The Two Nationalist Sufis
The Two Nationalist Sufis
The Two Nationalist Sufis
Nationalism is the soul of a nation. No nation may survive without this
natural phenomenon. It is the tool of identity. The concept of the
nationalism was introduced in 17 th and 18 th century. But as we know that
literature is the way of expression. The nationalist used literature for their
nationalist movements in the pre historic period. But here in this region the
poets have used their poetic visions for their nations. Though their
languages are not the same but their views are the same for their nation
because the region is same the land is same. In those poets the two Sufis,
Shah Latif and Hamza Shinwarihave the unique style because they both are
the Sufis and they also have the vision of nationalism in their poetry. We
will discuss here that aspect of their poetry with reference to their own
style. Because the both mentioned poets are Sufis but not culturally and
identically same.
Chairman, Department of Pahsto, Islamia College Peshawar.
Lecturer in Pashto, Islamia College Peshawar.
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
Everyone who lives in a special territory love his nation. These feelings belong to the
nationalism concept. Nation is a specific terminology for a population which has same
historical background ,common territory ,common language, same myths and memories,
same ethnicity and culture, a common tradition and common socio economic and legal
rights.Nationalism has been considered as a soul and spiritual concept or moral conscious
by most of the scholars of the 19 th century.
In 1882 Ernest Renan has asserted his opinion about nation.
“A nation, he said, has a soul, an intellectual foundation, which consists of two things:
first of all, a people must have shared a common history; secondly, a people must poss ess
the will and desire to live as one”.1
This ideology was not only in the west but also in the east.
Soekarno also states that
"A nation is a unity of attitudes which derives from a unity of historical
experience."2 Nationalism, from his point of view,
"[Nationalism] is the conviction, the consciousness of a people that they are united
in one group, one nation."3
Nationalism is based on the ideology which premises the individual’s faithfulness and
devotion to the nation exceed other individual or group interests.
According to the encyclopedia Britannica:
“Nationalism is a modern movement. Throughout history people have been
attached to their native soil, to the traditions of their parents, and to established territorial
authorities; but it was not until the end of the 18th century that nationalism began to be a
generally recognized sentiment molding public and private life and one of the great, if not
the greatest, single determining factors of modern history. Because of its dynamic vitality
and its all-pervading character, nationalism is often thought to be very old; sometimes it
is mistakenly regarded as a permanent factor in political behavior”4.
It is natural phenomenon that everyone wish to be organize in a special group for the sake
of their self-interest and aims from the very beginning of the civilization, and that is the
concept of Nationalism which is considered too much important in the humane history.
“People who speak the same language, share the same ethnicity or faith, or happen to be
like-minded politically, or any combination of those things, might want to have their own
country and a government of their choosing, which represents the things they wish to
preserve, emphasize, and grow”5.
In discussing the roots of nationalism, Hans Kohn remarks that Nationalism is a state of
mind, in which the supreme loyalty of the individual is felt to be due to the nation-state.
A deep attachment to one's native soil, to local traditions and to established territorial
authority has existed in varying strength throughout history.6
The well-known American nationalist theoretician, Carlton Hayes, trying not to moor the
word "nation" to any exact dictionary definition7, states that:
"In simplest terms, nationalism may be defined as fusion of patriotism with a
consciousness of nationality".8
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
To understand the matter properly, some explanation of the term nationality is required.
The word nationality, according to Hayes:
"[Nationality] Derives from the Latin Natio, implying a common racial descent,
but few, if any, modern nationalities consist of a distinctive 'race' in the biological
The positive aspects of nationalism are stated byMutaharri as:
“It [Nationalism] can lead to better integration among the members of a single
nation. People of the same nationality may have a better understanding of one another
and consequently better relations between themselves. When expressed in a positive way,
nationalist sentiments can encourage the people of a nation to love their homeland and to
serve each other and their country in ways that are noble”10.
Nationalism may obviously relate to a community, cultural, social, religious or ethical
ranks. These commonly defined aspects of nations are going to classify the Nationalism
indifferent types, as stated by Louis Wirth:
Ethnic Nationalism: where the nation is defined in terms of ethnicity and descent
from previous generations. It also includes the idea of a culture shared between
members of the group, and usually a shared language.
Civic Nationalism: where the state derives political legitimacy from the active
participation of its citizenry and from the degree to which it represents the "will of
the people".
State Nationalism: a variant of Civic Nationalism, where the nation is assumed to
be a community of those who contribute to the maintenance and strength of the
state, and that the individual exists in the community expressly to contribute to this
goal. This often results in Fascism.
Expansionist Nationalism: a radical form of imperialism (and not really true
Nationalism at all) that incorporates autonomous, patriotic sentiments with a belief
in expansionism, usually by military aggression, e.g. Nazism (or Nationalist-
Socialism) in Germany.
Romantic Nationalism: a form of Ethnic Nationalism in which the state derives
political legitimacy as a natural (or "organic") consequence and expression of the
nation. It relies upon the existence of a historical ethnic culture which meets
the romantic ideal (folklore developed as a Romantic Nationalist concept).
