Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program Document Number: GS-PRG-002 Revision: NEW Date Approved: 08/24/2017
Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program Document Number: GS-PRG-002 Revision: NEW Date Approved: 08/24/2017
Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program Document Number: GS-PRG-002 Revision: NEW Date Approved: 08/24/2017
There are times when it may be necessary to disable a fire protection system. The purpose of this policy is to
properly manage the risks associated with impairing a fire protection system. Environment Health & Safety has
established impairment procedures that shall be followed whenever a fire protection system is taken out of
This program will outline specific measures to be taken during fire protection impairment to ensure that
increased risks are minimal and duration of the impairment is limited.
This program applies to all University of Wisconsin – Madison employees, outside contractors and their
representatives, any company representative hired by the University of Wisconsin – Madison to provide service,
or any other outside trade worker who will be working at or within a University of Wisconsin – Madison
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is an organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the
requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation or a procedure.
Fire Protection System is a fire sprinkler system, fire standpipe system, underground fire service main, fire
pump, water spray fire suppression system, carbon dioxide fire suppression system, halogenated fire
suppression system, wet chemical fire suppression system, FM-200 fire suppression system, a special
extinguishing fire suppression system, dry chemical fire suppression system, or a fire alarm system.
Fire Watch is a temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systematic surveillance of a building or
portion thereof by one or more qualified individuals for the purpose of identifying and controlling fire hazards,
Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program
Document Number: GS-PRG-002
Revision: NEW
Date Approved: 08/24/2017
detecting early signs of unwanted fire, raising an alarm of fire and notifying the fire department. Person(s)
doing the fire watch shall not be assigned any other task.
Impairment Coordinator (IC) is the person who manages the impairment while the system work is being
performed and has overall responsibility for proper implementation of the fire protection impairment program.
Normal business hours are Monday through Friday from 7:45 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., excluding University
approved holidays.
Off business hours are all other times not defined as Normal Business Hours.
Impairment Coordinator. The International Fire Code (IFC) requires the assignment of an impairment
coordinator by the property owner. The impairment coordinator for UW-Madison is John Rindfleisch (608)-
598-0052 from Environment Health & Safety. The impairment coordinator:
University of Wisconsin-Madison Employees. UW employees fall within the requirements and need to
follow the instructions outlined within this impairment policy. If deviation of this policy is needed, a call to
EH&S is needed to discuss alternatives.
Outside Contractors. Any contracted person or organization shall follow the instructions outlined within this
impairment policy. If deviation of this policy is needed, a call to EH&S is needed to discuss alterations.
When a fire protection system is impaired (i.e. taken out of service), EH&S, UWPD dispatch, and MFD shall be
notified immediately and, where required, the building shall either be evacuated or an approved fire watch shall
be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the impairment until the fire protection system has been
returned to normal service.
During any impairment, Hot Work is prohibited, including cutting and welding. If Hot Work is essential to
complete the work, a procedure must be discussed and agreed upon in advance with EH&S.
Pre-Planned Impairment
Determine the expected length and duration of the impairment
Survey and inspect the area of the building that will be affected by the impairment
Consult with the facility manager about the area in question and potential inconveniences
Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program
Document Number: GS-PRG-002
Revision: NEW
Date Approved: 08/24/2017
Get approval from the impairment coordinator (IC) to allow the impairment to happen
Complete and submit a pre-impairment form https://ehs.wisc.edu/impairment-form/
Pre-Planned Impairment
Determine the expected length and duration of the impairment
Survey and inspect the area of the building that will be affected by the impairment
Consult with the facility manager about the area in question and potential inconveniences
Get approval from the impairment coordinator (IC) to allow the impairment to happen
Complete and submit a pre-impairment form https://ehs.wisc.edu/impairment-form/
Pre-Planned Impairment
Determine the expected length and duration of the impairment
Survey and inspect the area of the building that will be affected by the impairment
Consult with the facility manager about the area in question and potential inconveniences
Get approval from the impairment coordinator (IC) to allow the impairment to happen
Complete and submit a pre-impairment form https://ehs.wisc.edu/impairment-form/
Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program
Document Number: GS-PRG-002
Revision: NEW
Date Approved: 08/24/2017
A fire watch is utilized for a fire alarm or automatic fire protection system shutdown. A fire watch will be
comprised of individuals beyond normal staffing, assigned to walk the area affected. Fire watch personnel must
be trained in use of fire extinguishers. Fire watch personnel must only be tasked with the duties of fire watch.
Fire watchers shall be provided with at least one approved means of notification of the fire department and their
only duty shall be to perform constant patrols of the premises and keep watch for fires. Fire watchers shall
document their fire watches by using the fire watch log sheet (Appendix B for Impairment Fire Watch or
Appendix D for Hot Work Fire Watch).
Title: Fire Protection Impairment Program
Document Number: GS-PRG-002
Revision: NEW
Date Approved: 08/24/2017
9.0 DOCUMENT REVISION: Each time the document is revised, list the revisions in the table below.
This will always be the last section of the document.
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