Terabit Packet Optical Transport: Key Features and Benefits
Terabit Packet Optical Transport: Key Features and Benefits
Terabit Packet Optical Transport: Key Features and Benefits
Product Highlights
Advanced Packet Optical Transport MPLS-TP: Traffic Engineered Pseudowires
OTN and SONET/SDH Switching Sub-50ms Protection: 1:1, UPSR, ERPS
Advanced DWDM Transport Carrier Ethernet : VLAN and Q-in-Q
High Capacity: 10G-600G Per Channel TDM Circuit Emulation
With OTN wrappers and direct interconnection and geographical diversity ensure faster disaster
between Packet and TDM switches to simplify recovery.
router by-pass in regional / long haul networks. Advanced Ethernet Features: The TJ1600
Lower Packet transport costs: The TJ1600 provides best in class packet switching to create
optimizes 1G and 10G transport by using OTN networks with the highest performance. Ingress
switching to efficiently pack and route traffic rate limiting prevents any one
through the network. The use of OTN switching service/application from congesting/choking
also reduces the complexity of the Packet the network. Each packet is classified so that the
network by offloading high bandwidth services appropriate network policies (like prioritization
directly onto the OTN/DWDM optical layer. and scheduling) can be applied. Eight CoS
DWDM reach greater than 3000kms : With queues and scheduling algorithms ensure that
DWDM available for all high speed interfaces, there are sufficient options available to manage
the TJ1600 can optimize fiber utilization using the data traffic efficiently. The TJ1600 provides
the latest technology for reliable transport in sub 50ms protected packet rings for greater
metro, regional and long haul networks. resiliency. Multiple ringlets and multiple ring
SONET/SDH/front-haul: With a complete topologies are supported.
suite of SONET/SDH capabilities the TJ1600 Ethernet OAM: allows real-time monitoring of
provides the reliability and performance end-to-end circuits, connections or trunks
expected of your transport network; exceptional enabling quick detection and isolation of faults
performance, deterministic routes, predictable to a particular subnet, trunk, link or node. The
latency, low protection switch times and easy TJ1600 supports BFD based Fault OAM and
network planning. SONET/SDH/ CPRI to OTN ping/traceroute at tunnel/pseudowire level. It
and Packet gateway capabilities are available to also supports MPLS-TP based performance
ensure a seamless interworking of services in OAM for MPLS-TP based PW services. For
the network. .1q/.1ad based MEF services, Y.1731/802.1ag
MPLS-TP: MPLS label based Connection based CFM OAM (Port level down MEP) and
Oriented Ethernet allows packet traffic to be Y.1731 PM counters are supported.
easily and precisely routed through the Circuit Emulation: Circuit Emulation provides
network. The TJ1600 provides MPLS-TP based an alternative transport method using an all
pseudowires for traffic engineered flows on Packet Transport Network. The TJ1600 supports
trunks, which optimizes the network by E1 SAToP and STM-1 CEP for carrying this traffic
providing the right amount of control. The cost with the reliability of TDM networks while
benefits of stat-muxing are combined with providing a seamless gateway between Packet
traffic engineering and capacity planning to and TDM networks.
lower CAPEX by right sizing the network. OPEX ASON and WSON GMPLS control plane: With
reductions come through faster provisioning, Tejas Networks’ ITU-T G.8080 based GMPLS
robust protection and quicker root cause control plane software, highly resilient networks
analysis during failures. With mesh protection with multiple levels of protection can be created
capabilities, latency and protection switch times with ease. The TJ1600 supports 1+Reroute and
are minimized. 1+1+ Reroute options by implementing
Network Management: With Tejas Networks’ standard protocols. Tejas GMPLS control plane
suite of management tools network evolution is enables this capability for OTN (L1) as well as
much easier to manage. Point and Click DWDM (L0) enabling most flexible and resilient
technologies for Packet, SONET/SDH, OTN and optical network deployments.
