Running Head: Religion and Theology 1
Running Head: Religion and Theology 1
Running Head: Religion and Theology 1
Health Care and Wellness Provider and Faith Diversity: Final Draft
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Health Care and Wellness Provider and Faith Diversity: Final Draft
Prime reality can be defined as the boundless, personal God show in the Holy Scriptures.
The world was created by God. The world was originally in order, with no sins or chaos,
but man has made the world chaotic and full of sins. The world is currently imperfect because of
sins that people are fond of, suffer, and die of. Thus, there is no peace on earth for anyway unless
A human being is a person created in the image and likeliness of God. A human being is
very special among other creatures and has a stable and unique mental capability. A human
being can think, reason, and act on their right senses. God created human beings to take care of
According to the concept of life after death, an individual who has repented their sins and
accepted that Jesus Christ is the savior will not perish but will lead an everlasting or eternal life.
Thus upon the death of a saved believer, their soul rises to meet the angels to the Kingdom of
God while the body returns to the dust. The soul or the spirit detaches from the human body at
death and stays separately until the day of resurrection or the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Since human beings are made in the likeness and image of God who is all-knowing, it is
Because God the creator has a good and perfect character and is against sinful acts, we
are guided by his rules and commandments that enable us to distinguish what is right or wrong.
Human history involves creation, fall, and redemption. God is sovereign and is the
controller of the earth and thus he has a plan to shape world events.
What are critical common components of the other faith and Christian Practices?
The other faith for this study is Buddhism, a religion that focuses on the elimination of
suffering for its believers and attaches all human sufferings to things such as earthly desires and
mundane attachments. Both Christianity and Buddhism rely on God’s intervention as part of
human healing. They both believe that God created human beings in His image and thus should
be praised and revered to acquire spiritual healing. Both religions worship and pray for healing
(Wallace, 2014). As Christians pray and worship in church when faced with various suffering or
sickness, they peg their and hope and expect blessings and healing from God. On the other hand,
the Buddhists present their sufferings and sicknesses to Medicine Buddha who is believed to heal
For the person receiving care, explain the connection between each faith's spiritual
For Christianity, God’s intervention is very significant in every aspect of life and healing
is not an exception. Christianity believes that human beings were created in the image of God
and that Jesus incarnated into a healed physical body, got resurrected, and gave out to his
disciples and the church the gifts of healing physical bodies. Biblically described as Jehovah-
Rapha, God provides spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental healing. Christianity is preaching
various doctrines such as that of multipurpose healing to help in completing the goal of healing
and that is what makes Christians believe that Christianity ultimately contributes to the wellbeing
of the believers (Bergamo & White, 2016). In this religion, the Holy Spirit gifts the church with
the power of healing. Christians seek healing through practices such as confessing their sins
since confession is an important way of preparing to heal. Asking for healing is also regarded as
a critical step in acquiring it. Healing requires that a believer must surrender to God’s purposes
The Catholic priest usually offers sacraments and blessings to the congregants as one of
the ways of healing and such a practice is very important especially in a case where there is a
threat of life or perceived risk. The church usually provides the “Last Rites” or certain
sacramental offerings requested by the sick. There is also confession and Holy Communion
which are provided by designated church officials are also some of the important spiritual
components of healing.
For Buddhism, healing is part of spiritual life. Through their “Path of Life”, Buddhists
provide prescribed ethical and spiritual wellbeing for everyone and encourage them to gain
wisdom and develop compassion in every aspect of life (Tang, 2015). Buddhism is based on the
idea that via spirituality, human health and wellbeing can be enhanced while suffering can be
reduced. For one to be healed, they must have faith in three distinct aspects of Buddhism which
include the Buddha, Dharma, and the Sangha. Similar to Christianity, Buddhism is condemning
actions or behaviors such as abortion or euthanasia due to the importance of the sanctity of life.
They believe that once an individual is in a state of suffering, they need healing. No one should
From my spiritual perspective on healing, I believe that human beings were created in the
likeliness and love of God and thus God is always in the receptive position to accept the human
requests for healing. I believe that God heals whoever has a stable faith in Him, who trusts in the
existence and occurrence of spiritual miracles and blessings from God. Faith and trust are the
ultimate precursors for healing. One needs to grow spiritually and in faith to be in a position of
receiving healing from God. Since Jesus came for the poor, the dejected and the sick, ones’
suffering requires strong faith in Christ to be relieved. People do suffer from betrayal, sin, loss,
or any form of abuse and thus end up suffering spiritually or physically. For one to get healed
spiritually, acceptance of the sin caused, repentance to God for forgiveness, and asking for
healing are some of the critical steps of acquiring healing. God accepts one with a clean heart
and heals them from their sufferings. People ought to confess their sins to God and since He is
just and faithful, he is capable of forgiving and cleansing them from their weird ways. To be
cleansed, one should begin with consistent praying and worshipping. Also, one ought to forgive
others to purge bitterness, strife, resentfulness, anger, guilt, or self-pity that may still affect their
suffering or wound and deter the possibility of complete healing. Thereafter, one should
bandage or protect their wound from outside forces that may slow the process of healing. Once
an individual heals spiritually, the outcomes include positively perceived body sensations,
positive emotions, positive attitudes, and increased well-being. The spiritual connection is
therefore the most important part of a human life that should be embraced to deal with life
How will your understanding of the diversity of faith expressions inform your philosophy
healthcare and wellness in various ways. Some patients usually demand that the health providers
be aware of their spiritual beliefs to enable them have full understanding of them and their
decision making. A physician can give hope, appropriate medical advice and alter treatment
according to cater the patient’s spiritual beliefs and that will aid faster recover or response to
treatment. I have realized that patients’ religious beliefs and practices significantly influence and
determine their health status as well as the effectiveness of the treatment process (McClimens et
al., 2014). Mostly, patient pegs their religious faith and beliefs on the effectiveness of treatment
methods. Therefore, the medical providers should be aware and acknowledge the significance of
such practices and beliefs to aid in quick alleviation of pain and general treatment or wellbeing
of the patients. For instance, Buddhist patients usually prefer vegetables and fruits as well as
fasting thus the medical provider must always ensure that they determine the patient situation
allow for timely healing. On the other hand, Christians who are fond of meeting priests while in
a health facility to strengthen their faith must be considered and their quest honored. Some
patients would prefer taking the Holy Communion or oil anointing while on treatment in the
hospital and thus should not ignore the chance. Due to its influence on health, spirituality should
be considered as significant part of a patient’s cultural identity and that will enable the caregivers
Bergamo, D., & White, D. (2016). Frequency of faith and spirituality discussion in health
McClimens, A., Brewster, J., & Lewis, R. (2014). Recognizing and respecting patients' cultural
diversity. Nursing Standard, 28(28).