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Challenges of Renewable Energy Penetration On Power System Flexibility

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Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

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Energy Strategy Reviews

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Challenges of renewable energy penetration on power system flexibility:

A survey
Semich Impram a, Secil Varbak Nese b, *, Bülent Oral b
Rail Power Solutions, Electrical Design Engineer, London, United Kingdom
Marmara University, Faculty of Technology, Electrical&Electronics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey


Keywords: Flexibility in power systems is ability to provide supply-demand balance, maintain continuity in unexpected
Power system flexibility situations, and cope with uncertainty on supply-demand sides. The new method and management requirements
Renewable energy penetration to provide flexibility have emerged from the trend towards power systems increasing renewable energy pene­
Power system flexibility measurement
tration with generation uncertainty and availability. In this study, the historical development of power system
Power system flexibility provision
flexibility concept, the flexible power system characteristics, flexibility sources, and evaluation parameters are
presented as part of international literature. The impact of variable renewable energy sources penetration on
power system transient stability, small-signal stability, and frequency stability are discussed; the studies are
presented to the researchers for further studies. Moreover, flexibility measurement studies are investigated, and
methods of providing flexibility are evaluated.

1. Introduction accommodate the net load changes by adjusting the input of flexible
loads or the output of generation units at various regulation intervals
Initially, the flexibility in power systems has been defined as the [6]. In the report prepared for the IEA [7], the flexibility concept is
ability of the system generators to react to unexpected changes in load or defined as the capability to balance rapid changes due to RES generation
system components [1]. Recently, it has been recognized as a concept and forecast errors. In the joint report of the OECD and IEA [8], the
that was introduced to the literature by organizations such as the In­ ability of the power system to modify generation and consumption in
ternational Energy Agency (IEA) and the North American Electric Reli­ response to expected and unexpected variability is referred to as
ability Corporation (NERC). Despite being recognized, there is not a flexibility.
universal definition of the power system flexibility, but authors and The supply and demand of the power systems are kept in balance,
groups suggested their own definitions [2]. The IEA explains that a and the planning is made without restriction of load changes. The
power system is flexible, if it can, within economic boundaries, respond reserve generation for balancing purposes is started up by forecasting
quickly to high fluctuations in supply and demand, ramping down a the load behavior [9]. Flexibility needs are divided into four categories;
generation when demand decreases, and upwards when it increases for flexibility for power, energy, transfer capacity, and voltage [10].
scheduled and unpredictable events [1]. From an operational perspective, flexibility is the potential for ca­
Taking into consideration the increasing penetration levels of power pacity to be deployed within a certain period [11]. According to Bucher
generation from variable and hardly predictable sources such as wind et al. [12], operational flexibility is defined as the ability of the power
and solar energy, the flexibility of power systems has become a concept system to damp the disturbances (such as generator trippings due to
that needs to be redefined. One of the main reasons is that, besides the forecast errors or changes in the power injection) to protect the safe
uncertainty on the demand side, there is also uncertainty on the supply operating condition. Holttinen et al. [13] highlighted that operational
side. In some studies, flexibility is described as the ability of a power flexibility types are dependent on time-scale. These types are listed as
system to use its own resources in order to be able to respond to net load increased frequency response and reserves for seconds to minutes,
changes that are not met by variable generation [3–5]. According to a increased ramp capability for minutes to hours, and scheduling flexi­
similar definition, flexibility is the ability of the power system to bility for hours to a day. Ma et al. [14] described technical flexibility as

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: semich@railpowersolutions.com (S. Impram), secil.varbak@marmara.edu.tr (S. Varbak Nese), boral@marmara.edu.tr (B. Oral).

Received 5 September 2018; Received in revised form 5 April 2020; Accepted 9 August 2020
Available online 13 August 2020
2211-467X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

coping with variability and uncertainty in both supply and demand side Pumped-storage Hydropower Plants (PHP) to solve this flexibility
while keeping reliability at a satisfactory level at a reasonable cost over problem [16]. In this method, a proportion of nuclear power plant’s
various periods. generation is directed to PHP when demand is reduced, and then the
Generally, studies derived flexibility metrics from capacity re­ stored energy is used when demand is increased.
quirements for power balance. In the power node framework and In modern power systems, besides the conventional generation units,
methodology, three quantities named power ramping, power, and en­ there is Variable Generation (VG) with shares depending on the level of
ergy are used to assess technical available operational flexibility. There penetration. The load which is not met by VG can have different char­
are metrics to support long term planning of power systems. Also, acteristics; hence it can be supplied from various power system sources.
metrics are available to accommodate power imbalance and dynamic The features, such as increased variability and different ramping pat­
limitations [15]. terns, give rise to greater flexibility necessity [17,18]. Generation flex­
Today, due to the increasing share of RES in electricity generation it ibility in power systems is based on the three main parameters, as shown
is necessary to redefine the flexible power system features. Also, as in Fig. 2. These are the absolute power output range (MW), ramp rate
power systems continue to develop, the definition and necessity of (MW/min), and energy level continuity (MWh) [6,19,20].
flexibility will be changed, and the solutions for providing flexibility will
become more complex. The large proportion of the papers that are • The absolute power output range is the difference between the
included have publication dates later than 2010, as seen in Fig. 1. installed power of a unit and the minimum power that it can operate
Around 50% of the included papers are identified as articles from in a stable condition. The largeness of this difference can provide
journals, and the other 19% are categorized as conference papers. The flexibility to broader system conditions.
subject areas of these journals are energy and engineering. Also, 19% of • The ramp rate shows how quickly the unit can change its output
them are reports that are conducted by different agencies. International power within a certain period. The sources that have a high ramp
Energy Agency (IEA) is one of the most interesting agencies in this topic rate are more flexible.
and collaborate with other organizations to prepare these reports. First • The energy level continuity shows the duration of a certain power
of all, in this study, the historical development of the flexibility concept output level that the generation unit can provide. The sources with a
in power systems is presented in the context of international literature. long duration increase flexibility by meeting demand under long-
The characteristics of flexible power systems, flexibility sources, and the term disturbances or outages.
evaluation parameters are presented. The impact of variable RES, such
as wind and solar energy, penetration on power system transient sta­ Flexibility needs are divided into four categories; flexibility for
bility, small-signal stability, and frequency stability are discussed; the power, energy, transfer capacity, and voltage [10].
studies conducted in this topic are examined and presented to the re­
searchers for further studies. In addition, the studies on the flexibility • Flexibility for power: The power supply-demand balance is needed to
measurement are investigated, and methods of providing flexibility in a maintain frequency stability for short-term periods (a second to an
power system are evaluated. hour). It is due to an intermittent weather condition-dependent
power supply in generation.
2. Power system flexibility • Flexibility for energy: The energy supply-demand balance is needed
for demand scenarios over medium to long term periods(hours to
Flexibility in conventional power systems is ensured by providing several years). It is due to a decrease in fuel storage-based energy
reserves and generation planning. A reserve is also kept for unexpected supply in generation.
generation outages or transmission line failures. In the early 1970s, • Flexibility for transfer capacity: Power transferability is needed to
nuclear power plants widely spread with the oil crisis. However, they do prevent bottlenecks over short to medium term periods (minutes to
not have flexibility characteristics because they operate at full capacity several hours). It is due to increased peak demands, increased peak
as base-load power plants. The US has increased the installed power of supply, and increased usage levels.

