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Ch-9 RD Maths

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In earlierdasses, youmighthave come acrossvariouspattems of numbers like
1, 3, 5, 7, g,
o, -2, -4, -6, -g,
' 7, 4, 9, 76, 25,
These pattenp are generally as sequences. In this chapter, we intend to study a
particular type of sequences which are known as arithmetic progiessions.

As mentioned above that an arrangement of numbers of which one number is
designated as
the first, another as the second, another as the third and so on is known as a sequence.
Consider the following arrangement of numbers:
l, 8, 27, @, 125,
L1 2'
a_ 1
g' A'
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
In each of the above arrangements numbers_are arranged in a definite order according
some rule. In the first arrangement the numbers ar" cirbe" of natural numbers and in
second arrangement the numbers are reciprocals of natural numbers whereas in the
arrangement the numbers are even nafural number. Each of the above arrangements is a
sequence. Thus, we may define a sequence formally as follows:
DEFINITION A"sequmce is an arrangement of numbers in a itefinite order according
to some rule.
The various numbers occurring in a sequence are called its terms. We denote
the terms of a
sequen5g by av a2r as... etc. or.rr, r x3, ...etc. Here, the subscripts denote
2, the positions of the
terms. First number or the number at first place is called its fust term of the sequence
and is
denoted by ar. The nyyber at the second piace is called the second term and is denoted
by a2
aSdsoo-1.Ingeneral, thenumberat thezlhphceiscalled thezthtermof these!"""." i;
denoted by ar. Therth term is also called thi gmuat termof the sequence. "ilf
Forexample,2,4,6,8,1Q... is a sequence whose
first term is 2i.e., a1= 2; second term is 4i.e., a2= 4
thirdtermis 6i.e., a, = 5;fourthtermisSi.e., aq = g


and so on.
Similarly, 1,4,9,'1.6,25,... is a sequence such that'
At = 1, AZ = 4, A3 = 9, a4 = 1,6, AS = 23and SOOn.
Often, it is possible to express the rule which generates the various terms of a sequence in
terms of an algebraic formula. For example, consider the sequence of even natural numbers
i.e.,2,4,6,8,10, ..,.
4r = Firstterm = 2 = 2xL, az = Secondterm = 4 = 2x2
as = Thirdterm = 6 =2x3, a4= Fourthterm = 8=2x4
as = Fifth term = 10 = 2x5, a6 = sixth term = 12 = 2x 6
and so on.
It is evident from this that
, an = nth term = 2xn = 2n
[,et us now consider the sequence of squares of natural numbers i.e., 7,4,9,16,,25,....
a1 =l=12, a2={=12
A3 =) - 92, a4 =!$ = 42
Ag=?5=52, A5=36=62
and so on.
Itfollows from this that
Similarly, consider the sequence of odd natural numbers i.e.,1,3,5,7,9,'J.L, ...
We find that
ar =L -2x1 - 1, o2 = 3 = 2x2-1,
AS = 5 = 2x3 -1, aa =7 = 2x 4-7
and so on.
Ingeneral, atr = 2x n' 1 = 2n - 7.
Itfollows from the abore discussionthat a sequencecanbe described eitherbylistingits first
few terms till the rule for writing down the other terms becomes clear or, by writing the
algebraic formula for the rth term of the sequence.
a, = 2n,where z = 1r2r3r..-
Similarly, the sequence of odd natural numbers i.e.,1,,3,5,7,9, ....can be described as
an'= 2n - t, where n = 1,2,3,4,..,.

The sequenc
", ;, i, i,"' can be described as
an = l
rwhere n = 1r2,3r,..
The sequence1.,4,9, L6,... canbe described as
an = /l2 rwhere n = 1, 2, 3, 4,,..
In the above discussiory we have seen that a sequencecanbe describedbylisting'its firstfew
terms till the rule for writing down the other terms becomes clear. We can also describe a
sequencebywriting the algebraic formula forits zth termor general term.Insomecases, the

terms of the sequence do not follow some fixed pattem but they are gelerated by some
recursive relation.
Consider for instance, the sequence, L, 1,2,3,5,8,, ,,.
Al =7,42 =1
A3=2=1+1. =A1 *d2
AS=5=2+3 =Ag+44
At = 8= 3 + 5 = O4 *a, andsoon
an= an-t*an-2f.otn>2.
Thus, the above sequenceisde$ribed as

,.ar=|, I?=1 and4, =o.l..r+an=rfotalln>2. , ,

Let us now discuss some exampleg to illushate the applications of what we have discussed
so far.

'Niite the ftrst three terms in each of the sequene defixed by th;tefollowingi

(r] Wghave,ln=3n+.2
Putting n = l, 2,and 3, we get
,i, , .

4r =3x1+2=3+2=5,
az = 3x2+ 2= 6+2= 8,
as=3x3+2=9+2=11 , : i

Thus, the reqtiired first three terms of the sequence defined by an = 3tt:t2 are 5, 8; and 11.
(ii) Wehave, an =n2 +l
Putting n = 1,2, and3, we get

i 02=22+1 =4+1=5,
-i and, as=32*1=9*1=10.
Thus, the first three terms of the sequence defined by an - n2 + | arc2,5, and 10,

EXAMPLE 2 Write the first fioe terms of the sequore dfineil by an = (-1)4-l . 2't
': ':':
soLUTIoN Wehave, an=(l)n-r.2n
Puting n=l,2,3,4,and5,weget .

ar =(-1f-1 x 21 = (-1)o x2 = 2
a2=(l)2-1 x22 =(-1)1 x 4,=-4 r i ::r .,: i:::r. :,r,.i
as = (-f;s-t x 23 (-1)2 x8 =,8

aa = (7)a-r x24 = (-1)3 x 16 = -76

and, a, = (-1)s-1 x 25 = (-1)4 x 32 = 3?. :

EXAMPLE 3 A sequence is defined by an = n3 - 6n2 + Lbn - 5. Show that the ftrst three terms of
the sequence are zero and all other terms are positiae.

SOLUTION Wehave, an = tt3 - 6n2 +77n - 6

Puttingz =7,2,3,weget
c1 = (1)3.- - 6 = 1- 6+ 11 - 6 = 12- !2 = 0
5x12 + 11x1
a2=t' -6x* +11x2-6 = 8- 24+2.-5 =30-30 =0
and, d3 =33 -5x*+11x3 -6=/7-ba+ 3g-6=fit-50=0
Weobservethat a, = rr3 - 6n2 +17n-6 isacubicpolynomialinranditvanishesforn=1,
2, and3.Therefore,by factor theorem (n -7),(n-2)and (n-3) are factors of a'
ln this expression, if wesubstitute any value of n which is greater than 3, then each factor on
the RFIS is positive. Therefore,
an>0 forall n>3.
Hence, first three terms of the sequence are zero and all other terms are positive.

..-i., - = n(n-3)
WhatisTSthtermof thesequencedefineilW an
fl + 4

soLUTroN we have, o, =
n(n' -:)
Putting n = 18, we get

. 18+4 22 11
EXI\MPLE s Ifi a sequance be defined by
I at=3,ar=3an-r+l foralln>1.
Find the first four terms of the sequmce.
SOLUTION Wehave, at=3

Putti^g n = 2, 3,and 4, we get

and, aq,=3ag *1 = 3x31+ 1 = 94.
Hence, the first four terms of the sequence are 3, 1O 31 and 94.
* {* *.*i.l +* ,*,&r,iii}

rag Stibr-t.St,t,3,kjlt -iii *-: i':* ..*
r . !'!r: t'ril ***
os :iv:il 1 :

qn{@, t$";l*"ma$*,s** **-.*ff-JX --

end, .h e *rc*lga*-$#.#A* 1r, {iii '.g
5 $, g +.,**is p ;.:;.;-d:
rn@lr*s,-n'$f,ffifi-* * r nh.& rB {'ri} ss rr -T*i* --tu--;'; *, ,

Non,puilnE n=t,2,3ud,o* '- ':-=llj-i:

;. = .t. sll
,=.{]",q , i, .i = r.Si _; x : ..1f :* ie: ]-:
ftr: tVi)

& *g .*f = ;*nSg,* *?i;*l * ,,

-t-i {'*_^i_.. * rJ:.E':-o#q=}]
#,e*F*6g,,S,",t,,.iq.';Sq,*.i _

. * .*$'A "*,i
* *.b-= * do$.
et 3 ."
t u: $,..;#
*: {}*}


t..... s ao**

ffi q *(_t)*.lf
, &,*
*c, u$ii)r#u,A#'rt-# J*'* n i *i,
fi 1 u+ i d
2. Find the indicated terms in each of the following sequences whose nth terms are:' -

(ii) a, = ffi,-2
(i) an =.5n - 4i an and a15 a7 arrrd *s ' l

(iii) an =n(n-L)(n-2);asandas (iv) an =(n-1X2-nX3 +n); a1,a2,a3 .

(v) an = (1)nn; a3t a5, a6

3. Find the next five terms of each of the following sequenceii given by: '
(i) ar = l,an=an-r*2,n>-2 (ii) a, -a2--2,ar=att-l -3,n>2
(iii) ar =-l,an=%a-,n22 (iv) ar =4,an=4arr-1+g,i>1.'

1. (i) a, = 5,42 = 8,4s = 11, a4 = 14, as = L7

(ii) ar = -1,a2 = 0, o, =t,o, =?, as = 7


(iii) a1 = 3, d2 = 9, as = 27, a4 = 81, as = 243

(vi) ar =
-i,, = o,ds =L,on = n, ou =E
(vii) ar = 1', d2 = 3, a3 = 7, a4 = 13, as = 2l
(viii) a1 = 0, az = 3, a3 = 10, aa = 21, as = 35

ar = -6,a2 = Z,o, =
19o" 22
2- (i) arz = !i6, ars = 71 (n) az =
6, = g7
(iii) a5 = 60, aa = 3% (iv) ar = 0, a2 = 0, as = -12

3. (i) ar=3,ag=5,a4=7,as=g, a6=11 '

t 'l
(ii) a3 = -1,a4 = 4,as = -7,a0 = -10,h = 43

(ivl a, = 19, ag * 79, a4 = 319, as = 1T79, a6 = 5119

9.3 ARrTlrilETlC PROGRESSION (A.P.) : i

tnthissection, weshall discuss a particular typd bf sequences inwhicheach term, except the
first, progresses in a definite manner. Consider for instance, the following sequences
(i) 1,4,7,1o,L3,.... (ii) 12,7,2,-3,-8,...
(iii) -9, - 7, -5, -3, -?, 1,3, ....

In each of these sequences every term except the first is obtained by adding a fixed number
(positive or negative) to the preceding term. For gxample, in the sequence given in (i), each
term is obtained by adding 3 to the preceding term. In the sequence given in (ii) each term is -
5 more than the preceding term and in the sequence given in (iii) each term is obtained by
adding 2 to the preceding term
All these sequences are called arithmetic sequences or arithmetic progressions abbreviated
as A.P. Thus, we may define an arithmetic sequence as follows:
ARTTHMETTC PROGRESSION (A.P.) A sequence a1, a2, ae ... I ant ... is called an arithmetic
progression, if there exists a constant number d such that

frn = an--7 + d and so on'

The constant'd' is called the common difference of the A.P.

Thus,if the first term isa and the commondifference isd, then
a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, a + 4d,..,,.,,.....
is an arithmetic progression.
In other words, a sequence o1t a2t oy ...1 fr11t ...is called an arithmetic progression if the
difference of a term and the preceding term is always constant. This constant is called the
common difference of the A.P.
Thus, if a 1, a 21 a3 1 . i. r a 11 r... is an A.P. with common differe rtce' d', then,
' A4-AZ=d
An - An-l = d and SO On.
ILLUSTRATION 1 The sequence 1, 4, 7 , 10, 13, ... is an A.P. znhose first term is 1 and the common
difference is eEml to 3.
ILLUSTRATION2 Thesequence'1L,7,3,-l,...isanA.P.zohosefilrsttermisllandtlrccommon
diffcrence is equal to 4.

Itfollowsfromtheaboaediscussionthatthesequence a11a2,a3,...,a11,frn+.t,...isanA.P.with
common dffirence 'd' if and only if
An+'t = 1,2,3, 4,'..
- An = d fOr n
This suggests us the following algorithm to determine whether a sequence is an A.P. or not
whenwe aregivenanalgebraic formula forthe general term of the sequence. ,

STEPI Obtaina.-
STEP 1l Replace nby (n + 1) in a,,to gct ar+.1

In each of these sequences every term except the first is obtained by adding a fixed number
(positive or negative) to the preceding term. For gxample, in the sequence given in (i), each
term is obtained by adding 3 to the preceding term. In the sequence given in (ii) each term is -
5 more than the preceding term and in the sequence given in (iii) each term is obtained by
adding 2 to the preceding term
All these sequences are called arithmetic sequences or arithmetic progressions abbreviated
as A.P. Thus, we may define an arithmetic sequence as follows:
ARTTHMETTC PROGRESSION (A.P.) A sequence a1, a2, ae ... I ant ... is called an arithmetic
progression, if there exists a constant number d such that

frn = an--7 + d and so on'

The constant'd' is called the common difference of the A.P.

Thus,if the first term isa and the commondifference isd, then
a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, a + 4d,..,,.,,.....
is an arithmetic progression.
In other words, a sequence o1t a2t oy ...1 fr11t ...is called an arithmetic progression if the
difference of a term and the preceding term is always constant. This constant is called the
common difference of the A.P.
Thus, if a 1, a 21 a3 1 . i. r a 11 r... is an A.P. with common differe rtce' d', then,
' A4-AZ=d
An - An-l = d and SO On.
ILLUSTRATION 1 The sequence 1, 4, 7 , 10, 13, ... is an A.P. znhose first term is 1 and the common
difference is eEml to 3.
ILLUSTRATION2 Thesequence'1L,7,3,-l,...isanA.P.zohosefilrsttermisllandtlrccommon
diffcrence is equal to 4.

