BS Star
BS Star
BS Star
BS*: An Admissible Bidirectional
Staged Heuristic Search Algorithm
James B.H. Kwa*
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of
Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland,
EH1 1HN, United Kingdom
In order to reap the potential advantage of less extensive searching which bidirectional heuristic
search algorithms offer, strategies are needed to influence the two search wavefronts to meet such that
early termination will occur. The principled search control strategy aims to achieve this without
trading running time, but can be found wanting still. An improved algorithm BS* is described which
expands significantly less nodes on average than any other algorithm in the same class of
non-wave-shaping admissible bidirectional algorithms. When pitted against BHPA, the only other
heuristically guided member in this class, BS*' s average search efficiency in time and space is about
30% better. BS*'s superior performance stems from the use of all opportunities to achieve early
termination and the elimination of unfruitful avenues by search reduction operations: nipping,
pruning, trimming and screening. Such operations exploit information gathered during search and
have several spin-offs: more accurate guidance of search control, early exposure of nonpromising
nodes and reduced bookkeeping overheads, all of which further enhance BS*'s performance. A
further noteworthy feature of BS* is that it is the first staged search algorithm which preserves
s, t Start node and goal node respectively.
F~(n) Successors of node n in the problem graph.
F2(n ) Parents of node n in the problem graph.
d Current search direction index; when search is in the forward
direction d = 1, and when in the backward direction d -- 2.
d' 3 - d; it is the index of the direction opposite to the current
search direction.
e A small positive value.
*Present address: 2 Lakepoint Drive, #02-09, Singapore 2264, Republic of Singapore.
Artificial Intelligence 38 (1989) 95-109
0004-3702/89/$3.50 © 1989, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
96 J.B.H. KWA
I. Introduction
Bidirectional search algorithms have the potential to be more efficient than
their unidirectional counterparts. The truth of this can be grasped when one
considers the size of the search tree as an indicator of the computational cost
involved; the larger the tree, the more nodes must be expanded and the greater
the search effort. Since trees have a tendency to grow exponentially as their
depth increases, it is usually the case that the sum of the sizes of two smaller
search trees (the forward and backward trees of a bidirectional search) is less
than the size of a large search tree from a unidirectional search. Besides
reducing the total n u m b e r of unique nodes expanded, smaller search trees also
offer the advantage of less computational cost in sorting the smaller sets of
open nodes. The works of several [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11-13] attest to the promise of
smaller search spaces using bidirectional algorithms. A n o t h e r motivation is a
substantial reduction in running time by implementing the bidirectional search
in parallel. However, this does not mean that it will run faster than its
corresponding unidirectional algorithm; it depends on the computational over-
heads involved in the bidirectional algorithm.
A problem which may afflict bidirectional heuristic search is the event of
search wavefronts missing each other. It may occur when several comparable
solution paths exist and the two search efforts differ in their perception of the
best way to their corresponding terminal node. When this happens, the
heuristic search algorithm applied bidirectionally may expand more nodes than
its unidirectional application. The key to the problem's solution is to influence
the two search wavefronts in such a way as to draw them together. Wave-
shaping techniques [2, 3, 13] and postulating a set of islands (intermediate
nodes which the solution must pass through at least once) confront the problem
directly. However, admissible wave-shaping algorithms are excessively compu-
tationally demanding. It requires that every open node maintains an updated
assessment of which open node on the opposite wavefront it should aim at.
While admissible wave-shaping can significantly reduce the number of node
expansions, it does so at the expense of running time. If admissibility can be
sacrificed, d-node retargeting [13] can find reasonably good solutions without
vigorous computation. On the other hand, island set postulation may not be
possible in the first place.
Rather than force a situation of mutually homing-in wavefronts, an alterna-
tive approach is to nudge, with a principled control strategy, the wavefronts to
meet somewhere in the search space where early termination would result. Of
the few suggested, Pohl's cardinality comparison principle seems by far the
best. It states that the choice of the search direction should be that with the
smaller set of open nodes. Using the notion of search densities, Pohl argues
with experimental and theoretical support [11] that the cardinality comparison
principle is superior to Nicholson's equidistance principle [8] (search direction
is that which has the better most promising open node). An intuitive under-
standing of how the cardinality comparison principle achieves its effect can be
gained by noting that it strives to equate the size of the two sets of open nodes;
a state which is likely to exist when the two wavefronts meet ideally at the
middle of the search space. Its advantage over direct wave-shaping methods is
a possible reduction of node expansions without trading running time. On the
whole, algorithms which rely mainly on principled search control strategies do
not achieve as much node expansion reduction as wave-shaping techniques.
