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Installation Instructions: 1. Mini USB Connection

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TT-1757 7/18a


Original Issue Date: 5/18

Model: Generator Sets with APM402 or Decision--Makerr 3000 Controller
Market: Industrial and Residential/Light Commercial
Subject: GM104661, APM402 Controller Service Replacement Kit

The controller service replacement kit is available to
replace a non-functional controller. Use the following
procedure to install the replacement controller. See
Figure 1 for typical controller identification. For features
and operation of the controller, see the operation
manual in the literature kit.

Note: Use the APM402 as a service replacement for the

Decision-Makerr 3000. The personality profile
and configuration file from a Decision-Makerr
3000 can be imported into an APM402, however,
a profile from a APM402 cannot be loaded onto a
Decision-Makerr 3000, even if the original profile GM65741-
was designed for a Decision-Makerr 3000. Also 1
1. Mini USB connection
Decision-Makerr 3000 is not a service
replacement for an APM402. Figure 1 APM402 Controller

Note: The APM402 controller uses different firmware Note: Do not use this controller replacement installation
than the Decision-Makerr 3000 controller. Do instruction for upgrading software.
not attempt to load Decision-Makerr 3000 When replacing the controller, the following data must
firmware on an APM402 controller, or vice-versa. be resident for the controller to function. Controller
Note: WHEN REPLACING DECISION-MAKERr service replacement kits do not include the three files
3000 CONTROLLERS, FIRMWARE IN OTHER installed at the factory. The service technician must
KOHLER ACCESSORIES SUCH AS RSA II, install the three files into the replacement controller.
RSA III AND MODBUS/ETHERNET D Application program contains the software that
CONVERTER NEEDS TO BE UPDATED TO controls system operation. The application file was
FUNCTION PROPERLY. Modbus/Ethernet preprogrammed in the original controller at the
converter requires both SNMP firmware update factory.
and a .MIB file update. Monitor III software does
not require any updating; however, the APM402 D Personality profile is specific to the engine and
appears as a Decision-Makerr 3000 in this alternator and was preprogrammed in the original
software. Use the following accessory firmware controller at the factory.
upgrades available for download in the Service
Support section of the Kohler Power Resource A backup disk of the personality profile and
Center: application program is supplied with the literature
packet shipped with the generator set. Typically, the
D RSA III firmware version 2.02.0 or higher distributor stores this disk for possible future use such
as controller replacement or other circumstances
D RSA II firmware version 2.00 or higher requiring a backup.
D Modbus/Ethernet converter firmware and
.MIB file released June 2018 or later
Note: If the personality disk is NOT available, request
a replacement from the manufacturer using the WARNING
generator set serial number or order number.

D User parameters unique to an installation include

timer values, setpoints, generator set data such as
voltage and input/output selections. These
parameters are typically set up for or by the installer at Accidental starting.
Can cause severe injury or death.
the time of installation. User parameters are typically
recorded on the personality profile disk, a separate Disconnect the battery cables before
backup disk/drive, or written in the Programmer- working on the generator set.
Defined Settings appendix in the controller operation Remove the negative (--) lead first
manual. A copy of the Programmer-Defined Settings when disconnecting the battery.
form is included at the end of this document. Reconnect the negative (--) lead last
when reconnecting the battery.
Note: If the user parameters are included on the
personality disk, the disk label should indicate Disabling the generator set. Accidental starting can
Site Program—Yes. cause severe injury or death. Before working on the
generator set or equipment connected to the set, disable the
Read the entire installation procedure and compare the generator set as follows: (1) Move the generator set master
kit parts with the parts list in this publication before switch to the OFF position. (2) Disconnect the power to the
beginning installation. Perform the steps in the order battery charger. (3) Remove the battery cables, negative (--)
shown. lead first. Reconnect the negative (--) lead last when
reconnecting the battery. Follow these precautions to prevent
Always observe applicable local and national electrical starting of the generator set by an automatic transfer switch,
remote start/stop switch, or engine start command from a
remote computer.
Note: The following service kit procedure changes only
the controller. If the generator set requires
voltage reconnection and/or frequency
adjustment, see the controller operation manual.

