A Seminar Report On Intelligent Building: October 2013
A Seminar Report On Intelligent Building: October 2013
A Seminar Report On Intelligent Building: October 2013
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1 author:
Narayan Dungana
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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A Seminar Report
Submitted by
Narayan Dungana
EDC 2010069
Rinchending :: Phuentsholing
The concept of Intelligent Building is still uncommon in Bhutan though substantial amount of
literature on intelligent building has been generated internationally. Therefore, this seminar report
is prepared for a comprehensive understanding on the development, applications and benefits of
Intelligent Building on human society. For this purpose, this report reviews the literature related
to the subject area of Intelligent Building. The report contains information to make a focused
understanding about the aims and objectives of Intelligent Building.
The special sectors of building, such as, security, safety, maintenance, control and
comfort are explained precisely, with clear figures and data where ever necessary.
The intelligent building is also compared with ordinary building for better
understanding in this report. The energy efficiency and economical aspects of
intelligent building are also covered in the report. The references for broad
information are marked with square bracket [].
1. Mr Leki Dorji, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, for the guidance and
2. Mr Sangey Passang, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, and Mr Ugyen Dorji,
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, for the comments on the topic.
3. Department of Information and Technology for providing internet facilities.
Last but not least I wish to avail myself of this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude and love
to my friends and my beloved parents for their direct and indirect supports, strength, help and for
Table of Contents
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………….i
Table of Figures……………………………………………………………………………….vi
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Definition………………………………………………………………………………….1
1.2 History……………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.3 Overview………………………………………………………………………………….1
2. Building Automation………………………………………………………………………3
3.1 Controllers…………………………………………………………………………………4
3.2 Occupancy…………………………………………………………………………………4
3.3 Lighting……………………………………………………………………………………4
4.1 Security……………………………………………………………………………………7
4.1.1 Access Control………………………………………………………………………….7
4.2.1 Surveillance…………………………………………………………………………...13
4.2.2 Safety…………………………………………………………………………………14
4.3 Telecommunication……………………………………………………………………...14
4.3.1 Cabling……………………………………………………………………………….15
12. Future Direction of Intelligent Building………………………………………………22
16. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………25
17. References………………………………………………………………………………26
List of Figures
Figure 1: Gadgets……………………………………………………………………………...9
Figure 9: Telecommunication………………………………………………………………….14
1. IB Intelligent Building
2. LAN Local Area Network
3. BAS Building Automaton System
4. HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
5. UPS Unlimited Power Supply
6. CAD Computer Aided Design
7. IBMS Intelligent Building Management System
8. PWAC Present Worth of Annual Charge
9. NPV Net Present Value
1. Introduction
1.1 Definition
An intelligent building is one that provides a productive and cost-effective environment through
optimization of its four basic elements - structure, systems, services and management - and the
interrelationships between them. Intelligent buildings help business owners, property managers
and occupants to realize their goals in the areas of cost, comfort, convenience, safety, long-term
flexibility and marketability [4].
Intelligent Buildings are equipped with robust telecommunication infrastructure, allowing for
more efficient use of resources and increasing the comfort and security of its occupants.
1.2 History
The Intelligent Building concept surfaced in the early 1980’s and generally advocated extensive
use of elaborate centralized electronic systems to facilitate control of building support and
communication systems for voice and data. The initial concept promoted communication networks
to allow centralized word processing services and limited interaction between individual occupants
and the Building Automation System. Builders and owners were pressured to develop intelligent
buildings, in spite of high premium costs, at that time, for prestige reasons and for enhanced rental
potential. The Building Automation System and the Communication System industry as well as
other specialized interest group soon developed specific products and applications to meet and
facilitate the implementation of Intelligent Building Concept. The high technology concept of
intelligent building systems was introduced in United States. The IB concept is now well
developed and applied in Europe, Asia and North America.
1.3 Overview
The following attributes indicates the need for various technology and management systems. The
successful integration of these systems will produce three dimensions of building intelligence.
1. Building should know what is happening inside and immediately outside.
2. Building should decide the most effective way of providing a convenient, comfortable and
productive environment for its occupants.
1. standardized building wiring systems that permit full building control over a single
2. higher building value and leasing potential via increased individual environmental control
3. consumption costs that are managed through zone control on a time-of-day schedule
4. tenant control over building systems via computer or telephone interface
5. comprehensive tracking of tenant after-hour use for chargeback purposes
6. a single human-resources interface that modifies telephone, security, parking, local-area
network, wireless devices, building directories, etc.
