Department of Fixed Prosthodontics: (Only One Answer Is Allowed)
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics: (Only One Answer Is Allowed)
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics: (Only One Answer Is Allowed)
5- ¾ Crown is :
b) Upper 6
c) Lower 7
d) Upper 7
7- ½ Crown :
a) Retained by mesial and distal grooves
b) Retained by buccal and lingual grooves
c) Made for esthetic reasons
d) Nonee of the above
8- Pinledge retainer:
b) Diverging opposing walls
c) Converging opposing walls
d) None of the above
16- Roundation of axial line angles serves to:
a) Removal of triangular undercuts
b) Providing continuous finisl line
c) Establishing path of insertion
d) All of the above
17- In ¾ crown, the lingual wall of the groove could be:
a) Converge with the lingual wall of the preparation
b) Converge with the buccal wall of the groove
c) Diverge with the lingual wall of the preparation
d) All of the above
18- In ¾ crown, the relation of the axial walls of the 2 grooves could be:
a) Parallel to each other
b) Converging
c) Diverging
d) A Or B
19- In pinledge restoration, the alignment of the pins should be:
a) Parallel to the frontal plane
b) Parallel to the medial Sagital plane
c) Parallel to each other
d) All of the above
20- The resistance area of the preparation is;
a) The tooth structure lying inside the tipping path.
b) The tooth structure lying outside the tipping path.
c) The tooth structure lying outside the path insertion.
d) The tooth structure lying inside the path insertion.
21-A bridge where it derives its support from an abutment remote from the
edentulous area.
a) Fixed-fixed bridge.
b) Fixed- support bridge
c) Fixed-support bridge.
d) Spring cantilever bridge.
22) In complete cast metal crown, patients commonly unlike (unhappy) with :
a) Poor retention.0
b) Bad esthetics.
c) Low strength.
d) None of the above.
23- The quality of a preparation that prevents the removal of the restoration
along its path of insertion or long axis i.e. resisting vertical forces in centric
a) Resistance form.
b) Resistance to deformation.
c) Rotational resistance.
d) Retention form.
24- In order to provide minimal acceptable height which allows tooth structure
to resist horizontal forces, occlusal reduction should not exceed:
a) 1 mm
b) 1.5mm
c) ½ occlusogingival height
d) 1/3 occlusogingival height
a) V-shaped groove.
b) U-shaped groove.
c) Box shaped groove.
d) A &C.
32- The most conservative finish line of the following is:
a) Shoulder with bevel
b) Chamfer
c) Heavy chamfer
d) Feather edge
33- Finish line that permits burnishing of margins of metal crowns:
a) Chamfer
b) Shoulder
c) Bevel
d) Heavy chamfer.
34- Fear of leaving unsupported enamel lip is encountered with ………. finish line:
a) Bevel
b) Shoulder with bevel
c) Sloped shoulder
d) Chamfer
a) Better esthetics
b) Ease of preparation
c) Better handling for soft tissues
d) All of the above
36- Shoulder with bevel finish line has the following advantages except:
a) Chamfer
b) Shoulder
c) Heavy chamfer
d) Shoulder with bevel
a) Chamfer
b) Feather edge
c) Chisel
d) None of the above
20. line of insertion denotes a parralism between the opposing axial surfaces
( T ).
21. In partial coverage restoration the longer the axial groove, the less the
retention. ( F )
22. Placing the grooves in reverse 3/4 crown more buccally will give enough
tooth structure lingual to the groove that will resist the displacing force
( F ).
23. Placing the grooves in 3/4 crown more buccally will give enough tooth
structure lingual to the groove that will resist the displacing force ( T ).
24. Converging angles of 2 opposing surfaces within limits where the
restoration could be precisely seated on the prepared tooth denote Line of
insertion (F ).
25. Buccal and lingual walls of the groove should converge occlusally with
angle of convergence 2 – 5 degrees ( F ).
