Tellabs 8100 Managed Access System Tellabs 8184 Access Switch and Tellabs 8188 Access Switch Reference Manual
Tellabs 8100 Managed Access System Tellabs 8184 Access Switch and Tellabs 8188 Access Switch Reference Manual
Tellabs 8100 Managed Access System Tellabs 8184 Access Switch and Tellabs 8188 Access Switch Reference Manual
Document Information
Revision History
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Document Information
Term Explanation
ADM Add-Drop Multiplexer
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BBE Background Block Errors
CAS Channel Associated Signalling
CLT Circuit Loop Test
DMA Deferred Maintenance Alarm
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
ECC Embedded Communication Channel
ES Electrical Section
ES Errored Seconds
GUI Graphical User Interface
LED Light Emitting Diode
LAN Local Area Network
LOF Loss of Frame
LOP Loss of Pointer
MLOF Loss of Multiframe
MEI Maintenance Event Information
MLM Multi-Longitudinal Mode
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
NE Network Element
NTU Network Terminating Unit
OS Optical Section
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PMA Prompt Maintenance Alarm
PMS Performance Monitoring System
POH Path Overhead
PSC Protection Switch Count
PSD Protection Switch Duration
QoS Quality of Signal
QoSTR Quality of Signal Threshold Reset
RDI Remote Defect Indicator
RS Regenerator Section
Document Information
Compliance Statement
Hereby, Tellabs Oy declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999 / 5 /EC.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Audience......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Related Documentation .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Discontinued Products.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Document Conventions .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Documentation Feedback............................................................................................................................................... 8
1 System Overview......................................................................................................... 9
1.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Applications......................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Management ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.4 Features................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Table of Contents
4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 53
4.2 Operation ............................................................................................................................................................. 53
4.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 53
4.2.2 Data Links for Internal Use ................................................................................................................. 54
4.2.3 Voltage Monitoring.............................................................................................................................. 56
4.2.4 Fan Unit Interface and Temperature Monitoring................................................................................. 56
4.3 Node Level Operations........................................................................................................................................ 56
4.3.1 Node Inventory Management .............................................................................................................. 56
4.3.2 Backup of Unit Settings....................................................................................................................... 57
4.3.3 Protection of Cross-Connection System.............................................................................................. 57
4.3.4 Subrack Alarms ................................................................................................................................... 57
4.3.5 Event Reporting to Network Management System ............................................................................. 58
4.3.6 N x 64 kbit/s Channel Test Functions.................................................................................................. 58
4.4 Faults and Actions ............................................................................................................................................... 59
4.4.1 Terminology......................................................................................................................................... 59
4.4.2 Fault Tables.......................................................................................................................................... 59
4.5 Front Panel and Connectors................................................................................................................................. 64
4.5.1 Service Computer (SC) Interface ........................................................................................................ 65
4.5.2 Ethernet Interface ................................................................................................................................ 66
4.5.3 Alarm Interface.................................................................................................................................... 66
4.6 Cabling................................................................................................................................................................. 67
4.7 Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 68
4.7.1 Control Interface Specifications .......................................................................................................... 68
References......................................................................................................................... 69
About This Manual
• Objectives
• Audience
• Related Documentation
• Document Conventions
• Documentation Feedback
The goal is to describe the network element features of Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188
access switch including GMX2, SCU-H and FAN2.
This manual is intended for system specialists and personnel involved in network planning.
Related Documentation
Tellabs ® 8100 Managed Access System Node Describes Tellabs 8100 network element features.
Technical Description (12118_XX)
Tellabs ® 8100 Managed Access System Describes Tellabs 8100 network element interfaces.
Interface Guide (12322_XX)
Discontinued Products
Tellabs ® 8100 Managed Access System Discontinued Products list can be found in Tellabs Portal,
www. by navigating to Product Information -> Technical Documentation ->
Managed Access - Tellabs 8100 -> Network Element Manuals -> 8100 List of Discontinued
About This Manual
Document Conventions
This is a caution symbol. It indicates that damage to equipment is possible if the instructions
are not followed.
This is a warning symbol. It indicates that bodily injury is possible if the instructions are not
Documentation Feedback
Fax: +358.9.4131.2430
1 System Overview
1 System Overview
1.1 General
Tellabs ® 8100 managed access system is a flexible and fully managed access solution for service
providers. The Tellabs 8100 system consists of various modular cross-connect elements, a number
of Network Terminating Units (NTUs) and an intelligent network management system, Tellabs ®
8000 network manager.
Tellabs ® 8184 access switch and Tellabs ® 8188 access switch are high capacity Network
Elements (NEs) belonging to the Tellabs 8100 system. The main node functionality is based
on a GMX2 cross-connect unit which is a Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access
switch specific plug-in unit. Both switches are 4/1/0 cross-connect nodes supporting most of the
interface units used in the other Tellabs 8100 network elements. The high capacity Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy (SDH) interfaces, including STM-16, STM-4 and STM-1 offer a flexible way to
connect to the SDH core network. It is also possible to operate the NEs without STM-N interfaces
as PDH cross-connects. Element and service management operations can be executed through
Tellabs 8000 network manager GUI-based tools. The NEs are designed for indoor installation at
telecommunication centers.
GMX2 as a part of Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch architecture provides
cross-connection functionality at 4/4, 4/1 and 1/0 levels. The functionality of both switches is
identical, but the physical size and 1/0 capacity differs. Tellabs 8184 access switch has 17 slots in
total in a single subrack, whereas Tellabs 8188 access switch is based on a double subrack and
provides 32 slots in total. There are several X-buses in both nodes, which also enable the use of the
existing Tellabs 8100 interface units in the configuration. The X-bus capacity is 128 x 2M in Tellabs
8184 access switch and 256 x 2M in Tellabs 8188 access switch.
The two-slot wide GMX2 cross-connect unit itself provides five SDH interfaces. There is one
STM-16 interface and four STM-1/STM-4 interfaces, which can be independently configured.
If GMX2 is duplicated for redundancy, the number of SDH interfaces available on GMX2s is
ten. All the previously mentioned interfaces use standard Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP)
optical/electrical transceiver modules which can be chosen based on the reach requirements.
Resulting from the fact that the SDH interfaces are integrated with the GMX2 unit, there is more
space for the user-selectable interface units that connect to the X-bus.
When the common units are placed to the nodes there are 10-11 slots in Tellabs 8184 access switch
and 23 slots in Tellabs 8188 access switch available for the Tellabs 8100 interface units. These
units have various types of external ports such as E1, E3, V.35, voice, xDSL. In the element
backplane the X-buses traverse through 3..4 contiguous slots, which should be taken into account in
the element configuration.
1 System Overview
1.2 Applications
The flexibility of Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch allows deploying the
elements to different network topologies and locations. The element can function as a multiservice
access grooming element or purely as a 1/0 cross-connect element or as a combination of the two.