Fig. 1. The distribution of investigated references based on the power system flexibility categories.

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

Fig. 2. Flexibility dimensions [14].

• Flexibility for voltage: The bus voltages need to be kept within pre­ severe overvoltage profiles are included in grid codes [27].
defined limits over short term periods (seconds to tens of minutes). It The operational flexibility type depends on the time scale. While
is due to increased distributed generation in distribution system more frequency control and reserves are needed in the seconds to mi­
resulting in bi-directional power flow and operation scenarios nutes time interval, increased ramping capability for minutes to hours,
variance. and planning flexibility for hours to a day ahead is required [13]. From
the system planning perspective, flexibility time interval and variable
It is considered that the flexibility in a power system is “consumed” generation effects are shown in Fig. 3.
by load changes, weather forecast errors, generation units or trans­ In the case of a large proportion or all of the demand is supplied by
mission line outages, and generation from variable RES [21]. In addi­ RES generation, the baseload plants must reduce or completely stop
tion, in the report of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation their generation. However, these plants should be re-dispatched to meet
(NERC) ’s Integration of Variable Generation Task Force (IVGTF), three the demand with a decrease in RES generation. This constitutes a big
key features have identified that is essential to be considered when problem since the start-up times of coal, or nuclear power plants are too
assessing the flexibility requirements in the power system [22]. These long [26]. As a result of exposure of these plants to excessive cycling,
are the magnitude of net load changes, the time interval over which especially in the components where there are high temperatures and
these changes occur, and the frequency of ramping events. The impor­ pressure; problems such as wear and tear, metal fatigue, corrosion, and
tance of these is the ability to distinguish unpredicted ramps from pe­ erosion are caused in the medium term [28–30]. Therefore,
riodic ramps and provide the needed flexibility using properly the operating-maintenance and fuel costs increase, and there is a decrease in
available resources to balance a net load ramp over a period of time [5]. the expected life of power plants. Also, the plant outages for mainte­
In Ulbig and Andersson’s study [23], the sources of power system flex­ nance purposes are more frequent [26,28,31]. In the long term,
ibility are divided into four categories: considering carbon laws and limitations, a transition to low-carbon so­
lutions in base-load plant technologies is expected. Another important
• Potential flexibility sources; are physically available and usable point to mention is that they need to be more flexible than existing
flexibility sources. However, they are not controllable or observable. technologies [26].
• Actual sources of flexibility; are the usable part of potential flexibility Innovations are needed in the planning and operation of trans­
sources because they are controllable and observable. mission networks as well. The main purpose of the existing transmission
• Flexibility reserves; are the economically usable part of the actual lines is to transmit the energy from the regional generation units to the
flexibility sources. load centers. However, the distance and voltage levels are increasing
• Flexibility reserves in the power market; are parts of the flexibility with the installation of RES plants far away from the load centers at the
reserves that can be obtained from the power or ancillary services endpoints of the network. On the other hand, the RES generation, which
market. is distributed over a broader area, decreases the variability of total
generation, and this advantage can be utilized with correct planning
3. The growing renewable penetration effects on power system [32]. The increase in penetration levels requires finding the optimal
network topology, which has a serious impact on transmission line losses
The needs for sudden, high ramping, and frequent start-ups caused and overall system performance in the case of a disturbance [33].
by the intermittent and variable nature of the electricity generation from A power system’s stability is a key factor for secure and uninter­
RES, coupled with the net load changes, cause difficulties for conven­ rupted system operation. The stability of the power system is defined as
tional generation units [13,14]. the ability to restore the operating balance after being subjected to a
The variability concept is considered differently at every stage of physical disturbance [34]. One of the most important parameters in the
planning and operation. While the net load changes do not play an simultaneous operation of power systems is the system inertia. The
important role in long-term resource planning, the daily cycle is a major lower the inertia of the system is, the more the system is sensitive to
factor in the day-ahead operation plan [13]. In the time interval (ms) frequency deviations [35]. RE power plants do not contribute to the
that can be defined as a very short term, some control systems are system inertia, because they are connected to the network by power
required due to the instantaneous changes in the RE generation. These electronics, and they are electrically isolated from the network. In
are control systems for Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) [24], active particular, photovoltaic (PV) systems do not contribute to the inertia in
and reactive power, voltage, and ramp rate [25,26]. any way because of their structures [36], and the system inertia is
Modern grid codes have been extended to reduce effects of increased decreased. As a result, besides the frequency and rotor angle stabilities
wind energy penetration. The LVRT requirement that necessitates wind of a power system, it also effects the transient stability with larger rotor
generators to remain connected to network to cope with the voltage sag oscillations [35].
and the High Voltage Ride Through (HVRT) requirement to withstand In this part of the study, the effects of wind and solar power

