Pharmacoeconomical Evaluationof Oral Hypoglycemic Agents
Pharmacoeconomical Evaluationof Oral Hypoglycemic Agents
Pharmacoeconomical Evaluationof Oral Hypoglycemic Agents
Received on 27 October, 2016; received in revised form, 27 December, 2016; accepted, 31 December, 2016; published 01 May, 2017
Pharmacoeconomics determine the costs and The data was interpreted using ICER quadrant
outcomes associated primarily with plane and the report was developed using ICER
pharmaceuticals address different decision decision matrix.
problems, including cost–utility analysis (CUA),
cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), cost Statistical Analysis: The statistical analysis was
minimization analysis (CMA) and cost–benefit done using Graph Pad Prism version 6.07. The
analysis (CBA). Pharmacoeconomics is now more HbA1C level before and after the drug treatment
than ever before at the leading edge of thinking in was expressed as Mean ± SD. Paired student t- test
terms of securing the most rational and efficient use was used to analyze the statistical difference
of scarce health-care resources for diabetes 6, 7. The between the HbA1C reductions with various oral
aim of this study was to determine the most cost- hypoglycemic agents. p<0.05 was considered as
effective drug among oral hypoglycemic agents statistically significant.
utilized in a multi-specialty hospital. Other
objectives of the study were to monitor prescription
Patient demographics: The data collected from
pattern and drug related problems with oral
141 diabetic patients were analyzed and
hypoglycemic agents.
categorized according to the patient demographics.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This The mean age of the study population was 57.36 ±
Prospective Cost Effective Study was conducted 11.49 years (range 20-80 years), where the
for 6 months in both inpatients and outpatients of maximum number 47 (33.3%) of patients were in
Cardiology, General Medicine and Nephrology the age group of 61-70 years. The male patients 77
Departments with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a (54.6%) were more predominant than female
300 bedded multispecialty hospital located at patients 64 (45.4%). (Table 1)
Elayampalayam. The study was approved by the
Institutional Ethical Committee of Vivekanandha
No of
Medical Care Hospital. About 383 Type 2 DM Demographics Percentage
patients were interviewed and based on inclusion (%)
and exclusion criteria, 141 patients were recruited Gender
Males 77 54.6%
in our study after getting the patient consent and Females 64 45.4%
the required data were collected in specially 20-30 Years 01 0.7%
31-40 Years 13 9.0%
designed data entry form. 41-50 Years 21 14.8%
51-60 Years 45 31.9%
The study was included with patients of age 61-70 Years 47 33.3%
between 20 – 80 years in both genders, having 71-80 Years 14 9.9%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus prescribed with oral Mean Age 57.36 ± 11.49 Years
hypoglycemic agents. We excluded patients with
age < 20 and > 80 years, Pregnancy and Lactation, Co- Morbidity Assessment: The patients having
patients on insulin therapy, patients with lifestyle normal Body Mass Index (BMI) 68 (48.2%) were
modification alone and patients not willing to more predominant than overweight 48(34.1%) and
repeat glucose monitoring from the study. The underweight 11(7.8%) patients. About 48 (34.05%)
collected data were analyzed and the adherence of patients in the study were having prior family
level of the patients was categorized into low, history of diabetes. The co-morbidities like
medium and high adherence by using Morisky 8– hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Congestive Heart
Item Medication Adherence Scale. failure and Chronic Kidney Disease co-exist with
Diabetes Mellitus, out of which Hypertension
The drug interactions in the prescriptions were (47.5%) was more predominant. Among the other
checked out by using LEXICOMP Software. The co-morbidities hypothyroidism 13 (32.5%) was the
adverse drug reactions were monitored and major followed by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
assessed using Naranjo Causality Assessment Disease 9 (22.5%). (Table 2)
TABLE 2: CO- MORBIDITY ASSESSMENT (67.37%) of the patients selected for the study were
No of patients Percentage affected by diabetes for more than 4 years. Only
Co - Morbidity
(n=141) (%)
102 (72.34%) of the patients in the study were
Hypertension 67 47.5%
Hyperlipidemia 11 7.8% strictly adapted to their lifestyle modifications.
