Experiment 6 Kirchhoff and Power
Experiment 6 Kirchhoff and Power
Experiment 6 Kirchhoff and Power
To test Kirchhoff's laws experimentally
Basic Electricity Trainer
Power Supply Unit
Digital Multimeter
Power Cord
White Cord
In the last chapter we found that the same current that was produced by the power
supply flowed through each component in a series circuit. Each component has a voltage
across it which depends on its resistance value ( VRi; = Ri.I ).
As the sum of the resistances Rị is equal to Req (ERi; = Req), the sum of the
voltage drops across the resistors is equal to the total voltage produced by the power
V=Req. I = (ERi). I = (EVRi)
This relation, known as "Kirchhoff's voltage law" can be expressed in two
different ways:
the sum of the voltages present across the resistors is equal to the applied
emf: V = EVi
the algebraic sum of all the voltages around a closed circuit is equal to
zero: V + EVi = 0
In case of series circuits, the following formula can be used, obtained from the
Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws:
VRi= Ri . V/Req
This enables the direct calculation of the voltage across the terminals of any
component: provided its resistance value, the equivalent resistance of the circuit and the
voltage produced by the power supply are known.
In the last chapter, we saw that in a parallel circuit each component has the same
voltage across it, which is also the voltage of the power supply. The current through any
component simply depends on its resistance. (IRi = V/Ri = V.Yi). As the sum of the
admittances Yi is equal to Yeq(Yeq = EYi), the sum of currents in the resistances is equal
to the current produced by the power supply:
I = V.Yeq = V.EYi = E(V.Yi) = E(IRi)
This relation, known as "Kirchhoff's current law", can be expressed in two different
at any junction point (or “node"), the sum of the currents flowing into
the junction is equal to the sum of the those flowing out: Elin =Elout
the algebraic sum of the current present at any node of a circuit is
equal to zero: Elin = 0
In case of parallel circuits, the following formula can be used, which comes from
Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws:
IRi = Yri · I/Yeq
This allows the current through any component to be calculated, provided its
resistance value, the equivalent resistance of the circuit and total power supply current are
Checking Kirchhoff's Law for Currents
Connect the jumpers J25, J27, J28, J29. insert the mA between the points 29-30,
and the voltmeter between the points 31-32 to obtain the circuit of the figure
Fig. E06.1
measure the voltage V and the current I produced by the power supply
connect the ammeter in the place of the jumpers J25 (points 33-34) and J27
(points 35-36) according to the diagram of figure E06.2, and measure the currents
lA1 and IA2
insert J24.
Fig. E06.2
with the help of the ammeter's polarity, the voltages across the resistances R12,
R13 and the power supply voltage, define the currents I, IAi, IA2 for the node A:
Note the currents I, IA1, IA2 and their directions, for node A
(currents into the node are positive, those out of the node are negative)
move the ammeter into the place of jumpers J28 (points 37-38) and J29 (points
39-40) and reconnect jumpers J25 and 27 according to the diagram of figure
measure the currents IR13 and IR14
Calculating Current and Resistance Values using Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s Laws
Disconnect jumper J25 and connect jumper J26 to produce the circuit of figure
Figure E06.4
Adjust the trimmer RV4 to mid-position
Measure the current produced by the power supply
Using the values of IR13 and IR14 found previously, calculate the current coming
from node A which flows through resistors R12 and RV4 using Kirchhoff’s law
Apply Ohm’s law to calculate the value of the equivalent resistances of series
Knowing that R12 is 1kΩ, calculate the resistance of RV4
Experimental Verification of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Connect the jumpers J31, J34, the ammeter between 45-46 and the voltmeter
between 47-48 as in the diagram of figure E06.5
Fig. E06.5
Measure the voltage, V and current I produced by the power supply
Then move the voltmeter to measure the voltage across the terminals of each of
the resistors R15, R17, R18. Record the voltage across the terminals of each
resistor in the following table.
