Apcs 26
Apcs 26
Apcs 26
APCS – 26
Touch Up Sa 2 (SP6)
** Dry film thickness mentioned are the minimum required as per Saudi ARAMCO coating System in case not applicable
the standard dry film thickness recommended by SIPCO.
Saudi Industrial Paint Company Limited, Dammam assures no liability for any misinterpretation of Saudi ARAMCO Stock
Numbers or Saudi ARAMCO Paint and Coating Specifications.
APCS – 26
Touch Up Sa 2 (SP6)
* Dry film thickness mentioned are the minimum thickness as per Saudi Aramco coating Systems in case not applicable the
standard dry film thickness recommended by SIPCO.
Saudi Industrial Paint Company Limited, Dammam assures no liability for any misinterpretation of Saudi Aramco stock
numbers of Saudi Aramco Paint and Coating Specifications.