Itfollowsfromtheaboaediscussionthatthesequence a11a2,a3,...,a11,frn+.t,...isanA.P.with
common dffirence 'd' if and only if
An+'t = 1,2,3, 4,'..
- An = d fOr n
This suggests us the following algorithm to determine whether a sequence is an A.P. or not
whenwe aregivenanalgebraic formula forthe general term of the sequence. ,

STEPI Obtaina.-
STEP 1l Replace nby (n + 1) in a,,to gct ar+.1

STEP I Calculatean*r-an
sTEp IV Check the aalue of ar4 * an. lf an+l - an is indqendent of n, then the gioen sequutce is
an A.P. Otheruise it is not an A.P.

ILLUSTRATION 3 shawthatthesequmcedsnedby ao = 4n+5 isanA'P'Also'finditscommon

SOLUTION Wehave, a,, = 4tt + 5
Replacing n by (n + L), we get

Clearly, +t - an is independent of n and is equal to 4.

a n

So, the given sequence is an A.P. with common difference 4.

ILLUSTRATION 4 Show thnt the sequence defined by 4n = 2n2 + 7 is not an A.P.

SOLUTION We have, an = 2n2 + 7

Replacing nby (n + L) in an, we obtain

an+7 = 2(n +7)2 +'!' = 2n2 + 4n +

Now, an+t - an = (2n2 + 4n+3)*(2n2 +1) = 4n +2

Clearly, an +7 - 4,, is not independent of n and is therefore not constant.

So, the given sequence is not an A.P.

Show that a sequence is an A.P . if its nth term is a linear expression in n and in
sucha dffirence is equal to the coefficient of n.
case the common
SOLUTION Let there be a sequence whose n th term is a linear expression in n i.e.
. an = An + B, where A, B are constants.

:+ an+t = A(n +7) +B

an+1 - a,, = lA(n + 1) + Bl - lAn + Bl = A

Clearly, an+t -independentof n and is therefore a constant.
4,, is
So, the sequence is an A.P. with common difference A.
NOTE Readers may use the abooe statement as a standard result.
ILLUsTRATIoN 6 The nth term of a sequenca is 3n - 2. Is the sequence an A.P.?'lf so,find its 1.0th
,SOlUttOtl Wehave, f,n = 3n - 2.
Clearly, an is a linear expression in n. So, the given'sequence is an A.P. with common
difference 3.
Putting n = 10, we get
REMARK lt is eoident from the aboue examples that a sequeice is not an A.P. if its nth term is not a
linear expression in n.

EXAMPLE I Write an A.P. whosefirst'term is 1,0 and common difference is S.
SOLUTION We know that if a is the first term and d is the common difference, then the
arithmetic progression is
Here, a=l}andd=3.
arithmetic progression is 10,13,'!.6,79,22, ...
So, the
EXAMPLE 2 write an A.P. haoing 4 as the ftrst term and -3 as the commom dffirence.
SOLUTION The arithmetic progression with first terma and common difference d is given
i.e., each term is obtained by adding'd' to the preceding term.
Here, a=4andd=-3.
So, the arithmetic progression is
4, 4 + (-3), 4 + 2x (-3), 4+ 3 (-3), 4 + 4(*3),...
ot, 4,7, - 2, - 5, - 8,...
EXAIVIPLE 3 Write an A.P. whose first term and common dffirence are - L.25 and - 0.25 respec-
SOLUTION Here, a = -'1..25 and d = - 0.25
So, the arithmetic progression is
- 1.25 + (- 0.25), - 1,.25 + 2 (- 0.25), -
-L.?5, 1.25 + 3 (- 0.2S), ...
or, -L.?5,-L.fl,-1.75,-2,...
EXAMPLE4 For the following arithmetic progressions write the first term and common difference

(r) 15913 (ii)

5 1 49 _=_-___=_
_-_= 5 413 9 4
3 3 3'3 3 3'3 3 3
Clearly, the differencebetweena term and thepreceding terrn is sameand is equal to 4
; J

So, the given sequence is an A.P. with first term urra difference
] "o*-on f,.
(ii) Wehave,
.7 - 0.6 = 1.1,2.8 - L.7 = 1.1,3.9 - 2.8 = 1.1
so, the given sequence is an A.P. with first term 0.6 and common difference r..1.

EXAMPLE s In which of thefollowing situations, the sequenceformedwillform an A.P.?

(0 Number of students left in the school auditorium from the total strength of 1000 students athen
they leaoe the auditorium in batches of 25.
$) The amount of money in the accottnt eaery year uhen Rs 100 are deposited annudlly to
accumulate at cortrpoundinterest at 4"/o per annum.
SOLUTION (i) Weha{,e t
Total strength of students in the auditorium = 1000

Number of students left in the auditorium when first batch of 25 students leaves the
auditorium = 1000 - 25 = 975
Number of stud€nts left in the auditorium when second batch of 25 students leaves the
auditorium = 975 - 25 = 950
Number of students left in the auditorium when third batch of 25 students leaves the
audiotirum = 950 -2 = 925 and so on.
Thus, thenumber of students leftin the auditoriumat differentstage-s are
1000, 975, 950, 925, ....
Clearly, itis anA.P. with first term 1000 and commondifference-25.
(ii)We know that if P is the principal and f/o per annum is the rate of interest, compound
arurually, then the ainount A, at the end of r years is given by

4=Pl1+*rY ,
" l. looJ I

Here, P=Rs100andr=4.

A." = rry1( t+ j-)" 100 *( 2a\" 100 x (1.04),t

l. 100/ = (2s, =
Thus, the amount of money in the account at the end of different years is given by
Rs L00 x 1.04, Rs 100 x (1.04)2, Rs 100 x (1.04)3, ...
0r, Rs 1.04, Rs 108.16, Rs 112.48,...

Clead it is not forrning an A.P,

EXAMPLE o FindthecommondffirenceandwritethenextthreetetmsofttreA.P. g,-2,-7,-12,...
Second term - First term = - 2 - (3) = - 5
Third term - Second term = -7 - (-2) = -5
So, the given sequence is an A.P. with common difference - 5.
Since each term of an A.P. is obtained by adding common difference to the preceding term .

as = a4 + (-5) = -12 + (-5) = -tZ

a6 = as+ (-5) = -17 + (-5) = 12
and, a7 = a6+ (-5) = -22 + (-5) = -27

i 1. For the following arithmetic progressions write the first term a and the common
difference d:

(i) -5,- 1,3,7,...[NCERTI (iil

(iii) 0,3,0.55,0.80, 1.05, ...
(iv) J1.[, Jg.i,*5.1.,-7.7, ...
2. Write the arithmetic progression when first term a and common difference d are as
(i) a=4, d=-SINCERTI (i) a=-1,'2d=+ TNCERT]
(iii) a--t.5, d=-0.5

3. In which of the following situations, the sequence of numbers formed will form an A.P. ?
(i) The cost of digging a well for the first metle is Rs 150 and rises by Rs 20 for each
succeedingmetre. INCERTI
(ii) The amount of air present in the cylinder when a vacuum pump removes each time
;4 of theirremaininginthecylinder. INCERTI
4. Show that the sequence defined by o, = 5n - 7 is anA.P., find its common difference.
5. Show that the sequence defined by a,, = 3n2 - 5 is not an A.P.
6. Thegeneraltermof asequenceisgivenby an = -4n + 15. IsthesequenceanA.P.?If so,
find its 15th termand thecommondifference.
7. Find the common difference and write the next four terms of each of the following
arithmetic progressions :
(i) 1,-2,-5,-8,... (ii) 0,-3, -6,-9,...
(iii) -l,i,i,. (iv) - 5
6,- g,...
8. Provethatnomatterwhattherealnumbersaandbare,thesequencewithnthterma+nb
is always an A.P. What is the common difference?
9. Write the sequence with nth term:
(i) an=3+4n (ii) a, =5+2n (iii) ar=6-n (iv) a, =9-Sn
Show thatall of the above sequences form A.P.
10. Find out which of the following sequences are arithmetic progressions. For those which
arearithmetic progressions, find out the common difference.
(i) 3,6,12,24,... (ii) 0,-4,-9,-L2,...
(iii) ,,A,,6,8,... (iv) 12,2,-8,-18,...
(v) 3,3,3,3,...
(vi) p, p + 90, p + l8O, p + 270,...where p = (ggg)w
(vii) 1.0,'!..7,2.1,3.1,... (viii) -225,-425,-625,-825,...
(ix) 10, 10 + 25,10 + 26,'!.0 + 27,...
(x) a + b, (a + l) + b, (a + 1) + (b + 1), (a + 2) + (b + 1), (a + 2) + (b + 2),....
(xi) 12,32 ,s2,22,.... lxii) 12 ,s2 ,72 ,T2,.-.
11. Find the common difference of the A.P. and write the next two terms:
(0 51,59,67,75,... (ii) 75,67,59,51,...
(iii) 2.0,2.2,2.4,... (iv) 0.1 1I
' u'4'2'4""
(v) 1L9, 136, 753, 170, ...
12. The nh term of an A.P. is 6 n + 2. Find the common difference. TCBSE 20081


1. (i) a=-5,d=4 (ii) a= !,0=?

(iii) a=0.3,d=0.25 (iv) a--1.1,d=-2

2. (i) 4,r,-2,-s,-8,..., (ii) -1, -|,0,f,',t,...

(iii) -1.5, - 2, - 2.5, - 3,...
3. (D A.P (ii) DoesnotformanA.P.
I r',i

4. 5 5. -45,,- 4
7. (i) -3; as = -11, io = -!4, f,? = -17, aE = -20
(ii) -3; au = -12, au = -15, az = -78, ae = '21

(iii) on = T,o, = Z,o, = 4,az = T
(r.) U; = -6,h = t)
2,as -i,ae
at = - =
8. (r) b
9. (i) 7,17,75,19,... (ii) 7,g,11,'.1g,... (iii) 5, 4,g,2,1,0,-',!.u..
(lv) 4, -1,-6,-11,...
10. (0 No (ii) Yes, d=-4 (iii) No
(iv) d=-'.04
Yes, (v) Yes,d=0
(vi) Yes, d=90
(vii)Yes, d =0I (viii) Yes, d = -200 (ix) No
(x)Yes, d = 1 (xi) No (xii) Yes, d =24 :

11. (i) d=8,as--83,ar=91 (ii) d=4,a5='43,og=fi Tzt6'

(iii) d=O.2,as =2.6,na=2.8 (iv) d =ir* =1,o" =Z
(v) d = 17; au = L87, au = 294
In this sectiory we shall find the formula for the n th term or general term of an A.P. in terms of
its first term and the comrnon difference. The same will be used to solve someproblems on

THEOREM Let a be the ftrsn brm anil d be the common'diff*ehce of an A.P. Thrh',its nth term or
gmeral term is gfuienby
do=a+(n-l)d. :. ,,,
l-et a1, a2, as, ..., A
n,... be the given A.P. Then,
1 +OQI
, al =a
; +, a1=a+(t-l)d . ...(0
Sinceeash term of an A.P. is obtained by adding eommon difference,to the preceding term.
:: :. 'rA2 = A* d
* a2=a+(2-1)d . ,. ...(i,

=) a3=(a+d)+d
o3=a+(3-1)d ...(iii)
and, Aa=agtd
+ f,n = (a+21) + d
:+ o4=fi*3d
:+ a4=a+( -l)il ...(rv)
Observing the pattern in equation (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we find that
REMARK lt is aidmtfrom the aboae theorem that
Generaltermof anA.P. =Eirst term+ (Termnumber-1) x (Common dffircnce)
Le^t there be an A.P. with first term a and common difference d. If there are ru terms in the A.p.,
nth term from the end = (m _ n + l)th term the beginning
+ rthtermfromtheend = am_tt+l
:+ nthtermfromtheend = a+(m *n +1, -l)d
:+ rth term from the end = a + (m - n) d
Also, if I is the last term of the Ap., then nth term from the end is the n th term of an A.p.

nth term from the end = Last term + (n _ 1) (_d\ :

= zrthtermftomtheend = l-(n_1)d
ILLUSTRATION ind the 6ttt term A.p. 17! 14, 1,7,,..,, _ 40
F the enil of the
I = Last term = -40 and, d = Common difference
= -3
' 6thtermfromtheend = I - (6 - L) it =_40 _ 5x _3 _25

,EXAMPLE t Find the 1.2th, 24th and nth term of the A.p. giaen by g, 1i, L7, 21,.2s,...
SOLUTION We have, a= First term = 9
and, d=Commondifference=4 1...13- 9 = 4,77- 13 = 4,2-1,-12 = 4etc.l
We know that the n th term of an A.P. wi th first term a and common difference d is given by
a,, = a+(n-l)d i- '"1

a12 = a+(12-l)d
= a+1,1d = 9 + Llx4 = 53
a24 = a+(24-l)it
= a+23d =9+23x4 = 101
and, an=a+(n-1)d=9+(n-1)x4a4n+S ,:
Thus, we have
a12 = 531 azq = l}l,artda,, = 4n + S

EXAMrLE2 Sltowtlutthesequence 9,72,L5,78,...isanA.P.Findits16thtermandthegeneral

' (12-9) = (15 -12) = (18 - 15) = 3
Therefore, the given sequence is an A.P. with common difference 3.
a = First term = 9

l6thterm =at6=a+(76-1\d=a+Lil l':a,,=a+(n-l)d)

+ arc=9+15x3=54
General term= zthterm ; i + (rt'= 1) d
.:. an=9+(n-1)x3=3n+6
' EXAMrLEo Thefirsttermof anA.P.is-7 andthecommondffirurce5.FinditsTSthtermand'the
general term.

. a= Fitst term =-7and,d= Colnmondifference =5

at.=a+(18-1)d , l':a,=a+(n-l)dj
+ atl=a+17d=1+17x5=78
. and, a,r = a+(n -1)xS =
=) an=-7+5n-5=5n-72
EXAMPLE 4 Determine the L0th term from the end of the A.P. 4, g, 1'4, ..., 254,
I = Last term = 254 and, d = Common difference = 5.
lOthtermfromtheend = / - (10 -1rd = I -9d =ilr'--gxS = 2@
EXAMPLE s Which term of the sequence -1, 3, 7, 77, ... is 95 ?
SOEUTION Clearly, the given sequence is an A.P such that
c = First term =- 1 and, d = Common.difference = 4
Let95bethe rth termof the givenA.P. Then,
ar, = 95

+ n+(n-l)it=9S
'I -1'+(n-1)x4=95
; =9 -l+ 4n- 4=95
+ 4n-5=95 + 4n =1(X) + n=?5
Thus, 95 is 25th term of the given sequence.
EXAMPLE o Which term of the sequence 4, 9,'14, 79,... is 124 ?