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

Fig. 3. Effects of variable generation on the flexibility timeline [13].

penetration on voltage, transient, small-signal, and frequency stabilities by the wind power, and better damping is achieved with the DFIG WTs
of the power system are investigated. The related literature is presented in the inter-area mode. Although the system gets unstable when inject­
below under these titles. ing power with a weak tie-line from a region with 50% RE generation,
this is not valid for power absorption. Moreover, the system stability is
3.1. Effect of wind power systems (WPS) on the power system stability not affected by the length of the transmission line from the connection
point of the wind farm to the network. Modi et al. [44] used the
According to Holttinen’s research, 10% wind power penetration for 14-Generator South East Australian equivalent system to study the effect
Scandinavian countries increases the reserve requirement by 1.5%–4% of high wind power penetration. It was observed that the damping of
of the installed wind power. The lower the minimum power output of inter-area modes is severely affected by wind penetration, altering
the power plants which meet the demand, the more RE penetration can power flows in the network and displacing some of the SGs. The selec­
be accommodated in the system without the need to shut down power tion of the generators to be displaced has affected the system’s damping
plants. Therefore, besides the increased reserve requirements, the min­ performance. A decrease in damping of modes was noted as the stabi­
imum power outputs of the power plants may also cause problems in the lizers, which play an important role in damping of oscillations were
short term [37]. The impact of penetration levels (5%–35%) and the displaced with the SGs. Mehta et al. [45] examined the effect of DFIG
power plant location (two different locations) on voltage stability were WTs on a two-area four generator test system. The study shows that the
investigated by Naser et al. [38]. It was observed that the system is system becomes unstable in terms of the small-signal by replacing an SG
better in terms of voltage stability at low penetration levels. The results with a DFIG WT. On the other hand, it was stated that the necessary
show that the connection of WPS to the network at several points damping torque could be obtained by equipping the remaining SGs with
positively affects the voltage stability compared to the single point automatic voltage regulators and power system stabilizers. The exis­
connection. According to Hossain et al. [39], Doubly Fed Induction tence of these two control systems in SGs results in improved dynamic
Generator (DFIG) turbines cannot deliver as much reactive power as performance and the importance of DFIG turbine location is eliminated;
Synchronous Generators (SG) do and cannot generate large short-circuit the is also a better performance regarding the damping of local and
currents. Hence, the voltage support provided by reactive power injec­ inter-area modes.
tion after a failure is worse for DFIG than in the case of an SG. Also, DFIG Meegahapola and Flynn [41] emphasized that changing the response
turbines behave as Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) during of the DFIG turbines according to the load condition is expected to
transient events and thus can consume reactive power and reduce the positively affect the frequency stability. The DFIG turbines have an
system’s voltage stability limit. The study summarizes that a system emulated inertial response that is a short-term controlled response to
dominated by Wind Turbines (WT) shows worse performance in terms of transient power imbalances by utilizing their stored rotational energy
voltage stability than conventional systems. On the other hand, in the [46]. Qureshi and Iqbal [47] investigated the impact of SCIG and DFIG
study on long-term voltage stability by Londero et al. [40], it is specified WTs on the system frequency stability using a 9 bus 3 machine system.
that high penetration levels contribute positively to the system voltage According to the results of the research, the contribution of SCIG WTs to
stability. It is stated that turbines can provide more reactive power the damping of frequency oscillations is less than that of SG. DFIG WTs
support to the system as the penetration level increases. do not response to frequency deviations as their rotor mechanical speed
Meegahapola and Flynn [41] investigated the impact of very high is decoupled from the grid frequency.
(40%) wind power (DFIG WT) penetration on the transient and fre­
quency stabilities of the power system in a 39-bus test system. It was 3.2. Effect of photovoltaic systems (PVS) on the power system stability
observed that the transient stability is adversely affected in case of a
fault close to a region with high wind penetration. The main reason for A study on PVS voltage and reactive power responses was conducted
this was shown as the reduction in active power generation and an in­ by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) [48] for various
crease in reactive power absorption during the crowbar protection when connection types. It was indicated that overvoltage problems are inev­
the WTs are partially loaded. In the case of a fault close to SGs, it was itable due to the high share of PV connected to the sub-transmission
observed that the WTs improve transient stability with their contribu­ network. It was also pointed out that in a system with PV, the Static
tion to the power flow for synchronizing forces in the network. Edrah Var Compensators (SVCs) caused higher transient overvoltages. The
et al. [42] have implemented various scenarios into three generators main reason for this was stated as the injection of reactive power into the
9-bus test system using an SG and a wind farm, which consists of DFIG system by the SVCs for several cycles due to their low operating speed
turbines. According to the obtained results, the rotor angle stability of after the clearance of the fault. According to the steady-state analysis
the system is adversely affected by the use of equivalent power DFIG that was performed for PV penetration by Eftekharnejad et al. [49], the
WTs instead of SG. However, it was emphasized that this effect could be most affected system parameters are voltage magnitudes. Overvoltages
reduced by using the necessary control strategies. occurred in the transmission line busbars, especially at 20% and addi­
The study on small signal stability by Ayodele et al. [43] investigated tional penetration levels. In a system with high PV penetration during
effects of parameters such as power dispatch, wind farm location, and transient events, larger voltage drops were found after a fault. Also, the
wind power penetration level. According to the analysis performed on disconnection of a large part of the rooftop PV systems resulted in
the 9-bus test system of the IEEE, local area modes are positively affected increased voltage fluctuations and damping times as the penetration

