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27 Amsa MN 11.12

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MARINE 11/2012

Marine Notice 11/2012
Supersedes 15/2010 and 7/2012

Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at Australian ports

This notice aims to clarify some of the emerging 2. Determining the means of navigation
issues relating to the carriage requirements for
In determining the means of navigation being
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
used, apart from considering the relevant form
(ECDIS) and to provide guidance for ECDIS-fitted
containing the ship’s “Record of Equipment”,
ships calling at Australian ports.
AMSA’s PSC inspectors will look for evidence
As the mandatory carriage of ECDIS will be phased in of planning and presentation of the ship’s route
from 1 July 2012 onwards1, ship operators, masters for the completed (or intended) voyage and of
and navigating officers of ECDIS-fitted ships are plotting and monitoring of the ship’s positions
encouraged to take this guidance into account. throughout the voyage. This information may
be cross-checked by the PSC inspectors against
Two flow charts that address ECDIS-related issues entries made in the ship’s official documents such
and which will be used by AMSA’s Port State Control as the deck log book and manoeuvring book.
(PSC) inspectors, are attached.
3. Compliant ECDIS
1. Safety Certificates under SOLAS As per SOLAS Chapter V Regulations 18 and
Details of a ship’s navigational systems and 19, for a ship to rely on ECDIS for navigation, the
equipment are recorded in the “Record of Equipment” ECDIS equipment must conform to the relevant
attached to the relevant safety certificate under IMO Performance Standards. ECDIS units on
SOLAS, including: board are required to comply with one of two
performance standards (either IMO Resolution
• Passenger Ship Safety Certificate - Form P
A.817(19) or MSC.232(82)), depending on the
• Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate - Form E date of their installations.
• Cargo Ship Safety Certificate - Form C
Where ECDIS is being used for navigation, it
The means of complying with SOLAS Chapter V must:
Regulation 19 needs to be indicated (i.e. paper
i) be type-approved;
charts and/or ECDIS) in the relevant form containing
the ship’s “Record of Equipment”. If a ship uses ii) be maintained to the latest applicable
ECDIS for navigation, the “Record of Equipment” International Hydrographic Organization
must clearly state the back-up arrangement in place. (IHO) standards;
Additionally, if a ship requires flexibility in using either iii) use official and up to date electronic charts;
paper charts or ECDIS as the means of navigation, and
such an arrangement must be clearly indicated in the
ship’s “Record of Equipment”. In such cases, both iv) have an adequate, independent back-up
paper charts and ECDIS must comply with SOLAS arrangement.

Depending on ship type, size and construction date, as required by SOLAS regulation V/19.2.10

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3.1 Type approval of ECDIS 3.3 Carriage of official electronic charts

In accordance with SOLAS Regulation V/18, Charts that are issued by or on the authority of a
ECDIS units on board ships must be type- Government, authorised Hydrographic Office or
approved. Type approval is the certification other relevant government institutions are official
process that ECDIS equipment must undergo and only these should be used to fulfil the SOLAS
before it can be considered as complying with chart carriage requirement. There are two kinds
the IMO Performance Standards. The process of official electronic charts available: Electronic
is carried out by type approval organisations and Navigational Chart (ENC) and Raster Navigational
marine Classification Societies. For Australian Chart (RNC).
ships, AMSA has delegated type approval and
certification of marine equipment to several Ships using ECDIS for navigation must carry ENC
Classification Societies as listed on the AMSA (which are official vector charts) or, where ENCs
website at: www.amsa.gov.au/Shipping_Safety/ of an appropriate usage code (i.e. scale) for the
Standards_and_Regulations/#class. ship’s operations have not been published, RNC
(which are scanned, geo-referenced images of
3.2 Maintenance of ECDIS software official paper charts). Both ENCs and RNCs must
An ECDIS that is not updated to the latest version be of the latest available edition and be kept up to
of IHO standards may not meet the chart carriage date using both the electronic chart updates (e.g.
requirement as set out in SOLAS Regulation ENC updates) and the latest available notices to
V/ IMO has issued SN.1/Circ.266/Rev.1 mariners.
on the need to maintain ECDIS software. The
3.4 Back-up arrangements for ECDIS
following link provides a list of the latest IHO
standards that apply to ECDIS equipment: Appendix 6 to the IMO ECDIS Performance
www.iho.int/mtg_docs/enc/ECDIS-ENC_StdsIn_ Standards specifies the requirements for adequate,
Force.htm. independent back-up arrangements. The main
requirements are the ability to make a timely
3.2.1 ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance transfer to the back-up system during critical
Check dataset navigation situations and allow the ship to be
IHO has produced an ECDIS Data Presentation navigated safely until the termination of the voyage.
and Performance Check dataset that allows
For Australian flagged ships, AMSA considers the
mariners to check some important aspects of the
following will meet the back-up requirements for
operation of their ECDIS. This dataset contains
two fictitious ENC cells which navigating officers
can load into their ECDIS units to assess operating i) an independent, fully compliant second ECDIS
performance and to determine whether there may unit, connected to ship’s main and emergency
be any display anomalies that either need to be power supplies and connected to systems
remedied or otherwise managed in the way that providing continuous position fixing capability;
the ECDIS is operated. If the check highlights a or
problem, the accompanying guidance notes with
the check dataset offer suggested courses of action. ii) a folio of adequate and up to date paper
The check dataset and accompanying instructions charts (including relevant large scale charts)
can be downloaded from the IHO website at: necessary for the intended voyage.
www.iho.int/srv1/index.php?option=com_conten The back-up ECDIS must be loaded with relevant
t&view=article&id=585:news&catid=166:1news- official charts and the voyage plan before
links&Itemid=828. commencement of the voyage. Similarly, if paper

