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Video Conferencing

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A Study Presented to:

Senior High School Department
Arellano University
Jose Rizal High School
Malabon City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for


Research Adviser
Table of Contents
Page Number
Background of the Study............................................................................3
Statement of the Problem...........................................................................4
Significance of the Study............................................................................5
Scope and Delimitation...............................................................................6
Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………….7
Research Design..........................................................................................8
Research Instrument...................................................................................8
Research Paradigm......................................................................................9
Treatment of Data.........................................................................................10
Results and Discussions.......................................................................................11
Appendix A..............................................................................................................19
Appendix B..............................................................................................................21
Curriculum Vitae.....................................................................................................22

The research entitled " Effects of Video Conferencing as an Instructional Tool to

The Senior High School Students at Arellano University - Jose Rizal High School."

Video Conferencing is the best tool to shard documents, files, live over the internet

easier. A lot of educators using this kind of platform to teach their students through

technology that can connect even from different locations.

The research goal is to find out that the Video Conferencing is helpful as

instructional tool to those students whose studying online.The researchers conducted a

survey using multiple choices and distributed it on selected Grade 11 and Grade 12 in

different strands studied in Arellano University - Jose Rizal High School, to sum up the

findings of this research find out that the videoconferencing is helpful as an instructional

tool to learn even through technology.The majority of the respondents are 18 years old

and female. Most of the students are from Grade 12 HUMSS strand. The results of the

study revealed that : The majority of respondents stated that video conferencing helps

students' academic performance. The majority of respondents stated that video

conferencing allows participants to record and save lessons and meetings. Additionally,

participants can also record the lecture or lesson for future reference using video

conferencing. The majority of respondents stated that the main issue in using video

conferencing as an educational tool is the limitation of the number of users participating

at the same time. Furthermore, video conferencing leads to technical issues that

interrupt the lessons.


Background of the Study

Video conferencing is being more widely used now to connect students and

classes to other people all over the world. This rapidly growing technology not only

allows people to connect in real-time through audio and video but also makes sharing

documents and files live over the internet easier. Many educators have utilized this

technology to teach and share life experiences with students through direct video

streaming. Video conferencing helps connect teachers and students from different

locations at the same time without the need for the parties to be physically present.

However, video conferencing technology may be great but its setbacks may just be

enough to disappoint users who depend on it on a daily basis. Technology is at a point

that nearly every school and student has access to video conferencing. Video

conferencing can allow students to connect to other people globally free via an internet

connection with appropriate bandwidth and video conferencing software (Rouse, 2016).

Video conferencing is becoming more widely available as a result of rising

demand. It is critical to the collaboration strategies of any company. Video

conferencing systems range in complexity from simple desktops in huddle rooms to

sophisticated telepresence suites. Video conferencing is becoming a key enterprise

collaboration tool as technology improves and prices fall.The current movement

toward creating a comprehensive learning experience via the Internet by most higher

education institutions, in both developing and developed countries, appears to be

increasing the use of advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in

higher education (Al-Samarraie & Saeed, 2018).

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the researcher seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents, in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade Level

1.4 Strand

2. Does video conferencing helps the students on their academic performance?

3. How does the students can use the video conferencing method as a substitute for the

face-to-face teaching method?

4. What are the possible problems that you may encounter when you use video

conferencing as an educational tool?

Significance of the Study

This research conducted to benefit the following:

STUDENTS – The result will provide the students more knowledge about video

conferencing. It will give the students a realization of whether video conferencing is a

big help when it comes to studying or not. Students greatly appreciated access to

recorded lectures to re-cap on what they had learned. It will bring a whole new
dimension to their classroom. This study will help the student to develop their interest in

technology and appreciate the lesson every day.

TEACHERS – The given data would guide the teachers on what to do with the students

who don't want or able to use video conferencing as a new way of studying. Lecturers

adapted their teaching methods to incorporate more technology, such as online

resources and PowerPoint. Allow the teachers to connect with other students. It can

easily perform the presentation to the students. The result of this study may serve as an

eye-opener to create and innovate instructional material and to use varied and

appropriate teaching strategies.

PARENTS – Just like the students, the parents too will know whether video

conferencing was a helpful thing for the students or not. Parents help their child to make

the discussion easy and to improve also the communication skill o their students. The

result of this study could serve as baseline data to improve the performance in the

presentation. Parents who are directly concerned with the education of their children

considering school performance in different disciplines.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS – The findings or the result of this study will serve as a good

source of accurate and helpful information. The paper concludes with further research

into the more innovative possibilities of videoconferencing. From AI-driven the future

researcher helps features to flexible room systems, video conferencing services are all

about making meetings more collaborative and productive.