Fig. 1 Tellabs 8184 Access Switch and Tellabs 8188 Access Switch in the Network
A typical way to deploy both switches is to use them for access grooming and consolidate various
services over copper, fiber or leased lines from the access towards the network. The interface slots
provided by the switches can be used, for instance, for the following:
1 System Overview
Another possibility is to take advantage of the vast 1/0 cross-connection capacity of GMX2 and
utilize Tellabs 8184 access switch or Tellabs 8188 access switch as a 1/0 cross-connection server on
a site where timeslot-level traffic optimization is justified. Tellabs 8184 access switch or Tellabs
8188 access switch could be colocated with an SDH node to perform the 1/0 traffic optimization
and provide savings in port and transport related costs. In this application both switches could be
equipped with the GMX2 unit(s) without any other interface units.
1.3 Management
As a part of the Tellabs 8100 system, Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch
are fully managed with Tellabs 8000 network manager. All interface, service and connection level
parameters are configured remotely via the Tellabs 8000 network manager GUI-based tools. The
8100 Service Computer is available for on-site connection to the NE. The same management
processes used with any Tellabs 8100 element apply to both Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs
8188 access switch as well.
1.4 Features
2 Network Element Overview
2.1 Introduction
Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch support a number of existing Tellabs
8100 interface units with various types of external ports adapting their port signals to the internal
n x 64 kbit/s format of the NE. The 64 kbit/s layer can connect only synchronous signals and
therefore all NEs as well as customer equipment connected to Tellabs 8100 networks must be
synchronized to a common clock source. Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access
switch have a [G.813]-compatible clock and provide all necessary functions for the NE and network
synchronization. See the functional blocks of both Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188
access switch in the figure below.
Fig. 2 Tellabs 8184 Access Switch and Tellabs 8188 Access Switch Block Diagram
2 Network Element Overview
2.2 NE Structure
Tellabs 8184 access switch with the dimensions of 434 x 431 x 239 mm (w x h x d) is a 19” subrack
RXS2-S. A fan unit, a cable duct and an air baffle are integrated into the subrack and included in
the subrack height. The backplane provides wiring between the plug-in units and has no active
components. Four subracks can be installed into a 43U high rack.
The plug-in units are inserted and removed at the front of the subrack. Unit live insertion and
removal is allowed without interference with other units. All cable connectors are seated in the front
panel of the plug-in units. The plug-in units come in two types: the core units and the optional
interface units.
At the minimum, the RXS2-S subrack is equipped with single core units: the power fuse unit
PFU-A, the control unit SCU-H and the SDH unit GMX2 with the required STM-N modules. The
fixed slots for the core units are depicted in the figure below. Up to 11 interface units (X-IFU) can
be equipped into any vacant slots.
PFU-A and GMX2 may be duplicated for protection independently from each other. If PFU-B is
added, 10 slots are left for the interface units. Interface units cannot be inserted in the GMX2 slots.
Fig. 3 Tellabs 8184 Access Switch Equipped with Duplicated Core Units (Left) and Single
Core Units (Right)
Tellabs 8188 access switch with the dimensions of 436 x 736 x 239 mm (w x h x d) is a dual shelf
19” subrack RXS2-D. Two subracks can be installed into one 43U high rack.
At the minimum, the RXS2-D subrack is equipped with single core units: the power fuse unit
PFU-H, the control unit SCU-H and the SDH Unit GMX2 with the required STM-N modules.
The fixed slots for the core units are depicted in the figure below. Up to 23 interface units can be
equipped into any vacant slots. Slots 8 and 9 are reserved for cooling purposes.
PFU-H and GMX2 may be duplicated for protection independently from each other. 23 slots are
available for the interface units even when both are duplicated.
2 Network Element Overview
Fig. 4 Tellabs 8188 Access Switch Equipped with Duplicated Core Units (Left) and Single
Core Units (Right)
FAN2 Unit
The subrack is shipped with the mandatory FAN2 unit (RXS 808) in place. The FAN2 unit is placed
beneath the subrack and it takes in air from the front below the subrack and forces air through the
plug-in units and out from the top of the subrack. The FAN2 unit has three fans and an air filter. The
FAN2 unit and the air filter for FAN2 can be replaced while the NE is in operation.
SCU-H monitors the operation of the fan (see the monitored alarms in the SCU-H technical
description). SCU-H controls the fan speed based on the measured temperature within the SCU-H
and GMX2 units. Should the SCU-H unit fail totally the fans will automatically assume their
maximum speed. In case one of the three fans fails cooling is still sufficient for prolonged operation.
2 Network Element Overview
Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch can be powered from -48 V DC nominal
battery voltage. The power fuse units supply the battery voltage to the backplane. Other plug-in
units generate their required voltages with on-board DC/DC converters. The power fuse unit and the
power supply cable can be duplicated for protection.
Tellabs 8184 access switch uses PFU-A as the power fuse unit and PFU-B is added for the protected
operation. Tellabs 8188 access switch uses PFU-H as the power fuse unit and PFU-H is duplicated
for the protected operation.
PFU-A, PFU-B and PFU-H are the same units that can also be used in other Tellabs 8100 NEs. For
further details refer to the technical descriptions of the power supply units.
The SCU-H control unit supervises the operation of the NE and communicates with Tellabs 8000
manager. SCU-H is the same unit that can also be used in other Tellabs 8100 NEs. The control
unit in the Tellabs 8100 NEs has not been deemed critical for the operation of transmission and
cross-connection and thus duplication of SCU-H is not supported.
The GMX2 unit has STM-N interfaces and it does cross-connection at three levels.
More details and the supported SFP interface module types are listed in chapter 3 GMX2 SDH
Interface and Cross-Connect Unit.
2 Network Element Overview
The following table lists the applicable interface units supported by Tellabs 8184 access switch and
Tellabs 8188 access switch.
Refer to Tellabs ® 8100 Managed Access System Interface Guide (document number 12322_XX)
for more information on the product compatibilities for nodes/switches, interface units and
interface modules in the Tellabs 8100 system and the restrictions in the context of the EMC
and safety-related issues with discontinued products.
2 Network Element Overview
2.3 NE Features
Tellabs 8184 access switch realizes four internal 64 kbit/s buses (X-bus, each with 64 Mbit/s
capacity) each of which spans over two or three unit slots. The X-buses in neither of the NEs are
duplicated for protection. The interface units in adjacent slots share one bus as follows (slot 2
available when PFU-B is not equipped):
Tellabs 8188 access switch realizes eight internal 64 kbit/s buses each of which spans over two
or three unit slots. Four buses are in the lower shelf and four in the upper shelf. The slots are
grouped as follows:
2 Network Element Overview
2.3.2 Synchronization
Both Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch provide complete synchronization
functions with multiple reference clocks, automatic clock selection, holdover and clock downstream
distribution. The NE has an internal timing generator compliant with the Synchronous Equipment
Clock (SEC) defined in G.813 Option 1. The SEC functions mainly reside in the GMX2 unit. The
required quality of the reference clocks depends on the application. For SDH equipment having at
least one STM-N ports the quality of the reference clocks must comply with [G.823]
Communication messages between Tellabs 8000 network manager and Tellabs 8100 NEs use a
proprietary protocol. The messages can be carried in channels embedded in the frame structure of
inter-NE signals and routed in the NEs. Several options are available for the placement of the
embedded communication channel (ECC): for example the STM-N frame in the GMX2 unit and the
E1 frame in the QMH unit (when furnished).
