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The play starts in each half with jump ball in the center circle. During play a player while handling the ball may: 1. Throw, roll. bounce, or hand the ball to another player. 2. Catch or throw the ball 3. Take or tap the ball away from the opponent. 4. Advance the ball by a limited dribbling juggling or bouncing taking any number of steps 5. Catch the hall while in the air land on both feet. take a second step on either foot. 6. Hold the ball for five seconds in bounds if guarding closely, while out of bounds, and for ten seconds while attempting a free throw. 7. Catch the ball in the air land on one foot, and take a second on either or both feet simultaneously. 8. Jump while holding the ball, provided that the ball is released before landing on the floor. 9. Touch the ball to the floor that is not considered a bounce or part of a limited dribble. 10. Use the rear foot as the pivot foot after a two-step hop when catching a ball in the air. B. PLAYERS, SUBSTITUTES AND COACHES Team 5 players and 5 (in some cases seven) substitutes, one of whom shall be the captain. Shirts shall be numbered on the front and at the back of solid color with 2cm in width. Coaches shall furnish the scorer with the number and the players as well as, the name of the captain, 20 minutes before start of the play. A player may not leave the court to gain an unfair advantage. Captain - Duties and Power shall be the representative of his team and shall control its play. Before leaving the playing court, for any valid reason, he shall inform the referee regarding the player who will replace him. C. OFFICIALS AND THEIR DUTIES The officials shall be a referee and an umpire who shall be assisted by a timekeeper, a scorer and a 24 or 30 seconds operator. Duties and Powers of Referee The referee shall inspect and approve all equipment, including all the signals used by the officials and the assistants. shall not permit any player to wear objects that, in his judgment, are dangerous to other players have power to forfeit a game when conditions warrant decade matter upon which the timekeeper and the scorer disagree examine the score sheet, approve the score and confirm the extra period of each half. have power to make decisions on any point not specifically covered in the rules Duties of Officials - Referee and Umpire Before the game, they shall agree upon a division of the playing court The officials shall blow their whistles The officials shall not blow whistle after a goal from the field or resulting from a free throw, but shall early indicate that a goal has been sorted by using signal 1 or 3. Time and Place for Decisions The official shall have powers to make decision for infraction of the rules committed either within or outside the boundary lines These shall but when they arrive on the court which shall be 20 minutes before If during the period between the end of playing time and the signing of the score sheet, there is my unsportsmanlike behavior by players, coaches and assistant coaches or team followers, the referee must record the incident on the score sheet, and submit it to the responsible authority who shall deal with the matter with appropriate severity. Calling of Fouls When a personal foul has been committed the official shall blow his whistle and simultaneously give the signal to stop the clock He shall then indicate to the offender, and the player is required to acknowledge this by raising his hand in the air If there is a flagrant case of such conduct, the official shall penalize it by disqualifying the offender from the game banishing any offending substitute Duties of Scorer keep a chronological running summary of the points scored. record the field goals and free throws made or missed. record the personal and technical fouls called on each player and shall notify the referee immediately when the fifth foul is called on any player. keep a record of the names and numbers of players who are to start the game and of all substitutes who enter the game. be careful to sound his signal only when the ball is dead and the game watch is stopped, and before the ball is again in play. Duties of Timekeeper note when each half is to start and shall notify the referee more than three minutes before this time so that he may notify the teams for a charged time-out. start a time-out watch and shall direct the score to signal the referee when it is time to revenge play. indicate with gong, pistol or bell the expiration of playing time in each half or extra period D. PLAYING REGULATIONS Playing Time two halves of 20 minutes, each with normally an interval of 10 minutes between halves Beginning of Game start with a jump ball in the center circle and the referee shall make the toss between any two opponents Interfere with ball in Offense An offensive player may not touch the ball when it is in its downward flight above the level of the ring, and is directly above the restricted area Interfere with the in Defense A defensive player shall not touch the ball after it has started its downward tight during an opponent's shot for goal, and while the ball is above the level of the ring The ball becomes dead when violation occurs Jump ball A jump-ball