Installation Requirements
Hazardous voltage. Moving parts.
The following items are necessary PC requirements for Will cause severe injury or death.
installing the controller service replacement kits.
Operate the generator set only when
all guards and electrical enclosures
D SiteTecht Software from the Kohler Power are in place.
Resource Center (KPRC). Go to Service Support and
click on Software to download to your PC hard drive, if Grounding electrical equipment. Hazardous voltage will
not already installed on your PC. cause severe injury or death. Electrocution is possible
whenever electricity is present. Ensure you comply with all
D TP-6701 SiteTecht Software Operation Manual applicable codes and standards. Electrically ground the
generator set and related equipment and electrical circuits.
available from the literature section in Kohler Power
Turn off the main circuit breakers of all power sources before
Resource Center (KPRC). servicing the equipment. Never contact electrical leads or
appliances when standing in water or on wet ground because
D USB Cable with male USB-A and mini-B connectors. these conditions increase the risk of electrocution.
See TP-6701. Connecting the battery and the battery charger.
Hazardous voltage will cause severe injury or death.
Safety Precautions Reconnect the battery correctly, positive to positive and
negative to negative, to avoid electrical shock and damage to
Observe the following safety precautions while installing the battery charger and battery(ies). Have a qualified
the kit. electrician install the battery(ies).

2 TT-1757 7/18
Short circuits. Hazardous voltage/current will cause Note: Clearly mark all disconnected leads from
severe injury or death. Short circuits can cause bodily injury the controller with tape to simplify
and/or equipment damage. Do not contact electrical reconnection.
connections with tools or jewelry while making adjustments or
repairs. Remove all jewelry before servicing the equipment. 3.3 Disconnect the controller harness leads. Listed
below are some common leads and plugs that
require removal or disconnection. Items below
Installation Procedure in bold are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
1. Acquire the user parameters. These connections are typical and may not
1.1 Read and follow all safety precautions at the apply to all applications. See the corresponding
beginning of this publication. wiring diagram found in the respective wiring
diagrams manual.
1.2 Choose one of the following methods to retrieve
the user parameters: D Remote Emergency Stop Switch
D Backup disk. If a backup disk was connections.
previously made, obtain the parameters
from this disk. If a disk was not previously D P1 (24-Pin) Connector for engine/
made, create a backup if possible using the generator wiring harness.
SiteTecht software. The existing controller
D P2 (6-Pin) Connector for AC current. P2 is
must function in order to create the file.
only used on older versions of the
D Paper form. Parameters may have been Decision--MakerR 3000 (GM65741, green
previously recorded on the User-Defined board) controller. Newer versions of the
Settings form located in the appendix of the Decision--MakerR 3000 (GM65741--1) and
Controller Operation Manual or other similar APM402 controllers have the AC current
form. wiring included in the P1 connector. An
adapter harness may be required; see step
D Controller menu. Manually review the 4.1.
controller menu displays if possible and
enter the parameter information in the D (4) Push-on Terminal Connectors for
Controller Operation Manual appendix, V7/V8/V9/V0 for generator set output
Programmer-Defined Settings form. voltage connection.
1.3 Save the user parameter data for step 6.3.
D P21 (6-Pin) Connector for RS-485
2. Remove the generator set from service. connection of optional RSA.
2.1 Press the generator set master control D P23 (8-Pin) Connector (RJ45) for optional
OFF/RESET button. input/output (I/O) module circuit board.
2.2 Disconnect the power to the battery charger, if
D P30 3-Pin Connector (2-Pin Jumper) for
selection of alternator type—Wound Field
2.3 Disconnect the generator set engine starting (300 kW and larger) or Fast Response (less
battery(ies), negative (--) lead first. than 350 kW). Take note of the original
circuit board jumper position. See Figure 5.
2.4 Disconnect the generator set from load by
opening the line circuit breaker. D TB1 (6-Position) Terminal Block for
analog and digital inputs.
3. Remove the existing controller and
D TB2 (4-Position) Terminal Block for K1
disconnect the electrical connections.
relay outputs.
3.1 Remove the junction box panels as needed to
access the wiring. D TB3 (6-Position) Terminal Block for
E-stop, remote start contacts, and aux. input
3.2 Remove the four controller panel screws. connections.

TT-1757 7/18 3
D Any other external leads to the controller 4. Reconnect the electrical connections
and install the replacement controller.
1 4.1 Connect the generator set wiring P1 plug to the
2 controller P1 connector.

Note: If replacing an older Decision--MakerR

3000 (GM65741) controller that has a P2
plug, order the adapter harness,
GM86898. Connect the P1 and P2 plugs
to the adapter harness, and then connect
the adapter harness into the controller
P1 connector. See Figure 6.

