Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
This chapter discusses the method of research, subjects of the study, description of
research instrument, statistical treatment applied, and data gathering procedure which will be
Research Design
The study is intended to know the perception of residents of Brgy. San Roque Tanauan,
Leyte towards improper waste disposal. The nature of this study is quantitative research. As
defined by Aliaga and Gunderson (2000), quantitative research refers to explaining phenomena
by analyzing through mathematically based methods the collected numerical data. Primarily,
quantitative research deals with numbers, with that, results of this study will be clear and easy to
interpret. Aside from that, the researchers decided to utilize quantitative research since it requires
a large sample size the researchers could generalize the findings of this study beyond the
participant group and arrive on a conclusion with confidence. More so, the research design of
this study is descriptive research. McCombes (2019) defined descriptive research as a research
that aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. She
furthered stated that it can answer what, when, where, and how questions. In addition,
descriptive design tells what it is, rather than trying to determine the cause and effect of a
phenomenon. It is appropriate since the researches will simply examine the situation as it is and
The study will consist of 80% of the total population of the Residents in Brgy. San
Roque Tanauan, Leyte. According to Andrea Fryrear (2015), to get a higher rate, it must be
80% or higher. The respondents are located at Brgy. San Roque Tanauan, Leyte. The
researchers will choose the Residents of Brgy. San Roque Tanauan, Leyte as it is prone to
disposing of waste improperly. One of the characteristics that the researchers will consider if
the research respondents have the characteristics of throwing waste improperly, in that way
the researchers could determine the Perception of the Residents of Brgy. San Roque Tanauan,
Leyte toward Improper Waste Disposal, also the respondents must be a Resident in Brgy. San
Roque Tanauan, Leyte. This study, a non-probability sampling will be used. According to the
article entitled, "Non-Probability Sampling and Randomization". Bhat (2019) defined Non-
subjective judgement of the researcher rather than random selection. Generally, the
create sample as per ease of access, readiness to be part of the sample, availability at a given
time slot or any other practical specifications of a particular element. The study will employ
convenience sampling since it is quick and easy to deliver results. The respondents will be
Research Instrument
This study aims to know the possible perceptions of residents in Brgy. San Roque
Tanauan, Leyte towards improper waste disposal. The researchers will be using questionnaire in
gathering data needed for this study. According to Simply Psychology (2019), questionnaire
pertains to a research instrument which contains series of questions for the purpose of gathering
information from the respondents. Furthermore, this study will be using the structured
document that consist of a set standardized questions with a fixed scheme, which specifies the
exact wording and order of the questions for gathering the information to the respondents.
Structured questionnaire is appropriate in this study because it asks direct questions and it
accumulate large amounts of valuable data. On the other hand, structured questionnaire is
convenient and is much easier to analyze data results. The questionnaires was divided into two
sections. The first section was comprised of factual information on the research respondents’
demographics. In the second part of the questionnaire, Likert scale and Dichotomous and an
open-ended question were used. As defined by Talaash (2019), Likert scale refers to a
psychometric scale usually with odd number of values such as 3pt scale, 5pt scale, 7pt scale,
with the middle point denoting the neutral value. In this study respondents had to indicate their
response in terms of the five-point Likert-scale as to whether they strongly disagree, disagree,
neutral or not sure, agree, or strongly agree with the statements provided.
This study is intended to know the perceptions of residents of Brgy. San Roque
Tanauan, Leyte. Surveying will start on the 1st until the 2nd week of February 2020. Gathering
of data started by dividing the group of researchers by pair in order to save time. Each pair
visited the household and asked permission by handing the intent letter made by the researchers
as well as brief the respondents on the purpose of the study. Next, directions were discussed
briefly and if there are things that they cannot understand, respondents are allowed to raise some
questions. After clarifying each indicators and directions, distribution of questionnaire will start.
To determine the level of responses of the evaluators, a descriptive statistic which is one
of the method of quantitative data analysis will be used. Hebl (2018) interpreted descriptive
statistics as a number used to summarize and describe data. The responses will be tallied to
determine the frequency of each one. The researchers will find out the mean of each items
MathisFun (2019) defined mean as the average of the numbers. Below is the representation of
the formula.
= mean
x = scores
n = number of respondents