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Emc2 Guidance v1

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The key takeaways are that the NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate assessment aims to practically apply the knowledge and understanding gained from EMC studies by assessing environmental aspects and impacts in the workplace. The assessment consists of several stages and guidance is provided for both learners and Learning Partners.

The aim of the NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate assessment is for learners to practically apply the knowledge and understanding that they have gained from their EMC studies by assessing the environmental aspects and impacts in their workplace.

The stages of the NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate assessment are: introduction to the organisation and methodology used; identification of significant aspects, key issues, and recommended additional measures; communication and review; and identification of environmental aspects, associated impacts, and existing controls.

The National Examination

Board in Occupational Safety

NEBOSH Environmental Management
and Health (NEBOSH)
Dominus Way,
Meridian Business Park,
Leicester LE19 1QW
Tel: +44 (0) 116 263 4700
Fax: +44 (0) 116 282 4000
Unit EMC2: Assessing Environmental Aspects and Impacts
Email: info@nebosh.org.uk
Version: 1
Guidance and information for learners
Specification date: April 2021
Publication date: April 2021
and Learning Partners
Registered Charity Number: 1010444
© NEBOSH. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form, or by any means, electronic, electrostatic,
mechanical, photocopied or otherwise, without the express
permission in writing from NEBOSH.
Course Part 1 Guidance for learners
Contents Introduction 4

Stages of assessment 5

Location 10

Assessment time and tutor guidance 10

Assessment template and submitting Unit EMC2 for marking 11

Results 11

Resubmission if you have been referred in the assessment 11

Part 2 Guidance for Learning Partners

Setting up the assessment 13

Location 13

Guidance on assessment completion 13

A Learning Partner’s staff, family or friends taking the Unit EMC2 assessment 13

Assessment submission 14
Part 1:
Guidance for learners
Part 1 Introduction

Guidance for The aim of this assessment is for you to practically

apply the knowledge and understanding that you
learners have gained from your Environmental Management
Certificate (EMC) studies. To do this, you will need
to assess the environmental aspects and impacts in
your workplace. Before you start the assessment,
you must have completed your studies of the whole
of the EMC syllabus (elements 1 to 9).
The stages of the assessment are as follows:

Introduction to Significant aspects,
the organisation key issues, and Communication
aspects, associated
and methodology recommended and review
impacts, and
used additional measures
existing controls

The different parts of the assessment are based on

the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, which you
learned about during the course.
An assessment pack has been produced to provide
you with everything that you will need to complete
the assessment. This can be downloaded from
the NEBOSH website (www.nebosh.org.uk). This
includes a template, as well as a completed example.
We have also included approximate word counts for
each section in this guide. These word counts should
be used as a guide only and should not be seen as
an absolute minimum or maximum. We want your
aspect and impact assessment to be realistic.

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 4

Part 1 Stages of assessment

Guidance for Identifying

Significant aspects,
Introduction to
learners the organisation
aspects, associated
key issues, and Communication
and methodology recommended and review
impacts, and
used additional measures
existing controls

You must use the headed tables in the template You should aim to complete this section in 200 -
to complete the description of the organisation 250 words
and the methodology used. You will need to include the following information as a
Start by giving a clear and concise description of your minimum:
chosen organisation (if possible, this should be the • the name of the organisation;
organisation you work for). You can change the name
• site location (you do not need to give the full
and location of your organisation for confidentiality
address, just the general location eg, New Delhi,
purposes, but everything else needs to be factual.
You will also need to think about the scope of the
assessment; for example, are you going to look at • how many workers are employed by the
the whole organisation or just a specific department/ organisation;
product/process? If you work for a large organisation, • a general description* of the organisation, which
we recommend that you concentrate on a part of the must include products manufactured or services
organisation or a specific activity or process. If you are provided, the types of activities undertaken and
unsure, please ask your tutor for advice. shift patterns worked;
Your assessment is going to be marked by a NEBOSH- • a description of the area to be included in the
appointed examiner. The examiner will need a clear assessment; and
description of your organisation to allow them to judge
whether the information in your assessment is relevant • any other relevant information eg, who has
and realistic. If you provide an unclear or incomplete the day-to-day responsibility for environmental
description, this could affect the marking of the management in your organisation, nearby
assessment. vulnerable receptors. If you feel there is nothing
else relevant, you do not need to add anything
else to your submission.

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 5

Part 1 * The description of the organisation should be detailed
enough to give the examiner (who may not be familiar
Guidance for with your industry) a clear image of your organisation.
For example, ‘catering facility’ is far too brief. Something
learners like this would be better (extract from the worked
example in the assessment pack):

There are five café booths across campus serving
takeaway hot drinks (teas and coffees), cold drinks
in bottles/cans, and packaged snack foods. All
booths are owned by the university and manned
by directly employed university workers. These are
located on the ground floor of University buildings
close to offices, classrooms, and lecture theatres.
One cafe is located in the library building. Most of
the café’s customers work or study at the university,
although some locations are also open to the
public. Opening times vary by location and some
are closed over the weekend.