This paper describes BS*, a new algorithm belonging to the class of
admissible non-wave-shaping bidirectional search algorithms. The only require-
ment for BS* to be admissible is that the monotone restriction holds. There is
no need to state that h-estimates must not exceed their true remaining path
costs because this is implied by the monotone restriction [4, 10]. In Section 2,
we show how several refinements can be made to BHPA ~ [12], transforming it
into BS*. Section 3 outlines the BS* algorithm. Formal proof of BS*'s
~ln [12] Pohl describes BSPA and B H P A , two bidirectional algorithms using the cardinality
comparison principle. BSPA and B H P A are also described in [1l] under the n a m e s V G A and
V G H A respectively. W h e r e a s B H P A is heuristically guided, BSPA is not. The admissibility of both
depends on the termination condition used and in the case of B H P A , also on the heuristic function
and the relative weightings of the g- and h - t e r m s in the j~:evaluation function. Henceforth in this
paper, when "'BHPA" appears, unless stated otherwise, we refer to the admissible version.
98 J.B.H. KWA
2. Genesis of BS*
This section explains how several novel improvements transform B H P A into
BS*. It is thus proper to begin with the salient features of B H P A which are
amenable to improvement.
B H P A is basically a dual A* with a global variable am~n set to record the cost
of the best complete path passing through a node closed in both trees. B H P A
attempts to update ami n only when the node chosen for expansion happens to
be closed in the opposite search tree. amin is tested 2 for termination in each
iteration of the select-node-for-expansion loop. Search terminates when am~n is
less than or equal to all of the f-values of nodes in either open sets. Nodes
placed in the open sets remain there until they are expanded.
-'Care is needed when implementing BHPA. As described in [12], the termination test step
appears to be part of the consequence of an am~.-updatetest in step 5. It should be a separate step
following the amen-update test step as is more clearly described in [11].
t, then it makes no sense to expand it. Instead, such a node should be merely
closed and not e x p a n d e d - - a process called nipping.
Selected nodes (for expansion) which should be nipped are those which are
already closed in the opposite search tree. There are two types of closed nodes:
good and bad. Belonging to the good type are those nodes n which have
gi(n) = g~(n). All other closed nodes belong to the bad type. A nipped node
can be either good or bad. In what follows, informal justifications will be given
to show that nipping both types of nodes does not invalidate admissibility.
A consequence of the monotone restriction is that when a node is closed the
optimal path to it is already known i.e. gi(n) = g*(n). All closed nodes should
therefore be good. This is true in A* and B H P A but not always true in BS*
because of its unusual practice of discarding certain nodes from the open sets.
Discarding nodes has the effect of foreclosing the optimal path to certain nodes
which can only be found by searching beyond a discarded node. Consequently,
when a node is closed the path to it may be suboptimal.
G o o d nipped nodes are those for which the optimal path constrained to pass
through the node is already known. None of its descendants can improve on
this path. Rightfully it should be nipped, but more should be done. A nipped
node, being a closed node in the opposite tree, may have decendants already
generated and existing in the opposite open set. These descendants are also
useless and ought to be removed from the open set. The process of removing
them is called pruning. Pruning is thus similar to retrospective nipping.
Bad nodes are due to nipping and pruning. Later, we shall see another
cause--trimming. Since bad nodes by nature do not offer any possible im-
provement to the current best complete path, nipping bad nodes and pruning
the decendants of bad nodes are not only innocuous but check further
spawning of bad nodes. Note that BS* cannot distinguish bad nodes from the
good ones. This does not matter since neither nipping nor pruning involving
both node types violates admissibility.
2.3. Trimming
Trimming like pruning involves removal of certain nodes from the open sets. It
too has the effect of foreclosing the discovery of optimal paths to some nodes.
Nodes which should be trimmed are those with f-values at least equal to Lmi n.
Trimming opportunities arise whenever a better Lm~,-value is found.