Calculate, using the measured value of I (Vi=Ri ● I) the voltage across each
resistor, and record those values in the same table, also
Add the different values Vi obtained
Calculating Voltage and Resistance Values using Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s Laws
Connect jumpers J19, J21, J23, the ammeter between 23-24 to produce the circuit
of fig.E06.6
Fig. E06.6
Adjust the trimmer RV3 to tis maximum value of resistance turning anticlockwise
Measure the current I through the circuit
Calculate the voltage across the resistors R9 and R10 (VRi = Ri I)
Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to find the voltage across the terminals of
Apply Ohm’s law to determine the value of the resistance RV3//R11 (R=V/I)
Q2 Can we now say that Kirchhoff's current law is also proved for node B? (allowing
for small errors)
1 yes, in this case too, Kirchhoff's law is proved
2 no, because the total resistance of the circuit is too high
3 no, because the 2 ammeters are in series
4 no, because the 2 ammeters indicate the same current
5 none of the above
Q3 Is the sum of the currents through the 3 resistors equal to the supply current?
1 No, because the 3 resistances are different
2 No, because the electrical power dissipation is too high
3 Yes, because it is a parallel circuit
4 Yes, because it is a series circuit
5 No, because the voltage is too low
Calculating Current and Resistance Values using Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s Laws
Q4 Which value of RV4 trimmer inserted in the circuit?
1 200%
2 100%
3 50%
4 33%
5 25%
Q5 Do the results obtained verify Kirchhoff’s law: V = VR15+VR17+VR18?
1 No
2 No because there is a parallel circuit
3 Yes
4 No because the voltage never reaches 2 Volt
5 Yes, although there are slight differences between the 2 total
voltages due to small measurement errors
Calculating Voltage and Resistance Values using Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s Laws
Q6 What is the resistance RV3//R11, approximately?
1 0 ohm
2 10 kOhm
3 1.1 kOhm
4 5 kOhm
5 900 Ohm
6 100 Ohm
Q8 A series circuit of 5 resistors R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 has a current of 13.4 mA
through it and its supplied from a voltage of 220V. Given that R1=4.kΩ,
R2=8.2kΩ, R3=220Ω, R4=390Ω what is the value of R5?
1 4.7 kΩ
2 2.9 kΩ
3 6.7 kΩ
4 326 Ω
5 15 kΩ
Q9 A series circuit of total resistance equivalent to 398kΩ is connected to a voltage
of 110V. Across the terminals of one resistors of the circuit, a voltage of 13V is
measured. What is the resistance?
1 110 Ω
2 13 kΩ
3 389 kΩ
4 47 kΩ
5 100 kΩ
Q10 A parallel resistive circuit, with equivalent resistance equal to 8.2 kΩ takes 750
mA from the power supply. One of the resistors has a current through it of 110
mA. What is tis resistance?
1 8.2 kΩ
2 220 Ω
3 5.6 kΩ
4 56 kΩ
5 10 kΩ
VI. Conclusion
I. Objectives
To calculate electrical power
To compare variation of power with increasing voltage
II. Materials
Basic Electricity Trainer
Power Supply Unit
Digital Multimeter
Power Cord
White Cord
III. Discussion
The unit of electrical power is defined as the work done in one second by
a charge of 1 Coulomb moving through a potential of 1 Volt. As 1 Coulomb per
second is 1 Ampere, we obtain the result that the power of an electrical system is
the product of current and voltage:
P= V∙I
The unit of power is the Watt (symbol W).
In case of a resistive component, the power dissipated in it, e.g. in heat
and/or light, can be calculated with the help of Ohm's law. The following
expressions result:
P= V2/R P=R∙I2
The value of a metallic resistor increases when its temperature increases,
and consequently with the power it dissipates.
IV. Procedure
Power Calculations
Connect J12, J15 and J17, the ammeter between 13 and 14 and the voltmeter
between 15 and 16, to produce the circuit of fig.E11.1
Rotate RV2 and measure the current through R8 for the voltage values
indicated in the following table
Calculate the power dissipated by the resistance (P=V∙I)
V. Data and Results
Voltage Measured Current Power Theoretical Power
(V) (mA) (W) P = V2/R
Summary Questions
Q4 What power is dissipated by a resistance with a voltage of 7.5V across it and 300
mA through it?
1 25 W
2 40 W
3 2.25 W
4 7.5 W
5 330 W
6 225 W
VI. Conclusion