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1. Think of an idea, theory, event, scientific experiment, or a breakthrough that anchors to

the science of microbiology afterward complete the required details
Who are the proponents?
Robert hock, alexander Redi
What are the rationale behind?
The first who introduce the germ theory was Louis Pasteur. However Pasteur aren’t effective on
identifying the different germs that causes different diseases and it’s when Koch’s come in he
wanted to continue the study of Pasteur hence he’s study makes sense.

What is/are the underlying concept/s?

It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or "germs" can lead to disease. These small
organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other
living hosts.

How can I use this in a practical way?

With this knowledge, we can apply this on taking care the children, hence we already know that
germs cause’s diseases then we can make a counter measure to ensure the safety of the

2. Think of any branch of science and write it on the left column. Then, provide a
single best reason on how it would benefit from the science of microbiology and put it
on the right column.
 Physiology
Hormones, protein, cells and etc. are parts of the microbiology that
perform a particular function and its essential on the body in order to
perform its function.
 Anatomy
We all know that the structure of the body are made of a particular cells
that perform same functions
 Biochemistry
Through microbiology it allows biochemists to understand the biological
processes associated with these organisms as well as the production and
functions of various biomolecules.
1. Some many scientific ideas and experiments have contributed to the development of
microbiology. Choose a single idea or experiment and explain why it is essential in the
establishment of microbiology as a field of science.
I would choose the accidental discovery of antibiotic of Alexander Fleming hence, it was
commonly used at the medicine either to kill the bacteria or stop bacteria to reproduce.
Illnesses that can be treated by antibiotics include respiratory tract infections such as
whooping cough and pneumonia, as well as skin infections.
2. Microbiology can influence many fields of study. Choose a certain field of study (or
branch of Science) and explain how it would benefit from Microbiology

I would choose biochemistry, Through microbiology it allows biochemists to understand the

biological processes associated with these organisms as well as the production and
functions of various biomolecules.
3. Make a tabular presentation (3 columns) with the following concerns: a) scientific
experiment/breakthrough, b) proponents (all those included in the lesson), and c)
importance to the field of microbiology.



Cell theory Robert hooke Cell theory is very

crucial on understanding
microbiology hence,
cells are the basic unit
of life. We can identify
how unicellular or even
complex organism
Microscope Anton van leeuwenhoek Microscope play a
important role on
microbiology hence, it
allow us to study
microorganism; its
structure and behavior.
Biogenesis theory Rodulf Virchow Biogenesis theory
imparted that living
organisms arises from
other living organism
such process called
Germ theory Robert roch Germ theory provide
us an idea that a
disease are occur
because of the presence
of the bacteria thus,
nowadays we can
identify what are the
disease that brought by
a certain bacteria.
Disinfectant Joseph lister Disinfectant are
essential in microbiology
when it comes on
dealing bacteria hence It
protected us from
Vaccination Robert roch Vaccination was a
ground breaking
discovery on
microbiology it give
essence why we should
study life of small

Complete the following open-ended statements below. You may base your answers on what
you have learned from your previous subjects, lessons, and/or readings.

1. I think that(a past idea, theory, event, scientific experiment, or breakthrough you can
recall) enabled parasitology to become an established branch of science, because

The experiment of Francisco Redi, the father of modern parasitology wherein he disprove
the spontaneous generation. On the experiment of spontaneous generation, the meat was
contaminated by a worm that being thought that is being brought by the flies however it isn’t.
2. I think that(any branch of science) has influenced Parasitology, because these two
branches of science work hand in hand to
There are various of theories about microorganisms from the concepts of cells and invention
of microscope scientist without knowing theyre making another branch of science which is
parasitology Since the development of the "germ theory of disease" in the mid-1800s, a
spectrum of microorganisms have been identified as the causative agents of many
infectious diseases.

Please accomplish the following tasks below:

3. Identify any past idea, theory, event, scientific experiment, breakthrough, or an individual
that has contributed to the development of parasitology as a branch of science. Also, provide
a short explanation about its/his/her contribution to the said field.

Nicolas andry
Nicolas Andry the one who invented the word “orthopaedics”.
Felix Dujardin
Felix Dujardin made his largest contribution to cell theory when he proposed the
classification of a new type of single-celled organism which he called rhizopoda.
V. L. Brera
He believe that worms develop from eggs ingested with food, he considered that this
occurs only in individuals whose constitution is favourable to the worm, i.e. that a 'host-factor
1. Identify branches of science and give a short description of how every
respective branch influenced Parasitology
Along the study of cells, tissues or other small things inside our body scientist also
discover the organisms live together with its host.
Biochemistry is a branch of the science that explores the chemical process within and
related to the body parasites are included.
The development of study in parasites, also in order to protect the host from the
parasites which suffer the host by its diseases and only thing that protect the body are the
immune system.

True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, then FALSE if it is wrong.
1. ____False_____ Nicolas André is considered as the Father of Parasitology.
2. ___False____Casimir Davaine is a French parasitologist responsible
for the introduction of fecal examination as a method of diagnosing
intestinal helminthiases.
3. ____True___Although Parasitology had its origins in the zoological
sciences, it is today an established interdisciplinary field, greatly
influenced by Microbiology, Immunology, Biochemistry, and other life
4. ____False___The use of microscopy in the histological study allowed
Felix Dujardin to publish a two-volume compendium that increased the list
of all known parasites.
5. _____False_______William Harvey, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Jan
Swammerdam, and Francesco Redi were among those who tried to disprove
the theory on Spontaneous Generation.
Essay: Answer the following questions in a brief and concise manner.
There are many scientific ideas and experiments that have contributed to the development
of parasitology. Choose a single idea or experiment and provide an explanation about why
it is essential in the establishment of parasitology as a field of science.
The he was the first to illustrate the scolex of a human tape worm—Taenia saginata. He
also associated worms with venereal disease(s) but apparently doubted a cause-effect
relationship. Andre considered that predisposing factors (to infection) were bad air and bad
food (both of which contained 'seeds of worms') and overindulgence in food. The discovery
of Nicholas andre gave the importance of parasitology and it was a ground breaking idea of
andry which contributed to the study of prarsitology
2. Haha dli ma copy ang question

Immunology is a study of immune system, its very crucial branch of the medical and
biological science. Immune system are the one who protects our body from the diseases
that caused by some bacteria, viruses and parasites. Moreover applying the knowledge of
parasitology would be easier to conquer the parasites and it would be easier to produce
medicine or vaccine to a certain diseases that caused by a parasitic worm.


Complete the following open-ended statements below. You may base your
answers on what you have learned from your previous subjects, lessons, and/or

1. The microscope is the most powerful scientific tool that was invented because
It allow us to observe object at the cellular level and also scientist can see the
microorganism with our body.
2. If the Microscope was not invented at all, the world would have been
It would be so hard even to survive on this world or worst we will be instinct because
of the diseases and infections that caused by the viruses and bacteria that only through
microscope can see.
3. The type of Microscope that I can recall is stereo microscope This type of
Microscope is used to magnify things, it allow us to see object that we can’t see
With our naked eye and also it provide us vivid images.

1. Identify two events in the history of microbiology (one event) and

parasitology (another event) that would require the use of microscope. Also,
provide three reasons about how beneficial the microscope would be with
respect to the identified event.
Cell theory of Robert hooke:
 The cells wouldn’t be discover if the microscope didn’t exist
 Robert hooke will have a struggle on proving to other scientist that cells are like a
 The cells theory are essential on the field of biology hence it gave us clear
understanding about the mechanism on our body.
Felix dujardin classify the protozoan and invertebrates
 Protozoan are a group of eukaryotic singled-cell organism which we can observe only
on microscope.
 His study of helminthes (flatworms) laid the foundation for the later development of
 His study on invertebrates and protozoan will only be possible because of the existence
of microscope.