SOLUTION Clearly, the given sequence is an A.P. with first term a (= 4) and common
difference d (= 5)
kt 124be the nth term of the given sequence: Theru
an = \24 + a + (n -1) il =124* 4+ (n - L)x 5 = 1 24 Stt - | = 124 * Stt =l?5 + n =25
Hence,25th term of the given sequence is124. .

EXAMPLE 7 Hou) many terms are there in the sequence 3,6, g), L2, ...,111?
sorurloN clearly, the given sequence is an A.p. with first term a = 3 and common
difference d = 3. Let therebe n termJin the given sequence. Thery
zth term = 111

:+,, 3+(n-1)x3=1L1=+ n=37

Thus, the given sequence contains 37 tetms, , i :l

EXAMPLE I Eor what oalue of n is the nth term of the

(j) 7,7,1.3,1"9,... follouting two A.p,s the same?
SOLUTION clearlyr'1,,7,13,79,... . formsanA.p.withfirstterm l andcommondifference5.
Therefore, its rtt' term is given by
41so,69,68,67,66, ... formsanA.P. withfirst term6gand commondifference-1. :r:
So,ibnth termisgivenby

on' = 69 + (n - l)x (-1) = -n +70

The two A.Ps will have identical ,rth terms, if
,i+ 6n-5=-n+70 ,, ., l

:+ 7n =75 ' '

' ,. a

75 which, is
1 = '-- , -.-,-,
+ not a natural number.
Hence, there is no value of n for which the two A.Ps will have identical terrns. i

EXAMPLE s If the 8th term of an A.P. is 31. and the 1"5th term is 1.6 more than the lLttt term,
SOLUTION Let a be the first term and d be the common difference o[the A"p..
. aB=31andars=16*an
:+, : a +Vd = 3landa +l4d = 16 +.a +10d :

=) n+7d=31 and.4d=L6 ' ': , ,

+ a+7d=3landd=4
:+ a+7x4=3L + a+213=31. + a- 3
Hence, theA.P. is A, a + d, a + 2d, a + M,...i.e., 3, 7,11,,15,1g,...
' EXAMPLE 10 Which term of the arithmetic progression 5, L5,25, ... wilt be 130 more than its 31s,
term? , iCnsrlbooct
SOLUTION Wehave,a=5andd=10 ,

Letrh termof thegivenA.P. be 130more thanits 31stterm. Then,
a+(n- 1)d = 130+305
+ 5+10(r-1)=4AS

=+ 10(n - 1) = 430
+ h-1= 43
+ n=M
Hence, 44th term of the given A.P. is 130 more than its 31st term
EXAMrLE 11 lf theTgmturmof anA.P.is52andTTthtermis20morethanthel3hterm,findthe
A.P. [cBsE2005cl
SOLUTION Leta be the first term and dbe the common diffurence of the A.P.
. ato = 52 and ar7 = arg+20
=+ n +9d = 52and a+16d = n +12d +20
=) a+9d = 52and 4d =20
+ a+9d= S2andd = 5
+ a+45=52andd=5
=+ a=7andd=S
Hence, theA.P. isa, a + d, a + fu|, a + U,...i.e.,7,72,77,22,,,.
EXAMPLE 12 ls 1.84 a term of the sequence 3, 7, 71, ...?
SOLUTION Clearly, the given sequence is an A.P. with first term a (= 3) and common
Let the nthtermof the givensequencebe 184. Then,
an =l&
=+ a*(n-l')d =L84 i

r+'' 3+(n-1)x4*184 + 4n=[fs=n=6) 4

Since r is not a natural.number. Sci, 184 is not a term of the given sequence.

EXAMrLE 13 Whichtermof thesequence 20, U

l, iff.f,, t 1,
... isthefirstnegativeterm?
SOLUTION The given sequence is an A.F.'in which'first terrn a (= 20) and common
differenced (=-3/4).ktthe zh term of the givenA.P. be the firstnegativeterm. Thery
flu 10

+ 20+(n-1)x(-3la)<0
j .83', 3z
+ 83-3r<0
+ 3n>83+n>ZZ?+n>213
3 [ '.' n is a natural number]
Thus, 28th term of the given sequence is the first negative term,
EXAMPLE 14 The 7Ah turm of an A.P. is 52 and l$ttr lsr* is 82. Finil the 32nd term and the

SOLUTION Leta be the first term and dbe the common

difference of the given A.p.
Let the A.P. be a1, &2, ag,,-, g1,...
ato = 52 and., ar, = 92
+ a+(10 -1)d =52 and, a +(16 _t)d.
+ a+9d=52
and, a+l}d=82 .. .(r)
Subhacting equation (ii) from equation (i), we get
Putting d = 5 in equation (i), we get
a+45 = 52=+ a=7
at2 = a+ (y2- tiS a = z+ 31 x S = lG2
and, a,t=a+(n-l\d=7*(n-l)x5= Sn+2. .

Hencg azz = 162 and. an = Sn + 2 :

The sum of sth and gtt' terms of an A.p. is 72 and the arn.g:#n:snd n Nr terms
?fff#i.;: is g7.
soLUTIoN Let a be the first term and d, be the common [cBsE 20ml
difference of th* e.p.
Itis given that
: +
.(a 4il) +(n +Bd) =72and,(a +6d)+(a +ttd) 97
Thus,wehave ' =
+ 2a+12d =72
:+ 2a+l7d=97
Subtracting (i) from (ii),weget ...(ii)
Putting 4 = 5 in(i),weget
,2a+@=72+2a=L2+ a=6
Hence., the A.P. is1,lli,l,6,Zl,26, ... :,i. ,

EXAMPIE 16 Determine t\ Senerat term of an A.P. whose 7th term is

soLUrIoN Ler a be the niit term and'J - 1 and L6tt, term 17.
i" uru o.u.
Let theA.P. be 41, a2, ag 1..., an r... "o**o,,;,fii",.!a"i"iiJ'ii,i!"
al = -l and, ar, = 17
=) a+(7 -l)d = -1 and, a +(16 _ l)d =lZ
=+ a+6d=-'L
and, a+llil=17
Subhacting equation (i) from equation (ii), we get
Putting d = 2 in equation (i), we get
a+72=_L=+ a=_lj
Hence, Generalterm =an=d+(n -1) d =_13+(r_1) x2=2n_lS

EXAMrLE 17 lffiae times the fifth term of an A.P. is equal to 8 times its eighth term, show that its
13t,, term is zero.
SSLUTI6N l,.et a1, a2, a3t..., a,t,... betheA.P.withitsfirsttermaandcommondifferenced.
It is given that
5a5 = 8at
=t 5(a + 4d) = 8(a +7d)
+ 5a+ZOd =8a+56d
+ 3a+36d=0
3(a+L?l\-- 0
+ a+!21=0 * a+(13-L)d=0+ a13=0
Hence, 13th term is zero'
EXAMpLE lE lf the mtn turm of an A.P. be Un and nth term be Um, then show that its
term is 7.
SOr-urrou Iet a and d be the first term and common difference respectively of the given A.P.
1 = rrtl, term + ! = a + (m - l) d ...(0
:i n n
I =rthterm + L = o + (n -l)it .. .(ii)
On subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i), we get
1 1 , m-/, 1

Putting d = ' in equation (i), we get
1 tu-l\ 1 .1 1 1

(mn)th terrt = a + (mn - it = L- * (*n- rl* =' l.; o =1= al
tnn tnn Lmnj
EXAMpLE 19 lf the ptn turm of an A.P . is q and the qttt term is p; prooe,that its nth term is
(p + q-d. [CBSE 2008]
A.P. Thery
slordtroN Let a be.the first term and d be the common difference of the given
pthtetm=q1a+(P-1)d=q ...(0
4thterm=P+ a+(4-L)d=P
Subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i), we get
Putting d = - 1. in equation (i), we get
a + (P -1) x(-1) = q + a = (P + q -1)
r th term = a + (n - l)d = (p + q - 1) + (n - 1) x (-1) = (p + q - n)
EXAMpLE 20 If m times the mth term of an A.P. is equal to n times its nth t*m" sbow that the
ti i ilfi**
oimo A.e. is zero. given
IcBsE 20081
A.P. Then,
SSLUTT9N L6t o b" the first term and d be the common diffeftince of the
(m timesrrhterm) = (r timesneterrr)
+ lnarn=nan

=) m{a+(.r,-l)d}=n{a+(n-L)dl
=) m{a+(m-l)dI-"{a+(n-t)d} = I
+ a(m-n)+ {m(m -1)*n(n - 1)}d = 0
+ a(m-n1+11m2 -n2)-@-fild =o
+ a(m-n)+(m-n)(m+n-l)d=0
+ (m-n){a+(m+n-1\d}=O
:+ a+(m+n-L)d =0 t'.' m * n)
':+ A^*, = A,
Hence, (m + n)r" term of the given A.P. is zero.
EXAMPLE 21 If pth, qth and rth terms of an A.P. are a,b, c respectktely, thm shaut that
(i) a(q -r)+b(r -p)+c(p-f)= 0 (ii) (a -b)r +(b-clp+@-a)q =o IHOTSI
SOLUTION (i) I-et A be the first term and D be the common difference of the given A.P. Then,
6 = pthterm:+ a = A+(p -l)'D ...(i)
b = Qhterm=+b = A+(q-l)D ...(i0
c = rth term+ c = A+(r -7)D ...(iii)
= {A + (p -t)DI@ - r) + {A+(q - 1)D}(r - p) + {A+ (r - 1) o}(p - q')
[Using (0, (ii) and (iii)]
= Al@ - - p)+ (p - a)) + D{(p -r)(q - r)+(q -11(r - p) + (r -tli./- - ql}
r) +(r
= A x 0 + D {p(q - r) + q (r - pl + r (p - ql - (q - rl - U - il - Q - il}
(ii) On subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i), equation (iii) from equation (ii) and
equation (i) from equation (iii), we get
a -b = (p - qlD,(b - c\ = (q- r)D and c - A = (r - p)D
(n-b)r +(b-c)p+(c- a)q
= (p - gD r + (q - r) D p + (r - p)Dq
= D {(p - ilr + (q - r)p + (r - p) q} =Dx.0 = 0
EXAMPLE 22 How many numbers of two digits are dioisibleby 7?
SOLUTION We observe that first two digit number divisible by 7 and98 is the lasi
14 is the
two digit number divisible by 7. Thus, we have to determine the number of terms in the
Clearly,itisanA.P.withfirstterm = l4andcommondifference =7i.e.a ='|4 and. d= 7.
kt there be r terms in this A.P. Then,
nth term = 98
+ '1,4+(n-l)x7 =98
+ l4+7n-7 = 98
+ 7n=9L:+ r=13
Hence, there are 13 numbers of trnro digits which are divisible by 7.

EXAMPLE 23 Find the number of integers between 50 and 500 which are diaisible by 7.
SOLUTION We observe that 56 is the first integer between 50 and 500 which is divisible by
7. Also, when we divide 500 by 7 the remainder is 3. Therefore, 500 - 3 = 497 is the largeit
integer divisible by 7 and lying between 50 and 500. Thus, we have to find the number of
terms in an A.P. with first term =56, last term=497 and commondifference=7(asthe
numbers are divisible by 7).
Let there be n terms in the A.P. Then,
ar, = 497

:+ a+(n-1)d = 497
=+ 55 + (n - 1)x7 = 497 l': a=56 and d=71
+ 7n+49 = 497
+ 7n=MB 1 n=64
Thus, there are 54 integers between 50 and 500 which are divisibleby 7.

Which term of the A.P. 3 , 75 , 27 , 39 ,. . will be 732 more than its 54th ferrz ? INCERT]

SOLUTION Given A.P. is 3,75,27,39,...

First term = 3 and, Common difference = 12.
Let zh term of the A.P. be 132 more than its 54th term
i.e., an = L32 + a54

+ a+(n-1)d =132+(a+53d)
+ 3+12(n - 1) = 132+ (3+ 53x12)
+ 1?n-9 =771
+ 12n=780 = n=65
Hence,65th term of the given A.P. is 132 more than its 54th term.
EXAMPLE 2s Two A.P's hnae the same common difference. The first term of one of these is 3, and
that of the other is 8. What is the difference betuseen their
(i) Zndterms? (ii) 4thterms? (iii) l1thterms? (iv\ 3\thterms?
SOLUTION Let the common difference of the two A.P's be d. Thery their nft terms are
an =3+(n- L)dandbn =8+(n-1)d
+ an-bn = [3+(n -L)9_-[8+(n -1)dl
:+ an-bn =-5 forallzeN.
Hence, az-bz - -5,at-ba = -Sia.,o -bto = -5and axn -bs = -g.
' EXAMPLE 26 Two A.P's haoe the same common dffirmce. The dffirence between their L00th terms
is 111. 222 333. What is the difference between their Millionth terms?
SOLUTION Let the two A.P'sbe a1,a2,a3r..ta2,... ofld b1,b2,bg,...,bn,...
Also,letdbe the commondifferenceof two A.P's. Then,
4n = at + (n - 1) d and bn = br + (n - L) d
:+ an -b,
= {a1 + @-L) d}- {b, + (n -L) d}
+ an -b;n = flt -bt

Clearly, a, - b,, is independent of n and is equal to al - Dr. In other words

a, - bu - a1 bl for allr, € N.

