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Chapter 38

1. Let R be the rate of photon emission (number of photons emitted per unit time) of the
Sun and let E be the energy of a single photon. Then the power output of the Sun is given
by P = RE. Now
E = hf = hc/λ,

where h = 6.626 × 10–34 J·s is the Planck constant, f is the frequency of the light emitted,
and λ is the wavelength. Thus P = Rhc/λ and

b gc
550 nm 3.9 × 1026 W
= 10
. × 1045 photons / s.
hc c −34
6.63 × 10 J ⋅ s 2.998 × 10 m / s
2. We denote the diameter of the laser beam as d. The cross-sectional area of the beam is
A = πd 2/4. From the formula obtained in Problem 38-1, the rate is given by

R λP 4 ( 633nm ) ( 5.0 ×10−3 W )

= =
A hc ( πd 2 / 4 ) π ( 6.63×10−34 J ⋅ s )( 2.998 ×108 m/s )( 3.5 ×10−3 m )2

= 1.7 ×1021 photons/m 2 ⋅ s .

3. The energy of a photon is given by E = hf, where h is the Planck constant and f is the
frequency. The wavelength λ is related to the frequency by λf = c, so E = hc/λ. Since h =
6.626 × 10–34 J·s and c = 2.998 × 108 m/s,

hc =
c6.626 × 10 −34
hc h= 1240 eV ⋅ nm.
J ⋅ s 2.998 × 108 m / s
. × 10 −19
c10 m / nmh
J / eVh −9

1240eV ⋅ nm
E= .
λ = (1, 650, 763.73)–1 m = 6.0578021 × 10–7 m = 605.78021 nm,

we find the energy to be

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
E= = = 2.047 eV.
λ 605.78021 nm

1490 CHAPTER 38

4. The energy of a photon is given by E = hf, where h is the Planck constant and f is the
frequency. The wavelength λ is related to the frequency by λf = c, so E = hc/λ. Since h =
6.626 × 10–34 J·s and c = 2.998 × 108 m/s,

hc =
c6.626 × 10 −34
hc h= 1240 eV ⋅ nm.
J ⋅ s 2.998 × 108 m / s
. × 10 −19
c10 m / nmh
J / eVh −9

1240eV ⋅ nm
E= .
With λ = 589 nm , we obtain
hc 1240eV ⋅ nm
E= = = 2.11eV.
λ 589nm

5. (a) Let E = 1240 eV·nm/λmin = 0.6 eV to get λ = 2.1 × 103 nm = 2.1 µm.

(b) It is in the infrared region.

6. Let
1 hc
me v 2 = E photon =
2 λ
and solve for v:

2hc 2hc 2 2hc

v= = c =c
λme λme c 2
c h
λ me c 2

2b 1240 eV ⋅ nmg
2.998 × 10 m / sh
b590 nmgc511 × 10 eVh= 8.6 × 10 m / s.
8 5

Since v << c, the non-relativistic formula K = 21 mv 2 may be used. The mec2 value of
Table 37-3 and hc = 1240eV ⋅ nm are used in our calculation.

7. (a) Let R be the rate of photon emission (number of photons emitted per unit time) and
let E be the energy of a single photon. Then, the power output of a lamp is given by P =
RE if all the power goes into photon production. Now, E = hf = hc/λ, where h is the
Planck constant, f is the frequency of the light emitted, and λ is the wavelength. Thus

Rhc λP
P= ⇒ R= .
λ hc

The lamp emitting light with the longer wavelength (the 700 nm infrared lamp) emits
more photons per unit time. The energy of each photon is less, so it must emit photons at
a greater rate.

(b) Let R be the rate of photon production for the 700 nm lamp. Then,

b gb g
700 nm 400 J / s
= 141
. × 1021 photon / s.
hc c
160 −19
hb g
. × 10 J / eV 1240 eV ⋅ nm

8. (a) The rate at which solar energy strikes the panel is

P = 139 hc h
. kW / m2 2.60 m2 = 3.61 kW.

(b) The rate at which solar photons are absorbed by the panel is

P 3.61×103 W
R= =
Eph ( 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s )( 2.998 × 108 m/s ) / ( 550 ×10−9 m )
= 1.00 × 1022 photons/s.

(c) The time in question is given by

NA 6.02 × 1023
t= = = 60.2 s.
R 100. × 1022 / s

9. The total energy emitted by the bulb is E = 0.93Pt, where P = 60 W and

t = 730 h = (730 h)(3600 s/h) = 2.628 × 106 s.

The energy of each photon emitted is Eph = hc/λ. Therefore, the number of photons
emitted is

0.93 Pt
b gb gc
0.93 60 W 2.628 × 106 s h = 4.7 × 1026 .
E ph hc / λ c hc hc
6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s 2.998 × 108 m / s / 630 × 10−9 m h
10. Following Sample Problem 38-1, we have

b gc −34
Rhc 100 / s 6.63 × 10 J ⋅ s 2.998 × 10 m / s
= 3.6 × 10−17 W.
λ 550 × 10 m

11. (a) We assume all the power results in photon production at the wavelength
λ = 589 nm . Let R be the rate of photon production and E be the energy of a single
photon. Then,
P = RE = Rhc/λ,
1492 CHAPTER 38

where E = hf and f = c/λ are used. Here h is the Planck constant, f is the frequency of the
emitted light, and λ is its wavelength. Thus,

589 × 10−9 m 100 W hb g= 2.96 × 1020 photon / s.
hc c −34
6.63 × 10 J ⋅ s 3.00 × 10 m / s
(b) Let I be the photon flux a distance r from the source. Since photons are emitted
uniformly in all directions, R = 4πr2I and

R 2.96 ×1020 photon/s

r= = = 4.86 ×107 m.
4π I 4π (1.00 ×10 photon/m ⋅ s )
4 2

(c) The photon flux is

R 2.96 × 1020 photon / s photon

I= = = 589
. × 1018 2 .
4 πr 2
b g
4 π 2.00 m
m ⋅s

12. The average power output of the source is

∆E 7.2 nJ
Pemit = = = 3.6 nJ/s = 3.6 × 10−9 J/s = 2.25 × 1010 eV/s
∆t 2s

Since the energy of each photon emitted is

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
Eph = = = 2.07 eV ,
λ 600 nm

the rate at which photons are emitted by the source is

Pemit 2.25 × 1010 eV/s

Remit = = = 1.09 × 1010 photons/s.
Eph 2.07 eV

Given that the source is isotropic, and the detector (located 12.0 m away) has an
absorbing area of Aabs = 2.00 × 10−6 m 2 and absorbs 50% of the incident light, the rate of
photon absorption is

Aabs 2.00 × 10−6 m 2

2 (
Rabs = (0.50) R = (0.50) 1.09 × 1010 photons/s ) = 6.0 photons/s.
4π r 4π (12.0 m)
2 emit

13. The rate at which photons are absorbed by the detector is related to the rate of photon
emission by the light source via

Rabs = (0.80) Remit .
4π r 2

Given that Aabs = 2.00 ×10−6 m 2 and r = 3.00 m, with Rabs = 4.000 photons/s, we find the
rate at which photon is emitted to be

4π r 2 4π (3.00 m) 2
Remit = Rabs = ( 4.000 photons/s ) = 2.83 ×108 photons/s .
(0.80) Aabs (0.80)(2.00 ×10−6 m 2 )

Since the energy of each emitted photon is

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
Eph = = = 2.48 eV ,
λ 500 nm

the power output of source is

Pemit = Remit Eph = ( 2.83 ×108 photons/s ) (2.48 eV) = 7.0 × 108 eV/s = 1.1×10−10 W.

