetal lie
E. Retained placenta
12. All these drugs can be used as tocolytic to stop labor, EXCEPT:
A. Salbutamol ventolin
B. Diazepam (valium)
C. Calcium channel blocker
D. Indomethacin non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
E. Ritodrine (beta agonist)
13. A 26 years old lady presented with secondary amenorrhea and FSH and LH are
found to be high, your diagnosis will be?
A. Sheehan syndrome
B. Asherman syndrome
C. Premature ovarian failure
D. Imperforated hymen
E. Pituitary adenoma
15. All these tests can be useful in management of intrauterine fetal growth
restriction IUGR except:
A. Fetal kick chart
B. Cardiotocography CTG non stress test
C. Chorionic villous sampling
D. Biophysical profile
E. Umbilical cord Doppler waveforms
16. 14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete
abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
A. Uterus is usually bigger than date
B. Cervical OS is opened with tissue inside the cervix
C. Need to have evacuation of the uterus
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
17. In patient with endometrial cancer and less than 50% myometrial invasion, the
stage is at least:
B. 1B
19. If your patient is 8 weeks pregnant which one of the following USS
measurement is most useful
A. Crown rump length
B. Biparital diameter
C. Femur length
D. Placental site
E. Abdominal circumference
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
22. Untreated patients with cancer of the cervix usually die with
A. Cachexia and starvation
B. Bowel obstruction
C. Renal failure and uremia
D. Multi organ failure
E. Cerebro vascular accident primigravida
23. Regarding cervical incompetence, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
A. Typically causes painful abortions
B. Typically causes mid-trimester abortions
C. Is treated by Shirodkar suture (cervical cerclage) which is best preformed
early in the second trimester
D. May lead to premature rupture of the membrane
E. Can occur in patient with history of cone biopsy
26. All the following are true, about ovarian hyperstimulation, EXCEPT:
A. It can follow any of ovulation induction drugs
B. In severe type admission to the intensive care unit may be required
C. The ovaries will be very small in size have unilateral cyst
D. It can diagnosed clinically and by ultrasound
E. Patients with PCO are at increased risk
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
28. Regarding ectopic pregnancy, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
A. Is associated with uterine enlargement
B. Is situated in the ovary in about 0.5% of all cases
C. Is more dangerous when it is situated in the isthmus of the fallopian tube
D. Can only be diagnosed after it has ruptured
E. Is a complication of assisted conception
29. Acceptable treatment for uterine fibroids includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. No treatment
B. Myomectomy during pregnancy if red degeneration occurs
C. Myomectomy
D. Hysterectomy
E. GnRH agonist
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Caesarean section
D. Expectant management
E. Artificial rupture of the membrane
41. The tumor marker secreted by endodermal sinus (yolk sac) tumor is
A. Alph-Fetoprotien
D. Inhibin
E. Ca 125
42. Select the most correct statement about fetal and neonatal IgM
A. It is almost entirely maternal in origin
B. It is approximately 75% maternal and 25% fetal in origin
C. It is 50% maternal, 50% fetal in origin
D. It is 25% maternal, 75% fetal in origin
E. It is almost entirely fetal in origin
43. The following statement are all TRUE about vomiting in pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. May be cured by admission to hospital
B. Is commonest in the third trimester
C. Associated with multiple pregnancy
D. Is associated with trophoblastic disease
E. Is associated with urinary tract infection
45. In cases with premature rupture of membranes, all the following are
acceptable in the conservative management
A. Frequent vaginal examination to assess cervical dilatation
B. serial complete blood count to diagnose rising of WBC
C. Close monitoring of maternal vital signs
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
47. Surfactant
A. Is secreted by type I pneumocytes
B. Are glycoprotein
C. After 38 weeks the ratio to sphingomyelins is 2:1
D. Its secretion is suppressed by betamethzone
E. Its deficiency lead to adult respiratory distress syndrome
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
56. The following have a recognized relation with spontaneous preterm labor
A. Fetus with anencephaly
B. Oligohydramnios
C. Maternal hypothyroidism
D. Bacterial vaginosis
E. Transverse lie of the fetus
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
Ob-Gyne 427 girls’ team
2) The patient is 8 weeks pregnant, which one of the following USS measurement is
most useful:
B. Biparietal diameter.
C. Femur length
D. Placental site
E. Abdominal circumference
3) Which of the following is the most certain method to determine that ovulation has
A. Basal body temperature.
C. Increase in LH
D. Cervical mucus is thick
E. Endometrial biopsy
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
14) Partogram:
A.Evaluatetheprogressionoflabor. B.
