Tcscpower PDF
Tcscpower PDF
Tcscpower PDF
Publication History
Received: 23 August 2015
Accepted: 20 September 2015
Published: 14 October 2015
Umre BS, Rajesh V, Vijitha U, Koteswara Raju D, Archana Patil. Stability Analysis of SMIB System Incorporating the Genetic
Algorithm based TCSC Controller. Discovery, 2015, 43(199), 144-150
Stability Analysis of SMIB System Incorporating
the Genetic Algorithm based TCSC Controller
BS Umre V Rajesh U Vijitha D Koteswara Raju, Archana Patil
Associate professor PG Scholar PG Scholar Research scholar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
Nagpur-440010, Maharastra, India
Abstract---This paper presents a systematic procedure for and geographical conditions provide many difficulties in
modeling and time-domain simulation of synchronous construction of new generating stations and
generator (with field winding and one damper on q-axis) transmission lines. In such situations, it is necessary to
subjected to a three-phase fault on the transmission line. maximize the power transfer capability with existing
The thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC, a FACTs
network without losing the stability of the power
controller) was installed in series with the line in the
single-machine-infinite-bus system, and the dynamic system. The stability analysis of the power system was
behaviour of this SMIB system was analysed by simulation presented in [1].
results. Genetic algorithm based TCSC and design With the introduction of the FACTs devices [3]
parameters of this controller circuit also presented. The in the existing network such as TCSC, STATCOM,
effectiveness of the genetic algorithm based TCSC UPFC etc., we can achieve the maximum power transfer
controller is justified via the simulation results presented. capability through the same existing network. The
analysis of SMIB system installed with FACTs devices
Keywords--- Genetic algorithm (GA); Thyristor Controlled have been discussed in [4]-[5].
Series Capacitor (TCSC); Single Machine Infinite Bus From [1], the form of instability may be either
(SMIB); optimization. (or) of rotor angle deviation (local or global in nature),
voltage deviation at the bus or frequency instability.
Nomenclature Small disturbance rotor angle stability problems are
δ Rotor angle of synchronous generator in rad usually associated with rotor angle oscillations of single
ωB Rotor speed deviation in rad/sec power plant against rest of the power system. In general,
Sm Generator slip in p.u. the duration of small signal stability study, is of the
Smo Initial operating slip in p.u. order of 10 to 20 second following a small
H Inertia constant disturbance[1].
D Damping coefficient As we know, Phillips-Heffron model has been
Tm Mechanical power input in p.u. used for years, for the stability analysis of SMIB system
Te Electrical power output in p.u. being subjected to a small disturbance. This linear
Efd Excitation system voltage in p.u. model of Phillips-Heffron gives better results also been
Tdo’ Open circuit d-axis time constant in sec used for designing the conventional power system
Tqo’ Open circuit q-axis time constant in sec stabilizers (PSS). Even though, these models are very
xd d-axis synchronous reactance in p.u. powerful tools for power engineers for analysis of
xd’ d-axis transient reactance in p.u. dynamic behaviour of synchronous generator, suffers
xq q-axis synchronous reactance in p.u. from few drawbacks like failed to capture the complex
xq’ q-axis transient reactance in p.u. dynamic oscillations especially during large signal
XC Nominal reactance of the fixed capacitor C disturbances.
XP Inductive reactance of inductor L connected in These difficulties invite the introduction of
parallel with C. FACTs controllers in the line for desired performance.
σ Conduction angle of TCSC But we should keep in mind one point that, a controller
α Firing angle of TCSC with appreciable performance for small signal condition
k Compensation ratio, k = sqrt(XC / XP) may fail during the major disturbances. Now, let us
focus on the applications of TCSC, member of FACTs
I. INTRODUCTION controller family. TCSC serves as the short circuit
Now-a-days, the power system engineers are current limiter, scheduling power flow, damping the
facing many challenges to satisfy the increased load power system oscillations and improving the power
with highest reliability, security and also with minimum system stability and for mitigating the sub-synchronous
transmission expenditure. However, the environmental resonance (SSR) [3]. All these achieved by the
-------------------------------------------------------------------- reactance adjustment of TCSC, which is a complex
process. In [6], Genetic Algorithm (GA) based
XC ILine
ILine IC
Fig 1. Synchronous Machine
VC (t)
model of TCSC.
III Development of simulink model
Fig 3: Basic module of a TCSC
The net reactance offered by the TCSC is given A. Modeling of SMIB system
by the equation:
The synchronous generator considered above is
( ) represented by model 1.1, i.e with one field circuit on
( + ) d-axis and one equivalent damper on q-axis gives the
= − following governing equations [7].
( − )
4 ( /2) [ tan 2 − tan
] Stator equations
+ + ′ − = (2)
( − ) ( − 1)
(1) − ′ − = (3)
It is evident from the above equation that for a
particular range of α, the TCSC may enter into resonant Rotor mechanical equations
region. So care should be taken to avoid this by + =( − ) (4)
operating the TCSC in the safe region [3].
ℎ =
F. Introduction to Genetic Algorithm (GA)
= ( − ) (5)
GA enables you to solve a variety of both 2 = − ( − ) + − (6)
constrained and unconstrained optimization problems
that lie outside the scope of conventional optimization ′ = − +( − ′ ) + (7)
problems that are complex and difficult to solve. GA is ′ = − − − ′ (8)
based on natural selection, the process that drives
biological evolution. The genetic algorithm repeatedly Electrical torque
modifies a population of individual solutions. At each = ′ + ′ +( ′ − ′ ) (9)
step, the genetic algorithm selects individuals at random
from the current
No population to be parents and uses them
to produce the children for the nextYes generation. Over The algebraic equations of simplest external network
successive generations, the population "evolves" toward =− + cos (10)
an optimal solution which is shown below in fig 4. = − sin (11)
1+ 1+ ∆ω
1+ 1+ 1+ K
Fig 4: computational sequence of GA linearity between its input ∆ω and output ∆σ [2].
Fig 5: GA based TCSC controller currents id and iq for SMIB system with & without
In the above block diagram, the time constants
T1, T2, T3, T4 and the controller gain KT are to be
determined from GA. The main function of the TCSC
controller is to adjust XTCSC(α) during disturbances from
σ (=σo+∆σ) which further caused by ∆ω for the
improvement of power system stability.
C. Objective function
Compared to all other alternatives, TCSC
based controller design gives better results. It has been
presented here that, GA based parameter tuning for the
above LL structured TCSC controller uses the Integral
of Time Multiplied Absolute value of the Error (IATE)
as an objective function. The objective function is
defined as follows.
= . |∆ ( )|
Where ∆ω(t) is the speed deviation following a Fig 6: Load angle δ and speed deviation ∆ω
disturbance and tsim is the simulation time. With-out TCSC
IV Simulation Results