+ at1p -btm = at -bt

and, a* - b* - A1 - b1, where k = 10,00,000.
But, droo -broo =111?22333
at -br = 111'222333
+ ax -bx - a1 br = 111222333,wherek = 10,00,000'
Hence, the differencebetweenmillionth terms is same as the differencebetween 100th terms
i.e.,111 222333.
EXAMrLE 27 A sum of Rs 7000 is inaested at 8Y" simple interest per annum. Calculate the interest
at the end of 7,2,3,...yeirs.ls tlu sequence of interests an A.P.? Find the interest at the enilof 30years.
SOLUTION lct P be the principle, R rate of interest and I, be the interest at the end of r years.
,,,=# ["t*:Interest=#]
P = Rs 1000, and R = 8% per annum

,, =*(1r%..) =*ao,
Putting tt=l,Z,3r,,,wehave
" lr = Rs 80, Iz = Rs L60,Is = Rs 240 and so on.
Since I, is a linear expression in n. Therefore, the sequence of interest forms an A.P. with
Also, Interest at the end of 30 years = I30 = Rs (80 x 30) = Rs 2400
EXAMrLE 28 ln a flower bed there are 23 rose plants in the first row, twe_nty one in the secon! row,
nineteen inthe third row and so on.There arefiieplants in thelast row.Ilow many rows ar_e there in
theflowerbed? INCERII
SOLUTION The number of rose plants in first, second third, ..., and last row are resPec-
l,et thenumberof rowsof roseplantsbe n.
The sequence23,2l,19, ...,5 is an A.P. with first term a (=23),common difference d (= - 2)
and. nth term (= 5).
=+ 5=?3+(n-1)x-2
+ 5=?3-2n+2 - 20=?st + n=1'0
Hence, there are 10 rows of rose plants.
Suba Rao started work in 1995 at an annual salary of Rs 5000 and receioed a Rs 200
ln what ymr did his annual salary will reach Rs 7000?
raise each year. INCERII
SOLUTION Annual salary received by Suba Rao in 1995,1995,1997, ... is
Rs 5000, Rs 5200, Rs 5400, ..,
Clearlp it is an arithmetic progression with first term a = 5000 and common difference

Suppose Suba Rao's annual salary reaches to Rs 7000 in nth years. Then,
n th term of the above A.p. = Rs 7000
:+ a+(n-l)d=7W0
:+ 5000 + (n -1)x 200 = 7000
+ (n -1) x 200 = 2000

=+ n- -l= 2000 * n-1= 10 :+ r = 11

Thus, 1lth annual salary received by Suba IQo will be Rs 7000. This means that after 10
years i.e., in theyear2005hisannual salarywillreach toRs 7000.

FxtMlLJ to .lasla)nsaogdRs|inthefirstwe*oftheyearandthenincreasedherweeklusaaings
byRs1.75 eacharcek lnwhatweekwil[herweekly saoiitgsbeRs20.V5? IiICERit
SOLUTIoN suppose Jasleen's weekly savings will be Rs 20.25 in the n0r week.
Clearly, ]asleen's weekly savings form anA.P. with first term a = 5 and common difference
rth term = 20.75
=r a+(n-1)d=20.75
=) 5+(n -l)x1.75 =20.75
:+ (n -1)x1.75 = lS.7S

:+ - 15.75 * n-7=9'+
n-l= t75 n=lo
Hence, Jasleen's weekly savings will be Rs 20.75 in 10th week.

1. Find:
(i) 10th term of the A .p.'1.,4,7, 10,...
(ii) 18e term of the A.p. .l-2, g.12, 5,12,...
(iii) nft.term of the A.P. l},g,g,-2,...
(iv) lQh termof the A.p. -40,-15, 10,35,...
(v) 8h.term of the A.P.'117, 704,9L,28,...
(vi) 11m term of the A.p. 10.0, 10.5, 11.0, 11.5,...
(vii) th termof theA.P.
2. (i) Whichtermof theA.p. 3, 9,19,...is249?
(ii)Which term of the A.P. 84, BO, 76,... is 0?
(iii)Which term of the A.P. 4,9,"14, ... is 254?
(iv) which term of the A.p. 21, 42, 63, 94, ... is 420?
(v) Which term of the A.p. lZL, 117, 1'!.9,... is its first negative term?
3. (i) Is68a termof theA.p.7,LO,lg,...?
(ii) Is 302 a term of the A.P. 3,8, 13,...?
(iii) Is - 150 a term of the A.P. 11, 8, 5,2; ...?
4. How many terms are there in the A.p.?

(i) 7,70,13, ...43.


(ii) 7,13,19,...,205. (iv) 18, :f.f;,rc,...,-47.

5. The first term of an A.P. is 5, the common difference is 3 and the last term is 80; find the
numberof terms.
6. The 5ft and 17h terms of an A.P. are 19 and 41. respectively, find the 40ft term.
7. If th term of an A.P. is zero, prove that its 29h term is double the 19h term.
8. If L0 times the 10h term of an A.P. is equal to 15 times the 15th term, show that 25h term of
the A.P. is zero.
9. The 10h and 18h terms of an A.P. are 41 and 73 respectivety. Find 26th term.
10. In a certain A.P.ihe Z4h term is twice the 10th term. Prove that the 72nd term is twice the
11. tf (m+ 1)ft term of an A.P. is twice the (n + 1)e term, prove that (32 + 1)ft term is twice the
12. If thenthtermof the A.P.g,7,5,...issameasthenhtermof theA.P. 15, 1.2,g,...
find n.
13. Find the 12th ter.m from the end of the following arithmetic progressions:
(i) 3,5, 7,9,...20't (ii) 3,8, 13,...,253tNCERr1 (iii) 1, 4,7,10,...,99
14. The 4ft term of an A.P. is three times the first and the 7m term exceeds twice the third term
by 1. Find the first term and the cornmon difference.
15. Find the second term and rth term of an A.P. whose 6th term is 12 and the 8m term is 22.
L6. How many numbers of two digit are divisible by 3 ?
17. An A.P. consists of 50 terms. If the first and the last terms be 7 and 125 respectively, find
32nd term.
18. Thesumof 4handSstermsof anA.P.is24and.thesumof the6handl0thtermsis34.
Find the first term and the common difference of the A.P. INCERfl
19. The first term of an A.P. is 5 and its 100ft Qm is - 292. Find the 50th term of this A.P.
20. Find an - anfortheA.P.
(i) -9,-14,-L9,-24,... (ii) a,a+d,a+2d,a+3d,...
21. Write the expressiorr a,r- ay for the A.P. a, A + d, a + U,,..
Hence, find the common difference of the A.P. for which
(l) 11th term is 5 and 13th term is 79.
(ii) aro - as = 200
(iii) 20ft term is 10 more than the L8th term.
22. Find n if the given value of r is the nd' term of the given A.P.
(i) 25, 50,75,100,...; r = 1000 (ii) -1, -3, -5, -7 , ...] x = -151.

(iiq sf,,n,rcf,,22,...; x = 550 (iv) -,,i,i,i,,,x=

21. 31. 41. 177

23. If an A.P. consists of n terms with first term a and n th term I show that the sum of the mh
term from the beginning and the mth term from the end is (a + /).
24. Find the arithmetic progression whose third term is L6 and seventh te{m exceeds its fifth
termby 12. INCERTI

25. The 7ft term of an A.P. is 32 and its 13h term is 62. Find the A.P TCBSE 20041
26. Whichtermof theA.P. 3,10,17,...willbe84morethanits13ft term? ICBSE2004l
27. TWo arithmetic progressions have the same common difference. The differencebetween
their 100th terms is 100, what is the difference between their 1000th terms? INCERTI
28. For what value of n, the nth terms of the arithmetic progressions 53, 65,67 ,.. . and 3, 10,
17,... areequal? lcBsE 20081
29. How many multiples of 4lie between 10 and 250? INCERTI
30. How many three digitnumbers are divisiblebyT? INCEffil
31. Which term of the arithmetic progression 8, 14, 20,26,... will be 72 more than its 41't
terrr? [CBSE2006CI
32. Find the term of the arithmetic progression 9, 12,15,18, ... which is 39 more than its 36m
terrn. lcBsE2officl
33. Find the 8h term from the end of the A .P. 7, 10, 13, ..., 184 ICBSE 2OO5I
34. Find the 10e term from the end of the A.P. 8, LO, !2,..., 126. lcBsE 20061
35. Thesumof 4ftandSmtermsof anA.P.is24andthesumof 6ftand10fttermsis44.Find
theA.P. lcBsE 200e1
36. Which term of the A.P. 3, 15,27 ,39, .. . will be 120 more than its 2Lst term?
lcBsE 200e1

1. (i) 28 (i0 35.12 (iii) -5n+18 (iv) 18s
(v\ 26 (vi) 1s (vii)
2. (i) 50 (n) 22 (ii0 sl (iv) 2Omterm
(v) 32"d 3. (i) No (ii) No (iii) No
4. (0 13 (ii) 27 (iii) 34 (iv) 27
s. (i) 25 6. 87 e. 105 12. 7
13. (i) 17e (ii) 1e8 (iiil ss
14. First term = 3, Common differerCe =2

15. ar=-8,a, =5n -18 16. 30 17. 69

1.8. -
z) z
19. - 1,42 20. (i) - s0 (ii) 10d

21. (i) (n-k)d,37 (ii) 40 (iii) s

22. (i) 40 (ii) 76 (iii) 100 (rv) 17
24. 4,'1.0,'1.6, 22, ... 25. 2,7,12,17,....26, 25th 27. 1,00
28.73 2s. 60 30. 728 31. 53"d
92. 4gth 33. 763 34. 108 35. - 13, - B, - 3, 2,7, ...
35. 31st


Sometimes-we require certain number of terms in A.P. The following ways of selbcting terms
are generally very convenient.
Numberof t*ms Terms Commondifference
3 a-d,a,a+d d
4 a-3d,a- d,a+ d,a+3d 2d
5 a-M,a-d,a,a+d,a+M d
6 a-il,a-H,a-d,a+d,a+M,a+Sd Zd
It should be noted t'hat in case of an odd number of terms, the middle term is a and the
commondifferenceisdwhileincaseofanevennumberof terms tf,u-iaJi" t"rn
d and the common differences is Z. "ui)--a,o*
REMARK 1 lf three numbos a, b, c in order are in A.p. Thm,
b - a = Common difference = c - b
+ b-a=c-b
+ ?h=a*c
Thus,a,b, c arein A.P. if andonly if 2b = a+ c.
REMARK2 I/a, b,careinA,P.,thmbishwumastheaithmeticmean(AM)betweenaandc.
lf a, c, b are in A.P. TlEn,
2c=A+b+ r=4*b
Thus, A.M.betweenaandb is .

EXAMPLE 1 The sum of three numbers in A.P. is- i, and their proiluct is 8. Find thenumbers.
SOLUTION Let thenumbersbe (a-d),a,(a+ d). Then,

Sum of numbers = -3
= (a - d)+ a + (a + it) = -3 -+ 3a = -3 + a = _1.
Product ofnumbers = 8

= (a - d)(a)(a + dl = g
+ a(a2 -dr)=g
+ (-1) (1 - d') =
[..a = -1]
:+ d2 =9+d=!3
If d = 3, the numbers are - 4, -'!,, 2. If d = - 3, the numbers are 2, -,1.,, - 4.
Thus, the numbers are -4, -1., 2, ot 2, -1, - 4.
EXAMPLEz Eindfour numbers in A.P. whose sum is 20 and the sum of whose squares is 120.
SOLUTION Letthenumbersbe (a - 3d),(a - d),(a + d),(a + 3d).Then,

Sum of numbers = 20
:+ (a-3d)+(a-d)+(a+d)+(a+M)=20=+ 4a=20+a=S

It is given that, sum of the squares = 120

+ ' (a-3d)'"+ (a'-d)2 +(a+d\2 +('a+ldf =t2A
:+ 4a2 +2Ad? =L20
:+ a2 +5d2 =3O
+ ?5+il2 =N ['..' a = 5]
=+ 5d2=5+d=*'!,
ll d =l,then the numbers are 2,4,6t8.1f d =-1, then thehumbers ate9,6,4,2
Thus, the numbers ate 2,4,6,8 or 8, 6, 4,2.
EXAMrLE 3 Diaide i2 into four parts which are in A.P. such that the product of extremes is to the
proiluct of means is7:15.
sot,LrfloN Letthefourpartsbe (a - 3d)t$ - it)t@ + it)and(a f gdl"Thur,,,.',',
Sum of the numbers = 32
=+ (a-3d)+(a-d)+(n+d)+(a+3d)=32 + 4a=32*a=8
It is given that
(a-3d)(a+3il) 7
(a-d)(a+d) 75 . :l

a2-gd2 7
a2-d2 15

64 -gd2 7 * l?f,dz^ 4+
= *_tr= 15-
=5L2+ d2 = d =1.2

Thus, the four parts are a - 3 d, a - d, a + d anda + 3d Le., 2, 6, 10, 74,

EXAMPIE e , lt 2x, x + 700 3x + 2 are in A.P., find the oalue of x. .

soLUTIoN Since,2x,x+ 10,3x+2areinA.P. :. !.,i.

=+ ?*+20 = 5t+2
+ 3r=18={ }=6
lf the numbers a,b, c, d, eform an A.P., thmfind the oalue of a - 4b + 6c - 4d + e.
SOLUTION LetDbethecommondifferenceofthegivenA.P.Then, .

i b = A*D,c = a+2D,d = a+3D ande = a+ 4D

i :. a-4b +5c -4d+e = a-4(a+D)+5(a+2D\-4(a +3D)+(a+ 4Dl

+ a- 4b +6c - M +e = a-4fl-4D +6a+72D - 4a-12D + a+ 4D
;' =+ a -4b +6c - kl +e = a-4n+60-4a+ a-4D +72D -12D + 4D
+ a-4b+6c-4d+e=0
on+l * 14t+1

'z u=olb

Itis given that l

Wis the A. M. beh^/een a ar.ra ut.

ott+l *6n+1 a+b

ao +b" =_ 2
+ 2(an'r + b"*r ) * (a', + b, ) (a + b)
ryn+7 ;

=+ *,2gn+t - ;t+t * Abu' + Arb *.6ru*t

+bn*l = ab' + a'ob

=+ on+1 - 7nfi = g6tt -6n+l

+ a"(a-b)=b"(a-b)
:+ an =bn

ff=, * (;l =(;i :*n=0


. EXEFC,SE.,9,4
l. 3::::j:Hf.T:"J-:: the product of the first and the third terms
find three 1d
exceeds the secbnd termbyO, f:n;1".r, terms.
2. ThreenumbersareinA.P.If thesumof thesenumbersbe2Tand
theproduct64g, find the
J. Find the four numbers in A.P., whose sum is 50 and in which
the greatest number is 4
times the least.
.4. The angles of a quadrilateral aie:in A.PJ whose,corrmnn
difference. is 10o. Find the
5. The sum of three numbers in A.P. is 12 and the sum of their
cubes is 2gg. Find the
6. Findthevalueof rforwhich(gr+4 ),(6x-2)and(2r +z)areinA.p.
7. Ifr+1,3xand4x+2areinA.P.,findthevalueofx...
8. Show that (a - b)2,(az + b21 md (a, + b)2 are in A.p.