2 Network Element Overview
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
In the role of SDH ADM/multiplexer GMX2 is equipped with up to five STM-N ports and it
connects AU-4 and TU-12 between the STM-N ports, n x 64 kbit/s signals between the STM-N
ports and X-IFUs and n x 64 kbit/s signals between X-IFUs.
In the role of 1/0 server (n x 64 kbit/s grooming) GMX2 connects n x 64 kbit/s (and AU-4 and
TU-12) signals between the STM-N ports. In the 1/0 server role the NE usually does not have
X-IFUs equipped.
In the role of PDH cross-connect GMX2 operates without STM-N ports and cross-connects n x
64 kbit/s signals between X-IFUs.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
The GMX2 unit provides the following cross-connection capacities stated as bidirectional AU-4,
TU-12 or E1 equivalent ports:
• the AU-4 matrix (VC-4_C) has 64 ports for the STM-N interfaces plus 8 add/drop ports.
• the TU-12 matrix (VC-12_C) has 504 ports towards the STM-N interfaces plus 504 ports towards
the n x 64 kbit/s matrix.
• the n x 64 kbit/s and Channel Associated Signalling (CAS) matrix has 504 E1 port equivalents
towards the STM-N interfaces and 256 E1 port equivalents towards the backplane buses and the
interface units.
Fig. 8 Tellabs 8184 Access Switch and Tellabs 8188 Access Switch Cross-Connect Capacities
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
GMX2 has the following VC-4, VC-12 and E1 trail termination capacities:
The stand-by GMX2 does not terminate VCs but passes AU-4s in its STM-N ports via internal links
to the active GMX2 which terminates the VCs as required.
GMX2 provides several VC-12 mapping modes as in [G.783] but also provides some proprietary
extensions. The mapping mode can be configured per VC-12 to suit the application. The choice
of the mapping mode should mainly depend on whether the VC-12 is used for a trunk connection
between Tellabs 8100 NEs or for a customer access port.
On trunk lines through SDH networks byte synchronous mapping without E1 frame provides most
payload capacity, 32 or 34 bytes per VC-12 if the R bytes are configured into use. Signal integrity
end-to-end is supervised using VC-12 overhead (E1 frame would be an unnecessary duplication).
An embedded communication channel for Tellabs 8000 manager can be configured to a VC-12
byte as described later.
In this mapping GMX2 terminates the received VC-12 overhead and forwards the payload, which
may consist of one or more n x 64 kbit/s signals plus possible CAS, to the 64 kbit/s cross-connect
matrix. In the transmit direction GMX2 adds the VC-12 overhead and one or more n x 64 kbit/s
signals plus possible CAS coming from the matrix. It is recommended to enable CAS capacity to all
trunk lines if CAS is used in the network so that Tellabs 8000 manager does not reserve timeslot
16 for n x 64 kbit/s payload.
On trunk lines traversing PDH and SDH networks E1 frame must be added for end-to-end
supervision. Payload capacity is 31 bytes per VC-12. A control channel can be configured to a
timeslot (1 to 31) in the E1 frame.
In this mapping GMX2 terminates the received VC-12 and E1 overhead and forwards the
payload, which may consist of one or more n x 64 kbit/s signals plus possible CAS, to 64 kbit/s
cross-connection. Timeslot 0 mode is set to FSW/RAI regenerate and CRC4 in B1 is activated.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
VC-12 access ports must usually use asynchronous mapping with E1 frame as this mode is used by
most equipment. Payload capacity is 31 bytes per VC-12. This mode can also be used on trunk
lines. In this mapping GMX2 terminates the received VC-12 and E1 overhead and forwards the
payload, which may consist of one or more n x 64 kbit/s signals plus possible CAS, to 64 kbit/s
GMX2 can forward a part or all of the E1 overhead in timeslot 0 (TS0) in the customer signal to the
Tellabs 8100 transport network to allow end-to-end supervision by the customer or to support the
use of TS0 bits for special customer applications. In the transport network TS0 bits are connected as
a 64 kbit/s payload byte. The following three configuration options are possible:
• standard TS0 termination (regeneration) mode is selected with FSW/RAI regenerate. Then the
Frame Synchronization Word (FSW) and Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) are inserted into the
transmit signal and removed and monitored in the receive direction as defined in [G.704] and
[G.706]. Also possible CAS multriframe and RAI is generated towards the customer equipment.
This mode must also be selected on E1 trunk lines.
• FSW and RAI X-connect mode where FSW and RAI are copied to the transmit E1 signal towards
the customer from the 64 kbit/s matrix and where FSW and RAI coming in from the STM-N
port are forwarded to the 64 kbit/s matrix. In the transmit direction GMX2 synchronizes to the
alternation of even and odd frames and the alarm X-bus AIS is reported if this synchronization
fails. It means that the connection is broken somewhere in the Tellabs 8100 network and that
GMX2 must insert AIS to the egress E1.
• FSW and RAI X-connect plus invert mode which is similar to the above but GMX2 inverts TS0
bits in both transmission directions. This is important when TS0 is transported on E1 links (not
using CRC4) where it could be harmful if a payload permanently contains a byte simulating FSW.
The following additional configurations to TS0 bits are possible:
• The state of the transmitted free bits (B4...B8) can be configured to 0, 1 or one of the bits can be
used to transmit Synchronization Status Messages (SSM) This applies also for trunk lines.
• Any or all of bits B4-B8 can be passed to/from the 64 kbit/s matrix and cross-connected in the
Tellabs 8100 network in a payload byte.
• B1 can be transmitted as 0, 1 or used for CRC4. It can also be cross-connected permitting CRC4
supervision of E1 by the customer in the following situation: all E1 bytes sent to customer equip-
ment must be identical with the bytes entering the Tellabs 8100 network. All TS0 bits which may
change must be transported. If any payload bytes are not transported, their content must be fixed
and inserted to the E1 signal to customer.
Asynchronous mapping of full E1 signal with E1 monitoring is used in VC-12 access ports when
G.704 framed E1 signal from the customer is transported in Tellabs 8100 network. A P12s function
is activated to non-intrusively monitor the signal as it enters the Tellabs 8100 network.
In this mode GMX2 terminates the received VC-12 overhead and forwards the payload, which
GMX2 treats as a single E1 framed payload, to cross-connection. GMX2 supervises the E1 frame
and can report faults and performance in the E1 frame. GMX2 can act on the signal during faults
AIS and LOF and depending on configuration, forward AIS.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
Asynchronous mapping of full 2048 kbit/s signal is used in VC-12 access ports when framed or
unframed 2048 kbit/s signal from the customer is transported in Tellabs 8100 network.
In this mode GMX2 terminates the received VC-12 overhead and forwards the payload, which
GMX2 treats as a single 2048 kbit/s payload, to the cross-connection. The signal is not supervised.
In all mapping modes the incoming payload rate must be in synchronism with the n x 64 kbit/s
matrix (NE) clock. This is necessary because the n x 64 kbit/s layer provides no means to carry
timing information. Thus, the end device which generates the n x 64 kbit/s payloads and which may
reside at customer premises at remote sites must be synchronized to a common clock with the NE.
In the transmission network jitter and wander may accumulate to the signals. In the receive direction
GMX2 has buffers which can absorb the amount of jitter and wander specified in [G.823] plus
wander caused by pointer adjustments.