26. In ¾ crowns, axial grooves are on mesial and distal surfaces ( T ).
27. In 1/2 crowns, axial grooves are on mesial and distal surfaces ( F ).
28. In macboyel retainer, axial grooves are on mesial and distal surfaces ( F
29. Lingual wall of the groove and lingual surface of the tooth should diverge
occlusally ( F ) .
30. In case of pin ledge preparation, there are 2 ledges and 2pinholes.( F ).
31. Parallesim between the pinholes and the incisal 2/3 of the labial surface
of anterior teeth is required ( T ).
32. Parallesim between the pinholes and the sagittal plane is not indicated to
obtain line of insertion. ( F ).
33. Occlusogingival height is inversely proportion with the retention and
resistance of the crowns. ( F ).
34. Converging angles of 2 opposing surfaces inversely proportion with the
retention and resistance of the crowns. ( T ).
35. The larger the amount of tooth structure outside the tipping path, the
more the crown will resist displacing forces. (T )
36. The length of the groove is inversely proportional to the retention of the
restoration ( F ).
37. Placing the groove in partial coverage restoration at the middle of the
tooth aids in the resistance of the restoration to the displacing force ( F )
38. V-shaped groove is the best type of grooves regarding resistance.(F ).
39. Buccal wall of the groove should converge with the lingual wall of the
groove to provide a range of insertion. ( F ) .
40. The path of withdrawal should not coincide with the long axis of the
tooth .( F ).
41. Extension of the outline form of the preparation to protect tooth
structure from possible fracture under occlusal forces is required. ( T
42. If tipping path of extra coronal restoration pass into tooth structure
(shallow cavity)Minimal extension of the cavity preparation of the intra
coronal restoration is required. ( T ).
43. Among of all types of grooves , Box shaped groove are the most
conservative . ( F )
44. Among of all types of grooves , Box shaped groove are the most
conservative . ( F ).
45. Occluso-gingival height of prepared teeth affects resistance and retention
( T ).
46. Resistance to displacement will increase if more sound tooth structure is
present inside the tipping path.( F ).
47.The complete cast metal crown is indicated for badly damaged posterior
teeth by caries or trauma. (T )
48. The complete cast metal crown is indicated for endodontically treated
49.The complete cast metal crown is indicated to support a removable partial
denture. ( T )
50. Occlusal reduction must allow adequate room for the restorative material from
which, the crown is to be fabricated.( T )
51. electric vitality testing cannot be performed for an abutment tooth restored by
complete cast metal crown .( T )
1. Roundation of axial line angles is mandatory.
ANS 1) to remove triangular undercut
2) caring cervical finish line into gingival cervice and obtaining continuity of finish line
3)to form proper path of insertion
2. Using tapered stone with round end during preparation of full metal restorations.
ANS to make chamfer finish line which provides space for adequate bulk of material
3. Using tapered stone with flat end during preparation of all-ceramic restorations.
ANS to make shoulder finish line which provide space for bulk of porcelain and to
reduce stress
4. The grooves in a partial coverage restoration is placed more buccal whenever
ANS to give enough tooth structure lingual to the groove that will resist displacing
5. Sub-gingival finish line is recommended in certain situation.
ANS A) for esthetic reasons
B)FOR Biological reasons
1)high caries index and bad oral hygiene
2) dental caries
3)cervical erosion
4) restorations extending subgingival
5) proximal contact area extend to gingival crest
C ) mechanical reasons
1) inadequate occluso_gingival height
2) additional retention
within its rang the retainers of fixed fixed bridge could be precisely
seated on abutments
4. Tipping path.
it is path through which the restoration tend to displacement under
displacing occlusal forces
1. Types of crowns. Types of bridges.
2. Types of crowns.
3. Types of bridges.
4. Crowns retained by grooves.
1)1/2 crown
2) 3/4 crown
3) reverse 3/4 crown
4) Macboyl crown
5) 7/8 crown