Youth Bible Quiz: Round 1 General Knowledge of Genesis. Origin (Or Beginning)
Youth Bible Quiz: Round 1 General Knowledge of Genesis. Origin (Or Beginning)
Youth Bible Quiz: Round 1 General Knowledge of Genesis. Origin (Or Beginning)
3) After Adam and Eve ate of the fruit that God had told them not to eat, they
heard the LORD walking in the Garden. What did they do? They hid
themselves – Genesis 3:8
6) What was the name of Adam and Eve’s third child? Seth – Genesis
7) Which chapter in Genesis describes the flood that covered the earth?
Chapter 7
8) What bird did Noah send from the ark during the flood that returned with an
olive leaf, showing him that the flood waters had receded from the earth? A
9) What was the first act that the Bible shows Noah did after he and his family
came out of the Ark? He built an altar and offered burnt offerings to God –
Genesis 8:18-20
10) Which chapter in Genesis tells us about the Tower of Babel? Chapter 11
11) Where was Abraham originally from? Ur of the Chaldeans – Genesis
12) Which chapter in Genesis tells of God’s call to Abraham (Abram) and
Abraham’s journey to the land God had for him? Chapter 12
13) How old was Abraham when God called him? 75 years Gen 12:4
14) What was Abram’s immediate response when the LORD told him to get out
of his country and go to a land that God would show him?
Abram departed as the LORD had told him to Genesis 12:4
15) Shortly after Abram reached the land God had told him to go to, there was a
famine in the land and Abram left to go where? Egypt – Genesis 12:10
17) Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He was then taken to Egypt and
sold to who?
Potiphar – Genesis 37:36
18) Who interpreted Pharaoh’s dream showing there would be 7 years of plenty,
followed by 7 years of famine? Ans: Joseph 7 Genesis 41
19) If you do what is right will you not be accepted”? Who said this?
Ans: The Lord (4:7)
Ans : Cain (Genesis 4:9)
21) What was the name of the son of Adam and Eve who was given to replace
Ans: Seth (Genesis 4:25)
22) Who was the oldest man in the Bible and how many years did he live?
Ans: Methuselah, 969 years (Genesis 5:27)
23) Benjamin’s mother was who?
Ans: Rachel (Genesis 35:18)
24) Who was called a mighty hunter in Genesis 10?
Ans: Nimrod (Genesis 10:8, 9)
25) What is the name of the city where God confused the languages?
Ans: Babel (Genesis 11:9)
26) Who was Abram’s father? Ans: Terah (Genesis 11:31)
27) Who is the son of Abraham through whom the Jewish people descend?
Ans: Isaac (Genesis 21:1-7)
28) Who is the grandson of Abraham through whom the twelve tribes of Israel
Jacob (Genesis 49)
29) After Sarah died, who was Abraham’s wife? Keturah (Genesis 25:1)
31) Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and
your father's house to the land that I will show you. Ans: True Gen
32) And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your
name great, so that you will be a blessing. Ans: True Gen 12:2
33) I will curse those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will
bless, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Ans: False
34) Abigail was Jacob and Leah’s daughter? Ans: False Dinah (Genesis
30:20, 21)
35) Joseph’s brothers hated him because their father, Jacob, loved him the most
Ans: True (Genesis 37:3, 4)
36) The waiter with joseph in prison was executed Ans: False Baker
(Genesis 40:22)
37) Simeon was put in jail by Joseph to ensure the rest would return? Ans: True
Simeon (Genesis 42:24)
39) The earth was covered with flood waters for 120 days. Ans: False
Genesis 7:24 = 150 days.
40) Another name for Bethlehem in Genesis 48:7 is Ephrath. Ans: True
42) ‘Manasseh’ mean God has made me forget entirely my toil and all my
father’s house.
Ans: True (Gen41:51)
43) ‘Ephraim’ means God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my
affliction. Ans: True
44) It is not true that Genesis is the first book of the bible. Ans: False
45) Jacob’s age was 147 years when he died. Ans: True
46) During the famine years, people’s lands were sold to Pharaoh for money to
buy food. The Lands of the Priest were exempted from such sales. Ans: True
47) Pharaoh was not in favor of Joseph’s family moving to Egypt. Ans:
48) Judah, in his plea before Joseph, makes it clear that Benjamin is Jacob’s
beloved son. Ans: True
49) Enoch was the brother of Cain? Ans: False (Genesis 4:17)
Round 4 Riddles
51) And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom: I went with
them to bring them on the way (1). The Lord said; shall I hide from you that
thing which I do (2). I drew near and said will thou also destroy the righteous
with the wicked? Who is I? Ans: Abraham
52) The servant told me all things that he had done (1). I brought her into my
mother’s tent and took Rebekah and she became my wife (2). I loved her. I was
comforted after my mother’s death. Who is this I? Ans: Isaac
53) Over there I wrestled with a man until the breaking of the day (1). The man
changed my name to Israel at the place (2). At that place I saw God face to face,
and my life was preserved. The place is called? Ans: Peniel
54) My name is mentioned six times in the Old Testament (1). I lived longer than
Abraham (2). My parents’ names are not recorded in the bible. I died at 965
years. Who am I? Ans: Methuseleh
55) My uncle’s name was Abel (1). A city was named after me. My child was
called Irad (2). I lived for 365 years. I did not experience death. Who am I? Ans: