TCVN 5307
TCVN 5307
TCVN 5307
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Vietnamese Standard 5307 : 1991 Group H
Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
This standard applies to the new construction design, improving and expanding
construction for petroleum storages and petroleum products (hereafter called petrol
This standard not applies to design of:
1. Oil – Fat storages.
2. LPG storages.
3. Temporary petrol storages at maximum period of 5 years.
4. Storages constructed in cave and underwater.
5. Other tanks with storage process component.
1. General
1.1. Must design the workshop and storages in petrol storage (petrol pump
station, oil drum loading room, analyzer room…) conform to the current
design standards of industrial enterprise.
1.2. Must design the utility conform to the current utility design standards of
industrial enterprise
1.4. Base on the functions petrol storage is classified into two groups:
Group I: Including business storages and national reserves.
Group II :Including customer storages
Note: Group I petrol storages, which maximum volume of 100m3 and 500m3 are
used for containing the class I petrol and class II petrol respectively, are allowed to
design as the group II storages. In case of containing both group I and II, it is
permitted to exchange: 1m3 of class I petrol equal to 5m3 of class II petrol.
1.5. The petrol tank, the petrol drum storage could be designed above/under
ground or semi-aboveground as following stipulation:
Aboveground: The bottom of a tank or the foundation of a storage equal or
higher the lowest designed altitude in surrounding.
Underground: The bottom of tank or the foundation of a storage lays
underground and highest petrol level of tanks or the petrol level pouring from
all broken petrol drums lower than 0.2m (Within limit of 3m from tank or
enclosed walls) comparing with the lowest designed altitude.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
1.6. The house and petrol storage are classifiedinto 5 levels as in table 1 based
on the fire danger.
Table 1
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
1.7. Houses and constructions of level A and B, firewater pump station, oil
recovered tank in drainage system, cleaning station for tank truck and
carriage and drum cleaning by steam, oil sample storage, house for truck
scale must have minimum fireproof level of II.
1.8. The design of petrol storage must conform to the Vietnam standards in force,
such as: Design and construction standards for industrial enterprise, fire
protection and fighting standards for houses and constructions, Health and
Environmental standards, water source protection…
2.1.1. The group I petrol storages are classified into 3 grades beased on capacity
stipulation in table 2
Table 2
2.1.2. Firefighting distance from houses and constructions in petrol storage (include
loading-filling construction) of fire-explosion danger to the houses and
constructions of enterprises, public constructions, residential areas and the
near constructions must conform to the stipulations in table 3.
Table 3
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.1.3. Must arrange the petrol storage area at the place of lower attitude comparing
with the attitude of residental area, enterprise and railway around. In case of
higher attitude and the distance as in table 3 but under 150 m, it is required
to have a method of damp up for prevention or build the oil drainage of
breakdown event.
2.1.4. In case of petrol storage arranged inside the dike of a river, the distance to
the foot of dike for grade I and II storages and grade III storage must be
100m and respectively.
If the river of no dike or the storage arranged outside the dike then must
choose the place of no erosion and far from the highest water level with
minimum distance of 60m. This applied to all levels of storage.
2.1.5. In case of petrol storage arranged inside the dike and at downstream of a
river, must arrange them far from the port, hydropower plant, potable water
production, shipbuilding workshop and ship repairing workshop with the
minimum distance of 100m.
For river of no dike or the storage arrange outside the dike, the minimum
distance from the storage to the constructions above is 200m.
In case of petrol storage inside the dike and at upstream river, the minimum
distance distance from the storage to the constructions above is 200m
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
For river of no dike and the storage arranged outside the dike, the minimum
distance must be chosen as follows:
1. 2000 m for grade I storage
2. 1500 m for grade II storage
3. 1000 m for grade III storage
For constructions that were not mentioned above, the distance will be
reduced by 30%.
2.1.6. Fire protection distance from petrol storage to the houses and constructions
inside the petrol storage area must conform to the stipulations in table 4.
Table 4
Distance from the storage
Houses and constructions required to According to storage grade
determine the distance
I II and III
1 Jetty 75 50
2 Railway load/unload construction 30 20
3 Tank truck filling house, pump station, 30 15
valve plain, wastewater pump station,
petrol drum filling house, drum
maintenance and empty drum ground.
