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Research 2 Group 1

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“Does Technological Gadgets Affects the Health and Lifestyle of the Senior High School

Students in Our Lady of Fatima University?”

A Research Proposal
Presented to
Faculty of Senior High School
Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for

Ocampo, Rebver Ivan Bryant A.

Vista, Lux Mariah Heart O.
Pidlaoan, Justine Grace M.
Pimentel, Whel Jaztyne B.
Dela Cruz, Nicytess D.
Calves, Shiella Mae C.
Buhat, Isidrel Jean V.
Espiritu, Sherielyn P.
Cuyag, Nerissa B.

Group 1
Management 4

Ms. Mary Ann C. Cahanap, RPm




1.0 Introduction
Technology is the development and use of basic tools. Technology is the innovation of simple item
to be useful and make easier the daily task of people. During prehistoric age our ancestors discover a simple
invention of technology such as wheel which help them to travel easier and control their environment.
While in historic age more invention of technology has been discovered such as telephones, printing press
and internet that lessen our barriers to communicate with others (Grabb ,1823). We use technology to help
us to solve our daily problems such as in our house choir and also in our works. According to Webster
(1828) technology is the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area. It is making new
progress in an invention for a particular area to make that area more effective and efficient to the people.
Technologies is a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or
knowledge. Technologies is also the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor.
Although technology is very useful nowadays and it help us a lot in such particular aspects like in
communicating, accomplishing house choir with less hassle and doing work with fast approach using
internet and gadgets. There have negative effects of overused of technology that we neglect every time we
do enjoy and comfortable to used it. That negative effects maybe can bring us illness or diseases and maybe
can change daily lifestyle.
Addiction in technological gadgets is a habitual or continue repetition in one activity. That habitual
activity may lead to the people to the rare problems nowadays and that is having a negative effect in their
physical and mentally health. If most of the people didn’t controlled themselves in using technological
gadgets that will maybe lead them to the psychological problems such as insomnia, irritability and
depression (Young ,1998). Most of the people nowadays especially generation Y are addicted to the gadgets
they have, mostly is the mobile phones or cell phones, computer or laptop, smart gadgets and services:
internet those are the technologies that really lead to the people to be addicted.

1.1 Background of the study

Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by
the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. In this usage, technology refers
to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems. A gadget is a small technological
object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty.
Gadgets are invariably considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than normal technological
objects at the time of their invention. Gadgets are sometimes also referred to as gizmos. Technology and
human life cannot be separated; society has a cyclical co-dependence on technology. The use of technology,
depends on daily life and needs and demands. Humans use technology to travel, to communicate, to learn,
to do business and to live in comfort. However, technology has also caused us concerns. Its poor application



has resulted in the pollution of the environment and it has also caused a serious threat to people lives and
society. This calls for the proper use of technology. The biggest challenge facing generation Y is to
determine the type of future need to have and then create relevant technologies which will simplify the way
we do things. It is impossible to explore how each new advanced technology has impacted lives and how it
will impact the future. Technology impacts the environment, people and the society as a whole. The way
we use technology determines if its impacts are positive to or negative to the people health and lifestyle.

This research reports the findings of our study to establish the factors of negative and positive
impact of using technological gadgets in our health and lifestyle. In order the future researchers will
understand more our research and for the readers will know the effects of being addicted in technological
gadgets. According to Soffar (2015) that there are many positive and negative impact of technological
gadgets. In the positive or advantages of technology there are so many uses such as to travel, to
communicate, to learn, to do business, and to live in comfort. Technology also helped us to communicate
easily to our love ones and easy to send or receive important files that you need. However, the negative part
of technology are they don’t remember to socialize to other, they have not enough time to use their
imagination or to read and think deeply about the material and some people used the technological gadgets
to unlock privacy.

1.2 Objective of the study

This objective aims to help the readers to understand if does the technological gadgets affects to
health and life style of senior high school students in Our Lady of Fatima University. The importance of
this objective is to give ideas to the readers about the content and possible conclusion of this study.