14. The rate at which photons are emitted from the argon laser source is given by R =
P/Eph, where P = 1.5 W is the power of the laser beam and Eph = hc/λ is the energy of
each photon of wavelength λ. Since α = 84% of the energy of the laser beam falls within
the central disk, the rate of photon absorption of the central disk is

R ′ = αR =
b0.84gb15. Wg
hc / λ c6.63 × 10 −34
J ⋅ sh
c2.998 × 10 m / shc
/ 515 × 10 mh
8 −9

= 3.3 × 1018 photons / s.

15. The speed v of the electron satisfies

Kmax = 21 me v 2 = 1
2 cm c hbv / cg= E
2 2
photon − Φ.

Using Table 37-3, we find

2 E photon − Φ i = c2.998 × 10 m / sh2b580
8 . eV − 4.50 eVg
= 6.76 × 10 m / s. 5

me c 2
511 × 10 eV 3

16. The energy of the most energetic photon in the visible light range (with wavelength of
about 400 nm) is about E = (1240 eV·nm/400 nm) = 3.1 eV (using the vlue hc = 1240
eV·nm). Consequently, barium and lithium can be used, since their work functions are
both lower than 3.1 eV.
1494 CHAPTER 38

17. The energy of an incident photon is E = hf = hc/λ, where h is the Planck constant, f is
the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation, and λ is its wavelength. The kinetic
energy of the most energetic electron emitted is

Km = E – Φ = (hc/λ) – Φ,

where Φ is the work function for sodium. The stopping potential V0 is related to the
maximum kinetic energy by eV0 = Km, so

eV0 = (hc/λ) – Φ
hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = 170 nm.
eV0 + Φ 5.0 eV + 2.2 eV

Here eV0 = 5.0 eV and hc = 1240 eV·nm are used.

18. We use Eq. 38-5 to find the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electrons:

c hc h
Kmax = hf − Φ = 4.14 × 10−15 eV ⋅ s 3.0 × 1015 Hz − 2.3 eV = 10eV.

19. (a) We use the photoelectric effect equation (Eq. 38-5) in the form hc/λ = Φ + Km.
The work function depends only on the material and the condition of the surface, and not
on the wavelength of the incident light. Let λ1 be the first wavelength described and λ2 be
the second. Let Km1 = 0.710 eV be the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected by
light with the first wavelength, and Km2 = 1.43 eV be the maximum kinetic energy of
electrons ejected by light with the second wavelength. Then,

hc hc
= Φ + K m1 , = Φ + Km2 .
λ1 λ2

The first equation yields Φ = (hc/λ1) – Km1. When this is used to substitute for Φ in the
second equation, the result is

(hc/λ2) = (hc/λ1) – Km1 + Km2.

The solution for λ2 is

hcλ1 (1240V ⋅ nm)(491nm)

λ2 = =
hc + λ1 ( K m 2 − K m1 ) 1240eV ⋅ nm + (491nm)(1.43eV − 0.710eV)
= 382nm.

Here hc = 1240 eV·nm has been used.


(b) The first equation displayed above yields

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
Φ= − Km1 = − 0.710 eV = 182
. eV.
λ1 491 nm

20. We use Eq. 38-6 and the value hc = 1240 eV·nm:

hc hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm 1240 eV ⋅ nm
Kmax = E photon − Φ = − = − = 107
. eV.
λ λ max 254 nm 325 nm

21. (a) The kinetic energy Km of the fastest electron emitted is given by

Km = hf – Φ = (hc/λ) – Φ,

where Φ is the work function of aluminum, f is the frequency of the incident radiation,
and λ is its wavelength. The relationship f = c/λ was used to obtain the second form.
1240 eV ⋅ nm
Km = − 4.20 eV = 2.00 eV ,
200 nm

where we have used hc = 1240 eV·nm.

(b) The slowest electron just breaks free of the surface and so has zero kinetic energy.

(c) The stopping potential V0 is given by Km = eV0, so

V0 = Km/e = (2.00 eV)/e = 2.00 V.

(d) The value of the cutoff wavelength is such that Km = 0. Thus, hc/λ = Φ, or

λ = hc/Φ = (1240 eV·nm)/(4.2 eV) = 295 nm.

If the wavelength is longer, the photon energy is less and a photon does not have
sufficient energy to knock even the most energetic electron out of the aluminum sample.

22. To find the longest possible wavelength λmax (corresponding to the lowest possible
energy) of a photon which can produce a photoelectric effect in platinum, we set Kmax = 0
in Eq. 38-5 and use hf = hc/λ. Thus hc/λmax = Φ. We solve for λmax:

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
λ max = = = 233 nm.
Φ 5.32 nm
23. (a) We use Eq. 38-6:
1496 CHAPTER 38

Vstop = = =
hf − Φ hc / λ − Φ 1240 eV ⋅ nm / 400 nm − 18
. eV
= 13
. V.
e e e

(b) The speed v of the electron satisfies

Kmax = 21 me v 2 = 1
2 cm c hbv / cg= E
2 2
photon − Φ.

Using Table 37-3, we find

2 ( Ephoton − Φ ) 2eVstop 2eVstop 2e (1.3V )

v= = =c = ( 2.998 ×108 m/s )
me me me c 2
511×103 eV
= 6.8 ×105 m/s.

24. Using the value hc = 1240 eV·nm, the number of photons emitted from the laser per
unit time is

P 2.00 × 10−3 W
R= = −19
= 6.05 × 1015 / s,
E ph (1240 eV ⋅ nm / 600 nm)(1.60 × 10 J / eV)

of which (1.0 × 10–16)(6.05 × 1015/s) = 0.605/s actually cause photoelectric emissions.

Thus the current is

i = (0.605/s)(1.60 × 10–19 C) = 9.68 × 10–20 A.

25. (a) From r = mev/eB, the speed of the electron is v = rBe/me. Thus,

1 1  rBe  (rB) 2 e 2 (1.88 × 10−4 T ⋅ m) 2 (1.60 × 10−19 C) 2
K max = me v 2 = me   = =
2 2  me  2me 2(9.11×10−31 kg)(1.60 ×10−19 J/eV)
= 3.1 keV.