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

levels increased. Tamimi et al. investigated the effects of centralized and led to positive effects in both regions, such as faster damping of fre­
distributed PV systems on the steady-state voltage stability of the quency oscillations and lower magnitude (overshoot) of oscillations
Ontario power system. Various penetration levels with an installed [56].
power of up to 2000 MW have been examined. The results showed that In a system where a significant amount of SGs are displaced by RES,
the distributed PV could significantly improve voltage stability the control systems and their coordination are affected as well. Also,
compared to the centralized systems [50]. fault state characteristics exhibit different features. The fault current of
In studies performed for transient stability, the impact of penetration SGs is 5–10 times of the nominal current, while it is roughly 2 times for
level was firstly investigated at 5–30% range. The results showed that inverter-based systems and decreases with time. This might prevent the
improving the system stability for penetration levels above 10% of PV protective relays from detecting the fault conditions in inverter-based
depends on the Fault Ride Through (FRT) capabilities of these power systems [57,58]. On the other hand, the inverters are able to avoid the
plants [48]. Eftekharnejad et al. [49] investigated the effects of rooftop thermal overloading of the network components by rapid response to
and large-scale PV systems penetration on a large interconnected power network imbalances. Another advantage of inverters is that their fault
system. For this purpose, PV penetration levels of up to 50% were currents can be programmed [57].
examined by reducing the share of conventional generation. Analyzes
showed that high PV penetration levels have positive and negative ef­ 4. Flexibility measurement
fects on the system transient stability. Also, PV penetration levels, sys­
tem topology, type, and location of the fault are key factors for the An insufficient ramping resource expectation (IRRE) is a measure
nature of the effect (positive or negative). used in long-term planning, based on conventional generation suffi­
Furthermore, the disconnection of a large proportion of rooftop PV ciency criteria. In order to assess the flexibility, demand and variable
causes deviations in the rotor angles of nearby SGs and voltage fluctu­ generation should be taken into account. The considered time intervals
ations. Tamimi et al. examined the effects of large-scale and distributed also play an important role. For IRRE, downward flexibility of each unit
PV integration on the transient stability of the Ontario power system. (1) and system flexibility time series (2) are calculated [3].
Critical Clearing Time (CCT) indication was used to evaluate the sys­ ( ( ) )
tem’s dynamic stability performance. A 3-phase short-circuit fault for Flext,i = Rampup . 1 − 1 − Onlinet,i .Si (1)
80 ms in the 500 kV transmission line in the Toronto area has been ∑
tested. The results show that central PV power plants with voltage and Flexsystem
t = Flext,i (2)
reactive power control do not change the system’s dynamic stability. On ∀i

the other hand, an increase in distributed PV penetration levels im­ In equation (1), Rampup is ramp-up of generator, onlinet,i is opera­
proves transient performance [50]. tion stage of a generator in t time, Si is generator start up time. IRRP is
Studies have also been conducted on the effects of PV penetration on called insufficient ramping resource probability.
small-signal stability. Liu et al. [51] examined the impact of the location ( )
and penetration level of PV generation on the two-area power system. IRRPt,i,+/− = AFDi,+/− NLRt,i,+/− − 1 (3)
The results show that the effect of the high PV penetration level is In equation (3) t is time horizon; NLRt,i,+/− is the net load ramp in
positive or negative, depending on the state of the SGs that are dis­ either direction, AFDi,+/− (X)is available flexibility distribution. IRRE is
placed. Ravichandran et al. used a 3-SG 9-bus test system, and modified the sum of the IRRP values over entire time series.
the system with the real-time data of the Indian network. The impact of ∑
variables such as solar irradiation, temperature, load, and configuration IRREi,+/− = IRRPt,i,+/− (4)
have been investigated. An increase in rotor modes was noted in the ∀t∈T+/−

integration of PV into the network and in the same way with increasing
Another developed indication of flexibility is the Normalized Flexi­
solar irradiation.
bility Index (NFI). The overall system flexibility is predicted by evalu­
Furthermore, the damping of the modes has also increased with
ating the flexibility level of each generation unit [59]. All generation
increasing load, while there is a decrease with increasing generation
units can contribute to upward reserve with their ramp-up rate and spare
[52]. Du et al. [53] used a single-machine infinite bus power system in
upward capacity, and downward reserve with their ramp-down rate and
their study. Analyzes show that PV generation affects small signal sta­
spare down capacity. For mathematical representation, range of each
bility by interacting with conventional generation due to the lack of
unit is called flex index. The index is normalized to eliminate variable
rotating components. However, there are not any additional oscillation
size effect of each unit.
modes added to the system. This effect varies depending on the oper­
ating conditions of the system since the contribution of the damping 1
[Pmax (i) − Pmin (i)] + 12 [Ramp(i)]
flex(i) = 2 (5)
torque of the PV power plant can be positive or negative. After a certain Pmax (i)
critical operating condition, the effect of PV generation on the system
In equation (5) Ramp(i): average of ramping up and ramping down
small signal stability becomes negative. Eftekharnejad et al. used
of unit i; Pmax(i): maximum capacity of unit i; Pmin(i): minimum capacity
large-scale PVs and rooftop PVs, which are aggregated at the voltage
of unit i.
level of 69 kV. According to the results, there is a significant reduction in
Flexibility index of the whole system is represented with FLEX, and it
damping ratio as large conventional generators are displaced while
is weighted average of each unit flex [60].
penetration level increases from 30% to 40%. The increase in penetra­
tion level causes a decrease in the system inertia resulting in a reduced ∑ P (i)
critical modes damping of the system [54]. FLEXA = ∑ max xflex(i) ∀i ∈A(6)
i∈A Pmax (i)
In the studies of PV penetration regarding the frequency stability,