If synchronization fails the incoming signals may have permanent frequency offset relative to the
NE clock. GMX2 then must adapt the signals by producing slips of one frame in the receive buffers.
The slip interval will depend on the frequency offset. It can be calculated as follows:
In all mapping modes the transmit signals are timed from the NE clock. Also VC-4 and VC-12
which are terminated in the NE are timed from the NE clock.
The standard SNC/N (non-intrusive) and SNC/I (inherent) protection is supported for the full
capacity. Any two VC-4 or VC-12 can be selected to the protection group. After the protected
section the single unprotected VC-4/12 may continue to the drop direction or to any STM-N port.
The monitoring resources needed in SNC/N are dedicated and do not consume other terminating
resources. SNC is also supported for concatenated trails. The capacities are as follows:
• max. 24 VC-4 groups (32 not possible even in theory because eight VC-4 trails are needed for
the exiting VC-4)
• max. 252 VC-12 groups
The following configurations can be made:
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
GMX2 supports the unidirectional (single-ended) and bidirectional (dual-ended) modes defined in
[G.783] and [G.841]. The APS protocol used in the bidirectional mode is compatible with 1:n
operation. In unidirectional operation the protection switch operates independently at both ends
based on MS layer defects which are detected locally and on possible commands via Tellabs 8000
manager. In bidirectional operation the protection switch is also affected by requests from the
remote end carried in APS messages. 1:1 mode or extra traffic is not supported.
Any two STM-N ports with the same capacity and in different GMX2 units can be set to MS 1+1
mode. The working section is always in the main GMX2 (left) and the protecting section, which
transmits the APS bytes, is in the protecting GMX2.
GMX2 supports trunk recovery operations actuated by Tellabs 8000 manager for interface units
(X-IFUs) which have similar X-bus ports (for example E1 port in the E3C and QMH units). The
X-IFUs may reside on the same or on a different X-bus. E1 trunks in VC-12 in GMX2 cannot
participate in the trunk recovery configurations.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
GMX2 can be optionally duplicated for protection. One GMX2 is active and the other is in stand-by
mode. When the NE boots up, the main GMX2 (left) will normally assume the active role. Each
GMX2 processes the SDH layers OS/ES, RS and MS in its local STM-N interfaces. The stand-by
unit passes its AU-4s to/from the active GMX2 which processes the payload in all ports.
GMX2 monitors its internal operation and SCU-H supervises the operation of the GMX2 units and
forces a switchover if it deems that the active unit fails to operate correctly. The protection mode is
non-revertive. The protected layers include AU-4 and above up to the backplane bus interface. The
STM-N interfaces are not protected and if one GMX2 fails totally, the traffic in its STM-N ports
will be lost (unless traffic protection is used). The stand-by unit should never be removed unless
the unit has failed and has to be replaced or it has no traffic in its STM-N ports or all traffic is
protected and can be switched to the other unit.
When a replacement unit is inserted it will automatically copy configuration and cross-connections
from SCU-H and the active GMX2.
When GMX2 is not protected, the NE cannot hold all backup information. Then Tellabs 8000
manager delivers backup information to the replacement GMX2 when the unit is raised to In Use
Switchovers are hitless for AU-4s and TU-12s passing through the GMX2s unterminated. Hitless
switchover cannot be guaranteed for n x 64 kbit/s signals passing through GMX2s in server
applications and for n x 64 kbit/s signals connected to/from X-IFUs.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3.6 Synchronization
GMX2 synchronization system for SDH equipment includes automatic clock selection, multiple
reference clocks and Synchronous Equipment Clock (SEC) generator compliant with [G.813]
Option 1. The synchronization system can also be applied for NEs without STM-N ports and
accepting lower quality reference clocks.
In the NEs having at least one STM-N port the received signal from the following ports can be
selected to supply a reference clock:
In the NEs without any STM-N ports the received signal from the following ports can be selected
to supply a reference clock:
The user can enter up to 10 ports to the clock selection priority list (fallback list). Traffic ports can
be used after the corresponding modules have been locked (Installed or In Use state). The station
clock has to be enabled before it can be selected.
The use of the standard Synchronization Status Messages (SSM) and quality levels can be enabled.
In such cases the clock selection process automatically selects the reference with the highest
quality and priority.
GMX2 has one station clock input port (SCI) and one station clock output port (SCO). When
GMX2 is duplicated the two SCI ports are independent inputs which are configured and entered
to the clock selection list separately. However, only one set of parameters defines the two SCO
ports. Each GMX2 drives its own SCO port.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
GMX2 implements the Tellabs proprietary VC-12-mc virtual concatenation, which is compatible
with GMU, GMX and certain Tellabs 6300 products. VC-12-mc can be applied on trunk lines
between the Tellabs 8100 NEs to support higher capacity payloads and also to enhance capacity
utilization. The main features are listed in the following:
The software GMZ802 can be downloaded to GMX2 with Tellabs 8000 manager and SC.
Downloading causes GMX2 software and hardware to reset before the downloaded software can be
taken into use.
When GMX2 is not duplicated a reset shuts down all interfaces until GMX2 has booted up. The
boot up time depends on the configuration and on the number of cross-connections and is typically
from 5 to about 60 seconds.
When GMX2 is duplicated software is downloaded to the stand-by unit whose STM-N ports will be
shut down whereas the active GMX2 continues normal operation. Traffic in the STM-N ports during
shut down will be lost unless line protection is used.
The yellow LED will blink during software download. It is important neither to switch off the
power nor configure the unit simultaneously.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
For the Tellabs 8000 manager communication, GMX2 provides 8 + 64 HDLC resources for creating
64 kbit/s Embedded Communication Channels (ECC) to trunk lines. Eight resources are for use
in the Section Overhead (SOH) and the VC-4 Path Overhead (POH) bytes. 64 resources can be
configured to the VC-12 bytes. The number of available HDLC channels is the same irrespective of
GMX2 duplication. The large number of HDLC channels allows GMX2 to be used as a hub where
messages are routed to several directions. By configuring ECCs to VC-4 or VC-12, the remote
Tellabs 8100 NEs can be reached through foreign SDH networks.
• F2, F3
ECCs can be configured to the following bytes in the payload of any VC-12:
When the two GMX2 units operate normally they can route incoming messages irrespective of
which GMX2 is active. However, message routing will fail if the main (left) GMX2 fails or is
removed from the subrack. In this case Tellabs 8000 manager must restore communication by
switching to a backup route.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
GMX2 implements bidirectional performance data collection for 15-minute and 24-hour periods
following the models in [EN 300 417-7-1] and [EN 301 167]. The monitoring function produces
the performance parameters Errored Seconds (ES), Severely Errored Seconds (SES), Background
Block Errors (BBE) and Unavailable Seconds (UAS), accumulates their values over 15 minutes and
24 hours for the near end and far end and reports alarms to Tellabs 8000 manager if the near end
error counts reach the provisioned thresholds.
Event counts are collected for regenerator, multiplex and protected multiplex sections and for the
termination functions on higher, lower and P12s path layers and protected subnetwork layers for
the near end and far end where applicable. The NEs also support the additional events Protection
Switch Count (PSC) and Protection Switch Duration (PSD) as listed in the following table:
The threshold mechanism generates alarm reports to Tellabs 8000 manager when the performance of
a transport entity falls below the configured level.
