Injured Spouse Allocation: Should You File This Form? You Must Complete This Part. 104
Injured Spouse Allocation: Should You File This Form? You Must Complete This Part. 104
Injured Spouse Allocation: Should You File This Form? You Must Complete This Part. 104
(Rev. January 2009)
3 Did (or will) the IRS use the joint overpayment to pay any of the following legally enforceable past-due debt(s) owed only by
your spouse? (see instructions)
● Federal tax ● State income tax ● Child support ● Spousal support ● Federal nontax debt (such as a student loan)
Yes. Go to line 4.
No. Stop here. Do not file this form. You are not an injured spouse.
Note. If the past-due amount is for a joint federal tax, you may qualify for innocent spouse relief for the year to which
the overpayment was applied. See Innocent Spouse Relief, on page 2 for more information.
5 Were you a resident of a community property state (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas,
Washington, or Wisconsin) at any time during the tax year entered on line 1? (see instructions)
Yes. Enter name(s) of community property state(s) .
Skip lines 6 through 9 and go to Part II and complete the rest of this form.
No. Go to line 6.
6 Did you make and report payments, such as federal income tax withholding or estimated tax payments?
Yes. Skip lines 7 through 9 and go to Part II and complete the rest of this form.
No. Go to line 7.
7 Did you have earned income, such as wages, salaries, or self-employment income?
Yes. Go to line 8.
No. Skip line 8 and go to line 9.
8 Did (or will) you claim the earned income credit or additional child tax credit?
Yes. Skip line 9 and go to Part II and complete the rest of this form.
No. Go to line 9.
9 Did (or will) you claim a refundable tax credit, such as the health coverage tax credit or refundable credit for prior year minimum tax?
Yes. Go to Part II and complete the rest of this form.
No. Stop here. Do not file this form. You are not an injured spouse.
Part II Information About the Joint Tax Return for Which This Form Is Filed
10 Enter the following information exactly as it is shown on the tax return for which you are filing this form.
The spouse’s name and social security number shown first on that tax return must also be shown first below.
First name, initial, and last name shown first on the return Social security number shown first If Injured Spouse,
check here ©
First name, initial, and last name shown second on the return Social security number shown second If Injured Spouse,
check here ©
11 Check this box only if you are divorced or legally separated from the spouse with whom you filed the joint return and
you want your refund issued in your name only
12 Do you want any injured spouse refund mailed to an address different from the one on your joint return? Yes No
If “Yes,” enter the address.
Number and street City, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 62474Q Form 8379 (Rev. 1-2009)
Form 8379 (Rev. 1-2009) Page 2
Part III Allocation Between Spouses of Items on the Joint Tax Return (see instructions)
(a) Amount shown (b) Allocated to (c) Allocated to
Allocated Items
on joint return injured spouse other spouse
13 Income: a. Wages
14 Adjustments to income
16 Number of exemptions
18 Other taxes
20 Payments
Part IV Signature. Complete this part only if you are filing Form 8379 by itself and not with your tax return.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form and any accompanying schedules or statements and to the best of my knowledge
and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any
Keep a copy of Injured spouse’s signature Date Phone number (optional)
this form for
your records ( )
signature © Date Check if
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
Firm’s name (or yours EIN
Use Only if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )
Where To File establish a permanent home. For more information about the
factors used to determine whether you are subject to
See the chart below to determine where to file your community property laws, see Pub. 555.
Form 8379. In community property states, overpayments are considered
IF you file Form 8379... THEN mail Form 8379... joint property and are generally applied (offset) to legally owed
past-due obligations of either spouse. However, there are
with your joint return and your joint return to the
exceptions. The IRS will use each state’s rules to determine
Internal Revenue Service Center
the amount, if any, that would be refundable to the injured
for the area where you live.*
spouse. Under state community property laws, 50% of a joint
overpayment (except the earned income credit) is applied to
by itself after you filed to the same Internal Revenue non-federal tax debts such as child or spousal support,
your original joint return Service Center where you filed student loans, or state income tax. However, state laws differ
on paper your original return.* on the amount of a joint overpayment that can be applied to a
by itself after you filed to the Internal Revenue Service federal tax debt. The earned income credit is allocated to each
your original joint return Center for the area where you spouse based on each spouse’s earned income.
electronically live.* For more guidance regarding the amount of an overpayment
from a joint tax return that the IRS may offset against a
with an amended return to the Internal Revenue Service spouse’s separate tax liability, see the revenue ruling for your
(Form 1040X) or other Center for the area where you state below.
subsequent return live.*
IF you live in . . . THEN use . . .