You will then need to outline how you carried out the
aspect and impact assessment (methodology used).
You should aim to complete this section in 100 -
200 words.
• the internal and external sources of information
that you looked at;
• who you spoke to; and
• how existing controls were identified.
You may also include anything else that is relevant to
the completion of the aspect and impact assessment.

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 6

Part 1 Introduction to
Significant aspects,
Guidance for the organisation
aspects, associated
key issues, and Communication
and methodology recommended and review
learners used
impacts, and
additional measures
existing controls

You must use the template provided to record the Your aspect and impact assessment must state:
aspect and impact assessment. • the activity, product, or service
You will now need to complete an assessment of the • each environmental aspect, and under what condition(s)
environmental aspects, and associated impacts, for your it is present
organisation. You should include at least four different • the impact(s) which are associated with each aspect*
activities/products/services from your chosen area. You must
• what is already in place to control these environmental
record at least ten different environmental aspects in your aspects.
assessment, with associated impact(s) for each.
*As a minimum, you must include one impact for each
Your completed assessment must show that you have environmental aspect. Usually there will be more than
considered the different operating conditions, which are one potential impact for each - particularly when
listed in Table 1. To pass the assessment, you must considering different conditions – and you should
include at least two of these conditions. include all of them, in order to demonstrate your
understanding. Remember that environmental impacts
Operating conditions can be positive or negative, and direct, indirect, or
Normal operation
Once you have identified all of the environmental aspects
Abnormal operation and impacts, you need to determine which ones are
significant. You should use the significance rating table in the
Incidents / accidents assessment pack to help your evaluation. Put the rating for
each aspect, and which criteria it meets, in the assessment
Potential emergency situations table.
Table 1
Please see the blank table in the template to see the layout
of the assessment. To get an idea of the level of detail
required, look at the full example included in the assessment

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 7

Part 1 Introduction to
Significant aspects,
Guidance for the organisation
aspects, associated
key issues, and Communication
and methodology recommended and review
learners used
impacts, and
additional measures
existing controls

Choose three significant aspects to evaluate further. *Impacts might relate to multiple issues, or you might
Remember, significance varies from organisation to find that different impacts are linked to the same issue.
organisation. Even if nothing that you have identified You must include at least three issues in your assessment
seems very drastic, it is the most important for your overall.
organisation to address. What have you found that would
have the biggest impact (positive or negative)? Key environmental issues
You must write about each of these three significant
Local effects of pollution (air quality, noise, waste, lighting,
aspects, to support your recommendations for further odour)
actions. This section should contain enough information
for decision-makers with little environmental knowledge. Carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect/global warming
You can refer to the criteria from the significance rating
table to help form the basis of your explanation. To get Water resources and ocean pollution
an idea of the level of detail required, look at the full
example included in the assessment pack. Deforestation, soil erosion and land quality

You should aim to complete this section in 300 - 400 Material resources and land despoliation, supply chain issues
words for each aspect. and inequal distribution of impacts

Your reasoning must explain: Energy supplies, innovations in food & fuel
• What environmental receptors may be affected
Waste disposal and international waste trade
(directly, indirectly, or cumulatively) by these impacts,
and how.
Agricultural issues arising from global trade
• Business concerns, relevant compliance obligations,
and the needs and expectations of interested parties.
Climate change and extreme weather events
• Which key environmental issues the impacts are
linked to (see table 2)*. Biodiversity loss
• The likelihood and severity of potential impacts,
taking account of current control measures. Table 2 - from EMC syllabus 1.1

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 8

Part 1 For each of the three significant aspects you have
already identified, you must state what further controls
Guidance for or actions you would recommend in order to reduce
associated negative impacts, or enhance associated
learners positive impacts. The ‘additional measure’ might be
a development of an existing control eg, increased
monitoring or change to policy.
Here you should describe:
• The intended outcome of each action;
• Rough timeframe for actions; and
• Resource requirements.

Introduction to Significant aspects,
the organisation key issues, and Communication
aspects, associated
and methodology recommended and review
impacts, and
used additional measures
existing controls

Lastly, you should recommend:

• When / how often the aspect and impact assessment
should be reviewed.
• Who should receive your recommendations* and
how you will communicate them.
• How you will follow up on your recommendations to
check that additional measures are put in place.
*Role only needed. This might be multiple people
depending on your recommendations
You should aim to complete this section in 50 - 100

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 9

Part 1 Location whether you have chosen a suitable workplace or
situation that will give enough scope to be able to
Guidance for The assessment must be carried out in your own
workplace. This means that your assessment will
tackle this assessment properly. Do not submit drafts
of your work to your tutor as they are not allowed to
learners be realistic and provide added value for you and
pre-mark or comment on specific details.
your organisation. Your workplace should be large
enough to provide a sufficient range of activities with
associated environmental aspects.
If you do not have access to a workplace please speak
to your Learning Partner. Your Learning Partner will
help you to make arrangements for the assessment to
be carried out at other suitable premises.
Before carrying out the assessment, you must speak
to the management at the premises to ensure that
you can access any information you might need, and
so that you can carry out the assessment without
endangering your own health and safety.