-' -- 'i1,.
1,7,13 2. 6,9,12 3. 5,10,]5,20 4. 75:o,g5",95o, 105.
5. 2,4,6ot6,4,2 6. 1,5/2 t. J
THEOREM The sum s, of n terms of an A.p. withfirst
term I a, and.common dffirence ,d, is
so =
l{u*tr-'t\dl , ,.,*,
,.,,,,,,. ,:

ot, 5,, =;{a+ll,wherel =lastterm =a+(n-1)d


difference d' Ther'

PRooF Leta1, a2, as,... be an A.P. with first term c and common
at = a, a2 = a * dra3 = a *Zl,a4 = a +U""'an = a +(n -1)d
Now, 5,, = at + tlz + frs t "'+ an-7 + an
+ Sn= a+(a+ d)+ (a+2d\ + "'+(a+(n -2\d'1+ {a+(n-1')dl
Writing the above series in a reverseorder, we get
Su = {a + (n - t) d} + {a + (n - 2\ dI+ "' +
(a + d) + a

Addingthecorresponding termsof equations (i) and (ii)'we get

?5, = {2a + (n -1) d } + {2a + (n- 1) d } + "' + lza +
(n - 7\ d}
+ 2Sn=n{u+1n-l)dl f: 2a +(n - 1) d rePeats r timesl

+ t, =t{2a + (n -L)dl
Now, I = last term = ns term = a + (n -1) il


NffE1 Ll the formula t, = tlU + 1n - l) d7, there are four quantities o'" t* *' O,y
two.of these quan'tities
aregiaen' in
threeof theseareknown,ttrcfo,irtncaibe deterlmined. Sometimes
such iases remaining two qiantities are proaided by. some
other rel.ation'
#;t;";;";;';;; i;';i;';;;;;"i,;'quence ii gioen, then ntt'l sevnl a' of the sequence can be
determinedby ustng thefollouingyor*rloon=,sn
$,_r .1,,


Find the sum of 20 terms of the A'P' 7, 4, 7' 10 "'
given A.P- Tlren, we
soLuTION L,et a be the first term and d be the common difference of the
Wehave to find the sum of 20 terms of the givenA'P'

Putting a=L,d =3,n =20in S, -- i{"+ (r - 1)d}'we get

sro =T{zx t+ (20 - 1) x 3} = 1o x 59 = 590

EXAMPLE 2 lf thentntutmof anA.P.is(2n+l),findthesumof fitstntermsof theA'P'
soLUTIoN wehave,
a,, = (2n+1) +
=2x1 +1 = 3
so, thegivensequenceisanA.P. withfirstterm a = at = 3 and lastterm I = an =2n+1'
Therefore, the sum of n terms is given by
s,, =L@ +l'1=l$ *tzn + 1))=
* 4) = n(n +2)

Findthesumoffirst30termsof an A.P.whosesecondtermis2andsmeathtermis22.
SOLUTION Leta be the first term and dbe the common difference of the given A.P. Then,
Az =2 arrd A, =22
+ a*d=2 and a+6d =22
Solvingthesetwoequations,weget a = -2 and. d=4
Putting n = 30, a = :2aid d = 41
s, = ?{2 x (-2) + (30 - 1) x a}
it**@-t)d| l
Sso = 15(- 4+L16)= 15x112 = i580
Hence, the sum of fiist 30 terms is 1580.
EXAMPIE E Find the sum of ftrst 20 terms of an A.P., in which 3rd term is 7 and Tttt terffi is two

SOLUTION Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of the given A.P. Then,
as=7 andq=3ag+2 [Giverr]
a+2l =7 and d+6d=3{a*U)+2 .
+ +2d q+6d = 3a+6d+2
=7 and
=+ a+U =7 and A=-1
+ a=-1,d=4
Putting n = 20, a = - L and d =4 in So = (n - 1) d }, we get
sro =T{2 x -1 + (20 - 1) x a} = 2}<-z +7G) = 240
EXAMrLE s Finil the sum offirst n natural numbers.
SOLUTION First n natural numbers are 1,2,3,4, ..., (n -1), n.
Clearly, it is an A.P. with first term L and common differerice 1.
LetSn denote the required.Then,

["* ,sn =ttr*O]

EXAMPLE s The sum offirst six terms of an arithmetic progression is 42. The ratio of its l.\th term
to its 30th term is L : 3. calculate the firsi and the thirteenthlerm of thc icusE zoogl A.p.
/ SOLUTION Let a be the first term and d be the common differer-tce of the given A;P. Then,
Se = 42 + i{u + (6 - 1)d} = 42 + 2a + lil = 14 ...(i)
It is given that
_=_ 1

a+29d 3
+ 3a+27d = a+29d
+ 2a-?l =0
=+ a=d ...(i0

Solving (i) and (ii), we get a = d = 2

a7s = a+l2d =2+2x\2=26
Hence, first term = 2 and thirteenth term = 26.
EXAMpLE z Findthesum$allthreedigitnaturalnutnbers,whicharedioisiblebyI^--^^
SSLUTI9N The smallest and the largest numbers of three digits,wttich are divisible by 7 are
105 and994 respectively. So, the seqrience of threedigitnumb_erswhichare divisibleby 7 are

105,1L2,11g,...',gg4.Clearly,itis an A.P. withfirst term a= l05andcommondifferenced =7.

Let therebe r terms inthis sequence. Then,
:+ a,r =994 a+(n'1)d=994+ 105+(r-1)x7 =994 + n--128
Required sum =
t {*
+ (n - 1'l d}

+ Requiredsu* = ?{2x105+(128-1)x7} =70336

ExAMptE e Finit the sum of att natural numbers between 250 and 10[10 which are exactly diaisible
ibiurror.r Clearly, the numbers between 250 and 1000 which are divisible by 3 are
This is an A.P. with first term a -- 2sz,Common difference = 3 and last term = 999'
Let therebe rl terms in this A.P. Then,
an = 999
:+ a+(n-l\d =999 i

+ 252+ (n-1)x3 = W
Requiredsum = S, = 1a + 11 = !
!2'2 252 + !.9 9) = 156375

Find the sum of all odd integers between 2 and 100 dittisibleby 3.
SOLUTION The odd integers between2 and 100 which are divisible by 3 are
3,9,15,21, ...,99.
clearly, it is an A.P. with first term a = 3 and, common difference d = 6.
Let th6re be r terms in this sequence. Thery
+ o+(n-1)d=99
=+ 3+(n-t)x6= I + n=17
Required surn = s, + l) ='4 r, + 9) = 867
-r'= |(n
2' 2
EXAMpLE t0 How manyr terms ofJthe series 54, 51,48,,.. be taken so that their sum is .513? Exp.lain
thedoubleanswer' [cBsE2oosl
SOt-UtlOU Clearly, the given sequence is.an A.P. with first term a (= 54) and common
differenced d (= - 3). Let the sum of n terms be 513' Then,
S' = 513

:+ l{ro
* (n -1)d} = stg

=+ iloa+ - 1) x -31 = 513


+ n2 -lTn+A2=O
=) (n-78)(n-19)= 0 + n=18or,19
Here, the common difference is negative. So, 19th term is givenby
Thus, the sum of 18 terms as well as that of 19 terms is 513.

EXAMPLE 11 Findthenumberof termsintheseries 20 +19] + fS | + ...ofwhicltthesumis300,

SOLUTION The given series is an arithmetic series with first term a (= 20) and the common

\ -?\.
difference d( = Letthesumof n termsbe300.Then,
S" = 300

:+' *{u*(n-1)d}=
\ -'"t 3oo

' !{2"20
+ (n- 1) (-2l3)}
' -, -tl = 3oo

=+ n2 -61n+900 = 0 + (tt -25)(n- 36) = O + n = 25 or,36

So, sum of 25 terms = sum of 36 terms = 300.
Here, the conunon difference is negative therefore terms go on diminishing and 31st term
becomes zero. All terms after 31st term are negative. ftieJe negative terms-when added to
positive terms from 26th term to 30th term, they cancel out eacfi other and the sum remains,
Hence, the sum of 25 terms as well as that of 36 terms is 300.

EXAMPLE t2 If S,,,thesumoffirstntermsof anA.p,,isgiaenby Sn = Snz + 3n, thenfinilitsnur

term. TCBSE 20091
SOLUTION [-eta, be the no, term of theA.P. Then,
4,, = Sn- S,,-1

an = (sn2+ 3n) - r'(n - 1)2 + 3(z - r)| l:H:::l?Y _;l1ih _,,]

ao =(5n2 +3n)-(5n2 -7n+2)
=9 an = l0tt '2
EXAMrLE ls In an A.P., thesum of first n terms - * rina ib 2sthterm.
+ f;.
[cBsE 2005CI
pL-urIoN kt s, denote the sum of r tierms of an A.p. whose nth term is ar.
^ 3n2 Sn
+ sn-r =
+f,o-u [Replacing nby (n-l)l
932 ' ' '- MAT}IEMA5ES'X

sn-s,-, =l+.T) -li*-1)2+i*-r) :


+ o, =?U{n'-(n-7)z}*itr -(n-1)} t"' an = s,,-s,,-rl

3.- 5
=+ "22i(2n - 1) +:
a,, =
':' '[Replacing
+ o*=l{zrzs-r)*:=*
2 22
EXAMrLE 14 The su.m of the third anil seoenth terms of an A.P. is 6 anil their product is 8. Find the
stmoffirstsixteenteimsoftheA.P. .. ; ,lHOTSl
SOr{rftOtrl Let a be the first term dhd d be the tommon'diffeience of the A.P.
a3*a, =6andara, =g
+ (a+?l't+@+6it)= 5 and (a+?l)(a+6d) = 8
+ 2a+8il = 6and (a+2d)(a+6d1=g
+ a+ 4d = 3and (a +2il)(a+6d'1=g
:+ a=3-Mand(a+2d,1@+6d1=g
(3-4d+2d)(3-M+6d)=g [p*ttinga.=g_4dm1
=+ ltf,"*io"aequationJ
:+ (3 - 2d)(3 + 2d) = 3

+ g-4d2=8=+ M2 =t+d2=l=a=*l
CaseI Wt*d=i,
Puttingd=lina=3-4d,weget r, : ; : '

:2 a=3- 4xl = 3-2=1.

\u =*z {?a + (16 -t) d}= a{z * 1 + 15 x 1} = a * T = r',

CaseII wn* 1
a=-i, ,:,,

,' Putting d = -;in a = 3 - Ad,weget a = 3+ 2= 5
&r = f {?a+(16-1)d}
: 1r

r, ,fro:r{io+1s,-}}=8xi=zo
EXAMpLE ls If theiltttermofanA.P.is
i andthentttssrfiris
fi, shoutthatthesumof mntenrs
SOLUflON. Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of the given A.P. Then,

nn :

'mm an=1+ a+(n-t)d=1
Subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i), we get. ' ' '' '

(m-n)d =*-* :+ (m-n)o=# * a=$

d=-:-inequation(i),weget ,* - '

1=t ia+1-l-=!*o=A
a+tr-il'firn ' 'i
fi --
n mn' n fitn

S*,=Tlu+(mn-1)d\ ,i,
:+ Sn* =Y[L*@n- t'1"1] =!1mn+t\
z ltnn mn) z
EXAMPLE 16 Thesumof n,2n,3ntermsof anA.P.areSl,Sz,Strespectiaely.Prwethat
Se = 3(Sz -fr)
SOLUTION Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of the givenA.P. Then,

ft =Sumof zterms +qJ;lb+(rr-,1}d]:;: iri.'. ,,..(i)

, .','
8 rerms =eq!
= sum of 2r
TW + en -t)d| ...(ii)

6nd, fr =Sumof 3n terms + Q = ;{*+(3n-7)d} *Sii)
^ 2n,- n

+ sz -sr =ilr{u+1zn-r'1d}-{za+(n-1)d}]= Lrlzo*lw-r)d}'

: .i -. r".

