Probabilistic Modeling Processes For Oil and Gas
Probabilistic Modeling Processes For Oil and Gas
Probabilistic Modeling Processes For Oil and Gas
Provisional chapter
Chapter 3
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Different uncertainties are researched for providing safe and effective development of
hydrocarbon deposits and rational operation of oil and gas systems (OGS). The original
models and methods, applicable in education and practice for solving problems of sys-
tem engineering, are proposed. These models allow us to analyze natural and techno-
genic threats for oil and gas systems on a probabilistic level for a given prognostic time.
Transformation and adaptation of models are demonstrated by examples connected with
non-destructive testing. The measures of counteraction to threats for the typical manu-
facturing processes of gas preparation equipment on enterprise are analyzed. The risks
for pipelines, pumping liquefied natural gas across the South American territory, are
predicted. Results of probabilistic modeling of the sea gas and oil-producing systems
from their vulnerability point of view (including various scenarios of possible terrorist
influences) are analyzed and interpreted.
1. Introduction
A history of development of the oil and gas industry all over the world, and in the Russian
Federation, is impressive. Since 1930s large oil and gas fields have been opened; a huge num-
ber of oil refining and petrochemical factories are constructed. In recent years, the role of
the gas branch has essentially increased; pipeline transport, thanks to which the basic part
of Russia’s territory is provided with gas, oil and mineral oil, has actively developed; export
of these products is carried out; there has been development of sea deposits. Hydrocarbon
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56 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
reservoirs, pipeline transport, oil refining and petrochemical factories, various storehouses of
oil and gas, sea platforms and terminals and so on are examples of objects of modeling in oil
and gas systems (OGS)—see Figure 1.
Technological processes of oil and gas branches are various. As a matter of fact, it is all a spec-
trum of processes from hydrocarbon extraction to end-product production. There are geologi-
cal and geophysical researches; drilling; developing of hydrocarbon reservoirs (both on land,
shelves and on the sea); pipeline transport and oil and gas storage; refining and chemistry.
The end production of oil and gas manufacturing is used in majority branches of the modern
economy. Unfortunately, up-to-date claims for deposits of hydrocarbons are the reasons for
international conflicts.
Features which are necessary for consideration for the creation of control systems by technologi-
cal processes and at construction are peculiar to the oil and gas branch. So technological processes
are continuous, and objects are difficult and demand at the management level of performing syn-
ergistic researches. Objects of oil and gas manufacturing are technologically dangerous; there-
fore, the role of systems’ safety and ecological monitoring is significant. The initial information
possesses are characterized by the high level of uncertainty generated by natural factors.
The automated dispatching control (ADC) meets the requirements of continuous technologi-
cal processes control (ADC is the heterogeneous man–machine control system of the techno-
logical process integrating the dispatcher with an information-operating system, providing
automatic information gathering, transfer, processing and display [1, 2]).
Theoretical bases for creating heterogeneous control systems are at the formation stage.
Effective ACD operation in general depends on the quality of modeling objects and manage-
rial processes. Problems of modeling for oil and gas systems should be considered for two
• problems of technological process control taking into account features of oil and gas manu-
facture and.
• problems of monitoring and prediction of the integrated metrics, providing safe and com-
petitive development of the OGS enterprises.
In such a manner, the systemic uncertainty inherent in oil and gas technologies due to the
specificity of the objects under study leads to the need for modeling oil and gas systems,
the goal of which is ultimately to manage risks at all levels of the hierarchy and all stages of
the life cycle [1–10].
The problems posed are quite sophisticated, due to the complexity of the systems being stud-
ied, the operation of which is clearly non-linear. And at the same time, it is highly an actual
one, taking into account the noted role of the OGS in the economy of modern world.
The proposed probabilistic approaches, applicable in the system’s life cycle, help to answer
the main question: “What rational measures should lead to expected effects without wasted
expenses, when, by which controllable and uncontrollable conditions and costs?”
Modeling demands the analysis of specificity for OGS, estimating existing uncertainties.
Prominent features of objects of oil and gas manufacture, characterizing uncertainties and
complexity of modeling are presented in Table 1.