4.2 Reconnect all of the remaining electrical

connections disconnected in step 3.3. Refer to
Figure 2 and Figure 3.
1. Main logic circuit board
2. Emergency stop switch GM65741- 4.3 Place the P30 jumper in the appropriate position
Figure 2 Main Circuit Board and E-Stop Switch based on the alternator: Wound Field (300 kW
and larger) or Fast Response (less than
350 kW). The wound field position is the factory
default. Refer to the original circuit board jumper
1 position and see Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Note: P30 is not included on early versions of

9 the Decision-MakerR 3000 (GM65741
2 with GM64345-1 green board).

3 Alternator Type P30 Position

8 4P, 4Q, 4S, 4UA, 4V Fast Response
4PX, 4QX, 4RX, 4SX, 4TX Fast Response
4M, 5M, 7M Wound Field
4 Figure 4 P30 Jumper Positions

1 2

6 5
1. (4) push-on terminal connectors
2. TB2 4-position terminal block
3. TB3 6-position terminal block
4. P2 6-pin connector (only used with older Decision-MakerR
3000 controllers, GM64345 green board) GM64345-1-A
5. P1 24-pin connector 1. P30 with jumper in Wound Field position
6. TB1 6-position terminal block 2. P30 with jumper in Fast Response position
7. P30 jumper (Wound Field or Fast Response)
8. P23 8-pin connector (RJ45)
Figure 5 P30 3-Pin Connector and 2-Pin Jumper
9. P21 6-pin connector (for RS-485 communications)
4.4 Align the controller panel with the mounting
Figure 3 Main Circuit Board Connectors holes and install four screws.

4.5 Replace the junction box panels if previously


4 TT-1757 7/18
Adapter Harness GM86898
Generator set P1
wiring harness plug

Generator set P2
(6-Pin) wiring harness
plug for AC current Connect to controller
wiring P1 connector

Generator set P1
wiring harness plug
(includes AC
current wiring)

Connect to controller
P1 connector

Adapter Harness not used


Figure 6 Adapter Harness GM86898 Application Note: The personality profile and
configuration file from a
5. Restore power to the generator set. Decision-Makerr 3000 can be
imported into an APM402.
5.1 Reconnect the generator set engine starting
battery, negative (--) lead last. D Paper form. Use a PC to enter the user
parameter data from the filled-out Controller
5.2 Reconnect power to the battery charger, if Operation Manual appendix, the Appendix
equipped. A-Programmer-Defined Settings form
located at the end of this document, or other
similar form.
6. Set the device profile.
6.4 Create a new user parameter data backup file if
6.1 Connect the PC to the APM402 controller using
any changes are made using SiteTecht
a USB cable. See Figure 1 for the location of the
software. Refer to TP-6701 SiteTecht Software
USB connection port.
Operation Manual for details.
6.2 Insert the personality profile backup disk/drive 6.5 Disconnect the USB cable.
and load the data. Refer to TP-6701 SiteTecht
Software Operation Manual for details. 6.6 Power down the unit by using the prime power
switch (if equipped) or by disconnecting the
6.3 Choose one of the following methods to load the battery negative (--) terminal.
user parameters.
6.7 Wait at least 15 seconds and then power up the
D Backup disk/drive. Use a PC with SiteTecht unit by using the prime power switch (if
software to load the data from the user equipped) or by reconnecting the battery
parameter backup disk/drive. negative (--) terminal.

TT-1757 7/18 5
6.8 Refer to the Controller Operation Manual. 6.11 Press the OFF button to stop the generator set
Calibrate the generator set as instructed in the after completing the test.
Generator Metering Section.
6.12 Reconnect the generator set to load by closing
6.9 Press the RUN button to start the generator set. the line circuit breaker.

6.10 Test the functionality of the controller by 6.13 Press the generator set master control AUTO
reviewing the menus and observing the system button for startup by remote transfer switch or
status lamps. Use the Operation Manual as remote start/stop switch.