3. Advanced Telecommunication
It enables rapid communication with outside world, via the central computer system using
optical fiber installations, microwave and conventional satellite links.
Increasingly, intelligent-building technologies are noted for their capacity to concurrently carry
both a tenant's voice and data communications over the same wiring infrastructure that carries
building control data. Many industry insiders say that an intelligent building should have high-
speed wiring, real-time communications, real-time information, real-time services, and real-time
integration. Generally, an intelligent building also should be flexible.
2. Building Automation
Building Automation describes the functionality provided by the control system of a building. A
building automaton system (BAS) is an example a distributed control system. The control system
is a computerized, intelligent network of electronic devices, designed to monitor and control the
mechanical and lighting systems in building.
BAS core functionality keeps the building climate within a specified range, provides lighting based
on the occupancy schedule, and monitors system performance and device failures and provides
email and/or text notifications to building engineering staff. The BAS functionality reduces
building energy and maintenance costs when compared to a non-controlled building. A building
controlled by a BAS is often referred to as an intelligent building system.
Most building automation networks consists of a primary and secondary bus which connect high-
level controllers with low lower-level controllers, input/output devices and the user interface (also
known as a human I interface device).
Most controller are proprietary. Each company has its own controllers for the specific applications.
Some are designed with limited controls: for example, a simple Packaged Roof Top Unit. Others
are designed to be flexible. Inputs and outputs are either analog or digital. A digital input indicates
if a device is turned on or not. Some examples of a digital input would be a 24VDC/AC signal, an
air flow switch, or a volt-free relay contact. Digital outputs are used to open and close relays and
switches. An example would be to turn on the parking lot lights when a photocell indicates it is
dark outside [1].
3. Intelligent Building Systems
3.1 Controllers
Controllers are essentially small, purpose-built computers with input and output capabilities. These
controllers come in range of sizes and capabilities to control devices commonly found in buildings,
and to control sub-networks of controllers. Inputs allow a controller to read temperatures,
humidity, pressure, current flow, air flow, and other essential factors. The outputs allow the
computers to send command and control signals to slave devices, and to other parts of the system.
Inputs and outputs can be either digital or analog. Digital outputs are also sometimes called discrete
depending on manufacture.
3.2 Occupancy
Occupancy is one of two or more operating modes for a building automation system. Unoccupied,
Morning Warm-up, and Night-time Setback are other common modes. Occupancy is usually based
on time of day schedules. In occupancy mode, the BAS aims to provide a comfortable climate and
adequate lighting, often with zone-based control so that users on one side of a building have a
different thermostat than users on the opposite side. Some buildings rely on occupancy sensors to
activate lighting and/or climate conditioning. Given the potential for long lead times before a space
becomes sufficiently cool or warm, climate conditioning is not often initiated directly by an
occupancy sensors.
3.3 Lighting
Lighting can be turned on and off with BAS based on time of day, or on occupancy sensors, photo
sensors and timers. One typical example is to turn the lights in a space on for a half hour since the
last motion was sensed. A photocell placed outside a building can sense darkness, and the time of
day, and modulate lights in outer offices and the parking lot.
3.4 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and Indoor Air Quality
HVAC systems are generally controlled by building automation systems that can:
permit individual occupants to adjust workspace temperatures (within prescribed limits);
monitor temperatures, and adjust according to a usage profile;
adjust indoor air quality based on room occupancy and building standards;
adjust humidity, temperature and air flow speeds; and
use either variable air volume or constant volume air distribution designs.
Intelligent building systems can provide occupants with improved elevator service. Elevator
control can be quite complex, particularly with multiple elevator groupings and incorporating
traffic patterns into the system. Some elevators may be shut down for part of the day to conserve
energy. Current designs frequently include communications within the elevators to permit the use
of access control cards, and closed circuit surveillance is becoming widespread. An effective
access control system can permit dynamic changes to user privileges so that, for example, certain
floors may not be accessible even with an approved access control card, unless there are already
people occupying that floor. Escalators can save energy by slowing down or stopping when
detectors indicate no traffic. This approach to energy savings also benefits the mechanical
components that need not run continuously.
