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General Ricardo G. Papa Sr.

Memorial High School

Gen Luna St., Ususan Taguig City

Senior High School Level

“The Effect of Listening to Music On the Academic Performance of the Student in Grade

12 ICT and HUMMS 12 On GRPMHS”

In Partial fulfillment of requirements in Triple III

(Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion)

Submitted by:

Angela Joy España Izer Jalmasco

Antonio Bulawan Marl Angelo Neri

Dharius Carolino Jericho D. Tavera

Submitted to:

Mrs. Leonora Pili

III Teacher
Table of Content

Tittle Page……………………………………………………………………………….... i

Table of Content…………………………………………………………………………. ii

Chapter One: Introduction………………………………………………………………... 1


Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………... 2

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………… 2

Significant of the Study………………………………………………………... 2

Chapter two: Review of Related Literature……………………………………………... 3

Review of Related Literature…………………………………………………... 3

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………….... 3

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………. 4

Chapter Three: Methodology……………………………………………………………. 5

Respondent of the Study……………………………………………………......

Instrument of the Study………………………………………………………...

Research Design………………………………………………………………... 5
Chapter 1


Listening to music while studying has become a usual practice in the student population.

In the modern era of technology, many students listen to music while studying. This trend raises

a question on how music effects one’s concentration and academic performance during the study.

There is a popular term coined ‘The Mozart effect’ which shows that listening to classical music

such as Mozart help increase intellectual quotient (IQ) in spatial reasoning. Rauscher et al., in

1993 hypothesized that neurons in brain fire at a sequence that can be stimulated by specific

frequencies such as Mozart music.

Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can

make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more

optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles,

making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation

and stress management.

Modern behavior of people and activities sometimes cause us pressure and mental issues.

Many societies across the globe are experiencing the psychological issues and stress several

statistical data imply that teenagers, children and adults where primary develop stage of people

who can be cured by focusing and listening to the different kinds of music. Many musicians find

their genre amusing or good for all, not just for themselves, therefore writing down their

emotions and experiences with music can give people advice and open their eyes and help them

to be motivated to perform work and task.

Based on research music can raise someone’s mood, get them excited or make them calm

and relax. Music also allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our

lives. Mostly people live because of music it says, "There is growing scientific evidence

showing that the brain responds to music in very specific ways," Lisa Hartling, PhD, professor of

pediatrics at the University of Alberta and lead author of the study. "Playing music for kids

during painful medical procedures is a simple intervention that can make a big difference."

Statement of the Problem

The study attempts to identify whether listening to music while studying has an effect to the

academic performance of Grade 12 ICT and HUMMS 12 students of GRPMHS. This chapter

shows the different questions that would be answered by the researcher.

1. How does listening to music affect the academic performance of the student?

A. What type of music does the student help to concentrate in their study?

B. What are the effect of listening to music that help the student to focus on their study?

Scope and Delimitation

The Scope of this research is to find the effect of overall music to the academic performance

of the GRPMHS Grade 12 ICT and HUMMS 12 students

The study conducted by the researchers are only delimited to Grade 12 ICT and HUMMS

12 students

The main purpose of this research is to find out if music is a bad thing or a good thing for

the academic performances of these students that the researchers are interviewing

Significance of The Study

The findings of this study is to acknowledge the benefits of the music to the academic

performance of the Grade 12 ICT and HUMMS students, considering that music plays an

important role to the mentality or mindset of the students. The greater demand for students that

are having mental and emotional problems justifies the needs of relaxant and calmative activities.

Study focus on the one of the most common way to deal with this issue and help the students

focus on their academics is to listen to their beloved or favorite music. For the researchers, the

study will help them uncover deeply the effectiveness and the critical areas in the educational

process that many researchers were not able to explore Benefiting the study are various sector as


The Students The direct recipient of the output of this research are the student that listen to

music to help them on their academic performance.

The Teachers This study will be beneficial to the teachers to deeply understand more about

the help of listening to music of the student academic performances.

The future researchers this research study will be a useful reference for the future

researcher who would plan to make any related study precisely the standard effect of listening to

music to the academic performances of the students.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Music can improve memory, increase attention, focus concentration, and release tension

(Brewer, 1995). Based on the extant research, the results have shown that multiple ways of

including music into the classroom can be beneficial to the students. Whether the music is mixed
into the background noise or is within an active part of learning a new definition or phrase, music

has been proven to help increase retention of information, and fuel brain cognition.

Hallam and Price (1998) investigated the impact of background music on student behavior, in

addition to academic achievement. The results showed that sessions including background music

had a significantly increased number of correct answers. These studies have also shown that

music can have these positive influences on a variety of learners, even those with learning


Gilbert Galindo (2003) Characters of varying degree that are found in music, can affect one's

mood. Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed.

Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we

experience in our lives. The possibilities are endless. Studies have found that people may be

better at solving problems when they are in a positive mood compared to when they are in a

negative or neutral mood. Music that is relaxing also helps students with stress and anxiety, thus

leading them to study more efficiently

(Ziv & Dolev, 2013) Background music can be used to create a positive atmosphere. Background

music can student behavior, as well as physiological, emotional and cognitive processes. Every

day, people intuitively use music to create a desired atmosphere and regulate their moods.

Hills Orford (2013) noted that music has been a part of the public education curriculum in the

United States since the 1800s.

According to Edutopia (2014) music was used as an advocate for other content areas and to

manage behaviors in the classroom. (Stanford, 2012) Regardless of the grade level, there were
specific components that were taught in band or chorus classes: theory and practical knowledge,

history of music, analysis of composition, and studies and various genres.