Assessment time and tutor guidance

The time needed to complete the assessment is not
restricted. We do, however, recommend that you
take around 3 hours to complete all four parts of
the assessment. We feel that the 3 hours will allow
you to show your understanding of the assessment
requirements and complete a good quality assessment.
Please note that the 3 hours is for guidance; you may
choose to take more or less time to complete your
We advise that you discuss your approach with your
tutor after reading this guidance. They can give you
advice on whether you are ‘heading in the right
direction’ – for example, they may comment on

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 10

Part 1 Assessment template and submitting
Unit EMC2 for marking
Your assessment must be submitted to your
Learning Partner electronically as a PDF (portable
Guidance for We recommend that your assessment is
document format) document. If you do not know
how to, or are unable to, produce a pdf document,
learners completed electronically. The assessment
please ask your Learning Partner for advice.
pack contains an editable template which has
been designed to take you through all of the Your Learning Partner will tell you the date that
assessment sections. Completing all sections they need to receive your assessment. Once
of the forms and referring to this document for received, your assessment will be upload to
additional guidance should help to ensure that NEBOSH for marking. If you fail to submit your
you receive a ‘Pass’ for your assessment. It is assessment to your Learning Partner by the date
also recommended that you refer to the ‘worked requested, you will be marked as ‘absent’.
example’ so that you can see what level of detail
is required for each section. The example can
be downloaded from the resources section on
the qualification page of the NEBOSH website. We aim to issue results within 50 working
days of the date of the assessment.
When you start your assessment you must
double-click the page footer and insert your Resubmission if you have been
learner number and name on the first sheet.
referred in the assessment
The page numbering will change automatically
as you increase the number of pages that you You can only achieve a ‘Pass’ or ‘Refer’ for
use. Please ensure that you use a font and font the assessment. If you need to resubmit
size that is easy to read eg, Arial size 10 to 12. you will need to register for the assessment
again and pay the appropriate fee. You are
not limited on the number of times that
Your assessment (Parts 1 - 4) must be
you can resubmit the practical for marking.
entirely your own work. By submitting your
However, you must remember that both
assessment for marking, you are declaring that
of the unit assessments (EMC1 and EMC2)
it is your own work. Falsely claiming that your
must be passed within a five-year period.
assessment is your own work is malpractice
and NEBOSH may impose severe penalties, as
set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy.

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 11

Part 2:
Guidance for Learning Partners
Part 2 This section of the guidance either expands on the
detail in Part 1 or gives specific information for
Guidance on assessment completion
Guidance Learning Partners that is not relevant to learners.
You may give your learners guidance on whether
they are ‘heading in the right direction’ – for
for Learning example, you may comment on whether
Partners Setting up the assessment they have chosen a suitable workplace or
situation that will give sufficient scope to
The EMC1 unit will be held quarterly and you
achieve the necessary breadth and depth of
can choose to either connect the EMC2 to
content required. You must not carry out a
this date or set up a separate on demand
pre-mark prior to submission to NEBOSH.
assessment. If you chose the first option, you
can start to upload assessments for marking
the day after the registration closing date. If A Learning Partner’s staff, family or
you book an on-demand assessment, you friends taking the Unit EMC2 assessment
must upload the assessments 10 working days
after the assessment date at the latest. You must declare in writing to NEBOSH any staff
member, spouse, family or other close personal
relationship with any learner taking the EMC2
Location assessment. You must refer to the instructions
The assessment should normally be carried out given in the document ‘Instructions for Conducting
in your learner’s own workplace. If your learner Examinations’ for further information.
does not have access to a workplace, you must
help the learner make arrangements to carry out
the practical assessment at suitable premises.
If you are running the practical in this way,
you should contact the Customer Experience
team at NEBOSH for advice and approval.
You should ensure that, before the learner
carries out the assessment, they speak to the
management at the premises. This is to ensure
that the learner will have access to information
they might need, and can carry out the assessment
without endangering their own health and safety

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 13

Part 2 Assessment submission
Guidance You must satisfy yourself that the assessments
that your learners submit are their own work. By
for Learning submitting their assessments for marking they are
Partners declaring that it is entirely their own work. Falsely
claiming that it is their own work is malpractice
and NEBOSH may impose severe penalties (see the
NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
You must tell your learners the date that you will
require their completed assessment by. You must
allow sufficient time for the upload (please see
‘Setting up the assessment’ for further information).
Assessments must be uploaded in PDF format via
the Course Provider Interface (CPI). Before uploading
the assessments, please make sure that the pages
are in order eg, run from pages 1 to 5 and are
rotated so that they can be immediately read eg,
the pages are the right way up. You will need to
click on the ‘Practical Upload’ tab; this will allow
you to either upload the assessments or, if the
learner fails to submit their completed assessment
to you on time, mark the learner as ‘absent’.

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate 14

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