6 TT-1757 7/18
Appendix A Programmer-Defined Settings

Use the table below to record programmer-defined SiteTecht software is required for programming the APM402
settings during the generator set controller setup and controller. Contact your local distributor/dealer for assistance.
calibration. The controller default settings and ranges Note: Inhibit time delay is the time delay period after
provide guidelines. The table contains all faults with crank disconnect.
ranges and time delays including items that do not have
adjustments. Some notices give the programmer a Note: The engine ECM may limit the crank cycle even if
choice to make them active Not adjustable the controller is set to a longer time period.
programmer-defined settings result when the controller
logic does not allow changes or the values are engine
Programmer-Defined Settings
Write Mode Time Default
Access Always Delay Time Programmer-
Controller Display Display Running Range Default Range Delay Defined
Description Message SiteTech Stopped Setting Selection (sec.) (sec.) Settings
Engine Functions
Critically high fuel level Fuel Level Critically
0--100% 95% 0--10 5
(diesel-powered models only) * High
ECM communications loss ECM Comm Err
Fixed 10 Not adjustable
ECM diagnostics (multiple
ECM xxxxxx Warning Not adjustable
inputs) [
ECM diagnostics (multiple
ECM xxxxxx Shutdwn Not adjustable
inputs) [
ECM faults (address conflict) ECM Addr Err
Not adjustable
ECM faults (model mismatch) ECM Mismatch
0--255 0
Engine over speed Eng Speed High
S A 105--120% 115%
Engine RPM 60 Hz: 60 Hz:
(manual speed adjust) 1751--1849 1800
Engine RPM Display DS A
Version 3.10.3 or higher 50Hz: 50 Hz:
1451--1549 1500
Engine start aid active Starting Aid Notice
Engine under speed Eng Speed Low
S A 75--95% 85%
Fuel tank leak * Fuel Leak Warning Not adjustable
Fuel tank leak * Fuel Leak Shutdwn Not adjustable
High battery voltage Battery High Warning S A 110--135% 125% Fixed 10 Not adjustable
High coolant temperature 0--10 5
Coolnt Temp High
(0--30 (0
inhibit) inhibit)
High coolant temperature 0--10 5
Coolnt Temp High
(0--30 (0
inhibit) inhibit)
High fuel level (diesel-powered Fuel Level High
0--100% 90% 0--10 5
models only) * Warning
Loss of fuel Loss of fuel Not adjustable
Low battery voltage Battery Low Warning S A 80--105% 100% Fixed 90 Not adjustable
Low coolant level * Coolant Lvl Low
Fixed 5 Not adjustable
Low coolant temperature 0--10 5
Coolant Temp Low 16_C
Fixed (0--30 (0
Warning (60_F)
inhibit) inhibit)
Low cranking voltage Lo Crank Vlt Warning Fixed 60% Fixed 6 Not adjustable
Low engine oil level * Oil Level Low Warning Not adjustable

TT-1757 7/18 7
Write Mode Time Default
Access Always Delay Time Programmer-
Controller Display Display Running Range Default Range Delay Defined
Description Message SiteTech Stopped Setting Selection (sec.) (sec.) Settings
Low engine oil level * Oil Level Low
Not adjustable
Low fuel level (diesel models) * Fuel Level Low
0--100% 35% 0--10 10
Low fuel level (diesel models) * Fuel Level Low
0--100% 5% 0--10 0
Low fuel pressure Fuel Press Low
Not adjustable
(gas models) * Warning
Low oil pressure Fixed 5
Oil Press Low
(Fixed (5 Not adjustable
inhibit) inhibit)
Low oil pressure Fixed 5
Oil Press Low
(Fixed (5 Not adjustable
inhibit) inhibit)
No coolant temperature signal Temp Sig Loss
Not adjustable
No oil pressure signal Press Sig Loss
Fixed 5 Not adjustable
Overcrank (30
Over Crank Shutdwn Fixed Not adjustable
Speed sensor fault Spd Sens Flt Warning Not adjustable
General Functions
Alarm silence, 0--Auto only
AlarmSilenceMode S A 0--1 1
(NFPA 110), 1--Always
Aux. inputs 0--5 VDC, 1 analog Aux Input Warning 0--100% 100% 0--10 0
Aux. inputs 0--5 VDC, 1 analog Aux Input Shutdwn 0--100% 100% 0--10 0
Auxiliary inputs, up to 3 digital
(2 additional digital inputs 0 (0
Aux Input Warning (0--30
available with I/O module inhibit)
Auxiliary inputs, up to 3 digital
(2 additional digital inputs 0 (0
Aux Input Shutdwn (0--30
available with I/O module inhibit)
Backup parameters loaded Backup Pars Status Not adjustable
Battery charger 1
Bat1CommLoss Not adjustable
communication loss
Battery charger 2
Bat2CommLoss Not adjustable
communication loss
Battery charger fault *
(* does not apply to charger Batt Chg Flt Warning Not adjustable
Battery charger identity conflict BatIdErr Not adjustable
Battery charger parameter
ParMisatch Not adjustable
Battery fault Battery Flt Not adjustable
Chicago code active * Auto Locked Notice
Common fault Common Fault
Not adjustable
Common warning Common Warng Not adjustable
Contrast (see NO TAG GenSet
Contrast Display D A 1--10 5
Default parameters loaded Default Pars Warning Not adjustable
Emergency stop Emerg Stop Shutdwn Not adjustable
Enclosure temperature: high Enclsr Temp: High 5 (20
S R Fixed Active Fixed Not adjustable
shutdown Shutdwn inhibit)
Engine cooldown (delay) active Eng Cooldown Notice
Engine start delay active Start Delay Notice