The performed analysis has revealed prominent features of uncertainties for separate objects
of oil and gas manufacture and has shown that probabilistic modeling, models for estimations
and identifications, a method of Monte-Carlo, is widely and successfully applied for solving
problems of technological process control. The nature of uncertainty of processes and objects
of oil and gas manufacture is various; that is in many respects caused by long processes of
hydrocarbon formation. Therefore, the occurrence of technology of evolutionary modeling as
often named synergistic analysis (with the theory of non-linear systems and the self-organizing
58 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
The Oil (it is typified as the oil In the oil disperse system the behavior principles and physical–chemical
disperse system) properties in the molecular or disperse state can be quite differ from each
other, and this is the reason of the non-linear response while changing of
the external input character and scale. Then the phase transitions occur, and
system properties are changed in a qualitative manner. This field researches
show that oil systems are structured at the nanoscale level, what creates the
basics for the new technologies development in the oil and gas industry.
So the phase transitions are possible with the aggregate state changing. This
is the object of the synergistic analysis; also the physical–chemical analysis
models are applied; fractal analysis is used.
Hydrocarbons reservoirs They were formed for millions years. Recently the count of hypothesizes about
the hydrocarbon reservoirs origin increased, and generally speaking the self-
organizing processes are typical for the oil and gas reservoirs.
Hydrocarbons reservoir rock Porosity, permeability are the key indexes for the estimation task solution. The
deformations are typical for the reservoir rocks. In certain cases it is needed to
(it is mine rock containing the voids,
take into account the non-Newtonian fluid and to use the rheological models.
i.e. the pores, cavities and others and
having the potential to store and The most dependencies have the non-linear character.
filtrate the fluids)
The initial information has the statistical character, then the mathematical
statistics and probabilistic modeling apparatus is actively applied. The
percolation task is also has its special features.
Processes of the petrochemical Non-linear processes with catalysts’ application, and its activity, are varied
industry and oil refining with time. Most wide-spread modeling and engineering evaluations systems
are actively used for the project design as well as the calculations providing in
Management of the oil production While solving the problem of the hydrocarbons production on the reservoir
process the task of the adjusted management with Kalman filter application.
(Intelligent field, i.e. I-field) In classic case the adjusted management task supposes the object model
correction with control input generation. Toward to the hydrocarbons
reservoir the uncertainty is increased with the changing of the object
characteristics while the reservoir development process.
The tasks of the estimation and identification are widely used and applied.
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 59
Table 1. Distinctive uncertainties of the objects and processes in the oil and gas industry.
processes, the determined chaos, fractal analysis, etc.) has considerably expanded possibili-
ties of the researches of the natural uncertainty of oil and gas manufacture.
Evolutionary processes as a development basis, actively acted not only the system analysis in a
control context, but also for the decision of problems at level of organizational-economic man-
agement. At this level, the nature of uncertainty is connected with many criteria. In Figure 2,
the evolution of risk-oriented criteria is shown: from economic criteria to competitiveness.
In different areas, the heterogeneous threats for complex systems are inevitable. The uncer-
tainties in the system’s life cycle are usual. Different problems, connected with evaluations,
comparisons, selections, controls, system analysis and optimization, are solved by the proba-
bilistic modeling of processes according to system engineering standards (general–ISO/IEC/
IEEE 15288, ISO 9001, IEC 60300, 61,508, CMMI и т.д. and specific for the oil and gas industry
ISO 10418, 13,702, 14,224, 15,544, ISO 15663, ISO 17776 etc.). The saved-up experience con-
firms the high importance of scientific system researches based on probabilistic modeling.
For example, in general cases, prediction and optimization are founded on modeling different
processes. Any process is a repeated sequence of consuming time and resources for outcomes’
receiving in all application areas. From the probability point of view, the moments for any
activity beginning and ending are random events on the timeline. In practice, a majority of
timed activities is repeated during the system’s life cycle (estimations, comparisons, analysis,
rationale, etc.) [1–10]. See some problems that are due to be and can be solved by the mathe-
matical modeling of processes according to ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 “Systems and software engi-
neering. System life cycle processes” in Figure 3. The applications of models allows one to
manage rationally risks, raise the quality and safety of oil and gas systems and at the expense
of them be successful in the market—see in Figure 4 the example of formalized problems
which are solved on the basis of probabilistic modeling in the life cycle [6].
60 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
The summary of the analysis of existing approaches is presented in the next section.
An existing risk control concept tries to consider different uncertainties. But in the appli-
cation for various areas, the results of information gathering and processing are not used
purposefully for modeling, because as the used models of risk prediction that are used in a
majority of complex systems, are specific, results and interpretations are not comparable. A
universal objective scale of measurement is not established yet. Moreover, the terms “accept-
able quality” and “admissible risk” should be defined on a probability scale level only in
dependence with corresponding methods and precedents (considering system analogue). For
heterogeneous threats, an analytical rationale of the balanced preventive measures of system
integrity support at limitations on admissible risks and resources cannot be solved in many
cases. The probabilistic modeling, aimed at pragmatic effects, helps to prove probability lev-
els of” acceptable quality” and “admissible risk” for different systems in uniform interpreta-
tion, creates techniques to solve different problems for quality and helps in risk optimization.