(Teachology, n.d.). At the elementary level, music teachers have utilized singing, dancing, and

musical instruments such as the recorder and keyboard along with others to enhance student

learning. At the secondary level, students were often given the choice to participate in an

ensemble such as band or chorus, both of which helped to enhance a student’s metacognitive and

fine motor skills. In general, the ensembles offered for highest school students included

orchestra, choir, band, marching band, jazz band, and marching band.

Conceptual Framework

listening to music Academic Performance of the

(Independent Variable) Effect student

(Dependent Variable)

Research Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis:
There is no effect of listening to music on the academic performance of the student in

grade 12 ICT and HUMMS on GRPMHS

Research Hypothesis:

There is an effect of listening to music on the academic performance of the student in

grade 12 ICT and HUMMS on GRPMHS

Definition of Terms

Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce

beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

The Mozart effect - The Mozart effect refers to the theory that listening to the music of

Mozart may temporarily boost scores on one portion of an IQ test

Relaxant and Calmative - a drug used to promote relaxation or reduce tension

Chapter 3:


1. Respondent of the Study

In this study, the respondent is Senior High student in Gen. Ricardo G. Papa Sr.

Memorial High School. The total target for the survey is 60. It components will be 25

students in ICT 12 and 35 students in HUMMS 12.

2. Instrument of the Study

The researcher will gather data by giving a survey questionnaire in the form of open

ended question that is answerable by opinions written as option of ICT 12 students and

HUMMS 12 student in Gen. Ricardo G. Papa Sr. Memorial High School

3. Research Design

The research study utilized aspect of qualitative method of research. It is also used the

descriptive research design in order to determine the general findings of “The effect of

listening to music on the academic performance of the grade 12 ICT and HUMMS 12

student of GRPMHS” It is helpful in describing and understanding the effectiveness of

listening to music to the senior high student while studying.

Descriptive approach in studies is appropriate in providing facts on which definite

decision it may be constructed. These deliver critical information about the condition of

things and people

Finally, this study will employ the questionnaire-checklist with open ended question in

order for the participant to answer the questionnaire easily, we may also use interview in

order to collect data.

Chapter 4


The researchers in hope of being enlightened to finding out the effect of listening to music on the

academic performance of the student in grade 12 ICT and HUMMS on GRPMHS

TABLE 1: Age of the Respondent

Age Frequency Percentage

17 8 13.33%
Gender 42
Frequency 70%
19 10 16.67%
Male 32 53.33%
Total 60 100%
Female 28 46.67%
Total 60 100%

Table 1 shows that majority of the respondents’ ages are 18 with a frequency of 42 out of 60 and

with the percentage of 70 out of 100.

TABLE 2: Gender of the Respondent

Genre Frequency Percentage

OPM 18 30%
R and B 6 10%
POP 5 8.33%
KPOP 12 20% Table
Indie 5 8.33%
Jazz 4 6.67% 2
Classical 10 16.67
Total 60 100% shows


majority of the respondents ‘gender are male with a frequency of 32 out of 60 and with the

percentage of 53.33 out of 100.

TABLE 3: Genre of Music play by the respondents

Table 3 shows that majority of the respondent who plays music have a genre of OPM with a

frequency of 18 out of 60 and with the percentage of 30 out of 100.

TABLE 4: Effect of Music to the academic performance

Table 4 shows that majority of the respondent who plays music while studying have an effect of

being motivated with a frequency of 21 out of 60 and with the percentage of 50 out of 100

No. of students help by music to recover from depression, stress,

pressure and axienty


60; 100%

TABLE 5: Students who help by music to recover from depression, stress, pressure and
Effect Frequency Percentage
Motivated 21 50%
Happy 6 10%
Productive 13 21.67%
Comfortable 9 15%
Focus 11 18.33%
Total 60 100%


Table 5 shows that majority of the answer of the respondent was Yes with a frequency of 60 out

of 60 and with the percentage of 100 out of 100.



Based on the findings and the data gathered, the results of study show that the students have a

positive perception towards music while studying. the researchers therefore conclude that

listening to music while studying helps the senior high student in ICT 12 and HUMMS 12 on

GRPMHS to be concentrate, inspired and motivated

The researchers recommend for the students to practice listening music while studying, it can

enhance and help develop to have a peace of mind, concentrated and motivated. The researcher

also suggests to the student, to find a music that is soothing and relaxing suitable for them to stay



Based on the findings, listening to music have a positive effect for the student. It helps them to

be concentrated and motivated, it also makes them productive to finish tasks. Music also helps

students with previous depression, stress, pressure and anxiety to recover and study more


Brewer, C. B. (1995). Music and learning: Integrating music in the classroom. (Reprinted from

Music and Learning). Retrieved from

http://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/strategies/topics/Arts%20in%20Education/brew er.htm

Gilbert Galindo (2003). The Importance of Music In Our Society. Retrieved from


Ziv, N. & Dolev, E. (2013). The effect of background music on bullying: A pilot study.

Retrieved from


Hallam, S. & Price, J. (1998). Can the use of background music improve the behaviour and

academic performance of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties? British Journal of

Special Education, Retrieved from


Hills Orford, E.J. (2013). Music in Public Education-A History of Exclusion. Retrieved from



Stanford, G.A. (2012). History of music education in the United States. Retrieved from


Teachology. (n.d.). “What is Taught in the Music Classroom?” Retrieved from

Edutopia. (2014, March 28). “8 Ways to Use Music in the Language Arts Classroom”. Retrieved




Lisa Hartling: https://www.google.com/url?




Music therapy:






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