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Negative Global Flows and Processes

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Chapter 10: Negative Global Flows and processes 4.

Ebola Virus- causes fatal illness to humans

Negative global flows: 5. Tropical diseases in Europe: also caused by

global warming because of the ability of disease
1. Dangerous Imports
bearing vectors from hot tropical areas to survive
2. Borderless Diseases
in europe
3. Crime
4. War
5. Terrorism
6. Corruption
Globalization refers to the increasing
DANGEROUS IMPORTS interconnectedness of the world with communication
and transport available across almost every country in
-Imports are goods from other countries the world. This has led to criminal activity occurring
bought for our country increasingly across borders. Some argues that
globalization has led to an increase in opportunities to
-e.g: ingredients from London, china etc to commit crime and a creation of neo types of crimes.
produce a desired product, medicines
pharmaceuticals coming from other countries CRIME
-Imports become dangerous when it causes  The sheer quantity of global or cross-border
harm to the consumers crime has increased in concert with the
growth of globalization
- The greater the use of global ingredients,  Drugs and terrorism are the tops list of
the greater the difficulty in ensuring that no global concern as far as crime is concerned.
contaminants find their way into finished products.  Clandestine trade in sophisticated
Further, when finished products include numerous weaponry and technology, endangered
species, pornographic materials, counterfeit
ingredients from many different locales throughout
products, guns, ivory, toxic waste, money,
the world, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to
people, stolen property and antiquities.
locate the source of the contamination.  The growth of global crime has been met ,
of course, by the growing importance of the
international component of policing and
-infectious disease agents that exhibit policy component of international relations.
 Crime is always a matter of social definition
global mobility
and social construction.
1. HIV AIDS - The spread of AIDS is closely linked o They need to be defined as such by
with globalization. AIDS travel from one region to large numbers of people.
o Very often, that which was at one
the other through human vectors.
time “normal” comes to be defined
2. Avian Flu- Disease caused by infection with birds as deviant.
which spreads globally and continue to mutate Example: cocaine

3. SARS- transmitted by close person to person

contact. Today we are experiencing a global
pandemic caused by SARS coronavirus which
affects our mobility.
MORAL ENTREPRENEURS  Asset forfeiture laws
 Checks and bans on drug related money
Individuals or group of individuals who come to
define an act as a moral outrage and lead a WHILE GLOBAL CRIME CONTROL HAS IMPROVED IN
campaign to have it defined as deviant and to have VARIOUS WAYS, THERE ARE ALSO VARIETY OF
it made illegal and therefore subject to legal DOWNSIDES ASSOCIATED WITH THESE EFFORTS
 Threat to democracy
Example: Drugs   Collateral damage
 Cocaine  Attention and money were too much
 Heroin devoted to international crime
 Methamphetamine
There is tendency to discuss crime and terrorism as
Structures that expedite the flow of illegal
distinct phenomena, but they overlap to some
products. They are efficient transit points (there
are no tariffs and there is minimal oversight over
most of these zones since goods do not officially Example: 
enter the country in which the zones exist) for all  Involvement of Taliban (linked to terrorist
sort of illegal (and legal) product moving organization Al-Qaeda) in Afghanistan in
throughout the world. poppy growing and the opium business.
 The Taliban has gotten involved in marble
THERE ARE SEVERAL ASPECTS OF CRIME, business in Afghanistan by demanding
ESPECIALLY AS IT RELATES TO DRUG, WHICH HELP (extorting) flat fees and taxes from quarry
UNSUCCESSFUL: Both crime and terrorism are global in character
and have been aided by various aspects of
 The crimes require limited and readily Globalization.
available resources.
 They need no particular expertise to Example: 
 They are easily concealed Both the operation of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda
 They are unlikely to be reported to and the global distribution of opium are aided by
authorities modern means of global transportation and
 They are those for which the consumer
demand is substantial, resilient and not
readily substituted for by alternative
 Objectively, terrorism can be defined as
activities or products.
actions that causes “deaths, serious body
US STYLE INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES: injuries and serious damage to public or
private property, places , facilities or other
 Creating specialized drug enforcement system” and are aimed at intimidating
agencies citizens, government or international
 Stationing law enforcement representative
abroad  Terrorism tends to be an idea that those in
power seek to impose on those who are not
 Enacting conspiracy statues
in power.
Example: US VS. AL-QAEDA  The numerous relations that exist among
different regions of the world means that a
      ISRAEL VS. HAMAS war is likely to involve others.


Example: Al-Qaeda and Irgun The 1991 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq led to a
coalition of armed forces led by the US that pushed
Irgun- Earlier terrorist organization whose efforts the Iraqi Army back across its border and liberated
are to oust the british and to foster the emergence Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
of Independent Israel.
 While earliest terrorist groups operated,  Kuwait- major oil producer
largely because they had little choice in and
around their home territory, today’s
terrorist groups are much freer to launch WILL GLOBALIZATION MAKES WAR LESS OR MORE
and more interested in launching attacks far LIKELY?
from home.
 Another distinguishing characteristic of  There are those who argue that increasing
today’s terrorist groups is their greatly economic bonds that accompany
enhanced ability to get their message globalization are likely to mean a reduction
across, often almost instantaneously to a in the likelihood of war.  That is, nation-
global audience. states are unlikely to sacrifice valuable
o Then: Controlled by International economic relationship by going to war with
media one another.
o Now: Self-produced videotapes  On the other hand, the economic gains of
war may seem so great that nations may be
Example: Zapatistas in Mexico are known more likely to engage in warfare.
for their use of internet to get their

NATO- North Atlantic Treaty organization

SEVERAL OTHER CHARACTERISTIC OF THE NEW  Formed in 1994 as a reaction against the
GLOBAL AGE THAT AID TODAY’S TERRORIST: growing threat of Soviet Union and its allies.
In response, the latter formed the WARSAW
 Global transportation system makes it Pact, that lasted only until 1991, NATO
easier for individual terrorist to move continues to exist.
around the world in order to plan and carry
out terrorist  26 nations in NATO
 More porous national border and the
growing inability of nations to control their
 One of the things that makes war today
 The reaction against globalization have
increasingly likely to be global is the
produced and solidified broad political
existence of advanced information and
alliances that are ready audiences for the
communication technologies (ICTs) such as
ideas and actions of terrorist
computers and satellites.
 Earlier forms tend to be narrowly
ideological. Today’s terrorism is based on INFORMATION WAR
broader appeals

 Information and information technology
increasingly permeating warfare in
developed countries

Example: smart missiles employed by US in second

Iraq war , required advanced information
technology so they could be targeted to hit very
minute and precise target with a high degree of

 It has already occurred, most notably in the

case of Estonia in mid 2007.
 1 war in cyber space.

 Possible cause: Estonians dismantled a

statue of WWII Russian soldier in a park in
the city of Tallin.

Denial of service- denies service to users by

clogging not only servers, but also routers that
directs traffic on the web.

The need to develop powerful “information

warfare program”



 Financial volatility and economic insecurity

 Job and income insecurity
 Health Insecurity
 Cultural Insecurity
 Personal Insecurity
 Environmental Insecurity
 Political and Community Insecurity

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