3(Sz- sr)=+{?a+(3tt-t)d}=q ,,'

',, 'tUiifiS,6iilt

Hence, 8=3($-Q).
EXAMPLE t7 Thesumsofntumsof threearithmeticalprogrxsions.qrsst,szandsa;Thefirsttqm
of each is unity and the ammon differencu are 7, 2 anil 3 rcspectfuely. Prwe that S + S = 2Sz.
fi = Sum of a terms of an A.P. with first term 1 and common difference 1 ',
+ E=;12x1+(n-1)xt)=l@+tl ,, r'
Sz = Sum of z terms of an A.P. with first term 1 and common difference 2
r,. MAIfffAfAfIe€;X

=+ s, =;{2x 1+ (n - 1)x 2} = n2

^S. $urn s1
u3 -= gul Vt n terms of an
lrtlrD ul A.P.
ill n with first term 1 and. common difference 3

=+ s, =;{2x1+(r-1)x st=;(32-1)
Now, fi + S,"2',2"-1
=!@ +t) +!1ln -t) = 2nzand 52'= '-n2
Hence, Q+Sr=2$,
EXAMPLE 1s lf in an A.P. tlu sum of m terms is eqwl to n and tlu sum of n terms is equal to m, then
prooethatthesamof (m+n)termsis-(m+n). IHOTSI
SOLUTION l.et a be the first term and d be the common difference of the given A.P. Therv

=, tt*+(m-t)itl=n
=r ?am + fiQn - 1l it = ?n ...(i)
and, Sn =ffi
+ l{u*rn-r,dl=m
+ in*r(n-7)d, = Zm "'(ii)
Subtracting equaHon (ii) from equation (i), we get
% (m - n) + {m (n - 1l - n (n -l)} d = 2n - 2m

:+ 2a(m -ny + {1n2 - n2) - @ -fi! d = -2(m - n)

=+ ?t+(m+n-l)d = -2 [Ondividingbothsidesby(n-nll ...(ii0

S^*o =ry {?t+(m+n-tld}

+ 5,*, = @!el [usins(iii)l
:+ Sala = -(m,+n)
D0\MPLE 19 lfthesumofmtermsofanA.P.istlwvlneasthesumofitsntrms,shotptluttlusum
of its (m + n) terms is zero.
i SOLUTION: l,etabethefirsttermanddbethecommondifferenceof thegivenA.P. Then,
; =r
tzr Tlrr+(m-1)d) = il**@-tldl
=r ?,,a(m-nl+ln(n-1)-r(z-r))d = s
=+ tu(m-n'.+{1m2 -n2)-@-n7!d =O
+ (n-nl{%+(m+n-1)d}=g
i Now
S,,*o =
^ - S,,*,=tyx0=O tusing(i)l
EXAMPLE 20 The sum of the firct p, q, r terms of an A.p. are a, b, c respectfuely. shw that
g (q _
r,1 +! g _ pt +
P q r.' - t\
l<r =o THOTSI
soLUTIot{ I€t A be the first term and D be the common difference of the givenA.p. Then,
=+ o =f,[za+(p -1)D]

, ' .'.-' -* -.'':-t

L-' ', \r 't - t ...(i)
, :+ o= -tlDl
=) q
=={2A+(a-t)D} ...(ii)

lfid, c=Sumofrterms

=+ ,=f,{ze+(r-r)'D}
' + 7={u+(r-1)D} ...(iii)
Multiplying equation (i), (ii) and (iii) by (q - r), (r - pland (p - 4) respectively ind adding,
24 r- -, , br-. .-, .br--^,
aaA,l- l\Frl/- .rhl, r a^.
i =12A+(p-t)Dl(q-r)+fzA+(q-r)D)(r-pl+{2A+(r-tlol0-ql

: rxluPLE 2r The ratio of tlu sum of n terms of two A"P's is (7n + 7) : (4n + 27). Find ttu ratio of
theirmthtetms. tHOfS'l
soLUTloN Lnta1, a2tlrc the first terms and d1, d2 the common differences of the two given
A.P's. Therl the sums of their z terms are givelr by
, s, =t{U+@-t)dr},and s,,=;.{zor*(n-r)it }
9.% ;" ,.'MArItIEMXrres-x

s- i t*, + (n -t)d1l 2a, + (n -r)ttt

sn' L 2a2 + (n -1) dz
{2or * (n -1\ d2]}
Itis given that
S, 7n+1
Sn' 4n+27
?q+\n=!\h - 7n+t
2a2+(n-l)d2 4tt+T
To find the ratio of the zs terms of the two given A.P's, we replace n by (2m - 1) in
Replacing r by (l* - 1) in equation (i), we get

. ?q+(2m-2)d, 7(2m-1)+l
?a, + (2m -2)dz 4(2m-1\ +2J

A q +(m-l)A
- az+(m-lldz 8m+?3
- 6) : (8,r, + 23).
Hence, the ratio of the mft terms of the two A.P'eis (14m
EXAMpLE zz TturatioofthesumsofmandntrnsofanA.P.ism2:n2.Shorttthatthera!!!{tU\
jD : en -
itn-ana n*'terms * ei ti. IHorsI
sOluno5 1ret abethe first term and d the comm/r difference of the given A.P. Then, the
sums of m and n termsaregivenbY i
S, = !2
{2a + (m - 1) d}, and S, = {zn + (n -1) d} respectively'
S, =in2

t{zn*(*-r)al _*,
l{zo -1\* (n d} n2

2t+ (m-7)il _m
2a+ (n-1\ d n

+ {zn + (n = 120 + (n -r)dlm

+ 2a(n-ml-d {(n -,1)nr,- (n7.1)nl
I b(n-m)= d(n-m't
+ d=2a
T,,, _a+(m:Ud _a+(m-l)2n
T,t a+(n:l)d a+(n-l)?-a=?m-,1

EXAMPLE 23 lf there.are(2n+1.)termsinA.P.,thenprwethnttheratioof thesumofoddtermsand

the sum of eaen terms is (n + L) : n. IHOTSI
SOLLITION I,et a and d be the first term and common difference respectively of the given A.P.
Let al denote the ko, terms of the given A.P. Then,
Now, Q=Sumofoddterms
+ \ = a, + a3 + aS *...* a2n+1
+ ^ n+']..,
+ ^ ,4+I
q=?{n+a+(2n+1-1)d} l': azn*r = a+(2n+7-1)dl
:+ \ = (n+l)(a+nd)
and, S=Sumofeventerms
+ Sz=az+a4+a6+.,,+Az,t

+ s, =tfa2 + a2of

+ sz =;l@ + d) + {a + (2n -l)d!) l', or, = a+(2n-l)dl

+ 52 -- n(a+ nil)
51 : S, = (n + 1) (a + nd) : n(a + nd) -- (n + t) zn
EXAMPLE24 .AmanufacturerofTVsetsproduceil600unitsinthe thirdyearandT\!unitsinthe
1?enth yeal. Assu.yting that the production increases uniformly by a ftxed number eaery- year, find
the production in (i) the fbst year (ii) the 70th year (iii)'7 y9ais.- tNCdnft
SOLUTION Since the productiorr increases uniformly by a fixed number every year.
Therefore, the sequence formed by the production in different years is an A.p.
Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of the A.P. formed i.e., 'a' denotes the
production in the first year and d denotes the nurnber of units by which the production
increases every year.
at = ffi and az =70A
+ a+?l = CIO and a+5d =700
Solving these equations, we get
a = 550 and d=25
.:. Production in the first year is of 550 TV sets.
(ii) Wehave,
Production in the 10th year= 4r0 = a + 9d = 550 + 9 x25 = 775
So, production in 10th year is of 775 TV sets.
(iii) Wehave,
Total productionin 7 years
=Sum of 7 terms of the A.P. with first term a (= 550) and common difference
d (=25).

550 + (7 - 1) x 25}

Thus, the total production in 7 yearsis of 4375 TV sets.
EXAMPLE 25 A contract on construction job sycifies a penalty for delay of completion beyond a
certain date as follows: Rs 200 for the first day , Rs 250for the second day, I<i 300 for the thiid day,
etc;thepenaltyfor eachsucceeding daybeing Rs 50 more thanfor thepreceding day.How muchdobs
a delay of 30 days cost the contractor? INCERII
SOLUTION Since tlrc penalty for each succeeding day is Rs 50 more than for the preceding
day. Therefore, amount of penalty for different days forms an A.P. with first term a (= 200)
and commo:rdifferenced (= 50). Wehave tofindhow muchdoes a delayof 30 days cost the
contractor? lnotherwords,wehave to find thesumof 30 terms of theA.P.

Requiredsu* =
f {2 x 200 + (30 - 1) x 50} = *(, - r)d]]
['.' +, lfzo
=r Requiredsum = 15(400 + 29x 50)

Requiredsum = 15(400 + 1450)

= |
:+ Requiredsum = 15x 1850 =277fi
Thus, a delay of 30 days will cost the contractor of Rs 27750.
EXAMPLE 26 A sum of Rs 280 is to be used to award four prizes . lf each prize after the first is Rs 20
less than its precedin! frize, find the rsalue of each of ihe prizes. tNCERf,I
SOLUTION ThevaluesoffourprizesformanA.P.withcommondifference d=-20thesum
of whose terms is 280.
Let the value of first prize be Rs a. Then,
Sum = 280
=) ,{2,
+ (4 - 1) x -20} = 236

:+ 2(h-60)=280 I a-30=70 =+ a=100

Flence, the values of 4 prizes are Rs 100, Rs 80, Rs 60 and Rs 40.
EHMPLE 27 In a school, students thottght of planting trees in and around the school to reduce
noise polution and air polution. It was deciileil that the number of trees that mch section of each class
willplantbe the sarre as the class inwhich they are studying e.g. - a section of I class will/lant 1. tree,
a xction of ll class will plant 2 trees and so on a section of class-Xll will plani 72 trees. There are three
sectionsofeachclass,Hoatmanytreeswillbeplantedbythestudents? INCERII
SOLUTION Since eadr section of each class plants the same number of trees as the class
number and there are three sections of each class.

=rl|;{2x1+(12-1)x1}] = 3t6 (2 + 11)) = L8 x 13 = 271

EXAMPLE_ 2E 200 logs are staclced in the

follouting mtnner: 20 logs in the bottom row,lg in the
next rout,78 in the rou next to it and so on (see Fig.9.1.).lnhow many rcuts 200logs
areplaced and
hout many logs are in the top ruo? NCERfl

Fig.9.1 :

SOLUTION Suppose 200logs are stacked in r rows.

There are 20 logs-in the first row and the number of logs in a row is one less than
the number
s in.ure nreceding- row. So, of logs in varioti rows form u" A.P. ;;tL rioi-tur* o
lge. lumber
20) and common difference d-(= - f ). As there are 200 logs in all rows.
(Sum of z terms of an A.P. with a = 20 and i
=-1) = 200
:+ l{ro * (n -1)d} = no
+ !{r"20+(n-1)x-1}
2' -t = 2ss

+'2 ?<+O-n+'t)=200
:+ n(41,- n) = 4N
:+ n2-4ln+400=0
=t (n-25)(n-L5)=0 =+ n=1.6or,1=25
If r = 25, then number of logs in 25th row is equal to 25h terms of an A.p. with first term 20 and
common difference - 1..

Numberof logsin25throw = a+24d

=20_24= _4
Clearly, this is not meaningful.
n ='!,6
Thus,logs are placed in 16 rows.
Numberof logsintoprow
= Number of logs in L5th row
= 15th term of an A.P. with a = 20 and d = -.!.
= a +'!,5d
Hence, there are 5logs in the top row.
EXAMPLE. 2e nogh?y buys a-s.hop for Rs 1., 20,000. He pays half of the amount in cash
and asrees
topav the batance in1.2 a.niuat insiitments of Rs.s-000 eaLniytt irit,
with the instalment the interest.d.ue on the unpaiit amount,find tni "yiiiiiiiiiitT;i'iii'ir"irv,
triiiiiiliiin';h;"" ""
SOLUTION pays half of Rs 1,20,0b0 i.e. Rs 00,b00 in cash and tr." turr"lu n, 60,000
in 12 annual instalments of Rs 5000 each. With each instalment f," pryr i"i"-r"rt
unpaid amount at the rate of l2/oper annum. "

.... Arnount of first instalment = Rs 5000 + Interest on unpaid amount of Rs 60000'

= Rss000*nr[gxoOOOO)
[100 )
= Rs 5000 + Rs 7200 = Rs 12200 ,

.'. Amount of second instalmmt = Rs 5000 + lnterest on unpaid amount of Rs 55000

= RsSo(X)-Rtf *rssoooJ
[100 )
= Rs5000+ Rs6600
= Rs 11600
.'. Amount of third instalment = Rs 5000 + lnterest on unpaid amount of Rs 50000

= Rs 5000 * n"l, -11 , soooo )

[100 )
= Rs5000+ Rs6000
= Rs 11000
Clearly, amount of various instalments form an A.P. with first term Rs 12200 and common
Total cost of the shop = Rs [60,000 + Sum of L2 instalments]
f 12- -l
= Rs I 60,000 *Y {zrtn0O +(12 -1) x(-600)}
L 2' |

= tts[5o,ooo + 6(24,400 - 5,500)]

= Rs [60,000 + 1,06800] = Rs 1,66,800
EXAMPLE 30 The digits of a positizte integer, haoing three iligits are in A.P. and their sum is L5.
The number obtained by rasersing the digits is 594less than the original number. Find the number.
SOLUTION Let the digits at ones, tens and hundreds place be (a - d), a and (a + d)
respectively. Then, the number is
(a + d\x 100 + a x 10 + (a - d) = llla + 99d

The number obtained by reversing the digits is

(a-d)x100+axl"0+ (a+d)=1lLa-Dil l

It is given that the sum of the digits is 15.

(a- d)+ a+(a+ d) = 15 ...0
Also, it is given that the number obtained by reversing the digits is 594 less than the original
111a - 99d = 111.a + 99d - 594 .'.(ii)
+ 3a ='!,5 and798d = 594
= a=Sand,d=3
So, thenumberis 111 x 5 + 99x 3 = 852.
EX.AMBLE 31 Two cars start together in the same direction from the same place. The first goes with
uniformspeed of L0l,mk.The seiond goes at a speedof 8 km/ttin thefirsthoir andincieaseithespeed
by 1./2 km in each succeeding hour. After how many hours will the second car ooertake the fir;st c,ar if
both cars go non-stop?

SOLUTION Suppose the second car overtakes the first car after t hours. Thery the two cars
travel the same distance in f hours.
Dstance travelled by the first car in f hours = 10 f km.
Distance travelledby the second car in f hours.
= Sum of i terms of an A.P. with first term 8 and common difference 1/ 2.
+ 31)
= ![z*8 +' (r - rr-'"*1] -'(r
2 [--'" '- 21 4
When the second car overtakes the first car, we have
f (t131)
ror =
+ 40t =t2 +31f = t2 -gt= 0 =+ t(t-g)= 0 = f = 9 r..f*01
Thus, the second carwill overtake the firstcar in9 hours.
ExAMrLE 32 A man rqays a loan of Rs 3250 by paying lls 20 in the first month and thm inueases
the payment by Rs 15 eoery month. How long will it talce him to clear the loan?
SoLUTIoN Suppose the loan is cleared in n months. Clearlp the amounts form an A.P. with
first term 20 and the common difference 15.
Sum of the amounts = 3250

+ *2'{z"zo + (n- t) x 1s} = 3250

=) !@o
*15n - 15) = 3250

+ n(15n + 25) = 6599

:+ 15n2 +25,n-6500 =O
=+ 3n2 + 5n- 1300 = 0
+ (n-20)(3r + 55) = g
l'.'n * --5sl
+ n=20 L 3l l

Thus, the loanis cleared in 20 months.