(b) Using the value hc = 1240 eV·nm, the work done is

1240 eV ⋅ nm
W = E photon − Kmax = − 310
. keV = 14 keV.
71 × 10−3 nm

26. (a) For the first and second case (labeled 1 and 2) we have

eV01 = hc/λ1 – Φ , eV02 = hc/λ2 – Φ,

from which h and Φ can be determined. Thus,


e (V1 − V2 ) 1.85eV − 0.820eV

h= = = 4.12 ×10−15 eV ⋅ s.
c (λ − λ
2 ) ( 3.00 ×10 nm/s ) ( 300nm ) − ( 400nm ) 
17 −1 −1

(b) The work function is

3(V2 λ 2 − V1λ 1 ) (0.820 eV)(400 nm) − (185

. eV)(300 nm)
Φ= = = 2.27 eV.
λ1 − λ 2 300 nm − 400 nm

(c) Let Φ = hc/λmax to obtain

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
λ max = = = 545 nm.
Φ 2.27 eV

27. (a) The x-ray frequency is

c 2.998 × 108 m / s
f = = −12
= 8.57 × 1018 Hz.
λ 35.0 × 10 m

(b) The x-ray photon energy is

E = hf = (4.14 × 10−15 eV ⋅ s)(8.57 × 1018 Hz) = 355

. × 104 eV.

(c) From Eq. 38-7,

h 6.63 ×10−34 J ⋅ s
p= = = 1.89 ×10−23 kg ⋅ m/s = 35.4 keV / c.
λ 35.0 ×10−12 m

28. (a) The rest energy of an electron is given by E = mec2. Thus the momentum of the
photon in question is given by

E me c 2
p= = = me c = (9.11×10−31 kg)(2.998 ×108 m/s) = 2.73×10−22 kg ⋅ m/s
c c
= 0.511 MeV / c.

(b) From Eq. 38-7,

h 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = −22
= 2.43 × 10−12 m = 2.43 pm.
p 2.73 × 10 kg ⋅ m / s

(c) Using Eq. 38-1,

c 2.998 × 108 m / s
f = = −12
= 124
. × 1020 Hz.
λ 2.43 × 10 m
1498 CHAPTER 38

29. (a) When a photon scatters from an electron initially at rest, the change in wavelength
is given by
∆λ = (h/mc)(1 – cos φ),

where m is the mass of an electron and φ is the scattering angle. Now, h/mc = 2.43 × 10–12
m = 2.43 pm, so

∆λ = (h/mc)(1 – cos φ) = (2.43 pm)(1 – cos 30°) = 0.326 pm.

The final wavelength is

λ' = λ + ∆λ = 2.4 pm + 0.326 pm = 2.73 pm.

(b) Now, ∆λ = (2.43 pm)(1 – cos 120°) = 3.645 pm and

λ' = 2.4 pm + 3.645 pm = 6.05 pm.

30. (a) Eq. 38-11 yields

∆λ = (1 − cos φ ) = (2.43 pm)(1 − cos180° ) = +4.86 pm.
me c

(b) Using the value hc = 1240 eV·nm, the change in photon energy is

hc hc  1 1 
∆E = − = (1240 eV.nm)  −  = −40.6 keV.
λ′ λ  0.01 nm + 4.86 pm 0.01 nm 

(c) From conservation of energy, ∆K = – ∆E = 40.6 keV.

(d) The electron will move straight ahead after the collision, since it has acquired some of
the forward linear momentum from the photon. Thus, the angle between +x and the
direction of the electron’s motion is zero.

31. (a) The fractional change is

∆E ∆(hc / λ) 1  1 1 λ λ
= = λ∆   = λ  −  = − 1 = −1
E hc / λ λ  λ′ λ  λ′ λ + ∆λ
1 1
=− =− .
λ/∆λ +1 (λ/λ C )(1 − cos φ ) −1 + 1

If λ = 3.0 cm = 3.0 × 1010 pm and φ = 90°, the result is


∆E 1
=− −1
= −8.1×10−11 = −8.1×10−9 %.
E (3.0 ×10 pm/2.43pm)(1 − cos90°) + 1

(b) Now λ = 500 nm = 5.00 × 105 pm and φ = 90°, so

∆E 1
=− −1
= −4.9 ×10−6 = −4.9 ×10−4 %.
E (5.00 ×10 pm/2.43pm)(1 − cos90°) + 1

(c) With λ = 25 pm and φ = 90°, we find

∆E 1
=− −1
= −8.9 ×10−2 = −8.9 %.
E (25pm/2.43pm)(1 − cos90°) + 1

(d) In this case,

λ = hc/E = 1240 nm·eV/1.0 MeV = 1.24 × 10–3 nm = 1.24 pm,

∆E 1
=− = −0.66 = −66 %.
E (1.24pm/2.43pm)(1 − cos 90°) −1 + 1

(e) From the calculation above, we see that the shorter the wavelength the greater the
fractional energy change for the photon as a result of the Compton scattering. Since ∆E/E
is virtually zero for microwave and visible light, the Compton effect is significant only in
the x-ray to gamma ray range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

32. (a) Using the value hc = 1240 eV·nm, we find

hc 1240 nm ⋅ eV
λ= = = 2.43 × 10−3 nm = 2.43 pm.
E 0.511 MeV

(b) Now, Eq. 38-11 leads to

λ′ = λ + ∆λ = λ + (1 − cosφ ) = 2.43pm + (2.43pm)(1 − cos90.0°)
me c
= 4.86pm.

(c) The scattered photons have energy equal to

J F2.43 pm IJ= 0.255 MeV.
= (0.511 MeV) G
E′ = E
Hλ ′ K H4.86 pmK
33. (a) Since the mass of an electron is m = 9.109 × 10–31 kg, its Compton wavelength is
1500 CHAPTER 38

h 6.626 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λC = = −31
= 2.426 × 10−12 m = 2.43 pm.
mc (9.109 × 10 kg)(2.998 × 10 m / s)

(b) Since the mass of a proton is m = 1.673 × 10–27 kg, its Compton wavelength is

6.626 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λC = −27
= 1321
. × 10−15 m = 132
. fm.
. × 10 kg)(2.998 × 10 m / s)

(c) We note that hc = 1240 eV·nm, which gives E = (1240 eV·nm)/λ, where E is the
energy and λ is the wavelength. Thus for the electron,

E = (1240 eV·nm)/(2.426 × 10–3 nm) = 5.11 × 105 eV = 0.511 MeV.

(d) For the proton,

E = (1240 eV·nm)/(1.321 × 10–6 nm) = 9.39 × 108 eV = 939 MeV.

34. Referring to Sample Problem 38-4, we see that the fractional change in photon energy
E − En ∆λ (h / mc)(1 − cos φ )
= = .
E λ + ∆λ (hc / E ) + (h / mc)(1 − cos φ )

Energy conservation demands that E – E' = K, the kinetic energy of the electron. In the
maximal case, φ = 180°, and we find

K (h / mc)(1 − cos180°) 2h / mc
= = .
E (hc / E ) + (h / mc)(1 − cos180°) (hc / E ) + (2h / mc)

Multiplying both sides by E and simplifying the fraction on the right-hand side leads to

G 2 / mc I
J E 2
Hc / E + 2 / mc K mc / 2 + E .
= 2

35. (a) From Eq. 38-11

∆λ = (1 − cos φ ) = (2.43 pm)(1 − cos 90° ) = 2.43 pm .
me c

(b) The fractional shift should be interpreted as ∆λ divided by the original wavelength:

∆λ 2.425 pm
= = 4.11 × 10−6 .
λ 590 nm

(c) The change in energy for a photon with λ = 590 nm is given by

 hc  hc∆λ
∆Eph = ∆   ≈ − 2
 λ  λ
(4.14 × 10−15 eV ⋅ s)(2.998 × 108 m/s)(2.43pm)
(590 nm) 2
= −8.67 ×10−6 eV .