Cultural Nationalism: where the nation is defined by shared culture, and neither
purely civic nor purely ethnic. Chinese nationalism is an example of Cultural
Nationalism, partly because of the many national minorities within China.
Third World Nationalism: where nationalist sentiments result
from resistance to colonial domination in order to survive and retain a national
Liberal Nationalism: where it is claimed that individuals need a national identity
in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives, and that liberal
democracies need national identity in order to function properly.
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
focusing on political matters, Irving uses Rip to show the reader how daily life has
changed in those lost years—daily life being more important than politics in the life of an
ordinary man. This reading helped early Americans take a step toward defining the
national character of the fledgling country; it also helped readers understand the pain of
independence from the mother country.”13
The literature here in Pakistan has also the colours of nationalism and patriotism. The
poets who belong to this land have a special soft corner in their heart for the people and
nation of the country and they have played their role for the sake of their nation. They
have painted their vision in the real shape of love for the nation, affection for the people
and peace for the country. Ameer Hamza Khan Shenwari and Shah Abdul latif bhittai are
amongst those poets who are Sufis in their thoughts and nationalist by nature. They both
work for the insurance of love and peace for the nation and their homeland. They have
their own philosophy of nationalism and patriotism. it is not found in any other Sufis in
the world like they are Sufis and nationalism at a time.Hamza Shinwari has given the new
style to the Sufism and Shah Latif used Sufism as a tool to convey the message of love
for the nation.
Shah Abdul Latif’s poetry has the theme of life. He has chosen his poetic theme very
carefully. He has selected these themes to lead the people towards the virtues and make
sure that the humane should think about their creation and existences. Although he talk
about the love and beauty with the virtues but he does not forget the colours of patriotism
and nationalism. Because the said feelings are naturally exist. We may call him the true
soul of the Land of Sindh.Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti says:
“The poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai is divided into Surs. The word” Sur” means a
mode of singing .In all there are 30 Surs in Shah Jo Risalo which are named according to
their subject matter .If we study his poetry we clearly find him a nationalist, humanist and
poet whose stature is perhaps on par with the great poets of the world and in no way he is
behind them, but yes of course at many places we find him ahead of them all. Much of
Shah Bhitai’s poetry expresses the individual seeking for God (Truth) in terms of well -
known ballads and the negation of the ego.”14
Shah Latif does not force anyone to draw them towards those thoughts which he considered to be
right in his own view. He motivates the people towards the truth and which give them enough
wisdom to the nation that truth has its own price in the world. He does not want the blessing of
wisdom from Allah because he knows the wiser people are wearing tears forever.
He advises the people to be always honest to the humanity and do not make differences among
human and may always remain unite with people.
In this regard he states in Sur Yaman Kalyan:
“Look at the weaver,
Delicate is their love,
They join every day,
And learn not to part,
Sufi is not limited by religious bounds,
He discloses not the war he wages in his mind,
Helps and assists those who with him fight.”15
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
At another occasion he give the lesson of unity by giving the example of birds which fly together
in folks with love and affection and the human does not do so. He just wants to convey the
message of unity for the sake of the nation and homeland. The nationalist approach of the Shah is
the unique in the theme where there is the concept of unity and love which directly inverse to the
He states in one of his Sur:
“No one like Jakhro I can see
On earth where're I gaze,
The leader of all leaders, of
Exalted status he-
Two bows' length, even less, his place
is from divine glory;
O lord, greatly you favored me
by giving me this guide!”16
And further he states:
“Oh leader, well your ways are known
all over foreign lands;
How many have you set on horse backs
that had weary grown?
You ask no faults of those who moan,
But all you do accept!” 17
On the other hand in his poetry Marvi is the symbolic representation of patriotism and
nationalism. Marvi is from Thar who was kidnapped by Umar, the king who kidnapped her and
then was forcing her to marry him. Marvi has refused the life style of the king Umar. She prefers
her hut over the palace of Umer. Marvi says:
She throwaway Umar’s throne and started objections on this decision and then she started
requesting him to set her free so she might go to her homeland back. Because She has love for
her small beautiful village.
These are some surs of the poetry of Shah Latif which show the love for the nation, homeland
and own people. These lines are shown that the nationalism is the natural phenomenon and Shah
is aware of the how to explore this concept positively in poetry. Now let’s see the nationalism of
the Hamza Shinwari in his poetry. The Pukhtun poet Hamza Shinwari is the Father of the Pukhtu
Ghazal,knwn for his Pukhtun Sufism in the whole Pukhtun society. As Sufism is his theme of the
poetry but he concept of Nationalism is also clear and strong.
Hamza Shinwari is a poet, dramatist, humorist, lyricist,translator and broadcaster but in real he
was the great humanist. Hamza Shinwari is the name of the great Pakhtun Poet who is known for
his Ghazal, the great Baba of Pashtu Ghazal. His theme of poetry is not only love, peace,
harmony and brotherhood but the Pashtun Sufism is also the main theme of his poetry. He is
Pukhtun and he love his nation and homeland. He has the patriotic and national heart in his chest
and sing for the sake of his People. He is strongly in faviour of those who think about the
humane and especially for his nation and homeland. His concept of nationalism is derived from
Khushal Khan Kahttak as he is the founder of nationalism in Pashto literature and gave the shine
of Sufism to that nationalism. He is the inheritant of Khushal khan Khattak in nationalism and
inheritant of Raman Baba in Sufism.
Dawar khan dawood states,
Translation: No one except Hamza Shinwari is kwon for the nationalist approach in
Pukhtunkhwa he is on the peak in this regard. That is khushal Khattak vision of the
nationalism, thought of the nation and imagination of nationalism which enlightened the
mind of Hamza . this the soul of his Pashtun love in his Ghazal.he sketched the real
Pashtun cultural and civilized images in his poetry by the unique way.
Hamza Shinwari has the pure positive nationalist poet. His nationalism is not narrow
minded he wants all the good things for his nation and for the humane as well.
Mr Javed Malik states
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
… )
Translation: Baba [Hamza Shinwari] wants equal right for his own nation and other
nations as well. The nationalism of Baba has no narrow-mindedness.
Hamza Shinwari has clear concept on the nationalism and he knows that when a nation is
not able to prove their identity they will not remain in the circle of other nations. His
nationalism is purely expressed in his poetry like he says:
Translation: O’God! bless Hamza with in Afghan bowl,when you are blessing the
Yasrabi Wine.
This verse from his poetry show his everlasting love for his nation and then he wish that
when the wine of love is blessed to the Muslim nation he will be happy to take that in
Pashtun bowl. That also show his patriotism and love for his mother land as well.
In another accession he express his view about his nation that he cannot bear the grieves
of his nation, he states,
Translation: I can bear all the grieves what it be, but donot give me the grieves of
Hamza Shinwari approach of nationalism is purely based on Pashtunwali and has the
theme of Islamic ideology and that make him different from all other poets. His Sufism is
also purely Pukhtun and his Pashtunwali is the great subject of his poetry.
Translation: If I have a small part in my heart for my nation, Hateem is also the part of
Hamz Baba is the Nationalist sufi poet of Pashto he has taken the light of nationalism
from that of the Quranic way of nationalism. He is the first Pukhtun poet who is Sufi as
well as nationalist at a time. We are giving some examples from his poetry here:
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
Translation: O’ the youth let’s make our country prosperous and great in the whole Asia.
Let’s build it with the bricks of Islam and make it progressed with Pashto and Honour.
These verses and hundreds other has the theme of the real nationalism of Hamza
Shinwari which is totally different from that of the Shah Latif. His Nationalism approach
is folkloristic and Hamza Shinwari has the realistic alive nationalism in his poetry.
Sufism is the way of the human to God and Humane to humane for the sake of humanity,
love peace and harmony. That way is to shower the blessing of God on the creature
without any distinguish between the humane. Sufism is the way which is chosen by
choice of the Sufi. The both said poets are the practical Sufis of their era. They have
spread the message of love and affection in their poetry. On the other hand nationalism is
the part of life of every human. That is the sign of identity.It is the important tool for the
self-interest, it is also a policy which may be used for gaining the goals of the nation.
Furthermore it is concerned withthe development of the national identity.This is on the
bases of culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief. The literature is one
of the most important tool which can preserve the concept of nationalism. Both Hamza
Shinwari and Shah Latif bhetai are the Sufis but they have also the view and vision of
nationalism in their poetry. The said poets have used the ideology of their Sufism for the
sake of their nation. They both have switched Sufism to nationalism in its original nature
Which preserve the cultural values as well as the emotions of patriotism. They have the
theme of Sufism ,love and harmony which are the core values of nationalism as well. In
short the Pukhtun nationalist Sufi, Hamza Shinwari and the Sindhi Sufi nationalist ,Shah
Latif have the realistic approach to humanity that’s why we respect them being Sufis and
own then being nationalist.
۳ جلد پښتونخوا انټرنېشنل جنرل آف
ء٢٠١۷دسمبر جوال ئي ــــــــــ
1. E. Renan, Was ist eine Nation?...und andere politische Schriften , 1995, 56 et seq. (58).
2. Soekarno, Nationalism Islam and Marxism, Translated by Karel H. Warouw and Peter D.
Weldon, 2nd edition, (New York: 1984), page. 3
3. -do- page. 39
4., 27/03/2018,
5. ,27.03.2018.
6. Kohn, Nationalism, page 9.
7. Carlton J. H. Hayes, Nationalism: A Religion, (New York: 1960), p. 7.
8. -do- page 1
9. -do- page 2
10. Mutaharri, Khadamat, page 44
11. Louis Wirth,American Journal of Sociology,Vol. 41, No. 6 (May, 1936), pages 723-737
12. ,27/03/2018.
13. ,27/03/2018.
14. Bhatti ,Zulfiqar Ali,Shah Latif’s poetry, symbol of struggle and
15. ,28/03/2018
16., chant 11,28/03/2018.
17. -do- 13
18. Bhatti ,Zulfiqar Ali,Shah Latif’s poetry, symbol of struggle and patriotism,
19. -do-
24. Shinwari, Amerr Hamza, Kulyaat II, page 271.
25. Shinwari, Amerr Hamza, Kulyaat V, page 88.