Microbiology - Pre-Test
Microbiology - Pre-Test
Microbiology - Pre-Test
Instructions: Give what is asked in the following items. (15 PTS.)
1. What is microbiology and its importance to both humans and the industry? (2 PTS.)
➢ Microbiology is the study of small living organisms, so small that they cannot
be seen with the naked eye. They are very vital in recycling because they
return inorganic nutrients to the soil. And for the industry, microorganisms
have been exploited by humans for our own benefits, for instance, the
manufacturing of antibiotics.
2. List at least five (5) known early pioneers of microbiology; include their major
contributions as well.
(1.) Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)- the first person to see live bacteria and
protozoa, he sometimes referred to as “the father of microbiology.” “the father of
bacteriology” and “the father of protozoology”
(2.) Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) – discovered what occurs during alcoholic
- Disproved the theory of spontaneous generation through his experiments.
- Discovered forms of life that could exist in the absence of oxygen.
- Developed a process to kill microbes now known as pasteurization.
- Made significant contributions to the germ theory of disease- theory that specific
microbe causes a specific infectious disease.
- Developed a vaccine for chicken cholera, anthrax, swine erysipelas, and vaccine
to prevent rabies.
(3.) Robert Koch- Developed methods in cultivating bacteria on solid media.
- Discovered the bacterium that causes tuberculosis and cholera.
- Established an experimental procedure to prove that a specific microbe is the
cause of a specific infectious disease now known as Koch’s postulate.
(4.) Rudolf Virchow- proposed the theory of biogenesis- that life can arise only from
pre-existing life and therefore cells can arise from pre-existing cells.
(5.) Robert Hooke (1635-1703)- The first to observe the existence of
• Has a more complex cell. • Does not have the complex
• Contains a true nucleus. systems of membranes and
• Their DNA is enclosed by a nuclear organelles.
membrane • About 10 times smaller than
eukaryotic cells.
• The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell is
not filled with internal membrane.
Learning Outcomes:
This course is intended for 1st year BSN Students. A video link on the basics of cell
structures and functions will be spent prior to the start of this lesson. And understanding
the different cell structures and its functions is crucial to better understand microbiology.
1. Describe the picture above. List at least three (3) structures and describes its
functions. (5 PTS.)
➢ The picture above is a representation of a typical prokaryotic cell.
(1.) Cell membrane- controls which substance may enter or leave the cell.
(2.)Chromosome- serves as the control center of the bacterial cell.
(3.)Bacterial cell wall- Defines the shape of the a bacterial cell.
2. What type of cell does the microorganisms have? Defend your answer. (3 PTS.)
➢ Microorganisms can be present in the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya
realms of life. Microbes belonging to the domains Bacteria and Archaea
are all prokaryotes because their cells do not have a true nucleus, while
microbes belonging to the domain Eukarya are eukaryotes because their
cell has nucleus..
3. List at least (2) important roles of microorganisms in the recycling matter in
biosystems. Describe each. (2 PTS.)
(1.)They are responsible for the process of decomposition by which substances
are broken down into simpler forms of matter.
(2.) Aids in fertilization by returning inorganic nutrients to the soil, they break
down dead and dying organic materials into nitrates, phosphates and other
chemicals necessary for the growth of plants.
4. Mention at least (3) important roles of microorganisms in the field of biotechnology.
Why? (5 PTS.)
(1.) Production of therapeutic proteins- genetically engineered microorganisms
have been used to produce proteins such as insulin, human growth hormone,
human tissue plasminogen activator, interferon, and hepatitis B vaccine.
(2.) Production of vitamins- bacteria can be used as sources of vitamins B2
(riboflavin) B7 (biotin), B9 (Folic acid) B12 and K2.
(3.)Production of chemicals- microbes can be used in large scale production of
acetic acid, acetone, butanol, citric acid as well as biofuels such as hydrogen
and methane.
5. How do microscopes work? Who invented the first microscope? Defend your
answer. (3 PTS.)
➢ The first magnification is achieved by reflecting light from a mirror up to the
specimen or object to be seen through the strong objective lens. The image
created by the objective lens is then magnified once more by the eyepiece
lens, which functions as a clear magnifying glass.
➢ Hans Jansen and his son Zacharias are often given credits for being the
first to invent a microscope since the first person to construct and use a
compound microscope is not known with certainty.
➢ Draw the structures of the virus and label it’s parts. Describe its functions and
defense mechanisms against other microorganisms (20 PTS.)
INSTRUCTIONS: Using the Illustrations below, explain the work of Louis Pasteur as his
attempt to disproved spontantaneous generation theory. (20 PTS.)