SOP For RD Tank
SOP For RD Tank
SOP For RD Tank
Step1 : Fill the tank with electrolyte solution of (21 Litters of CuSO4 + 5 Litters of H2So4). Test the
Copper and acid gpl. (Maintain Cu 45-50gpl and acid 180-200gpl)
Step2 : Make sure the cell not overflow and the heater fully immersed in the solution before start the
circulation pump and heater.
Step3 : To avoid pump from run dry always keeps the pump operating synchronized with the
continuous circulation.
Step4 : Start the circulation pump and heater.
Step5 : Measure and record the electrolyte temperature using a thermometer and make sure the
running temperature is in between (50 to 65℃ ) throughout the refining process.
Anode Preparation
1. Prepare the Anode by drill to hole at the top of the anode as shown in the Figure 1.
Figure 1
2. Weigh each anode and record the initial weight of the anode once the anode is drilled.
3. Attach the anode to the hanger bar using either copper bar or copper wire.
4. Make sure the hanger bar is closely tight using bolt and nut and the hanging anode must
be in straight hanging position without tilting.
1. Clean the surface and make sure no dust or residue on the blank cathode.
2. Attach PP slot length of 110mm and 240 mm to the side and bottom of the blank
cathode respectively as shown in Figure 2.
PP Slot
Figure 2
3. Prepare gelatin solution (2g in 100ml distilled water) and coat on the blank cathode.
Step 8: Load the anode and cathode on positive and negative terminal of the busbar respectively.
Step 9: Prepare the dosing solution according to the number of anodes in 240ml DI water and start
first dosing (10ml) to the circulation. Prepare additive solution as per in table 1 and continue the
dosing process hour 10ml.
Number of Anodes 1 2 3 4
SPM 35(g)
SPM 17(g)
Table 1
Step 10:
Starting Rectifier
1. Keep the rectifier regulator at minimum and start the setting with constant current and
2. Start the rectifier main switch and the rectifier switch.
3. Start the rectifier extension box.
Step 11:
Current and Voltage Setting
1. Follow the current setting chart in table2 as per number of anode& cathode accordingly.
Remelt Anode
1. Wash the remelt anode in the cell. (washed water must be in the tank)
2. Dry the Remelt anode then weigh and record the final weight of the remelt anode without
hanger bar.
Step 13:
Filtration of Anode Sludge
1. Filter all the solution from the tank as well as the cell.
2. Weigh the wet sludge and seal the bag.
3. Measure volume of total solution after filtration and check for Cu and Acid gpl. And record
the same.
4. Send the sludge for drying.