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PVC-O Pipes

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Material classification

The new generation of PVC-O pipes

Excellence in high-pressure water piping

01-40 EN2020.indd 3 07/04/2020 18:17:35


Molecular Orientation, a revolution in PVC

TOM® PVC-O pipes are the most advanced pipes for the conveyance of
high-pressure water currently available on the market, with a number
of exceptional features for this kind of application, thanks to the process of
Molecular Orientation.

PVC is essentially an amorphous polymer in which the molecules are located

randomly. However, under certain conditions of pressure, temperature
and speed, by stretching the material, it is possible to orient the polymer
molecules in the same direction as which the material has been stretched.

Depending on the process parameters used and mostly stretch ratio, a

When PVC with its amorphous
structure (lower section) is subjected higher or lower orientation degree will be obtained. The result is a plastic
to the orientation process, a laminate with a layered structure which layers can be seen at a glance.
structure is obtained (upper section).


Orientation Direction of
Process the Orientation

The Molecular Orientation process modifies the PVC’s structure by giving the polymer’s
molecules a linear orientation.

A plastic with unbeatable properties

The process of Molecular Orientation greatly enhances PVC’s physical and

mechanical properties and gives it a number of exceptional features,
without altering the advantages and properties of the original polymer.
Thereby it is obtained a plastic with unbeatable qualities in terms of
resistance to traction and fatigue, flexibility and impact resistance.

When used in high-pressure water pipelines this type of piping has a high
resistance and an extremely long lifetime. Moreover, the pipe is highly
energy-efficient and eco-friendly not only for the way it is made but also
because of its subsequent use. Other advantages include reductions in costs and
installation times.

For all these reasons, TOM® PVC-O pipes are the best solution for medium
TOM® pipes
and high pressure water networks for irrigation systems, potable water
supply, fire extinguishing networks and pumping systems, among other

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Molecor Tecnologia is a company committed to research and development, with clear international vocation,
which markets products and technology developed entirely in Spain. Molecor firm commitment to R&D, goes
beyond technology development and has been recognized with various WIPO PCT registered worldwide and
with deals with the most reputable public research and development entities.

100% specialization
Molecor is dedicated exclusively to the development of the latest technology applying Molecular Orientation
to PVC and to the implementation of highly efficient solutions for the conveyance of water under pressure.
Throughout his trajectory Molecor has received several awards and recognitions that have contributed
significantly to consolidate its presence and global leadership as a company dedicated to developing
technology for the manufacture of Oriented PVC pipes.

Know How
The effort of the company in R&D as well as its
exclusive dedication to PVC-O, have made the Industrial Certification
company fully acquainted of the sector thus support & Standardization
being able to provide support in all phases of
the manufacturing and installation processes of
the product.
360° support: Full support Promotion
during & Sales
• Certification & Standardization installation
• Promotion & Sales
• On-line and off-line supporting tools On-line and off-line
• Full support during installation supporting tools
• Industrial support
Manual Técnico

Exclusive products

Thanks to its worldwide unique technology, Molecor has exclusive products available to the market. In its
range of products, there are some outstanding diameters such as the DN500 mm, the DN630 mm, the
DN710 mm or the DN800 mm PVC-O pipes; products that have been turning points in the sector since
their manufacturing was unthinkable before the
apparition of the Molecor technology.

DN500 mm DN630 mm DN800 mm

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Cutting-edge technology for water

TOM® PVC-O pipes have been developed by MOLECOR©,
the only company in the world conceived and dedicated
entirely to researching and manufacturing PVC-O pipes. Our
manufacturing process is absolutely innovative and uses the most
advanced and most reliable technologies currently available.

Up until now, although PVC-O pipes are recognized as providing the

highest specifications, the technical limitations of the different
manufacturing processes and the shortcomings of those processes in
terms of efficiency were a barrier to the extensive use of this kind of

The technology developed by MOLECOR© means that these limitations

have now been overcome and it has also helped to make considerable
improvements in TOM® pipes.

• Molecular Orientation is achieved by applying the precise and

homogenous distribution of temperature and high pressures (up
to 35 bars) thanks to quality control checks carried out on each
individual pipe and throughout the entire manufacturing process.

• The TOM® pipes manufacturing process is continuous and fully-

automated (as opposed to the traditional discontinuous method),
Manufacturing process developed providing greater control over the end product and ensuring the
by Molecor© uses most advanced
technologies and it is completely uniform quality of each pipe.
automatized. This gives TOM® pipes
maximum guarantee and quality.

Maximum Reliability and Security

Thanks to the extraordinary technical advances of MOLECOR’s

manufacturing system, TOM® pipes offer the maximum reliability and
security, as well as other attractive advantages over other products:

• Maximum Molecular Orientation: Class 500, according to the ISO

16422:2014 and EN 17176-2 Standards, the highest orientation
degree offering the best mechanical properties.
• Greater reliability of the end product.
• Strict dimensional tolerances.
• Homogeneous behavior of the materials used.
• Reinforced socket, shaped during the orientation process.

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The most eco-friendly pipes with the environment

The environmental impact of a piping system depends on its composition and application thereof,
being the type of raw material used, the production process, the finished product and the pipe’s life
expectancy, the main factors that determine the efficiency and sustainability throughout their life cycle.

TOM® PVC-O is the most environmentally friendly solution existing on the market, due to its best
contribution to the correct sustainable development of the planet, as it has been demonstrated by
different studies worldwide, since they present environmental benefits at all stages of their life cycle;
thus resulting in the most efficient from the energy point of view.



Extrusion Orientation

CO2 Emisions

Energy consumption Recycling

Life cycle of the PVC-O pipes

Resources efficiency

• The exceptional mechanical properties of these pipes allow

considerable savings in raw materials. For the same external
nominal diameter, TOM® requires less PVC.

• Only 43% of the PVC composition depends on oil. Therefore, the

required consumption of this resource is lower than in other plastic

• Energy consumption is lower in all phases of the life cycle: raw

material extraction, pipe manufacturing and use.

Throughout its lifetime, TOM® prevents unnecessary consumption of

energy resources and reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

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Optimal use of water resources

Energy consumed by pipes Thanks to their long useful life and optimum water-tightness,
(raw materials + manufacture)
(kWh) TOM® pipes are the best ally for the rational use of water resources.

Water supply networks installed with traditional materials are
currently registering a leakage rate of up to 25% of channeled water


and, the latter’s chemical deterioration means that some water
200 conduits are currently being replaced despite having been laid only
150 a few years ago.
Water pipes must not only be resistant to pressure, must also carry the
DUCTILE IRON maximum amount of water consuming the least quantity of energy.
Energy consumed The extreme smoothness of the inner wall of the TOM® pipe minimizes
by raw materials (kWh)
pressure loss, so the energy required for transport is lower.



Hydraulic capacity

200 100%



Energy consumed
in manufacturing (kWh) 70%



10 For a 1m DN250 mm PN16 bar

The infrastructures created with TOM® pipes are an excellent tool for
managing water resources for generations.
Energy consumed
by pumping (kWh)


1,000 Waste Management Efficiency

PVC is a 100% recyclable material.
It can be milled and processed
as recycled material to be used in the
IRON manufacture of other plastic applications
Estimated energy consumption by with less technical requirements.
PVC-O, PVC-U, HDPE and Ductile Iron
piping production and use.
Polytechnic University of Catalonia,
Spain, December 2005.

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TOM® is a sustainable pipe, in which design it has been taken into account the preservation
of the environment considering aspects such as energy saving, sustainable use of natural
resources, durability of the works and environmental friendliness of the materials used.

As always at the forefront, Molecor, following the last common methodology for calculating
the Recommendation 179/2013/EC proposed by the European Commission for the Study of Product
Environmental Footprint (PEF) has evaluated the environmental impact of the TOM® pipe at all stages
of its life cycle from cradle to grave, ie from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of the
product, through manufacture, distribution and use of the pipes.

According to this, it has been studied the effect of the TOM® pipe on 14 environmental impacts
that are grouped based on the condition to the different means:

Air and atmosphere Water Soil Human health

Climate change, Resource depletion Depletion of resources Inorganic respiratory elements,
acidification, depletion of (water), freshwater (minerals), land ionizing radiation, effects on
the ozone layer and toxicity and water eutrophication and ground human health (cancer-causing)
photochemical ozone eutrophication. use. and effects on human health
formation. (non-cancerous).

Environmental impacts Absolute

Climate change 8.3E+01 kg CO2e
Ozone depletion 5.3E-06 kg CFC-11e
Ecotoxicity – aquatic, fresh water 1.8E+02 CTUe
Human toxicity – cancer effects 4.8E-06 CTUe
Human toxicity - non-cancer effects 8.6E-06 CTUh
Particulate matter / Respiratory inorganics 1.3E-02 kg PM2.5e
Ionising radiation – human health effects 5.3E+00 kg U235e
Photochemical ozone formation 4.1E-01 kg NMVOC
Acidification 4.1E-01 mol H+e
Eutrophication - terrestrial 1.0E+00 mol Ne
Eutrophication – aquatic, fresh water 1.6E-03 kg Pe
Eutrophication – aquatic, sea water 9.5E-02 kg Ne
Resource depletion – water 1.9E-01 m³ SWU
Resource depletion – mineral, fossil 3.8E-03 kg Sbe
Land transformation 1.6E+02 kg Cdef
Class 500 TOM® PVC-O pipes environmental footprint according to Recommendation 179/2013/EC

The best known environmental parameter is the Carbon Footprint, which

takes into account the greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere
expressed as CO2, and corresponds to the result of the environmental
aspect of climate change.

TOM® pipes have the eco-label Environmental Footprint FVS Seal,

promoted by the Sustainable Life Foundation and the General
Directorate of Social Responsibility of the Company’s Ministry of
Employment and Social Security.

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•• • A D VA N TA G E S

TOM®: The best choice

for high-pressure fluid transport

Unbeatable impact resistance

TOM® pipes have a high resistance to shock. This means that are
minimized breakages during installation or during on-site trials
caused by dropping or by impacts from stones.

Furthermore, Molecular Orientation prevents the propagation of

cracks and scratches and eliminates the risk of rapid crack behaviour.
The result is a spectacular increase in the product’s useful life.

High short- and long-term hydrostatic resistance

TOM® pipes offer a resistance to internal pressure of up to two

times the nominal pressure (32 bar in PN16 bar pipes or 400
psi in PN200 psi), which means that they can bear sporadic excessive
pressure such as water hammers and other malfunctions in the network.

Moreover, the material creep behavior is very low, ensuring the

durability of the pipe working at nominal pressure for over a hundred

Excellent response to water hammers

TOM® pipes offer lower celerity than other piping systems (four
times less than ductile iron pipes), which means less water
hammers caused by sudden variations in water volume and pressure.
This reduces and almost eliminates the possibility of breakage
during opening and closing in the water network and when pumping
gets under way, protecting every component of the network.

Increased hydraulic capacity

Molecular Orientation widens the inner section of the pipe,

giving TOM® pipes a higher internal diameter and greater flow
The impact of a 500 kg rock dropped
from a height of 3 metres leaves a section. Also, the internal surface is extremely smooth, reducing load loss
TOM® pipe completely unscathed. and making it more difficult for deposits to be formed on the inner walls.

As a result, TOM® pipes offer between 15% - 40% more hydraulic

capacity than pipes made from other materials and with the same
external dimensions.

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Maximum flexibility

Thanks to their excellent elasticity, TOM® pipes can bear big

deformations of their internal diameter. When crushed, or in
the event of a mechanical accident, TOM® pipes immediately go back
to its original shape, thus minimizing the risk of potential breakage by soil
subsidence or sharp edges on rocks or machinery, for example. And thanks
to their considerable capacity for bearing heavy loads, TOM® pipes ensure
optimum performance once laid underground.

Completely corrosion-resistant

Oriented PVC is immune to corrosion and to natural chemical

substances, as well as to aggression from micro- and macro-
organisms. TOM® pipes, therefore, are not degradable. Moreover, they
do not require any type of special protection or coating, which means

Total water quality TOM® pipes will take any kind of

deformation without suffering
The quality of the fluid that circulates in TOM® pipes will always structural damage.

remain unaltered, given that the material neither suffers corrosion

nor migrations within the pipes or in their coating. Mandatory tests such
as those made according to the Spanish Law, RD 140/2003, show that the
excellent qualities of these pipes comply with the required health standards
for water for human consumption.

TOM® pipes also comply with other sanitary certifications that demonstrate
its suitability for being used with water for human consumption, such as
ACS, WRAS or DWI, certifications in accordance with the health legislation in
force in France and the United Kingdom respectively.

Completely water-tight Locked-in ring seals ensure a

perfect water-tight fit.

Joints are 100 percent watertight and are guaranteed not to displace
once the pipes have been installed. TOM® pipes are easy to join and
can be installed by lower-qualified workers.

Lower cost and easier installation

TOM® PVC-O pipes are lighter and easier to handle than other pipes
made from other materials: in most cases, handling does not require
machinery. Beside this, due to the easiness of their union, flexibility and
impact resistance these pipes allow higher cost effectiveness, performance
and installation speed in comparison with pipes of other materials.
TOM® pipes are extremely

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•• • T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

The best mechanical properties

Tensile resistance

The PVC-O stress strain curve STRAIN-STRESS BEHAVIOUR

changes significantly compared Stress (MPa)
to conventional plastics behaviour, 100
coming very close to the metal ones. PVC-O 500
Mechanical properties complete 70

transformation of PVC-O compared 60

to conventional PVC can only be PVC-U
achieved in the higher class PVC-O
Class 500, such as TOM® pipes. 20 HDPE
0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strain (%)

* Circumferential tension values

Long-term hydrostatic resistance

Materials lose their mechanical properties when they are subjected to strain over a long period of time.
This characteristic, known as creep , appears to a far lesser extent in PVC-O 500 than in conventional
plastics, which means better properties over the long term. Bearing in mind that PVC-O is exceptionally
resistant to fatigue and has a very good chemical resistance, in common with conventional PVC, it is no
exaggeration to say that this kind of piping is capable of withstanding the pressures of work for over a
hundred years.


10 hours 1,000 hours HDB: 105 MRS 50 years

PVC-O 500
Resistance (Mpa)

PVC-O 400
PVC-O 355

HDPE 100

Breakage time (hours)

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T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S • • •

Piping and material mechanical properties

The following table summarizes the technical characteristics of TOM® PVC-O pipes in comparison
with other plastic pipes.

