Demarcation Between Indriya & Indriya Adhisthan
Demarcation Between Indriya & Indriya Adhisthan
Demarcation Between Indriya & Indriya Adhisthan
Prof. O. P. Dadhich
HOD, DEAN (PG Studies)
P.G. Dept. of Sharir Kriya
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur
Introduction –
• Acharya Charaka conceives Ayu i.e. life as a combined state of Sharira (body),
Indriya (senses), Sattva (psyche) and Atma (soul).
• The first two are grosser entities and are very easy to understand while the
later two are subtler and difficult to understand as they are beyond the
sensory experience.
• ‘Indriya’ is the important connecting link between Sharira and Atma. The
concept of Ayu is based upon the state of ‘ubhayendriya - Manasa’, as it is
chiefly responsible for Sukha, Dukha, Hita, Ahita.
• Human beings are the most intelligent species on earth till date. To be born
human is a privilege because only humans have the capability and
responsibility of living a conscious and controlled life but this may not
happen without Indriya and its relation with Atma.
इि यं इ लगं इ दृ ं इ सृ ं इ जु ं इ द ं इित वा |
(पा. सू. 5/2/96)
Etymology –
इ न
े ई रे नसृ ं इ न
े जु ं वा इ या थषु इ श दात िनपातनात ानकमसाधनिमित |
( श दक प मु )
इ इित ए यवान |
Definition of word indriya –
Synonyms –
Characteristic features –
• इ य आ मनो लगमनुमापकं इ ण े ई रे ण सृ ,ं इ ण
े आ मना मम च ु, मम ोतं
इ या द मेण, ातं, इ ण
े जु ं वा, इ यादयथषु िनपातनात् धञ ान कम साधनिमित|
(श दक प म
ु )
• Indriyas are the specific factors or organs situated in body and act as means
for acquiring the knowledge of various objects and performing various
activities of the body.
• Indriyas are prameya that means the things which can be studied or one can
gain knowledge about the same.
एकै कािधक यु ािन खा दनािमि यािण तु |
प कमानुमय े ािन ये यो बुि ः वतते || (च.शा.1/24)
• Indriya and indriyartha are of synchronous variety and thus at one time one
indriya can have perception of knowledge of only the object of that
particular indriya. E.g. chakshurendriya (eyeball and visionary element) can
have perception of knowledge of Rupa (vision) only and not either of smell
or taste or hearing or touch.
Origin of indriya –
Mahat (buddhi)
panch mana panch Shabda – aakasha
gyaanendriyan Karmendriya Sparsh – vaayu
• च ु (Eyeball), • वाक् Rupa – Agni
• ो (Ears), • पािण
• पाद
Rasa – Jala
• ाण (Nose),
• रसना (Tongue), • पायू Gandha - Prithivi
• उप थ
• शन (Skin)
Classification of Indriya-
• According to Situation:-
Our sharir is made up of Panch mahabhutas which derives its nutrition and gets
nourished by the essential components consumed from external world into our internal
environment. These elements are altogether broadly included under ahar.
The pancha bhautikagni has a role to play that it works on the respective elements
present in the ingested ahar and thereby extract its fine nutritive elemental from which
is again absorbed by sharir and supplied to the respective indriya having synchronicity
with the Panch Mahabhuta. It means that every bhutagni brings out the proper
nourishment and development of elemental from of mahabhut present inside sharir and
ultimately nourishes indriya which is synchronous with bhutagni and that particular
All Indriya present in sharir have its mula sthan in Mastishka (Brain) and
which is also called utamanga. It is same as like all the rays emerged from sun are
directly or indirectly connected with the master centre viz. Sun.
The vitality factor present inside sharir is only because of Indriya. This
prana vayu accomplishes dharan function of all Indriya and helps to prolong
the life span period.
• च ुः धानंसवषाि याणांिवदुबुधाः |
Most Important Indriya out of all the Gyanendriya is the one which is responsible for perception of vision
viz. Chakshurendriya.
