MCE 328 Syllabus - Spring 2021
MCE 328 Syllabus - Spring 2021
MCE 328 Syllabus - Spring 2021
2. Credits Hours:
7. Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Identify relevant mathematical, physical, or systems principles to formulate mechanical,
electrical, electromechanical, or fluidic systems
2. Formulate mathematical models for dynamic systems and perform mathematical model
3. Perform necessary calculations, and simulate the transient and steady-state response of
dynamic systems, using appropriate methods, e.g., state-space, transfer functions…
4. Analyze the results (steady-state and dynamics system specifications in the time domain
and in the frequency domain)
5. Use computer software and packages to solve engineering problems (Matlab and Matlab-
Simulink for dynamic system simulation)
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