As soon as the threshold is reached in a 24-hour period for an event, Quality of Service (QoS) alarm
is reported. The QoS alarm is removed at the end of the 24-hour period. The threshold values can be
configured with Tellabs 8000 manager. The NE supports 30 sets of different values.
As soon as the upper threshold is reached for an event in a 15-minute period, Quality of Service
Threshold Reset (QoSTR) alarm is reported. No reports are generated in the subsequent periods
until the count at the end of a period stays below the lower limit. Then the QoSTR alarm is removed
from the fault list.
QoS and QoSTR alarms in GMX2 are common to the events BBE, ES and SES. QoS or QoSTR is
reported if any of the three events reaches its threshold. Other simultaneous events are not reported.
QoSTR stays on until all events that have reached the upper limit stay below the lower limit.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
The supported threshold functions and their default values are shown below. The lower limit for a
15-minute SES is zero.
Blocks/s 24 h 24 h 24 h 15 15 15 15 15
nBBE nES nSES min min min min min
lower up- lower up- up-
per per per
RS-1 8000 48000 1500 20 200 9000 20 180 15
RS- 8000 48000 N/A 20 200 9000 N/A N/A 15
MS-1 192000 432000 150 15 2400 288000 5 50 10
MS-4 768000 3456000 N/A 15 19200 76800 N/A N/A 10
MS- 3072000 13824000 N/A 15 2304000 9216000 N/A N/A 10
VC-4 8000 48000 1500 20 200 36000 20 180 15
VC- 2000 12000 350 20 50 9600 5 120 15
P12s 1000 6000 350 20 25 4500 5 120 15
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
The processing of transmission related faults follows the standard model in [EN 300 417-7-1]. It
includes filters (f1...f3) to find out the fault cause and to report failures to Tellabs 8000 manager. It
also drives the unit LED indicators.
The criteria for detecting and clearing defects in received STM-N and E1 signals follows [G.783].
3.12.1 Terminology
Maintenance Status
Service Status
S = Service alarm
LED Indications
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
MS/VC-4 Adaptation
Fault Condition Status Conse-
and LED quent Ac-
Alarm Indication Signal. AU-4 AIS received.
Loss of Pointer. AU-4 pointer invalid. +R
“Faults masked” MEI + Y -
Reporting of the faults on this layer may be set ON, OFF or Faults masked
(like OFF but reports the Fault masked reminder to Tellabs 8000 manager).
The fault is activated when the interface Fault mask setting is on.
VC-4 Termination
Fault Condition Status Conse-
and LED quent Ac-
Trace Identifier Mismatch. The received TI (RxTI) does not match the R TxRDI
expected one (ExTI).
“TIM” MEI + Y -
Trace Identifier Mismatch. The received TI (RxTI) does not match the
expected one (ExTI) and TIM actions disabled.
Unequipped signal received. The received signal label is all zeroes in five R TxRDI
consecutive frames.
“DEGraded errors” DMA + R -
Signal degrade. Once every second, block errors shall be compared with
the limit value. If errors count ≥ limit, the one second shall be declared
BAD, otherwise is shall be declared GOOD. The Signal Degrade defect
(dDEG) shall be detected if M consecutive BAD seconds have occurred.
The signal Degrade defect (dDEG) shall be cleared if M consecutive
GOOD seconds have occurred.
M value range 2...9.
“RDI” MEI + Y -
Remote defect indicator. The received K2[6–8] = 110 in five consecutive
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
VC-4/VC-12 Adaptation
Fault Condition Status Conse-
and LED quent Ac-
Alarm Indication Signal. TU-12 AIS received.
Loss of Pointer. TU-12 pointer invalid. +R
“Faults masked” MEI + Y -
Reporting of the faults on this layer may be set ON, OFF or Faults masked
(like OFF but reports the Fault masked reminder to Tellabs 8000 manager).
The fault is activated when the interface Fault mask setting is on.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
VC-12 Termination
Fault Condition Status Conse-
and LED quent Ac-
Trace Identifier Mismatch. The received TI (RxTI) does not match the R TxRDI
expected one (ExTI).
“TIM” MEI + Y -
Trace Identifier Mismatch. The received TI (RxTI) does not match the
expected one (ExTI) and TIM actions disabled.
Unequipped signal received. The received signal label is all zeroes in five R TxRDI
consecutive frames.
“DEGraded errors” DMA + R -
Signal degrade. Once every second, block errors shall be compared with
the limit value. If errors count ≥ limit, the one second shall be declared
BAD, otherwise is shall be declared GOOD. The Signal Degrade defect
(dDEG) shall be detected if M consecutive BAD seconds have occurred.
The signal Degrade defect (dDEG) shall be cleared if M consecutive
GOOD seconds have occurred.
M value range 2...9.
“RDI” MEI + Y -
Remote defect indicator. The received K2[6–8] = 110 in five consecutive
Performance monitoring in an unavailable state [G.774.01]). The
bidirectional UAT begins when 10 consecutive SES seconds are detected.
UAT ends when 10 consecutive non-SES seconds are detected.
Quality of Signal. A configured performance threshold in any of the events
ES, SES, BBE is reached in 24 h period. Cleared when a period changes.
Quality of Signal Threshold Reset. A configured performance threshold
in any of the events ES, SES, BBE is reached in 15 min period. Cleared
when found a period where none of the ES, BBE or SES limits has been
Note that ES and BBE have upper/lower limit so that the upper must be
exceeded to get a fault and the lower is used as a limit when the fault
is activated.
Server Signal Fail. The layer below this layer indicates a defect which TxRDI
disrupts the signal. SSF may be reported on this layer if enabled.
“Faults masked” MEI + Y -
Reporting of the faults on this layer may be set ON, OFF or Faults masked
(like OFF but reports the Fault masked reminder to Tellabs 8000 manager).
The fault is activated when the interface Fault mask setting is on.
“VC12 loop” MEI, S + Y -
The received VC-12 is looped back to STM-N.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
VC-12/P12s Adaptation
Fault Condition Status Conse-
and LED quent Ac-
Alarm Indication Signal. An all 1’s signal detected in the received E1 TxRDI-E1
Loss of Frame. Frame alignment of the E1 [G.704] frame lost. R TxRDI-E1
“Faults masked” MEI + Y -
Reporting of the faults on this layer may be set ON, OFF or Faults masked
(like OFF but reports the Fault masked reminder to Tellabs 8000 manager).
The fault is activated when the interface Fault mask setting is on.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
Fault Condition Status Conse-
and LED quent Ac-
“Loss of Timing Inputs” DMA + Y -
All references on the fallback list failed. SEC in holdover.
“Fallback list warning” MEI -
More than one entry on the fallback list but only one entry is usable.
This warning is blocked if quality levels are enabled (for the ring
synchronization case).
“Excessive frequency offset fallback list entry i” DMA -
Frequency of the reference clock is out of the PLL locking range of the
fallback list entry i.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
The GMX2 unit measures 163 x 233 mm and is 9.5 T ( T =5.08 mm) wide. The unit consists of
the GMX2 hardware with the unit software GMZ802 and 0...5 STM-N SFP modules. The only
changeable physical modules are the SFP modules. GMX2 is shipped without the SFP modules.