It supports making-decisions in quality and safety and/or helps to avoid wasted expenses
in the system’s life cycle—see the proposed purposeful way in Figure 5, based on dozens of
probabilistic models and software tools [6]. There are proposed universal metrics for system
processes: probabilities of success or failure during a given period for an element, subsystem
and system. A calculation of these metrics within the limits of the offered probability space
built on the basis of the theory for random processes allows one to predict quality and risks on
a uniform probability scale, quantitatively proving comprehensive levels of acceptable qual-
ity and admissible risks from “precedents cases.” The prediction of risks can use widely safety
monitoring data and statistics. In practice, an application of the proposed model and method
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 61
Figure 3. The problems that are due to be and can be solved by probabilistic modeling processes.
Figure 4. Examples of formalized problems which are solved on the base of probabilistic modeling.
62 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
The descriptions for some from the proposed probabilistic models and methods for their
transformations, adaptations, applications and result interpretations are the following.
Problems of item content analysis are everywhere for any oil and gas systems in their life
cycle. Pipes and pipelines, the equipment (e.g., fountain armature, columned heads and
welded tanks), monolithic walls of buildings and the constructions, to be checked in the pres-
ence of emptiness, can be considered as such items—see Figure 6.
For solving some problems of item content analysis, the existing probabilistic model “infor-
mation faultlessness after checking” may be used by renaming input and output [6]. For
example, for estimating non-destructive testing, the probability of soundness of the checked
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 63
item (renamed) may be estimated instead of the probability of information faultlessness dur-
ing the required term (according to referenced model [6]). A soundness of the checked item
means the zero of defects (or anomalies) after non-destructive testing during the given term.
What about the effectiveness of non-destructive testing methods for some technical items?
Example 1: Let an application of some instruments of non-destructive testing be planned in
the applications to check 10,000 conditional items (the items can be meters of pipes, square
meters of walls in storehouses and so on). The operator using instruments forms a system
for non-destructive testing. Speed of testing equals 5000 items a day. Taking into account
the human factor, a frequency of first-type errors (when the absence of defect [anomaly] is
accepted as defect [anomaly]) equals one error a week. The mean time between second-type
errors for the system (when real defect [anomaly] does not come to light) is equal once a
month. The non-destructive testing is performed permanently for 10 days. It needs to estimate
the maximum density of defects (anomalies) for which the probability of soundness of the
checked 10,000 conditional items is more than 0.90.
Results of probabilistic modeling have shown that the required density is about 0.02%, that is,
2 defects (anomalies) on 10,000 items. In addition it is expedient to notice that since density of
defects about 1%, the probability of soundness is stabilized at level 0.88. It does not fall as less,
because first-type and second-type errors seldom occur in example 1.
The analysis shows that the found rational speed is about 1100 items per hour. And the part of
defects after the control in the checked-up volume of 10,000 items will be 0.0008% against the
primary 0.02%. It can be interpreted: at the checked volume of 1,00,000 items (i.e., in 10 times
more primary 10,000, when quantity of defects is 20), the average residual quantity of defects
64 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
will not exceed 1. It means that under the second example conditions, 19 from 20 defects will
be revealed in time with probability 0.95 and more.
The probabilistic approaches for modeling “black box” and complex structures operating in
conditions of heterogeneous threats are proposed.
There are two general technologies proposed of providing protection from critical influences
on the system: technology 1 is the periodical diagnostics of system integrity (without the
continuous monitoring between diagnostics) and technology 2 is the continuous monitoring
between periodical diagnostics added to technology 1—see Figure 8.
Technology 1 is based on periodical diagnostics of system integrity, which is carried out to detect
danger source penetration from threats (destabilizing factors) into a system or the consequences of
negative influences. The lost system integrity can be detected only as a result of diagnostics, after
which system recovery starts. Dangerous influence on a system is acted upon step by step: at first,
a danger source penetrates into a system and then after its activation begins to influence. System
integrity cannot be lost before a penetrated danger source is activated. Danger from threats (desta-
bilizing factors) is considered to be realized only after a danger source has influenced a system.