While the indriya which is larger extent wise and omnipresent over whole sharir is the one which is
responsible for perception of touch viz. Sparshanendriya.
Indriya dravya –
o Indriya according to samkhya are ahamkarika evan though the same are bhautika as per
Ayurveda and thus the main ingredient responsible for making indriya are mahabhuta. This
mahabhuta are called as indriya dravya.
o This makes every indriya dominant with a single mahabhuta even being made up of
panchmahabhuta safe or shrotendriya- akasha, sparshanendriya – vayu, Chakshurendriya – Teja,
Rasanendriya – Jala and Ghranendriya – Prithivi.
o In this way every single mahabhuta is responsible for constitutional make up of every single
These structural specifications serve as a gate way through which the minute
indivisible form of object of any particular indriya is perceived.
In this way pancha gyanendriya have five special organs to perceive their respective
objects and their minute indivisible form so as to obtain the knowledge about them.
Say for- Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue and Nose. These are adhishthana meant for
connection with the objects of Mahabhutas.
Indriya Artha
• The respective objects of the pancha mahabhutas are the materials to be studied and
• This is only because of synchronicity of Indriya and its respective mahabhuta and
ofcourse of its respective object which is to be perceived.
• Say for- Akasha mahabhuta- Shabda, Vayu mahabhuta- Sparsha, Teja mahabhuta-
Rupa, Jala mahabhuta- Rasa, and Prithvi mahabhuta- Gandha.
प ेि यबु यः-च ुबु या दकाः; ताःपुन रि येि याथस वा मसि कषजाः, िणका,
िन याि मका , इ येत प प कम् || Cha. Su.8/12
• The Buddhi factor is meant by the intelligence or the intellectual aspect which is the
ultimate cognitive manifestation shown by a living being.
• The cognitive aspect is different for five different Indriya. Indriya Buddhi means
intelligence at Indriya level. Under the impact of Mana and synchronous connection of Mana
and Soul, the Indriya work to achieve the knowledge by attracting respective objects.
• Only after the cognition of respective object from Indriya, the Buddhi(Intellectual aspect)
undergoes the thinking-contemplating process to come to a decision and which is
manifestated as a motor response further.
• Depending on the normalcy of the process of congnition in brain the decision may either
wholesome or unwholesome also it may prove either fruitful or harmful for that particular
leaving fraternity.
• The five indriya have five buddhi coming from it. Say for Shrotrendriya – shabda buddhi,
Sparshanendriya – sparsh buddhi, chakshurendriya – Rupa buddhi, Rasanendriya – Rasa
buddhi and Ghranendriya – Gandha buddhi.
Learning process through indrya –
• But altogather it is said that the triad of indriya – mana- atma are solely responsible for
perceiving distinct and indistinct type of knowledge.
• The objects are perceived by indriya jointly with mana which is further imparted to atma
for experiencing the same.
•This perception is purely mental in the beginning while the practical advantages or
disadvantages are ascertained thereafter.
• The ultimate intellectual property produce by the grasping of the object impels the same
individual to speak or act accordingly.
• Thus these five different indriya serve as agents for the manifestation of the intellect of the
respective objects.
S.No Indriya Five Indriya dravya Indriya Indriya artha Indriya
Senses Five sence adhisthan Five sense buddhi Five
material Five Sense object Sense
objects Perception
1 ो Hearing ख (आकाश) कण शद श दबुि
Ears Sound Auditory
Center in
2 पशनं वायु (वायू) वक् पश पशबुि
Tactile Skin Touch Center for
3 च ु योित (तेज) ने प पबुि
Vision Eyes Shape Visual center
in Brain
The gandha is again brodly classified into two types- Sugandha (Pleasant) and
Durgandha (Unpleasent).
Further the learning process carries on where the ganhdavahi dhamani connects
mana which is synchronous with atma. This is the last state where the perception of
knowledge of sense of smell is felt by buddhi.
