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Ra 1425 or Rizal Law

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R.A 1425 or otherwise known as Rizal Law

(Week 2 Day 1)

Part I. Introduction

Jose Rizal’s important role in the attainment of the

nation’s freedom led to the issuance of the Essential Outcomes:
Republic act 1425 commonly known as Rizal Law
At the end of this module
signed on June 12, 1956, sponsored by its author
Senator Claro M. Recto. This law requires the the student will be able to:
curricula to both public and private schools, 1.Recognize the History
colleges, and university courses to include Life, of the Rizal Law and its
Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his important provisions.
novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Primarily it aims to educate the students on the 2.Critically assess the
concept of patriotism and nationalism. effectiveness of the
For Hans Kohn, Nationalism is an Rizal Course.
ideology based on the premise that the person’s
loyalty and devotion to the nation-state outshine
others’ interests.
Nationalism longing for
unity by their cultural
background, languages,
and heritage while on the
other hand, the Patriotism
shows love for the country
and the will to sacrifice
oneself. According to
George Orwell, Nationalism
is more on that one’s
country is superior to
Dr.Jose Rizal another, while patriotism is
simply a feeling of admiration for a
way of life. The influence of Dr. Jose Rizal’s life
will serve as inspiration for the youth in this modern period as well as his ideas,
thoughts, aspirations, dreams, principles, and convictions that lead to our freedom
later on.
As a preliminary activity you will be required by your Professor-in-charge to do a fast talk
interview at home. Kindly read the instruction below.

A. Motivation
 List down everything you know about Rizal. If none,
research on basic facts about Jose Rizal.
 Look for an older family member or a neighbor whom
you can interview.
 Ask him/her the following and inform them that they
only have a minute to answer.
Example: Rizal’s birthdate, Full name and Place of
 After asking them about your list, give them 3 minutes
to answer what other things they know about Rizal that was not listed.
 Make a follow up question on how they know all those added information.
 Take note all the answers given and share it to class the next meeting.
B. Discussion
Part I. Processing of Take Home Activity
Guide Questions:
1. After looking at your notes from yesterday’s fast talk interview with a family
member or neighbor, what have you notice from your list to their added
2. What made that information not part of your list?
3. If there is no added information, why do you think they can’t add any
information about Jose Rizal?
4. What about you, how well do you know Jose Rizal?
5. Why do you think it is important to know Jose Rizal? Why do we need to
study his life and works?

Part II. Lesson Proper

How well do Filipinos know Jose Rizal? Let’s watch this.

What can you

say about the
you’ve heard?



Many students are curious why there is a need to study Rizal. The common questions
teachers may hear from students are the following:
1. Does the subject have something to do with their field?
2. Will it be a repetition of what they have learned in High school?
3. Does taking Rizal would be a waste of time?

Those are some of the common queries of tertiary level students upon learning that part
of the required courses to take was RIZAL LIFE AND WORKS. They feel that it is just
an additional burden simply because it is just a minor subject and the person to be
studied already dead and lived in the past. Little they know that it was mandated by law.
This law made it clear how the Rizal subject is compulsory to all students who are
enrolled in all colleges and universities within the Philippine territory for both public and
private institutions.

To be able to answer the questions given above. Make use of the following
suggested links and books below as your additional references.

Mandatory/Suggested Readings:

A. Rizal Bill
 Schumacher, John. “The Rizal Bill of 1956: Horacio de la Costa and the
Bishops, “Philippine Studies 59 no.4 (2011): 529-553
 Official Gazette: [PDF] Republic Act No. 1425, s. 1956:
 Jose Laurel Jr. “The Trials of the Rizal Bill,” Historical Bulletin vol.4 no.2
(1960): 130-139.
 De Jesus et.al, Rizal the Icon Book2, “Republic Act 1425” pp 3-9
B. The Trials of Rizal Bill
 Horacio de la Costa and the Bishops, “The Rizal Bill of 1956”.
 The Trial of Rizal. Miguel A. Bernad Philippine Studies. Vol. 46, No. 1
(First Quarter 1998), pp. 46-72. Ateneo De Manila University.
 Constantino, Renato. “Veneration without Understanding”. Journal of
Contemporary Asia, 01 January 1972, Vol.1(4), pp.3-18
Suggested Readings:
 Reyno, C. (2012, October 19). For Love of Country. National Historical
Commission of the Philippines. http://nhcp.gov.ph/for-love-of-country/
1. After reading the suggested link, in your own word and understanding
how will you define R.A 1425?
2. What are the important provisions and features of the law?
3. What made the principal author propose the bill?
4. What are legal proceedings confronted the bill upon its proposal?
5. What does Sen. Claro M. Recto intention why he proposes the bill?
6. Why do you think it is still relevant to study Rizal in the modern period?