Technology 2, unlike the previous one, implies that operators alternating each other trace sys-
tem integrity between diagnostics (the operator may be a man or a special device or their
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 65
Figure 8. Some accident events for technology 2 (left – “Correct operation”, right – “a loss of integrity” during Treq.).
combination). In case of detecting a danger source an operator recovers system integrity. The
ways of integrity recovering are analogous to the ways of technology 1. Faultless operator’s
actions provide the neutralization of a danger source trying to penetrate into a system. When
operators alternate a complex diagnostic is held. A penetration of a danger source is possible
only if an operator makes an error but a dangerous influence occurs if danger is activated
before the next diagnostic. Otherwise the source will be detected and neutralized during the
next diagnostic.
It is supposed for technologies 1 and 2 that the used diagnostic allows to provide necessary
system integrity recovery after revealing danger source penetration into a system or conse-
quences of influences. Assumption: for all time input characteristics, the probability distribu-
tion function (PDF) exists. Thus, the probability of the correct system operation within the
given prognostic period (i.e., the probability of success) may be computed as a result of the
use of models. For identical damage risk, to lose integrity is an addition to 1 for the probability
of correct system operation, R = 1−P [3–4].
There are possible next variants for technologies 1 and 2: variant 1 in the given prognostic period
Treq is less than the established period between neighboring diagnostics (Treq < Tbetw. + Tdiag);
variant 2 in the assigned period Treq is more than or equals to the established period between
neighboring diagnostics (Treq 3Tbetw. + Tdiag). Here, Tbetw. is the time between the end of the diag-
nostic and the beginning of the next diagnostic, Tdiag is the diagnostic time.
The main output of integration modeling is the probability of the correct system operation
or risk to losing system integrity during the given period of time. If probabilities for all
66 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
points Тreq. from 0 to ∞ are computed, it means a trajectory of the PDF, depending on the
characteristics of threats, periodic control, monitoring and recovery. And the building of
PDF is the real base to prediction metrics P and R for given time Тreq.. In analogy with reli-
ability, it is important to know a mean time between neighboring losses of integrity like
mean time between neighboring failures in reliability (MTBF), but in application to quality,
safety, etc.
For complex systems, parallel or serial structure existing models with known PDF can be
developed by usual methods of probability theory. Let’s consider the elementary structure
from two independent parallel or series elements. Let PDF of time between losses of the ith
element of integrity be Вi(t), that is, Вi(t) = Р (τi ≤ t); then:
1. Time between losses of integrity for the system combined from series-connected indepen-
dent elements is equal to a minimum from two times τi: failure of first or second elements
(i.e., the system goes into a state of lost integrity when either the first or second element
integrity is lost). For this case the PDF of time between losses of system integrity is defined
by expression:
В(t) = Р(min (τ 1, τ 2) ≤ t) = 1 − Р(min (τ 1, τ 2) > t) = 1 − Р(τ 1 > t)Р(τ 2 > t)
= 1–[1 − В 1( t)] [1 − В 2( t)] (1)
2. Time between losses of integrity for system combined from parallel-connected indepen-
dent elements (hot reservation) is equal to a maximum from two times τi: failure of first
and second elements (i.e., the system goes into a state of lost integrity when both first and
second elements have lost integrity). For this case the PDF of time between losses of system
integrity is defined by the expression:
Applying recurrently expressions (1), (2), it is possible to build PDF of time between losses of
integrity for any complex system with parallel and/or series structures.
All these ideas for analytical modeling operation processes are supported by the software
tools “Mathematical modeling of system life cycle processes”—“know how” (registered by
Rospatent №2,004,610,858), “Complex for evaluating quality of production processes” (regis-
tered by Rospatent №2,010,614,145) and others [1–4].
5. Optimization
By using the models and software tools above the problems of optimization for an element,
subsystem and system can be solved through calculating probabilities of success or failure
during a given period on the timeline. This approach considers the threats, conditions of
counteractions and the given admissible risk established by the precedent principle. Thus, the
final choice of integrated measures is allocated on a payoff to the customer in view of specific-
ity of the created or maintained system.
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 67
For example, the next general formal statements of problems for optimization can be used [6]:
1. For the stages of system concept, development, production and support: System param-
eters, technical and management measures, presented in terms of time characteristics of
threats, control and/or monitoring of conditions and comprehensible recovery of lost integ-
rity are the most rational for the given period if the minimum amount of expenses for the
creation of the system is reached at limitations on an admissible level of risk to lose integrity
and/or probability of an admissible level of quality and expenses for operation under other
developments, operations or maintenance conditions.