Coronary heart disease 6 4.3% 61(43.26%) of the patients were prescribed with
Chronic kidney disease 17 12.1% fixed dose combinations, followed by monotherapy
Hypothyroidism 13 32.5% 35 (24.82%). Highly prescribed oral hypoglycemic
Asthma 8 20% agents in the selected patients in our study was
Angina 6 15%
COPD 9 22.5% Metformin among monotherapy in 11 (31.42%)
Depression 4 10% patients, Glimepiride as an add on to Metformin
Others 40 28.3% among add on therapy in 15 (45.45%) patients,
COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Glimepiride + Voglibose + Metformin among fixed
dose triple combinations in 7(58.33 %) patients,
Pharmacist Workup on Drug Therapy: Out of Glimepiride + Metformin among fixed dose
141 patients selected for the study, 124 (87.94%) of combinations in 21 (34.42 %) patients.
patients were outpatients and remaining were
inpatients 17 (12.05%). According to Morisky 8 – About 226 drug interactions were monitored in the
Item Medication Adherence Scale, about 72 (51.08 prescriptions, 71.68% were moderate, 23% were
%) of the diabetic patients in the study were highly minor and 5.3% were major interactions (Fig. 2).
adherent to the drug therapy, 41 (29.07 %) were During the study, 5 adverse drug reactions were
moderately adherent and remaining 28 (19.85 %) monitored, out of which 4 were Probable and an
were having low adherence. About 116 (82.26%) ADR was Definite with respect to Naranjo Adverse
number of the patients were in regular follow up of Drug Reaction Probability Scale. (Table 3)
diabetic treatment. Out of 141 patients, 95
Characteristics No:of patients (n=141) Percentage (%)
Low 28 19.85%
Adherence level Medium 41 29.05%
High 72 51.1%
Yes 116 82.26%
Regular follow-up
No 25 17.73%
<1 year 15 10.63%
1-2 years 16 11.3%
Duration of therapy
3-4 years 15 10.63%
>4 years 95 67.37%
Yes 102 72.34%
Lifestyle Modifications
No 39 27.66%
Major 12 5.32%
Drug Interactions Moderate 162 71.68%
Minor 52 23%
Probable 8 5.67%
Adverse Drug Reactions
Definite 1 0.7%
Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) statistical analysis shows that there was a highly
Analysis: The incremental cost effectiveness ratio significant difference between the HbA1C level of
was calculated using ICER formula and the result patients before and after the Glipizide treatment
was based on ICER quadrant plane and ICER (p<0.01) and hence found to be the most effective
decision matrix 8. Metformin shows the maximum drug when compared with other drugs among
HbA1C reduction among monotherapy. The monotherapy.
Considering HbA1c reduction, Glibenclamide as an since there was statistically significant difference
add on to Metformin, shows the maximum HbA1c between the HbA1C level before and after the drug
reduction. The most effective drug was found to be treatment.
Glimepiride as an add on to Metformin (p<0.001)
Drugs Cost of Mean ± SD of HbA1C Reduction IC IE ICER
therapy for 6 Baseline EOS of HbA1C
months (Rs)
Metformin + 749.16 9.1 ± 1.6 7.9 ± 1.63** 1.2 - - -
Metformin + 1278.36 8.5 ± 1.3 7.5 ± 1.27*** 1.4 529.2 0.2 2646
Metformin + 2178.36 8 ± 2.15 7.1 ± 2.10 0.2 900 - 1.2 -750
Voglibose + 6750.00 9.1 ± 1.9 8.5 ± 1.2 0.63 4571.64 0.43 10631.72
Metformin + 4691.16 8.9 ± 2.4 8.1 ± 2.12 0.5 -2058.84 -0.13 15837.23
EOS - End of Study IC- Incremental Cost IE- Incremental Effect
ICER - Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio, *** p < 0.001 **p < 0.01
Fixed dose triple combination of Glimepiride, the HbA1C levels of the patient tested before and
Pioglitazone and Metformin, shows the maximum after the Glimepiride + Pioglitazone + Metformin
HbA1C reduction. The statistical analysis shows (p<0.01) treatment, which was found to be more
that there was highly significant difference between effective.