The five main objectives of this study are:

1. To study the effects of overusing of technological gadgets in health and lifestyle of a senior high school

2. To make conclusions on why the student are addicted to technological gadgets.

3. To know how much time is being spent on using technological gadgets.

4.To make conclusions if the technological gadgets are having a positive and negative effect in health and
life style.

5. To help generation Y how to cope to the negative effect of being addicted in technological gadgets.



1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study tends to determine the effects of technological gadgets in our health and daily lifestyle
and to identify the effects which really affects to the health and lifestyle of a person.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographical profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
1.3 General Average
2. What is the relationship between hour spend in using technological gadgets and school performance
of the students?

3. What is the relationship between using technological gadgets and health and lifestyle of the

4. What is the relationship between hour spend in using technological gadgets and interpersonal
relationship of the students?

1.4 Hypothesis

There are negative and positive effects of technological gadgets to the health and lifestyle of
random Senior High School student participants of Our Lady of Fatima University.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted during the 1st semester of the school year 2018-2019 to identify how’s
the level of addiction on technological gadgets of the Our Lady of Fatima University: Senior High School
both grade 11 and grade 12 students (Quezon City branch), and to determine what are the impacts of it to
their health and lifestyle.

Respondents of the study are limited to all college students of said university. The nature of study
used a survey papers to the random respondents. The researchers did not force every Senior High School
students to participate in this survey. Although the research has reached its aims, researchers are limited to
amount of financial resources and time framework.

1.6 Significance of the study



This study aims to give the benefits, contribution and show the importance of this research. The
result of this research is significance to the students, teachers, parents and future researchers.

The result of this research will help the students to remain their awareness about their
responsibilities while using gadgets because maybe it may affect their lifestyle and health if they use it
irresponsible. This study also helps the students to understand the importance and the possible effects of
using technological gadgets. This research will be used as a guide and reference to them.

This research will help the teachers to give knowledge to their students and discipline their pupil
on how to properly use their gadgets so it may not affect their lifestyle and health. Teachers would able to
understand the different approach of the students to technological gadgets and the effects of technological
gadgets to the health and lifestyle of the students.

This study is also beneficial to the parents because it may remind them on their role for their
children. Because parents are the one who will guide their children on the proper use of gadgets to avoid
their children to the negative risk bring by technological gadgets. This study shows the possible risk it may
be happen if they don’t monitor their children. This research helps the parents about how they would cope
up with the common phenomenological issues today and that is addiction in technological gadgets.

This study is important for the future researchers because it may give ideas and useful reference to
them if they will plan to conduct the same study. This study helps them to get some information’s that they
could use in their research study.

Overall, this research study helps the students, teachers, parents and future researchers to overcome
the common issue in using technological gadgets and to understand the effects of it in health and lifestyle.

1.7 Definitions of terms

Technological gadgets- A gadget is a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has
a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty (power system,2009).

In this study technological gadgets are the main topic of our study.

Health- the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit (Mirriam webster,1828).

In this study those people who abusing the uses of technological gadgets might affect their heath if
they did not use it properly.



Lifestyle- A way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies, which they manifest in
coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments on a day-to-day basis
(Business dictionary,2009).

In this study lifestyle will also affected by being addicted to technological gadgets like in health.

Generation Y- Generation-Y i.e. the present generation is psychologically addicted to the social Medias
like face book, Twitter, Linked in etc. The addiction causes intra-psychic conflicts such as intolerance and
relapse among the youth (Cabral, 2011).

In this study generation y serve as the subjects of research.

Internet-is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol
suite(TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public,
academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic,
wireless, and optical networking technologies (Wikipedia 2018).

In this study internet is the common wireless connection that will give us more chance to access
anything in the world of technological gadgets.

Smart gadgets- A smart device, as the name suggests, is an electronic gadget that is able to connect, share
and interact with its user and other smart devices. Although usually small in size, smart devices typically
have the computing power of a few gigabytes (techopedia dictionary,2008).

In this study smart gadgets serve as example of technological gadgets.

Mobiles/cell phones- A cell phone is a type of telephone which does not need wires to connect it to a
telephone system (Collins dictionary,2015).

In this study mobiles/cell phones serve as example of technological gadgets.