2. On an operation stage: System parameters, technical and management measures, presented
in terms of time characteristics of threats, control and/or monitoring of conditions and com-
prehensible recovery of lost integrity, are the most rational for the given period of operation
if the minimum of risks to system integrity loss is reached at limitations on the admissible
level of risk and/or probability of an admissible level of quality and expenses for operations
under other operations or maintenance conditions.
The combination of these formal statements also can be used in the system’s life cycle.
The approach for using the developed models, methods and software tools to analyze and
optimize system processes is illustrated in Figure 9.
A typical set of manufacturing processes of gas preparation equipment (GPE) on the enter-
prise includes:
Not to tire the attentive reader, we will not state results of modeling for all processes—in
examples 3 and 4, there are only results for processes connected with the operation of entrance
threads and managing processes.
Example 3: It is required to predict the quality of the production processes and reliability of
equipment connected with the operation of entrance threads.
Input data for modeling are formed as an analysis result of the average statistical data and
requirements for production processes of the enterprise. A separate quality of each group of
processes is estimated; then, quality of productions for GPE as a whole is predicted. Let an
average time of recovery of each group of the processes earlier is equal to the duration of work
of one shift, that is, 8 h. The predicted period is 1 month, 1 year and 5 years at observance of
set modes for processes.
Note: For a pre-emergency condition, input data can essentially differ; that will cause also
change of modeling results.
For the decision the models above are used. The results of modeling of the productions con-
nected with the operation of entrance threads are analyzed in Figure 10.
Results of modeling: Owing to the recovery in time technological and production processes
as a result of periodic control, the mean time between failures (MTBF), affecting quality,
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 69
Figure 10. Prediction of quality of production processes connected with operation of entrance threads.
increases from 1361 to 20,431 h, that is, by 15 times. It is reached at the expense of timely
reaction in process control. The integral probability of the performing processes, connected
with the operation of entrance threads with an acceptable quality, is 0.97 for a month of GPE
operation, 0.70 for GPE operation in a year and 0.32 for GPE operation in 5 years. The last
probability (0.32) means that it may be a real one or more accidents or failures for 5 years of
GPE operation, when counter-emergency measures should be performed. Risk of this is about
0.68, that is, twice more than the probability of success.
And what about reliability? The maintenance and diagnostic measures are performed every
half a year according to recommendations of equipment suppliers. How much it is effectively
for real operation conditions on the level of predicted reliability?
Results of predicting reliability of equipment connected with the operation of entrance threads
are demonstrated in Figure 11. Expected integral MTBF is equal to 5770 h. It is 3.5 times less in
comparison with 20,431 h owing to daily periodic control (see the earlier section).
Summary: The account of daily results of control and measurements is necessary. Otherwise,
if it is to be guided by only guarantee recommendations of equipment suppliers’ occurrence,
at least one accident or failure demanding counter-emergency measures of protection annu-
ally is possible and for 5 years it is inevitable.
70 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
Example 4: The next system question is very important: What about the benefit for enter-
prise “the prediction of complex quality” based on the probabilistic modeling of processes?
Modeling allows one to compare the quality of various productions on a uniform scale, to
establish levels of acceptable quality, taking into account expenses, to allocate “bottlenecks”
in each of these processes and also to develop the general and separate recommendations
about process improvements. For example, the comparative results of modeling of produc-
tion processes are demonstrated in Table 2.
Thus, with other things being equal, a more complex structure of processes, as a rule, pos-
sesses more risks. It should be considered.
On the basis of the analysis of modeling results, numerous logical decisions should be made
by enterprise management according to the criterion “quality-risks-cost.”
Example 5: There is system which consists of a 560-km pipeline for pumping liquefied natural
gas across the South American territory (the source of modeling data is a technical report of
one of the oil companies). All lay of the line conventionally is divided into three parts (sub-
systems) by service conditions: first part through the jungle (200 km), second part through the
mountains (300 km) and third through the plains (60 km). These characteristics of pipeline
subsystems are presented in Table 3. It is assumed that the annual profit of operation of the
pipeline in the first 5 years is 1500.000 and after is 2500.000 conventional units of accounts per
year. It is required to predict the risks taking into account profits and the estimated costs (in
conventional units of account) for the construction and maintenance of various sections of the
pipeline between 10 and 50 years of its operation.
Characteristics Part through the Part through the Part through the
jungle (200 km) mountains (300 km) plains (60 km)
The frequency of potentially hazards impacts 15 times a year 10 times a year 50 times a year
on 100 km lay of the line (technical, natural,
human or criminal, etc.)