EXAMPLE 33L50 workers were engaged to finish apiece of workin a certain rutmber of days. Four
workers dropped the second day, four more workers dropped the third day and so on. lt takes I more
daystofinishtheworknow. Findthe number of days inwhichtheworkwas completed. THOTSI
SOLUTION Suppose the work is completed in rz days when the workers started dropping.
Since4workers are dropped onevery dayexcept the first day. Therefore, the total number of
workers who worked all the n days is the sum of n terms of an A.P. with first term 150 and
common difference - 4

i.e., i{r"150 + (z - 1)x -a} = n (752-2n)

Had the workers not dropped then the work would have finished it in (n - 8) days with 150
workers working on each day. Therefore, the total number of workers who would have
worked all the n days is 150 (n -8).
n (152 - 2n) = 139 (n - 8)
+ 152n-2n2 =150n-1200
+ 2n2 -2n-1200 = 0 :

:+ n2-n-600=0
+ (n-?5))(n+24).=0 f.',r>01
= n=25
Hence, the work is completed in 25 days.
EXAMPLE 34 Along a rcad lie an odd number of stones placed at interoals of L0 metres . Thae stones
haoe to be assembled around the mlildle stone. A person can carry only one stone at a time. A man
canied the job with one of the md stones by carrying them in succession. ln carrying all the stones he
cooered a distance of 3 hn. Find the nuruber of stones. IHOTSI
SOLUTION Let there be (2n + 1) stones. Clearly, one stone lies in the middle and r stones on
eachsideof itinarow.I"etPbe themid-stoneand letAand Bbe theend stonesontheleftand
right of P respectively)

sn sn_, s2 sl s,' s,. s,n_' s,n

A i6-rPrffi B

Clearly, there are n intervals each of length 10 metres onboth the sides of P. Now, suppose
themanstartsfromA. Hepicksup theend stoneon theleftof mid-stoneand goes to thimid-
stone, drops it and goes to (n - 1) th stone on left, picks it up, goes to the mid-stone and drops
it. This process is repeated till he collects all stones on the left of the mid-stone at the mid-
stone. So, distance covered in collecting stones on the left of the mid-stones is
'l.0xn+ 2[10 x(n - 1)+ 10x (n -2\+... + 10 x 2 + 10x 1].
After collecting all stones on leftof the mid-stone the mangoes to the stone B on the right side
of the mid-stone, picks it up, goes to the mid-stone and drops it. Then, he goes to (rz - 1)th stone
on the right and the process is repeated till he collects all stones at the mid-stone.
Distance covered incollecting the stones on the right side of the mid-stone.
= 2[10 xn+l}x(n -1)+ ].0x (n-Z)+ ... +10x2+ 10x1]
Total distance covered
= 10x n+ZltOx(n -1)+10x (n-2)+ ... + l0x2+10x1]
+Z[tOxn + 10x (n -l)+ ... + 10x 2+ 10x 1]
= 4[10xn+10x(n -1)+ ... +10x2+10x1]-10xn

= CI{1 +2+3 + ...+ n} -L}n

= *{;G + n)} -10n = 2or(n+ 1) - 10r = 20n2 +10n

But, the total distance covered i.e., 3 km i.e., 3000 m
= 2n2 +n- 300 = 0
(n -12)(2n +25) = g
+ n=12
Hence,thenumberof stones = 2n + 1, = 25
EXAMPLE 35 The houses of a row are numbered consecutiaely from 1 to 49. Show tlnt there is a
aalue of x such that the sumof the numbers of the houses precediig the lrcuse numbered x is equal to
the sum of the numbers of the hottses following it. Find this oalue ofx. INCERTI

SOLUTION Let there be a value of r such that the sum of'the numbers of the houses
preceding the house'numbered r is equal to the sum of the numbers of the hotir* fono*irrg
it i.e.,
House: Hr H2 Hs Hr-r H* Hr*, ... Hts
House No. 't 2 3 (x - 1) x (r + 1)... 49
l+ 2+3 +... + (r - 1)= (r + 1) + (r + 2l+.,. + 49
:+ 1+2+3+...+ (x-1) = {1+2+ 3+...+r+(x+ 1)+... + 49}- (1 + 2+ 3+...+ r)
* *=1{1
+(r-1)} =
t*r* 4q -;(1 +r) s, = + U)
[urtr,s, l<a
x(r-1) 49x50 x(x+1)
-=-- 222
+ x(x-1)=49x50-r(r+1) [Multiplying both sides by 2]
+ (x2-x)+(r2+r)=49x50
=+ 2x2 = 49x50
:+ x2 = 49x25
:+ x2 = 72 x52

Since r is not a fraction. Hence, the value of r satisfying the given condition exists and is
equal to 35.
EXAMPLE 36Aladder has rungs 25
apart-(See Fig g.3).The rungs decrease tmiformlu in length
ftory lS clna-t thebotlom to25 cinatthe top. tf the top"andbottomr'uigs are 2.5 meireapirt,init *
thelength of the wood requiredfor the ruigs? INCERII
SOLUTION It is given that the gap between two consecutive rungs is 25 cm and the top and
bottom rungs are 2.5 metre i.e.,250 cm apart.

.. i
Number of rungs = *1 =
ff 11.

It is given that the rungs are decreasing uniformly in length from 45 cm at the bottom to 25 cm
at the top. Therefore,lengths of the rungs form an A.P. with first term a 45cm and 11m
term = 25cm.

Length of the wood required for rungs

= Llr+s + zs) cm
2', [.'t=ro1a+D]
= 385orr = 3.85metres
EXAMpLE 3z A small tenaee at a football ground comprises of 15 steps each of whieh is 50 m long

anithuittofsoliilconcrete.Eachstephasariseof *onaofieadofrm(See Fig.g.0.Citciatatethe

totalaolume of coilcrete requireit tobuild tlie tenace.
1 * r"rp""-
SOLUTION We obseive that the length and width of each step are 50 m and
Height of first steP =
Heightorsecond step = (
* = (,' i) *
Height of third step = 9 ,r, u.d ro or,.

lLetv, , v2, v3 , ,. .
vtsdenote respu.tir"ry IJl" or tn* concrete required to build the
,' first, second, third, ..., fifteenth step. Then,

' r,=(uo*!,!)*,,*={*.}{r"i)}*,*={*'}.(r,1)}*',
\. I z \ 4tlJ
2 )
.'. Totalvolumeof theconcrete
=Vt *V, +V, + "'+Vt

={*.}.1}.{*,i.(,.i)}.{*,i(r"i)}. .{*"},.('s.i)}-'

[so'i) {1 *? *!*...* ]!}*,

\ 2)14 4 4 +1"'
= *[Lt4 *?4 *9*...*
=?tr+ 2+ 3+... + 15)*, =
?.f O+15)m3 =f; *fxrcm3 = 750m3
EXAMPLE 3E. A spiral is made up of successiae semi-circles, with centres alternatela
Aanct B,startrngwith centre at A, of radii0,s cm,L.0cm,1..s cm,2,0 cm, .... asshounin
Fig. g.sbnat

is the total length of such,a spiral made up of thirteen consecutiae semi-circles? n=

(rAn ?)
soLUTI-oN Let (, 12,\,14,...,lra b" the lengths (circumferences) of semi-circles of radii
rr = 0.5 cm, 12 = 1..0 cm, re = 1.5 cm,r^ 2.0 im, t; = 2.5cm,... respectively. Then,

h = tt\ = nx 0.5"* = 1.^


" =z(1).*
,b = nr3 = n*rcm ^(n\
= 3[i
t4=nr4=nx2"*=+(l)"- l4

tp = rErs = nrt"- = 13(;).*
Total length of the spiral = l, + 12+ /, + ... + I*
{;.,(;).,(;)+ +rs(;)}"-
I"T(1 + 13) cm [rrt",
s,, =
t(, * D]

=lxfxu " =f;"1r13x7 cm = 143 cm

EXAMPLE 39 In a potato rlce, a b.ucke.t placed. at the,starting point, which is S m
_is from the first
potato, and the other potatoes are.ptyce.d
l!rlr1t!"! !!r:!.h:, f:!rtg9,s
are placed s
3 m apart.in straicht fi*.
apart in a s.tr.aisht Thcre iir'
iiie. inl"i, ;w;;i";;;;"iii
ar" n notntncs irc tho ti"u
9-_!o* ?*prti.tor.stirtsfrom thi bucket,pi"t tii
ini iiaiist potat,i, runs barcktuitir it,
drops-it inthe buclcet, runsbacktopi6kup thenext poiato,ruhs to thebuitii;;'i;;i';;;;i n'r*a,
and she continues in the same way intil ail the potaioes are in the futclcet.
thi total
furcket. What is the totat aistdnie
distonce tlce
competitor has to run?

ilr = Dstance run by the competitor to pick up first pota to = 2 x 5
to pick up second potato = Z (5(3) m
dz = Distance run by the competitor
ds = Distance run by the competitor to pick up third potato = 2 (5 + 2-x 3) m
d+ = Dstance run by the competitor to pick up fourth potato = 2 (5 + 3 x 3) m,

d,, ='Distance runby the competitor to pick up lth potato '= 2 15 + (n -1) x'3) m
.'. Total distance run by the competitor to pick up n potatoes

2 (5 + 3) + 2 (5 + 2 x 3) + 2 (5 + 3 x 3) +
... + 2 {5 + (m - 1) x 3} metres
= 2x5+
= 2[5 + {5 + 3}+ t5 + (2 x 3)} + {5 + (3 x 3} + "' + {s + (r - 1)' a}]
= zl(5 + 5 +...+ s)+ {3 + (2 x 3) + (3 x 3) + "'+ (n - t) x a}l
- ,-ti-""
L'- J

-- zlsn+ 3{1 + 2+ 3 +"' + (,? - 1)}]

=zls,.{?)tt*t,-1)}] --iA - O)

=ILOtt + 3n(n - 1)l = 3n2 +7n = n(3n + 7) metres

1. Find the sum of the following arithmetic progressions:
(r) 50, 46,42,... to 10 terms
(ii) 1,3, 5,7,... to 12 terms
(iii) 3, 9 f 2,6,,15/2, ... to 25 terms
(iv) 41., 35,31',... to 12 terms
(v) a+ b,a-b,a-3b,...to 22 terms

(vr) (* - y)' , (*' + y'),(* + y)' ,...., to n terms

. ...
x-y 3x-2y,rr -uy,.,.torterms
,, x+V' x+y x+y
(vit) -26,-24, -22,.. . to36 terms'
2. Find the sum to n term of the A.P. 5,2, - L, 4', :7, "',
3. Find the sum of n terms of an A.P. whose mft terms is givenby an = 5 - 6n.
4. If thesumof acertainnumberof termsstartingfromfirsttermof anA.P.is 25i22,79,...,
.r is 116. Find the last term.
5. (i) How rnany terms of the sequence 18, 76,14, ... should be taken so that their
sum is zero?
(ii) many terms are there in the A.P. whose first and fifth terms are - 14 and 2
' ' How
.especti-rr-e'ty U." sum of the terms is 40 ?
, ""a

(iii) How many terms of the A.P. 9, 17,25,... must be taken so that their strm is 636?

(iv) How many terms of the A.P. 63,60,52 .. . must be taken so that their ,"rlIsCB:l'
lcBsE 200sI
6. The first and the last terms of an A.P. are 77 and 350 respectively. lf the common
difference is 9, how many terms are there and what is their sum?
7. The third term of an A.P. is 7 and the seventh term exceeds three times the third term by
2. Find the first term, the common difference and the sum of first 20 terms.
8. The first term of an A.P. is 2 and the last term is 50. The sum of all these terms is 442. Find
9. If 12lh term of an A.P. is -13 and the sum of the first four terms is 24, whatis the sum of
first 10 terms ?
10. Find the sum of hrstl2terms of an A.P. in which d = 22 and ap = \49.
11. Find the sum of all natural numbers between 1 and 1.00, which are divisible by 3.
12. Find the sum of first n odd natural numbers.
13. Find the sum of all odd numbers between (i) 0 and 50 (ii) 100 and 200.
14. Show that the sum of all odd integers between 1 and 1000 which are divisible by 3
is 83667. l

15. Find the sum of all integers between 8 4 and779,which are multiples of 5.
16. Find the sum of all integers between 50 and 500, which are divisible by 7.
1.7. Find the sum of all even integers between 101 and999.
18. Find the sum of all integers between 100 and 550, which are divisible by 9.
19. In an A.P., if the fust,term is 22, the common difference is - 4 and the sum to rr terms is 64,
20. In an A.P., if the 5th and L2th terms are 30 and 65 respectively, what is the sum of first 20
21'. Find the sum of the first
(i) t1 terms of the A.P : 2, 6,'1.0,'1.4,...
(ii) 13 terms of the A.P : - 6,0, 6,12,....
(ii| 51 terms of the A.P: whose second term is 2 and fourth term is 8.
22. Find the sum of
(i) the first 15 multiples of 8 INCERTI
(ii) the first 40 positive integers divisible by (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6. INCERTI
(iii) all 3 - digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13. TCBSE 2006C1
23. Find the sum:
(r) 2+4+5+...+200 (ii) 3+LL+19.+...+803
(iii) (-5)+ (-8) +(-11)+...+(-230) (iv) t +3+ S+Z +...+L99
(v) 7+ tO;+ 14 +... + 84 (vr) s4 + 32+ 30 +... + L0
(vii) 25 + 28 + 31 + ... + 100 lcBsE2006cl
24. Find the sum of the first 15 terms of each of the following sequences having n ft term as
(i\ a,=3+4n (ii) 4, =5+2n
(iii) xu=6-n (iv) y,, =9-5n INC'ERTI

25. Find the sum of first 20 terms of the sequence whose nh term is a n = An + B.
26. Find the sum of the first 25 terms of an A.P. whose rh term is given by a o = - 3!:
lcBsE 2oo4l
27. Findthesumof thefirst25termsof anA.P.whosenstermisgivenbya, =_7_-_31!
lcBsE 20041
28. Find the sum of first 51 terms of an A.P. whose second and third terms are L4 and 18
respectively. INCERTI
29. If the sum of 7 terms of an A.P. is 49 and that of 17 terms is289,find the sum of n terms.
30. The first termof an AP. is 5, the last term is 45 and the sum is 400. Find the number of
terms and the common difference. INCERII

31. In an A.P., the sum of first r terms ," t * Find its 25/ term. TCBSE 2006C1
T ".
32. I,ettherebeanA.P.withfirstterm'a',commondifference'd'.If a,,denotesitsnstermand
S, the sum of first r terms, find.
(r) nandS,,,if a =5,d = 3and a,u =il.
(ii) nanda,if an = 4, d. = 2andS,, = -14,
(iii) d,if a=3,n=9mdS,, =792.
(iv) a,if a,, = 28,5n ='!.44andn = 9.
(v) n and d,if. a = 8,an = 62andS, = 210.
(vr) flattdan,if a=2,d=8andSu =90. INCERT]
33. A man saved Rs 16500 in ten years. In mch year after the first he saved Rs 100 more than
he did in the preceding year. How much did he save in the first year?
34. A man saved Rs 32 during the first year, Rs 36 in the second year and in this way he
increases his savings by Rs 4 every year. Find in what time his saving will be Rs 200.
35. A man arranges to pay off a debt of Rs 3600 by 40 annual instalments which form an
arithmetic series. When 30 of the instalments are paid, he dies leaving one-third of the
debt unpaid, find the value of the first instalment.
36. There are 25 trees at equal distances of 5 metres in a line with a well, the distance of the
well from the nearest tree being 10 metres. A gardener waters all the trees separately
starting from the well and he returns to the well after watering each tree to get water for
the next. Find the total distance the gardener will cover in order to water all the trees.
37. A man is employed to count Rs rc7fi.He counts at the rate of Rs 180 per minute for half
an hour. After this he counts at the rate of Rs 3 less every minute than the preceding
minute. Find the time taken by him to count the entire amount.
38. A piece of equipment cost a certain factory Rs 600000. If it depreciatfs in value, 15% the
first, 13.5% the next yea r,12/" the third year, and so on. What will Ue its value at the end
of 10 years, all percentages applying to the original cost?
39. A sum of Rs 700 is to be used to give seven cash prizes to students of a school for their
overall academic performance. If each prize is Rs 20 less than its preceding prize, find
the value of each prize.