Alquthami et al. [55] have assessed penetration levels of 5%, 10%, and The Loss of Wind Estimation (LOWE) indicator shows the system
20% while keeping SGs in the system. Simulations show that the system flexibility level in terms of its ability to accommodate wind power [59].
frequency stability is adversely affected at 20% penetration level. One of the methods developed for measuring flexibility is Flexibility
Abdlrahem et al. used a two-area power system with a real-time simu­ Assessment Tool (FAST). This method identifies the available flexibility
lation model of 4 × 50 MW PV generation. In this study, automatic sources, then evaluates the flexibility needs and compares the needs
generation control (AGC) was applied to allow the maximum penetra­ with the sources [8].
tion level by adjusting the output power of the generators since each Inflexibility indicators are also used since they are more apparent
area has two SGs. Increased penetration level in one region of the system than flexibility criteria. These indicators are the difficulty of maintaining

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

supply-demand balance, a significant amount of curtailment, and im­ the system behavior. Fluctuations in wind power can affect the small-
balances of Renewable Energy (RE) generation in certain regions. Also, signal, transient, and voltage stability of power systems and frequency
in the power market, inflexibility leads to negative prices or volatility in control [65]. The use of high-performance excitation systems is essential
electricity prices [61]. to maintain steady-state and transient stability of synchronous genera­
Flexibility charts are used to reflect generation-based flexibility in a tors and provides rapid voltage control [66]. For this purpose, Auto­
more understandable way [62]. Five parameters are used in the graphs: matic Voltage Regulators (AVR) containing Power System Stabilizer
penetration levels (as a ratio of peak load) of gas turbine combined gas (PSS) are used [67]. Fast Frequency Response (FFR) is the most inno­
cycle (CCGT), combined heat and power (CHP), pumped hydropower, vative method used to eliminate sudden supply and demand imbalances
hydroelectric power plants (Hydro), and interconnections. Besides, wind in short and very short time periods. It requires proper power electronics
power penetration is shown by the red polygon in the graphs. The graphs and batteries. The challenge of system is to define how much inertia can
show potential sources of flexibility, such as the amount of installed be changed [68]. Virtual inertia increases robustness of system against
capacity [63]. Fig. 4 shows the flexibility graphs arranged for central oscillations in high RES penetration and provides flexibility to power
Europe. system in droop selection [69]. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
One of the important points in the graphs (Fig. 4) obtained by Yasuda provides flexibility in power system by allowing more grid connections
et al. [62], is that the countries with high RE penetration have high in existing network capacity, reducing need to provide a spinning
transfer capacities with neighboring systems. The interconnections, reserve with reduction of effect of prediction errors, reducing load on
which are previously used to maintain the system’s reliability, began to the consumer side with use of higher network capacity, reducing
be regarded as a flexibility source. The use of these connections helps curtailment, and network restrictions [70].
growing the balancing areas, and the unique flexibility mechanisms of Coordinated voltage control manages the power factor, on-load tap
each power system become available to neighboring systems. Also, changer, and generation curtailment. Its main purpose is to improve
considering interconnected countries as a whole, the reserve capacity stability by dealing with voltage rise issue [71]. On-Load Tap Changer
increases, and variability of sources such as solar and wind decreases (OLTC) s are widely used in HV/MV transformer applications due to
since the generation is distributed to a larger area [63,64]. their low current levels. While line voltage regulators help locally
improve voltage profile and reduce losses in distribution line, OLTC has
5. Flexibility provision a wider effect [72]. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) control­
lers are preferred in modern power systems due to their fast controlla­
The flexibility of all elements in a power system should be provided bility, better utilization of existing transmission systems, increasing the
to accommodate more renewable energy and a highly responsive de­ reliability and availability of transmission lines, increasing dynamic and
mand. For a flexible generation, power plants that can be ramped up- transient network stability. Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is the first
down quickly and efficiently, and operate at low output levels are generation FACTS device used to improve voltage profile of a particular
required. For flexible transmission, transmission networks capable of busbar with reactive power compensation. Static Synchronous
using various balancing resources, including sharing between neigh­ Compensator (STATCOM) is a solid-state voltage source converter from
boring power systems, and use of intelligent network technologies for FACTS family, which injects a variable-size almost sinusoidal current
optimization, are required. The flexibility of demand-side resources can into the system, connected to transmission line. Unified Power Flow
be achieved through demand response, storage, responsive distributed Control (UPFC) is the most powerful FACTS method, which is a com­
generation, and use of smart networks. Flexible system operations can bination of Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and STAT­
be realized with near real-time and frequent decisions, more accurate COM, and improves power system transient stability [73].
wind and solar forecasts, and better collaboration between neighbors Phase-Shifting Transformer (PST) is an element of transmission expan­
[61]. In Fig. 5, implementation examples used to provide these flexi­ sion, which increases utilization of conventional components. It can be
bility solutions are presented in detail with regard to flexibility need and considered as an option of FACTS. HVDC lines contribute to power
implementation level [10]. system flexibility by providing transmission to longer distances with less
Increased wind power penetration in power systems directly affects power loss and increasing controllability of power grid. There are

Fig. 4. Flexibility graphs of the central European region with wind penetration level [62].