The average cost of construction and 1000 c.u. per year 2000 c.u. per year 200 c.u. per year
maintenance of the area, over 1 km,
Table 3. Characteristics of hazards, measures of control, monitoring and maintaining pipeline integrity.
72 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
The solution of a problem: The traditional approach to risk analysis is limited by the obtain-
ment values of the frequency of potential hazard impacts on a 100-km lay of the line— see the
first row of characteristics in the table. The proposed solution allows not only for obtaining
risks from frequency but also implies how security will change as a result of management.
Traditional approaches are not possible to feel the effectiveness of the measures taken for
measures of control, monitoring and maintaining integrity. Measures should not seem effec-
tive but should be really effective! It is necessary to understand their influence on securing
ultimate security. The correct understanding of the possibilities of the impact on safety from
measures of control, monitoring and maintaining integrity will allow rationally managing
their parameters. The proposed approach provides for the use of these and other data of
Table 3 as input data for subsequent mathematical modeling using the models of Section 3.
The results of predictive modeling for 10 and 50 years showed the following (see Figure 12).
As a result of applying technologies, which had been developed in 2008, the average time
achievable of the safe operation is approximately 3000–5000 h. At the same mean time, fail-
ure in the jungle is 5767–8745 h; in the mountains it is 8255–12,676 h; and on the plain it is
29,500–1,22,145 h. Note that the upper estimate was inherent for the systematic maintaining
of pipeline integrity (when all failures and critical areas with potential danger are identified)
in the jungle and in the mountains every month and at the plains weekly. Subsystems’ state
monitoring is tracked mainly in the days of control. The analysis of the results of the calcula-
tions shows that systematic monitoring allows one to increase the safety of operations of the
pipeline in the jungle and in the mountains by 1.5 times, in the plain by 4 times, but through-
out the 560-km stretch of the pipeline it is by 1.6 times! This is a real job for pre-emption as
compared with the case of the absence of any control; when troubleshooting, it is only after
the accident that cannot be overlooked. It is assumed that operative repair with restore the
integrity follows after the failure detection immediately.
Promising technologies will implement a continuous monitoring of the pipeline at any point.
For example, it may be a scan of the air situation using electronic locator fighters of the fourth
and fifth generations with the smart cover. Similarly, intellectual filling of the pipeline will
signal the dangers of the results with relevant coordinates and diagnosis. If we know the
location and cause of the potential failure of the restoration of the integrity it becomes a rou-
tine “matter of technique.” Under these conditions there’s real will be the mean time of safe
operation of the pipeline of about 165,000 h, which is achieved when the mean time of fail-
ure of monitoring tools is about a year. The mean time of failure in the jungle will be more
than 28,0000 h, in the mountains more than 40,000 h and on the plains more than 18 million
h (as in the engines of space vehicles!). The analysis of calculation results shows that ratio-
nal frequency of periodically controlled, continuous monitoring and prompt removal of the
detected faults increase security in 33–54% compared to existing technology.
• for the existing technologies, the security risks for 10 years constitute 0.95–0.97 (which
means that a number of accidents seem almost inevitable, while in the jungles, with a prob-
ability 0.91–0.94, in the mountains with a probability 0.88–0.92 and on the plains with a
probability 0.42–0.75; in 50 years, the risk exceeds 0.99 (dozens of accidents, even in the
jungle, with a probability of 0.98–0.99, in the mountains with a probability of 0.97–0.98 and
on the plains with a probability of 0.78–0.94);
• for the promising technologies, the security risks in 10 years constitute 0.35 (i.e., practically
for some 10 years, we can even avoid accidents, and in the jungle, the accident will be possible
with a probability of 0.24, in the mountains with a probability of 0.18 and on the plains with a
probability of 0.005), in 50 years it is 0.73 (2–4 crashes in 50 years in the jungle with a probabil-
ity of 0.61, in the mountains with a probability of 0.52 and in the plain with probability 0.02);
• the cost will be in 10 years 8.012.000 c.u. and over 50 years it will be 40.060.000 c.u.; more-
over, the costs of an area of the pipeline in the mountains are twice more than costs in the
jungles and on the order more than ones on the plains;
• the approximate profit of the pipeline owner costs less and without adjustment of inflation
in 10 years is 11.988.000 c.u.; that in one and a half times exceeds the costs, and in 50 years is
79.940.000 c.u., which is double the costs. Moreover, the expenditure will produce returns
in less than in a year. That means that when using promising technologies the quantity of
accidents may be reduced on the matter; even these accidents happen either in the jungle or
74 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
in the mountains. It’s quite a profitable and secure project. It must be admitted that the level
of security obtained—the risks are 0.35 in 10 years and 0.73 in 50 years—can be considered
as normative “acceptable.”