The justifications are tricky to establish. We need to consider three types of
open nodes--good, bad and possibly bad. G o o d open nodes are those with
gi(n) = g*(n). Bad and possibly bad open nodes have gi(n)>g*(n). What
distinguishes the two is that a possibly bad open node has a chance of
becoming a good open node before it is closed, whereas a bad open node will
(if closed) become a bad closed node.
If an open node n is good and meets the trimming condition, the cost of an
100 J.B.H. KWA
optimal path through it or any of its potential descendants cannot be less than
Lmi.. Since L m i n c a n n o t be improved by expanding n, the node should be
trimmed away. If the node is bad, then it must be the case that some earlier
nipping, pruning or trimming operation caused it to be bad, and its goodness
was foreclosed when it was found that neither it nor its potential descendants
could have led to an improvement. Trimming a bad node is thus justified.
Finally, for the case of the possibly bad node, the fact that a chance remains
for it to become good means that at least one of the other nodes on the same
open set may lead to a better path to it. If the possibly bad node remained and
a better path to it is found, then its associated values would be updated. If it is
removed, it will be reinserted when a better path emerges. Although trimming
a possibly bad node is unnecessary, it does no harm.
BS* again is unable to distinguish the three categories of open nodes. The
subtle point is that in trimming what it ought to trim, it could have trimmed
what need not be trimmed. However, the latter event is safe since it does not
foreclose finding the optimal path nor degrade the efficiency of the algorithm.
2.4. Screening
Screening is the process of placing in the open sets only those hitherto
ungenerated successor nodes with f-values below the Lm, , threshold. The
justifications for trimming apply similarly here since screening is a form of
trimming (think of it as pre-emptive trimming). The advantage of screening
nodes is that the computational cost of insertion and subsequent trimming is
procedure BS*(s, t)
/*Compute the shortest path from s to t.*/
1. Lmi . ~-z¢; gl(s)~--g2(t)<--0; f~(s)+-f2(t)<--h~(s).
2. Put s in O P E N t and t in O P E N 2.
3. until O P E N I o r O P E N . i s empty do
/*Determine the search direction index.*/
4. if IOPEN , I ~< ]OPEN2]
5. then d +-- 1 else d ~ 2
6. d' < - - 3 - d . /*Set the opposite search direction index.*/
7. Transfer node rn in O P E N d with lowest f<value into C L O S E D d.
8. if m is closed in the opposite search tree T R E E d,
then /*nip m in T R E E d and prune T R E E d , * /
recorded. We may want to do this for faster identification of ~Qm (line 10).
Otherwise, /2 m can be found only by re-expanding the non-tip nodes of the
subtree rooted at m; a more costly procedure. Although storing child pointers
incurs memory overheads, the overheads may be incurred in the first place in
some problem domains (e.g. route planning) where the problem graphs are
represented using adjacency lists of child pointers [1]. In any case, when child
pointers are stored, the space complexity of BS* will be at least O(]NI × ]El)
where N and E are respectively the sets of nodes and edges defining the
problem graph. Parent pointers alone give a lower bound of O(]NI). Whether
BS*'s space complexity is in fact O(IN I × Igl) depends on the data structures
used for OPEN/, CLOSED/, etc.
4. Admissibility of BS*
Final validation of the admissibility of BS* has to rest on a formal proof which
is presented here. It follows the A* proof outline in [9] but with substantial
modifications. By admissibility, we mean that when a path exists from s to t
and the monotone restriction is satisfied, BS* will terminate with the optimal
solution. The first step of the proof is to show that BS* will terminate when a
path exists from s to t.
Theorem 4.2. Before BS* finds a complete path which is also an optimal path P,
there exist n~ and nj in OPEN 1 and OPEN 2 respectively such that n~ and n~ are
along P.
fl(ni+,) = g,(ni+,) + h,(ni+1)
<- g~(ni+l) + h~(ni+,) since hl(ni+l) <~h~(ni+,)
= f'f(ni+,) = A.
Since BS* did not find an optimal path, A < Lmi n. Therefore fl(n~+l)< Lmin,
contradicting (1).
Likewise we can show that f 2 ( n j _ l ) < Lmi n. Thus event (c) cannot occur.