Scope and Delimitations

This research focuses on how effective is Video Conferencing as an

instructional tool for the Senior High School Students of Arellano University – Jose Rizal

Campus. This study will be delimited to fifty (50) respondents, twenty-five (25) on Grade

11 students, and the other twenty-five (25) will be on Grade 12 students. These

respondents will be randomly selected out of the list of Senior High School Students of

Arellano University enrolled during the academic period 2020-2021.

This study is designed to have thorough knowledge about how students

respond in education in this time of pandemic with the help of video conferencing as an

instructional tool alternate to face to the face teaching process. This also shows how it

affects the academic performance of the student and how they manage this conflict.

Definition of Terms

1. Delimit - To mark the limits or boundaries of something; to limit is to restrict, and

not to allow to go beyond certain bounds.

2. Gamut - The gamut off something is the complete range of things of that kind or a

wide variety of things of that kind.

3. Huddle - To gather or crowd together in a close mass. To crouch, curl up, or draw

oneself together.
4. Telepresence - Refers to a set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if

they were present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect, via

telerobotics, at a place other than their true location.

5. Demographic Analysis - is the study of a population based on factors such as

age, race, and sex. Demographic data refers to socio-economic information

expressed statistically including employment, education, income, marriage rates,

birth and death rates and more.


Research Design

The reason why chose descriptive because it will make it easier for our

respondents to answer our questionnaire because it is direct to the point. Descriptive

research primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment without

focusing on “why” a certain phenomenon occurs. According to William (2007)

descriptive research methods have been very common procedures for conducting

research in many disciplines including education, psychology, and social sciences.

Descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a population,

situation or phenomenon. It can be answer what, where, when and how questions but

not why questions. Descriptive research can use a wide variety of research methods to

investigate one or more variables.

Research Instrument

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for

the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaire can be thought of

as a kind of written interview. They can be carried out face to face, by telephone,

computer or post.

Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining

large amounts of information from a large sample of people. We use questionnaire

because it can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited

affect to its validity and reliability. Respondents can answer the questionnaire without

revealing their identity.

Research Paradigm

Conceptual Framework


1. The profile of the

students in terms of:

-Data Gathering through Provide effective programs
1.1 Age
 Questionnaire to help students who are
1.2 Gender
struggling to use video
1.3 Grade Level
-Presentation, Analysis conferencing in the midst of
1.4 Strand
and pandemic without physical

contact and going to school.

2. Effects of Video Interpretation of Dat

Conferencing as an

Instructional Tool to

the Senior High

School Students at

Arellano University –

Jose Rizal Campus

Treatment of Data

To analyze the accumulated information, the researchers have the accompanying

statistical methods:

1. Percentage:

(%) P = F/N X 100


% = percentage of distribution

F = total number of responses

N = total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean:



Wm = weighted mean

∑F = summation of total number of responses

N = total number of respondents


This chapter presents the data collected from the respondents through the

checklist - questionnaire distributed by the researchers. The data were interpreted in

tabular form and were given in-depth analysis.


Age Frequency  Percentage Rank
18 years old 25 50% 1
17 years old 17 34% 2
19 years old 7 14% 3
16 years old 1 2% 4
Total:  50 100%
Table 1.1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to age. Ranked 1

“18 years old” got a frequency of 25 or fifty (50%) percent. Ranked 2 “17 years old” got

a frequency of 17 or thirty-four (34%) percent. Ranked 3 “19 years old” got a frequency

of 7 or fourteen (14%) percent. Ranked 4 “16 years old” got a frequency of 1 or two

(2%) percent. The data showed that the most the respondents were 18 years old.


Gender Frequency  Percentage Rank
Female 29 58% 1
Male 21 42% 2
Total:  50 100%

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to gender.

Ranked 1 “Female” got a frequency of 29 or fifty-eight (58%) percent. While, ranked 2

“Male” got a frequency of 21 or forty-two (42%) percent. The data showed that the most

of the respondents are Female.


Grade Level Frequency  Percentage Rank
Grade 12 46 92% 1
Grade 11 4 8% 2

Total:  50 100%

Table 1.3 shows the distribution of the respondents according to grade level.

Ranked 1 “Grade 12” got a frequency of 46 or ninety-two (92%) percent. While, ranked

2 “Grade 11” got only a frequenc of 4 or eight (8%) percent. The data showed that the

majority of the respondents are Grade 12 students.