PVC-O 500
Product Standard Units
UNE-EN 17176 1452 12201 12201
Minimum required strength (MRS) MPa 50.0 25.0 10.0 8.0
Overal service coefficient (C) - 1.4 2.0 (1)
1.25 1.25
Design stress (σ) MPa 36.0 12.5 8.0 6.3
Short term elasticity modulus (E) MPa 4,000 >3,000 1,100 900
Resistance to uniaxial traction MPa ≥48 ≥45 19 19
Resistance to hoop traction MPa >85 ≥45 19 19
Shore hardness D - 81 - 85 70 - 85 60 65

(1) For pipes with a DN ≥110.

Other material characteristic

The table below shows other, non-mechanical characteristics of PVC-O 500.

Characteristic Units Value

Density kg/dm3 1.35 - 1.46 (1)
PVC Resin K value - >64
Shore hardness D at 20 °C - 81 - 85
Poisson coefficient - 0.35 - 0.41
Vicat temperature °C ≥80
Lineal expansion coefficient °C -1
Thermal conductivity Kcal/mh°C 0.14 - 0.18
Specific heat at 20 °C cal/g°C 0.20 - 0.28
Dielectric stiffness kV/mm 20 - 40
Dielectric constant at 60 Hz - 3.2 - 3.6
Transverse resistivity at 20 °C Ω/cm >1016
Absolute roughness (ka) mm 0.007
Absolute roughness (Hazen Williams) - 150
Manning roughness coefficient (n) - 0.009
(1) Although the standard allowance includes this range. TOM® PVC-O pipe is between 1.37 and 1.43 kg/dm3.

Characteristics of the water-tight joint

Characteristic Units Value

Elastomer hardness IRHD 60 ±5

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•• • T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

Unbeatable Hydraulic Properties

Hydraulic capacity
Water pipes requirements are not only related to pressure resistance; they also have to transport
the highest amount of water while consuming the least energy. TOM® pipes walls are thinner
than conventional plastic ones and are on their inside smoother than metals, which means that a greater
hydraulic capacity is attained.

Comparison of hydraulic capacity: TOM® PVC-O PN16 pipes vs other materials

(constant load loss)





80 100 125 150 200225 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
External diameter (mm)

Using pipes with a lower hydraulic capacity involves necessarily using a larger nominal diameter, which has a
negative effect on both profitability and infrastructure investment costs. Using TOM® means you get more
hydraulic capacity from your investment costs.

Hydraulic capacity/Piping costs compared to






80 100 125 150 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
External diameter (mm)
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01-40 EN2020.indd 2 07/04/2020 18:20:08

T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S • • •

Water Hammer

Water hammers occur when liquid flowing through piping stops suddenly when a valve is opened
or closed, if a pump is stopped or started or by airlocks shifting within the pipe. Water hammers
can result in an higher overpressure than the pipe´s working pressure and lead it to breakage, specially
when the pipe has already been damaged by impacts or corrosion.

Water hammers (P) depend on the celerity (a), which is the wave speed, and the fluid’s change of speed
(V). The celerity depends basically on the pipe’s dimensions (the relationship between the external
diameter and the minimum thickness) and the specifications of the material with which the tube is made
(Young’s modulus, E).

a∙V 9900 1010

P= ; a= ; Kc=
g Dm E
48.3 + Kc ∙

a: acceleration (wave propagation speed), in m/s

Dm: average pipe diameter, in mm
e: pipe thickness, in mm
Kc: function coefficient of the modulus of elasticity (E) of the material of the pipe expressed in kg/m2
E: modulus of elasticity, in kg/m2 for the TOM® PVC-O pipe: 4x108 kg/m2

TOM®’s PVC-O pipes have a significantly lower celerity than pipes made from other materials, particularly
so with metal piping. It is particularly significant the difference with pipes made of metal materials, in which
the water hammers effects can be very high.

Water Hammer (P) in bar Celerity (a) in m/s




20 800

15 600

10 400

5 200

0 0

Overpressure produced by sudden pipe shut down with water flowing at 2.5 m/s.

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•• • P R O D U C T D E TA I L S

A range for all kinds of applications

TOM® offers a broad range of piping covering all medium- and high-pressure needs.

Applicable Laws and Standards

TOM® PVC-O pipes are manufactured in accordance with UNE-EN 17176:2019 standard, applied to
“Plastic piping systems for water supply and for buried and above ground drainage, sewerage and
irrigation under pressure- Oriented unplasticized poly(vynul chloride) (PVC-O). Part 1: General, Part 2:
Pipes and Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system” (based on European Standard EN 17176) and also
according to the International Standard ISO 16422:2014, applied to “Pipes and joints made of oriented
unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water under pressure”.

Other international standards applicable to PVC-O are as follows. Molecor© could manufacture pipes
according to these standards under request.

• USA: ASTM F1483-17 “Standard Specification for Oriented Poly(Vinyl Chloride), PVCO, Pressure
Pipe”; and ANSI/AWWA C909-16 “Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe”.
• Australia: AS/NZS 4441:2017 “Oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes for pressure applications”.
• Canada: CAN/CSA-B137.3.1-13 “Molecularly oriented polyvinylchloride (PVCO) pipe for pressure
• Russia: GOST R 56927-2016 “Трубы из ориентированного непластифицированного
поливинилхлорида для водоснабжения”.
• India: IS 16647-2017 “Oriented Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-O) Pipes for Water
Supply – Specification”.

Material classification

ISO 16422:2014 and UNE-EN 17176-2:2019 standards cover several types of PVC-O material, classified according
to their MRS (Minimum Required Strenght), because Molecular Orientation can be achieved to a greater or lesser
extent through different manufacturing processes. TOM® PVC-O pipe is manufactured only in the highest class
(PVC-O 500), which offers the highest degree of orientation and thus ensures the best mechanical performance.
Subsequently, TOM® pipes present higher advantages compared to other materials.

TOM® PVC-O 500 Pipe

PN12.5 PN16 PN20 PN25
Material class 500 500 500 500
MRS (Mpa) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
Nominal pressure (bar) 12.5 16.0 20.0 25.0
Burst pressure over 50 years (bar) (1) 17.5 22.4 28.0 35.0
Burst pressure over 10 hours (bar) (1)
23.1 28.9 36.7 48.1
Maximum trial pressure onsite (bar) (2) 17.5 21.0 25.0 30.0
Circumferential stiffness (kN/m )2 (3)
5 7 11 20
Colour (4) blue/purple blue/purple blue/purple blue/purple
(1) With a temperature of 20° C.
(2) According to EN 805:2000 standard with estimated water hammer.
(3) Average stiffness per pipe according to established tolerances.
(4) Available in blue (supply), purple (reuse) and white (resistant to UV rays). For other colours, please contact us.

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P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S • • •


TOM® PVC-O 500 Pipe

Nominal Pressure (bar) PN12.5 PN16 PN20 PN25
Nominal Outside Inside Wall Inside Wall Inside Wall Inside Wall
Diameter Diameter Diameter Thickness Diameter Thickness Diameter Thickness Diameter Thickness
(DN) (OD) (ID) C1.4 (e) (ID) C1.4 (e) (ID) C1.4 (e) (ID) C1.4 (e)

min. max. average min. average min. average min. average min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
90 90.0 90.3 84.8 1.6 84.0 2.0 84.0 2.5 82.2 3.1
110 110.0 110.4 104.4 2.0 104.0 2.4 103.2 3.1 101.4 3.8
125 125.0 125.4 117.8 2.2 117.8 2.8 117.0 3.5 115.2 4.3
140 140.0 140.5 132.4 2.5 132.4 3.1 131.2 3.9 129.2 4.8
160 160.0 160.5 152.0 2.8 151.4 3.5 150.0 4.4 147.6 5.5
200 200.0 200.6 190.0 3.5 189.2 4.4 187.4 5.5 183.3 6.9
225 225.0 225.7 213.6 4.0 212.8 5.0 210.8 6.2 207.4 7.7
250 250.0 250.8 237.4 4.4 236.4 5.5 234.2 6.9 229.1 8.6
315 315.0 316.0 299.2 5.5 298.0 6.9 295.2 8.7 288.6 10.8
355 355.0 356.1 337.4 6.2 336.0 7.8 332.4 9.8 327.2 12.2
400 400.0 401.2 379.8 7.0 378.4 8.8 374.8 11.0 369.0 13.7
450 450.0 451.4 427.6 7.9 426.0 9.9 421.4 12.4 412.3 15.4
500 500.0 501.5 474.6 8.8 472.8 11.0 468.6 13.7 461.2 17.1
630 630.0 631.9 597.8 11.0 595.8 13.8 590.4 17.3 581.0 21.6
710 710.0 712.0 674.8 12.4 671.4 15.4 665.6 19.2 654.7 24.4
800 800.0 802.0 760.4 14.0 757.8 17.4 750.4 21.6 733.0 27.4
900 900.0 902.7 855.4 15.7 850.6 19.6 839.5 24.3 824.1 30.9
1000 1000.0 1003.0 950.5 17.5 945.1 21.7 932.8 27.0 915.6 34.3
1100 (1)
1100.0 1103.3 1045.5 - 1039.6 - 1026.1 - 1007.2 -
1200 (1)
1200.0 1203.6 1140.6 21.1 1134.1 26.2 1119.4 32.4 1098.8 41.4
TOM® PVC-O pipes are supplied in total length of 5.95 metres (including the length limit mark for the socket).
The inside diameters may be subjected to variation according to manufacturing tolerances.
(1) Items upon request. Consult delivery time. For other lengths for special projects, price on request.
DN1100: Not contemplated in ISO 16422: 2014 nor EN 17176: 2019.
DN1200: Not contemplated in ISO 16422: 2014 standard, manufactured according to EN 17176: 2019 standard specifications.

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•• • P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S


TOM® PVC-O 500 Pipe

Pipes/ Pallet/ Pipes/ Metres (1)/ Pallet Pallet Pallet Pallet Weight
Pallet Truck Truck Truck Width Height Length PN12.5 PN16 PN20 PN25
mm pipes pallet pipes m mm mm mm kg kg kg kg
90 81 16 1296 7711 1220 670 6110 515 555 560 675
110 76 12 912 5426 1220 850 6130 715 775 775 940
125 60 12 720 4284 1220 850 6135 725 725 790 960
140 45 12 540 3213 1220 850 6140 650 650 745 905
160 33 12 396 2356 1220 800 6150 570 625 715 865
200 24 12 288 1714 1220 870 6185 630 695 800 1040
225 14 16 224 1333 1220 700 6190 480 525 605 730
250 11 12 132 785 1100 800 6215 465 510 585 755
315 13 8 104 619 2200 700 6260 860 950 1090 1410
355 11 6 66 393 2200 800 6295 925 1020 1165 1410
400 11 6 66 393 2400 850 6325 1165 1285 1475 1785
450 5 10 50 298 2200 550 6330 685 755 860 1110
500 4 8 32 190 1950 600 6335 675 740 850 1025
630 3 6 18 107 1950 730 6410 795 875 1005 1215
710 3 6 18 107 2200 810 6425 1005 1105 1270 1535
800 3 6 18 107 2400 900 6425 1270 1400 1605 2080
900 2 4 8 48 1800 1000 6480 1070 1180 1425 1765
1000 2 4 8 48 2000 1100 6515 1315 1450 1755 2175
1100 2 4 8 48 2200 1250 6540 1585 1750 2120 2630
1200 2 4 8 48 2400 1350 6575 1885 2080 2520 3125

(1) Nominal metres (5.95 metres per pipe). The effective length is the total length minus the length limit marked for the assembly.
Other packagings or lengths, on request.

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01-40 EN2020.indd 4 07/04/2020 18:23:12

P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S • • •

Joints and Watertight Seals

The connection is done by introducing the male part of the pipe in the
socket of the other where the elastic joint is placed. The watetight seal
includes a Polypropylene ring and a synthetic rubber lip which allows the
seal to be integrated with the pipe, avoiding joint displacement or
movement while the installation is taking place.
Nominal Socket Maximum
Length limit mark for the
Diameter Length Diameter
assembly of the pipes (1)
(DN) (SL) (D max)
PN12.5 PN16 PN20 PN25
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
90 160 117 132 131 131 127
110 180 140 146 145 145 141
125 185 154 160 160 158 154
140 190 174 149 149 146 141
160 200 197 169 166 163 158
200 235 243 195 192 188 181 Apply lubricant on the chamfer of
225 240 271 197 194 190 182 the spigot end and in the rubber
250 265 301 221 217 212 204 ring joint.
315 310 374 260 256 250 239
355 345 419 281 277 270 258
400 355 472 297 292 284 271
450 375 527 314 308 298 283
500 385 587 330 324 312 295
630 460 734 384 376 360 340
710 475 815 392 383 369 342
800 475 925 385 375 359 329
900 530 1034 430 419 395 354
1000 565 1143 455 443 416 371
1100 590 1250 475 461 431 382
1200 625 1360 499 484 452 398 Align the pipe and place the spigot end
inside the socket or bell.
(1) TOM® pipes have a mark in the spigot, being the limit mark to which the male end of the pipe
should be introduced during installation and thus assure water-tightness.
The length limit mark for the assembly of the
pipes is the distance from the beveled end of
the pipe to the printed cutting mark.

Assembly Firmly push the free end into the

other pipe. Introduce until the end
In order to do the assembly is necessary to apply lubricant on the chamfer of marked is no longer seen.

the spigot end and in the rubber ring joint, and push by hand until the mark of
the spigot end is no longer seen.

• 1 7•

01-40 EN2020.indd 5 07/04/2020 18:24:24

•• • P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S


Allow connecting the pipe in the perpendicular direction to all kinds of fittings (house connections, valves, purges,
vents, etc. They are available with screws ends and flange ends.
The saddle must become
in solidarity with the pipe.
Multidiameter saddles must not be
used, but specific PVC saddles for
each DN.


Allows connecting the spigot ends to all kinds of fittings with connection to a flange (valves, elbows, t´s, DN
reductions, caps, etc).

Anti-traction system makes the pipe

absolutely fixed to the flange.


Connecting the fitting directly to the pipe allows us to have deviations, reductions and connections on the net
(elbows, tees, DN reductions, etc).
It is very important to fix the fitting
to the ground in order to guaranty
the net structural resistance.

A wide range of fittings can be used with TOM® pipes. Consult our technical service to receive advise on the
fittings that may be used.

• 18•

01-40 EN2020.indd 2 07/04/2020 18:25:26


With ecoFITTOM®, the first fittings in the world in PVC-O, Molecor offers a continuous system in PVC-O;
this material continuity guarantees the same hydraulic and mechanical properties in the different
elements of the network, in the pipes as well as in the fittings. Moreover ecoFITTOM® PVC-O fittings are fully
compatible with PVC-U pipes (EN 1452) and with pipes of other materials.