40. InanA.P.thefirsttermis&nthtermis33andthesumtofirstrtermsis123.Findnand
d, the common differences. lcBsE 20081
41. InanA.P.,thefirsttermis22,nthtermis-llandthesumtofirstntermsis66.Findrand
d, the common difference. [CBSE 2OO8I

42. If the sum of the first z terms of anA.P. is 4n - n2, what is the first term? What is the sum
of first two terms? What is the second term? Similarly, find the third, ihe tenth and the nth
43. ThefirstandthelasttermofanA.P.arelTand350respectively.Ifthecommondifference
is 9, how many terms are there and what is their sum? INCERI]
44. In an A.P., theJirst term is 2, the last term is 29 and the sum of the terms is 155. Find the
commondifference of the A.P. lcBsE 20101
45. In an A.P., the sum of first ten terms is -150 and the sum of its next ten terms is -550; Find
theA.P. lcBsE 20101
1. (i) 320 (ii) 144 (iiO s25 (iv) 162 (v) 22n-,tA0b

(vi) n {{*-il'+@-\xyl $ii) VLr- ,{n(2x-il-v} (viii) 324

2. \<tt-t"l B. n(2-tn) 4. 4

s. (0 19 (ii) 10 (iii) 12 (iv) 21,22

6. 38,6973. 7, -1,4,740 8. 3 9. 0

15. 50800 t6. 17696 17. 246950 18.

19. 4or8 20. L150 2]^.'(i) 242 (ii) 390 (iii) 3774
22. (t) e50 (ii) (a) 2a60 &) 4100 @) a920 (iii) 37674
23. (0 10100 (ii)40703 (iii)-8e30 (iv)10000 (") z
(vi) 286 (vii) 152s
24. (i) s2s (ii)315(iii)-30 (iv)-465 2s.2t0A+208
26, -925 27. -800 28. 5510
29. n2 30. n=16,d=8/3 31. 80
32. (0 16,5n=$Q (ii) r=7,a=4 $n\ d=6 (iv)a=4, (v) n=6, d =
(vi) n = 5, an= 34

33. Rs 1200 34. Syears 35. Rs 51 36.'3500m

97, Sgminutes 38. Rs.105000

39. Values of the prizes (in Rs) are: 160, L40,120,100, 80, 50,40
40, n=6,d=5 41. n=72,d=-3 42. Sr=1,52=4,a2=1,Ss =3,d3=-7,a10=-15
43. n=38,S= 6973,an=5-2n, 44. 3 45. a=6,d=-4

Very Short AnswerType Questions (VSAOS)

Muttiple Ghoice Questlons ([lc@s)

Answ* eachof thefollowingquestions either inonewordor onesentmceot asPetrequitement of the
1. Define an arithmetic progression.
2. Write the common difference of an A.P. whose rth term is an = 3n + 7 '
3. Which term of the sequence 1L4, 709, L04, .... is the first negative term?
4. Write the value of am' an for the A.P. 4,9, 14,L9,......
5. Write Sth term from the end of the A .P. 3, 5, 7, 9, ...., 201.
6. Write the value of r for which2x, x + 10 and 3x + 2 are in A.P.
7. Write the nth term of an A.P. the sum of whose n terms is Sr.
8. Write the sum of first n odd natural numbers.
9. Write the sum of first n even natural numbers.
10. Ifthesumof atermsof anA'P'is Sn = 3n2 +5n'writeitscommondifference'
11. Write the expression for the common difference of an A.P. whose first term is a and nth
term is b.
12. The first term of an A.P. is p and its common difference is q. Find its 10th term.
lcBsE 20081
13. For what value of p arc 2p + 1, 13 , 5p - 3 are three consecutive terms of an A.P.?
tcBsE 200eI
14. lf :,5 a,ZarethreeconsecutivetermsofanA.P.,thenfindthevalueofa. ICBSE2fil9l

15. If thesumof firstptermof anA.P. is ap2 + bp, finditscommondifference.[CBSE2010l


2.3 3. 24th 4. 100 5. L93 6. 6 7. a, = S, - Sn-r 8. n2

b-a 7
9. n(n+\) 10. 5 11. 12. p+9q 1.'3. 4 14. E ts. ?t
Mark the correct alternatioe in each of the following:
1. If 7th and 13th terms of an A.P. be 34 and 54 respectively, then its 18th term is
(a) 87 (b) 88 (c) 8e (d) eo

2. If thesumof Ptermsof anA.P.is4andthesumof4termsisp,thenthesum-of p+4terrns

(a)0 (b)p-q (c)p+q (d)-(p+q)
3. If the sum of n terms of an A .P.be 3n2 + z and its common difference is 6, then its first
(a)2 O)3 (c)1 (d)4
4. The first and last terms of an A.P are L and 11. If the sum of its terms is 36, then the
numberof termswillbe
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
5. If the sum of n tems of an A.P. is 3n2 + 5n then which of its terms is 154?
(a) 25th (b) 27th (c) 28th. (d) noneof these.
6. If thesumof ztermsof anA.p. is 2n2 +5tt, thenitsnthtermis
(a) 4n-3 (b) Sn-t (c) 4n+g (d) 3n+ +
t, 7. Itthesumof threeconsecutivetermsof anincreasingA.P.is5l.andtheproductof the
first and third of these terms is 273, then the third term is
(e) 1s (b) e (c) 21 (d) 17
8. lf iour numbers in A.P. are such that their sum is 50 and the greatest number is 4 times
the least, then the numbers are
(a) 5,1O 15,20 b) 4,L0,'76,i2
(c) 3,7,11,15 (d) noneof these
9. Let S, denote the sum of r terms of an A.P. whose first term is a. If the common difference
dis givenby
d = So - 6r_, + Sn_2, then k =
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) noneof these.
10. The first and last term of an A.P. are a and I respectively. If S is the sum of all the terms of
the A.P. and the common difference is given by
u'v.n -
(a) s (b) 2s (c) 35 (d) noneof these
11. If the sum of first n even natural numbers is equal to k times the sum of fust a odd natural
numbers, thenk=

(b) n-1. n+l n+1.

(a) (c) (d)
i , ; -,
12. If the first, second and last term of an A.P. ate a, D and 2a respectively, its
ab ab 3ab
. Xo_ al (b) b-a
k) 2@-a) (d) noneof these
13. If q isthesumof anarithmeticprogressionojrT,e44numberof termsand 52 thesum
of the terms of the series in odd places, tt er, =
@h tu) # (c)
2n G)n

14. If inanA.P., S, = n2p and S,n =tt2p, where S, denotesthesumof rtermsof theA.P.,
then S, is equal to
@l iP" b) mnp (c) p' (d) (m +Dpz
fi. f S, denotethesumofthefirstntermsof anA.P. lf 52,, =3S,,, then S3n : S, isequalto
(a) a (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10
16. In an AR S, = 4, Sq = P and S, denotes the sum of first r terms. Then; Sr+, is equal to
(a) 0 (b) -(p + q) (c) p + q (d) pq
17. If q denotes the sum of the first r terms of an A.P. Thery 53, : (S2, - S, ) is
(a) a (b) 3n (c) 3 (d) noneof these
18. If the first term of anA.P. is 2 and common difference is 4, then the sum of its 40 terms is
(a) 3200 (b) 1600 (c) 200 (d) 2800
19. The number of terms bf the A.P. 3, 7, 11, 15,... to be taken so that the sum is
406 is
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14 (e) 20
20. Sum of n terms of the series
O+J5+Jis +Jn+...is
nh +71 nh +11
(u\ --T- b) 2n(n+1) G) ltr- (d) 1

21. The 9th term of an A.P. is 449 and tMgth term is 9. The term which is equal to
(a) 501h (b) 502th (c) 508ft (d) noneof these
22.lt x+2,lai, r+5- areinA.P.Thenr= ,l

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2

23. The rh term of an A.P., the sum of whose n terms is Sr, is
(a) S, + Sn-r (b) Sn - S,-r (c) Sn + So*, (d) S, - S,,*r
24. The common difference of an A.P., the sum of whose n terms is S, is
(a) S, - 8r-r * Sn-z (b) S, -8o-r Sn-z
(c) S, - Sn-z (d) S,, - Sn-l
3n +5
25. If thesumsof ztermsof twoarithmeticprogressionsareintherano thentheir
h terms are in the ratio

3n-l 3n+1 Sn+l (O
s, _r
s,,+t G) 3,r+1 g"i
26. lf S denote the sum of r terms of an A.P. with first term a and comrnon difference d such
Sr i'
,t u, S*, is independent of r, then
(a) d=a (b) d=?-a (c) a=?l (d) d=-a

27. If the first term of an A.P. is a and rth term is b, then its common difference is
(O b+a
28. The sum of first r odd natural numbers is "-l
(a) 2n-l g) 2n+t (c) n2 (d\ n2 -1
29. Two A.P.'s have the same common difference. The fust term of one of these is 8 and that
of the other is 3. The difference between their 30tr terms is
(a) 11 (b) s (c) 8 (d) s
30. lf 1,8, a,D, -3 are in A .P., the a + b =
(a) 19 .(b) 7 (c) 11 (d) 15
31. The sum of n terms of two A.P.'s are in the ratio 5 n + 9 : 9n+ 5. Then, the ratio of their 1 gfr

179 178 175 176
321 (b) * G) g, (d)
5+9+L3+...tonterms 17
+...to(r =
7 + 9 + L1 + 1) terms iZ.''hutt'=
(a)8 b)7 (c) 10 (d) 11

33. The sum of n terms of an A.p. is 322 + 5n, then 1d4 is its
(a) 24hterm (b) 276term (c) 26ftterm (d) 2Shterm
34. If the rh term of an A .P. is 2n+ 1 , then the sum of first n terms of the A.p. is
(a) n(n-z) (b) n(n+2) (c) n(n+t) (d) n(n-L)
35. If 18ft and 11ft term of an A.P. are in the ratio 3 : 2, then its 21"t and 5h terms
are in the ratio
(a)3:2 (b)3:1 (c)1:, ,O\2:Z
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c)
7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (d) I'2. (c)
13. (a) la. (c) 15. o) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (a)
le. (d) 20. (c) 21.. (c) n.G) 23. (b) 24. (a)
2s. (b) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29, (d) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. o)
L. A sequence is an arrangement of numbers or objects in a definite order.
2. A sequence a1,a2,a3,...ra,,,... is called an arithmetic progressiory
if there exists a
constant d such that
az-h = d,a3 - a2 = d,aq - a3 = d,,,.,an+t - an = d andsoon.
The constant 'd' is called the common difference.
3. lf. ' a' is the first term and ' d' the common difference of an Ap, then
the A.p. is
a,A + d,a + ?l,a + 3d,a * M,...
4. Asequence a11a2ragr.,.rt,r,..,isanAp, if ar*1 ao isindependentof
- n.
5. Asequelce at,-a2,ast...tan,...isanAP,ifandonlyifitsnthtermanisalinearexpression
in n and in such a case the coefficient of r is the common difference.

6. The nh term a, of an A.P. with fust term'4' and common differenc e' d' is given by
7. Let there be an A.p. with first term 'a' and common difference d' If there are m terms in the
mthtermfromtheend = (tn ,? + 1)th termfromthebeginning
" =a+(m-n)d
Also, zth term from the end = Last term + (n - tX-d)
= I - (n - 1) d, where I denotes the last term'
g. various terms is a1A.P. canbe chosen in the following manner.
Numb*of terms Tenns Commondiff*ence
3 a-d,a,a+d d
4 a-3d,a-d,a+d,a+3d 2d
5 a -M,a - d,a,a + dra +?l d
6 a-il,a-M,a+ d,a+U,a+il 2d

9. The sum to n terms of an A.P. with first term 'a' and corimon differenc e ' d' is given by

s, =;{%+(n-L)d}

Abo, Sn =l{o+ I}, where I = last tiem = a + (n -l) d

10. If the ratio of the sums of n terms of two AP's is given, then to find the ratio of their n
terms, we replace z by (2tt - L') in the ratio of the sums of r terms'
11. AsequenceisanA.P.if andonlyif thesumofitsn termsisof theform Anz + Bn, where
A, B are constants. In such a case the common difference is 24'

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