(d) For an x-ray photon of energy Eph = 50 keV, ∆λ remains the same (2.43 pm), since it
is independent of Eph.

(e) The fractional change in wavelength is now

∆λ ∆λ (50 ×103 eV)(2.43pm)

= = −15
= 9.78 ×10−2 .
λ hc / Eph (4.14 ×10 eV ⋅ s)(2.998 ×10 m/s)

(f) The change in photon energy is now

G 1I Fhc I ∆λ = − E F
− J= −GJ G α I
H1 + α J
∆E ph = hc
Hλ + ∆λ λ K Hλ Kλ + ∆λ Kph

where α = ∆λ/λ. With Eph = 50 keV and α = 9.78 × 10–2 , we obtain ∆Eph = –4.45 keV.
(Note that in this case α ≈ 0.1 is not close enough to zero so the approximation ∆Eph ≈
hc∆λ/λ2 is not as accurate as in the first case, in which α = 4.12 × 10–6. In fact if one were
to use this approximation here, one would get ∆Eph ≈ –4.89 keV, which does not amount
to a satisfactory approximation.)

36. The initial wavelength of the photon is (using hc = 1240 eV·nm)

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = 0.07086 nm
E 17500 eV

or 70.86 pm. The maximum Compton shift occurs for φ = 180°, in which case Eq. 38-11
(applied to an electron) yields

∆λ =
G hc I
J F1240 eV ⋅ nmIJ(1 − (−1)) = 0.00485 nm
(1 − cos180° ) = G
Hm c K
H511 × 10 eV K

where Table 37-3 is used. Therefore, the new photon wavelength is

λ' = 0.07086 nm + 0.00485 nm = 0.0757 nm.

1502 CHAPTER 38

Consequently, the new photon energy is

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
E' = = = 164
. × 104 eV = 16.4 keV .
λ' 0.0757 nm

By energy conservation, then, the kinetic energy of the electron must equal

E' – E = 17.5 keV – 16.4 keV = 1.1 keV.

37. If E is the original energy of the photon and E' is the energy after scattering, then the
fractional energy loss is
∆E E − E ′ ∆λ
= =
E E λ + ∆λ

using the result from Sample Problem 38-4. Thus

∆λ ∆E / E 0.75
= = = 3 = 300 %.
λ 1 − ∆E / E 1 − 0.75

A 300% increase in the wavelength leads to a 75% decrease in the energy of the photon.

38. The initial energy of the photon is (using hc = 1240 eV·nm)

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
E= = = 4.13 × 105 eV .
λ 0.00300 nm

Using Eq. 38-11 (applied to an electron), the Compton shift is given by

h h hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
∆λ = (1 − cos φ ) = (1 − cos 90.0° ) = 2 = = 2.43 pm
me c me c me c 511×103 eV

Therefore, the new photon wavelength is

λ' = 3.00 pm + 2.43 pm = 5.43 pm.

Consequently, the new photon energy is

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
E′ = = = 2.28 ×105 eV
λ ′ 0.00543nm

By energy conservation, then, the kinetic energy of the electron must be equal to

K e = ∆E = E − E ′ = 4.13 × 105 − 2.28 × 105 eV = 1.85 × 105 eV ≈ 3.0 × 10−14 J .


39. (a) From Eq. 38-11,

∆λ = (1 − cos θ ) .
me c

In this case φ = 180° (so cos φ = –1), and the change in wavelength for the photon is
given by ∆λ = 2h/mec. The energy E' of the scattered photon (with initial energy E = hc/λ)
is then
hc E E E
E' = = = =
λ + ∆λ 1 + ∆λ / λ 1 + (2h / me c)( E / hc) 1 + 2 E / me c 2
50.0 keV
= = 418
. keV .
1 + 2(50.0 keV) / 0.511MeV

(b) From conservation of energy the kinetic energy K of the electron is given by

K = E – E' = 50.0 keV – 41.8 keV = 8.2 keV.

40. The (1 – cos φ) factor in Eq. 38-11 is largest when φ = 180°. Thus, using Table 37-3,
we obtain
hc 1240MeV ⋅ fm
∆λ max = 2
(1 − cos180°) = (1 − (−1)) = 2.64 fm
mpc 938MeV

where we have used the value hc = 1240 eV·nm =1240 MeV·fm.

41. The magnitude of the fractional energy change for the photon is given by

∆E ph F
∆ (hc / λ) 1 1 1 ∆λ
E ph
hc / λ
= λ∆
λ H
=λ −
λ λ + ∆λ
λ + ∆λ

where β = 0.10. Thus ∆λ = λβ/(1 – β). We substitute this expression for ∆λ in Eq. 38-11
and solve for cos φ:
mc mcλβ β (mc 2 )
cos φ = 1 − ∆λ = 1− = 1−
h h(1 − β ) (1 − β ) E ph
. )(511 keV)
= 1− = 0.716 .
(1 − 010
. )(200 keV)

This leads to an angle of φ = 44°.

42. (a) Using Table 37-3 and the value hc = 1240 eV·nm, we obtain
1504 CHAPTER 38

h h hc 1240eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = = = 0.0388nm.
p 2me K 2me c 2 K 2(511000eV)(1000eV)

(b) A photon’s de Broglie wavelength is equal to its familiar wave-relationship value.

Using the value hc = 1240 eV·nm,

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = 124
. nm .
E 100
. keV

(c) The neutron mass may be found in Appendix B. Using the conversion from electron-
volts to Joules, we obtain

h 6.63×10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = = 9.06 ×10−13 m.
−27 −16
2mn K 2(1.675 ×10 kg)(1.6 ×10 J)

43. The de Broglie wavelength of the electron is

h h h
λ= = = ,
p 2me K 2me eV

where V is the accelerating potential and e is the fundamental charge. This gives

h 6.626×10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= =
2me eV 2(9.109 ×10−31 kg)(1.602 ×10−19 C)(25.0 × 103 V)
= 7.75 × 10−12 m = 7.75 pm.