Jihva has also got extra significance due to the shivani (Frenulum) attached
below tongue which is counted as one of dasha pranayatana (Vital Points).
While operatives nearby tongue it is directed that this sivani should not be
touched, incised.
Moreover the bodhaka kapha residing in oral cavity must also in its
appropriate quantity for normal perception of Taste sensation.
Rasanendriya Kriya Sharir -
• Dosha-
Bodhaka Kapha
Prana, Udana Vayu
• Updhatu –
Dhamani- 2 dhamani each for Bhasan and Ghosana
Also 2 dhamani for perception of Rasa
• Mala – Khamala
This present indriya is dominant with Teja mahabhuta in its makeup and is
responsible for acquisition of its special attribute – Rupa (Vision).
Netra (Eyeball) is responsible for attracting the light rays coming from an object
from external world and which are perceived through it towards its own interpretation
center in brain (Visual areas).
The perception of Rupa is completed by the dhamanis which are driven by Prana
vayu (Indriya Dhruka). The concerned dhamanis are named as rupavahi dhamani.
As per Ayurveda Rupa is of six different types – Shukla (Whitish), Nila (Blusish),
Pita(Yellowish), Rakta (Reddish), Harita (Greenish), kapila (Brownish).
The objects from external world and its shape, size, color are attracted by netra, the
concerned gnyana is flowed by prana vayu, and transduction at the site is completed by
alochaka pitta while Unmesha and Nimesha kriya is performed due to Udana Vayu.
Acharya Bhela has mentioned 2 sub types of Alochaka Pitta.
Chakshurendriya Kriya Sharir –
• Pramana – 2
• Constitutional element –
• SpecialtiesofAdhisthana (Netra) : -
a) Mandala (5) – Pakshama (Eyelashes), Vartma (Eyelids with conjunctiva),
Shukla (Sclera), Krushna (Cornea) and Drushti (Iris with pupil)
b) Sandhi (6) – Pakshma-Vartma (Eyelashes-Eyelids with junction); Vartma
– Shukla (Eyelid conjuctiva and sclera junction); Shukla-Krushna (Sclero
corneal junction); krushna-drushti (Corneal coat over iris); Kaninika (Inner
canthus) and Apanga (outer canthus)
c) Patala (6) – Vartama-2 (Coating of upper and lower Eyelids); Tejo
jalashrita patala (Serous coat); Mamsashrita patala (Muscular coat);
Medoshrita patala (Orbital adipose tissue coat) and Asthyashrita patala
(Osseous tissue coat – bony orbit)
The tvak (Skin) is responsible to collect the fine as well as crude sensation
of touch, vibration, pressure which are then rapidly transformed and sent to
the respective center for perception of knowledge (Sparshabuddhi or
• त यख वेव वृ यशु शोिणत यािभप यमान य ीर येवस तािनकाःस वचोभवि त | सु.शा. 4/4
• Sparsha buddhi
Acharya Charaka –
शरीरे ष वचः; त था-उदकधरा व बा ा, ि तीया वसृ धरा, तृतीयािस म कलासस भवािध ाना,
चतुथ द कू ु स भवािध ाना, प मी वलजीिव िधस भवािध ाना,
ष ीतुय यांिछ ायांता य य धइवचतमः िवशितयांचा यिध ाया ं िषजाय तेपवसुकृ णर ािन थूलमूला
िनदुि क यतमािनच; इितष वचः| च. शा. 7/4
Acharya Sushruta –
• Chhaya and Prabha are the two objects reflected through Tvacha.
• Chhaya means the complexion which can be understood clearly when seen
closely whereas Prabha can be understood from a distant also which literary
means lustre.
• Ayurveda treatises have mentioned different types of Chhaya and Prabha
as well.
• There are five types of chhaya and six types of prabha which are
mentioned below.
• 1) Chhaya – Naabhasi, Vayaviya, Agneya, Parthivi, Jaliya
• 2) Prabha – Rakta, Pita, Sita, Shyava, Harita and Pandur.