Part III. Activities/Exercises

Suggested Activity: Breakaway Session
1. Students will be grouped according to the suggested guide questions
2. Using Moodle, each student will be assigned to breakaway groups.
3. After the grouping, students will now create breakaway group using
Moodle’s Forum activity to interact and collaborate on their assigned
4. The teacher will inform students how long they can work on their tasks.
5. Works of students can be posted in Moodle they can also use other
google slides or google docs so everybody can access it.
6. There will be time allotted for the student to student interaction.
Encourage maximum participation by commenting, asking a relevant
question, or suggesting from their classmates’ work using google docs.
7. Monitor the flow of the interaction to check if everyone is participating.
8. Each guide questions must be completely tackled. The teacher will
briefly comment and add more information to his/her student’s work.
9. Ask if there are questions or clarifications that students find vague from
the discussion.


Write a 1-page analytical essay about the Rizal bill and its history, do you
agree that Rizal subject must be taught in schools? Do you think studying,
understanding and knowing Jose Rizal was still relevant today? Does it have any
importance? And after careful evaluation does studying Rizal subject will be an
effective tool in instilling patriotism and nationalism among students? Support your
answers with evidences using factual information you’ve learn from the class

Suggested Rubric: Analytical Essay (100points)

Note: Prof-in-charge can also add or change this rubric as the need arise
and his/her (academic freedom).


STUDENTS NAME: __________________ Yr. and Sec:


10-9 Precise and consistent. Expresses ability to make inferences.

8 Demonstration of writing skills although generalizations exist
within writing. Implies knowledge of inference.
7 Limited and inconsistencies writing skills and does not express
6-3 Inadequate ideas and does not express ability to make
1-0 Student do not complete the assessment.

Criteria 10-9 8 7 6-2 1-0 TOTAL

Ideas (20%)
Writing Style
n (20%)
On time


Republic Act No. 1425, known as the Rizal Law Mandates Philippine

educational institutions to offer courses about José Rizal. The transition from
bill to a republic act was not that easy as the church played an important role
in opposing the mandate of the law mainly the readings of Rizal’s most
controversial novels the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. In their letter
submitted in the CBCP they argued that reading it would violate freedom of
conscience and religion. It violates the Canon law of 1399, which forbids
books that attack or ridicule any catholic dogmas, and only 25 pages of the
Despite the controversy the bill went through it was eventually passed into
law, but with a clause that will allow exemptions for students who think that
reading the two novels would disintegrate their faith. Accordingly, the law
aims to achieve the following:
1. Rededicating the lives of youth into ideals of freedom and nationalism,
that heroes lived and died.
2. Pay tribute to our national hero in devoting his life and works that will
Shape the Filipino character.
3. To gain inspiration as source of patriotism by studying Rizal’s life,
works, and writings.
This subject was not mandated as a law for nothing. Interestingly it has a
unique value that benefit the students when taught properly.
Module 1

Mandatory/Suggested Readings:
A. Rizal Bill
 Schumacher, John. “The Rizal Bill of 1956: Horacio de la Costa and the Bishops,
“Philippine Studies 59 no.4 (2011): 529-553
 Official Gazette: [PDF] Republic Act No. 1425, s. 1956:
 Jose Laurel Jr. “The Trials of the Rizal Bill,” Historical Bulletin vol.4 no.2 (1960):
 De Jesus et.al, Rizal the Icon Book2, “Republic Act 1425” pp 3-9

B. The Trials of Rizal Bill

 The Trial of Rizal. Miguel A. Bernad Philippine Studies. Vol. 46, No. 1 (First
Quarter 1998), pp. 46-72. Ateneo De Manila University.
 Constantino, Renato. “Veneration without Understanding”. Journal of
Contemporary Asia, 01 January 1972, Vol.1(4), pp.3-18

Suggested Readings:
 Lauron, D. (2015, September 7). For Love of Country. National Historical
Commission of the Philippines. http://nhcp.gov.ph/for-love-of-country/

Additional Reference:
 One News PH. (2019, December 30). Just how well do we know Jose
Rizal? YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CKqXJ-wQPM

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