44. Using Eq. 37-8, we find the Lorentz factor to be

1 1
γ= = = 7.0888 .
1 − (v / c ) 2
1 − (0.9900) 2

With p = γ mv (Eq. 37-41), the de Broglie wavelength of the protons is

h h 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = = = 1.89 × 10−16 m .
p γ mv (7.0888)(1.67 × 10 kg)(0.99 × 3.00 × 10 m/s)
−27 8

The vertical distance between the second interference minimum and the center point is

 1  λL 3 λL
y2 =  1 +  =
 2 d 2 d

where L is the perpendicular distance between the slits and the screen. Therefore, the
angle between the center of the pattern and the second minimum is given by

y2 3λ
tan θ = = .
L 2d
Since λ = d , tan θ ≈ θ , and we obtain

3λ 3(1.89 ×10−16 m)
θ≈ = −9
= 7.07 ×10−8 rad = (4.0 × 10−6 )° .
2d 2(4.00 ×10 m)

45. (a) The momentum of the photon is given by p = E/c, where E is its energy. Its
wavelength is
h hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = = 1240 nm.
p E 100
. eV

(b) The momentum of the electron is given by p = 2mK , where K is its kinetic energy
and m is its mass. Its wavelength is
h h
λ= = .
p 2mK

If K is given in electron volts, then

6.626×10−34 J ⋅ s 1.226 ×10−9 m ⋅ eV1/2 1.226nm ⋅ eV1/2

λ= = = .
2(9.109 ×10−31 kg)(1.602 ×10−19 J/eV)K K K

For K = 1.00 eV , we have

1.226nm ⋅ eV1/2
λ= = 1.23 nm.
(c) For the photon,

hc 1240eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = 1.24 ×10−6 nm = 1.24 fm.
E 1.00 ×10 eV

(d) Relativity theory must be used to calculate the wavelength for the electron. According
to Eq. 38-51, the momentum p and kinetic energy K are related by

(pc)2 = K2 + 2Kmc2.
(1.00 ×10 eV ) + 2 (1.00 ×109 eV )( 0.511×106 eV )
pc = K 2 + 2 Kmc 2 = 9

= 1.00 ×109 eV.

1506 CHAPTER 38

The wavelength is

h hc 1240eV ⋅ nm
λ= = = = 1.24 ×10−6 nm = 1.24 fm.
p pc 1.00 ×10 eV

46. (a) The momentum of the electron is

h 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
p= = = 3.3 × 10−24 kg ⋅ m / s.
λ 0.20 × 10−9 m

(b) The momentum of the photon is the same as that of the electron:
p = 3.3 ×10−24 kg ⋅ m/s.

(c) The kinetic energy of the electron is

p 2 ( 3.3×10 kg ⋅ m/s )
−24 2

Ke = = = 6.0 ×10−18 J=38eV.

2me 2 ( 9.11×10 kg )

(d) The kinetic energy of the photon is

c hc h
Kph = pc = 3.3 × 10−24 kg ⋅ m / s 2.998 × 108 m / s = 9.9 × 10−16 J = 6.2 keV.

47. (a) The kinetic energy acquired is K = qV, where q is the charge on an ion and V is
the accelerating potential. Thus

K = (1.60 × 10–19 C)(300 V) = 4.80 × 10–17 J.

The mass of a single sodium atom is, from Appendix F,

m = (22.9898 g/mol)/(6.02 × 1023 atom/mol) = 3.819 × 10–23 g = 3.819 × 10–26 kg.

Thus, the momentum of an ion is

p = 2mK = 2 3819
. c hc
× 10−26 kg 4.80 × 10 −17 J = 191 h
. × 10−21 kg ⋅ m / s.

(b) The de Broglie wavelength is

h 6.63 ×10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = −21
= 3.46 ×10−13 m.
p 1.91×10 kg ⋅ m/s

b g
48. (a) Since K = 7.5 MeV << mα c 2 = 4 932 MeV , we may use the non-relativistic
formula p = 2mα K . Using Eq. 38-43 (and noting that 1240 eV·nm = 1240 MeV·fm),
we obtain

h hc 1240 MeV ⋅ fm
λ= = =
p 2mα c 2 K b gb
2 4u 9315
. MeV / u 7.5 MeV gb g= 5.2 fm.
(b) Since λ = 5.2 fm << 30 fm, to a fairly good approximation, the wave nature of the α
particle does not need to be taken into consideration.

49. If K is given in electron volts, then

h h 6.626×10−34 J ⋅ s 1.226 ×10−9 m ⋅ eV1/2

λ= = = =
p 2mK 2(9.109 ×10−31 kg)(1.602 ×10−19 J/eV)K K
1.226nm ⋅ eV1/2
= ,

where K is the kinetic energy. Thus,

F1226 nm ⋅ eV I F nm ⋅ eV I
1/2 2 1/2 2

H λ K H 590 nm JK= 4.32 × 10
. 1226
. −6

50. (a) We need to use the relativistic formula

( E / c)
p= − me2 c 2 ≈ E / c ≈ K / c
( since E >> me c 2 ) . So

h hc 1240eV ⋅ nm
λ= ≈ = = 2.5 ×10−8 nm = 0.025 fm.
p K 50 ×10 eV

(b) With R = 5.0 fm , we obtain R / λ = 2.0 ×102 .

51. The wavelength associated with the unknown particle is

h h
λp = = ,
p p mpv p

where pp is its momentum, mp is its mass, and vp is its speed. The classical relationship pp
= mpvp was used. Similarly, the wavelength associated with the electron is λe = h/(meve),
where me is its mass and ve is its speed. The ratio of the wavelengths is
1508 CHAPTER 38

λp/λe = (meve)/(mpvp),
ve λ e 9.109 × 10−31 kg
mp = me = = 1675
. × 10−27 kg.
v pλ p 3 1813
. c
× 10 −4
According to Appendix B, this is the mass of a neutron.

52. (a) We use the value hc = 1240nm ⋅ eV :

hc 1240 nm ⋅ eV
E photon = = = 124
. keV .
λ 100
. nm

(b) For the electron, we have

h/λ b g= bhc / λg=
2 2
1 F
1240 eV ⋅ nm I

J = 150
2me 2me 2me c 2 b
2 0.511 MeV gH 100
. nm K
. eV.

(c) In this case, we find

1240nm ⋅ eV
Ephoton = −6
= 1.24 ×109 eV = 1.24GeV.
1.00 ×10 nm

(d) For the electron (recognizing that 1240 eV·nm = 1240 MeV·fm)

K= c h− m c = bhc / λg+ cm c h− m c
p 2 c 2 + me c 2
2 2
2 2

1240 MeV ⋅ fm I

JK+ b0.511 MeVg− 0.511 MeV 2

H 100
. fm
= 1.24 × 103 MeV = 1.24 GeV.

We note that at short λ (large K) the kinetic energy of the electron, calculated with the
relativistic formula, is about the same as that of the photon. This is expected since now K
≈ E ≈ pc for the electron, which is the same as E = pc for the photon.

53. (a) Setting λ = h / p = h / bE / cg− m c , we solve for K = E – m c :

2 2 2
e e

2 2
 hc   1240eV ⋅ nm 
 + ( 0.511MeV ) − 0.511MeV
K =   + me2 c 4 − me c 2 =  −3
 λ  10 ×10 nm 
= 0.015MeV = 15keV.

(b) Using the value hc = 1240eV ⋅ nm

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
E= = −3
= 12
. × 105 eV = 120 keV.
λ 10 × 10 nm

(c) The electron microscope is more suitable, as the required energy of the electrons is
much less than that of the photons.