Finally, to show that event (d) cannot occur, we note that the inequalities
i<j<~ k imply that n i (nj) has at least one successor ni+ 1 (nj_~) to consider
when searching forward (backward). As in the consideration of event (c)
above, we can show that fl(ni+l) and f2(nj_l) are less than Lmi n. Hence when
ng (nj) is expanded, there exists one successor n~+~ (nj_~) which will not be
screened but will be added to OPEN 1 (OPEN2) , contradicting event (d).
Since none of the events are possible, it follows that node ni (nj) is not
closed and must be in OPEN l (OPEN2). []
Corollary 4.3. Before BS* terminates, there exist nodes n i and nj in OPEN 1 and
OPEN 2 respectively with fl(ni) ~ A < Lmi n and f2(nj) ~< A < Lmi n.
Corollary 4.4. I r a path exists from s to t, BS* will not terminate before finding
an optimal path.
Suppose the graph is infinite. Let d*(n) be the length (number of arcs) in the
best partial path found so far in T R E E 1 ; n is the tip node of this path. Since the
cost of each arc is at least a small positive value e,
g,(n) >~d * ( n ) e ,
L ( n ) : g,(n) + h,(n) >~d*(n)e + hl(n ) .
If BS* does not terminate, d*(n) will tend towards infinity and so will f~(n)
since h~(n) is finite. Similarly, we can show that even the smallest of the
f~-values of nodes in O P E N 2 will tend to infinity. Since this contradicts Corollary
4.3, BS* must terminate. []
Theorem 4.6. If a path ex&ts from s to t, BS* will terminate with the optimal
solution i.e. BS* & adm&sible.
Proof. Corollary 4.4 tells us that BS* will not terminate with a suboptimal
path. Theorem 4.5 says that BS* must terminate. Hence BS* must terminate
with the optimal path i.e. Lm, 1 = A. []
5. Advantages of BS*
Even without the nipping, pruning, trimming and screening operations, the
first suggested improvement of using all opportunities to update L m i n will
hasten termination. The four operations further expedite termination by
eliminating unfruitful search whenever possible, using information gathered
during search. Bad open nodes due to these operations become more prone to
trimming because of their inflated g- and f-values. This is certainly a desirable
effect. The operations serve not only to avoid search being misled, but save
unnecessary and burdensome additional bookkeeping otherwise incurred. Un-
like BHPA, when Lm~o is updated, BS* re-examines the potential of open
nodes for contributing towards a better solution, discarding those found
worthless. In this way, BS*'s open sets are kept lean. Consequently, maintain-
ing the order of the open sets is computationally less demanding. Perhaps more
important is that the open sets should be able to guide search control more
accurately using the cardinality comparison principle. This is apparent when
BS*'s termination condition is examined. Trying to nullify the current smaller
open set, which is what the cardinality comparison principle does, corresponds
to the choice which is more likely to satisfy the termination condition (step 3).
A point made earlier is that bidirectional alogorithms are more amenable to
parallel computations and this enables its running time to be further reduced
significantly. This is apparent when we examine the time intensive steps which
can be concurrently executed. In a unidirectional search algorithm such as A*,
only one node can be expanded at a time, but once the successor nodes are
identified, the f-values of these successors can be computed concurrently. In
contrast, BS* can develop the two search trees concurrently i.e. the two most
promising nodes, one from each search tree, can be expanded simultaneously.
Furthermore, the f-values of both sets of successors can also be evaluated in
parallel. The obvious but telling point is that BS* allows more concurrent
computations than A*, and if the number of processors is not a limiting factor,
as in massively parallel architectures, then one can expect BS* to run signifi-
cantly faster than A*. However, if A* is able to make full use of the processors
available to BS*, then BS*'s speed gain is only significant when communication
and shared variable access control overheads involved in concurrent computa-
tions are considered. Though such overheads are highly machine dependent,
their vitiating effects are unlikely to be serious in non-wave-shaping algorithms
which permit both search trees to be developed independently.
6. Experimental Results
Experiments were conducted to compare the performance of BS* against A*
and other members of BS*'s class viz. Nicholson's algorithm [8], BSPA, and
BHPA. All were coded in INTERLISP-D on the Xerox 1186.
The test domain used was route planning since this is indeed a relevant
application (e.g. in mobile robotics work) which would give a good indication
of how the various algorithms would perform in a real world problem.
Moreover, an admissible heuristic function which also satisfies the monotone
restriction can be easily found in this domain. Graphs representing a network
of geographically dispersed nodes were randomly generated by first generating
the coordinates of N nodes and then randomly determining which of each
node's neighbours are accessible from it. The number of nodes, N, ranged
from 50 to 90 in increments of 10. Arc costs are the straight line distances
between nodes. The heuristic function used gives the straight line distance
between a node and the terminal node. 3 For each graph, the N x ( N - 1 )
optimal paths for all distinct ordered node pairings were computed. The grand
totals of node expansions were measured. In the case of the heuristically
guided algorithms, the running times with garbage collection time excluded
were also measured. These tests were selected to reflect overall performance
i.e. the performance range over problems yielding the shortest to the longest
optimal paths.
Figure 1 reveals that, on the average, heuristically guided search, both
unidirectional and bidirectional, grew smaller search trees than the uninformed
3Although this function gives an underestimate, it provides no indication of the accuracy of the
estimate. As suggested by an anonymous reviewer, if the accuracy can be parameterized, then
further tests may reveal the circumstances under which BS*'s strength is more pronounced.
106 J.B.H. KWA
I I I I t
50 60 70 80 90
Table 1
Mean ratios with reference to A*
Mean ratio of expansions 1.5 1.04
Mean ratio of running time 1.7 1.08
4The inferiority of BSPA to Nicholson's algorithm contradicts the result of an earlier comparison
in [11] because the termination condition for Nicholson's algorithm in [11] is unnecessarily stronger
than the original condition in [8] used in our experiments.
3000 ~ n
. • BS* / "
2000 . [8 ~ ~ . ""
f I f I I
50 60 70 80 90
partitioned according to path length and for each partition, we examined the
proportion of solutions for which one algorithm outperformed the other in
terms of node expansions. For the sake of statistical accuracy, partitions with
less than 50 members were ignored. The results plotted in Fig. 3 show that
even though A* is marginally better than BS* from an overall performance
point of view, BS* does perform better than A* in some problem instances,
and the frequency of such occurrences increases with solution path length. The
same pattern was observed when the experiment was repeated with other
graphs. A possible reason why BS*'s superiority does not dominate all the time
is that the cardinality comparison principle, although efficacious, is neverthe-
less imperfect. The improving superiority of BS* with path length may be
explained by the fact that unidirectional search algorithms such as A* are more
vulnerable to the effects of combinatorial growth of search trees with increas-
ing depth of search.
The experiments did not include comparisons with bidirectional algorithms
of the wave-shaping class. Among these, BHFFA [2] and d-node retargeting
[13], being non-admissible, cannot be compared on an admissible basis. A
comparison on a non-admissible basis would be uninteresting since a non-
admissible version of BS* is similar to Pohl's non-admissible version of BHPA.
The only admissible wave-shaping member BHFFA2 [3] with its stringent
termination condition would take even more time than its predecessor BHFFA
108 J.B.H. KWA
= 40
BS* = A*
0 5 10 15
Path I,ength
7. Conclusion
Bidirectional search algorithms are of interest because they have the potential
for searching smaller spaces and significantly reducing the running time
through parallel implementation. While the latter is generally true, the former
may be elusive when multiple comparable solution paths exist. Early ap-
proaches based on principled search control strategies did not have much
success in reducing the search space because they do not fully exploit the
search process. More forceful approaches by wave-shaping paid dearly with
excessive running time. Most are also non-admissible.
BS* is by far the best (in terms of time and space) bidirectional admissible
search algorithm in the non-wave-shaping class. It is also distinctive in being
the first search algorithm which employs staging or search reduction operations
(nipping, pruning, trimming and screening) and yet preserves admissibility.
BS*'s superiority derives from the use of all opportunities for early termina-
tion and exploiting information available during search to eliminate unpromis-
ing nodes. Maintaining a more accurate set of promising nodes for further
exploration is not only computationally more economical but seems to guide
the search trees more readily towards earlier termination.
This work is made possible by a scholarship from the Government of the Republic of Singapore. I
am also grateful to John Hallam and Austin Tate for supervision and encouragement. Mark
Drummond and Ken Currie have been helpful and encouraging in their comments on my research.
Appreciation also goes to my anonymous reviewers who made several helpful suggestions and
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