Usually there isaccumulation of Khamala (Ear wax) in the ear cavity but its
maximum accumulation interrupts the knowledge process and causes
impairment in hearing sensation.
Shrotrendriya Kriya Sharir –
1) Dosha – Prana Vayu (Indriya dhruka), Udana vayu (Smruti)
3) Updhatu – sira -10 (4 Vata and each for Pitta, Kapha, Rakta), Dhamani -1
5) Pramana – 2
9) Shabdabuddhi
Objects of Karmendriya
कमि याणांयथास यंवचनादानान दिवसगिवहरणािन || सु.शा. 1/8
कमि यािणप ैवपादौगमनकमिण ||
पायूप थंिवसगाथह तौ हणधारणे |
िज वावािगि यंवा चस या योित तमोऽनृता|| च. शा. 1/26
S.NO Indriya Object Function
1 Hasta Aadana To Grasp, Collect, Hold
2 Paada Viharana To walk
3 Paayu Visarga To Expel, Excrete
4 Upastha Aananda To Enjoy
5 Vaagindriya Vaani Speech
Control Centre of Karmendriya –
Ubhayendriyasharira –
मन ाने बोधने वा - उणादी 4/118
म यते ायते बु यतेऽनेनेित मनः - श दक प म ू
म यतेऽनेनेमन – करणेअसुन - वाच प यम्
It is the object responsible for knowing anything or gaining knowledge.
Definition –
• स वत ेितस वमु यतेमनः| त छरीर यत कमा मसंयोगात्| च.िव. 8/119
Structure –
• उभया मक मनः सु.शा. ¼
• खादी या मामनःकालो दश स हः |
सेि यंचेतनं ,ं िन रि यमचेतनम् || च. सु. 1/48
अतीि यंपुनमनःस वस कं , ‘चेतः’ इ या रे के, तदथा मस पदाय चे च
ं े ा ययभूतिमि याणाम्
|| च.सू. 8/4
अतीि यं तु मनः सवाथैर वयात् त ोगेन प ेि याणामथ वृ े: बुि कमि योभय वा इित |
अतीि यिम यित ा तेि य व पम् ..|
The entity mana is term as atiindriya which is so being term for major two reasons – 1)
Violating intoindriya functioning territory. 2) Other than the indriya or may be its excellent
super form.
Every indriya has its own respective object to grasp, learn and perceive
knowledge from it safe or shravanendriya has shabda, ghranendriya has
gandha; but mana do not possess as such firm objects which are to be
Basically this entity violates all the other indriya through its own
functional attributes- Chintya, Vicharya, Uhya, dhyeha and samkalpa.
This shows the extravagant and violating nature of Mana. Thus it is also
term as Atiindriya.
Sthana –
Shadangadhar sharir, buddhi, indriya, indriyaartha, atma, mana and all manoartha lies
in the shelter of Hridaya.
वाथि याथस क प िभचरणा ानेकमेकि म पु षेस वं, रज तमःस वगुणयोगा ; नचानेक वं,
न ेकं ेककालमनेकेषु वतते ; त मा ैककालासवि य वृि ः||
य गुणंचाभी णंपु षमनुवततेस वंत स वमेवोप दशि तमुनयोबा यानुशयात् || च. सू. 8/5,6
• नानािवधािनखलुस वािन, तािनसवा येकपु षेभवि त, नचभव येककालम्, एकं तु ायोवृ याऽऽह ||
cha.sha. 3/13
One of the Guna of mana is Anutva. It is seen that at a single period of time one can see
a object, hear a sound, can sense a taste; it does means that multiple Indriyas carry their
respective function at same time. But for the perception of their indriyartha there is need of
Mana. So it resembles like there are multiple mana carrying their respective functions in a
single living being. In Ayurveda it is stated that mana is only one and all that mechanism can
be explained through Alatchakradarshan nyay and utpalshatpatra suchivedhana nyay. It means
when a single needle pierces a bunch of hundred petels arranged over each other, broadly it is
seen that as if the total bunch is pierced twiced only from the entery and exit point. But it is
not so, the needle pierces every petal frequently and within a fraction of second so that it is not
possible to see that action singly.