54. The same resolution requires the same wavelength, and since the wavelength and
particle momentum are related by p = h/λ, we see that the same particle momentum is
required. The momentum of a 100 keV photon is

p = E/c = (100 × 103 eV)(1.60 × 10–19 J/eV)/(3.00 × 108 m/s) = 5.33 × 10–23 kg·m/s.

This is also the magnitude of the momentum of the electron. The kinetic energy of the
electron is

5.33 × 10−23 kg ⋅ m / s h= 156

2m c
2 9.11 × 10−31 kg h . × 10 J.

The accelerating potential is

. × 10−15 J
K 156
V= = −19
= 9.76 × 103 V.
. × 10 C
e 160

55. (a) We solve v from λ = h/p = h/(mpv):

h 6.626 ×10−34 J ⋅ s
v= = = 3.96 × 106 m/s.
m p λ (1.6705 × 10−27 kg )( 0.100 ×10−12 m )

(b) We set eV = K = 21 mp v 2 and solve for the voltage:

(1.6705 ×10 kg )( 3.96 ×10 m/s )

−27 6 2
V= = = 8.18 ×104 V = 81.8 kV.
2e 2 (1.60 ×10 C ) −19

56. (a) Using Euler’s formula eiφ = cos φ + i sin φ, we rewrite ψ(x) as

ψ ( x ) = ψ 0 eikx = ψ 0 ( cos kx + i sin kx ) = (ψ 0 cos kx ) + i (ψ 0 sin kx ) = a + ib,

where a =ψ0 cos kx and b = ψ0 sin kx are both real quantities.

1510 CHAPTER 38

(b) The time-dependent wave function is

ψ ( x , t ) = ψ ( x )e − iωt = ψ 0eikx e −iωt = ψ 0ei ( kx −ωt )

= [ψ 0 cos( kx − ωt )] + i[ψ 0 sin( kx − ωt )].

57. We plug Eq. 38-17 into Eq. 38-16, and note that

dx dx
c h
Aeikx + Be −ikx = ikAeikx − ikBe − ikx .

d 2ψ
dx 2
c h
ikAeikx − ikBe − ikx = − k 2 Aeikx − k 2 Beikx .

d 2ψ
dx 2 c
+ k 2ψ = − k 2 Aeikx − k 2 Beikx + k 2 Aeikx + Be − ikx = 0. h
58. (a) The product nn* can be rewritten as

b gb g b gc ∗
nn∗ = a + ib a + ib = a + ib a ∗ + i ∗b∗ = a + ib a − ib h b gb g
= a + iba − iab + bg
ib b
=a 2
+ b2 ,

which is always real since both a and b are real.

(b) Straightforward manipulation gives

nm = | (a + ib)(c + id ) | = | ac + iad + ibc + (−i) 2 bd | = | ( ac − bd ) + i (ad + bc) |

( ac − bd ) + ( ad + bc )
2 2
= = a 2c 2 + b2 d 2 + a 2 d 2 + b2c 2 .

However, since
n m = a + ib c + id = a 2 + b 2 c 2 + d 2
= a 2c2 + b2d 2 + a 2d 2 + b2c2 ,

we conclude that |nm| = |n| |m|.

59. The angular wave number k is related to the wavelength λ by k = 2π/λ and the
wavelength is related to the particle momentum p by λ = h/p, so k = 2πp/h. Now, the
kinetic energy K and the momentum are related by K = p2/2m, where m is the mass of the
particle. Thus p = 2mK and

2π 2mK
k= .

60. The wave function is now given by

Ψ( x , t ) = ψ 0e − i ( kx +ωt ) .

This function describes a plane matter wave traveling in the negative x direction. An
example of the actual particles that fit this description is a free electron with linear
momentum p = −(hk / 2π) ∃i and kinetic energy

p2 h2 k 2
K= = .
2me 8π2 me

61. For U = U0, Schrödinger’s equation becomes

d 2ψ 8π2 m
+ 2 [ E − U 0 ]ψ = 0.
dx 2 h

We substitute ψ = ψ 0eikx . The second derivative is

d 2ψ
= −k 2ψ 0 eikx = −k 2ψ .
The result is
8π2 m
− k 2ψ + [ E − U 0 ]ψ = 0.
Solving for k, we obtain

8π2 m 2π
k= 2
[E − U0 ] = 2m[ E − U 0 ].
h h

62. (a) The wave function is now given by

Ψ( x , t ) = ψ 0 ei ( kx −ωt ) + e − i ( kx +ωt ) = ψ 0e − iωt (eikx + e − ikx ).

2 2 2 2
| Ψ ( x, t ) |2 = ψ 0 e − iω t (eikx + e − ikx ) = ψ 0 e− iω t eikx + e− ikx = ψ 02 eikx + e− ikx
= ψ 02 | (coskx + i sinkx) + (cos kx − i sin kx) |2 = 4ψ 02 (cos kx)2
= 2ψ 02 (1 + cos2kx).
1512 CHAPTER 38

(b) Consider two plane matter waves, each with the same amplitude ψ 0 / 2 and
traveling in opposite directions along the x axis. The combined wave Ψ is a standing

Ψ ( x, t ) = ψ 0ei ( kx −ω t ) + ψ 0e −i ( kx +ω t ) = ψ 0 (eikx + e− ikx )e− iω t = (2ψ 0 cos kx)e− iω t .

Thus, the squared amplitude of the matter wave is

| Ψ ( x , t )|2 = (2ψ 0 cos kx ) 2 e − iωt = 2ψ 20 (1 + cos2 kx ),

which is shown below.

b g= 2ψ b1 + cos 2kxg= 0 to obtain cos(2kx) = –1. This gives

(c) We set Ψ x , t
2 2

 2π 
2kx = 2   = ( 2n + 1) π , ( n = 0, 1, 2, 3,K )
 λ 
We solve for x:
b g
2n + 1 λ .

(d) The most probable positions for finding the particle are where Ψ ( x, t ) ∝ (1 + cos 2kx )
reaches its maximum. Thus cos 2kx = 1, or

 2π 
2kx = 2   = 2nπ, ( n = 0, 1, 2, 3,K )
 λ 

We solve for x and find x = nλ .

63. If the momentum is measured at the same time as the position, then

η 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
∆p ≈ = = 2.1 × 10−24 kg ⋅ m s .
∆x 2 π 50 pm b g
64. (a) Using the value hc = 1240nm ⋅ eV , we have

hc 1240 nm ⋅ eV
E= = = 124 keV .
λ 10.0 × 10−3 nm

(b) The kinetic energy gained by the electron is equal to the energy decrease of the

 hc  1 1   hc   ∆λ  E
∆E = ∆   = hc  −  =   =
 λ   λ λ + ∆λ   λ   λ + ∆λ  1 + λ/∆λ
E 124keV
= λ
= 10.0pm
1+ 1+
λC (1−cosφ ) ( 2.43pm )(1−cos180°)
= 40.5keV.

(c) It is impossible to “view” an atomic electron with such a high-energy photon, because
with the energy imparted to the electron the photon would have knocked the electron out
of its orbit.

