S1 FM Buyyancy T+answers
S1 FM Buyyancy T+answers
S1 FM Buyyancy T+answers
Q1 A steel pipeline conveying a gas has an internal diameter of 120 cm and an external
diameter of 125 cm. It is laid across the bed of a lake, completely immersed in water
and is anchored at intervals of 3 m along its length.
Q2 A closed tank of length 120 cm, width 66 cm and height 60 cm is made of sheet steel
of weight 369 N/m2. Show that it will not float in water with its sides vertical.
If one end of a vertical chain is attached to the center of the bottom surface, calculate
the minimum pull required to keep the tank in equilibrium with its sides vertical.
Q3 A cylindrical buoy is 1.8 m in diameter and 1.2 m in height. It weighs 10 KN and its
center of is at a height of 0.45 m from the bottom. Show that it floats in sea water
with its axis vertical and determine its time period of oscillation.
If a load of 2 KN is to be fixed at the top, what would be the maximum height to its
center of gravity, for the cylinder to remain floating with its axis vertical ?