8 TT-1757 7/18
Write Mode Time Default
Access Always Delay Time Programmer-
Controller Display Display Running Range Default Range Delay Defined
Description Message SiteTech Stopped Setting Selection (sec.) (sec.) Settings
Engine started Engine Start Status Not adjustable
Engine stopped Engine Stop Status Not adjustable
EPS supplying load Emerg Pwr On Notice Not adjustable
File system error (controller
File Error Shutdwn Not adjustable
Generator running Gen Running Notice Not adjustable
Input/output (optional module
OB1 Com Loss Not adjustable
board) communication loss
Internal failure Intern Error Shutdwn Not adjustable
Measurement Units,
Measurement Display DS A 0--1 1
0--English, 1--Metric
Metering communication loss MeterCommLos
Not adjustable
NFPA 110 alarm active NFPA Alarm Notice
Not in auto (master control
Not In Auto Warning Not adjustable
Prime power application,
Power Type DS A 0--1 0
0--Standby, 1--Prime
Remote start Remote Start Status Not adjustable
System ready System Ready Status Not adjustable
System timer failed Timer Error Notice Not adjustable
Generator Functions
AC sensing loss AC Sens Loss
Not adjustable
AC sensing loss AC Sens Loss
Fixed 3 Not adjustable
Alternator protection Alt Protect Shutdwn Not adjustable
Ground fault input * Ground Fault Warning Not adjustable
kW overload 102%
Total Power High standby,
Fixed Fixed 60 Not adjustable
Shutdwn 112%
Locked rotor (failed to crank) Locked Rotor
S A 1--5 5
Overfrequency Freq High Shutdwn 102--140% 110% Fixed 10 Not adjustable
Overvoltage (each phase) Volts (L1--L2, L2--L3,
or L3--L1) High S A 105--135% 120% 2--10 2
Power rating Pwr Rating DS S 10--5000 275
System frequency System Freq DS S 50--60 60
System voltage System Volt DS S 110--600 208
Underfrequency Frequency Low 10 ST
80--95% 90% Fixed Not adjustable
Shutdwn 60 LT
Undervoltage (each phase) Volts (L1--L2, L2--L3,
or L3--L1) Low S A 70--95% 80% 5--30 10
Voltage/phase configuration,
0--Single phase, 1--Single
SystemPhase DS S 0--3 2
phase dogleg, 2--three phase
wye, 3--three phase delta
Voltage regulator average
VR Volt Adj DS R 108--600 208
voltage adjustment
(Voltage) regulator RegCommLoss
Not adjustable
communication loss Shutdwn
SiteTech Read/Write Display Only
Charger Absorption Current
S A 1–5 2
Termination Target (A)

TT-1757 7/18 9
Write Mode Time Default
Access Always Delay Time Programmer-
Controller Display Display Running Range Default Range Delay Defined
Description Message SiteTech Stopped Setting Selection (sec.) (sec.) Settings
Charger Automatic Equalize
Note: Equalize is only S A Inactive
available with FLA/VRLA
topology selected.
Charger Charge Cycles
Between Auto Equalize Cycles Adjustable with
Note: Equalize is only S A 0 – 99 Charger Custom
available with FLA/VRLA Profile enabled.
topology selected.
Charger Custom Profile Enable Active
S A Inactive
Charger Depleted Battery
S A 1–5 2
Current Limit
Charger Depleted Battery 4 – 12 10
Voltage Target (12 V) (12 V) Adjustable with
S A Charger Custom
18 – 24 20 Profile enabled.
(24 V) (24 V)
Charger Equalize Stage
Duration (Min)
Note: Equalize is only S A 60 – 480
available with FLA/VRLA
topology selected.
Charger Manual Equalize
Cycle Activation
Note: Equalize is only S A Inactive
available with FLA/VRLA
topology selected.
Charger Maximum Absorption 60 – 360
Time Threshold (Min.) Adjustable with
S A 60 – 600 240 Charger Custom
(NiCad Profile enabled.
Charger Maximum Bulk Time Adjustable with
Threshold (Min) S A 60 – 600 480 Charger Custom
Profile enabled.
Charger Refresh Charge Cycle 0,
S A 335
Time (Hr) 23 – 672
Charger Return To Bulk State 10 – 13 12.8
Voltage Threshold (V) (12 V)** (12 V) Adjustable with
S A Charger Custom
20 – 26 25.6 Profile enabled.
(24 V)** (24 V)
Charger Starter Battery
Note: Verify that the battery Default
topology is set correctly for the FLA/VRLA
battery type that is used. S A AGM Default
Incorrect charger output Gel
system voltage may cause NiCad
irreversible damage to the
battery and abnormal out
Charger System Battery
Note: Verify that the system
voltage is set correctly for the System 12
battery type that is used. VDC
S A 12 VDC
Incorrect charger output System 24
system voltage may cause VDC
irreversible damage to the
battery and abnormal out
Charger Temperature Active
S A Inactive
Compensation Enable Inactive