These fittings are manufactured according to the

Spanish Standard UNE-CEN/TS 17176-3 “Plastics
piping systems for water supply and for bur-
ied and above ground drainage, sewerage and
irrigation under pressure - Oriented unplasticized
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) - Part 3: Fittings”,
based on the European Standard EN-17176 and
can be used in networks for the transportation of
drinking water, irrigation systems, industrial
applications, sewage, infrastructure networks,
fire protection nets, etc. among other

Technical specifications

PN ecoFITTOM® are provided with a proven

Body Seal type Classification watertightness seal that includes a
(bar) polypropylene ring and a synthetic rubber
Oriented Elastomer EPDM lip which allows the seal to be integrated
unplasticized with PP stiffner ring with the fitting, avoiding joint displacement
poly(vinyl chloride) Standard: or movement while the installation is taking
(PVC-O) EN 681-1 place.


(hoop and axial)
(critical points)
(tests) ▶ DESIGN

Hoop and axial stretch FEM analysis Behaviour test 45⁰ DN200 mm bend
in 45⁰ bend

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01-40 EN2020.indd 3 07/04/2020 18:26:24

•• • P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

11.25⁰ Socketed bend

Radius Weight
DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)
(mm) (Kg)
110 10/16 F110C1116B 140 460 50 165 1,0 Z
160 10/16 F160C1116B 200 540 65 240 2,2
200 10/16 F200C1116B 245 600 75 300 4,0

225* 10/16 F225C1116B 270 645 85 340 5,0
250 10/16 F250C1116B 305 695 90 375 6,0

315 10/16 F315C1116B 375 815 110 475 13,0
400 10/16 F400C1116B 475 940 135 600 24,4

22.5⁰ Socketed bend

Radius Weight
DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)
(mm) (Kg)
110 10/16 F110C2216B 140 490 65 165 1,0
160 10/16 F160C2216B 200 585 90 240 2,4
200 10/16 F200C2216B 245 660 105 300 4,3

225* 10/16 F225C2216B 270 710 120 340 5,6
250 10/16 F250C2216B 305 770 130 375 6,4

315 10/16 F315C2216B 375 915 155 475 14,5 L
400 10/16 F400C2216B 475 1070 195 600 27,5

45⁰ Socketed bend

Radius Weight
DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)
(mm) (Kg)
110 10/16 F110C4516B 140 600 145 300 1,1 Z
160 10/16 F160C4516B 200 640 140 240 2,9

200 10/16 F200C4516B 245 735 170 300 5,1

225* 10/16 F225C4516B 270 840 195 340 7,0
250 10/16 F250C4516B 305 875 210 375 7,7

315 10/16 F315C4516B 375 940 140 300 17,5

400 10/16 F400C4516B 475 1250 330 600 33,7 L

90⁰ Socketed bend

Radius Weight
DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)
(mm) (Kg)
110 10/16 F110C9016B 143 450 200 165 1,82

160 10/16 F160C9016B 198 565 275 240 3,56

200 10/16 F200C9016B 244 680 345 300 6,63
225* 10/16 F225C9016B 270 750 370 340 9,00

250* 10/16 F250C9016B 305 800 430 375 12,31

315* 10/16 F315C9016B 375 850 380 315 20,27
400* 10/16 F400C9016B 472 900 375 300 37,35
* Available under request

• 20•

01-40 EN2020.indd 4 07/04/2020 18:26:26


Socketed reducer
DN/DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)
110 / 90 10/16 F110R09016B 140 385 55 0,8
160 / 110 10/16 F160R11016B 200 480 105 2,0
160 / 140 10/16 F160R14016B 200 455 60 1,9

200 / 160 10/16 F200R16016B 245 525 100 3,5
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


250 / 200 10/16 F250R20016B 305 585 120 5,0

315 / 250 10/16
A-A ( 1 : 3 )
F315R25016B 375 690 A 155 11,4 L

400 / 315 10/16 F400R31516B E

475 790 155 21,3 E

Weight D

DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)

110 10/16 F110M16B 140 420 70 0,8
8 C 7 6 5 4 3 2 C 1

160 10/16 F160M16B 200 490 85 2,1

200 10/16 F200M16B
245 530 95 REPAIR

225* 10/16 F225M16B B
270 580 115 4,5 A-A ( 1 : 3 ) B

250 10/16 F250M16B 305 A

620 120 5,3
315 10/16 F315M16B
375 715 145 11,8 L

400 10/16 F400M16B 475 820 190 22,3


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Sliding coupler D A D

DN PN Reference ømax L (mm) Z (mm)
110 10/16 F110MR16B
140 420 - 0,8 C

160 10/16 F160MR16B 200 490 - 2,1
200 10/16 F200MR16B 245 530 - 3,5

225* 10/16 F225MR16B 270 580 - 4,5


250 10/16 F250MR16B 305 620 - 5,3

315 10/16 F315MR16B 375 715 - 11,8
400 10/16 F400MR16B 475 820 - 22,3

* Available under request 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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01-40 EN2020.indd 5 07/04/2020 18:30:52

•• • P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S



Conduits for potable water transport. It includes water abstraction and water distribution network to city centers,
urban network and industrial areas, and water transfer to tanks and reservoirs.


Pipelines for transport of water that have been treated to remove impurities.


Water transport pipes for irrigation purposes. It includes irrigated land pipelines, water transfer to tanks and

Fire Protection Nets
Industrial Applications
Infrastructural Nets

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01-40 EN2020.indd 2 07/04/2020 18:32:12


Key Factors for Optimizing Design

Hydraulic Design

Whether designing a pumping system or a gravity-enabled pipe system, deciding the dimensions of the
pipes involves calculating losses in the terms of load, flow-volume and flow speed.

There are several methodologies for calculating these values. The most commonly used are the
Hazen-Williams and Prandtl-Colebrook-White formulas.

Flow-volume (l/s)= speed (m/s) · section · (m2) 103

Hazen-Williams Formula:

V= 0.355 · C · Di 0.63 · J 0.54

Prandtl -Colebrook-White Formula

V = -2 2 ·g ·Di·J · log ( Ka
3.71 ∙ Di
2,51 v
2 ·g ·Di·J
V = Average Speed in m/s
Di = Internal Diameter in m
J = Pressure loss in m/m
C = Hazen-Williams Roughness Constant (for PVC-O; C = 150)
g = Gravity acceleration in m/s2 (9.81 m/s2)
ka = Absolute roughness in metres (for PVC-O; ka = 0.007·10-3 m)
v = Kinematic viscosity of the fluid (m2/s) (for water at 20 °C; v = 1.0·10-6)

Another factor to be taken into account is the heat loss produced by fittings (elbows, reducers, tees, etc.)
and valves.

There are tables available for calculating heat loss, flow and speeds using the Hazen-Williams formula.

Flow speed must be determinated taking into account different economical factors (optimization of the
investment in terms of water pumping) and the admissible values for water hammers.

In general, it is established as the minimum value for avoiding sediments 0.5 m/s and as the maximun
values between 2.0 m/s and 2.5 m/s, depending on the diameter of the pipe.

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01-40 EN2020.indd 3 07/04/2020 18:32:12

••• P I P E D ES I G N

Pressure loss tables

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN12.5

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN90 DN110 DN125 DN140 DN160 DN200

PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5
84.8 104.4 117.8 132.4 152.0 190.0
Speed Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
(m/s) l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
0.1 0.56 0.16 0.86 0.13 1.09 0.11 1.38 0.09 1.81 0.08 2.84 0.06
0.2 1.13 0.57 1.71 0.45 2.18 0.39 2.75 0.34 3.63 0.29 5.67 0.22
0.3 1.69 1.21 2.57 0.95 3.27 0.83 4.13 0.72 5.44 0.61 8.51 0.47
0.4 2.26 2.07 3.42 1.62 4.36 1.41 5.51 1.23 7.26 1.05 11.34 0.81
0.5 2.82 3.12 4.28 2.46 5.45 2.13 6.88 1.86 9.07 1.58 14.18 1.22
0.6 3.39 4.39 5.14 3.45 6.54 2.99 8.26 2.61 10.89 2.22 17.01 1.71
0.7 3.95 5.83 5.99 4.58 7.63 3.98 9.64 3.47 12.70 2.95 19.85 2.28
0.8 4.52 7.48 6.85 5.87 8.72 5.09 11.01 4.44 14.52 3.78 22.68 2.92
0.9 5.08 9.29 7.70 7.29 9.81 6.34 12.39 5.53 16.33 4.70 25.52 3.63
1.0 5.65 11.31 8.56 8.86 10.90 7.70 13.77 6.72 18.15 5.72 28.35 4.41
1.1 6.21 13.47 9.42 10.58 11.99 9.19 15.14 8.01 19.96 6.82 31.19 5.26
1.2 6.78 15.85 10.27 12.42 13.08 10.80 16.52 9.42 21.78 8.02 34.02 6.18
1.3 7.34 18.36 11.13 14.42 14.17 12.52 17.90 10.92 23.59 9.30 36.86 7.17
1.4 7.91 21.09 11.98 16.52 15.26 14.36 19.27 12.52 25.40 10.66 39.69 8.22
1.5 8.47 23.94 12.84 18.78 16.35 16.32 20.65 14.23 27.22 12.12 42.53 9.34
1.6 9.04 27.00 13.70 21.18 17.44 18.39 22.03 16.05 29.03 13.65 45.36 10.52
1.7 9.60 30.18 14.55 23.68 18.53 20.58 23.41 17.96 30.85 15.28 48.20 11.78
1.8 10.17 33.59 15.41 26.34 19.62 22.87 24.78 19.95 32.66 16.98 51.04 13.09
1.9 10.73 37.09 16.26 29.09 20.71 25.28 26.16 22.06 34.48 18.78 53.87 14.47
2.0 11.30 40.82 17.12 32.00 21.80 27.80 27.54 24.26 36.29 20.64 56.71 15.91
2.1 11.86 44.65 17.98 35.04 22.89 30.43 28.91 26.54 38.11 22.60 59.54 17.42
2.2 12.43 48.70 18.83 38.17 23.98 33.17 30.29 28.94 39.92 24.63 62.38 18.99
2.3 12.99 52.85 19.69 41.46 25.07 36.02 31.67 31.43 41.74 26.75 65.21 20.61
2.4 13.55 57.14 20.54 44.84 26.16 38.97 33.04 33.99 43.55 28.94 68.05 22.31
2.5 14.12 61.67 21.40 48.38 27.25 42.03 34.42 36.67 45.36 31.20 70.88 24.05
2.6 14.68 66.28 22.26 52.04 28.34 45.20 35.80 39.44 47.18 33.56 73.72 25.87
2.7 15.25 71.12 23.11 55.78 29.43 48.47 37.17 42.28 48.99 35.99 76.55 27.74
2.8 15.81 76.04 23.97 59.69 30.52 51.85 38.55 45.23 50.81 38.50 79.39 29.67
2.9 16.38 81.19 24.82 63.67 31.61 55.33 39.93 48.27 52.62 41.08 82.22 31.66
3.0 16.94 86.41 25.68 67.81 32.70 58.91 41.30 51.39 54.44 43.75 85.06 33.72
3.1 17.51 91.87 26.54 72.08 33.79 62.60 42.68 54.61 56.25 46.48 87.89 35.83
3.2 18.07 97.38 27.39 76.41 34.88 66.39 44.06 57.93 58.07 49.31 90.73 38.00
3.3 18.64 103.15 28.25 80.91 35.97 70.29 45.43 61.31 59.88 52.19 93.56 40.22
3.4 19.20 108.96 29.11 85.53 37.06 74.28 46.81 64.80 61.70 55.17 96.40 42.51
3.5 19.77 115.03 29.96 90.22 38.15 78.38 48.19 68.38 63.51 58.20 99.24 44.86
3.6 20.33 121.14 30.82 95.07 39.24 82.58 49.56 72.03 65.33 61.33 102.07 47.26
3.7 20.90 127.50 31.67 99.98 40.33 86.88 50.94 75.78 67.14 64.51 104.91 49.72
3.8 21.46 133.90 32.53 105.07 41.42 91.27 52.32 79.63 68.95 67.77 107.74 52.24
3.9 22.03 140.56 33.39 110.27 42.51 95.77 53.69 83.53 70.77 71.12 110.58 54.82
4.0 22.59 147.25 34.24 115.53 43.60 100.37 55.07 87.55 72.58 74.52 113.41 57.44

• 24• Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss
according to Manning formula.