Fill the table with at least 5 types of microscopes and their corresponding distinguishing
features, and principal uses.

Type Distinguishing features Principal application

Darkfield Uses a special To examine living microorganisms
condenser with an that are invisible in bright field
opaque disk that microscopy, do not stain easily or
blocks the light from are distorted by staining;
entering the objective frequently used to detect
lens directly; light treponema pollidum in the
reflected by specimen diagnoses of syphilis
enters the objective
lens; and the
specimen appears
light against a black
Scanning acoustic Uses a sound wave To of examine licing cells attached to
specific frequency that
another surface. Such as cancer cells,
travels through the artery plaque and biofilms
specimen with a
portion being reflected
when it hits an
interface within the

Fluorescence Uses an ultraviolet or For fluorescent- antibody

near-ultraviolet techniques(immunofluorescence)
source of illumination to rapidly detet and identify
that causes microbes in tissues or clinical
fluorescent specimens
compounds in a
specimen to emit light
Differential Like phase-contrast, To provide three-dimensional
interference contrast uses differences in images
refractive indexes to
produce images.
Uses two beams of
light separated by
prisms; the specimen
appears colored as a
result of the prism
effect. No staining
Two photon Uses two photons to To image living cells up to depth
illuminate a specimen of 1mm, reduce photo toxicity,
and observe cells activity in real

1. ocular lens 8.illuminator

2.nose piece 9.head

3.objective lense 10.arm

4.stage clip 11.coarse adjustment

5.aperture 12.fine adjustment

6.diaphragm 13.base


1. Give one type of microscope and discuss its importance in microbiological and parasitological
Compound microscope use high powers of magnification (40x-1,000x), and are wont to view
micro specimens not visible to the naked eye: cells. Their greater complexity is a bonus or
disadvantage looking on your viewpoint since the founded and preparation require
considerably longer time than a stereo microscope. Compound microscope produce 2
dimensional image of a cellular structures. Moreover, to provide an accurate data about the
microorganism and also scientist can observe the microorganism efficiently.
parasitology is a is the scientific discipline concerned with the study of the biology of
parasites and parasitic diseases, including the distribution, biochemistry, physiology,
molecular biology, ecology, evolution and clinical aspects of parasites, including the host
response to these agents. Significantly, people are surviving from diseases, pandemic and
infection that caused by the parasites. human are rapidly adapting on their environment,
innovating to aid the struggle on living especially on health, scientist thriving so hard to
make a vaccine and medicine in order to protect humanity hence, parasite also can develop
drug resistance; a continuous research on to improve the existing medicine is very crucial.

Philippine conducting national deworming month to reinforce prevention and control of soil-
transmitted helminthes. Helminthes also known as parasitic worm, it’s a macro parasite that
human can see it with naked eye. It’s very crucial to be infected by a parasitic worm though
all of us have a parasite within our body. Furthermore, many are intestinal worms that are
soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as
schistosomes reside in blood vessels. Moreover, There are some people didn’t intake the
medicine for the parasitic worm because they thought that the deworming are for malnourish
person however it isn’t the case either the person are healthy or not they need to intake
medicine because we let parasitic worm inside our body there’s a possibility that it can be a
cause of death.

Philippine are on economic crisis hence, we have so many debt on different countries for the
funds and development on the country. Moreover, Philippine are prone on typhoon that
many people suffered and the aftershock is that the victim of such typhoon and floods are
exposed on bacteria even parasites and suddenly might cause a diseases, as a result
people will suffer. Sadly to say, if deworming are neglected the economy of the Philippine
would increase hence, if a person are infected by a parasitic worm or they will have a
disease at worst they will buy a medicine or will go to hospital just to cure their illness with
that their expenses that they’ve use will go to the government as tax.

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