Same thing happens with the Mana and the multiple lndriyas. Mana gets connected with
every lndriya within a fraction of a time period so that this mechanism cannot be differentiated
Guna (According toVaisheshika) –
4) Dhyeyam (Contemplation) -
It is nothing but looking thoughtfully at an aim for a longer time with divine
intuition. It helps us to fix a goal to be achieved in nearby future.
5) Sankalpa (Resolution)
Arriving at one point after completion of thought process which leads one to
come up with a resolution so as to achieve it in nearby future. It always stick up with
the principles of ideality.
इि यािभ ह: कम मनस: व य िन ह: |
ऊहो िवचार ततः परं बुि : वतते || च.शा. 1/21
To promote the Indriyas, to do their respective Karmas by indulging them into their
respective Indriyartha is known as lndriyabhigraha.
When there is not any Vikruti in Mana, Atma. Indriya and the Indriyadhishtan itself
then the Ubhayatmaka Indriya Mana gets indulged into that respective Indriya and promotes
it to do,the Karma accordingly. Thus the knowledge regarding the Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa,
Rasa, Gandha is perceived through the Dnyanendriya while the Karma like Gamana,
Dharana, Vaka Pravrutti, Mala-Mutra Visarjana, Maithun are carried out by the Karmendriyas
only with the help of Mana.
After having sensation and perception of the knoWledge the Mana starts the
process of thinking over it. It then analyses ' thoroughly and develops a thought over it,
then after going through any logic it comes to a final conclusion on the basis of this
inference and gives the decision with the help of best of its mental powers.
After analyzing that particular sensation from all points of view only the Mana
comes to a final decision over it. So this process of thinking a lot of times before coming
to decision is the Vichar or Vivek Karma of Mana.
In short after Vikalpa, Uhya, Chintana, Dhyana and Guna Dosha Vivechana of any
object, the Mana gives its final Hita or Ahita decisioh and is acted thereafter accordingly;
ि िवधं खलु स वं – शु ,ं राजसं, तामसिमित | त शु मदोषमा यातं क याणांश वात्,
राजसं सदोषमा यातं रोषांश वात्, तामसमिप सदोषमा यातं मोहांश वात् || च.शा. 4/36
The Mana is the equal partner of the body in terms of health and happiness. Like
the physical constitutions, there are three mental constitutions that vary in nature.
These are Satva, Rajas and Tamas. So the Mana is said to be of three type’s i.e Satvik,
Rajasik and Tamasik.
The Manas Bhavas are of different types such as Kama, Krodha, Harsha, Utsaha,
Bhiru, etc. but the Manas Bhavas are mainly classified into three types i.e. Satvik, Rajasik
and Tamasik.
A) Satvik
• People of Satvik Manopravrutti are naturally intelligent with a good memory. They are
content; calm, gentle, Well manered, polite and helpful to all. Usually they posses
positive nature, demonstrate generosity, kindness, openness, fairness and forebearness.
• Satvik people see life as a productive learning experience and neither they begrudge
their position, nor hold any grudges against others. The peOple with Satvik guna are
classified into seven types-
1) Brahmya: These peoples are clean, true of their word, ' have controls over them,
endowed with learning, Speaking, understanding and contradicting. These
people are devoid of passion, anger, greed, confusion, envy, intolerance and
equal to all creatures.
2) Aindrya (Mahendra) - One having supremacy and his words are agreeable, brave,
vigorous, subduing, unobstructed action, devoted to virtue, wealth and enjoyment.
3) Vaaruna- These people are brave, clean, patient, disliking uncieanliness, engaged
in sacrifice, liking for opportunate anger and pacification.