Distributed controllers can provide total building automation. These devices, which communicate
using a dedicated network, allow the use of standard access control, intrusion monitoring and
surveillance devices, and can include multiple switched inputs and outputs, analog and digital input
and output controls. The communications network can interact seamlessly with associated video
and audio switches, allowing the operator screens to be used to select and control many different
device types. The primary benefit of a distributed control system is the ability of individual
controllers to continue functioning when some elements of the network or main computer fail.
These controllers often interact with audio and video switches and other building management
As processors and memory are built into the controllers activating HVAC and other building
systems, there are opportunities to provide closed loop control. In traditional controllers, no
response confirms that the requested action has occurred, e.g., if the room needs heat and warm
air is called for, it is assumed that the baffle has acted as required, which is not always true.
Intelligent controllers would confirm the success or failure of the baffle movement, closing the
information loop. The intelligent controller can perform self-diagnostics and report potential
failures sometimes before they occur, e.g., the controller can report that the actuator needed to
move multiple times before the baffle achieved the desired position, indicating a mechanical
malfunction. These controllers also function in a degraded manner if the communications link
fails. Intelligent controllers may be applicable to any of the systems contained in, and controlled
by, an intelligent building system and can report status information to the central control system.
The same approach also allows periodic diagnostic cycles in order to perform directed
Safety Telecommunication
4.1 Security
Access control restricts how and when people enter and/or exit an area. Your particular needs will
determine how that is accomplished. Access Control Systems allow people or vehicles into a
restricted area via identification through coded keys, magnetic cards, or biometric readers such as
hand, face, voice, finger or retina readers. These systems are used in many businesses, hotels and
apartment complexes.
1. Limit access
Systems can be programmed to allow certain users to enter specific areas only at certain
times. Other users can be allowed to enter all locations at all times.
2. Automating
Systems can automatically lock a door or gate each evening at a certain time and unlock it
automatically at another time.
1. First a barrier is needed to prevent someone from entering or exiting, such as a locked door or
3. A credential reader is used to read the information on a key or card, to register a combination
of numbers entered on a pad or to identify some characteristic that the user has, such as a
fingerprint the shape of a hand, a pattern in the eye, etc.
4. This identifier is sent to a controller that has stored a record of those identifiers that are
authorized to enter the area.
5. If the credential holder is authorized the controller unlocks the gate or door and the credential
holder is allowed to enter.
6. In many systems a record of all authorized and unauthorized credentials is stored in the system
for future reference.
Figure 1. Gadgets
Finger Print Lock is easy and simple to install. It is unlocked by fingerprint or code. It can store
up to one hundred fifty finger prints.
4.1.3 Voice and Video Intercom
This type of access control is most commonly used in blocks of flats or apartments, where access
to the front door needs to be controlled remotely. Communication between the internal phone and
the outside speaker is established, before authorization to enter is granted.
A secure pin code entered onto a touch screen is required, before Access to a controlled area is
4.1.5 Swipe Card Access System
Swipe Card Access System allows entrance to a secured area, through the "swiping" of a pre-
programmed card with magnetic strip through a reader.
4.1.6 Biometric Access System
The newest technology in access control, biometric systems verify a person's identity, by unique
physical characteristics, such as a fingerprint or retina.
Intelligence with respect to life safety in an intelligent building consists of the use of high
technology to maximize the performance of fire alarm and security systems while at the same time
minimizing costs. Life safety factors involved in intelligent buildings include:
Closed-circuit television,
Smoke detection,
Intrusion alarms,
Many BAS have alarm capabilities. If an alarm is detected, it can be programmed to notify
someone. Notification can be through a compute, pager, cellular phone, or audible alarm.
Security systems can be interlocked to a building automation system. If occupancy sensors are
present, they can also be used as burglar alarms. Fire and smoke alarm systems can be hard-wired
to override building automation. For example: if the smoke alarm is activated, all the outside air
dampers close to prevent air coming into building, and an exhaust system can isolate the alarmed
area and activate and activate the exhaust fan to move smoke out of area. Life safety applications
are normally hard-wired to a mechanical device to override building automation control.
4.2.1 Surveillance
Surveillance helps in monitoring movement within and outside a building and its periphery through
camera (Closed-Circuit Television Camera) or perimeter devices like intrusion alarms. Also helps
in alerting the security manager, in case of violation of pre-set norms.