10 TT-1757 7/18
Write Mode Time Default
Access Always Delay Time Programmer-
Controller Display Display Running Range Default Range Delay Defined
Description Message SiteTech Stopped Setting Selection (sec.) (sec.) Settings
Charger Temperature --40 – 0 -30
Compensation Slope (mV/_C) (12 V) (12 V) Adjustable with
S A Charger Custom
-80 – 0 --60 Profile enabled.
(24 V) (24 V)
Charger Voltage Absorption 13 – 15 14.25
(V) (12 V)** (12 V) Adjustable with
S A Charger Custom
26 – 30 28.5 Profile enabled.
(24 V)** (24 V)
Charger Voltage Bulk (V) 13 – 15 14.25
(12 V)** (12 V) Adjustable with
S A Charger Custom
26 – 30 28.5 Profile enabled.
(24 V)** (24 V)
Charger Voltage Equalize (V) 14 – 16
(12 V) Adjustable with
Note: Equalize is only S A Charger Custom
available with FLA/VRLA 28 – 32 Profile enabled.
topology selected. (24 V)
Charger Voltage Float (V) 13 – 14 13.25
(12 V)** (12 V) Adjustable with
S A Charger Custom
26 – 28 26.5 Profile enabled.
(24 V)** (24 V)
Current transformer ratio ] S S 1-- 1200
ECM power S S 0--1 0
Engine cooldown delay S A 0--600 300
Engine (cyclic) crank on S A 10--30 15
Engine (cyclic) crank pause S A 1--60 15
Engine ECM start delay S A 0--300 0
Engine idle duration S A 0--60 60
Engine no. of (cyclic) crank
S S 1--6 3
Engine restart delay S A 1--10 10
Engine start aid delay S A 0--10 0
Engine start delay S A 0--300 0
Equalize Current Limit (A)
Adjustable with
Note: Equalize is only S A 1–5 Charger Custom
available with FLA/VRLA Profile enabled.
topology selected.
Forced Charge Cycle Reset Active
S A Inactive
Output Enable Reduced Out S A Fixed Active
Voltage regulator gain S R 1--255 128
Voltage regulator stability
S R 1--255 128
Voltage regulator, volts per
S R 1--10 5
Hertz slope
Voltage regulator, volts per
S R 42--62 57.5
Hertz cutin frequency
* Some functions require optional input sensors or are engine ECM dependent on some generator set models.
[ ECM inputs are engine manufacturer dependent.
] Changeable only by resetting the controller with a personality profile (SiteTech 1.4 or higher).
** Denotes the default parameter range. Typically, ranges for the NiCad battery topology are slightly wider. For more details, refer to the battery
charger operation manual.
ST--Short Term, LT--Long Term

TT-1757 7/18 11
KOHLER CO., Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 USA
Phone 920-457-4441, Fax 920-459-1646
For the nearest sales and service outlet in the
US and Canada, phone 1-800-544-2444

APM402 Controller Service Replacement Kit

Kit: GM104661
Qty. Description Part Number
1 Controller Assy, APM402 GM65741--2
1 APM402 Replacement Kit Instructions TT-1757

Availability is subject to change without notice. Kohler Co. reserves the

right to change the design or specifications without notice and without any
obligation or liability whatsoever. Contact your local Kohlerr generator
set distributor for availability.
 2018 by Kohler Co. All rights reserved.

12 TT-1757 7/18

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