Computer/ Laptop- An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form,
according to instructions given to it in a variable program (oxford dictionary,1999).

In this study computer/laptop serve as example of technological gadgets.



2.0 Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the in-depth search done by the
researchers and it includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions, methodologies and
others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and
similar to the present study.

2.1 Local Literature

Technological gadgets are an approach which widely being used nowadays. Through technological
gadgets students can use it in their everyday lives if its needed. There are tools we can use for studying the
present topic which is “Does Technological Gadgets affects the health and lifestyle of a student’s”.

According to Jimenez (2018) that using technological gadgets has a negative effect on health.
Excessive use of gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, and computer desktops can use physical and mental
damage to a child. A child will likely to become overweight and develop seizure and vision problems when
they spend too much time using gadgets. Also state that the thinking and emotional development during the
first five years of a child is crucial. Allowing them to spend more than two hours a day can impact
irreversible damage such as slow cognitive development and attention deficit.

According to O’ connor (2016) that a recent of com study found that the average adult clocks up a
whopping eight hours 41 minutes engaged in some form of media or digital communication, compared to
an average of eight hours 21 minutes sleeping in a 24-hour period. That means we spend more than half of
our waking hours staring at a device of some kind. According to O’ connor (2016) there are possible
negative outcomes that may affects on a health of a person who using gadgets improperly including Tech
neck, Sleep deprivation, BlackBerry thumb, Tunes tinnitus, E-mentia, Laptop laziness, and Screen strain.

According to Parry (2016), There are many studies that consider the negative impacts that
technology has on individuals. There are also studies which show the positive impacts of technology on
individuals. Other studies take both sides into consideration and reveal a balanced approach regarding the
impacts of technological services and devices. According to his findings “Technology has become
important in our daily lives” (Ramey, 2012). Technological devices may have positive effects on
individuals as creativity skills and strategic thinking can be revealed.

The following studies highlight some of the negative factors accosted with technology and the use
of technological devices.

“Keeping the kids busy during a long car ride is a cinch thanks to digital devices that will play apps,
games, music, movies and TV shows. But children often wear earbuds and headphones, and in doing so,



risk irreversible eardrum damage if the volume is too loud. Further, the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) confirms that computer screens emit low level of x-ray radiation. While there is no evidence that
this radiation results in health problems, the EPA also advises that you limit your child’s time with a
computer or tablet in on their laps and in front of their faces. Also, because enjoying digital devices tends
to be a sedentary pastime, children may be more susceptible to weight gain” (Walsh, 2012).

According to UNTV News (2013), There is an effect of over using technological gadgets to a health
of a person. They found a news in South England that there’s a child that who’s digital addict, because of
using gadgets improperly the child subject to digital detox. It will cost one million for digital detox. And
according to Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Using technological gadgets must
have a limitation. Because sometimes it is possible that they will copy what they see in any social medias,
also using technological gadgets can affect in study of a person.

According to Ventocilla (2017) People are living in a new generation now, which is everything a
person does is depend on technology. According to his research there is a good effect of technological
gadgets to a Filipino’s, but sometimes people using it improperly. He found that the positive effects of
using technological gadgets of a person’s life are people are quick to respond, easy to have a connection in
other people or have a communication in an easy way, easy to spread information’s, and by technological
gadgets it can expand your imagination, etc. And also there’s a negative effect which are it can affect on a
study of a person because of an online and offline games, and using gadgets person can be lazy, etc.

According to Bermudez (2016), That using technological gadgets has a good use in a classroom.
Technological gadgets can help in teaching of a lessons, it can help to discuss some lessons easily and more
creative. Many school in Philippines using a technological gadget, because by technological gadgets
students can easily find information’s.

According to Dela Cruz (2008), He states that many people are arguing about the effects of using
technological gadgets either it’s good or bad. Many people believed that using technological gadgets has a
negative effect in society and in a person’s life. Also there are many people think that it has a good effect
in people’s life because it can help in everyday life.

According to Solar (2015), Technological gadgets is being use in everyday life. But many Filipinos
using technology in a wrong way. According to her technology is very important, mostly in a students and
teachers. But whenever that a student has a homework they depend on internet rather to gather information’s
by books, many students didn’t read books because of technology. So according to solar there is a negative
effect of using technological gadgets.