Is done before diagnosis of labor.
C. Is used by the patient to record the uterine contractions.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
30) PPH:
B. always ends with DIC
C. the most common cause is retained placenta
32) All of the following are fetal complications of perinatal Toxoplasmosis infection
B. hepatosplenomegaly
C. Hydrocephalus
D. brain calcification
E. chorioretinitis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
39) For low risk gestational trophoblastic tumor, which drug should we use:
B. Etoposide
C. Actinomycin D
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
43) All the following hormones are products of placental synthesis, EXCEPT :
D. Progesterone.
E. Estriol.
44) Regarding missed abortion, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:
A. Patient may present with loss of the symptoms of pregnancy
B. Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptom
D. Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation may occur as a sequele of missed
E. Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
49) The following are factors affecting the choice of Methotrexate as a choice of
treatment for ectopic pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. Size of the ectopic
B. Presence or absence of cardiac activity
C. Level of BHCG
E. Integrity of the tube
53) In patients with three consecutive spontaneous abortion in the second trimester,
the most useful investigation is:
A. Chromosomal analysis
C. Endometrial biopsy
D. Post coital test
E. Prolactin level
54) Gestational diabetes is associated with an increase risk of all the following, EXCEPT:
A. Cesarean section
B. Shoulder dystocia
C. Fetal macrosomia
D. Intrauterine fetal death
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
55) Risk factors for pre- eclampsia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Elderly primigravida
B. African ethnicity
C. Positive family history of hypertension
D. Positive history of pre- eclampsia in previous pregnancies
58) Diabetes in pregnancy can cause all the following congenital anomalies EXCEPT:
A. Sacral agenesis.
B. Central nervous system abnormalities.
C. Lower limb hypoplasia.
D. Congenital heart disease.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
61) With regards to contraception failure, the pearl index refers to:
A. Numbers of Pregnancies in years.
B. Number of pregnancies in 1 woman-year.
D. Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-years over pregnancy losses.
E. Number of Pregnancy losses in 100 woman-years.
66) All of the followings are risk factors of preterm labor except :
C. multiple pregnancy
D. polyhydraminos
E. placenta previa
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
67) All the following is needed to be functional in order to have normal menstrual cycle
A. Hypothalamus
C. Endometrium
D. ovary
68) All the following are true about ovarian hyperstimulation, EXCEPT:
B. Caused by ovulation induction
C. In severe types, admission to ICU may be required
D. Can be diagnosed clinically & by USS.
E. Patients with PCO has increased risk
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
75) endometrosis:
A. Cause preterm menopause
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Breech – breech
7) A pregnant lady has 10 live children and fetal losses in the following weeks (12, 29, 20,
18, 32).estimate her G,P,A:
G16, P12, A3
8) The largest fetal head diameter is:
Mentovertical diameter
11) the fundal height of a pregnant lady at the xiphoid process is at:
36 weeks
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
15) In endometrial Ca, the stage when invading less than 50% of the myometrium is:
17) In cervical cancer, the stage when invading the parametrium but not reaching the
lateral walls of the pelvis is:
19) A 16 years girl came to you with primary amenorrhea. She scores Tanner 1 in breast
development with normal developed external genitalia. The next step is:
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Convulsions*
31) Episiotomy:
A. Usually done laterally
B. For all primigravida
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
38) A pregnant lady present with a unilateral leg swelling and a suspicion of DVT, the
best diagnostic method is:
A. US Doppler* (not sure)
B. D- Dimer
C. Venography
39) Chronic pelvic pain is associated with all the following EXCEPT:
A. Endometriosis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
42) A patient with recurrent Chlamydia infections presents with infertility, it is mainly
due to:
B. Ovarian failure
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
52) A 16 years old girl with a pelvic mass, all the following investigation should be done
B. Hormonal profile
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
66) Untreated patients with cancer of the cervix usually die with :
A. Cachexia and starvation
B. Bowel obstruction
D. Multi organ failure
E. Cerebrovascular accident primigravida.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
These are the MCQs that came in the exam. We are not 100% sure of the
Good luck
Hala Alrugaib
2. The following statement are all TRUE about vomiting in pregnancy, EXCEPT:
A. May be cured by admission to hospital
B. Iscommonestinthethirdtrimester
C. Associated with multiple pregnancy
D. Is associated with trophoblastic disease
E. Is associated with urinary tract infection
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
6. In cases of androgen insensitivity syndrome the following findings are true EXCEPT:
A. Thechromosomalsexis46XX
B. Scant or no pubic or axillary hair.
C. No uterus.
D. Normal female external genitalia.
E. Breast are usually well developed.
9. What is the station where the presenting part is at the level of the ischialspines
A. -2 .
B. -1 .
C. 0 .
D. +1 .
E. +2 .
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
11. All the following hormones are products of placental synthesis, EXCEPT :
C. Prolactin.
D. Progesterone.
E. Estriol.
12. All of these drugs can be used as tocolytic to stop labor, EXCEPT:
A. Salbutamol ventolin
B. Diazepam(valium)
C. Calcium channel blocker
D. Indomethacin non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
E. Ritodrine (beta agonist).
14. The following has a recognized relation with spontaneous preterm labor:
A. Fetus with anencephaly
B. Oligohydromnios
C. Maternal hypothyroidism
D. BacterialVaginosis
E. Transverse lie of the fetus
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
24. The most common etiology for spontaneous abortion of a recognized first
trimester gestation:
A. Chromosomalanomalyin50-60%ofgestations.
B. Chromosomal anomaly in 20-30% of gestations.
C. Maternal hypothyroidism.
D. Maternal Diabetes.
E. Progesterone deficiency.
25. The most common mass associated with amenorrhea in a reproductive age women
A. Follicular cyst.
B. Corpus luteal cyst.
C. Benign cystic teratoma.
D. Leiomyoma.
E. Pregnancy.
26. Which of the following is contraindication for delivery using vacuum extraction?
A. Facepresentation
B. Second twins in vertex presentation
C. post term pregnancy
D. Occipito transverse position
E. Chorioamnionitis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
33. You are called to the operating room to evaluate a pelvic mass in infant girl.
Laparoscopy shows a 3-cm cystic mass in the broad ligament between the fallopian
tube & the Ovarian hilum. You recommend:
A. Observation.
B. Cyst aspiration.
C. Cystectomy.
D. Adenxectomy.
E. Laparotomy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
36. Which of the following neonatal morbidities is not related to forceps delivery?
A. Fractured skull
B. Sepsis
C. Nerve palsies
D. Cephalohematoma
E. Convulsion
39. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis are not generally used for tocolysis because
A. Are effective
B. Produce marked hypertension
C. Maycauseprematureclosureofthefetalductusarteriosus
D. Are too expensive
E. Are associated with lactic acidosis
40. Which of the following is the most likely causes of a fever in a women on the
second day postpartum:
A. Pneumonia
B. Endometritis.
C. Mastitis
D. Cholycystitis
E. Thrombophlebitis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
41. A 25 primigravida with 8 weeks threatened abortion. The US would most likely
reveal :
A. Thickened endometrium with no gestational sac.
B. Fetal heart motion in the adnexia.
C. Empty gestational sac.
D. Anintactgestationalsacwithfetalheartmotion.
E. Collapsed gestational sac.
42. Regarding Submucous uterine fibroids all of the following are correct EXCEPT:
A. May become polypoidal.
B. Can become infected.
C. Frequentlycauseinfertility.
D. Often present with menorrhagia.
E. Can be removed hysteroscopically.
43. In cases with premature rupture of membranes, all the following are acceptable in
the conservative management
A. Frequentvaginalexaminationtoassesscervicaldilatation
B. serial complete blood count to diagnose rising of WBC
C. Close monitoring of maternal vital signs
D. Ultrasound to assess fetal weight and amount of liquor
E. Monitoring of the fetus by doing cardiotocogram
46. Gestational diabetes is associated with an increase risk of all the following,
A. Cesarean section
B. Shoulder dystocia
C. Fetal macrosomia
D. Intrauterine fetal death
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. Intrauterinegrowthrestriction
48. The most important reason to give antihypertensive drug for hypertension in
pregnancy is to decrease the:
A. Incidence of IUGR
B. Incidence of oligohydraminos
C. Incidence of fetal death
D. Incidence of placental abruption
E. Riskofmaternalcomplicationssuchasstroke
51. GDM is associated with an increased risk of all the following EXCEPT:
A. C-section.
B. Shoulder dystocia.
C. Fetal Macrosomia.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
55. Postulated mechanism of the IUCD include all of the following action EXCEPT:
A. Altered tubal motility
B. Altered endometrium
C. Alteredcervicalmucus
D. Cupper has spermicidal effect
E. inhibition of implantation
57. Which of the following anesthetic technique will produce the greatest uterine
A. Spinal block.
B. Caudal.
C. Nitrous oxide.
D. Halothane.
E. Paracervical.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
64. The test used to diagnose ovulation on day 21 in a 28 days menstrual cycle is:
A. Estrogen.
C. Progestrone.
D. LH.
E. Prolactin.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. Spermicide.
66. Postulated mechanism of action of IUD includes all the following, EXCEPT :
A. Alterthecervicalmucous.
B. Alter the endometrium.
C. Inhibits fertilization.
D. Alter the tubal motility.
E. Inhibition of implantation.
68. A 38 year old woman is seen for the evaluation of a swelling in her right vulva. She
has also noted pain in this area when walking and during coitus. On examination a
mildly tender flactuant mass was noticed just outside the introits in the right vulva.