4 House and construction using opened
- To the group I petrol storage 50 40
- To the group II petrol storage 30 20
5 Firewater pump station, tank, pond or lake 40 40
for firewater (to manhole or fire hydrant)
6 Waste water processing construction:
- Calm lake, vaporized pond 30 30
- Decantation lake, selecting-floating 30 30
tank, deposit tank have minimum
capacity of 400 m3
- Decantation lake, selecting-floating 15 15
tank, deposit tank have capacity from
100m3 to 400m3
- Decantation lake, selecting-floating 10 10
tank, deposit tank have maximum
capacity of 100m3
7 Other house and constructions of the 25 20
8 Power transmission line in the air Equal 1.5 height of pole
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
1. For underground tank, the mark No. 5, 6 in table 4 will be reduced 25%,
others can be reduced 50%.
2. The underground tank is allowed to put near the underground petrol pump
station at minimum distance of 1 m.
3. The petrol pump station is allowed to arrange near the petrol tank at minimum
distance of 3 m.
4. The petrol pump with explosion-proof motor is allowed to put direct in tank
5. Because of special conditions and considering the specific terrain, with the
sensible reasons and having the agreement of the Fire Department the
distance in table 4 is reduced up to 15%.
2.1.7. Fire protection distance from railway loading-filling construction, jetty, truck-
loading station, petrol pump station, valve ground, petrol drum loading
house, waste water pump station, waste water processing construction
(poluted petrol) to open flame workshop as follows:
- 40m and upwards for the class I petrol;
- 30m and upwards for the class II petrol
2.1.8. Distance from houses and construction of the petrol storage to loading-filling
construction for railway, road, waterway (except tank):
- Minimum of 15 m for class I petrol
- Minimum of 10 m for class II petrol
Allow putting the pump station took up oil from floating storage on mooring
buoy or the surface of jetty and put on jetty.
2.1.10. Allow putting the drum storage near the railway and outside the construction
limit of the railway.
2.1.11. Distance between house and constructions that is not stipulatied in the
above items will be taken from table 5. When determining distance must
base on the fireproof level of either of two subjects above, and have the
production level conforming to the higher fire danger.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
Table 5
2.1.12. The houses and construction in petrol storage should be arranged follows
the stipulation in table 6.
Table 6
3. Petrol storage area Petrol storage, vapour storage, heating equipment for
tanks, pump and compressor station
4. Retail loading area for Drum and small containing house, oil filler, pump
houses and production ward, drum storage, drum ground, truck loading and
construction weighting station,
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.1.13. Petrol storage constructed on slope hill and mountain must be put below the
neighboring construction or at the side of no construction. In case of putting
higher, must have the prevention method of breakdown storage and flowing
down to these constructions.
2.1.14. Must have a 6m wide road connect the petrol storage to the public road. In
case of connection length longer than 1000m, the road’s wide can be 3.5m
but must have a section of 6m wide and 12m to 16m long per each 250m for
car avoidance.
2.1.15. The petrol storage must be enclosed by fireproof material (fence) at the
minimum height of 2 m. The house and construction related to petrol storage
and loading/filling must be far form the fence at least 5 m.
2.1.16. The grade I and II petrol storage must have 2 entrances connecting to the
public roads. In case of grade III petrol storage, 1 entrance is permitted.
2.1.17. The firefighting road must be arranged around the tank farms, closed to the
constructions related to petrol loading – filling and storage. The minimum
road’s wide must be 3.5 m and be surfaced by fireproof material.
In special and reasonable case, with the consent of firefighting and fire
protection agency then not required the road surrounded the tank farm but
must build the road for firefighting facilities approach to the tank farm when
2.2.2. Petrol tanks are arranged to groups or individual. The group volume must be
conform to the following stipulations:
a. Group tank with automatic or fixed firefighting system
Not over 80,000m3 for the tank with floating roof or float for loose
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
In case of fixed roof tank with free surface, not over 40,000m 3 and
80,000m3 for the class I and class II petrol storages respectively.
b. Group tank with mobile firefighting system
Not over 40,000m3 for the class I petrol tank with floating roof or float for
loose prevention.