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

Fig. 5. Examples of flexibility solutions for each category with implementation levels from local to system wide [10].

basically two types; line commutated HVDC (LCC-HVDC) and voltage specific way of demand-side management, is the ability to control
source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) [74]. Solutions showed in end-user devices by rescheduling their operation [77]. It can be divided
Fig. 5 Such as Demand Side Response (DSR), are detailed in following into categories such as electrical demand increase (load growth, valley
titles. filling), decrease (peak shaving, conservation), or re-planning (load
Flexibility needs on the supply side of the power system can be met shifting) (Fig. 6) [78].
with partial load operation of the power plants connected to the system, System operators attempt to match high demand periods with high
load following, and fast start/stop times [14]. According to the IEA RES generation. With this method, electricity consumption does not
report [75], the characteristics of the flexible and inflexible power decrease, but consumption is shifted to a more convenient time in terms
plants, in line with the aforementioned variables, are shown in Table 1. of network operation [77]. Thus, demand-side management acts as a
In this table, the dispatchable non-renewable energy generation tech­ reserve. This is more evident when the periods of low demand and high
nologies are evaluated with their flexibility dimensions, and power RES generation are similar [79].
plants show large differences in their technical flexibility. Hence, they In cases where peak load and wind generation is high, the decrease in
are identified as flexible and inflexible generation technologies. Flexible wind power is a significant problem for the system. In this case, the
generation technologies comprise flexible CCGT and flexible coal. These system can be balanced by decreasing the consumption using demand-
power plants are designed to operate as load following plants that can side management [80]. However, in the Strbac’s study [79] stated
adjust their generation level to cope with load variations and start at that demand-side management could only compete with conventional
fairly short notice. The coal plants will be shut down before the end of methods for providing reserves in a system that contains only inflexible
their lifecycle. Nevertheless, the ability of other coal plant operators to generation with a high amount of unpredictable wind energy. The
apply the existing flexibility options to their system will be instrumental contribution of demand-side management is lower in a system with
in valuing coal in an increasingly low-carbon energy system. flexible power plants.

5.1. Demand side management 5.2. Flexible coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants

Demand-side management is a source of power system flexibility. Coal-fired power plants generally are designed as baseload plants
However, this study focused on requirements due to increased RE that will operate for maximum time with constant output power. While
penetration. For this reason, although this title is briefly mentioned, it is the level of existing power plants’ flexibility can be increased by
a wide area to be studied. While there are many factors in a power renewing the used technology, new power plants can be designed more
system that will increase flexibility on the supply side, the demand side flexibly [63]. It is possible to design new coal or lignite-fired power
can also contribute to flexibility [76]. Demand response, which is a more plants with a ramp rate of 7%/min from 40% to 100% power output. A
ramp rate of 10%/min is also targeted [81,82]. However, a typical
Table 1 once-through boiler design has a 7%/min ramp rate in the 50–90% load
Characteristics of flexible and inflexible power plants according to the IEA report range. It has been observed that this ramp rate can be achieved in a 550
[75]. MW bituminous coal-fired power plant in Germany [29]. In addition,
Power plant type Minimum stable Ramp rate Lead time, two lignite-coal burning units, each with a capacity of 1100 MW
output (%) (%/min) warm (h) installed in Germany in 2012, can ramp up or down by 500 MW in 15
Inflexible CCGT 40–50 0,8-6 2–4 min [83]. The undesirable effects of gained flexibility are low efficiency
Flexible CCGT 15–30 6–15 1–2 due to the continuous start-stops and ramping, cost increases, shorter
Steam türbine 10–50 0,6-7 1–4
equipment life, and more maintenance requirement. On account of this,
Inflexible coal 40–60 0,6-4 5–7 solutions to reduce these effects are investigated by manufacturers [29].
Flexible coal 20–40 4–8 2–5 Nuclear power plants are baseload plants and considered the most
Lignite 40–60 0,6-6 2–8 inflexible plants. The majority of them are designed to be operated at full
Inflexible nuclear 100 0 – power and to be stopped only for fuel change or periodic maintenance.
Flexible nuclear 40–60 0,3-5
However, flexibility can be provided to these plants with the necessary

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

Fig. 6. Demand-side management categories [78].