2.2 Foreign Literature

Technology plays vital role in our daily lives. These include electronic games, home computers,
handheld devices, and different type of gadgets. Gadgets are popular in children and as likely in elders.
This paper presents the impacts of gadgets on children in positive and negative manner. Research has been
conducted in how gadgets impacts on cognitive and motor skills of children (Sundus M, 2017).

One of the biggest difference in the way that children live today is that they don’t get as much
exercise as they used to. This is because technology such as computers, smart phones, and television
encourages them to be sedentary when they get home from school, as opposed to going outside and playing
with others kids. Child obesity rates have risen drastically over the past several decades. In 2012, the child
obesity rate was measured to be 18 percent which is an 11-point difference from the obesity rate in 1980.
Since technology is full of stimuli and often requires paying attention to many different things at once,
children who play many video games or spend most of their time online tend to have less of an ability to
focus than kids who use technology minimally. Technology changes the way kids socialize and interact
with others, which can have huge impacts on their mental and emotional well-being. It has now become
common knowledge that high levels of social media use, in both kids and adults, can lower self-esteem and
create negative moods (MCOptom, 2017).

On average, students in the 2005 study reported that they spend 11 to 15 hours a week using
technology. Despite the increase in all types of technology, little is known about how these technologies
impact student development (Lewis, Coursol, & Khan, 2001).

As suggested by Mayer, Griffith, Jurkowits & Rothman (2008) the perception of display on a
multimedia application is a significant importance in terms of transfer learning. In fact, too much
multimedia stimulation can interfere with the deeper cognitive processing that is critical to learning.
Technological devices may affect the learning performance of the students in negative result if they failed
to use properly those devices in the right way.

Although this paper already discussed the negative impacts of the technological gadgets/devices on
our cognitive and motor skills, this isn’t to say that all technological gadgets/devices is bad or we should
never use it. Technological gadgets/devices are better sources for learning, entertaining and socializing for
the youth which can help them to distract from daily stresses of life but it should always be monitored and

A perception by colleges is that technology will have a positive impact on student learning.
Academically, computers allow students to communicate with faculty more often, which can improve



student-faculty relationships. Students claim to have a better understanding of course material through the
use of technology in the classroom (Arend, 2005).

Based on Dunn and Scott (2005) science and technology is the root of emerging innovations in
this world. For many years now, a person in this field of expertise does not stop to reshape the landscape
of today’s business world.

Continuing innovations in technologies can lead to organizational changes that range from
improvement of day to day operation and for easy access it provides for the end users (Forman 2007).

According to Muir-Herzing (2008) technology has revolutionized the field of education. The
importance of technology in schools cannot be ignored. In fact, with the onset of computers in educations,
it has become easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. The use of technology
has made the process of teaching and learning enjoyable.

‘Tools for learning’ believes that there is no single magical formula for motivating students. Many
factors affect a given students' motivation to work and to learn: Interest in subject matter, perception of its
usefulness, general desire to achieve, self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as patience and persistence.
With colorful and attractive graphics, interesting and illustrative animations, appropriate sound effects, ICT
provides multisensory stimulations and real-world experiences. Teachers using ICT in teaching process can
gain the learners' attention, motivate students to spend more time on learning activities with greater
concentration, and engage them through production work. ICT can extend the range of alternative teaching
methods beyond the conventional classroom e.g. self-paced learning, collaborative team or group activities,
and distance learning (Davis, 1993).

Dalton (1998) asserts that training is directed at changing people's knowledge, experience, skills
and attitudes. The scarcity of adequately trained and experienced analysts, software engineers, systems and
network managers, restrains ICT development education system in Uganda. He emphasized the importance
of training for the adoption and diffusion of computers in schools.

Internet continues to grow beyond our belief. About 32.7% of the world’s population has access to
the social networking sites like Face book, Twitter, Linked-In, YouTube, Flicker, blogs, wikis, and many
more which let people of all ages rapidly share their interests of the moment with others everywhere. So
the interconnectedness throughout the world is growing rapidly due to internet use (Tsitsika & Janikian,

As stated by Holmes (2006) “The Internet is neither an extraordinary communication tool nor
revolutionary. It simply represents the current stage in the development of human capabilities through



written language, which itself derived from the spoken form”. The statement only shows that advancement
in modern technology is at higher peak.

According to Papert (1980) implementing the use of computers as a learning tools for children are
the most adequate for them to create a great constructivist framework. He felt that using computers instead
of the traditional tools such as pencils, copies, and texts were not appropriate to modify and assemble the
ideas their want to discuss in presentation or in written works.

Based on Sandholtz et al. (1997) having computers as a teaching method in schools, many student’s
attitudes were creating a positive change. The motivation and their interest increased until the last day of
the week in schools because they are with computers. On work ‘Teaching with Technology, creating
student-centered classroom; the students’ enthusiasm become highly involved especially in doing their
assignment with the little assistance of course of computers.

Those individuals who are engaged in high level of technical activities through the digital devices
are better in performing cognitive tasks. The effective use of the gadgets may have positive impacts on
cognitive thinking and also makes them master multitasking (Ophir, Nass & Wagner, 2009).

Motivation is a fundamental concern among teachers and students. Motivating students is a

continual problem throughout education and although there are no clear cut solutions, there are several
strategies to help teachers with the dilemma (Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2003).

According to Taylor (2012) the technology can help to the hospital through monitoring the specific
needs of the patience. Also, technology provides a new invention which can help to the doctors for
successful saving the life of their patients.



2.3 Conceptual Framework

balance of

“Does Can change

Memory Technological an lifestyle
skills Gadgets Affects of an
the Health and individual.
Lifestyle of the
Senior High
School Students in
Our Lady of

It can affect
the health
Easier the
daily tasks mental

Figure 1.

The conceptual model of the study (figure 1) shows the possible, negative and positive factors of
using technological gadgets to the random Senior high school students of Our Lady of Fatima University.
The researchers want to know if this factors really affects to the health and lifestyle of the students.
Conceptual framework also consists of the idea of the researchers according to the topic of the study. Also
in the conceptual framework above consists of variables related to the positive and negative effect of using
technological gadgets to the health and lifestyle.



2.4 Research Paradigm

Demographic Profile -Interpreting what

would be the possible
of the students: effects to the Senior
1.1. Age High School students of
Our Lady of Fatima
1.2. Gender University in using
Gather, Collect data technological gadgets.
Independent by visiting the place -to know the reason
variable: where the researchers why SHS students are
conducting their addicted in
technological gadgets
research, Distribution technological
Dependent variable: of questioners. gadgets.
affect in health and
lifestyle of the - to know if does the
students technological gadgets
affects to health and
lifestyle of the

Figure 2.

A paradigm (Figure 2) uses an Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. It shows the inputs from the
research subject or participants, the process is how the study conducted, and last the expected output of this

The Paradigm shows the process of this study to determine if does technological gadgets affect to
the health and lifestyle of the students. The inputs are the subject who will proof the possible effects of
technological gadgets to them. The inputs in the first box show the profile of the respondents in terms of
age and gender. Also in first box consist of the variables. The second box shows the process how the
researchers perform the survey. As you can see to the figure, the second box consisting gather, collecting
data and distributing of questioners this are the process how the researchers gather an information and
answer to the respondents. The last box shows the output or how the researchers interpreted the possible
effects to the Senior High School students of Our Lady of Fatima University in using technological gadgets.
Last box also consists of the objective of the study. Additionally, several conclusions and recommendations
will be identifying after the researchers collected the questioners.



3.0 Research Methodology

This part of the study presents the systematic method on how the study is conducted. It explains
the design and instruments that were used. It also includes the reasons on how the researchers chose the
setting and key informants which are essentials to the study. In addition, it also includes the research ethics
that were considered while conducting the study.

3.1 Research Design

In order to create a well-structured study, researchers used quantitative approach which means
approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables and under
quantitative research classifications we choose to used descriptive-correlational research method.
Descriptive-correlational research methods is a systematic investigation of the nature of relationship or
associations between among variables. The questions that researchers presented here are closed-ended and
limit the respondents’ unique insights. However, researchers make sure that it can help to define the
importance of the study. The researchers divided the used of variables into independent and dependent
variables. Independent variables is variables that is being manipulated by the researchers and it is the
presumed cause, while dependent variables is variables that can change the other variables which is
independent variables.

3.2 Research Setting

The venue where the research conducted is in Our lady of Fatima University, Business Education
Building located at Regalado Ave, Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila respectively. It is the most
suitable place to complete the research in a time-bound manner because of its accessibility for the
researchers and as well as the key informants. It also has population and facilities that easily accommodated
the needs of the study. Additionally, this facility provided of enough number of responded needed in the
research study.

3.3 Research Subjects

Senior High school students in above mentioned are the respondent of this research. Which
they are the respondent fit in this study. The researchers gathered 50 information from the selected
senior high school with the age range of 16-20 years old, who daily used technological gadgets.
The senior high school students were chosen respondent because their suitability and convenience
for the study.



In addition, Convenience sampling technique was used in the study to gather data from the
respondent since we will approach them according to their available time. Convenience sampling is
a non-probability sampling method wherein the participants are readily available and agree to participate
in the study (Fink, 1995). The gathering of responses was done by going through room by room of the BE
Building of the university.

3.4 Research Ethics

The researchers can assure that this research study is not plagiarized and the references used in this
study are well cited. It is also solely done for educational purposes and not for the personal use of the
researchers. Moreover, the participants involved had voluntarily participated. The researchers protect the
anonymity and confidentiality of participants. The respondents had the option to choose in giving full
information or not to the researchers. The researchers informed the consent from participants to avoid
psychological distress and discomfort to participants.

3.5 Research Instruments

A questionnaire is chosen as data collection instrument by the researchers. According to Calderon

and Gonzales (1993), a questionnaire is a set of question which, when answered properly by required
number of properly selected respondents, will supply the necessary information to complete a research
study. The questionnaire included a variety of questions about technological gadgets and how it affects to
health and lifestyle of a senior high school students. The validity and reliability of the questions were
checked by the research adviser.

The questionnaire was designed so that most of the respondent could answer the given question
made by the researchers. The questionnaire was able to answer by placing a mark of check on the
appropriate space provided by the researchers to place their answer. The questionnaire consists of Likert
scale. The respondents rated the scale according to the scales used as follows:

3- Always

2- Sometimes

1- Never

3.6 Data Gathering Procedure

In the first phase of the data gathering procedure is the researcher conducted a test to 50 students
who are 16-20 years old and currently study at Our Lady of Fatima University Quezon City. The researcher



gave request permission letter to the Dean to ask for the involvement of the students regarding to our study.
On the second phase of the data gathering procedure, the researcher gave each students survey questions in
which the students answered each item reliably. The test given has particular questions that the researchers
were seeking out for. On the third phase of the data gathering procedure, the researchers have gone over
the data for review, interpretation and evaluation of results. Finding out whether technological gadgets can
affects on the health and lifestyle of the participants. After interpreting the data, the researchers discussed
the findings of the research moreover, the researchers were able to create a summary, the answer to the
aforementioned questions, and conclusion. The researchers have concluded and provided further
recommendation that help to improve this study on future researchers.

3.7 Statistical Treatment

In this chapter the researchers used Pearson’s r as a formula. Pearson’s r is statistical treatment to
measure the degree of relationship between variables. Individual responses were put in table for the
statistical treatment. The researcher used Pearson’s r as a formula because it is known as the best method
of measuring the association between variables of interest because it is based on the method of covariance.
The researchers used Pearson’s r formula to easy solve the relationship among the X and Y variable. So the
researcher used Likert scale as a relate on Pearson’s r formula. So first the researchers made a chart to better
solve using a Pearson’s r formula.



4.0 Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Every collected data should be analyzed and interpreted to inform the researchers about the
findings data analysis was done manually based on the information from the questionnaires. The
analysis focused on the Does the Technological Gadgets Affects the Health and Lifestyle of Senior
High School Students in Our lady of Fatima University.
Table 1.1

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Age

Age F %
16-17 years old 28 56
18-19 years old 19 38
20-23 years old 3 6
Total 50 100%

Table 1.1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age.

The respondents within the age bracket of sixteen to seventeen (16-17) got the highest percentage (56%) of
the subject’s population, followed by those whose ages are eighteen to nineteen (18-19) with thirty-eight
percentages (38%), and those whose ages are twenty to twenty-three (20-23) with six percentage (6%).
Therefore, the majority of the respondents are sixteen (16) to seventeen (17) years old.
Table 1.2

Demographic Profile of the Respondents In terms of Gender

Gender F %
Male 12 24
Female 38 76
Total 50 100 %

Table 1.2 Shows the distribution of the respondent according to their gender.

In terms in gender the Female respondents show dominance who constitute seventy-six percent
(76%) of the subjects over Male respondents who constitute twenty-four percent (24%) a total of 100%.
Therefore, the majority of the respondents are female. In the study, the result will come up with the most



of the answered data of the female students and least number of male students of grade 12 senior high
school students of Our Lady of Fatima University.

Table 1.3

Demographic Profile in terms of General Averages

General Average F %
80-85 20 40
86-90 19 38
91-95 11 22
Total 50 100%

Table 1.3 shows the distribution of the students according to their General average.

It shows in the table that most of the respondents got a general average of eighty to eighty-five (80-
85) with the highest percentage of forty percent (40%). Followed by eighty-six to ninety (86-90) general
average which got a thirty-eight percent (38%). And those who got of ninety-one to ninety-five (91-95)
general average got a least number of frequency with a percentage of twenty-two (22%). Therefore,
majority of the respondents having a general average of eighty-one to eighty-five (81-85).

Table 2.1

Relationship of hours spend in using Technological Gadgets and Academic Performance of the Students

Level of Academic Performance Decision

of the students
Hour Spend in using 0.11 The hours spend by the
Technological Gadgets Direct Relation and weak respondents in using
technological gadgets is directly
related to their general average
(0.11). Respondents spend more
in technological gadgets tends to
have a better grades.




Relationship of Hour Spend in using Technological Gadgets and Sleep hours of students

Sleep hours of students Decision

Hour Spend in using 0.01 The hours spend by the
Technological Gadgets respondents in using
Direct Relation and weak technological gadgets is directly
related to their sleeping hours
(0.01). Respondents spend more
in technological gadgets tends to
have a more sleep.

Table 3.2

Health and lifestyle level of respondents

Items of health and lifestyle TWS WM Verbal

5. Do technological gadgets affects your sleeping 109 2.18 Average
6. Do you think technological gadgets affect to 128 2.56 Average
the eyesight?
7. Do you skip family meals because of 97 1.94 Low
technological gadgets?
Total 334 2.23 Average

Table 3.2 shows the health and lifestyle level of the respondents based on their test results.

As seen in the table above, it concludes that the Health and lifestyle has got an average level in
verbal interpretation. However, in item no.7 it says that Health and lifestyle got low interpretation which
mean technological gadgets did not affect the family meals. But despite that, majority of items that answered
by respondents, the result is average. That explains that technological gadgets can maybe having a positive
and negative affect to the Health and lifestyle of a senior high school student.



Table 4.1

Relationship of hour spend in using technological gadgets and Interpersonal level of respondent

Use of Technological gadgets Decision

Skipping Family Meals 0.02 The hours spend by the

respondents in using
Inversely and weak
technological gadgets is
inversely related to their
interpersonal level in terms of
hindrances the communication
with family and friends (0.02).
Respondents spend more in
technological gadgets tends to
skip family meals.
Hindrances their communication 0.14 The hours spend by the
with family and friends respondents in using
Direct Relation and weak
technological gadgets is directly
related to their interpersonal
level in terms of hindrances the
communication with family and
friends (0.14). Respondents
spend more in technological
gadgets tends to hindrances their
communication with family and
Neglect their family and friend 0.17 The hours spend by the
Direct Relation and weak respondents in using
technological gadgets is directly
related to their interpersonal
level in terms of neglect their
family and friend (0.17).
Respondents spend more in
technological gadgets tends to
neglect their family and friends.