In case of fixed roof tank with free surface, not less than 20,000m 3 and
not over 40,000m3 for the class I and class II petrol tanks respectively.
c. Total surface are of underground tank group and the surface are of one
underground tank must not be over than 14000 m2 and 7000 m2
1. In case of aboveground tanks with capacity over than 1000 m 3, must be
arranged tanks into 1 or 2 rows in each tank group.
2. In case of underground tanks with capacity less than or equal to 100 m 3, allow
to be arranged in groups with total group capacity not over 5000 m3. In case of
aboveground tank, the group capacity must not be over than 500 m3 and 2500
m3 for the class I and class II petrol respectively.
2.2.4. The minimum distance between two near underground storage tanks with
capacity over than 100 m3 is a meter.
2.2.5. Distance between two group storage tanks (from the closet walls of two
groups) must conform to:
40m at minimum for the aboveground storage tank:
20m at minimum for the aboveground storage tank with capacity less
than 100 m3
20m at minimum for the semi - aboveground storage tank:
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.2.6. Must build a dyke or walls around tank or group of tank as mentioned in item
a and b of clause 2.2.2 of this standard.
The soil dyke or wall must stand the hydrostatic liquid caused of overflow
petrol when the storage tank breakdown. The height of dyke or wall must be
higher than 0.2m comparing with level of oil overflow when the storage tanks
breakdown but not less than 1.0m.
In case of soil dyke, the minimum of dyke wide must be 0.5m; in case of the
concrete wall, minimum wall thickness must be 0.25m. Space between dyke
and tank must be enough for containing the oil of largest tank if breakdown.
Note: In a group of tank, if there is a tank or total capacity of tanks over than
20.000m3 then must build the sub-dyke or enclosed wall with the minimum height of
0.8m inner the main-dyke to separate tanks or tank group in such the total capacity
of this separated tanks must be smaller than 20.000m3
2.2.8. Must make the entrance road of tank group crossing to dyke by fireproof
material. Must have 4 and 2 opposite entrance roads for the tanks group and
separated tank respectively.
2.3.2. The distance on the width from petrol pipeline to houses and constructions in
the petrol storage but not related to loading and filing works is stipulated in
table No. 7.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.3.4. Must install a shutdown valve at inlet pipeline outside dyke or walls before go
to the storage.
2.3.5. Must not arrange the petrol pipeline across ground of the house or
construction not related to petrol loading - filling.
Must no arrange the petrol pipeline with burring temperature lower than 45 0C
in the same trays with steam and hot water pipelines.
The petrol pipeline must be covered by protection pipe when passing
through a road. The diameter of protection pipe is higher 100mm than the
outside diameter of the petrol pipe (including a concrete coasting thickness)
at least.
2.3.6. Must be installed safety relief valves on the main pipeline in loading and
filling area.
2.3.7. Must install heating elastic equipment on process pipe. Heating insulation is
made of fireproof material.
2.3.8. Must put an underground process pipe at least 200mm from the top pipeline.
Table 7
1 1.5
3. Foundation of fence, electricity pole,
loading and filling, communication
5. Road
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.4.2. Fireproof level of petrol pump station must be Class II at least. Especially, a
grade III petrol storage, the roof of petrol pump station can be made of
fireproof material, and the pump room must not have ceiling.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.4.4. The stipulations of valves that are installed on the facilities of pump station
are as follows:
In case of grade I and II petrol storage, 6 pumps are the maximum
total pumps in station for pumping oil with flashpoint temperature less
than 1200C or not over 10 pumps for pumping oil with flashpoint
temperature equal or higher than 120 0C (this total pumps does not
include a stand-by pump, Vacuum pump and another pumps) .
In case of grade III petrol storage, 10 pumps are the maximum total
pumps in station for pumping oil with flashpoint temperature less than
1200C. For the petrol with flashpoint temperature higher than 120 0C,
the total pumps is not be stipulated.
Beside the above stipulation, the valves must be put outdoor pump houses.
2.4.5. If necessary to build the house for valves outside the pump houses then the
valves house must be made of a fireproof material and fireproof level must
be 0.75 hour at least.
The ground for valves must have necessary slope and water drainage to
drain system.
2.4.7. Must install emergency shutdown valves (ESDV) at inlet and outlet pipeline
headers of pump station. The distance from ESDV to pump house is 10-50m.