Thus, the examples of forecasting the security operation of the pipelines have illustrated the
ability to proactively manage risk. The effectiveness is not just using the universal models
but also in the justification of the necessary system requirements for new materials (pipes
should be intelligent with the ability of continuous monitoring and mean time of failure for
at least a year) and in technologies of restoring functional integrity, in minimizing risks on
the basis of the control parameters of the processes of control, monitoring and restoring even
before promising technologies have appeared! It is therefore proposed to manage the risks
for pipelines of the future even before their creation and based on this, to justify the technical
requirements to the system and their components.
2. With using advanced technology accidents and failures on plains it is possible to virtually
excludes, and in the jungles and mountains to reduce of their number many times.
There are many standards used in the oil and gas industry (ISO 10418 “Basic surface safety
systems”, ISO 13702 “Control & mitigation of fire & explosion”, ISO 14224 “Reliability/main-
tenance data”, ISO 15544 “Emergency response”, ISO 15663 “Life cycle costing”, ISO 17776
“Assessment of hazardous situations” etc.), but they focus on technical aspects and do not
consider terrorist threats.
The principal difference of GOPS consists of the fact that safety problems should be resolved
in the sea because long distances from the shore and probable ice conditions in northern
regions exclude any help from the outside—see Figure 13.
Oil and gas are usually produced on stationary stills and concrete platforms located up to 200 km
from the shore at the depth from several dozens to several hundred meters. There are nearly
5000 sea platforms dispersed all over the world. Dozens of thousand oil wells are drilled from
these platforms. Produced oil is delivered to the buyers by tankers or directly through pipelines.
Produced gas before transportation goes into the liquefied natural gas terminals. After
the liquefaction its volume reduces by 600 times, that makes its transportation profitable.
Statistics shows that during the time of sea field development, emergencies are distributed
in the following ways [10, 11]: drilling—32% (including 23% at survey and 9% at production
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 75
drilling); gas-and-oil production—19%; ship collision and towing of floating drilling rigs and
blocks for platform construction —14%; storms—11%; floating drilling rigs’ delivery to the
point of drilling—6%; and other kinds of works—18%.
A safety policy concerning sea GOPS safety includes accident prevention and drawing, plans
concerning failure consequences of liquidation and actions taken in case of emergencies.
Special brigades are formed and trained to prevent and liquidate failure consequences. High-
quality materials and pipes and application of computer diagnostics for pipe integrity moni-
toring provide safety of the GOPS operation.
All safety measures undertaken nowadays provide system protection from inexperienced
personnel (because according to statistics about 80% of all failures are connected with the
human factor) or from the natural causes and “cataclysms” which are of an unpremeditated
character. However, the attitude to safety cardinally varies in case of terrorist threats because
terrorist actions are malicious and aimed at damaging the system through its vulnerable “bot-
tlenecks.” As a result the existing risks of system safety violation essentially grow.
The examples 6 and 7 are devoted to modeling processes of possible terrorist influence
and GOPS safety provision (including platforms, coastal technological complexes includ-
ing terminals for floating storage and offloading, liquefied natural gas terminals, pipelines,
tubing stations) and to withdraw quantitative evaluations of their vulnerability in various
Example 6: connected with an estimation of effectiveness of a safety monitoring system for sea
GOPS. Before we start the analysis of possible terrorist threats, let us consider the basic dan-
gers that can arise on sea platforms in case of failures. They are explosions of fuel-air mixed
76 Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering
clouds; generation and burning of fire balls; oil spill and burning; separation and spread of
technological equipment parts; and others. Each of these dangers can aggravate consequences
of failures, that is, lead to the “dominoes” effect. To control risks the following measures are
taken: application of safe technologies; measures preventing dangerous situations; applica-
tions of systems providing early detection of emergencies; control over operating parameters
of the technological process, the signal system and the notification about emergency tech-
nologies; measures directed on mitigation of emergency consequences; and preparation of a
platform staff to react immediately.
The analysis shows that the basic preventive mechanism of risk reduction is safety monitoring
in various variations of its application. Let us estimate commonly used safety technologies,
technology 1 (periodical diagnostics of system integrity without the continuous monitoring
between diagnostics) and technology 2 (continuous monitoring between periodical diagnos-
tics is added to technology 1)—see Section 4.