Strands Frequency Percentage Rank

HUMSS 31 62% 1
ABM 7 14% 2
HE 5 10% 3
STEM 3 6% 4
ICT 3 6% 4
GAS 1 2% 5
TOTAL: 50 100%
The table 1.4 shows the distribution of respondents according to the strand.

Ranked 1 “HUMSS” got a frequency of 32 or sixty-two (62%) percent. Ranked 2 “ABM”

got a frequency of 7 or fourteen (14%) percent. Ranked 3 “HE” got a frequency of 5 or

ten (10%) percent. Ranked 4 “STEM” and “ICT” got a frequency of 3 or six (6%)

percent. While, ranked 5 “GAS” got a frequency of 1 or two (2%) percent of the total

respondents. The data showed that the majority of the respondents are from Humanities

and Social Sciences strand.


Response Frequency Percentage Rank
YES 45 90% 1
NO 5 10% 2
TOTAL: 50 100%
Table 2 shows the video conferencing helps the students on the academic

performance. Ranked 1 "YES" got a frequency of 45 or ninety (90%) percent. While

ranked 2 "NO" got a frequency of 5 or ten (10%) percent. The data revealed that the

majority of the respondents agreed that video conferencing helps the students with their

academic performance.



Use Of The Video Conferencing on The Weighted  Verbal Rank

Academic Performance Of The Students Mean Interpretatio
Video conferencing in education is that it allows 4.34 Strongly 1
participants to record and save lessons and Agree
Video conferencing is that it allows participants 4.30 Strongly 2
to record the lecture or lesson for future Agree
Video conferencing in education is the fact that it 4.18 Agree 3
encourages interaction and collaboration
between students and teachers.
Video conferencing applications facilitate 4.08 Agree 4
interaction by bringing people together.

Video conferencing gives students the ability to 4.04 Agree 5

share documents and files in real time

Video conferencing may be employed to bring in 4.00 Agree 6

guest lecturers and other subject matter experts

  With video conferencing, students can enjoy 3.90 Agree 7

out-of-class learning from the comfort of their
Table 3. shows the use of the video conferencing method as a substitute for the

face-to-face teaching method. Ranked 1 "Video conferencing in education is that it

allows participants to record and save lessons and meetings" got a weighted mean of

4.34 or Strongly Agree. Ranked 2 "Video conferencing is that it allows participants to

record the lecture or lesson for future reference." got a weighted mean of 4.30 or

Strongly Agree. Ranked 3 "Video conferencing in education is the fact that it

encourages interaction and collaboration between students and teachers." got a

weighted mean of 4.19 or Agree. Ranked 4 "Video conferencing applications facilitate

interaction by bringing people together." got a weighted mean of 4.08 or Agree. Ranked

5 "Video conferencing gives students the ability to share documents and files in real-

time." got a weighted mean of 4.04 or Agree. Ranked 6 "Video conferencing may be

employed to bring in guest lecturers and other subject matter experts." got a weighted

mean of 4.00 or Agree. Ranked 7 "  With video conferencing, students can enjoy out-of-

class learning from the comfort of their homes." got a weighted mean of 3.90 or Agree.

These findings showed that the majority of the respondents strongly agreed that video

conferencing allows participants to record and save lessons and meetings.


Problems In Using Video Verbal
Conferencing As An Educational Tool Weighted  Interpretation Rank
Limits the Number of Users Engaging At 4.26 Strongly Agree 1
the Same Time

Technical Issues Can Interfere with 4.24 Strongly Agree 2


Problems in entering or joining the video 4.08 Agree 3


Costs More to Acquire and Set up A 3.98 Agree 4

Video Conferencing System

Cost more mobile data 3.80 Agree 5

Table 3 shows the problems in using video conferencing as an educational

tool. Ranked 1 "Limits the number of users engaging at the same time" with the

weighted mean of 4.26 or Strongly Agree. Ranked 2 "Technical Issues Can Interfere

with Lesson" with the weighted mean of 4.24 or Strongly Agree. Ranked 3 "Problems in

entering or joining the video conferencing" with the weighted mean of 4.08 or Agree.

Ranked 4 "Costs More to Acquire and Set up A Video Conferencing System" with the

weighted mean of 3.98 or Agree. Ranked 5 “Cost more mobile data" with the weighted

mean of 3.80 or Agree. These findings showed that the majority of the respondents

strongly agreed that the main problem in using video conferencing as an educational

tool is the limits of the number of users engaging at the same time but it may also lead

to technical issues that can interfere with the lessons.


Based on the significant findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The majority of the respondents are 18 years old and female. Most of the

students are from Grade 12 HUMSS strand.

2. The majority of respondents stated that video conferencing helps students'

academic performance.

3. The majority of respondents stated that video conferencing allows participants to

record and save lessons and meetings. Additionally, participants can also record

the lecture or lesson for future reference using video conferencing.

4. The majority of respondents stated that the main issue in using video

conferencing as an educational tool is the limitation of the number of users

participating at the same time. Furthermore, video conferencing leads to

technical issues that interrupt the lessons.


The following recommendations are hereby presented:

1. Students- may use video conferencing to record and save lessons that will be

useful as references for their schoolwork, but this must be authorized by the

teachers or lecturers.

2. Teachers- should save a copy of their visual in a document to help students

review previous lessons.

3. School Administrators - should improve or upgrade the video conferencing app

they use to maximize the participants in the meeting.

4. Parents – should assists their children in studying or exploring the use of video

conferencing in their education. They may also provide financial assistance in

using video conferencing since it requires mobile data.

5. Future researchers – may expand on and address more issues/conflicts that

may occur in this research.

 Lawson, E. & Comber, Chris (2014), Videoconferencing and learning in the

classroom: The effects of being an orphan technology.

 Fidalgo, P. Thormann, J. Kulyk, O. & Lencaster, JA (2020), Students’ perceptions

on distance education: A multinational study.

 The New York Times (2020), Teachers and Students Describe a Remote-

Learning Life.

 Dela Cruz, C (2020), Online Learning in the Time of COVID-19: A Day in the Life

of a College Student.



RESEARCH TITLE: Effects of Video Conferencing as an Instructional Tool to the
Senior High School Students at Arellano University – Jose Rizal Campus
DIRECTIONS: Read and Understand the statement below then put a check (√) on the
(SA) Strongly Agree (A) Agree (N) Neutral (SD) Strongly Disagree (D) Disagree.

5. How does video conferencing helps the students on their academic performance?


Video conferencing gives
students the ability to share
documents and files in real time
Video conferencing applications
facilitate interaction by bringing
people together.
Video conferencing is that it
allows participants to record the
lecture or lesson for future
Video conferencing may be
employed to bring in guest
lecturers and other subject
matter experts.
Video conferencing in
education is the fact that it
encourages interaction and
collaboration between students
and teachers.
With video conferencing,
students can enjoy out-of-class
learning from the comfort of their
 Video conferencing in
education is that it allows
participants to record and save
lessons and meetings
6. What are the possible problems that you may encounter when you use video
conferencing as an educational tool?


Costs More to Acquire and Set up A

Video Conferencing System

Technical Issues Can Interfere with

Limits the Number of Users
Engaging At the Same Time
Problems in entering or joining the
video conferencing
Cost more mobile data


5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
Strongl Agree Neutral Disagr Strongl
y ee y
Agree Disagr
Positive... f % f % f % f % f %
1. Video Conferencing Gives 12 24 2 56 10 20 0 0 0 0
Students The Ability To Share % 8 % % % %
Documents And Files In Real
2. Video Conferencing 13 26 2 56 9 18 0 0 0 0
Applications Facilitate % 8 % % % %
Interaction By Bringing People
3. Video Conferencing Is That It 25 50 1 30 10 20 0 0 0 0
Allows Participants To Record % 5 % % % %
The Lecture Or Lesson For
Future Reference.
4. Video Conferencing May Be 11 22 3 60 9 18 0 0 0 0
Employed To Bring In Guest % 0 % % % %
Lecturers And Other Subject
Matter Experts.
5. Video Conferencing In 19 38 2 42 10 20 0 0 0 0
Education Is The Fact That It % 1 % % % %
Encourages Interaction And
Collaboration Between
Students And Teachers.
6. With Video Conferencing, 13 26 2 46 12 24 2 4 0 0
Students Can Enjoy Out-Of- % 3 % % % %
Class Learning From The
Comfort Of Their Homes.
7. Video Conferencing In 21 42 2 46 5 10 0 0 1 2
Education Is That It Allows % 3 % % % %
Participants To Record And
Save Lessons And Meetings
1. Costs More To Acquire And Set 14 28 2 46 12 24 1 2 0 0
Up A Video Conferencing % 3 % % % %
2. Technical Issues Can Interfere 25 50 1 30 8 16 1 2 1 2
With Lesson % 5 % % % %
3. Limits The Number Of Users 13 26 2 42 12 24 3 6 1 2
Engaging At The Same Time % 1 % % % %
4. Problems In Entering Or 17 34 2 40 13 26 0 0 0 0
Joining The Video % 0 % % % %
5. Cost More Mobile Data 26 52 1 28 8 16 1 2 1 2
% 4 % % % %

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