4) Yamya- These pe0ple acts in Opportunate moments, free from envy, attachment,
confusion. Endowed with promptness and memory.
5) Kaubera - These people are endowed with position, conceit, and enjoyment.
Constantly engaged in virtue, wealth and pleasure. These are clean, manifests anger
and favor.
6) Ghndharva- These are experts in dance, music and playing musical instruments,
jugglery of words, poetry, stories, history, and epics. Devoted to perfumes, garlands,
dressings, enjoyment with women.
7) Aarshya- these people are engaged in sacrifice, study, oblations, and celibacy,
devoted to guests, have overcoming pride, conceit, attachment, aversion, greed,
anger. Endowed with power of imagination, speaking, understanding and retention.
B) Rajasik -
Rajasik peeple are dynamic and seek to control and dominate others. They are
medium in intelligence having variable memory also they seek power, status, fame,
wealth and 1ecognition.Rajasik people are never satisfied with their position, they
Always strive to accumulate anything more and more also enjoys haunting their
The people with Rajasik guna are classified into six types –
2) Rakshasa -These are intolerant, have continuous anger for long duration,
striking at weak points of others, likes over eating, have more desire for meat, physical
exertions, and are envious.
4) Sarpa -These people are braveful in angry condition and timid otherwise,
sharp, exertive, indulged in food and pastimes.
5) Preta- These are having trouble some conduct, behaviour and management; of
back-biting nature, greedy, spiteful and lacks discrimination.
These people of Tamasik guna are ignorant, lazy and fearful and have poor
memories. They are insensitive, coarse, immortal or violent.
They show little or no desire to improve physically or mentally or lack will power
and discipline to do so. They have little or no faith in god.
They are dishonest, have no initiative, have untidy habits, and have minimal
interest in spiritual acts.
They sleep heavily and not easily aroused from sleep and are usually sedentary.
The people with Tamasik guna are classified into three types –
2) Matsya - They are timid, unwise, gluttonous, and unstable, constantly under grip
of passion and anger, changeable in nature. These have consistent desire for water and
aquatic environment.
Mana is Nitya Dravya so there is no need of any other Dravya to circulate and nourish
Mana. Thus there is no such Manovaha Strotas. But for perception of Indriyartha, Mana must
indulge with various Indriyas of Sharira and at different Adhishtanas. So Mana circulates
upto there and gets indulged with the respective Indriyas to perceive knowledge. Here the.
Mana as a Atindriya wanders throughout the Sharira for Indriya Samyog. That is why the
whole Sharira seem to be a Strotas of Strotorupa for Mana, and thus the Manovaha Strotas.
Even though whole Sharira is Strotorupa or Adhishtana of Mana the Chetana Dhatu lies
in Hridaya only. Thus the extent of Manovaha Strotas is whole Sharira with its special site as
Hridaya and also the Hridaya Ashrita Dashavidha Dhamnis.
मनोवहन माग:, मनोवहािन ोतांिस य िप थनो ािन तथािप मनसः के वलं चेतनावचछरीर
अयनभूतं इ यिभधाना सव शरीर ोतांिस गृ ते, िवशेषेण तु ाि त वा मन तेदाि ता दश धम यो
मनोवहा: अिभिधय ते | च पािण
Some Ayurvedic classics had also revealed the concept of Manovaha Strotas and stated
the Sthana of it as Sira, Dhamni and the Samdnyavaha Nadis. It is so because these are the
channels through which the Mana can get the Indriya -lndriyartha and perceive the respective
सं ावहनाडी श दनिशराधमनी ोतसां हणिम या यत तैमिन इि योदेशे िणती |
माधव िनदान –मधुकोष टीका
Some time commentators also stated that the Chetana or Samdnya is propagated through
the Samdnyavaha Nadis through the Sharira.
In Ayurveda as Manovaha Strotas is not mentioned independently but then also some of
Mana Vikaras reveals the acceptance of Manovaha Strotas.
