Philippine Politics and Governance: Quarter 2 - Module 12
Philippine Politics and Governance: Quarter 2 - Module 12
Philippine Politics and Governance: Quarter 2 - Module 12
Philippine Politics
and Governance
Quarter 2 – Module 12:
Roles and Functions of Local Government
Unit (LGU)
What I Need to Know
Explain the roles and functions of the Local Government Unit (LGU)
The learners demonstrate and understanding of the roles and functions of local
government unit in their respective jurisdictions. Through this module, the learners will
be able to learn more about the local government units in their respective communities
specifically on how they operate on a smaller scale.
What I Know
What’s In
What are the three tiers of local government unit in the Philippines? Explain each
What’s New
Activity 1: Fact or Bluff. Identify whether the following statement is either fact
or a bluff. Write your answers in your notebook.
What is It
Guide Question:
What are the services offered by the Barangay, City/Municipality and Province?
The Roles of local Government Unit are to provide services to the people,
such as the following:
• Health services
• Environmental management
• Agriculture
• Infrastructure
• Tourism, and many others
What’s More
Total: 20pts.
What I Can Do
List down at least 5 LGU in your community and identify their roles and
functions. Use the table below.
True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F it the statement is false.
______1. LGU is authorized by law to impose certain taxes to support their activities.
______2. LGU is authorized to manage and control of communal forest.
Additional Activities
Choose one program or project from your LGU and write an assessment report
on how the program or project contribute to the improvement on the lives of the people
in the community.