5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the findings that emerged from the study. The findings
presented and the conclusions and recommendations were made in relation to the problems in question and
directions proposed for future studies.

5.1 Conclusion

1. The respondent with the age bracket of sixteen to seventeen (16-17) got the highest percentage of 56%
among the subject’s population while the range of 20-23 subjects have the least percentage with only 6%.
Also, there is unequal distribution of males and female’s respondents with thirty-eight females (38) and
twelve males (12) equivalent to 100 subjects. So that, the researchers conclude that highly using of
technological gadgets really affect the respondents’ health and lifestyle. This suggest that even in the
younger age there’s so many respondents effected by using technological gadgets.

2. It was also observed that respondents’ attention using technological gadgets are in average to high level.
This means their skills in interpersonal, academic performance, relationship with other are on low.
Respondents have a confidence to express their opinions, social awareness and have good relationship with
others. They also have a behavior to limit the use of technological gadgets. But sometimes, respondents’
have a difficulty in focusing and understanding resulting to impetuous decision-making.

3. The researchers also concluded that the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of age and gender
doesn’t effects their attention by uses of technological gadgets. Hence, the respondents’ attention is not
predicted by or related to their demographic characteristics. The researchers conducted to 50 respondents
both female and male but majority of it is female respondents that got seventy-six percent (76%) and the
males got only twenty-four percent (24%) ranges from sixteen to twenty-four (16-24) of age.

4. The present study is a promising study in the sense that we are living in a world of knowledge and
technology. Changes in the scientific world are very fast. Keeping one’s speed along with the change is
definitely a challenging task. Hence, one must learn how to exercise control by using technological gadgets
because the researchers concluded and as result of the research presented there are average chance of
affecting the respondents' sleeping hours and may also affect their eyesight.

5. Know what is important and what is not important at a specified time. Knowledge management, time
management and setting the priorities of life should guide our behavior in using the technological gadgets
and services. The researchers concluded that technological gadgets does not affect the respondents' in terms
of skipping meals, hindrance their communication and neglecting their family and friends resulted to a low



5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings and conclusions in the study, the following recommendations are suggested.

1. Senior high school students who are ages 16-17 years old got the highest number of respondents
which could mean that the respondents are the ones who are mostly using technological gadgets or
in another words technologically addict. It is recommended for the respondents to participate in
some activities, like in school or outside the school without using technological gadgets. It can help
the respondents to relax their body and brain without using technological gadgets. And students
must not highly engage in using technological gadgets when it’s early, for them to avoid having
eyesight issues.

2. Females are the ones who are mostly using technological gadgets in their everyday life. So it is
recommended for them to limit their use of gadgets for their own health. Females or males must
put more time doing their homework’s or have a bonding with their friends and family to have a
strong relationship with them. And it can help for them to have a good health and lifestyle. Students
must prioritize or know how to socialize with others in person without using technological gadgets.
Because sometimes knowing a friend/s by using technological gadgets students are having high
expectations towards a person/s, so sometimes it will lead to a disappointment that can affect on
their mental health.

3. Students must exercise their mental health and also their physical body at least 3 times a week, to
have a good health and also nice body or good looking. And students must put more time taking
care of their selves, like putting more time on eating. Also they must have a lot of time with their
family and friends, because using technological gadgets while with your family or friends can ruin
something. And sometimes using technological gadgets will cause of having a stress, so it’s not
good to their health either mental or physical health.

4. Students must look and put more time on important things. And mostly students must know how
put more time to God. Because most students forget to talk to God before they go to sleep because
they are using technological gadgets. Also it can lead for them to sleep late.

5. For the parents, parents must teach their children to use technological gadgets properly. And parents
must look after them always when using technological gadgets, because some students doing bad
things while using technological gadgets. Parents must teach their children to know how to limit
using technological gadgets. And parents must pay attention to their children. They must discuss



properly the guidelines of using technological gadgets and the bad or good things they can get by
using gadgets. Work it out together and frame new rules on its usage.

6. For the future researchers, they can use this research paper as a guide to their thesis to the topic.
And it can help to them to have an idea for their research topic.


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