4.2.2 Safety
Life safety systems, often called “fire systems”, are typically driven by code considerations.
Security systems are required to release doors per code constraints under emergency conditions.
HVAC systems are also driven by life safety needs, e.g., smoke extraction, stairwell pressurization
and elevator recall.
This system deals with the Fire Alarm System, the Emergency Lighting, the Egress Lighting
System and the Smoke Evacuation System.
Fire protection system pumps water to the areas where the fire occurs, so as to douse it
automatically through sprinkler bulbs and also manually through the fire brigade. Sufficient water
pressure should be maintained throughout.
Early warning systems like smoke detection systems, detects the fire at a very early stage and
pinpoint to the caretaker where exactly it is occurring, so that the fire is extinguished locally
through manual fire extinguishers.
that the equipment is shared by many users. Some of the telecom features involved in intelligent
buildings are: [3]
Telecommunication Systems and Office Automation Systems like the UPS and the Public Address
system provides the required support in the event of security violation or fire.
4.3.1 Cabling
Separate cabling within a building is typically provided for each system requiring communications
interaction, i.e., separate cables are provided for telephones, local area networks, building
automation, fire systems and elevator controls, depending on the systems in the structure. The
cabling required for intelligent building technologies applications should, to the extent possible,
adhere to a number of basic criteria for integration. In the future, individual cables will not be
needed because the communications systems will be integrated. Most integrated cable systems
multiplex or otherwise consolidate the communication needs between different systems;
use a single, common communications raceway or communications tray;
locate all common equipment in shared communications rooms where the equipment can
readily be interconnected as required;
ensure that the communications rooms are secure;
use the same type of cabling wherever possible, so applications and cables are
interchangeable over the lifetime of the building;
use the same kind of termination equipment for all cables;
manage the cable infrastructure as a building resource; and
follow a structured cabling design, as recommended by Telecommunications
equipment will then bridge and link the distribution network feeding the end users and the
consolidated backbone infrastructure of the building.
5.Management Systems
Energy-effective systems balance a building's electric light, daylight and mechanical systems for
maximum benefit. Adding daylight to a building is one way to achieve an energy effective design.
And with the reduced need for electric light, a great deal of money can be saved on energy.
A number of facility management programs are available. They vary in complexity as well as in
their ability to integrate complex systems such as:
Energy management forms an integral part of the Intelligent Building and should be built to allow
Real Time and dynamic interaction with the energy consuming elements of the building.
No enegry management program can be effective unless critical energy consuming areas are
monitored individually and allow the energy management program the required intervention
capabilities such as turning equipment on/off or limiting its capacity where possible through
electrical load shedding or load stabilization routines.
The ability to schedule operation of any significant energy consuming equipment on the basis of
season, occupancy load, time of day, statutory holidays, daytime natural light visibility, etc is
possibly the most significant energy saving feature to incorporate in the building.
7. Environmental Benefits of Intelligent Building
An intelligent building starts with an environmentally friendly design. It creates a project that is
environmentally friendly and energy efficient ties in closely with many of the intelligent attributes.
Intelligent buildings are designed for long-term sustainability and minimal environmental impact
through the selection of recycled and recyclable materials, construction, maintenance and
operations procedures. Providing the ability to integrate building controls, optimize operations,
and enterprise level management results in a significant enhancement in energy efficiency,
lowering both cost and energy usage compared to non-intelligent projects.
8. Economy Consideration
Creating an intelligent building does require an investment in advanced technology, processes, and
solutions. An upfront investment is required to realize a significant return later on. It is unrealistic
to expect to make a project intelligent unless there is early buy in on investment. One of the
challenges is to educate owners on the benefits of an intelligent building design. This makes the
education of both owners and architects about the benefits of intelligent solutions critical for
Many wireless devices and protocols are currently being promoted. Burglar alarm systems for
residential applications, patient wandering systems for hospitals and other applications of voice
systems, such as Bluetooth communicate without a hard wired infrastructure. Wireless
communications are particularly attractive where offices and partitions are frequently
reconfigured, and applications change frequently. The wireless solution competes favorably with
wired alternatives. HVAC requirements can be economically and efficiently met using wireless
While planning an intelligent building, a Building service engineer, an Architect & Hardware
Engineer is required, but in case of ordinary building, a Building service engineer and an Architect
is enough.