*See your tax return instructions for the mailing address. Arizona, or Rev. Rul. 2004-71 available at:
How To File 30_IRB/ar10.html
You can file Form 8379 with your joint tax return or amended California, Rev. Rul. 2004-72 available at:
joint tax return (Form 1040X), or you can file it afterwards by Idaho, or
itself. File Form 8379 with Form 1040X only if you are Louisiana 30_IRB/ar11.html
amending your original return to claim a joint refund.
If you file Form 8379 with your joint return, attach it to your New Mexico, Rev. Rul. 2004-73 available at:
return in the order of the attachment sequence number Nevada, or
(located in the upper right corner of the tax form). Enter Washington 30_IRB/ar12.html
“Injured Spouse” in the upper left corner of page 1 of the joint Texas Rev. Rul. 2004-74 available at:
If you file Form 8379 separately, please be sure to attach a 30_IRB/ar13.html
copy of all Forms W-2 and W-2G for both spouses, and any
Forms 1099 showing federal income tax withholding, to Form Part III
8379. The processing of Form 8379 may be delayed if these
forms are not attached, or if the form is incomplete when filed. To properly determine the amount of tax owed and
overpayment due to each spouse, an allocation must be made
Amending Your Tax Return as if each spouse filed a separate tax return instead of a joint
If you file an amended joint tax return (Form 1040X) to claim tax return. So, each spouse must allocate his or her separate
an additional refund and you do not want your portion of the wages, self-employment income and expenses (and
overpayment to be applied (offset) against your spouse’s self-employment tax), and credits such as education credits,
legally enforceable past-due obligation(s), then you will need to the spouse who would have shown the item(s) on his or her
to complete and attach another Form 8379 to allocate the separate return.
additional refund. Other items that may not clearly belong to either spouse (for
example, a penalty on early withdrawal of savings from a joint
Time Needed To Process Form 8379 bank account) would be equally divided.
Generally, if you file Form 8379 with a joint return on paper, If you live in a community property state, follow the
the time needed to process it is about 14 weeks (11 weeks if instructions below to allocate your income, expenses, and
filed electronically). If you file Form 8379 by itself after a joint credits. The IRS will apply your state’s community property
return has been processed, the time needed is about 8 weeks. laws based on your allocation.
Specific Instructions The IRS will figure the amount of any refund due the injured
Part I Line 13a. Enter only Form W-2 income on this line. Enter the
Line 3. Not all debts are subject to a tax refund offset. To separate income that each spouse earned.
determine if a debt is owed (other than federal tax), and Line 13b. Identify the type and amount. Allocate joint income,
whether an offset will occur, contact FMS at 1-800-304-3107 such as interest earned on a joint bank account, as you
(for TTY/TDD help, call 1-866-297-0517). determine. Be sure to allocate all income shown on the joint
Filing Form 8379 when no past-due obligation exists Line 14. Enter each spouse’s separate adjustments, such as
TIP will delay your refund. an IRA deduction. Allocate other adjustments as you
Line 5. If you live in a community property state, special rules Line 15. If you used the standard deduction on your joint tax
will apply to the calculation of your injured spouse refund. return, enter in both columns (b) and (c) one-half of the basic
Enter the community property state(s) where, at any time standard deduction shown in column (a). Also allocate any
during the year, you and your spouse resided and intended to real estate taxes and any disaster loss as you determine.