If the valves of inlet / outlet pipeline and the valves of loading-filling pipeline
are arranged within these above distances then they can be used as the
2.4.8. Must chock on the walls separated the pump rooms from another that the
pipelines cross to, to prevent petrol diffusing from pump house to others.
2.4.9. Electrical facilities in pump station must have a suitable explosion – proof
In case of transferring many kinds of petrol with different flashpoint
temperature, must base on the petrol that has the lowest flashpoint
temperature to choose the explosion protection equipments.
Must build the fire-separated walls with fireproof class at least 0.75 hour to
separate the machinery room and the engine room in case of using non-
explosion – proof engine. The place of connecting the engine to pump must
be chocked to prevent petrol diffusing from pump room to the engine one.
Must not use a driving belt in pump station in case of pumping the petrol with
flashpoint temperature less than 450C.
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Vietnamese Standard 5307 : 1991 Group H
Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.5.1. Railway loading and filling construction must be arranged on a straight line.
Note: In case of class III petrol storage, if the loading and filling system is
equipped the facilities on a side then can be arranged in bend section with
the minimum radius of 200m
2.5.2. The constructions for railway loading and filling can be on one side or both
side and must be made of a fireproof material. The stairs at the front and end
of loading and filling area must be made of a fireproof material. If the
constructions are longer than 200m, must put stairs along the length of this
area and the distance between two stairs is less than 100m.
2.5.3. The length of railway loading and filling construction depends on the loading
and filling’s fuel volume, but this volume is not over the capacity of train tanks
that the locomotive can pull.
2.5.4. The distance from center rail in a loading and filling construction to a another
houses and constructions (exclude tanks) in the fuel storage must base on a
stipulation as per Table 8.
2.5.5. In case of petrol with flashpoint temperature less than 120 0C, the fire-
protection distance from the underground tank for residual oil interceptor to
the center of the railway must be 6 m at least. In case of equal or higher than
1200C, permit to arrange near the railway.
2.5.6. The minimum distance between the loading – filling constructions of class I
and class II petrol is 15m.
2.5.7. The branch length of railway loading – filling constructions must be longer
than 20m comparing with loading – filling construction in direction of
2.5.8. The minimum distance between two loading – filling constructions on the
same railway branch and on the parallel railway must be 20 and 15m
respectively, and the minimum distance between the centers of two railways
must be 20m.
2.5.9. The minimum distance from the railway branch for engine driving carriages
to the railway loading - filling construction must be 20m and 10 m for class I
and class II petrol loading – filling construction respectively.
Must not use the railway belong to the petrol loading – filling construction for
the purpose of engine driving carriage.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
Opened type: having the petrol tray system beside or inner railways. The
petrol tray must be made of fireproof material.
In case of loading – filling construction for petrol with flashpoint temperature
less than 1200C, must apply the closed type. In case of flashpoint
temperature equal or higher than 1200C, must apply the opened type.
Table 8
1. Pump station I, II 8
III 12
9. Measuring tanks - 25
10. Jetty - 30
1. Drum petrol warehouse is arranged beside the railway but must be out side
the safety limit for construction adjoining to the railway stipulated by Railway
Head Department.
2. Because of special conditions and considering the specific terrain, with the
sensible reasons and having the agreement of the Fire Department the
distance in table 8 is reduced up to 15%.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.5.11. Must put a ball valve on a pipeline connecting the railway loading - filling
construction to the petrol interceptor tanks.
2.5.12. Must install a ball valve on the petrol pipeline to railway loading - filling area
at a distance from 10 to 50m.
2.5.13. The design of the petrol loading-filling construction must ensure to drain off
all the surplus petrol in the loading-filling pipeline after stopping exchange.
2.5.14. The loading - filling ground area must be leveling and slope to drainage.
Must have the water drainage along the loading-filling construction and
connect to drain system.
2.6.1. The jetties and waterway petrol loading- filling constructions must be made of
a fireproof material. The jetty must be wide enough for installing the petrol
pipelines and road for operation and maintenance activities.
If the offshore jetty with bridge connecting the bridge’s wide must conform to
the above requirements.
Must have a fence for protecting the jetty and facilities for ship arriving.