Only modules approved by Tellabs are allowed to be used. The SFP modules can be changed to a
live unit. GMX2 can be removed from and inserted to a powered NE.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
• Red LED: PMA alarm, generally indicates that this unit has detected a major fault in incoming
signals or in the unit itself.
• Yellow LED: DMA/MEI alarm, generally indicates that this unit has detected a secondary fault
(e.g. AIS, RDI) in incoming signals or a minor fault in the unit itself.
• Blinking yellow LED: Unit is programming FLASH device (e.g. storing parameters or down-
loading software). Do not switch off the power nor remove the unit from the NE.
• Green LED indicates which of the two GMX2 units is the active unit. Note that also the stand-by
unit may have active STM-N ports and cannot be removed from the subrack without causing loss
of signal in these ports.
The STM-N ports are realized with SFP modules. The optical SFP modules have duplex LC
connectors for single mode fibre. There are five SFP slots in GMX2. The optical ports are designed
for class I laser and outside-plant use. Interface 1 supports only STM-16 optical modules. The rest
of the interfaces support STM-4 optical or STM-1 optical/electrical modules. For more details on
module types approved by Tellabs and their specifications, refer to 3.14 Technical Specifications.
The synchronization interface has connectors for both 75 ohm coaxial and 120 ohm symmetrical
signals. One of the interfaces is selected by connecting a suitable cable. Cables can be connected to
only one (75 or 120 ohm) interface at a time. The coaxial interface uses 50 ohm SMB receptables.
The 120 ohm interface uses a 9-pin D-type connector receptable. The synchronization interface
is for intrastation use only.
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
Dimensions (w x h 48 x 160 x 233 mm
x d)
Weight 0.8 kg
Power consumption • Typical 24 W
• Max. 30 W
Input voltage • Nominal -48 V DC
• Absolute range -40.5 to -60 V DC
GMX2 - Matrix 4/4 Matrix type 72-port (40 if GMX2 is not protected)
T-S, non-blocking
Cross-connection VC-4
Connection types • Unidirectional
• Bidirectional
• Loop
Connection capacity 72 x STM-1 port equivalent (64 aggregate ports and 8
tributary ports)
GMX2 - Matrix 4/1 Matrix type 16-port; 8 ports towards 1/0 Matrix and 8 ports towards
4/4 Matrix
T-S, non-blocking
Cross-connection VC-12
Connection types • Unidirectional
• Bidirectional
• Loop
Connection capacity 16 x STM-1 port equivalent (8 aggregate ports and 8
tributary ports)
GMX2 - Matrix 1/0 Cross-connection Synchronous timeslot interleaving
Granularity 64 kbit/s and 2 kbit/s (CAS)
Capacity 16 x 64 Mbit/s
Termination and Frame structures STM-1, STM-4 and STM-16 [G.707]
Trail termination • 8 x VC-4
• 504 x VC-12
• 504 x G.704
Mapping • Asynchronous (32 TS port)
• Byte synchronous (34 TS port)
Virtual VC-12-mc
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
3 GMX2 SDH Interface and Cross-Connect Unit
4 SCU-H Control Unit
4.1 General
The SCU-H control unit can be used in Tellabs 8184 access switch, Tellabs 8188 access switch and
in Tellabs 8160 A111 accelerator node, Tellabs 8150 basic node and in the slave subracks of Tellabs
8170 cluster node. The structure of the SCU-H unit is based on the standard mechanics of the
Tellabs 8100 system. SCU-H consists of the base unit (SCU 587), the processor module (SCM 725),
the power supply module (PDF 593 or PDF 594) and the unit software (SCZ545). For use in Tellabs
8184 access switch or in Tellabs 8188 access switch the software version must be V2.3 or higher.
The width of SCU-H is 5T or one card slot.
An optional control channel expansion and Ethernet interface module SCP-H (SCP 586) is available,
refer to the SCP-H module technical description for detailed information. SCP-H has an Ethernet
interface and 16 HDLC resources.
The power supply module makes regulated output voltages for the SCU-H unit from the -48 V (PDF
593) or +24 V (PDF 594) battery voltage in the backplane.
4.2 Operation
4.2.1 General
All data processing in the SCU-H unit is done in the processor module which contains the processor
(Intel 386EX), page-mode DRAM memory, sectored flash memory and flash file memory. The
processor module also includes a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART), which is
needed for the Service Computer interface. The base unit connects to the X-bus, the Virtual Token
Protocol (VTP) buses and the Service Computer.
The start-up and initialization program of the unit is permanently stored in a sectored flash memory.
The application program is stored in a non-volatile flash file memory and can be updated via Tellabs
8000 manager. The flash file memory is also used to store the system operating parameters.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
Fig. 10 Block Diagram of the SCU-H Unit with the Optional Module SCP-H
The local VTP bus is used for communication between the units within one subrack. SCU-H
connects to the bus at the backplane. VTP is a collision-free media access method based on the
principle of token passing implemented with the aid of the timers. Fig. 11 shows the VTP bus
The VTP bus implements two redundant interfaces and buses. SCU-H controls the protection of the
VTP bus and monitors the state of both interfaces. SCU-H controls the selection of the interfaces
in a synchronized way so that the data transmission on the bus is never disturbed. Both interfaces
are periodically used to detect possible problems as soon as possible, no matter which interface
has failed. A checking procedure is activated when any unit has disappeared from the inventory
monitoring process. The checking procedure determines whether the unit is accessible by only one
interface. If so, then the other interface is faulty and the corresponding fault condition is detected. A
test window can be used to check the local VTP bus status and to clear the fault condition.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
The cluster VTP bus (CBUS) is used for communication between the subracks of the Tellabs 8170
cluster node. The CBUS interface is used only when SCU-H is in the slave subrack of Tellabs
8170 cluster node.
The 15-pin female D-type connector is used. The protocol is proprietary and the maximum cable
length is 20 meters. CBUS cables are available at 2/4/8 m lengths (cabling and connector pin
numbering are depicted in the CCU technical description).
CBUS has a redundant set of wires, drivers and receivers. A local control activates one of the two
receiver circuits. Data is always sent to both physical buses. SCU-H monitors the performance of
the buses. When one bus is found to be worse than the other, the corresponding fault condition
is detected.
With the optional SCP-H module SCU-H can provide 16 HDLC channels for the Tellabs
8000 manager communication. The channels can be configured to rates 8/16/32/64 kbit/s and
cross-connected as "HDLC trunks" through the Tellabs 8100 network in order to provide direct
(TDM pipes) communication paths between two Tellabs 8100 nodes. The HDLC channels can be
cross-connected to another SCP-H or to the older HDLC-4CH modules in the SCU units.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
SCU-H monitors the voltages of its power supply module, on-card regulators and in the backplane
buses plus the power off alarms of the PFU and PAU-10T units. One or two duplicated voltages are
supplied to the backplane by PFU or PAU-10T units depending on the NE type and use of protection.
In RXS2-S, RXS-S, RXS-D and RXS-CD, there is a duplicated 5 V bus on the backplane. Both bus
voltages are fed by PFU-A or PAU-10T. In RXS2-D and RXS-H, there are duplicated buses for 5 V
and 3.3 V bus voltages on the backplane. One PFU-H feeds one 5 V bus and one 3 V bus. Thus, if
PFU-H is duplicated, all voltage buses are active. An alarm is raised if any voltage decreases below
its defined limit. The measurement is permanently calibrated at the factory to improve accuracy.