65. We use the uncertainty relationship ∆x∆p ≥ η . Letting ∆x = λ, the de Broglie

wavelength, we solve for the minimum uncertainty in p:

η h p
∆p = = =
∆x 2 πλ 2 π

where the de Broglie relationship p = h/λ is used. We use 1/2π = 0.080 to obtain ∆p =
0.080p. We would expect the measured value of the momentum to lie between 0.92p and
1.08p. Measured values of zero, 0.5p, and 2p would all be surprising.

66. (a) The rate at which incident protons arrive at the barrier is

n = 1.0 kA 1.60 ×10−19 C = 6.25 ×1021 s .

Letting nTt = 1, we find the waiting time t:

1514 CHAPTER 38

1  8π2 m p (U b − E ) 
t = ( nT ) = exp  2 L

n  h2 
 
 1   2π ( 0.70nm ) 
=  exp  8 ( 938MeV )( 6.0eV − 5.0eV ) 
 6.25 ×10 s   1240eV ⋅ nm

= 3.37 × 10 s ≈ 10 y,
111 104

which is much longer than the age of the universe.

(b) Replacing the mass of the proton with that of the electron, we obtain the
corresponding waiting time for an electron:

1  8π2 me (U b − E ) 
t = ( nT ) = exp  2 L

n  h2 
 1   2π ( 0.70nm ) 
=  exp  8 ( 0.511MeV )( 6.0eV − 5.0eV ) 
 6.25 ×10 s   1240eV ⋅ nm

= 2.1× 10 s.

The enormous difference between the two waiting times is the result of the difference
between the masses of the two kinds of particles.

67. (a) If m is the mass of the particle and E is its energy, then the transmission
coefficient for a barrier of height Ub and width L is given by

T = e−2bL ,
8π2 m (U b − E )
b= .

If the change ∆Ub in Ub is small (as it is), the change in the transmission coefficient is
given by
dT db
∆T = ∆U b = −2 LT ∆U b .
dU b dU b

db 1 8π2 m 1 8π2 m (U b − E ) b
= = = .
dU b 2 U b − E h 2
2 (U b − E ) h 2
2 (U b − E )


∆U b
∆T = − LTb .
Ub − E

For the data of Sample Problem 38-7, 2bL = 10.0, so bL = 5.0 and

= −bL
∆U b
= − ( 5.0 )
( 0.010 )( 6.8eV ) = −0.20 .
T Ub − E 6.8eV − 5.1eV

There is a 20% decrease in the transmission coefficient.

(b) The change in the transmission coefficient is given by

∆T = ∆L = −2be−2bL ∆L = −2bT ∆L
= −2b∆L = −2 ( 6.67 ×109 m −1 ) ( 0.010 ) ( 750 × 10−12 m ) = −0.10 .

There is a 10% decrease in the transmission coefficient.

(c) The change in the transmission coefficient is given by

dT db db
∆T = ∆E = −2 Le −2bL ∆E = −2 LT ∆E .
dE dE dE

Now, db dE = − db dU b = −b 2 (U b − E ) , so

= bL
= ( 5.0 )
( 0.010 )( 5.1eV ) = 0.15 .
T Ub − E 6.8eV − 5.1eV

There is a 15% increase in the transmission coefficient.

68. With
 8π2 m (U b − E ) 
T ≈ e −2bL = exp  −2 L ,
 h2 
 
we have
1  h ln T 
1  (1240eV ⋅ nm )( ln 0.001) 
E = Ub −   = 6.0eV −  
2m  4π L  2 ( 0.511MeV )  4π ( 0.70nm ) 
= 5.1eV.
1516 CHAPTER 38

69. (a) The transmission coefficient T for a particle of mass m and energy E that is
incident on a barrier of height Ub and width L is given by

T = e−2bL ,
8π2 m (U b − E )
b= .

For the proton, we have

8π2 (1.6726 ×10−27 kg ) (10MeV − 3.0MeV ) (1.6022 ×10−13 J MeV )

( 6.6261×10 J ⋅s)
−34 2

= 5.8082 ×1014 m −1.

This gives bL = ( 5.8082 ×1014 m −1 )(10 × 10−15 m ) = 5.8082, and

T = e −2(5.8082) = 9.02 ×10−6 .

The value of b was computed to a greater number of significant digits than usual because
an exponential is quite sensitive to the value of the exponent.

(b) Mechanical energy is conserved. Before the proton reaches the barrier, it has a kinetic
energy of 3.0 MeV and a potential energy of zero. After passing through the barrier, the
proton again has a potential energy of zero, thus a kinetic energy of 3.0 MeV.

(c) Energy is also conserved for the reflection process. After reflection, the proton has a
potential energy of zero, and thus a kinetic energy of 3.0 MeV.

(d) The mass of a deuteron is 2.0141 u = 3.3454 × 10–27 kg, so

8π2 ( 3.3454 ×10−27 kg ) (10MeV − 3.0MeV ) (1.6022 ×10−13 J MeV )

( 6.6261×10 J ⋅s)
−34 2

= 8.2143×1014 m −1 .

This gives bL = ( 8.2143 ×1014 m −1 )(10 ×10−15 m ) = 8.2143, and

T = e−2(8.2143) = 7.33 ×10−8 .

(e) As in the case of a proton, mechanical energy is conserved. Before the deuteron
reaches the barrier, it has a kinetic energy of 3.0 MeV and a potential energy of zero.

After passing through the barrier, the deuteron again has a potential energy of zero, thus a
kinetic energy of 3.0 MeV.

(f) Energy is also conserved for the reflection process. After reflection, the deuteron has a
potential energy of zero, and thus a kinetic energy of 3.0 MeV.

70. (a) We calculate frequencies from the wavelengths (expressed in SI units) using Eq.
38-1. Our plot of the points and the line which gives the least squares fit to the data is
shown below. The vertical axis is in volts and the horizontal axis, when multiplied by
1014, gives the frequencies in Hertz.

From our least squares fit procedure, we determine the slope to be 4.14 × 10–15 V·s,
which, upon multiplying by e, gives 4.14 × 10–15 eV·s. The result is in very good
agreement with the value given in Eq. 38-3.

(b) Our least squares fit procedure can also determine the y-intercept for that line. The y-
intercept is the negative of the photoelectric work function. In this way, we find Φ =
2.31 eV.

71. We rewrite Eq. 38-9 as

h h v
− cos φ = cosθ ,
mλ mλ ' 1 − ( v / c) 2
and Eq. 38-10 as
h v
sin φ = sin θ .
mλ' 1 − ( v / c) 2

We square both equations and add up the two sides:

 1 1 2
 1  
   − cos φ  +  sin φ   = ,
 λ λ '   λ'   1 − (v / c)
1518 CHAPTER 38

where we use sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1 to eliminate θ. Now the right-hand side can be written as

v2 L
= −c2 1 −
1 − ( v / c) 2
N 1 − ( v / c) 2 Q
1 F
I F1 I O+ 1 .
− cos φ J + Gsin φ JP
1 1
2 2

1 − ( v / c) 2
Hλ λ' K Hλ' KP
mc Q
Now we rewrite Eq. 38-8 as

h 1 1 F
G IJ 1

mc λ λ '
1 − ( v / c) 2

If we square this, then it can be directly compared with the previous equation we obtained
for [1 – (v/c)2]–1. This yields

 h 1 1    h 
2 2
 1 1 2
 1  

 mc  λ − λ′  + 1 =  mc   − cos φ  +  sin φ   + 1 .
       λ λ′   λ′  

We have so far eliminated θ and v. Working out the squares on both sides and noting that
sin2 φ + cos2 φ = 1, we get

λ '− λ = ∆λ = (1 − cos φ ) .