2.6.2. The minimum distance between two sea or lake jetties must be 150m and
100m for the loading – filling construction of class I and class II petrol
respectively but must not smaller than the length of maximum capacity ship.
2.6.3. The minimum distance between two jetties on the river must be 100m and
75m for loading – filling construction of class I or class II petrol respectively.
2.6.4. The minimum distance between sea or lake jetty for loading/filling and
military port or other jetties must stipulate the following:
Class I petrol loading- filling jetty: 200m
Class II petrol loading- filling jetty: 150m
2.6.5. The river jetty must put at lower section comparing with others construction
along the river and the minimum distance between them must follow the
Distance to military or cargo ports: 1000m
Distance to hydroelectricity plant, water supply plant: 300m
Distance to another constructions (excluding the above constructions):
In case of river jetty put at higher section comparing with other constructions
along river, the minimum distance between them must conform to the
following stipulations:
To military port: 4000m
To port, hydroelectricity plant, water supply plant: 2000m
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.7.1. Drum and tank-truck oil loading areas can be arranged indoor or outdoor. If it
is arranged indoor, a minimum fireproof level of roof must be at level II.
The loading arms for class I and class II petrol can be arranged in the same
house or ground.
2.7.2. The distances from the truck-loading area to the houses and other
constructions (excluding tanker) must obey a stipulation in Table 9
Table 9
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.7.3. Drum and small can petrol loading are can be in roof or house but must have
the fireproof level II at least. The grade III storage in roof or house for loading
a liquid which a flashpoint temperature equal or higher than 120 0C, the
minimum fireproof level of roof or house must be level III at least.
2.7.4. Rooms for fuel loading to drums and cans can be arranged in the same
house but must obey a stipulations as follows:
The class I petrol loading rooms must be separated to the class II petrol
loading rooms.
The drum loading petrol rooms must be separated to a rooms for can
Rooms or loading leaded petrol must be isolated from others
The walls for separating must have the fireproof level at least for 1 hour
and must have the entrance on the outside wall. In case of entrance on
separated walls, the entrance must be automatic close with the fireproof
level at least for 0.75 hour and the doorstep of 0.15m high.
2.7.5. The class II petrol gauging tank with volume of 25m 3 is arranged at a closed
side of the walls of loading house for drum and other small cans with the
distance of at least 2m. Must arrange two petrol gauging tanks from each
other of at least 0.5m. The total capacity of a group of gauging tanks must
not higher than 200m3 and not required to have a dyke covered around the
If the class I petrol gauging tank or group of gauging tanks with total capacity
higher than the above stipulation, or with the total capacity as stipulated but
arranged at the opened side of the walls of drum loading house, then they
must be arranged far from the drum petrol loading house at the distance as
the stipulation of petrol storage.
2.7.6. The class I petrol gauging tank with capacity lower than 25m 3 is arranged in
the drum and small can petrol loading house.
2.7.7. Require installing a block valve with the minimum distance of 5m on the
pipeline to the oil loading room for motor and drum and other small
containing things.
2.8.1. The petrol drum storages must have a fireproof level as follow:
If the petrol flashpoint temperature lower than 120 0C or the house area over
300m2 then the minimum fireproof level must be level II. If the petrol
flashpoint temperature from 120 0C and upward or the area lower than 300m 2
then the minimum fireproof level must be level III.
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2.8.2. The petrol drum storage may be arranged together with petrol drum loading
room, but must have door and be separated by fireproof wall with fireproof
level for at least 1 hour.
2.8.3. The petrol drum storage must be divided into rooms by fireproof walls. The
containing capacity in each room as follow:
- Class I liquid: maximum of 100m3
- Class II liquid: maximum of 500m3
The containing capacity of storage:
- Class I liquid: maximum of 600m3
- Class II liquid: maximum of 3000m3
2.8.4. Allow putting together drums of class I liquid and drums of class II liquid, but
the total capacity and storage are not over 100m 3 and 600m2 respectively.