Drugs Cost of therapy for 6 Mean ± SD of HbA1C Reduction IC IE ICER
months (Rs) of HbA1C
Baseline EOS
Glimepiride + 221.40 0.8 - - -
Voglibose + 11.3 ± 1.57 10.5 ± 1.95*
Glimepiride + 4176.00 1.4 3954.6 0.6 6591
Pioglitazone + 9.8 ± 1.2 8.4 ± 1.58**
Metformin + 4691.16 8.9 ± 2.4 8.1 ± 2.12 0.5 -2058.84 -0.13 15837.23
EOS - End of Study IC- Incremental Cost IE- Incremental Effect
ICER - Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio, **p < 0.01 * p < 0.05
Few data exists as regards its cost to the patient and our result was Glibenclamide and Metformin.
the society in developing countries. These data may These findings are supported by Christian Diaz de
help to make a suitable policy in selection of Leon Castaneda which performed Cost
formulations, decision taking and motivation for effectiveness study of oral hypoglycemic agents in
adherence to the therapy 10, 11. the treatment of outpatients with type-2 diabetes
attending a public primary care clinic in Mexico
The study was comprised of 141 patients, out of City 16.
which, most of the patients (33.3%) were in the age
group of 61-70 years. In the study, the male The drug interactions were monitored in the
patients (54.6 %) were more predominant in prescriptions and there were 12 (5.30%) major
number than the female patients. González-Ortiz M interactions. About 71.68% of moderate and 23%
et al performed a study on Efficacy of minor drug interactions were also present in the
Glimepiride/Metformin combination versus study. The interaction between Dalteparin and
Glibenclamide/Metformin in patients with Clopidogrel was the majorly identified drug
uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus 12. Their interaction (1.42%), in which there will be an
findings substantiate the result in our study which enhanced risk of hemorrhage.
also concluded that Metformin/Glimepiride is more
effective in reducing HbA1C (p<0.001) than other About 5 Adverse Drug Reactions were identified in
fixed dose combinations. the study, out of which one was Definite and the
remaining 4 were Probable. The definite ADR was
Among monotherapy, Glipizide (p < 0.01) was Furosemide induced Hyponatremia and Vomiting
found to be the most effective anti diabetic drug in with Naranjo Score of nine.
reducing HbA1C in our study. It was supported by
the study performed by Diana Sherfali which CONCLUSION: Economic evaluation of therapy
performed the effect of oral Antidiabetic drugs on should be encouraged to ensure cost effective
A1C levels and concluded that Thiazolidinediones therapy for diabetic patients. For the initial
and Sulphonylureas are most effective in HbA1C treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Metformin
reduction 13. A meta-analysis of Comparison of may be considered as cost-effective monotherapy.
different drugs as add-on treatments to Metformin If blood glucose is inadequately controlled with
in type 2 diabetes was performed by Monami M monotherapy, Glimepiride may be suggested in which concluded that sulphonylureas are more terms of cost effectiveness, as an add on to
effective in HbA1C reduction when given as add Metformin. For uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes
on to Metformin 14. These findings are resemblance Mellitus, fixed dose combination of Glimepiride
to our study which shows that Glimepiride as an and Metformin can be considered as the best drug
add to Metformin (p<0.001) was the most effective of choice with respect to cost effectiveness.
among the add-on-therapy. Patients who do not obtain optimal glycemic
control with a fixed dose combination of oral
In our study, among add-on-therapy, Glimepiride hypoglycemic agents can be considered with fixed
was most cost effective in reducing HbA1C. These dose triple combinations, out of which combination
findings are similar to those reported by Scott of Glimepiride, Metformin and Pioglitazone was
Klarenbach, which performed a prospective found to be the best choice.
analysis on Cost effectiveness of second line anti-
hyperglycemic therapy in patients with type-2 The use of multiple drugs by patients can
diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled on contribute to various drug interactions, which may
Metformin. They concluded that Sulphonylureas as sometimes be severe. This can be prevented by
a second line agent are most cost effective in close monitoring of drug therapy and avoiding use
glycemic control when added to Metformin of multiple drugs for less severe indications.
monotherapy 15.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I would like to
Considering the HbA1C reduction, the most cost acknowledge Dr. S. Arthananreeswaran, Executive
effective drug among fixed dose combinations in
Director, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital, hospitalized adults. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2015; 72 (7):
Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India for giving me an 9. Giwa Abdulganiyu, Tayo Fola: Cost-effectiveness analysis
opportunity and guiding our research work. of anti-diabetic therapy in a university teaching hospital.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Sciences.2014; 6(2): 82-91.
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has declared no conflict of interest. Hammerby et al: An analysis of the short- and long-term
cost-effectiveness of starting biphasic insulin aspart 30 in
insulin-naıve people with poorly controlled type 2
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