Internet address for all current Marine Notices: www.amsa.gov.au Page 2 of 5


charts are being used as the back-up, they must 5. ECDIS training requirements
be readily available and the voyage plan must be
Under the provisions of Standards of Training,
indicated on them. The back-up arrangement must
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
be ready for immediate use, particularly when in
(STCW) Convention, there has been a long-
confined waters.
standing requirement for all officers who carry
Non-Australian flagged ships should comply with out navigational tasks to be appropriately trained.
SOLAS and their flag State requirements. All officers in charge of a navigational watch on
ships of 500 gross tonnage or more must have a
4. Mode of ECDIS operation thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical
charts and nautical publications (ref STCW Code
A type-approved ECDIS, when using current
Table A-II/1). The definition of a nautical chart
editions of ENC with the latest updates and
as provided in SOLAS Chapter V Regulation
corrections available, operates in ECDIS mode.
2 includes a special-purpose map or book, or
An alternative mode, known as Raster Chart
“a specially compiled database”. This clearly
Display System (RCDS) mode, can only be used
includes ENCs and RNCs, and hence includes
if there are no suitable ENCs available for the area
the use of ECDIS. In respect of seafarers who
being navigated. In recent years, ENC coverage
commenced an approved education and training
has increased rapidly. However, there may still
programme before 1 July 2013, there remains a
be some areas, such as polar regions, for which
clear requirement that approved ECDIS training
suitably detailed ENCs have not been issued.
(as outlined below below) be undertaken by all
In Australia’s case, ENCs exist for all well-used masters and officers in charge of a navigational
coastal shipping routes and for all major ports. watch on ECDIS-fitted ships.
Hence, unless a ship will be operating in or
5.1 Generic ECDIS training
transiting through an area for which there are
no suitable ENCs, ECDIS should not need to be All masters and officers in charge of a navigational
operated in RCDS mode in Australian waters. IMO watch should, as a minimum, complete generic
SN.1/Circ.207/Rev.1 addresses the differences ECDIS training that follows IMO Model Course 1.27
between ECDIS and RCDS. and conforms to the relevant STCW requirements.

4.1. Charts to be used in areas not adequately 5.2 Familiarisation training

covered by ENCs All masters and officers certificated under Chapter
ENC coverage of the world’s busiest ports and II of the STCW Convention are to be familiar in
their connecting shipping routes, is substantially accordance with STCW Convention Regulation
complete. Away from major shipping routes, I/14 with the ECDIS units fitted on board their
ENCs may be limited to small scale coverage. In ships. The requirement for familiarisation is further
circumstances where greater detail is required, it recognised under the provisions of sections 6.3
may be necessary to use RNCs. When planning and 6.5 of the ISM Code. Resources supplied
a passage in more remote areas, mariners should by the ECDIS manufacturers (such as in the form
note: of a CD or DVD) may form part of the ECDIS
familiarisation training. ‘Trickle-down training’
i) any caution embedded in an ENC, advising of (i.e. one officer training another) is not acceptable
the need to refer to larger scale charts for some without a structured and formalised process being
areas, and in place to facilitate such training.
ii) any areas within an ENC showing no data within
If the generic training includes the particular type
that scale band (usage code).
(i.e. same make and model) of ECDIS equipment
Where any significant area needs to be navigated installed on board, such training may fulfil the
using ECDIS in RCDS mode, mariners should requirement for both generic and familiarisation
critically consider the ability of their ECDIS to training. In such cases, a clear statement to this
provide an adequate ‘look-ahead’ capability. effect should be included in the ECDIS training