DWDM traffic allow for more accurate service Flexible Network Architectures: The TJ1600
designs, more efficient routing and better fault has a flexible architecture that allows it to build
correlation. Accurate alarming and “fault to the network best suited for all services linearly
affected service mapping” enables fault for rapid deployment such as hub and spoke for
resolution prioritization. Enhanced network cost effective build outs at the edge of the
element backups and simple remote software network, ring and ringlet for high utilization and
upgrades reduce operational costs while resiliency, meshed for low latency and flexible
enhancing reliability. NMS server redundancy protection. This is achieved with a unique
TJ1600 Terabit Packet Optical Transport Platform
Technical Specifications
SDH/OTN Switch Capacity SDH/OTN Switch Capabilities
• 900G OTN (1:1 fabric) • VC12, VC4, STS-nc
• 640G OTN/HO (1:1 fabric) • ODU2, ODU0, ODU1, ODUFlex
• 360G OTN/HO, 120G LO (1:1 fabric) • LO and HO Virtual Concatenation
• 80G HO/LO (1:1 fabric) • Hairpinning
• Ethernet GFP-mapped; VCAT and LCAS
Network Protection • 640 G Hybrid SDH/OTN or SONET/OTN XC
• 900G OTN XC
• Unprotected, 1+1 APS, 1+1 MSP
• ODUk SNCP ROADMs , OADMs & Optical
Enhanced Services • ROADM - CDCG: 8 degree, 4 degree and 2
VLAN to ODUFLex Mapping degree
Revertive and non-revertive switching • Optical Mux/DeMux: 1Ch, 4 Ch, 8 Ch, 16 Ch
and 40/80 Ch
Network Management • DCM: Fiber and FGB Based
• Web-based Craft UI
• Network Management System Circuit Emulation
TJ1600 Terabit Packet Optical Transport Platform
Interfaces to SDH/OTN (per line card)
• 10 Gig E – up to 20 XFP/SFP+ ports Ethernet Switch Capacity-single shelf
• 1 Gig E – up to 32 SFP ports
• 10/100/1000bT – up to 16 ports • 80 to 240 Gbps bidirectional
• 10/100bT – up to 16 ports
• E1/DS1 unprotected - up to 126 Interfaces to Ethernet Switch – single shelf
• E3/DS3 unprotected – up to 3
• 10 Gig E – up to 48 XFP/SFP+
• STM-1/STM-4/STM-16/OC-3/OC12/OC48 – up
• 1 GigE – up to 192 SFP ports
to 32 SFP ports
• 10/100/1000bT – up to 192 ports
• STM-64/OC-192/OTU2/OTU2e – up to 40
• 10/100bT – up to 144 ports
SFP+ ports
• DS1 – up to 756 ports*
• OTU4 – up to 4 port
• 200G – 1 port Transponders and Muxponders
• OTUC2 – 1 port
• 100G to 600G – 2 port • 10 x 10G Transponder
• 2x100G Transponder
Network Protection & Security • 10x10G -> 1x100G Muxponder
• 20 X 10G -> 1 X 200G
• Ethernet Ring Protection ITU-T G.8032
• 2X100G / 1X100G + 10X10G -> 1X200G
• 1:1 bidirectional Linear Protection LSP (RFC6378)
• 12X100G / 8X100G + 40X10G -> 2X600G
• 1:1 bidirectional PW
• MPLS-TP Mesh
• Link Aggregation Group (LAG)
Ethernet Switching
• Port mirroring and loopback • VLAN, QinQ based services
• Ingress Rate Limiting at 64kbps granularity
DWDM/CWDM Optical Layer • Programmable Committed / Peak Rates
• Programmable Committed/Peak Burst sizes
• eFEC for 10G ports • Egress rate shaping on all ports
• SD-FEC for >100G ports • HQoS
• FEC for 2.5G and 622M ports • Every Ethernet port UNI/NNI
• Up to 96 Channels/Lambda per fiber
• Links of 3000+ km Environmental
• Fiber Protection Unit
• Operating Temperature 0ºC to 50ºC
• Relative Humidity: 10% to 90%, non
Amplifiers condensing
• 17dBm/20dBm/26dBm/Raman • FCC Part 15 Class A
• Pre, Post and Inline • Telcordia GR-63 NEBS Compliant
• Optical Supervisory Channel • NEBS Level 3 Compliant
• UL60950-1:2007
MPLS-TP • ICES 003 Issue-4
• MPLS-TP Connection Oriented Ethernet
• VPWS, VPLS, H-VPLS Power Supply (optional redundancy)
• IGMP snooping v1/v2/v3* • 2500 Watts maximum per unit
Ethernet/MPLS-TP OAM Dimensions
• MPLS-TP OAM RFC5860 • 372mm x 445mm x 258mm (9 line cards)
• BFD based Fault OAM • 178mm x 445mm x 258mm (4 line cards)
• LSP Ping and Traceroute (RFC6426) • 89mm x 445mm x 258mm (2 line cards)
• PW Ping • 19" and 23” rack mount options
• MPLS-TP • All Front Access
• Y.1731/802.1ag based CFM OAM
• On demand LM/DM based on Y.1731
IEEE802.3ah based