01-40 EN2020.indd 4 07/04/2020 18:32:14

P I PE D ESI G N • • •

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN12.5

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN225 DN250 DN315 DN355 DN400 DN450 DN500 DN630 DN710 DN800 DN900 DN1000 DN1100 DN1200
PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5 PN12.5
213.6 237.4 299.2 337.4 379.8 427.6 474.6 597.8 674.8 760.4 855.4 950.5 1045.5 1140.6
Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
3.58 0.05 4.43 0.05 7.03 0.04 8.94 0.03 11.33 0.03 14.36 0.02 17.69 0.02 28.07 0.02 35.76 0.01 45.41 0.01 57.47 0.01 70.96 0.01 85.85 0.01 102.18 0.01
7.17 0.20 8.85 0.17 14.06 0.13 17.88 0.11 22.66 0.10 28.72 0.09 35.38 0.08 56.13 0.06 71.53 0.05 90.82 0.04 114.94 0.04 141.91 0.03 171.70 0.03 204.36 0.03
10.75 0.41 13.28 0.37 21.09 0.28 26.82 0.24 33.99 0.21 43.08 0.18 53.07 0.16 84.20 0.12 107.29 0.11 136.24 0.09 172.40 0.08 212.87 0.07 257.55 0.06 306.53 0.06
14.33 0.70 17.71 0.62 28.12 0.48 35.76 0.41 45.32 0.36 57.44 0.31 70.76 0.28 112.27 0.21 143.05 0.18 181.65 0.16 229.87 0.14 283.83 0.12 343.40 0.11 408.71 0.10
17.92 1.07 22.13 0.94 35.15 0.72 44.70 0.62 56.65 0.54 71.80 0.47 88.45 0.42 140.34 0.32 178.82 0.28 227.06 0.24 287.34 0.21 354.78 0.19 429.25 0.17 510.89 0.15
21.50 1.49 26.56 1.32 42.19 1.01 53.65 0.88 67.98 0.76 86.16 0.66 106.14 0.59 168.40 0.45 214.58 0.39 272.47 0.34 344.81 0.30 425.74 0.26 515.10 0.23 613.07 0.21
25.08 1.99 30.98 1.76 49.22 1.34 62.59 1.17 79.30 1.01 100.52 0.88 123.83 0.78 196.47 0.60 250.34 0.52 317.89 0.45 402.28 0.39 496.70 0.35 600.95 0.31 715.24 0.28
28.67 2.54 35.41 2.25 56.25 1.72 71.53 1.49 90.63 1.30 114.88 1.13 141.53 1.00 224.54 0.77 286.11 0.66 363.30 0.58 459.75 0.50 567.65 0.45 686.80 0.40 817.42 0.36
32.25 3.16 39.84 2.80 63.28 2.13 80.47 1.86 101.96 1.62 129.24 1.41 159.22 1.25 252.61 0.95 321.87 0.83 408.71 0.72 517.21 0.63 638.61 0.55 772.65 0.50 919.60 0.45
35.83 3.84 44.26 3.40 70.31 2.59 89.41 2.26 113.29 1.96 143.60 1.71 176.91 1.51 280.67 1.16 357.64 1.00 454.12 0.87 574.68 0.76 709.57 0.67 858.50 0.60 1021.78 0.54
39.42 4.59 48.69 4.06 77.34 3.10 98.35 2.69 124.62 2.34 157.96 2.04 194.60 1.81 308.74 1.38 393.40 1.20 499.54 1.04 632.15 0.91 780.52 0.80 944.34 0.72 1123.96 0.65
43.00 5.39 53.12 4.76 84.37 3.64 107.29 3.16 135.95 2.75 172.32 2.40 212.29 2.12 336.81 1.62 429.16 1.41 544.95 1.22 689.62 1.07 851.48 0.94 1030.19 0.84 1226.13 0.76
46.58 6.25 57.54 5.52 91.40 4.22 116.23 3.67 147.28 3.19 186.68 2.78 229.98 2.46 364.88 1.88 464.93 1.63 590.36 1.42 747.09 1.24 922.44 1.09 1116.04 0.98 1328.31 0.88
50.17 7.17 61.97 6.34 98.43 4.84 125.17 4.21 158.61 3.66 201.05 3.19 247.67 2.82 392.94 2.16 500.69 1.87 635.77 1.63 804.56 1.42 993.40 1.26 1201.89 1.12 1430.49 1.02
53.75 8.15 66.40 7.20 105.46 5.50 134.11 4.78 169.94 4.16 215.41 3.62 265.36 3.21 421.01 2.45 536.45 2.13 681.19 1.85 862.02 1.61 1064.35 1.43 1287.74 1.28 1532.67 1.15
57.33 9.18 70.82 8.12 112.49 6.20 143.05 5.39 181.27 4.69 229.77 4.08 283.05 3.62 449.08 2.76 572.22 2.40 726.60 2.09 919.49 1.82 1135.31 1.61 1373.59 1.44 1634.85 1.30
60.92 10.27 75.25 9.08 119.53 6.93 151.99 6.02 192.60 5.25 244.13 4.57 300.74 4.05 477.15 3.09 607.98 2.68 772.01 2.33 976.96 2.03 1206.27 1.80 1459.44 1.61 1737.02 1.45
64.50 11.42 79.68 10.10 126.56 7.71 160.94 6.70 203.93 5.83 258.49 5.08 318.43 4.50 505.21 3.44 643.74 2.98 817.42 2.59 1034.43 2.26 1277.22 2.00 1545.29 1.79 1839.20 1.62
68.08 12.62 84.10 11.16 133.59 8.52 169.88 7.40 215.26 6.45 272.85 5.62 336.12 4.97 533.28 3.80 679.51 3.30 862.83 2.87 1091.90 2.50 1348.18 2.21 1631.14 1.98 1941.38 1.79
71.67 13.88 88.53 12.27 140.62 9.37 178.82 8.14 226.58 7.09 287.21 6.17 353.81 5.47 561.35 4.18 715.27 3.63 908.25 3.15 1149.37 2.75 1419.14 2.43 1716.99 2.18 2043.56 1.96
75.25 15.19 92.95 13.43 147.65 10.25 187.76 8.91 237.91 7.76 301.57 6.76 371.50 5.98 589.41 4.57 751.03 3.97 953.66 3.45 1206.83 3.01 1490.09 2.66 1802.84 2.38 2145.73 2.15
78.83 16.56 97.38 14.64 154.68 11.17 196.70 9.71 249.24 8.46 315.93 7.37 389.20 6.52 617.48 4.98 786.80 4.33 999.07 3.76 1264.30 3.28 1561.05 2.90 1888.69 2.60 2247.91 2.34
82.42 17.98 101.81 15.90 161.71 12.13 205.64 10.55 260.57 9.19 330.29 8.00 406.89 7.08 645.55 5.41 822.56 4.70 1044.48 4.09 1321.77 3.56 1632.01 3.15 1974.54 2.82 2350.09 2.55
86.00 19.45 106.23 17.20 168.74 13.13 214.58 11.41 271.90 9.94 344.65 8.65 424.58 7.66 673.62 5.85 858.32 5.08 1089.90 4.42 1379.24 3.85 1702.96 3.41 2060.39 3.05 2452.27 2.75
89.58 20.98 110.66 18.55 175.77 14.16 223.52 12.31 283.23 10.72 359.01 9.33 442.27 8.26 701.68 6.31 894.09 5.48 1135.31 4.77 1436.71 4.16 1773.92 3.67 2146.24 3.29 2554.45 2.97
93.17 22.56 115.09 19.95 182.80 15.23 232.46 13.23 294.56 11.53 373.37 10.04 459.96 8.89 729.75 6.79 929.85 5.89 1180.72 5.13 1494.18 4.47 1844.88 3.95 2232.09 3.54 2656.62 3.19
96.75 24.20 119.51 21.39 189.84 16.33 241.40 14.19 305.89 12.36 387.73 10.76 477.65 9.53 757.82 7.28 965.61 6.32 1226.13 5.50 1551.64 4.79 1915.83 4.24 2317.94 3.79 2758.80 3.43
100.33 25.88 123.94 22.88 196.87 17.47 250.34 15.18 317.22 13.22 402.09 11.51 495.34 10.20 785.89 7.79 1001.38 6.76 1271.55 5.88 1609.11 5.13 1986.79 4.53 2403.79 4.06 2860.98 3.66
103.92 27.62 128.37 24.42 203.90 18.64 259.29 16.20 328.55 14.11 416.45 12.29 513.03 10.88 813.95 8.31 1037.14 7.22 1316.96 6.28 1666.58 5.47 2057.75 4.84 2489.64 4.33 2963.16 3.91
107.50 29.41 132.79 26.00 210.93 19.85 268.23 17.25 339.88 15.03 430.81 13.08 530.72 11.58 842.02 8.85 1072.91 7.68 1362.37 6.68 1724.05 5.83 2128.70 5.15 2575.49 4.61 3065.33 4.16
111.08 31.25 137.22 27.63 217.96 21.09 277.17 18.33 351.21 15.97 445.17 13.90 548.41 12.31 870.09 9.40 1108.67 8.16 1407.78 7.10 1781.52 6.19 2199.66 5.47 2661.34 4.90 3167.51 4.42
114.67 33.15 141.65 29.30 224.99 22.37 286.11 19.44 362.53 16.93 459.53 14.74 566.10 13.06 898.16 9.97 1144.43 8.66 1453.20 7.53 1838.99 6.56 2270.62 5.80 2747.19 5.19 3269.69 4.69
118.25 35.09 146.07 31.02 232.02 23.68 295.05 20.58 373.86 17.93 473.89 15.61 583.79 13.82 926.22 10.56 1180.20 9.17 1498.61 7.97 1896.45 6.95 2341.57 6.15 2833.03 5.50 3371.87 4.97
121.83 37.08 150.50 32.78 239.05 25.02 303.99 21.75 385.19 18.94 488.25 16.50 601.48 14.61 954.29 11.16 1215.96 9.69 1544.02 8.43 1953.92 7.34 2412.53 6.49 2918.88 5.81 3474.05 5.25
125.42 39.13 154.92 34.59 246.08 26.40 312.93 22.95 396.52 19.99 502.61 17.41 619.17 15.41 982.36 11.77 1251.72 10.22 1589.43 8.89 2011.39 7.75 2483.49 6.85 3004.73 6.13 3576.22 5.54
129.00 41.22 159.35 36.44 253.11 27.82 321.87 24.18 407.85 21.06 516.97 18.34 636.87 16.24 1010.43 12.40 1287.49 10.77 1634.85 9.37 2068.86 8.17 2554.45 7.22 3090.58 6.46 3678.40 5.84
132.58 43.37 163.78 38.34 260.14 29.27 330.81 25.44 419.18 22.16 531.33 19.29 654.56 17.08 1038.49 13.05 1323.25 11.33 1680.26 9.86 2126.33 8.59 2625.40 7.60 3176.43 6.80 3780.58 6.14
136.17 45.57 168.20 40.28 267.18 30.75 339.75 26.73 430.51 23.28 545.69 20.27 672.25 17.95 1066.56 13.71 1359.01 11.90 1725.67 10.35 2183.80 9.02 2696.36 7.98 3262.28 7.14 3882.76 6.45
139.75 47.81 172.63 42.27 274.21 32.27 348.69 28.04 441.84 24.43 560.05 21.27 689.94 18.83 1094.63 14.39 1394.78 12.49 1771.08 10.86 2241.26 9.47 2767.32 8.37 3348.13 7.49 3984.93 6.77
143.34 50.11 177.06 44.30 281.24 33.81 357.64 29.39 453.17 25.60 574.41 22.29 707.63 19.74 1122.69 15.08 1430.54 13.09 1816.49 11.39 2298.73 9.92 2838.27 8.78 3433.98 7.85 4087.11 7.09

Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss according to Manning formula.
• 25•

01-40 EN2020.indd 5 07/04/2020 18:32:15

••• P I P E D ES I G N

Pressure loss tables

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN16

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN90 DN110 DN125 DN140 DN160 DN200

PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16
84.0 104.0 117.8 132.4 151.4 189.2
Speed Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
(m/s) l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
0.1 0.55 0.16 0.85 0.13 1.09 0.11 1.38 0.09 1.80 0.08 2.81 0.06
0.2 1.11 0.58 1.70 0.45 2.18 0.39 2.75 0.34 3.60 0.29 5.62 0.22
0.3 1.66 1.23 2.55 0.96 3.27 0.83 4.13 0.72 5.40 0.62 8.43 0.48
0.4 2.22 2.10 3.40 1.63 4.36 1.41 5.51 1.23 7.20 1.05 11.25 0.81
0.5 2.77 3.16 4.25 2.47 5.45 2.13 6.88 1.86 9.00 1.59 14.06 1.23
0.6 3.33 4.45 5.10 3.46 6.54 2.99 8.26 2.61 10.80 2.23 16.87 1.72
0.7 3.88 5.90 5.95 4.61 7.63 3.98 9.64 3.47 12.60 2.97 19.68 2.29
0.8 4.43 7.55 6.80 5.90 8.72 5.09 11.01 4.44 14.40 3.80 22.49 2.93
0.9 4.99 9.41 7.65 7.33 9.81 6.34 12.39 5.53 16.20 4.73 25.30 3.64
1.0 5.54 11.42 8.49 8.90 10.90 7.70 13.77 6.72 18.00 5.74 28.11 4.43
1.1 6.10 13.65 9.34 10.62 11.99 9.19 15.14 8.01 19.80 6.85 30.93 5.29
1.2 6.65 16.01 10.19 12.47 13.08 10.80 16.52 9.42 21.60 8.05 33.74 6.21
1.3 7.20 18.55 11.04 14.47 14.17 12.52 17.90 10.92 23.40 9.34 36.55 7.20
1.4 7.76 21.31 11.89 16.60 15.26 14.36 19.27 12.52 25.20 10.71 39.36 8.26
1.5 8.31 24.20 12.74 18.86 16.35 16.32 20.65 14.23 27.00 12.17 42.17 9.39
1.6 8.87 27.30 13.59 21.26 17.44 18.39 22.03 16.05 28.80 13.72 44.98 10.58
1.7 9.42 30.52 14.44 23.79 18.53 20.58 23.41 17.96 30.60 15.35 47.79 11.83
1.8 9.98 33.97 15.29 26.45 19.62 22.87 24.78 19.95 32.41 17.07 50.61 13.16
1.9 10.53 37.51 16.14 29.23 20.71 25.28 26.16 22.06 34.21 18.87 53.42 14.54
2.0 11.08 41.22 16.99 32.15 21.80 27.80 27.54 24.26 36.01 20.75 56.23 15.99
2.1 11.64 45.16 17.84 35.19 22.89 30.43 28.91 26.54 37.81 22.71 59.04 17.50
2.2 12.19 49.20 18.69 38.36 23.98 33.17 30.29 28.94 39.61 24.75 61.85 19.08
2.3 12.75 53.46 19.54 41.65 25.07 36.02 31.67 31.43 41.41 26.87 64.66 20.71
2.4 13.30 57.81 20.39 45.07 26.16 38.97 33.04 33.99 43.21 29.08 67.48 22.42
2.5 13.85 62.32 21.24 48.61 27.25 42.03 34.42 36.67 45.01 31.36 70.29 24.18
2.6 14.41 67.07 22.09 52.28 28.34 45.20 35.80 39.44 46.81 33.72 73.10 26.00
2.7 14.96 71.88 22.94 56.06 29.43 48.47 37.17 42.28 48.61 36.16 75.91 27.88
2.8 15.52 76.95 23.79 59.97 30.52 51.85 38.55 45.23 50.41 38.68 78.72 29.82
2.9 16.07 82.07 24.64 64.00 31.61 55.33 39.93 48.27 52.21 41.28 81.53 31.82
3.0 16.63 87.45 25.48 68.10 32.70 58.91 41.30 51.39 54.01 43.95 84.34 33.88

Pressure loss 3.1


3.3 18.29 104.30 28.03 81.25 35.97 70.29 45.43 61.31 59.41 52.43 92.78 40.43
3.4 18.84 110.18 28.88 85.88 37.06 74.28 46.81 64.80 61.21 55.41 95.59 42.72
3.5 19.40 116.32 29.73 90.62 38.15 78.38 48.19 68.38 63.01 58.47 98.40 45.08
3.6 19.95 122.50 30.58 95.47 39.24 82.58 49.56 72.03 64.81 61.60 101.21 47.49
3.7 20.50 128.83 31.43 100.45 40.33 86.88 50.94 75.78 66.61 64.81 104.02 49.96
3.8 21.06 135.43 32.28 105.53 41.42 91.27 52.32 79.63 68.41 68.09 106.84 52.50
3.9 21.61 142.05 33.13 110.74 42.51 95.77 53.69 83.53 70.21 71.44 109.65 55.09
4.0 22.17 148.94 33.98 116.06 43.60 100.37 55.07 87.55 72.01 74.87 112.46 57.73

• 2 6• Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss
according to Manning formula.

