Final C2 Fall 2017 2
Final C2 Fall 2017 2
Final C2 Fall 2017 2
e) a & c.
d) a & b
e) a & c
30. The most suitable artificial teeth for flat ridge cases is
a) Zero degree teeth.
b) Anatomic teeth
c) Semi anatomic
d) 33 degree cusp angle teeth
31. Reason for the difficulty of cases with gross undercuts and large tuberosities during
complete denture construction is
a) Retention will be reduced
b) Stability will be reduced
c) Loss of peripheral seal
d) All of the above
e) a & c
32. Treatment of cases with gross undercuts and Large tuberositiesfor complete denture
construction are.
a) Careful blocking out of the undercut areas on the model.
b) Alveoloplasty to reduce the undercut.
c) Soft liners may also be used to engage the undercuts.
d) All of the above
e) a & c
33. Treatment of cases with knife-like lower ridge
a) Relief
b) Resilient lining
c) Alveoloplasty.
d) All of the above
e) a & c
34. A cause for denture dislodgement when opening the mouth is:
a) Well denture border extension.
b) Adequate tongue space.
c) Good peripheral seal.
d) Adequate amount and consistency of saliva.
e) Tight lips.
Sinai University
Faculty of Dentistry
Removable Prosthodontics Department
35. The most suitable teeth material used in single denture opposing natural teeth is
a) Porcelain teeth.
b) IPN resin teeth.
c) Acrylic resin Teeth.
d) All of the above.
41. Which of the following should be treated by using a tissue conditioning material?
a) Immediate denture.
b) Maxillary single denture.
c) Irregular absorption.
d) All of the above
e) a &c
47. For overcome the excessive load from the natural teeth to the single denture we should
a) Maximum base extension within functional anatomical limits
b) Balancing occlusion.
c) Avoid broad inclined planes.
d) All of the above.
e) a & c
48. In single mandibular denture made to occlude against natural maxillary teeth some
consideration should be given
a) Using a resilient liner in the mandibular denture.
b) Over denture tooth supported or implant supported can be used.
c) Using porcelain teeth.
d) All of the above.
e) a & b
49. Repeated midline fracture of the upper denture may be caused by
a) Alveolar bone resorption
b) Presence of torus, palatinus.
c) Teeth outside the ridge.
d) All of the above
e) a & b
50. Treatment of repeated midline fracture of the upper denture cussed by presence of
torus, palatinuscan be done by
a) Surgical interference
b) Sufficient relief in the midline.
c) acrylic plate.
d) All of the above.
e) a & b
51. The impression technique for flabby ridge (Abuse Tissues) is
a) Selective impression technique.
Sinai University
Faculty of Dentistry
Removable Prosthodontics Department
b) False.
Good luck
Dr. Yasser Baraka