72. (a) The average kinetic energy is

c hb g
. × 10−23 J / K 300 K = 6.21 × 10−21 J = 3.88 × 10−2 eV.
kT = 138

(b) The de Broglie wavelength is

h 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = = 1.46 × 10−10 m.
2mn K 2 (1.675 × 10 kg )( 6.21× 10 J )
−27 −21

73. (a) The average de Broglie wavelength is


h h h hc
λ avg = = = =
pavg 2mKavg 2m 3kT / 2 b g c h
2 mc 2 kT
1240 eV ⋅ nm
bgb gc
3 4 938 MeV 8.62 × 10−5 eV / K 300 K hb g
= 7.3 × 10−11 m = 73pm.

(b) The average separation is

d avg
= 3 =
= 3
(1.38 ×10 −23
J/K ) ( 300K )
= 3.4nm.
n 3 p / kT 1.01× 105 Pa

(c) Yes, since λ avg << d avg .

74. (a) Since

Eph = h/λ = 1240 eV·nm/680 nm = 1.82 eV < Φ = 2.28 eV,

there is no photoelectric emission.

(b) The cutoff wavelength is the longest wavelength of photons which will cause
photoelectric emission. In sodium, this is given by

Eph = hc/λmax = Φ,
λmax = hc/Φ = (1240 eV·nm)/2.28 eV = 544 nm.

(c) This corresponds to the color green.

75. Using the value hc = 1240eV ⋅ nm , we obtain

hc 1240 eV ⋅ nm
E= = = 5.9 × 10−6 eV = 5.9 µeV.
λ 21 × 10 nm

76. We substitute the classical relationship between momentum p and velocity v, v = p/m
into the classical definition of kinetic energy, K = 21 mv 2 to obtain K = p2/2m. Here m is
the mass of an electron. Thus p = 2mK . The relationship between the momentum and
the de Broglie wavelength λ is λ = h/p, where h is the Planck constant. Thus,

λ= .

If K is given in electron volts, then

1520 CHAPTER 38

6.626 × 10 −34 J ⋅ s 1226

. × 10−9 m ⋅ eV1/2
λ= =
2(9.109 × 10−31 kg)(1.602 × 10−19 J / eV) K K
. nm ⋅ eV1/2
= .

77. The de Broglie wavelength for the bullet is

h h 6.63 × 10−34 J.s

λ= = = . × 10−35 m .
= 17
p mv (40 × 10−3 kg)(1000 m / s)

78. (a) Since px = p y = 0, ∆px = ∆p y = 0 . Thus from Eq. 38-20 both ∆x and ∆y are
infinite. It is therefore impossible to assign a y or z coordinate to the position of an

(b) Since it is independent of y and z the wave function Ψ(x) should describe a plane
wave that extends infinitely in both the y and z directions. Also from Fig. 38-12 we see
that |Ψ(x)|2 extends infinitely along the x axis. Thus the matter wave described by Ψ(x)
extends throughout the entire three-dimensional space.

79. The uncertainty in the momentum is

∆p = m ∆v = (0.50 kg)(1.0 m/s) = 0.50 kg·m/s,

where ∆v is the uncertainty in the velocity. Solving the uncertainty relationship ∆x∆p ≥ η
for the minimum uncertainty in the coordinate x, we obtain

η 0.60 J ⋅ s
∆x = = = 019
∆p 2 π 0.50 kg ⋅ m s
. m.
80. The kinetic energy of the car of mass m moving at speed v is given by E = 21 mv 2 ,
while the potential barrier it has to tunnel through is Ub = mgh, where h = 24 m.
According to Eq. 38-21 and 38-22 the tunneling probability is given by T ≈ e−2bL , where

8π2 m (U b − E ) 8π2 m ( mgh − 12 mv 2 )

b= =
h2 h2
2π (1500kg )
6.63 ×10 −34
J ⋅s

( ) 1
2  9.8 m s ( 24m ) − ( 20 m s ) 

= 1.2 ×1038 m −1.

2bL = 2 (1.2 × 1038 m −1 ) ( 30m ) = 7.2 ×1039 .

One can see that T ≈ e −2bL is very small (essentially zero).

81. We note that

| eikx |2 = (eikx ) ∗ (eikx ) = e − ikx eikx = 1.

Referring to Eq. 38-14, we see therefore that |ψ |2 =| Ψ|2 .

82. From Sample Problem 38-4, we have

∆E ∆λ (h / mc)(1 − cos φ ) hf ′
= = = (1 − cos φ )
E λ + ∆λ λ′ mc 2

where we use the fact that λ + ∆λ = λ' = c/f '.

83. With no loss of generality, we assume the electron is initially at rest (which simply
means we are analyzing the collision from its initial rest frame). If the photon gave all its
momentum and energy to the (free) electron, then the momentum and the kinetic energy
of the electron would become
p = , K = hf ,

respectively. Plugging these expressions into Eq. 38-51 (with m referring to the mass of
the electron) leads to
( pc) 2 = K 2 + 2 Kmc 2
(hf ) 2 = (hf ) 2 + 2hfmc 2

which is clearly impossible, since the last term (2hfmc2) is not zero. We have shown that
considering total momentum and energy absorption of a photon by a free electron leads to
an inconsistency in the mathematics, and thus cannot be expected to happen in nature.

84. The difference between the electron-photon scattering process in this problem and the
one studied in the text (the Compton shift, see Eq. 38-11) is that the electron is in motion
relative with speed v to the laboratory frame. To utilize the result in Eq. 38-11, shift to a
new reference frame in which the electron is at rest before the scattering. Denote the
quantities measured in this new frame with a prime (' ), and apply Eq. 38-11 to yield

h 2h
∆λ' = λ '− λ '0 = (1 − cos π) = ,
me c me c
1522 CHAPTER 38

where we note that φ = π (since the photon is scattered back in the direction of incidence).
Now, from the Doppler shift formula (Eq. 38-25) the frequency f' 0 of the photon prior to
the scattering in the new reference frame satisfies

c 1+ β
f 0' = = f0 ,
λ '0 1− β

where β = v/c. Also, as we switch back from the new reference frame to the original one
after the scattering
1− β c 1− β
f = f′ = .
1 + β λ′ 1 + β

We solve the two Doppler-shift equations above for λ' and λ'0 and substitute the results
into the Compton shift formula for ∆λ':

1 1− β 1 1− β 2h
∆λ' = − = .
f 1 + β f 0 1 + β me c 2

Some simple algebra then leads to

F1 + 2h
E = hf = hf G
1+ β I .

H mc 0
1− β JK

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