Sampling in Garment Industry
Sampling in Garment Industry
Sampling in Garment Industry
India has a long and rich tradition of providing variety of Textiles. The Textile Industry is
the second largest Industry after Agriculture in the terms of persons employed. It
employees around 38.11 million people. Besides generating employment, it also earns the
nations substantial foreign exchange which accounts for nearly one-third of India's total
foreign exchange earnings. The Indian Textile Industry, in itself is highly diversified. It
ranges from the handmade traditional textile products in the cottage industry to the highly
capital intensive, modern and sophisticated mill sectors and synthetic fiber and
manufacturing units. In between these two extremes, lies a vast decentralized power loom
and knitting sector.
The Textile Industry has its ups and downs during the last two decades. From the
manufacture of traditional items, the industry diversified to manufacture fashion items. The
Garment industry made a phenomenal improvement in its exports during these years. The
Garment industry shows collective emporia in the Quota free global market and it is
expected to grow at a rate of 30%. This large expansion is possible by vertical integration in
all the Garment manufacturing. It is now time to exploit competitive advantages of
production of superior quality and high productivity. Thus the Indian manufacturers and
exporters now have to compete with the global players and also have to face the emerging
tariff and non-tariff barriers. Further awareness and general consciousness about business
prospects after the post MFA period has brought in several new dimensions to all the
players in the textile sector, with changes in the markets, new in sights and experiences,
but above all the gradual improvement of professionalism will have in the coming years of
Designing and sampling are the main process in Garment Industry and it as a vital role in
attracting buyers. Because the buyers generally places the order after they are satisfied
with the quality of the samples. The samples decide the ability of an exporter. The buyer
will access the exporter and his organisation only by the samples. If the samples are of
good quality and with reasonable price naturally the buyers will be forced to place the order.
So it is essential that the samples should be innovative and with optimum quality. The
purpose of sampling is not only to get bulk orders and also give some additional benefits to
the exporters. By doing sampling the exporter can estimate the yarn consumption for
developing the fabric, a clear idea on costing more ever the manufacturing difficulties.
Besides by doing sampling only the exporter can optimize the processing parameters for
mass production, which helps to avoid all kind of bottlenecks. All these works are carried
out by the sampling department, which us led by a sampling in charge.
Fashion is defined well as the prevailing mode or shape of dress designed by those lead is
accepted. In any given period, fashion reflects the social, economic and cultural forces. Our
ancient civilization identified status or power with visual elements like clothes,
embellishments, head gear, worn by the kings ,ministers, priests or warriors. A
fashion remains popular for a few months or years before being replaced by yet another
fashion .A product or activity is in fashion or is fashionable during the period of time that a
large segment of society accepts it .After a time, however the same product or activity
becomes old-fashioned when the majority of people no longer accept it.
There are countless styles, each of which has its own distinctive characteristics and most of
which have been created by designers and only by them. Designers need to be aware of the
trends and traveling provides them with opportunities to interpret their customer needs .A
designer creates and arranges garments and accessories in such a way that they are
visually pleasing as well as functional.
* The design
* Making a toile
* Making a card pattern
* The finished dress.
In preparing sample the merchandiser places an optimal and pro-active role. The
merchandiser is a person who has to follow all the activities which filled up sight from the
manufacturing unit. Merchandiser should understand the specifications and requirement of
the buyer and produce samples by considering:
1. Communication
2. Optimizing situation
3. Punctuality in giving details and samples to the buyers
4. Efficient follow up
5. Excellent negotiation skills
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The merchandiser has to consider all the quality parameters related to the samples to be
developed in case of non-conformities in the sample developed. Revised samples may be
sending for approval purpose. It is the duty of the merchandiser to dispatch the developed
samples on the time to the concerned buyers.