In an Intelligent Building, the security system, communication system, etc. are coordinated and
automatically controlled by computer work station.
The cost of construction of Intelligent Building is very high as compared to an ordinary building.
The development cost of an Intelligent Building is 8 - 10% higher than that of an ordinary building.
But this can be justified by the resulting energy saving, which is only 25 – 35% of energy required
by normal building.
Techno-campus of Cognizant Technology Solutions, Thoraipakkam on old Mamallapuram road is
one of the Intelligent Buildings in India. It took 14 months to evolve a fully integrated design plan
and arrive at the IBMS solution that covers security, safety and automation, and since January
2004 the concept has been functional in the 400,000-sqft complex.
Figure 11. NIIT Building in India
environmental impacts and with security needs are market forces that influence intelligent
buildings functionality. Intelligent buildings depend on the increasing reliability of secure and
resilient communication infrastructures. Mobile telephones are well established, encouraging
mobile communications in many other forms. This technology has value for in-building
applications. For the occupants/tenants and the operators, these technologies yield substantial
efficiencies. These evolving concepts will lead to intelligent building technologies that are not yet
on the drawing board.
Challenges to the widespread introduction of intelligent building technologies arise from many
diverse considerations. A significant consideration is always the financial impact, including
capital costs, expense costs and revenue. Good business practice requires that financial
implications must be correctly assessed, taking into consideration the time value of money and the
effect of taxation. Low initial costs are attractive to developers, while the owners/operators and
occupants/tenants are more interested in long term operational costs. Intelligent building
technologies offer significant opportunities to generate increased revenue. Intelligent buildings
offer more value, hence sell and/or rent for higher prices and/or more rapidly. Financial decisions
based on the comparison of alternative plans of action that consider only initial cost will inevitably
be wrong. If the revenue stream of the alternatives is the same, then revenue can be ignored and
the continuing expenses can be factored in using the metric present worth of annual charges
(PWAC). If the alternatives are expected to generate different amounts of revenue, which will
generally be the case when intelligent building technology applications are under consideration,
the correct metric is net present value (NPV). The initial cost must, of course, be considered, but
should only be the deciding factor when the correct metrics for the comparison of alternatives,
(PWAC where expected revenue is uniform and NPV where expected revenue varies) are the same
or very close.
14. Lifespan of Intelligent Building
The evolution of electronic technology is moving rapidly, with lifespans and life-cycle times in
the range of five to ten years. Buildings typically have a lifespan between major refits of
approximately 25 years, or two to three technology cycles [4]. A significant advantage of
intelligent building technologies is the ability to upgrade the electronics while continuing to use
the cabling that is already in place. Equipment and system vendors have an opportunity to design
graceful growth into their product evolution plans; to enable their products that are in service to
be upgraded to add the most recently introduced features and functions. Building automation
depends on many systems and components. Existing solutions will continue to function with the
current implementation and capabilities, when newer products in the market place have displaced
the installed product.
In an intelligent building, these roles are now consolidated into a single series of responsibilities.
The challenge for the architect as the primary contract manager is to select engineers and
contractors qualified to undertake these activities. Since the involvement of more parties in the
construction process could make it more difficult to assign responsibilities, early and clear
resolution of disputes is important.
16. Conclusion
The Intelligent Building is clearly the building of the future. The goal of having an intelligent
building only starts with early planning in the design stage. In many ways, this mirrors the design
and fulfillment of many green projects today, but it uses technology to provide for a superior space.
There are enormous benefits to be gained by creating intelligent buildings.
With proper marketing such buildings will entice tenants to sign on with a much greater ease. By
supporting the tenants in as many services as possible the building owners also gain from the
profits realized from these services and tenants profit from the discounts to be had on their end as
Reduced energy costs are seen as a major benefit of intelligent building technologies equated to
HVAC. However, other benefits, e.g., reduced staff levels and improved occupant satisfaction, are
often overlooked.
16. References
[1]. Rawlson, N.K., “What are Intelligent Building Technologies”, Electronic Design, 2006.
[2]. Amatya S., “Intelligent Building Research, A Review”, Automation in Construction 14”,
[3]. “Intelligent Building”, Document and Research for Small Business and Professionals,
retrieved from http://www.docstoc.com/docs/135019986/Intelligent-Building---DOC
[5]. “Homes and Buildings”, A Magazine of the Continental Automated Building Association,