What the most likely diagnosis ?
A. Bartholin'sabscess.
B. Lymphogranuloma venerum.
C. Chancroid.
D. Vulva carcinoma.
E. Herpes infection.
69. What is the association of ovulation induction for fertility and multiple births ?
A. Decreases the incidence multiple pregnancy.
B. Increasestheincidencemultiplepregnancy.
C. Increases the incidence of only dizygotic twins.
D. Doesn't affect the incidence of twins.
70. case about pregnant lady came with brupto placenta + fetal death
induction of labor
71. case of 37 week pregnant woman came with severe bleeding + ultrasound showed
no placenta previa
c - section
72. all these infection came with abnormality to the fetus except :
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
79. hystosalpingogram:
I’m not sure I choose that it's measure the functional lf the tube but when I asked
the doctor about it he said it just shows the anatomy not the function
so I guess the answer is it used to diagnose the uterine adhesion
82. all of the following comes with separation of the placenta except:
fundus still high
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
86. fibroid:
can associates with malpresentation
87. fibroid:
most of the patient only conservative management
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
Collected by: Areej Almweisheer, Lu'lu'ah Al bakr, Rowayda Mishiddi, Deemah Al-Ateeq,
Deema Hafez, Alhanouf Alsughier, Batol Alshahrani and Hala Alrugaib
1. Early deceleration:
A. Associated with unengaged head of the fetus
B. associated usually with brain asphyxia
C. a decrease in fetal heart beat that peaks after peak of uterine contraction
D. indication of C- section
E. result from increased vagal tone secondary to head compression
6. dermoid cyst :
A. a germ cell tumor
B. are 20% malignant
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
13. 26 y/o women complaining of amenoriah and increased FSH and LH , what is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Premature ovarian Failure
B. Sheehan syndrome
C. Asherman syndrome
D. Imperforated hymen
E. Pituitary adenoma
14. A 16 years old girl with a pelvic mass, all the following investigation should be done
EXCEPT: *not sure of the History*
B. Hormonal profile
C. PAP smear
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
28. We usually do c – section rather than expectant management in premature rupture in:
A. No chorioamnionitis
B. placenta abruption
C. If the patient was 35 weeks
30. Cervical cancer – exceed to parametrium but not the pelvis wall, which stage is it?
33. Women who had Chlamydia infection 3 years back is now complaining of infertility,
which is the most likely cause?
A. Tubal factor
B. Anovulation
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
B. Fetal growth
45. A women is pregnant now, she had lost 3 fetuses in (2 at age 32 and one at age of 18
weeks of gestation:
A. G4 P2+1
B. G4 P3+0
C. G4 P0+3
D. P2+1
E. P1+2
46. Infertility:
A. You give rubella before stating the treatment
B. 5% of couples
C. Female factor is the main cause of 2ry infertility
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
58. Postpartum women with PPH and can not lactate her baby:
A. Sheehan syndrome
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
64. With regards to contraception failure, the pearl index refers to:
A. Numbers of Pregnancies in years.
B. Number of pregnancies in 1 woman-year.
C. Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-year.
D. Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-years over pregnancy losses.
E. Number of Pregnancy losses in 100 woman-years.
68. A pregnant lady already sensitized, you took an amniotic sample to see :
B. Kleihauer-Betke test
C. triple test
D. spectophetometer
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
70. A women complaining of sudden desire to go to the bathroom and can’t stop it:
A. Urge incontinence
72. A 25-year-old primigravida with 8 weeks threatened abortion, ultrasound would most
likely reveal.
A. Thickened endometrium with no gestational sac
B. Feral heart motion in the adnexia
C. Empty gestational sac
D. Collapsed gestational sac
E. An intact gestational sac with fetal
73. Regarding missed abortion, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:
A. Patient may present with loss of the symptoms of pregnancy
B. Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptom
C. Immediate evacuation should be done once the diagnosis is made
D. Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation may occur as a sequele of missed
E. Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011