The SCU-H unit controls the subrack fan if one exists. When the temperature of the SCU-H unit is
between the lower (+5°C) and the upper (+50°C) limit, the fans are kept rotating at 50…90% of the
maximum speed depending on the internal temperature. If the temperature rises above the upper
limit the fans are working at maximum speed. The fan unit sends an alarm to SCU-H if one or more
fans are not working properly. SCU-H will forward a DMA alarm to Tellabs 8000 manager and
PFU when one has failed. SCU-H will forward a PMA alarm to Tellabs 8000 manager and PFU
when two or more fans have failed. If the temperature of the SCU-H unit exceeds 65°C, SCU-H
will raise its temperature alarm as a PMA alarm. This might indicate that the filter of the fan unit
needs to be changed.
In Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch GMX2 also has a temperature sensor.
If the temperature of GMX2 rises above the limit (+70°C) fans are turned to maximum speed.
Tellabs 8184 access switch and Tellabs 8188 access switch also have temperature high alarms
which can be an indication of a filter change need. The temperature alarm is risen when the GMX2
temperature is above +90°C.
The Node Inventory Management software includes functions to get and set node and subrack
identifications, to create and delete inventory, to add and remove units, to get inventory reports and
to monitor the presence of registered or unregistered units. The Create Inventory operation is
used to register all existing units for the inventory. The Add Unit operation is used to register a
given unit for the inventory. The Delete Inventory makes all units unregistered - in other words
all units are removed from the inventory. The Remove Unit operation is used to remove a given
unit from the inventory.
The Inventory Report provides the node and subrack identification data and the list of existing
or registered units. The fault condition Installation Error is detected if the inventory data is not
unambiguous and consistent. The fault condition Missing Unit is detected if a registered unit is
not present. The fault condition Extra Unit is detected if there is an unregistered unit present
in the subrack.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
The SCU-H unit stores the backup settings of the parameters of all registered units for possible unit
replacements. A new replacement unit will inherit the backup settings of the unit registered for the
unit slot. The compatibility of settings is checked based on hardware and software types.
The backup settings are updated to the SCU-H unit when a unit is registered or when the settings of
the unit have been changed. The backup settings are copied from the SCU-H unit when a registered
unit is replaced by another compatible unit. The backup settings of the SCU-H unit itself are kept in
the cross-connect unit of the subrack. The backup of cross-connection data is available only in the
redundant cross-connect units if the node has a protected cross-connection system.
Most interface units do not require extended backup capacity. A node with SCU-H can be fully
equipped with such interface units. However, some interface units (AIU4, CCO-UNI, CCS-UNI,
CEU4, E3C, ESU, GMU4, FBU4, FRU4, LIU-H4, OMH) require extended backup capacity (see the
corresponding unit description). SCU-H provides 800 blocks of extended backup memory.
The SCU-H unit controls the protection of the cross-connect units (SXU-A, SXU-B, GMX or
GMX2 depending on the NE type). The protection option can be set on or off. In a protected
system SCU-H monitors the condition of both cross-connect units and if the active cross-connect
unit fails, it activates the redundant cross-connect unit. One of the cross-connect units can be
forced to active state by a management operation.
If a unit sets an alarm (or SCU-H gets an external alarm), SCU-H decides the severity of the
alarm/alarms and passes an alarm on to Tellabs 8000 manager, and to its own PMA or DMA LED
and to PFU-A’s, PFU-H’s or PAU-10T’s PMA, DMA or MEI LED and to PFU-A’s, PFU-H’s or
PAU-10T’s PMA, DMA or MEI alarm output relay.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
The SCU-H unit does not only supervise the registered units of the subrack for the rack alarms but
also supports subrack-level and node-level status polling from the centralized network management
system as well. The node state report contains the status of the subracks that are not in the normal
The subrack state report contains the status of the units that are not in the normal state. For example,
all changes in fault conditions and configuration are indicated for all units. These reports make it
possible to get detailed information from the correct units for different purposes.
While the subrack state report is created, the route to the polling DXX Server is updated to the
local routing table of the SCU-H unit from the invoke message. This route can be used to send
spontaneous event reports to the DXX Server. The unit reporting modules can send event reports to
the local SCU-H unit, which sends them to the DXX Server. The most important application is the
reporting of trunk fault changes in the trunk recovery management.
The SCU-H unit contains a test resource which can be configured for n x 8 kbit/s and n x 64 kbit/s
circuit test functions via the Circuit Loop Test (CLT) tool in Tellabs 8000 manager. The test resource
contains a configurable cross-connection port, test loop functions, a test pattern generator and a
receiver. SCU-H can connect the test resource to one X-bus (in NEs with multiple X-buses). The
test functions include create and delete operations which are used to allocate and deallocate the test
resource for a given circuit. They also include operations to determine the test configuration, actions
to activate and deactivate the test port, actions to activate and deactivate test operation and a get
operation to read the test status and the test results. Due to the ASIC code restrictions, there can be
conflicts in CLT if HDLC channels are used and the tested circuit is either in asynchronous timing
mode or the bit rate is higher than 66 x 64 kbit/s.
The test status and the test results include the following data.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
4.4.1 Terminology
Maintenance Status
Service Status
S = Service alarm
LED Indications
SW Faults
Fault Condition Status LED Note
"Reset" PMA R
There has been a unit reset (detected always
after the power-up of the unit).
"SW unpredicted" PMA R
This fault condition should never occur (or
not yet supported).
4 SCU-H Control Unit
Memory Faults
Fault Condition Status LED Note
"RAM fault" PMA R
A background process has detected a RAM
location where the read value does not
match with the written test pattern.
"SW chksum error on ROM" PMA R
The calculated check sum does not
match with the stored one on ROM.
"SW chksum error on RAM" PMA R
The calculated check sum does not
match with the stored one on RAM.
"EEP(IO)ROM write error" PMA, S R
Error when writing to the memory.
"EEP(IO)ROM check sum error" PMA, S R
The calculated check sum does not match
with the stored one on EEPROM.
Checksum Error"
The calculated check sum does not match
with the stored one on FAN or PFU-H
"File system fatal error " PMA, S R
Flash system failed. Replace unit
with spare unit.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
5A test window can be used to check the local VTP status and clear the fault.
6Possible in a slave subrack of a Tellabs 8170 cluster node.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
Inventory Faults
Fault Condition Status LED Note
PMA, S R 7
"Installation error"
The inventory must be created.
"Missing unit" PMA, S Y 8
Security Faults
Fault Condition Status LED Note
"Authorised access" MEI Y
Authorised access.
"Unauthorised access attempt" PMA Y
Unauthorised access attempted.
8The block number indicates the unit address.
9The block number n (1…32) indicates the unit address.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
Fault Condition Status LED Note
DMA R 10
"I/O Input alarm"
The fault is activated by the input of the
alarm I/O module.
Protection Faults
Fault Condition Status LED Note
"SXU 1 (Primary) activated" MEI
Primary SXU unit is activated.