2.8.5. The door dimension of petrol drum storage must ensure the convenience for
means of transport but must not be smaller than the following stipulations:
The width and height of doors are 2.1m and 2.4m respectively. In case of
small storage with area under 50m 2, the width is 1.8m. The doors must have
the minimum fireproof level of 0.6 hour. The height of doorsteps must be
2.8.6. The floor of petrol drum storage must be made from the fireproof material,
have the necessary slop and trench to direct the flow to the drain water
The width of doorstep must be 0.8m at minimum and made by fireproof
2.8.7. When designing the petrol drum storage must satisfy the following
- Manual drum arrangement not over 3 layers of drums
- If using brackets then one drum layer on each bracket. The width of
bracket not longer than of the long of drum in 2 times.
- Machinery arrangement: Can pipe up the drums of class I liquid but not
higher than 3 drum layers, if class II liquid then the limit is 5 drum layers.
- In the storage that the drums arranged in chain then the maximum width
of each chain is 2 rows of drums, the minimum path for drum rolling is
1.8m. The maximum path between two brackets is 1m.
2.8.8. Floors and platforms for drum loading/unloading to railroad cars and trucks in
the grade I and II storages must be made from fireproof materials. As to
grade III storage permit to make from flammable materials.
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2.9.1. The grounds for both iron and wood drums must satisfy the following
If the ground is 0.2m high, then must have the necessary slope for water
draining and the water drainage system around. The ground area must not
be larger than 400m2
In each ground, the drums are arranged in chains, the width of each chain is
not over 2 rows of drums. The height of chain is not higher than 2m. The
minimum path width between two chains is 1m.
The distance between two grounds is 5m at minimum, 10 grounds is
incorporated into group of grounds. The distance between two groups of
ground is 10m at least.
2.9.2. The roofs for drum maintenance must be made from the fireproof material
with the fireproof level of IV at minimum, and must satisfy the following
In each roof, the drums are arranged in chains, the width of each chain is not
over 2 rows of drums. The minimum width of path between two chains for
machinery loading must be guaranteed but not smaller than 1.4m.
The minimum distance between structures of the roof to the top drum layer is
2.9.3. The vacant ground for drum of class II petrol must ensure the following
If the ground of 0.2m high then must have the necessary slope for water
draining and the water drainage system around. The ground area must not
be larger than 400m2.
In each ground, the drums are arranged in chains, the width of each chain is
not over 2 rows of drums. The height of chain is not higher than the height of
two drum layers. The minimum path width between two chains is 1.4m.
- 6 grounds are incorporated into group of grounds. The distance between
two groups of ground is 10m at least.
- Fireproof roof is made for the ground of class II liquid drum.
2.9.4. Petrol analyzer house must have fireproof level of III at minimum. It is
allowed to arrange the analyzer room together in the same house with other
rooms but the analyzer room must be separated from others by fireproof
walls made with fireproof level of 1 hour at minimum and have separated
No arrangement the analyzer room in the house of A and B production class.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.9.5. Can arrange the separated rooms for compressor, gas generator, keeping oil
sample and other chemical for analyzing, but these room must be separated
by fireproof walls with fireproof limit of 1hour at least and have separated
doors at outside.
2.10. Water supply and drainage – fire protection and fighting system
2.10.1. The water supply and drainage system, the fire protection and fighting
system for petrol storage is designed conforming to the standards of urban
water supply / drainage, the standards of fire protection and fighting for
house and construction and the current state stimulations of industrial
2.10.2. The fire fighting system in the grade I and II storages are stimulated as
The fixed firefighting system for grounded storages that have the diameter
higher than 22m and the capacity from 5000m3 upward.
The mobile firefighting system for grounded storages that have diameter
maximum at 22m and the capacity under 5000m 3 as well as the ungrounded
and semi-ungrounded/grounded storages.
Use the mobile firefighting system as to grade III storage.
1. Fixed fire-fighting system is that all the equipments and facilities for fire fighting
are fixed installation to be a fully worked out system.
2. Mobile fire-fighting system is that apart of equipments and facilities for fighting
are fixed installation, but the main parts must be erected at the flaming place to
supply water
2.10.3. With storage of fixed roof or floating roof, must design the fixed water pouring
system if the height of the storage higher than 12m.
2.10.4. If the jetty does not have fighting system its own then can share the fire
fighting system of storages.
2.10.5. The calculation and arrangement of fire equipments for pump stations,
load/unload station, petrol drum storages and other constructions must be
coordinated with the fire fighting system arrangement of the storage in the
most sensible and economic way.