Acharya Charaka in the samprapti of Unmad Roga had explained that the Sharira Dosha
vitiates and enters the Manovaha Strotas leading to alter the Chitta (sensorium) of Purusha
ultimately causing the Unmad Vyadhi.
Also Acharya Charaka had mentioned that a person sees severe dreams in critical period
due to filling up of mind carrying channels (Manovaha Strotas) by exceedingly powerful of
all the three Sharira Doshas.
Demarcation between indriya and indriya-adhishthana
Indriya -It is the factor responsible for consciousness in a living being manifested by a
very close approximation with Mana and Atma. It is the major constituent responsible for
Prana expressing symptoms of liveliness.
Indriya and Indriya adhishtana cannot be discriminated distinctly. But they can be
understood by their morphology, function, abnormality, knowledge perception and many
other things as well.
The discrimination and superiority between the four components Sharir, Indriya, Mana,
Atma is clearly mentioned hereby–
• Indriya and Indriya Adhishtana are different but having a very thin inseparable
demarcation between them.
Stage I –
The actual receptor organs meant to receive a particular sense and play a key role in
perception of knowledge
Stage II–
The transduction or biotransformation process which occurs at the receptor level
which converts the stimulus given externally of a special form of energy into electrical
impulse which can be carried to its specific centre in nervous tissue.
Stage III –
The pathway through which a Special form of energy is then after transferred or
transported to its respective center in brain where the sense is analysed thus
knowledge regarding it is perceived.
•There are 10 to 20 millions of olfactory receptor cells.
•Olfactory receptor is a bipolar neuron.
• These are supported by Sustentacular cells.
• Olfactory receptors are situated in olfactory mucus membrane.
• Olfactory mucus membrane contains Bowman glands.
• Vomeronasal organ is an accessory olfactory organ which is also named as
Jacobson’s organ.
Substances with smell (gaseous / liquid state / lipid soluble) crosses olfactory mucus membrane
Influx of Sodium
l) Axons of bipolar olfactory receptors pass through cubiform plate of Ethmoidal bone
ends in paired grey masses called as Olfactory bulbs.
3) Axons of mitral cells leave olfactory bulbs and forms - Olfactory tract.
4) Olfactory tract ends in cerebral cortex - Primary Olfactory Area (Area No.28)
•It is the inability to recognize odor or total loss of sensation of smell.
•It is the decreased or reduced ability to detect the smell sensation.
•It is the increased or exaggerated response towards smell sensation.
• These are the sense organs for taste sensations.
• These are ovoid bodies with 50 micron to 70 micron in diameter.
• There are about 10000 taste buds present in adults and the number is more in
• As the age advances' the taste buds loses their sensitivity towards taste.
• Taste buds are present in a compact structure called as Papillae.
•Types of papillae over tongue :
1) CircumVallate papillae -
• Largest of all papillae and present on posterior part of tongue
• Circular and inverted V shaped
• Each papilla contains upto 100 taste buds
2) Fungiform papillae -
• Rounded in shape present on anterior surface of tongue.
• Each papilla contains upto 10 taste buds.
3) Filliform papillae
• Small and conical in shape
• Located over dorsum of tongue
• Each papilla contains only‘a few taste buds
Structure of T aste bud:
• It is a bundle of taste receptor with supporting cells ' covering papillae.
• A Single taste bud contains about 40 cells.
• Types of cells in taste bud-
• Type I, II and III have microvillus which projects upwards in to a opening on tongue.
• There are tight junctions between epithelial cells and neck‘ of Type I II and III cells.
• Cells of taste buds undergo a constant cycle of growth, apoptosis and regeneration.