Let’s estimate efficiency of sea GOPS safety technologies used in the case of emergencies for
dozens of years. Thus we take into account that the basis of safety systems consists of auto-
matic facilities’ mean time where failures of which are estimated for several years.
To form inputs for probabilistic modeling the arising of basic dangers for sea platforms in the
case of failures is considered. There is generally one of the abovementioned technologies to
provide safety of GOPS components (platforms, coastal technological complexes including
floating storage and offloading terminals, liquefied natural gas terminals, pipelines, tubing sta-
tions). The script of emergency development provides frequency of danger source appearance
equal to 1 time per 24 h with a mean time of activization within an hour. Time between the ter-
mination of the previous and the beginning of the next diagnostics taking into account broken
integrity recovery is 2 h. Let us suppose that monitoring is performed by automatic means of
tracking the integrity of system components. To such means systems of fire and gas detection,
systems of water fire-fighting and foaming, circled fire mains, systems of platform irrigation,
pressure relief systems, emergency switching of systems, various locking device and so on
may be related. Let the mean time between failures of these means be not less than 2 years.
It needs to estimate a safety of the sea platform operation in such scenarios within several
hours, a day, several weeks and a month.
The integrated results of calculations prove that at the realization of technology 1, the
required safety is provided only for several working days—what is inadmissible in practice.
If the most effective technology, technology 2 is realized, the probability that a dangerous
influence does not occur within 24 h is above 0.99997, that is, the probability of emergency
is about 0.00003. At the same time provision of the required safety within a month in condi-
tions of daily failure danger this risk increases up to 0.001 that also appears to be a practically
admissible result.
Summary for example 6: An effectiveness of the existing safety systems of sea GOPSs appears
to be rather enough or high if the frequency of danger source appearances is about once a
Probabilistic Modeling Processes for Oil and Gas 77
day. The high level of GOPS protection in emergencies is mainly provided by application of
approved automatic safety technologies.
Against the background of proved measures of counteraction to sources of emergency the situ-
ation concerning the struggle against terrorist threats appears to be cardinally worse because
this problem is still at the initial stage. Other things being equal, let us estimate the expected sea
GOPS protection from terrorist threats with differences in abilities of a security service operator
to reveal suspicious actions and objects which can be a means of terrorist purpose realization.
Example 7: Let the deliberately formal conditions of a terrorist influence scenario be similar to
the emergency dangers in example 6. Let us suppose that for providing protection of sea GOPS
platforms from terrorist threats, any of the protecting technologies are used. Let the scenario
of the potentially dangerous influence of terrorists provide the frequency of a danger source
appearance from air, the water table or from under water equal to 1 time per 24 h with the
mean time of activation after penetration onto a platform equal to 1 h. The time between the
termination of the previous and the beginning of the following diagnostics taking into consid-
eration the broken integrity recovery is 2 h. Let us assume the mean continuous time of poten-
tially faultless operators’ works in each shift to be 6 hours. It is required to evaluate the safety
of the sea platform operation in such scenarios within several hours, days, weeks and a month.
The integrated calculation results prove that without any additional protection the system
remains in safety with the probability of 0.9 only within 2–3 h. It is explained by a compara-
tive rarity of a danger source appearance. If the 1st technology of counteraction to terrorists
is applied (this technology exists on the most of platforms and implies visual tracking of air
conditions, the working hours what is an equivalent to the case if there are no measures of
counteraction to terrorists on a platform at all.
If the most effective second technology is used, the probability of GOPS integrity within a day is
more than 0.92, that is, the risks of latent introductions of a terrorist danger source into a system
and the overcoming of all technological protection barriers preventing realization of terrorist
threats in the conceived volume approximate to 0.08. At the same time to provide the required
safety within a month in conditions of daily danger that a sudden terrorist attack happens, this
risk runs up to 0.93. The main cause of this is insufficient preparedness of operators to recognize
terrorist threats at the background of other technical threats. That’s why it is necessary to increase
the mean time between failures of a safety service operator to tens and hundreds of hours what
requires creation of special “smart subsystems” in order to support operator functions (radar-
tracking, optical, acoustic, electromagnetic means etc.). Compare the results of examples 6 and 7.
The presented probabilistic approaches allow us to research different problems for providing
safe and effective development of hydrocarbon deposits and rational operation of oil and gas
systems. Their application in the system’s life cycle helps to answer the main question. “What
rational measures should lead to expected effects without wasted expenses, when, by which
controllable and uncontrollable conditions and costs?” The efficiency from implementation is
commensurable with expenses for system creation.
Author details
4 The Federal State Organization, Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of the
Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
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