01-40 EN2020.indd 6 07/04/2020 18:32:16

P I PE D ESI G N • • •

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN16

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN225 DN250 DN315 DN355 DN400 DN450 DN500 DN630 DN710 DN800 DN900 DN1000 DN1100 DN1200
PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16
212.8 236.4 298.0 336.0 378.4 426.0 472.8 595.8 671.4 757.8 850.6 945.1 1039.6 1134.1
Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
3.56 0.05 4.39 0.05 6.97 0.04 8.87 0.03 11.25 0.03 14.25 0.02 17.56 0.02 27.88 0.02 35.40 0.01 45.10 0.01 56.83 0.01 70.15 0.01 84.88 0.01 101.02 0.01
7.11 0.20 8.78 0.17 13.95 0.13 17.73 0.11 22.49 0.10 28.51 0.09 35.11 0.08 55.76 0.06 70.81 0.05 90.20 0.04 113.65 0.04 140.31 0.03 169.77 0.03 202.03 0.03
10.67 0.42 13.17 0.37 20.92 0.28 26.60 0.24 33.74 0.21 42.76 0.18 52.67 0.16 83.64 0.12 106.21 0.11 135.31 0.09 170.48 0.08 210.46 0.07 254.65 0.07 303.05 0.06
14.23 0.71 17.56 0.63 27.90 0.48 35.47 0.42 44.98 0.36 57.01 0.31 70.23 0.28 111.52 0.21 141.62 0.19 180.41 0.16 227.30 0.14 280.61 0.12 339.53 0.11 404.07 0.10
17.78 1.07 21.95 0.95 34.87 0.72 44.33 0.63 56.23 0.55 71.27 0.48 87.78 0.42 139.40 0.32 177.02 0.28 225.51 0.24 284.13 0.21 350.76 0.19 424.42 0.17 505.08 0.15
21.34 1.50 26.34 1.33 41.85 1.01 53.20 0.88 67.48 0.77 85.52 0.67 105.34 0.59 167.28 0.45 212.42 0.39 270.61 0.34 340.95 0.30 420.92 0.26 509.30 0.24 606.10 0.21
24.90 2.00 30.72 1.76 48.82 1.35 62.07 1.17 78.72 1.02 99.77 0.89 122.90 0.79 195.16 0.60 247.83 0.52 315.72 0.45 397.78 0.40 491.07 0.35 594.18 0.31 707.12 0.28
28.45 2.55 35.11 2.26 55.80 1.72 70.93 1.50 89.97 1.30 114.02 1.14 140.45 1.01 223.04 0.77 283.23 0.67 360.82 0.58 454.60 0.51 561.22 0.45 679.07 0.40 808.13 0.36
32.01 3.18 39.50 2.81 62.77 2.14 79.80 1.86 101.21 1.62 128.28 1.41 158.01 1.25 250.92 0.96 318.64 0.83 405.92 0.72 511.43 0.63 631.38 0.56 763.95 0.50 909.15 0.45
35.57 3.86 43.89 3.42 69.75 2.61 88.67 2.27 112.46 1.97 142.53 1.72 175.57 1.52 278.80 1.16 354.04 1.01 451.02 0.88 568.25 0.77 701.53 0.68 848.83 0.61 1010.17 0.55
39.12 4.61 48.28 4.07 76.72 3.11 97.54 2.70 123.70 2.35 156.78 2.05 193.12 1.81 306.68 1.39 389.44 1.21 496.13 1.05 625.08 0.91 771.68 0.81 933.72 0.72 1111.18 0.65
42.68 5.41 52.67 4.79 83.70 3.65 106.40 3.18 134.95 2.77 171.04 2.41 210.68 2.13 334.56 1.63 424.85 1.42 541.23 1.23 681.90 1.07 841.83 0.95 1018.60 0.85 1212.20 0.77
46.24 6.28 57.06 5.55 90.67 4.24 115.27 3.68 146.20 3.21 185.29 2.79 228.24 2.47 362.44 1.89 460.25 1.64 586.33 1.43 738.73 1.25 911.99 1.10 1103.48 0.99 1313.22 0.89
49.79 7.20 61.45 6.37 97.65 4.86 124.14 4.23 157.44 3.68 199.54 3.20 245.79 2.84 390.32 2.17 495.66 1.88 631.43 1.64 795.55 1.43 982.14 1.26 1188.37 1.13 1414.23 1.02
53.35 8.18 65.84 7.24 104.62 5.52 133.00 4.80 168.69 4.18 213.80 3.64 263.35 3.22 418.20 2.46 531.06 2.14 676.54 1.86 852.38 1.62 1052.29 1.44 1273.25 1.29 1515.25 1.16
56.91 9.22 70.23 8.16 111.59 6.22 141.87 5.41 179.93 4.71 228.05 4.10 280.91 3.63 446.08 2.77 566.46 2.41 721.64 2.09 909.20 1.83 1122.45 1.62 1358.13 1.45 1616.26 1.31
60.46 10.32 74.62 9.13 118.57 6.96 150.74 6.05 191.18 5.27 242.30 4.59 298.47 4.06 473.96 3.10 601.87 2.70 766.74 2.34 966.03 2.05 1192.60 1.81 1443.02 1.62 1717.28 1.46
64.02 11.47 79.01 10.15 125.54 7.74 159.60 6.73 202.43 5.86 256.56 5.10 316.02 4.52 501.84 3.45 637.27 3.00 811.84 2.61 1022.85 2.28 1262.75 2.01 1527.90 1.80 1818.30 1.63
67.58 12.68 83.39 11.21 132.52 8.56 168.47 7.44 213.67 6.48 270.81 5.64 333.58 4.99 529.72 3.81 672.68 3.32 856.94 2.88 1079.68 2.52 1332.90 2.23 1612.78 1.99 1919.31 1.80
71.13 13.94 87.78 12.33 139.49 9.41 177.34 8.18 224.92 7.12 285.06 6.20 351.14 5.49 557.60 4.19 708.08 3.65 902.05 3.17 1136.50 2.77 1403.06 2.45 1697.67 2.19 2020.33 1.98
74.69 15.26 92.17 13.50 146.47 10.30 186.20 8.95 236.16 7.79 299.31 6.79 368.69 6.01 585.48 4.59 743.48 3.99 947.15 3.47 1193.33 3.03 1473.21 2.68 1782.55 2.40 2121.35 2.17
78.24 16.63 96.56 14.71 153.44 11.23 195.07 9.76 247.41 8.50 313.57 7.40 386.25 6.55 613.36 5.00 778.89 4.35 992.25 3.78 1250.15 3.30 1543.36 2.92 1867.43 2.61 2222.36 2.36
81.80 18.06 100.95 15.97 160.42 12.19 203.94 10.60 258.65 9.22 327.82 8.03 403.81 7.11 641.24 5.43 814.29 4.72 1037.35 4.10 1306.98 3.58 1613.52 3.17 1952.32 2.84 2323.38 2.56
85.36 19.54 105.34 17.28 167.39 13.19 212.80 11.47 269.90 9.98 342.07 8.69 421.36 7.70 669.12 5.88 849.70 5.11 1082.46 4.44 1363.80 3.88 1683.67 3.43 2037.20 3.07 2424.40 2.77
88.91 21.07 109.73 18.64 174.37 14.23 221.67 12.37 281.15 10.77 356.33 9.38 438.92 8.30 697.00 6.34 885.10 5.51 1127.56 4.79 1420.63 4.18 1753.82 3.70 2122.08 3.31 2525.41 2.99
92.47 22.66 114.12 20.05 181.34 15.30 230.54 13.30 292.39 11.58 370.58 10.08 456.48 8.93 724.88 6.82 920.50 5.93 1172.66 5.15 1477.45 4.50 1823.97 3.98 2206.97 3.56 2626.43 3.22
96.03 24.30 118.51 21.50 188.32 16.41 239.40 14.26 303.64 12.42 384.83 10.81 474.03 9.57 752.76 7.31 955.91 6.36 1217.76 5.52 1534.28 4.82 1894.13 4.27 2291.85 3.82 2727.45 3.45
99.58 25.99 122.90 23.00 195.29 17.55 248.27 15.26 314.88 13.28 399.09 11.57 491.59 10.24 780.64 7.82 991.31 6.80 1262.87 5.91 1591.10 5.16 1964.28 4.56 2376.73 4.08 2828.46 3.69
103.14 27.74 127.29 24.54 202.26 18.73 257.14 16.28 326.13 14.17 413.34 12.34 509.15 10.93 808.52 8.34 1026.72 7.26 1307.97 6.30 1647.93 5.51 2034.43 4.87 2461.62 4.36 2929.48 3.94
106.70 29.54 131.68 26.13 209.24 19.94 266.00 17.33 337.38 15.09 427.59 13.14 526.70 11.64 836.40 8.88 1062.12 7.73 1353.07 6.71 1704.75 5.86 2104.59 5.19 2546.50 4.64 3030.50 4.19
110.25 31.39 136.07 27.77 216.21 21.19 274.87 18.42 348.62 16.03 441.85 13.96 544.26 12.36 864.28 9.44 1097.52 8.21 1398.17 7.13 1761.58 6.23 2174.74 5.51 2631.38 4.93 3131.51 4.45
113.81 33.29 140.45 29.44 223.19 22.47 283.74 19.54 359.87 17.01 456.10 14.81 561.82 13.11 892.16 10.01 1132.93 8.71 1443.27 7.56 1818.40 6.61 2244.89 5.84 2716.27 5.23 3232.53 4.72
117.37 35.24 144.84 31.17 230.16 23.79 292.61 20.68 371.11 18.00 470.35 15.68 579.37 13.88 920.04 10.60 1168.33 9.22 1488.38 8.01 1875.23 7.00 2315.04 6.19 2801.15 5.54 3333.55 5.00
120.92 37.24 149.23 32.94 237.14 25.14 301.47 21.86 382.36 19.03 484.61 16.57 596.93 14.67 947.92 11.20 1203.74 9.74 1533.48 8.46 1932.06 7.39 2385.20 6.54 2886.03 5.85 3434.56 5.29
124.48 39.30 153.62 34.76 244.11 26.53 310.34 23.06 393.60 20.08 498.86 17.48 614.49 15.48 975.80 11.82 1239.14 10.28 1578.58 8.93 1988.88 7.80 2455.35 6.90 2970.92 6.17 3535.58 5.58
128.04 41.41 158.01 36.62 251.09 27.95 319.21 24.30 404.85 21.15 513.11 18.42 632.04 16.31 1003.68 12.45 1274.54 10.83 1623.68 9.40 2045.71 8.22 2525.50 7.27 3055.80 6.50 3636.60 5.88
131.59 43.56 162.40 38.53 258.06 29.40 328.07 25.56 416.10 22.25 527.36 19.38 649.60 17.16 1031.56 13.10 1309.95 11.40 1668.79 9.89 2102.53 8.65 2595.66 7.65 3140.68 6.84 3737.61 6.18
135.15 45.77 166.79 40.48 265.04 30.89 336.94 26.86 427.34 23.38 541.62 20.36 667.16 18.03 1059.44 13.76 1345.35 11.97 1713.89 10.40 2159.36 9.08 2665.81 8.03 3225.57 7.19 3838.63 6.49
138.71 48.02 171.18 42.48 272.01 32.42 345.81 28.18 438.59 24.53 555.87 21.36 684.71 18.92 1087.32 14.44 1380.76 12.56 1758.99 10.91 2216.18 9.53 2735.96 8.43 3310.45 7.54 3939.65 6.81
142.26 50.32 175.57 44.51 278.99 33.97 354.67 29.53 449.83 25.71 570.12 22.39 702.27 19.82 1115.20 15.14 1416.16 13.17 1804.09 11.43 2273.01 9.99 2806.11 8.83 3395.33 7.90 4040.66 7.14

Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss according to Manning formula.
• 27•

01-40 EN2020.indd 7 07/04/2020 18:32:17

••• P I P E D ES I G N

Pressure loss tables

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN20

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN90 DN110 DN125 DN140 DN160 DN200

PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20
84.0 103.2 117.0 131.2 150.0 187.4
Speed Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
(m/s) l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
0.1 0.55 0.16 0.84 0.13 1.08 0.11 1.35 0.10 1.77 0.08 2.76 0.06
0.2 1.11 0.58 1.67 0.45 2.15 0.39 2.70 0.34 3.53 0.29 5.52 0.23
0.3 1.66 1.23 2.51 0.97 3.23 0.84 4.06 0.73 5.30 0.62 8.27 0.48
0.4 2.22 2.10 3.35 1.65 4.30 1.42 5.41 1.25 7.07 1.06 11.03 0.82
0.5 2.77 3.16 4.18 2.49 5.38 2.15 6.76 1.88 8.84 1.61 13.79 1.24
0.6 3.33 4.45 5.02 3.49 6.45 3.01 8.11 2.64 10.60 2.25 16.55 1.74
0.7 3.88 5.90 5.86 4.65 7.53 4.01 9.46 3.51 12.37 3.00 19.31 2.31
0.8 4.43 7.55 6.69 5.94 8.60 5.13 10.82 4.50 14.14 3.84 22.07 2.96
0.9 4.99 9.41 7.53 7.40 9.68 6.39 12.17 5.59 15.90 4.78 24.82 3.68
1.0 5.54 11.42 8.36 8.98 10.75 7.76 13.52 6.79 17.67 5.81 27.58 4.48
1.1 6.10 13.65 9.20 10.72 11.83 9.27 14.87 8.10 19.44 6.93 30.34 5.34
1.2 6.65 16.01 10.04 12.60 12.90 10.88 16.22 9.51 21.21 8.14 33.10 6.28
1.3 7.20 18.55 10.87 14.60 13.98 12.62 17.58 11.04 22.97 9.44 35.86 7.28
1.4 7.76 21.31 11.71 16.76 15.05 14.47 18.93 12.67 24.74 10.83 38.62 8.35
1.5 8.31 24.20 12.55 19.05 16.13 16.45 20.28 14.39 26.51 12.31 41.37 9.49
1.6 8.87 27.30 13.38 21.45 17.20 18.53 21.63 16.21 28.27 13.87 44.13 10.70
1.7 9.42 30.52 14.22 24.01 18.28 20.74 22.98 18.14 30.04 15.52 46.89 11.97
1.8 9.98 33.97 15.06 26.70 19.35 23.05 24.33 20.16 31.81 17.25 49.65 13.30
1.9 10.53 37.51 15.89 29.49 20.43 25.49 25.69 22.30 33.58 19.07 52.41 14.71
2.0 11.08 41.22 16.73 32.44 21.50 28.01 27.04 24.52 35.34 20.96 55.16 16.17
2.1 11.64 45.16 17.57 35.52 22.58 30.67 28.39 26.83 37.11 22.95 57.92 17.70
2.2 12.19 49.20 18.40 38.69 23.65 33.42 29.74 29.24 38.88 25.02 60.68 19.29
2.3 12.75 53.46 19.24 42.03 24.73 36.30 31.09 31.75 40.64 27.16 63.44 20.95
2.4 13.30 57.81 20.08 45.49 25.80 39.27 32.45 34.37 42.41 29.39 66.20 22.67
2.5 13.85 62.32 20.91 49.03 26.88 42.36 33.80 37.06 44.18 31.70 68.96 24.45
2.6 14.41 67.07 21.75 52.74 27.95 45.54 35.15 39.85 45.95 34.09 71.71 26.28
2.7 14.96 71.88 22.58 56.53 29.03 48.85 36.50 42.73 47.71 36.55 74.47 28.19
2.8 15.52 76.95 23.42 60.49 30.10 52.24 37.85 45.70 49.48 39.10 77.23 30.15
2.9 16.07 82.07 24.26 64.57 31.18 55.76 39.21 48.79 51.25 41.73 79.99 32.18
3.0 16.63 87.45 25.09 68.72 32.25 59.36 40.56 51.95 53.01 44.42 82.75 34.27