Form 8379 (Rev. 1-2009) Page 4
However, if you checked the boxes for age or blindness at Allocate each spouse’s separate estimated tax payments to
the top of page 2 of Form 1040 or 1040A, enter your total the spouse who made them.
standard deduction on line 15, column (a). Allocate your basic
standard deduction (including any real estate taxes or disaster How To Avoid Common Mistakes
loss) as explained earlier. Your basic standard deduction is as Mistakes may delay your refund or result in notices being
follows: 2004—$9,700; 2005—$10,000; 2006—$10,300; sent to you.
2007—$10,700; 2008—$10,900; 2009—$11,400. If someone ● Make sure to enclose copies of all Forms W-2 and W-2G
could claim you or your spouse as a dependent, your basic for both spouses, and any Forms 1099 showing income tax
standard deduction is the amount on line 3a of the standard withheld, to prevent a delay in processing your allocation.
deduction worksheet (line 5a for 2004; line 4 for 2008). Then
use the following worksheet to allocate the additional standard ● Enter “Injured Spouse” in the upper left corner of page 1 of
deduction (the difference between the total standard your joint return.
deduction and the basic standard deduction). ● Any dependency exemptions must be entered in whole
numbers. Do not use fractions.
1. Enter here the total number of boxes
checked for age or blindness for yourself ● Items of income, expenses, credits and deductions must
be allocated to the spouse who would have entered the item
at the top of page 2 of Form 1040 or 1040A
on his or her separate return.
2. Enter the additional standard deduction ● Make sure the debt is subject to offset (for example, a
for the year as shown below legally enforceable past-due federal tax, state income tax,
2004 $950 2007 $1,050 child or spousal support, or other federal nontax debt, such
2005 $1,000 2008 $1,050 as a student loan).
2006 $1,000 2009 $1,100
3. Multiply line 2 by line 1. Include this Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Our
amount on line 15, column (b) legal right to ask for the information on this form is Internal
Revenue Code sections 6001, 6011, 6109, and 6402 and
4. Enter here the total number of boxes checked their regulations. You are required to provide the information
for age or blindness for your spouse at the requested on this form only if you wish to have an
top of page 2 of Form 1040 or 1040A overpayment of taxes from a joint return allocated between
5. Multiply line 4 by line 2. Include this you and your spouse. We need it to ensure that you are
amount on line 15, column (c) allocating items correctly and to allow us to figure the correct
amount of your refund. If you do not provide this information,
If you itemize your deductions, enter each spouse’s we may be unable to process your allocation request.
separate deductions, such as employee business expenses. Providing false information may subject you to penalties. We
Allocate other deductions as you determine. may disclose this information to the Department of Justice
Line 16. Allocate the exemptions claimed on the joint return for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, states, and the
to the spouse who would have claimed them if separate District of Columbia for use in administering their tax laws.
returns had been filed. Enter whole numbers only. For We may also disclose this information to other countries
example, you cannot allocate 3 exemptions by giving 1.5 under a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce
exemptions to each spouse. federal nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement
Line 17. Allocate any child tax credit, child and dependent and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.
care credit, and additional child tax credit to the spouse who You are not required to provide the information requested
was allocated the qualifying child’s exemption. But if you on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
attached Form 8901 to your tax return, allocate the child tax unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books
credit as you determine. Do not include any earned income or records relating to a form or its instructions must be
credit here; the IRS will allocate it based on each spouse’s retained as long as their contents may become material in
income. Allocate business credits based on each spouse’s the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
interest in the business. Allocate any other credits as you returns and return information are confidential, as required by
determine. Code section 6103.
Line 18. Allocate self-employment tax to the spouse who The average time and expenses required to complete and
earned the self-employment income. file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances.
Line 19. Enter federal income tax withheld from each For the estimated averages, see the instructions for your
spouse’s income as shown on Forms W-2, W-2G, and 1099. income tax return.
Be sure to attach copies of these forms to your tax return or If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we
to Form 8379 if you are filing it by itself. Also include on this would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for
line any excess social security or tier 1 RRTA tax withheld. your income tax return.
Line 20. You can allocate joint estimated tax payments in any
way you choose as long as both you and your spouse agree. If
you cannot agree, the estimated tax payments will be
allocated according to the following formula:
Each spouse’s separate tax liability
x Estimated tax payments
Both separate tax liabilities