Internet address for all current Marine Notices: www.amsa.gov.au Page 3 of 5


documentation. Masters of ECDIS fitted ships The following is a non-exhaustive list of ECDIS-
should ensure that all officers in charge of a related issues which AMSA’s PSC inspectors pay
navigational watch are competent in the safe and close attention to:
effective use of the ship’s ECDIS.
• appropriate declaration in the ship’s “Record of
Equipment” form
The 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW
Convention and Code have introduced several • ECDIS type approval certificate, confirming that
additional specific competencies in the use of the ship’s ECDIS complies with the relevant
ECDIS for masters and officers in charge of a IMO performance standards and the IEC
navigational watch serving on ECDIS-fitted ships. (International Electrotechnical Commission)
Training requirements in accordance with the 2010 test standards
Manila Amendments become effective on 1 July
• maintenance of the ECDIS software to the latest
applicable IHO standards
6. ECDIS anomalies • use of latest edition official electronic charts,
updated and corrected to the latest available
An ECDIS anomaly is an unexpected or unintended
updates and notices to mariners
behaviour of an ECDIS unit which may affect the
use of the equipment or navigational decisions • adequate independent back-up arrangements
made by the user. Examples include, but are not (as detailed on “Record of Equipment”),
limited to: ensuring safe navigation for the remainder of
the voyage in the event of an ECDIS failure
• failure to display a navigational feature correctly
• approved ECDIS generic and familiarisation
• failure to alarm correctly
training undertaken by the master and officers
• failure to manage a number of alarms correctly in charge of a navigational watch
The IHO ECDIS check dataset (as mentioned in • documented procedures for using ECDIS
paragraph 3.2.1) provides a test facility for the
• listing of ECDIS as critical equipment in the
presence of the more serious known anomalies,
ship’s Safety Management System
such as:
• conformance and alignment with input from
• the display of navigation areas recently
sensors (e.g. heading, speed, rate of turn etc)
recognised by IMO such as ESSA
and presentation of such information on the
(Environmentally Sensitive Sea Area), PSSA
ECDIS display
(Particularly Sensitive Sea Area) and ASL
(Archipelagic Sea Lanes) • evidence of periodic tests and checks of the
ECDIS equipment that need to be carried out in
• the display of lights with complex characteristics
accordance with the ship’s Safety Management
• the display of underwater features and isolated System
• demonstration of operational competency
• detection of objects by “route checking” in by the ship’s navigating officers (e.g. safety
voyage planning mode checking of a voyage plan)

7. Port State Control inspections 8. ECDIS flow charts

AMSA’s PSC inspectors are increasingly focussing The attached flow charts outline ECDIS
on the means by which ships meet their SOLAS implementation and operational issues. These
chart carriage requirements and the effectiveness charts will assist AMSA’s PSC inspectors when
with which the navigational task is being conducted. assessing the carriage requirement and use of

Internet address for all current Marine Notices: www.amsa.gov.au Page 4 of 5


ECDIS on board. The assessment of any ECDIS

related deficiencies (along with any remedial
action determined) may vary, depending on
the circumstances of each case, including any
measures taken to limit risk and maximise safety.

AMSA has developed answers to a set of

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on ECDIS. It
provides further information on regulatory, charting,
software and training related issues. The ECDIS
FAQs can be accessed from AMSA’s website at:

Further enquiries regarding this marine notice can

be addressed to:
Ship Inspections and Registration
Maritime Operations Division

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

GPO Box 2181

Mick Kinley
A/g Chief Executive Officer
27 June 2012

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

GPO Box 2181
File No: 2012/1387

Internet address for all current Marine Notices: www.amsa.gov.au Page 5 of 5

ECDIS listed
in the ship’s
Record of Equipment Form

Is ECDIS being used for (Without any valid reasons) Action code 30
navigation? (depending on


Is the ECDIS type-approved?
Action code 30

(Actions depend on the seriousness of any resulting
Has the ECDIS been limitations on effective operation)
maintained to the latest Action code 30
applicable IHO standards and or 17
as may be required by its type

Have appropriate authorities

Is the ECDIS operating No (flag State, port State and No
Action code 30
satisfactorily? Recognised Organisations) been
or 17
notified, repairs requested and is
the back-up ECDIS in use?

Notes: ENCs (and any RNCs) with latest updates and corrections are to be
used in ECDIS for navigation. Use of the following is unacceptable (Code
1. Unofficial or private charts
2. Raster charts in an area with full and adequate ENC coverage
Is the ECDIS using appropriate
official electronic charts with
latest updates and corrections No (See note above)
as applicable? Action code 30


No In case of an IMO compliant electronic No

Does the ECDIS have adequate
back-up, does it comply with the power
and up-to-date paper charts as Action code 30
supply requirement and continuous position
back-up arrangement?
fixing capability?


Are the officers in charge of No (See note below)

navigational watch Action code 18
appropriately trained and or 30
competent to use ECDIS?
Notes: 1. All masters and officers in charge of a navigational watch
should undertake generic ECDIS training.
2. All masters and officers in charge of a navigational watch should
Yes undertake ECDIS familiarisation training that includes training on the
type of ECDIS units installed on board.

Are there appropriate

procedures documented in the No
ship’s Safety Management Action code 18
System (SMS) for the effective
operation of ECDIS?

Action code 17: Rectify deficiency before departure
No action required Action code 18: Rectify deficiency within three months
Action code 30: Detainable deficiency
ECDIS NOT listed
in the ship’s
Record of Equipment Form

Are paper charts* being used for
navigation? Action code 30


Is there sufficient evidence of passage
Action code 30
planning done on paper charts* ?


Are all the paper charts* required for Action code 30 or
the voyage on board? 17


Are all the required paper charts* of No

the latest edition, corrected to the Action code 30 or
latest notices to mariner available and 17
in use?


*Paper charts:

Photocopied / scanned copies of official paper charts

(whether subsequently corrected to latest notices to
NO action required
mariner or not) are NOT regarded as satisfying the SOLAS
chart carriage requirement.

Action code 17: Rectify deficiency before departure
Action code 30: Detainable deficiency

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