Pressure loss 3.1


3.3 18.29 104.30 27.60 81.99 35.48 70.84 44.61 61.96 58.32 53.01 91.02 40.88
3.4 18.84 110.18 28.44 86.67 36.55 74.84 45.97 65.50 60.08 56.01 93.78 43.20
3.5 19.40 116.32 29.28 91.47 37.63 78.99 47.32 69.11 61.85 59.11 96.54 45.59
3.6 19.95 122.50 30.11 96.33 38.70 83.20 48.67 72.81 63.62 62.28 99.30 48.03
3.7 20.50 128.83 30.95 101.37 39.78 87.55 50.02 76.59 65.38 65.51 102.05 50.52
3.8 21.06 135.43 31.79 106.52 40.85 91.96 51.37 80.46 67.15 68.83 104.81 53.08
3.9 21.61 142.05 32.62 111.73 41.93 96.52 52.73 84.45 68.92 72.23 107.57 55.70
4.0 22.17 148.94 33.46 117.11 43.01 101.17 54.08 88.50 70.69 75.70 110.33 58.38

• 2 8• Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss
according to Manning formula.

01-40 EN2020.indd 8 07/04/2020 18:32:18

P I PE D ESI G N • • •

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN20

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN225 DN250 DN315 DN355 DN400 DN450 DN500 DN630 DN710 DN800 DN900 DN1000 DN1100 DN1200
PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20
210.8 234.2 295.2 332.4 374.8 421.4 468.6 590.4 665.6 750.4 839.5 932.8 1026.1 1119.4
Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
3.49 0.05 4.31 0.05 6.84 0.04 8.68 0.03 11.03 0.03 13.95 0.02 17.25 0.02 27.38 0.02 34.79 0.01 44.23 0.01 55.35 0.01 68.34 0.01 82.69 0.01 98.41 0.01
6.98 0.20 8.62 0.18 13.69 0.13 17.36 0.12 22.07 0.10 27.89 0.09 34.49 0.08 54.75 0.06 69.59 0.05 88.45 0.05 110.70 0.04 136.68 0.03 165.39 0.03 196.83 0.03
10.47 0.42 12.92 0.37 20.53 0.28 26.03 0.25 33.10 0.21 41.84 0.19 51.74 0.17 82.13 0.13 104.38 0.11 132.68 0.10 166.06 0.08 205.02 0.07 248.08 0.07 295.24 0.06
13.96 0.72 17.23 0.63 27.38 0.48 34.71 0.42 44.13 0.37 55.79 0.32 68.98 0.28 109.51 0.22 139.18 0.19 176.90 0.16 221.41 0.14 273.35 0.13 330.77 0.11 393.66 0.10
17.45 1.08 21.54 0.96 34.22 0.73 43.39 0.64 55.16 0.55 69.73 0.48 86.23 0.43 136.88 0.33 173.97 0.28 221.13 0.25 276.76 0.22 341.69 0.19 413.47 0.17 492.07 0.15
20.94 1.52 25.85 1.34 41.07 1.02 52.07 0.89 66.20 0.77 83.68 0.68 103.48 0.60 164.26 0.46 208.77 0.40 265.35 0.34 332.11 0.30 410.03 0.27 496.16 0.24 590.49 0.22
24.43 2.02 30.16 1.78 47.91 1.36 60.74 1.19 77.23 1.03 97.63 0.90 120.72 0.79 191.64 0.61 243.56 0.53 309.58 0.46 387.46 0.40 478.37 0.36 578.85 0.32 688.90 0.29
27.92 2.58 34.46 2.28 54.75 1.74 69.42 1.52 88.26 1.32 111.58 1.15 137.97 1.02 219.01 0.78 278.36 0.68 353.81 0.59 442.81 0.51 546.71 0.46 661.54 0.41 787.32 0.37
31.41 3.21 38.77 2.84 61.60 2.17 78.10 1.89 99.30 1.64 125.52 1.43 155.22 1.26 246.39 0.97 313.15 0.84 398.03 0.73 498.17 0.64 615.05 0.57 744.24 0.51 885.73 0.46
34.90 3.90 43.08 3.45 68.44 2.64 86.78 2.29 110.33 1.99 139.47 1.74 172.46 1.54 273.77 1.17 347.95 1.02 442.26 0.89 553.52 0.78 683.39 0.69 826.93 0.62 984.15 0.56
38.39 4.66 47.39 4.12 75.29 3.14 95.46 2.74 121.36 2.38 153.42 2.08 189.71 1.83 301.14 1.40 382.74 1.22 486.48 1.06 608.87 0.93 751.73 0.82 909.62 0.73 1082.56 0.66
41.88 5.47 51.69 4.84 82.13 3.69 104.13 3.22 132.39 2.80 167.36 2.44 206.95 2.15 328.52 1.65 417.54 1.43 530.71 1.24 664.22 1.09 820.06 0.96 992.32 0.86 1180.98 0.78
45.37 6.35 56.00 5.61 88.97 4.28 112.81 3.73 143.43 3.24 181.31 2.83 224.20 2.50 355.90 1.91 452.33 1.66 574.94 1.44 719.57 1.27 888.40 1.12 1075.01 1.00 1279.39 0.90
48.86 7.28 60.31 6.44 95.82 4.92 121.49 4.28 154.46 3.72 195.26 3.24 241.45 2.87 383.28 2.19 487.13 1.90 619.16 1.65 774.92 1.45 956.74 1.28 1157.70 1.15 1377.81 1.04
52.35 8.27 64.62 7.32 102.66 5.58 130.17 4.86 165.49 4.23 209.20 3.69 258.69 3.26 410.65 2.49 521.92 2.16 663.39 1.88 830.28 1.65 1025.08 1.46 1240.40 1.30 1476.22 1.18
55.84 9.32 68.93 8.25 109.51 6.29 138.85 5.48 176.53 4.76 223.15 4.15 275.94 3.67 438.03 2.80 556.72 2.44 707.61 2.12 885.63 1.86 1093.42 1.64 1323.09 1.47 1574.64 1.33
59.33 10.43 73.23 9.23 116.35 7.04 147.52 6.13 187.56 5.33 237.10 4.65 293.19 4.11 465.41 3.14 591.51 2.73 751.84 2.37 940.98 2.08 1161.76 1.84 1405.78 1.65 1673.05 1.49
62.82 11.60 77.54 10.26 123.20 7.83 156.20 6.82 198.59 5.92 251.04 5.17 310.43 4.57 492.78 3.49 626.31 3.03 796.06 2.64 996.33 2.31 1230.10 2.04 1488.48 1.83 1771.47 1.65
66.31 12.82 81.85 11.34 130.04 8.65 164.88 7.53 209.62 6.55 264.99 5.71 327.68 5.05 520.16 3.85 661.10 3.35 840.29 2.91 1051.68 2.56 1298.44 2.26 1571.17 2.02 1869.88 1.83
69.80 14.10 86.16 12.47 136.88 9.51 173.56 8.28 220.66 7.20 278.94 6.28 344.92 5.55 547.54 4.24 695.90 3.68 884.52 3.20 1107.03 2.81 1366.77 2.48 1653.86 2.22 1968.30 2.01
73.29 15.43 90.47 13.65 143.73 10.42 182.23 9.07 231.69 7.88 292.89 6.87 362.17 6.07 574.91 4.64 730.69 4.03 928.74 3.51 1162.39 3.08 1435.11 2.72 1736.56 2.43 2066.71 2.20
76.78 16.82 94.77 14.87 150.57 11.35 190.91 9.88 242.72 8.59 306.83 7.49 379.42 6.62 602.29 5.06 765.49 4.40 972.97 3.82 1217.74 3.35 1503.45 2.96 1819.25 2.65 2165.13 2.40
80.27 18.26 99.08 16.15 157.42 12.33 199.59 10.73 253.76 9.33 320.78 8.14 396.66 7.19 629.67 5.49 800.28 4.77 1017.19 4.15 1273.09 3.64 1571.79 3.22 1901.94 2.88 2263.54 2.60
83.76 19.76 103.39 17.47 164.26 13.34 208.27 11.61 264.79 10.09 334.73 8.80 413.91 7.78 657.04 5.94 835.08 5.16 1061.42 4.49 1328.44 3.94 1640.13 3.48 1984.63 3.12 2361.96 2.82
87.25 21.31 107.70 18.85 171.10 14.38 216.95 12.52 275.82 10.89 348.67 9.49 431.16 8.39 684.42 6.41 869.87 5.57 1105.64 4.84 1383.79 4.25 1708.47 3.76 2067.33 3.36 2460.37 3.04
90.74 22.91 112.00 20.26 177.95 15.47 225.62 13.47 286.85 11.71 362.62 10.21 448.40 9.02 711.80 6.89 904.67 5.99 1149.87 5.21 1439.15 4.57 1776.81 4.04 2150.02 3.61 2558.79 3.27
94.23 24.57 116.31 21.73 184.79 16.59 234.30 14.44 297.89 12.55 376.57 10.95 465.65 9.67 739.17 7.39 939.46 6.42 1194.10 5.58 1494.50 4.90 1845.15 4.33 2232.71 3.88 2657.20 3.50
97.72 26.28 120.62 23.25 191.64 17.74 242.98 15.45 308.92 13.43 390.51 11.71 482.89 10.35 766.55 7.90 974.26 6.87 1238.32 5.97 1549.85 5.24 1913.48 4.63 2315.41 4.15 2755.61 3.75
101.21 28.05 124.93 24.81 198.48 18.93 251.66 16.49 319.95 14.33 404.46 12.50 500.14 11.04 793.93 8.43 1009.05 7.33 1282.55 6.37 1605.20 5.59 1981.82 4.94 2398.10 4.42 2854.03 4.00
104.70 29.87 129.24 26.42 205.33 20.16 260.34 17.55 330.99 15.26 418.41 13.31 517.39 11.76 821.30 8.98 1043.85 7.81 1326.77 6.79 1660.55 5.95 2050.16 5.27 2480.79 4.71 2952.44 4.26
108.19 31.74 133.54 28.07 212.17 21.42 269.01 18.65 342.02 16.21 432.36 14.14 534.63 12.49 848.68 9.54 1078.64 8.30 1371.00 7.21 1715.90 6.33 2118.50 5.59 2563.49 5.01 3050.86 4.52
111.68 33.66 137.85 29.77 219.01 22.72 277.69 19.78 353.05 17.20 446.30 15.00 551.88 13.25 876.06 10.12 1113.44 8.80 1415.23 7.65 1771.26 6.71 2186.84 5.93 2646.18 5.31 3149.27 4.80
115.17 35.63 142.16 31.51 225.86 24.05 286.37 20.94 364.09 18.21 460.25 15.88 569.13 14.03 903.43 10.71 1148.23 9.31 1459.45 8.10 1826.61 7.10 2255.18 6.28 2728.87 5.62 3247.69 5.08
118.66 37.66 146.47 33.31 232.70 25.42 295.05 22.13 375.12 19.24 474.20 16.78 586.37 14.83 930.81 11.32 1183.03 9.84 1503.68 8.56 1881.96 7.51 2323.52 6.64 2811.57 5.94 3346.10 5.37
122.15 39.74 150.78 35.14 239.55 26.82 303.72 23.35 386.15 20.30 488.14 17.71 603.62 15.64 958.19 11.95 1217.82 10.39 1547.90 9.03 1937.31 7.92 2391.86 7.00 2894.26 6.27 3444.52 5.66
125.64 41.86 155.08 37.02 246.39 28.26 312.40 24.60 397.18 21.39 502.09 18.65 620.86 16.48 985.56 12.59 1252.62 10.94 1592.13 9.51 1992.66 8.35 2460.19 7.38 2976.95 6.60 3542.93 5.97
129.13 44.04 159.39 38.95 253.24 29.73 321.08 25.89 408.22 22.50 516.04 19.63 638.11 17.34 1012.94 13.24 1287.41 11.51 1636.35 10.01 2048.01 8.78 2528.53 7.76 3059.64 6.95 3641.35 6.28
132.62 46.27 163.70 40.92 260.08 31.24 329.76 27.20 419.25 23.64 529.98 20.62 655.36 18.22 1040.32 13.91 1322.21 12.09 1680.58 10.52 2103.37 9.22 2596.87 8.16 3142.34 7.30 3739.76 6.59
136.11 48.55 168.01 42.94 266.92 32.77 338.44 28.54 430.28 24.81 543.93 21.64 672.60 19.11 1067.69 14.60 1357.00 12.69 1724.81 11.03 2158.72 9.68 2665.21 8.56 3225.03 7.66 3838.18 6.92
139.60 50.88 172.32 45.00 273.77 34.35 347.11 29.91 441.32 26.00 557.88 22.67 689.85 20.03 1095.07 15.30 1391.80 13.30 1769.03 11.56 2214.07 10.14 2733.55 8.97 3307.72 8.03 3936.59 7.25

Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss according to Manning formula.
• 29•

01-40 EN2020.indd 9 07/04/2020 18:32:19

••• P I P E D ES I G N

Pressure loss tables

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN25

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN90 DN110 DN125 DN140 DN160 DN200

PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25
82.2 101.4 115.2 129.2 147.6 183.3
Speed Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
(m/s) l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
0.1 0.53 0.16 0.81 0.13 1.04 0.11 1.31 0.10 1.71 0.08 2.64 0.06
0.2 1.06 0.59 1.62 0.47 2.08 0.40 2.62 0.35 3.42 0.30 5.28 0.23
0.3 1.59 1.26 2.42 0.98 3.13 0.85 3.93 0.74 5.13 0.64 7.92 0.49
0.4 2.12 2.14 3.23 1.68 4.17 1.45 5.24 1.26 6.84 1.08 10.56 0.84
0.5 2.65 3.24 4.04 2.54 5.21 2.19 6.56 1.92 8.56 1.64 13.19 1.27
0.6 3.18 4.54 4.85 3.57 6.25 3.07 7.87 2.69 10.27 2.30 15.83 1.78
0.7 3.71 6.04 5.65 4.73 7.30 4.09 9.18 3.57 11.98 3.06 18.47 2.37
0.8 4.25 7.77 6.46 6.07 8.34 5.23 10.49 4.57 13.69 3.92 21.11 3.04
0.9 4.78 9.66 7.27 7.55 9.38 6.50 11.80 5.69 15.40 4.87 23.75 3.78
1.0 5.31 11.73 8.08 9.18 10.42 7.90 13.11 6.91 17.11 5.92 26.39 4.60
1.1 5.84 13.99 8.88 10.94 11.47 9.44 14.42 8.25 18.82 7.06 29.03 5.48
1.2 6.37 16.43 9.69 12.86 12.51 11.08 15.73 9.69 20.53 8.29 31.67 6.44
1.3 6.90 19.06 10.50 14.92 13.55 12.85 17.04 11.23 22.24 9.62 34.31 7.47
1.4 7.43 21.86 11.31 17.12 14.59 14.73 18.35 12.89 23.95 11.03 36.94 8.57
1.5 7.96 24.83 12.11 19.43 15.63 16.74 19.67 14.66 25.67 12.54 39.58 9.74
1.6 8.49 27.98 12.92 21.90 16.68 18.88 20.98 16.51 27.38 14.14 42.22 10.98
1.7 9.02 31.30 13.73 24.51 17.72 21.12 22.29 18.47 29.09 15.81 44.86 12.28
1.8 9.55 34.79 14.54 27.26 18.76 23.47 23.60 20.53 30.80 17.58 47.50 13.65
1.9 10.08 38.45 15.34 30.10 19.80 25.94 24.91 22.70 32.51 19.43 50.14 15.09
2.0 10.61 42.28 16.15 33.11 20.85 28.54 26.22 24.96 34.22 21.36 52.78 16.59
2.1 11.14 46.27 16.96 36.25 21.89 31.23 27.53 27.31 35.93 23.38 55.42 18.16
2.2 11.67 50.43 17.77 39.52 22.93 34.04 28.84 29.77 37.64 25.49 58.05 19.79
2.3 12.21 54.84 18.57 42.88 23.97 36.95 30.15 32.32 39.35 27.67 60.69 21.49
2.4 12.74 59.33 19.38 46.41 25.02 40.00 31.46 34.97 41.07 29.95 63.33 23.26
2.5 13.27 63.98 20.19 50.06 26.06 43.14 32.78 37.74 42.78 32.30 65.97 25.08
2.6 13.80 68.79 21.00 53.85 27.10 46.38 34.09 40.58 44.49 34.74 68.61 26.97
2.7 14.33 73.76 21.80 57.71 28.14 49.73 35.40 43.51 46.20 37.25 71.25 28.93
2.8 14.86 78.90 22.61 61.74 29.18 53.19 36.71 46.54 47.91 39.84 73.89 30.94
2.9 15.39 84.19 23.42 65.90 30.23 56.79 38.02 49.66 49.62 42.52 76.53 33.02
3.0 15.92 89.64 24.23 70.18 31.27 60.46 39.33 52.88 51.33 45.27 79.17 35.16

Pressure loss 3.1


3.3 17.51 106.92 26.65 83.71 34.40 72.14 43.26 63.08 56.46 54.00 87.08 41.95
3.4 18.04 112.99 27.46 88.49 35.44 76.23 44.58 66.69 58.18 57.09 89.72 44.33
3.5 18.57 119.21 28.26 93.32 36.48 80.43 45.89 70.37 59.89 60.24 92.36 46.78
3.6 19.10 125.59 29.07 98.34 37.52 84.73 47.20 74.13 61.60 63.46 95.00 49.28
3.7 19.64 132.24 29.88 103.47 38.57 89.17 48.51 77.99 63.31 66.76 97.64 51.85
3.8 20.17 138.93 30.69 108.72 39.61 93.67 49.82 81.93 65.02 70.14 100.28 54.48
3.9 20.70 145.77 31.49 114.03 40.65 98.28 51.13 85.97 66.73 73.59 102.92 57.16
4.0 21.23 152.75 32.30 119.52 41.69 102.99 52.44 90.09 68.44 77.12 105.55 59.90

• 3 0• VShaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss
according to Manning formula.

01-40 EN2020.indd 10 07/04/2020 18:32:20

P I PE D ESI G N • • •

TOM® PVC-O 500 PN25

Pipe head loss is the energy of a hydraulic fluid that is lost along itself due to friction.
Below is the calculation of estimated water speeds depending on the selected pipe for installation.

DN225 DN250 DN315 DN355 DN400 DN450 DN500 DN630 DN710 DN800 DN900 DN1000 DN1100 DN1200
PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25
207.4 229.1 288.6 327.2 369.0 412.3 461.2 581.0 654.7 733.0 824.1 915.6 1007.2 1098.8
Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J Flow J
l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km l/s m/km
3.38 0.06 4.12 0.05 6.54 0.04 8.41 0.03 10.69 0.03 13.35 0.03 16.71 0.02 26.51 0.02 33.66 0.01 42.20 0.01 53.34 0.01 65.84 0.01 79.67 0.01 94.83 0.01
6.76 0.20 8.24 0.18 13.08 0.14 16.82 0.12 21.39 0.10 26.70 0.09 33.41 0.08 53.02 0.06 67.33 0.05 84.40 0.05 106.68 0.04 131.68 0.04 159.35 0.03 189.65 0.03
10.14 0.43 12.37 0.38 19.62 0.29 25.23 0.25 32.08 0.22 40.05 0.19 50.12 0.17 79.54 0.13 100.99 0.11 126.60 0.10 160.02 0.09 197.53 0.08 239.02 0.07 284.48 0.06
13.51 0.73 16.49 0.65 26.17 0.50 33.63 0.43 42.78 0.37 53.40 0.33 66.82 0.29 106.05 0.22 134.66 0.19 168.79 0.17 213.36 0.15 263.37 0.13 318.70 0.12 379.30 0.10
16.89 1.10 20.61 0.98 32.71 0.75 42.04 0.65 53.47 0.56 66.76 0.49 83.53 0.43 132.56 0.33 168.32 0.29 210.99 0.25 266.70 0.22 329.21 0.19 398.37 0.17 474.13 0.16
20.27 1.55 24.73 1.38 39.25 1.05 50.45 0.91 64.16 0.79 80.11 0.69 100.24 0.61 159.07 0.46 201.99 0.40 253.19 0.35 320.04 0.31 395.05 0.27 478.05 0.24 568.96 0.22
23.65 2.06 28.86 1.83 45.79 1.40 58.86 1.21 74.86 1.05 93.46 0.92 116.94 0.81 185.58 0.62 235.65 0.54 295.39 0.47 373.38 0.41 460.89 0.36 557.72 0.33 663.78 0.29
27.03 2.63 32.98 2.34 52.33 1.79 67.27 1.55 85.55 1.34 106.81 1.18 133.65 1.04 212.10 0.79 269.32 0.69 337.59 0.60 426.72 0.53 526.73 0.47 637.40 0.42 758.61 0.38
30.41 3.27 37.10 2.91 58.87 2.23 75.68 1.92 96.25 1.67 120.16 1.47 150.35 1.29 238.61 0.98 302.98 0.86 379.79 0.75 480.06 0.65 592.58 0.58 717.07 0.52 853.43 0.47
33.78 3.98 41.22 3.54 65.42 2.71 84.08 2.34 106.94 2.03 133.51 1.78 167.06 1.57 265.12 1.20 336.65 1.04 421.99 0.91 533.40 0.80 658.42 0.70 796.75 0.63 948.26 0.57
37.16 4.75 45.35 4.23 71.96 3.23 92.49 2.79 117.63 2.42 146.86 2.13 183.76 1.87 291.63 1.43 370.31 1.24 464.18 1.09 586.74 0.95 724.26 0.84 876.42 0.75 1043.09 0.68
40.54 5.58 49.47 4.97 78.50 3.79 100.90 3.28 128.33 2.85 160.21 2.50 200.47 2.19 318.14 1.68 403.98 1.46 506.38 1.28 640.08 1.11 790.10 0.99 956.10 0.88 1137.91 0.80
43.92 6.47 53.59 5.76 85.04 4.40 109.31 3.80 139.02 3.30 173.56 2.90 217.18 2.55 344.66 1.94 437.64 1.69 548.58 1.48 693.41 1.29 855.94 1.14 1035.77 1.02 1232.74 0.92
47.30 7.42 57.71 6.61 91.58 5.05 117.72 4.36 149.72 3.79 186.92 3.33 233.88 2.92 371.17 2.23 471.31 1.94 590.78 1.70 746.75 1.48 921.78 1.31 1115.45 1.17 1327.56 1.06
50.68 8.43 61.83 7.51 98.12 5.73 126.13 4.95 160.41 4.30 200.27 3.78 250.59 3.32 397.68 2.53 504.97 2.20 632.98 1.93 800.09 1.69 987.63 1.49 1195.12 1.33 1422.39 1.20
54.05 9.50 65.96 8.46 104.67 6.46 134.54 5.58 171.10 4.85 213.62 4.26 267.29 3.74 424.19 2.86 538.63 2.48 675.18 2.18 853.43 1.90 1053.47 1.68 1274.80 1.50 1517.22 1.36
57.43 10.63 70.08 9.47 111.21 7.23 142.94 6.24 181.80 5.43 226.97 4.77 284.00 4.18 450.70 3.20 572.30 2.78 717.38 2.44 906.77 2.13 1119.31 1.88 1354.47 1.68 1612.04 1.52
60.81 11.82 74.20 10.52 117.75 8.04 151.35 6.94 192.49 6.03 240.32 5.30 300.71 4.65 477.22 3.55 605.96 3.09 759.57 2.71 960.11 2.36 1185.15 2.09 1434.15 1.87 1706.87 1.69
64.19 13.06 78.32 11.63 124.29 8.88 159.76 7.67 203.19 6.67 253.67 5.86 317.41 5.14 503.73 3.93 639.63 3.42 801.77 2.99 1013.45 2.61 1250.99 2.31 1513.82 2.07 1801.69 1.87
67.57 14.37 82.45 12.79 130.83 9.77 168.17 8.44 213.88 7.33 267.02 6.44 334.12 5.65 530.24 4.32 673.29 3.76 843.97 3.29 1066.79 2.87 1316.84 2.54 1593.50 2.27 1896.52 2.05
70.95 15.73 86.57 14.00 137.37 10.69 176.58 9.24 224.58 8.03 280.37 7.05 350.82 6.19 556.75 4.73 706.96 4.11 886.17 3.60 1120.13 3.14 1382.68 2.78 1673.17 2.49 1991.34 2.25
74.32 17.14 90.69 15.26 143.91 11.65 184.99 10.07 235.27 8.75 293.72 7.69 367.53 6.74 583.26 5.15 740.62 4.48 928.37 3.93 1173.47 3.43 1448.52 3.03 1752.85 2.71 2086.17 2.45
77.70 18.61 94.81 16.57 150.46 12.66 193.39 10.93 245.96 9.50 307.07 8.35 384.23 7.32 609.78 5.59 774.29 4.87 970.57 4.26 1226.81 3.72 1514.36 3.29 1832.52 2.94 2181.00 2.66
81.08 20.14 98.94 17.93 157.00 13.69 201.80 11.83 256.66 10.28 320.43 9.03 400.94 7.92 636.29 6.05 807.95 5.26 1012.77 4.61 1280.15 4.02 1580.20 3.56 1912.20 3.18 2275.82 2.88
84.46 21.72 103.06 19.34 163.54 14.77 210.21 12.76 267.35 11.09 333.78 9.74 417.65 8.55 662.80 6.53 841.62 5.68 1054.96 4.98 1333.49 4.34 1646.04 3.84 1991.87 3.43 2370.65 3.10
87.84 23.35 107.18 20.79 170.08 15.88 218.62 13.72 278.05 11.92 347.13 10.47 434.35 9.19 689.31 7.02 875.28 6.11 1097.16 5.35 1386.83 4.67 1711.89 4.13 2071.55 3.69 2465.47 3.34
91.22 25.05 111.30 22.30 176.62 17.03 227.03 14.71 288.74 12.78 360.48 11.23 451.06 9.86 715.82 7.53 908.95 6.55 1139.36 5.74 1440.17 5.01 1777.73 4.43 2151.22 3.96 2560.30 3.58
94.59 26.79 115.42 23.85 183.16 18.22 235.44 15.74 299.43 13.68 373.83 12.01 467.76 10.54 742.34 8.05 942.61 7.00 1181.56 6.14 1493.51 5.35 1843.57 4.74 2230.90 4.24 2655.13 3.83
97.97 28.59 119.55 25.45 189.71 19.44 243.85 16.79 310.13 14.59 387.18 12.82 484.47 11.25 768.85 8.59 976.28 7.47 1223.76 6.55 1546.85 5.71 1909.41 5.05 2310.57 4.52 2749.95 4.08
101.35 30.44 123.67 27.10 196.25 20.70 252.25 17.88 320.82 15.54 400.53 13.65 501.18 11.98 795.36 9.15 1009.94 7.96 1265.96 6.98 1600.19 6.08 1975.25 5.38 2390.25 4.81 2844.78 4.35
104.73 32.35 127.79 28.80 202.79 22.00 260.66 19.00 331.52 16.51 413.88 14.51 517.88 12.73 821.87 9.72 1043.61 8.46 1308.16 7.41 1653.53 6.47 2041.09 5.72 2469.92 5.12 2939.60 4.62
108.11 34.31 131.91 30.54 209.33 23.33 269.07 20.15 342.21 17.51 427.23 15.39 534.59 13.50 848.38 10.31 1077.27 8.97 1350.35 7.86 1706.87 6.86 2106.94 6.06 2549.60 5.43 3034.43 4.90
111.49 36.32 136.04 32.34 215.87 24.70 277.48 21.33 352.90 18.54 440.59 16.29 551.29 14.29 874.90 10.92 1110.93 9.49 1392.55 8.32 1760.21 7.26 2172.78 6.42 2629.27 5.74 3129.26 5.19
114.86 38.38 140.16 34.17 222.41 26.10 285.89 22.54 363.60 19.59 453.94 17.21 568.00 15.10 901.41 11.54 1144.60 10.03 1434.75 8.80 1813.55 7.67 2238.62 6.78 2708.95 6.07 3224.08 5.48
118.24 40.50 144.28 36.06 228.96 27.54 294.30 23.79 374.29 20.67 467.29 18.16 584.70 15.94 927.92 12.17 1178.26 10.59 1476.95 9.28 1866.89 8.09 2304.46 7.16 2788.62 6.40 3318.91 5.79
121.62 42.67 148.40 37.99 235.50 29.02 302.70 25.06 384.99 21.78 480.64 19.14 601.41 16.79 954.43 12.82 1211.93 11.16 1519.15 9.78 1920.23 8.53 2370.30 7.54 2868.30 6.75 3413.73 6.10
125.00 44.89 152.53 39.97 242.04 30.53 311.11 26.37 395.68 22.91 493.99 20.13 618.12 17.66 980.94 13.49 1245.59 11.74 1561.35 10.29 1973.56 8.97 2436.15 7.93 2947.97 7.10 3508.56 6.41
128.38 47.16 156.65 41.99 248.58 32.07 319.52 27.70 406.37 24.07 507.34 21.15 634.82 18.56 1007.46 14.17 1279.26 12.33 1603.55 10.81 2026.90 9.43 2501.99 8.34 3027.64 7.46 3603.39 6.74
131.76 49.49 160.77 44.06 255.12 33.65 327.93 29.07 417.07 25.26 520.69 22.19 651.53 19.47 1033.97 14.87 1312.92 12.94 1645.74 11.34 2080.24 9.89 2567.83 8.75 3107.32 7.83 3698.21 7.07
135.13 51.86 164.89 46.17 261.66 35.27 336.34 30.46 427.76 26.47 534.04 23.26 668.23 20.41 1060.48 15.59 1346.59 13.56 1687.94 11.88 2133.58 10.37 2633.67 9.17 3186.99 8.20 3793.04 7.41

Shaded values: estimation of recommended water speeds to avoid sedimentation, water hammer, noises, erosion and high values of head loss according to Manning formula.
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•• • P I P E D E S I G N

Water Hammer

To calculate possible excess pressures (P) produced by water hammers, the celerity (α) must be first
determinated. It is a characteristic of the pipe and the fluid that it transports, and it evaluates the change in the
water speed (V) which can occurs in the valvel openings and closings or for startups or shutdowns of the pump.

a∙V 9900 1010

P= ; a= ; Kc=
g Dm E
48.3 + Kc ∙

V a P (water hammer) V a P (water hammer)

m/s m/s m bar m/s m/s m bar

0.5 293 15 1.5 0.5 1100 56 5.6
1.0 293 30 3.0 1.0 1100 112 11.2
1.5 293 45 4.5 1.5 1100 168 16.8
2.0 293 60 6.0 2.0 1100 224 22.4
2.5 293 75 7.5 2.5 1100 280 28.0
3.0 293 90 9.0 3.0 1100 336 33.6
3.5 293 105 10.5 3.5 1100 392 39.2
4.0 293 119 11.9 4.0 1100 449 44.9

Air locks in the pipes during filling can be highly damaging when water hammers arise and can cause excess
pressure far beyond the levels established in the tables above. Thus it is important to follow the following
• Filling the pipe should only be carried out at low speed (approximately 0.05 m/s) and at the lowest point
in the pipe system.
• When installing purging mechanisms (double effect suction mechanisms) at the highest points on each
section of pipe.
• During filling it is important to leave opened the elements capable of evacuating air (valves), and close
them from bottom to top in the pipe as the pipe fills up with water.

Reduction ratios: Temperature and Application

Temperature Ratio Graph
High temperatures (over 25 °C) or demanding or aggressive applications 1.2
can reduce Allowable Operating Pressure (PFA) of pipes in comparison 1.1
to the Nominal Pressure (NP). 1
PFA = PN ∙ fT ∙ fA 0.9
The derating factor (fT) as function of operating temperature can be
obtained from the graph on the right.
The derating factor related to application of the system (fA) must be
determined by the Project Manager.
20 30 40 50
Note: Project design and execution is responsibility of the Project Manager
and the Contractor, respectively.

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I N S TA L L AT I O N • • •

Quick, low-priced installation

TOM® PVC-O pipes are less than half PVC and HDPE pipes weight: between six and twelve times less per
linear metre than ductile iron pipes of the same nominal external diameter. Due to their lightness, they can
be lifted without mechanical assistance (cranes, hoists, etc), up to a diameter of DN315 mm, which brings down
the overall cost of installation.
Weight (in Kg)
2,600 of six-metre pipes
DN90 DN110 DN125 DN140 DN160 DN200 DN225 DN250 DN315 DN355 DN400 DN450 DN500 DN630 DN710 DN800 DN900 DN1000 DN1100 DN1200


Installation Installation
performance (m/hour) Costs (euro/m)

Figures for DN 200-250 mm Figures for DN 200-250 mm
Because TOM® pipes have a high resistance, they offer considerable advantages in terms of unloading,
installation in trenches and pipe-to-pipe connection. Moreover, these pipes are so easy to connect
to one another that they offer very high performance: they can be handled and installed by lower-
qualified workers and without machinery (up to DN 315).

For all these reasons TOM® pipes offer huge advantages in terms of installation in metres/installation-
hours compared to other solutions.

Transport and Storage

TOM® pipes characteristics make them easy to transport and store, which means considerable
savings in costs.

To optimize transport, it is advisable to stick to the following guidelines:

• If different diameters are going to be transported in the same batch, the biggest diameters must
be placed below.
• Leave the sockets free, alternating sockets and free ends.

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•• • I N S TA L L AT I O N

To avoid damaging pipes in storage, it is advisable to:

• Store the pipes horizontally on a flat surface, on supports spaced 1.5 metres apart, to keep the
pipes from bowing.
• Do not stack higher than 1.5 metres.
• Leave the sockets free, alternating sockets and free ends.
• If the pipes are stored in direct sunlight, cover the pallets with opaque material and with
ventilation to prevent overheating.


Trench dimensions
Although other types of applications are possible, TOM® pipes
are particularly recommended for underground installation. The
dimensions of the trench will depend on the loads to which pipes will be
submitted (road traffic, soil types, etc). As a rule of thumb, when there
is no road traffic involved, the pipes’ crown will be at a minimum depth
of 0.6 metres (60 cm); with road traffic, the minimum depth is 1 metre.

The minimum width of the trench can be calculated using the

following tables:
DN Minimum with DN Minimum with Depth of trench Minimum with
(mm) of trench B (m) (mm) of trench B (m) H (m) of trench B (m)

90-250 0.60 710 1.60 H < 1.00 0.60

315 0.85 800 1.65 1.00 < H < 1.75 0.80
355 1.10 900 1.75 1.75 < H < 4.00 0.90
400 1.10 1000 1.85 H > 4.00 1.00
450 1.15 1100 1.95
500 1.20 1200 2.05
630 1.35

The bottom of the trench should be homogeneous, uniform and ensure a solid support along the entire length of
the pipe.


• Checks must be made to ensure that joints are clean both inside the pipe and outside.
• To facilitate assembly, it is advisable to lubricate the sockets and free ends using lubricating soap.
• Align the pipe-ends and slot the sockets into place.
• Pipes can be slotted into one another using levers (use only materials that will not damage the pipes,
e.g. wood), or slings. With small diameters, however, owing to the elastic joint system and the lightness
of the pipe, a short, sharp movement of the hand is enough to couple the pipes.

Angular Deviation

Angular deviations in the union system are allowed. This means that the piping can be channeled
following a desired line.

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I N S TA L L AT I O N • • •

DN Maximum angular deviation Displacement between sockets

(mm) Angle (°) D (mm) (1)
90-1200 2° 200

(1) Pipes not exceeding 5.95 metres in length.


Pipes that are subjected to internal hydrostatic pressure are also

subjected to thrust forces at every point of change of direction (angular
deviation of the pipe, elbows, curves, etc) and in parts and components Anchoring at points
that increase or reduce the pipe’s cross-section, such as valves, branches, of change of direction

overflows, etc. These forces can be extremely strong and are even capable of
moving the ground, causing pipes to uncouple. In general terms, the thrust
forces can be gauged using the following formula:

Force(kg) = k ∙Pressure (bar) ∙ Pipe Cross Section (cm2)

In caps and tees at 90°: K=1
Smallest cross-section
In reducers: k=1 - =
Biggest cross-section
In changes of direction: k=2 ∙ sen β
It is important to ensure that the concrete is poured directly into the previously positioned ground and that it has
the required mechanical resistance. When designing the anchoring, bear in mind that the joints must be left free
to enable its subsequent inspection during hydraulic trials.

Bedding and Filling the Trench

To analyze the optimal and most efficient way for the preparation of bedding on which to settle the
pipe and the subsequent filling and compacting the ground on the sides and top of the pipe, see our
installation instructions or contact with our technical and commercial service.

Fiels trials and Entry into Service

The EN 805:2000 Water Supply Standard is applicable to all aspects of on-site trials and Entry into
Service. During installation, it is important to carry out trials on the lengths of completely laid pipeline
(the length can vary between 500 and 1,000 metres). The ends of each length of pipeline will be sealed off using
the appropriate components, and the pipeline must be partly filled with the joints in full view.

The trial pressure (STP) in N/mm2 (0.1 N/mm2 = 1 atm) will be as follows:
a) If the water hammer has been calculated precisely: STP = MDP + 0.1
b) If the water hammer is estimated, use the lesser of the following two values:
STP = MDP + 0.5 and STP = 1.5 · MDP

MDP is the Maximum Design Pressure, i.e. the maximum allowable pressure in a pipe, including the effect of a
water hammer. The Entry into Service of piping for drinking water must comply with the required health
standards for water for human consumption.

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•• • C E R T I F I C AT E S


Quality System Certification according to UNE-EN AENOR Product certification according to

ISO 9001:2015. UNE-ISO 16422:2015. Mark .

Certificado del AENOR Product Certificate

Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad Plastics


hereby certify that the organization


ER-1644/2008 28890 - LOECHES 001/006537
AENOR certifies that the organization
AENOR certifica que la organización for the following field of activities

MOLECOR TECNOLOGÍA, S.L. The production of Oriented Poly(Vinyl Clhoride) (PVC-0) for high pressure fluids transport. MOLECOR TECNOLOGÍA, S.L.
has implemented and maintains a registered office CR M-206 TORREJÓN - LOECHES, KM 3.1 28890 LOECHES (Madrid -
dispone de un sistema de gestión de la calidad conforme con la Norma ISO 9001:2015 España)
Quality Management System
para las actividades: La producción de tubería de Poli(Cloruro de Vinilo) Orientado (PVC-0) supplies Oriented unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) pipes for the
para transporte de fluidos a presión. which fulfills the requirements of the following standard conveyance of water

ISO 9001:2015
que se realizan en: CR M-206 TORREJÓN - LOECHES, KM 3.1. 28890 - LOECHES (MADRID) in compliance with UNE-ISO 16422:2015 (ISO 16422:2014)

Fecha de primera emisión: 2008-12-15 First issued on: 2008-12-15 Last issued: 2017-09-11 Validity date: 2020-09-11
Fecha de última emisión: 2017-09-11 See annex for more information.
Fecha de expiración: 2020-09-11
Registration Number: ES-1644/2008 Production site CR M-206 TORREJON - LOECHES, KM 3,1 28890 LOECHES (Madrid -

Certification scheme In order to grant this Certificate, AENOR has tested the product and has
verified the quality system implemented for its manufacture. AENOR
performs these tasks periodically while the Certificate has not been
cancelled, in accordance with Specific Rules RP 01.53.

This certificate supersedes 001/006537, dated 2019-09-24

First issued on 2015-12-15

Modified on 2019-12-17
Validity date 2024-05-25
Michael Drechsel Rafael García
Original Electronic Certificate
Original Electronic Certificate

President of IQNet Chief Executive Officer

IQNet Partners*:
Original Electrónico


AENOR Spain AFNOR Certification France AIB-Vinçotte International Belgium ANCE Mexico APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus
Director General CISQ Italy CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany Chief Executive Officer
FCAV Brazil FONDONORMA Venezuela ICONTEC Colombia IMNC Mexico Inspecta Certification Finland IRAM Argentina
AENOR INTERNACIONAL S.A.U. JQA Japan KFQ Korea MIRTEC Greece MSZT Hungary Nemko AS Norway NSAI Ireland PCBC Poland
Génova, 6. 28004 Madrid. España Quality Austria Austria RR Russia SII Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS International Malaysia AENOR INTERNACIONAL S.A.U.
Tel. 91 432 60 00.- www.aenor.com SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersburg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS Serbia Génova, 6. 28004 Madrid. España
IQNet is represented in the USA by: AFNOR Certification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI Inc. Tel. 91 432 60 00.- www.aenor.com Product certification body accredited by ENAC, number 1/C-PR271
* The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Updated information is available under www.iqnet-certification.com

AFNOR Product certification according to Attestation de Sanitary certificate

NF T 54-948:2010. Mark. Conformité HYDROCHECK (Belgium)
Sanitaire (ACS) according
to French legislation.

Approval test of RD 140/2003 “Criterios Sanitarios de Water Regulations advisory scheme (WRAS)
la calidad del agua de consumo humano” (Sanitary Material approval - materials which have passed
Criteria for human water quality consumption). full tests of effect on water quality.

Latest certificates can be downloaded at www.molecor.com

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N OT ES •••


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•• • N O T E S


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N OT ES •••


The drawings, illustrations, technical characteristics, as well as the data grid and figures included in this document
are not contractual. Molecor Tecnología, S.L. reserves the right to modify the characteristics of its products
according to the new manufacturing technologies and the current legislation in order to have a continuous
improvement with a view to its improvement, without prior notice.
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Ctra. M-206 Torrejón - Loeches Km 3.1
28890 Loeches
Madrid - Spain
Tel.: +34 911 337 088
Fax: +34 916 682 884
e-mail: canalizaciones@molecor.com
Molecor© March 2020 MOLECOR® and TOM® are registered trademarks

01-40 EN2020.indd 2 07/04/2020 18:17:03

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