"SXU 2 (Secondary) activated" MEI
Secondary SXU unit is activated.
"Loss of primary PFU" DMA Y
Primary PFU is not working.
"Loss of secondary PFU" DMA Y
Secondary PFU is not working.
Fan Faults
Fault Condition Status LED Note
"FAN unit failure" PMA, S R
FAN unit failure. Two or more fans are
"FAN unit failure" DMA Y
FAN unit failure. One fan is stopped.
"FAN unit missing" PMA, S R
FAN2 (RXS 808) unit is missing.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
4 SCU-H Control Unit
The asynchronous SC interface is a proprietary data link between SCU-H and the Service Computer
or the Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server. The electrical characteristics are as in V.24/V.28 and bit
rate 9600 bit/s.
The interface type is V.24, except that the connector is a 9-pin female D-type connector instead of an
ISO 2110 25-pin female D-type connector. The electrical interface is V.28. The character format is
8-bit, no parity and 1 stop bit. Protocol levels 2…7 are proprietary.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
With the optional SCP-H module SCU-H provides a 10Base-T Ethernet interface for communication
over LANs and IP networks. Pin numbering is shown below.
The alarm interface provides two external alarm outputs and ten inputs. The inputs may be used to
collect alarms from the site, e.g. door alarms. Both outputs and inputs are configurable to high or
low active. A DMA alarm is reported to Tellabs 8000 manager if an input becomes active.
The inputs are current sensing; they are closed when current > 0.5 mA and open when current <
0.1 mA. Sensing voltage is +12 V.
The outputs are relay contacts. Maximum switching voltage is 60 V and maximum switching
current 200 mA. Close state resistance < 100 mohm.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
4.6 Cabling
The CBUS cable (D15F/M-D15F/M, 2/4/8 m) and CBUS cable H-F (D15F/M-D15F/M, 2/4/8 m)
is depicted in the CCU technical description.
4 SCU-H Control Unit
SC Interface
Purpose Management interface for SC/Tellabs 8000
Electrical interface V.28
Data bit rate 9600 b/s asynchronous
Character format 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
Connector type D-type 9-pin female connector
Interface signals 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 and 109
Protocol Layers 2…7 proprietary
CBUS Interface
Purpose Cluster VTP bus
Electrical levels V.11, redundant drivers and receivers
Data bit rate 1024 kbit/s synchronous
Connector type ISO 4903, D-type 15-pin female connector
Interface signals VTDT1, VTDT2 and VTCL1, VTCL2
Protocol Layers 2…7 proprietary
Physical length of the bus 20 m, maximum
Power Data
Power consumption Max. 9.7 W
Input voltage with PDF593 Nominal -48 V DC
Absolute range -40.5 to -60 V DC
Input voltage with PDF594 Nominal +24 V DC
Absolute range +19 to +32 V DC
Mechanical Data
Size (w x h x d) 25 (5T) x 160 x 233 mm
Weight 0.7 kg
Reference Description
[EN 300 386] EN 300 386 V1.3.3 (2005), Electromagnetic compatibility and radio
spectrum matters (ERM); Telecommunication network equipment;
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
[EN 60950-1] EN 60950-1 (2001), Information technology equipment - Safety -
Part 1: General requirements
[ETSI EN 300 019-1-1] ETSI EN 300 019-1-1 V2.1.4 (2003-04), Environmental conditions
and environmental tests for telecommunication equipment, Part 1-1:
Classification of environmental conditions, storage
[ETSI EN 300 019-1-2] ETSI EN 300 019-1-2 V2.1.4 (2003-04), Environmental conditions
and environmental tests for telecommunication equipment, Part 1-2:
Classification of environmental conditions, transportation
[ETSI EN 300 019-1-3] ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 V2.2.2 (2004-07), Environmental conditions
and environmental tests for telecommunication equipment, Part 1-3:
Classification of environmental conditions, stationary use at weather
protected locations
[ETSI EN 300 417-2-1] ETSI EN 300 417-2-1 v1.1.3 (1995-05), Transmission and
Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements of transport functionality
of equipment; Part 2-1: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) and
Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) physical section layer
[ETSI EN 300 417-3-1] ETSI EN 300 417-3-1 v1.1.3 (1995-05), Transmission and
Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements of transport functionality
of equipment; Part 3-1: Synchronous Transport Module-N (STM-N)
Regenerator and Multiplex Section Layer Functions
[ETSI EN 300 417-4-1] ETSI EN 300 417-4-1 v1.1.3 (1995-05), Transmission and
Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements of transport functionality
of equipment; Part 4-1: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) path
layer functions
[ETSI EN 300 417-7-1] ETSI EN 300 417-7-1 V1.1.1 (2000-10), Transmission and
multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements of transport functionality
of equipment; Part 7-1: Equipment management and auxiliary layer
[ETSI EN 301 164] ETSI EN 301 164 V1.1.1 (1998-08), Transmission and Multiplexing
(TM); Management of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
transmission equipment; Fault management and performance
monitoring; Functional description
[G.703] ITU-T Recommendation G.703 (2001-11), Physical/electrical
characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces
[G.704] ITU-T Recommendation G.704 (1998-10), Synchronous frame
structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and 44 736 kbit/s
hierarchical levels
[G.705] ITU-T Recommendation G.705 (2000-10), Characteristics of
plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH) equipment functional blocks
Reference Description
[G.706] ITU-T Recommendation G.706 (1991-04), Frame alignment and
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) procedures relating to basic frame
structures defined in Recommendation G.704
[G.707/Y.1322] ITU-T Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 (2003-12), Network node
interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
[G.732] ITU-T Recommendation G.732 (1988-11), Characteristics of primary
PCM multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s
[G.774.01] ITU-T Recommendation G.774.01 (1994-11), Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (SDH) performance monitoring for the network element
[G.775] ITU-T Recommendation G.775 (1998-10), Loss of Signal (LOS),
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and Remote Defect Indication (RDI)
defect detection and clearance criteria for PDH signals
[G.781] ITU-T Recommendation G.781 (1999-07), Synchronization layer
[G.783] ITU-T Recommendation G.783 (2004-02), Characteristics of
synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks
[G.803] ITU-T Recommendation G.803 (2000-03), Architecture of transport
networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
[G.806] ITU-T Recommendation G.806 (2004-02), Characteristics of transport
equipment - Description methodology and generic functionality
[G.812] ITU-T Recommendation G.812 (2004-06), Timing requirements
of slave clocks suitable for use as node clocks in synchronization
[G.813] ITU-T Recommendation G.813 (2003-03), Timing characteristics of
SDH equipment slave clocks (SEC)
[G.823] ITU-T Recommendation G.823 (2000-03), The control of jitter and
wander within digital networks which are based on the 2048 kbit/s
[G.825] ITU-T Recommendation G.825 (2000-03), The control of jitter and
wander within digital networks which are based on the synchronous
digital hierarchy (SDH)
[G.826] ITU-T Recommendation G.826 (2002-12), End-to-end error
performance parameters and objectives for international, constant
bit-rate digital paths and connections
[G.841] ITU-T Recommendation G.841 (1998-10), Types and characteristics
of SDH network protection architectures
[G.957] ITU-T Recommendation G.957 (2006-03), Optical interfaces for
equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy