CAP: A Context-Aware Privacy Protection System For Location-Based Services
CAP: A Context-Aware Privacy Protection System For Location-Based Services
CAP: A Context-Aware Privacy Protection System For Location-Based Services
Rank Distance
road density index = 9
1.8 3.5 road density index = 11
road density index = 7
1 3 road density index = 9
road density index = 5 1.6 Naive technique road density index = 7
0.8 2.5
1.4 VHC-mapping road density index = 5
0.6 2
1.2 1.5
0.4 1 1
0.2 0.8 0.5
0 0.6 0
0.01 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 7 9 11 13 0.01 0.1 0.5 1 2
Noise parameter (!) Road Density Index Noise parameter (!)
Figure 4. 2-d Perturbation dis- Figure 5. Naive technique vs Figure 6. lr (Top-10) vs. σ
tance vs σ VHC-mapping
100 100
90 90
4 True positives rate
3.5 noise[-0.1,0.1] 70 70
3 noise[-0.5,0.5]
60 60
2.5 noise[-1.0,1.0]
50 50
2 40 road density index = 13 40 noise[-0.01,0.01]
1.5 30 road density index = 11 30 noise[-0.1,0.1]
1 20 road density index = 9 20 noise[-0.5,0.5]
road density index = 7 noise[-1.0,1.0]
0.5 10 10
road density index = 5 noise[-2.0,2.0]
0 0 0
5 7 9 11 13 0.01 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 7 9 11 13
Road Density Index Noise parameter (!) Road Density Index
Figure 7. lr (Top-10) vs. Road Figure 8. True Positive Rate (Top- Figure 9. True Positive Rate (Top-
Density Index 10) vs. σ 10) vs. Road Density Index
Extra traveling distance (miles)
1 100 200000
Middlesex County,MA
Figure 10. Extra miles vs σ Figure 11. Extra miles (%) vs σ Figure 12. Binary map file size vs
most experiments. Generally, the road density increases in techniques. One can clearly observe that in contrast with
exponential order with the road density index. the naive technique, VHC-mapping applies context-aware
Figure 4 depicts the relationship between the average 2-d perturbation, i.e., higher perturbation is applied to locations
perturbation distance DISTANCE(userP os, R(userP os)) with lower road density.
and the noise parameter σ for locations with various road We evaluated the accuracy of location perturbing compo-
densities. The 2-d perturbation distance is the Euclidean nent for a scenario where we issue a top-10 query for the
distance between the original and perturbed locations. Be- nearest POI. Figures 6 and 7 depict the relationship between
sides, we tested with Manhattan distance [12] and obtained the degree of LBS accuracy lr and the noise parameter σ for
similar results. As we can see, the 2-d perturbation distance locations with various road densities. In both the figures,
for a rural location (road density index = 5) is much we can make two observations: First, lr increases with the
greater compared to a downtown (road density index = 13) increase of σ. Second, there is no significant difference
location. This confirms that a rural location merits a larger in LBS accuracy for locations with different road density
perturbation than a downtown location. indices. Similar observations can be made from Figures 8
Figure 5 depicts the comparison between VHC-mapping and 9, where the LBS accuracy measure is the true positive
and a naive technique, which uses universal random noise rate of the returned top-10 results.
to perturb a user’s location, regardless of its context. We To estimate the real-world experience of CAP users, we
have used the same noise parameter value, σ = 2, for both consider the additional distance traveled by a user to reach
the returned nearest POI (compared with the real nearest 0.8 Weighted Routing
POI). Figure 10 depicts the relationship between extra miles 0.6 Differential Routing
Diff/CA Routing (≤20KB/s)
to be traveled and noise parameter σ. It can be observed that 0.4
a user will have to travel more for higher level of privacy 0.2
in Figure 11, where for all the different values of noise 0.05
parameter σ, the extra miles to be traveled is approximately 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
65% of the 2-d perturbation distance. (b) PDF Downloading Time (s)
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