In case of installing the fixed firefighting system for the storages, must setup
the water pipes and fire hydrants along the load/unload constructions for
transportation by railway, waterway and truck loading station in order to
serve the mobile fire fighting facilities.
2.10.6. The storage using the mobile fire fighting system must follow the
Build up the water tank for water reserve or using the natural water in rivers,
lakes and ponds.
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The reserved water volume in the tank or from the nature must be enough
for the fire-fighting requirement but not lower than 100m 3.
For convenience, must have at least two fire hydrants to supply water to the
fire fighting facilities. The distance from the fire hydrant to the storage is
stimulated as follows:
- Less than 200m for fire fighting truck
- Less than 150m for the mobile fire fighting pump
In both cases, the distance must not less than 40m to the petrol storage and
20m to other houses.
Must build a road and ground beside the lakes or tank for firefighting facilities
taking water. Must take into account the highest and lowest water level when
designing the tank for water firefighting.
2.10.7. To stamp out the fire for the petrol tanks can use foam dissolved in
atmosphere. The standards of capacity of foam creating matter, required
time for stamp out a fire for petrol tanks and constructions are choosen
according to the stipulations of State.
The quantity of reserve foam is equal to three times of required foam for
stamping out the largest fire.
2.10.8. The watering flow for aboveground tanks (excluding the floating roof tanks)
must conform to the following stipulations:
The firing tank is watering with flow of 0.5 litres per second for 1 m tank
The tanks near the firing tank and in the distance limit that smaller or
equal to 2 times of firing tank diameter are watering with flow of 0.2litres
per second for 1 m tank diameter (watering only half of a diameter which
close to the firing tanks).
Watering volume for the semi-aboveground tank is decreased 50% in
comparison with the aboveground tank.
For underground tank (including firing tank and the one near firing tank),
the watering flow as follows:
- 10litre / second for tank with capacity from 100m3 to 1000m3
- 20litre/ second for tank with capacity from 1,001m3 to 5,000m3
- 30litre/ second for tank with capacity from 5,001m3 to 30,000m3
- 50litre/ second for tank with capacity from 30,000m3 to 50,000m3
The watering time for firing and near firing tanks is at least 3 hours
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.10.9. Firing water volume for all storages is equal to the highest water volume that
calulated to stamp out the fire for a greatest petrol tank, a petrol loading-
filling ground, or firefighting the indoor or outdoor of house.
2.10.10.After at least 48 hours must fill up water to lakes, ponds and tanks that used
for firefighting.
In the case of rare water sources then the duration time for water filling up is
96 hours.
2.10.11.The firefighting pump station is equiped the pumps for foam creating
substance and watering. When design and installation the pump station, the
number of standby pumps must conform to the temporary State stipulations
of fire protection and firefighting for houses and constructions
Note: The watering pump may be put at other room outside the firefighting pump
2.10.13.Must arrange the waste water drainage system for collecting and processing
the waste water from the following sources:
Floor cleaning water of houses and loading - filling constructions,
Cleaning water of vehicles, equipments and facilities for maintaining and
loading-filling activities, waste water of chemical laboratory.
Waste water from the bottom of tanks
Sprinkled water to tanks when firing
Rain-water on the loading-filling ground, ground of the tanks area
1. Not put the waste water from hygiene areas to the drain system above.
2. Allow the rain water at the areas that are not affected by oil to flow to the normal
drain system.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.10.14.The waste water from the tanks and the equipment related to maintenance
and loading-filling of leaded petrol and the waste water of chemical
laboratory must be collected and drained into the separated drain system for
deleadinizing before fowing to the industrial waste water drainage system
2.10.15.The industrial waste water drain system for the grade I and II petrol storages
must be closed type. For the grade III petrol storages allow to be a opened
2.10.16.Must arrange the stopped hole with the lowest water level of 0.25m at the
following places in the waste oily water drain system:
At a joining to the petrol tank.
At joining from loading-filling ground to the drain water pipeline.
At joining from valve ground, pump station, laboratory, truck loading
station, drum loading house… to the drain water pipeline;
At front and behind the oily water interceptor tank with distance of 10m at
On the pipeline connect to the drainage system of railway loading-filling
construction with maximum distance of 50m between two holes.
On the main drain water system with maximum distance of 400m
between two holes.
2.10.17.In front drain water pipe from tank area must arrange a safety valve in the
collecting hole near the dyke’s foot and at the separated walls’ foot on the
side near tanks area. The controls of the safety valves must arrange outside
or on the dyke.
2.10.18.Along the railway loading-filling construction must have drainage ditch, must
have a branch connecting to the drainage system around the stopped holes
at every 50m length.
2.10.19.Inside drum petrol filling house, petrol drum and small can storage must build
a drainage ditch connected to the tanks or holes outside to retrieve the
leaked and poured down petrol when loading and storage.
2.10.20.Allow design the oil interceptor and recover tank for local processing at each
part of the storage or common processing of the construction. The oil
interceptor and recover tank can be designed in opened or closed type.
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.11.1. The design of heat supply and ventilation system for the petrol storage must
conform to the stipulation in the in force design standards of the heat supply
and ventilation system.
2.11.2. Only use the flollowing heat sourses in the petrol storages for oil warming up:
saturated steam, hot water or specialized electrical equipments
2.11.3. Must not install the heat supply pipe under the foundation of a workshops
which have explosion-fire dangers. In indispensable case, allow to install
heat supply pipes install at in/out way and entrance, but must put these pipes
in trench, fill up them by sand and cover by brick.
2.11.4. The design of ventilation system for houses and construction in petrol
storage must base on the properties of loading – filling and storage pertol
type in houses as well as the properties of these constructions to define air
exchange multiple arcodding to the stipulations in table 10.
Table 10
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2.12.2. Must put the lighting system for protection, lighting system inside and outside
houses and construction related to petrol loading-filling and storage activities
conforming to the standard in force of natural and artificial lighting of the
Must use flood-lights installed on poles outside the petrol storage for lighting.
Allow to combine the electrical lighting system with the lighting system for
roads in the storage.
2.12.3. The design of the direct lightning and electrostatic protection systems for
petrol loading-filling houses, constructions and storage must conform to the
provisional stipulates of design, execution and management of the lightning
protection system.
2.12.4. Must guarantee the safety requirements of fire-explosion protection for the
automatic mechanism and remote control equipments applied to petrol
loading-filling, storage and fire fighting in the petrol storage.
2.12.5. Must have the communication system between . For grade I and II storages
must have a trusted communication facilities to the nearest firefighting
agency and must had fire alarm system.
It is not necessary to have all the internal communication facilities but must
have the trusted communicate facilities to the nearest firefighting agency.
3.1. Total capacity of the group II petrol storage include all inflammable and
burnable petrol types that were held in all kind of containers ( tank, drum and
other small cans stipulated in table 11)
Table 11
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
2. If the storages larger than the stipulations in table 11, then they are arranged
according to the stipulations for the group I storages of this standard.
3.2. Allow to arrange an area for petrol used for manufacturing directly in the
house and constructions having fireproof level of I and II but the capacity not
allow to exceed the stipulations in table 12.
Table 12
3.3. Allow to arrange the rooms related to petrol loading-filling and storage in the
same house with other rooms for:
Storage the petrol drum or small tank;
Reprocess lubricating oil equipment;
Oil pump station;
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
3.4. The distances from aboveground petrol tanks to houses and constructions in
the petrol storage must be conform to the stipulations in Table 13.
Table 13
3.5. The minimum distances from petrol pump station and petrol drum storage to
the center of the railway of loading – filling construction are 10m and 8m for
class I and class II petrol respectively.
3.6. The distances from aboveground tank, petrol drum storage, petrol pump
station to the railway and road are taken not lower than the stipulations in
table 14.
Table 14
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Petroleum Storage and Petroleum Products – Design Standard
1. In case of underground tanks, the distances in table are reduced 20%.
2. If the tanks, pump stations, drum storages contained the petrol with flashpoint
temperature higher than 1200c then the above distances are not stipulated but must
be arranged outside the gabarit of the railway which are stipulated by the related
organizations .
3.7. Distances from aboveground tanks, underground tanks, petrol drum storage,
petrol pump station, petrol drum loading ground and loading-filling
construction to the constructions of the nearby enterprises are required to
conform to the clause 8.14 and 8.15 of Vietnam Standard 2622:1978.
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