takes place when the official tosses the ball between two opposing players When jump-ball takes place, the eight non-jumpers shall remain outside the circle until the ball has been tapped Violation during Jump ball If a jumper leaves the jumping position, or if non-jumper enters the circle before the ball is tapped, there is violation which shall be called immediately by one of the official Goal when made and its Value a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through If, however, a player deliberately causes the ball to enter the basket from below, it is a violation Throw in after Field goal or successful last Free throw after field goal or a successful last free throw, any opponent of the team credited with the more shall be entitled to throw the let from my point out of bounds at the end of the court Decision of the game A game shall be decided by the scoring of more number of points during the playing time Game to be Forfeited A team shall forfeit the game if it refuses to play after being instructed to do so by the referee Tied score and extra periods If the score is a tie at the expiration of the second half, the game shall be continued for an extra period of five minutes or as many such periods of five minutes as may be necessary When game is terminated The game shall terminate at the sounding of the timekeeper's signal indicating the end of playing time E. TIMING REGULATIONS Game clock operations The game clock shall be stopped at the end of each half and extra period Time out a. violation b. foul c. held ball d. unusual delay in the game being resumed e. suspension of play f. suspension on removal of a player g. when the 30 seconds signal is sounded h. when a basket is scored against the team whose coach has requested a charge time out i. in case of injury Ball goes into play The ball goes into play, first, when the official enters the circle to administer a jump ball, second the official enters the free throw Janie to administer a free throw, and third, when in and out of bounds situation the ball is at the disposal of the player who is at the point of the throw-in Ball becomes alive a. After having reached its highest point in a jump-ball, it is tapped by the first player, or b. When the official places it at the disposal of a free-throw shooter Dead ball The ball be dead when a. any goal is made b. any violation occurs c. a foul occurs while the ball is alive in play d. held ball occurs or ball lodges the basket support e. any violation committed by a coach, an assistant coach makes a free throw a dead ball f. official’s whistle is blown while the ball is alive or in play g. the 30-second operator's signal is sounded which the ball is alive h. time expires for a half or extra period F. PLAYER'S REGULATIONS Substitutions A substitute, before going on the court, shall report to the scorer and must be ready to play immediately a. a held ball has been called b. a foul has been called c. a charged time out has been granted, or d. the game has been stopped, to attend an injured player Dribbling A dribble is made when a player having gained control of the ball, gives impetus to it by throwing, tapping or rolling it and touches it again before it touches another player Location of player and official The location of a player is determined by where he is touching the floor Control of the ball A player is in control when he is holding or dribbling a live ball, or in an out of bounds situation when the ball is at his disposal for a throw in. How ball goes out of bounds The ball is caused to go out of bound by the last player to touch it before it goes out, even in the event of the ball going out of bounds by touching something other than a player Held ball A held ball shall be declared when or more players opposing teams have one or both hands firmly on the ball Player in the act of shooting player is in the act of shooting when in the judgment of an official, he starts an attempt to score by throwing dunking, or tapping the ball and it continues until the ball has left the player's hand G. INFRACTIONS AND PENALTIES Fouls infraction of the rules involving personal contact with an opponent or unsportsmanlike conduct Player to attempt free throw When a personal foul is called, and a free throw penalty is awarded the player upon whom the foul is committed Procedure when a violation is called When a violation is called, the ball becomes dead. Throw in front out of bound The player who is to throw the ball in from out bounds shall stand out of bounds at the sideline at a spot nearest the point where the ball left the court or the violation or font is committed Ball in play it free throw is unsuccessful if the free throw is unsuccessful, the play shall continue after the last free throw following a player foul H. RULES OF CONDUCT Definition The proper conduct of the game demands the full and loyal cooperation of members of both teams including coaches, substitutes officials and their assistants Intentional foul An intentional foul is a personal foul, which in the opinion of the official is committed deliberately by a player Personal foul A personal foul is player foul, which involves contact with opponent whether the ball is in play, alive or dead .