design and operation [8,84]. According to the International Atomic plants use fossil fuels to meet demand during periods of high heat de­
Energy Agency (IAEA), most of the existing nuclear power plants have a mand and medium/low RES generation (Mode 1). In the case of high
power output range between 50% and 100% of the reactor thermal RES generation and low heat demand, the output of the plant can be
power and ramp rates of up to 5%/min. However, these features are not reduced, and if necessary, a proportion of the demand can be met by
a part of the daily operation [84]. Only certain countries have the heat storage (Mode 2). In the case of RES generation exceeds demand,
experience of operating and designing nuclear power plants in a wide the excess power can be used in an electric boiler to meet heat demand,
range of flexibility. In France, some nuclear power plants are able to heat storage or can be used for both (Mode 3) [75].
ramp their power output from 30% to 100% in 1 h and from 60% to
100% in 30 min in load-following mode [8]. However, the Nuclear
Energy Agency (NEA) [85] stated that nuclear power plants require 5.4. Curtailment of RE generation
careful operation and maintenance since the partial load operation
causes unplanned outages. In some technologies, flexible operation is The curtailment of RE generation is presented under flexibility pro­
not possible for up to 30 days at the end of the fuel lifetime, depending vision title, and this method is used as flexibility source in the existing
on the core design [84]. The United States has increased the installed power systems. However, curtailment of RE generation is not generally
power of pumped hydropower plants to solve this flexibility problem of acceptable solution for the public. There is loss of green energy and
nuclear power plants. While demand is low, some of the nuclear power economical cost due to curtailment.
plants’ generation is directed to these power plants, and the stored en­ When wind power and PV systems cause transmission or operational
ergy is used when the demand is high [64]. constraints, the system operator may be forced to accept less wind and
Natural gas power plants, which are used as baseload or intermediate solar power than what is available. This event is called curtailment [91].
load power plants, can provide flexibility to the system. The most The integration of wind power plants that have low capacity factors
common are Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT) because of their affects the transmission system design. In long-term grid integration
capacity diversity, high efficiencies, and low energy costs. New gener­ studies, wind power plants’ operation time considered short due to the
ation high-performance CCGTs are much faster than conventional ones variability of wind power [92]. Moreover, it is uneconomic to design
with 40-min start-up times [86]. One of the best examples is the Sloe transmission network for all of the available wind energy. In some cases,
Centrale power plant in the Netherlands. 30-minute start-up time was curtailment of generation can be a more economical solution [91,92].
recorded, while achieving 59% efficiency in the acceptance test of the Other reasons for renewable curtailment are the minimum output power
plant containing two 430 MW units [87]. However, the disadvantages of of thermal and hydroelectric power plants, avoiding back-feeding in
gained flexibility also apply to these plants. This type of operation causes distribution systems, and the requirement to limit nonsynchronous
wear in mechanical components, requires more frequent maintenance, generation on small grids for system frequency stability [91].
and increases operating costs [86]. As of the end of 2017, China’s installed renewable energy power is
619 GW. It consists of 341 GW hydroelectric, 164 GW wind, and 131 GW
solar power [93]. China, the leader in renewable energy, is the country
5.3. Flexible combined heat and power plants that faces the most serious problem of renewable curtailment [94]. Its
infrastructural reasons are weak grid structure, concentrated wind
Combined heat and power (CHP) plants are important to reach sources in remote areas far away from load centers, a large proportion of
efficiently high RES penetration levels. Proper heating and cooling ap­ coal-fired power plants, and lack of adequate market mechanisms. Un­
plications can be a source of flexibility. However, the generation of CHP favorable feed-in tariffs, unreasonable dispatch priorities, lack of grid
plants in many countries is not flexible enough as it is adjusted according codes for wind integration, and low wind forecast accuracy are the
to the heat load [75]. Flexibility in these plants can be gained with operational difficulties [95]. The curtailment problem in China has
changes in operation and equipment [88,89]. started in 2009 in the Inner Mongolia region and spread throughout the
Denmark is one of the countries with the largest cogeneration system country in 2010. The curtailment of PV generation arrised in 2013.
in Europe, with a 50% cogeneration share in electricity generation [90]. Between 2013 and 2016, the national average curtailment of PV was
Also, CHP plants can be operated flexibly in countries with high wind 15%. Between 2011 and 2015, the national average curtailment of wind
power penetration. These operation modes are shown in Fig. 7. CHP power was 15%. In 2016, this rate was up to 43% in the northern regions

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

Fig. 7. Operating modes of wind energy and CHP plants in Denmark [75].

of China [96]. According to the National Energy Administration in China economically, the price gap between the high-priced area and the
in 2016, the average curtailment of wind power was 17% (49.7 TWh) low-priced area needs to be greater than the annual investment and
[94]. Another example is Ireland and Norther Ireland, where in 2016, operating costs. To be able to do this, it is required to carry a large
only 227 GWh of wind power generation (7620 GWh) was curtailed. amount of energy with low-cost transmission [101].
This number is 215 GWh lower than the previous year. The 52% of the Technically, there are problems caused by network topologies and
curtailments were due to system-wide reasons, and 48% were due to connection schemes. An inefficient and uneconomical "spaghetti”
local network reasons. In Ireland, the limit of the System network connection is structured to allow each power plant in the
Non-Synchronous Penetration (SNSP) for the power system was remote area to connect to the network on its own (Fig. 8a). The SENE
increased from 50% to 55% in March 2016 and to 60% in November (scale-efficient network extension) scheme (Fig. 8b), where an area is
2016 [97]. Significant developments about curtailment have been ach­ connected to the load center through high voltage line, is more useful
ieved between 2009 and 2014 in Italy as well. The curtailment of wind when considered the power plants that can be built in the future.
power was decreased from 10.7% in 2009 to 0.8% in 2014, while Another option is to add a hub to the SENE approach (Fig. 8c). In case of
curtailment of PV generation has not occurred in these years. This a large amount of generation, such as thousands of MW, in a certain
decrease is the result of investments for overcoming the inadequacy of area, an additional HVDC line may be needed [100].
the transmission network between south and north, one of the main In Germany, while the wind power generation is concentrated in the
reasons for the outages. On the other hand, no significant curtailment north, the load centers are in the south. This high amount of long-
was observed in Denmark and Portugal, which have high wind pene­ distance transmission causes bottlenecks in the network. To overcome
tration. Regulations in Portugal does not allow the curtailment of RE this difficulty, the power is transmitted to the south via the transmission
generation except technical problems. In 2016 in Denmark, during 317 h networks of neighboring countries (Poland, Czech Republic,
where RE generation exceeded the demand, there was not any curtail­ Netherlands, and Belgium) instead of the domestic transmission network
ment since they used the interconnections with neighboring countries [102]. Pointing to this problem, Malek et al. [103] stated that conges­
[91]. In Germany, the amount of energy not used due to the curtailment tion would be observed with the increase in wind power and PV
increased by three times in 2014 and 2015 compared to the previous particularly in Germany, Austria, and Poland networks. Considering the
year. The compensation costs of curtailments in 2015 was estimated at phase-out of nuclear (8386 MW until 2022) and conventional power
478 million euros [98]. plants, the generation in the south will decrease considerably. For the
security of supply in this area, additional transmission capacity will be
required to the areas where conventional power plants, RES, and storage
5.5. Strengthening and expanding the transmission network (e.g., Scandinavian countries) are located. As a consequence, Germany is
planning to commission two long-distance HVDC transmission lines in
Strengthening the transmission network with flexibility enhance­ 2025 [102]. The routes that need to be strengthened in Germany are
ments such as balancing electricity generation over a wide area, facili­ shown in Fig. 9.
tating exchanges with neighboring countries, and linking the The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Elec­
international power markets is a key factor in the RES grid integration tricity (ENTSO-E) launched a European-wide project in 2010 with na­
[63]. In the planning and operation of transmission networks, reserves tional and regional investment plans called a 10-year network
and load varieties help to balance the variable renewable generation. As development plan (TYNDP). It aims to provide a more economical RE
the balancing area grows, a decrease in the variability of renewable integration, especially in line with RE targets set by the European Union.
energy can increase the flexibility of the power system [99]. In the report of the project for 2016, regional investment plans were
There are also some difficulties with the grid integration of RES presented by dividing the European continent into 6 regions [104].
[100]. Natural problems are caused by the spread of the RES in a wide Public opposition to the construction of new transmission lines also
geographical area. Serious increase in generation or demand in a region causes delays [105]. An alternative option is using more efficiently the
causes uncertainties in transmission network planning. Moreover, a existing transmission networks with evaluating the transmission ca­
wind power project in a remote area can not be financed without access pacity and better dynamical control of the power flow. Power flow
to the transmission network. On the other hand, the plan, permit, and control equipments such as phase changers, HVDC transmission lines,
construction time of a transmission line can last for 5–10 years, and the and Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) make it
transmission line can not be built without proving the necessity of the possible to use almost the entire transmission capacity. As a result, it is
line. Paying for the transmission line by the generator in advance is a inevitable to strengthen the transmission network at higher penetration
disadvantage, and the involvement of the new generators in this cost is a levels [106].
controversial issue [100,101]. From an economic perspective, the
connection of RESs in remote areas of the network is more costly than
conventional systems [100]. In order to operate the transmission line

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

Fig. 8. Transmission network topologies for connection of the generation in remote areas [100].

stability, transient stability, small-signal stability and frequency stability

of power systems containing renewable energy source generation.
Voltage levels are increasing with large-scale renewable energy
sources being often remote from load centers. This wide geographical
area diversity can reduce the variability of total generation; hence this
advantage can be exploited with the correct planning. Moreover, with
increasing renewable energy penetration, the network topology, which
affects the transmission losses and the system’s performance against
failures, should be selected optimally. The method of providing flexi­
bility with the demand-side management of distributed schemes with
medium and small-scale renewable energy sources should also be
considered. While supply-side flexibility in a power system can be
achieved through generation management, demand-side management,
the correct planning, and operation of transmission networks have also
gained importance. The methods of meeting the flexibility needs arising
from increased renewable energy penetration in a power system can be
summarized as follows:

- Demand-side management can contribute to flexibility with demand

planning, unlike methods that increase supply-side flexibility in a
power system. In this context, demand management should be based
on the share of renewable energy generation.
- Flexible operation of fossil-fueled power plants can be achieved by
operating these plants, which are generally used as baseload plants,
at a high ramp rate, and low output power. These operating char­
acteristics negatively affect the life cycle.
Fig. 9. The routes that need to be strengthened in the German transmission
- Combined heat and power plants can be a flexibility source with
network [104].
accurate heating and cooling timings in the case of a power system
containing renewable energy generation.
6. Conclusions
- The curtailment of renewable energy generation is not considered as
a solution. But it comes forward as a solution method due to reasons
Flexibility in power systems is the ability to provide supply-demand
such as weak network, wind power aggregated in remote areas, high
balance, to maintain continuity in unexpected situations, and to cope
coal-fired power plant share, lack of adequate market mechanisms.
with supply-demand uncertainty. In conventional power systems, flex­
- Strengthening and expanding the transmission network is the best
ibility was ensured by providing reserves and generation planning.
technical solution for network integration of increased renewable
However, it has gained a new dimension in the modern power systems
energy sources penetration with flexibility enhancement such as
where renewable energy penetration has increased steadily, due to the
balancing distributed generation, facilitating interconnections with
difficulties brought by generation uncertainty and availability concepts.
neighboring countries, and linking international power markets. On
Thus, generation management became more imporatnt with absolute
the other hand, infrastructure and financing may reduce its
power output range, ramp rate, and energy level duration being the key
The sudden and high ramping rate and frequent start-up needs arise
Flexibility needs arising from increased renewable energy penetra­
as a result of uncertainty in electricity generation, due to the variable
tion in a power system are discussed in this study regarding the defini­
and intermittent nature of the renewable energy sources, and the load
tion, criteria, and methods. The development of the aforementioned
variations. Meeting these needs is challenging for conventional power
substances with increasing renewable penetration requires the role of
plants. In modern power systems where renewable energy penetration
electricity markets to be addressed in further studies.
level is high, renewable energy sources have dispatch priority, and
during high generation periods, the demand is largely supplied by them.
Declaration of competing interest
Therefore, the generation of baseload plants should be reduced or
stopped when renewable energy based generation is sufficient; however,
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
when the renewable energy based generation is interrupted or halts, the
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
baseload plants must be re-commissioned.
the work reported in this paper.
Stability is crucial for the reliable and continuous operation of a
power system. The wind and solar penetration levels, their connection
topologies, and the wind turbine types have an influence on voltage

S. Impram et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 31 (2020) 100539

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