Primary there are four taste sensations found and fifth is recently introduced and
accepted worldwide –
1) Sweet
2) Sour
3) Salty
4) Bitter
5) Umami
• There are 13 (at least) poss1ble or probable Chemical receptors in taste cells -
(1) Sodium receptor 2, (2) Pottasium -2, (3) Chloride 1 (4) Adenosine l (5)
Inosine 1, (6) Sweet 2, (7) Bitter - 2 (8) Glutamate -1, (9) Hydrogen ion -1
• Primary sensation of taste 5 - (1) Sour, (2) Sweet (3) Bitter, (4) Salty, (5)
• Unami is Japanese word means delicious caused by L-'glutamate '
• Threshold for Taste –
1) Sour by HCL 0.009 N
2) Salty by NaCI - 0.01 M
3) Sweet by sucrose 0.01 M
Each tame bud is innervated by nearly 50 sensory nerve fibers.
It is the disturbance in perception of taste sensation.
• Auditory receptors are present in specia1 structure present in internal ear.
• The receptor organ of hearing is called as -Organ of Corti. It is Present in
Cochlea of Internal ear.
It is a sensory type of transduction occurring in hair cells of organ of corti.
This converts sound energy into action potential in auditory nerve flber.
A total of three types of electrical events occur in sound transduction-
1) Receptor potential
2) Endo-cochlear potential
3) Action potential in auditory nerve fiber
Receptor potential:
Resting membrane potential of hair cells is ~60mV
Endocohlear potential –
Cochlear fluids:
These are extracellular fluids in internal ear having different composition.
• It is present in scala vestibule and scala tympani.
• It composition is simillar to extra cellular fluid with high concentration of
sodium ions.
• It is present in scala media.
• It contains high concentration of Potassium and low concentration of
sodium ions.
Electrical potential:
• Difference in potassium concentration is responsible for the development
of an electrical potential difference between endolymph and perilymph.
• Endolymph has a positive potential +80mV
Action potential:
• It is generated by receptor potential
• It formally obeys the All Or None Law Principle.
• This action potential represents three successive spike potentials called N1
N2 N3 representing synchronous repetitive firing in many of the fibers.
I st order neuron
Dendrites of bipolar neurons are distnbuted around organ of Corti as afferent
nerve fibers. While axons leave the ear as cochlear nerve fibers and end at
In Medulla these fibers divide into two groups Ventral and Dorsal cochlear
IInd order neuron
Axons from IInd order neurons runs in four different groups
•First group ends at Superior Olivary nucleus at same side
•Second group ends at Superior Olivary nucleus at opposite side
•Third group ends at nucleus of Lateral Leminiscus at same side
•Fourth group ends at nucleus of Lateral Leminiscus at opposite side
IIIrd order neuron
• IIIrd order neurons starting from Superior Olivary nucleus and Nucleus of
• Leminiscus ends at Medial Geniculate body which forms the sub cortical
auditory center.
• Faintly Fibers from Medial Geniculate body ends at Temporal cortex which
passes through Internal Capsule as Auditory Radiation.
Conductive deafness:
It is a type of deafness that occurs due to impairment in transmission of
sound waves in the external or middle car.
This may be temporary and can be resolved.
• These are cylindrical in shape
• Length 40 micron to 60 micron
• Diameter - 2 micron
Outer segment –
• It gives the cell the rod like appearance.
• Contains about 1000 floating flat membranous disks
• These disks contains photosensitive pigment Rhodopsin
• Newly formed membranous disks are at the inner portion of outer segment
and older disks are pushed towards the tip from where they are engulfed by
phagocytosis process.
• Rate of formation of membranous disks 3 or 4 per hour.
• Inner segment -.
It is connected to outer segment by Cilium
Contains large number of mitochondria
• Cell body
It is the portion containing nucleus of the cell,
• Synaptic terminal –
• Synapses with dendrities of bipolar cell and horizontal cell
• Involved neurotransmitters – Glutamate
• Shape - cone or flask shaped
• Length - 35 micron to 40 micron
• Diameter -5 micron
Outer segment -
• Small, Conical
• Does not contain separate membranous disks
• The inward folding of cell membrane called as –Saccules
• Photosensitive pigment synthesized in inner segment and incorporated into
folding forming saccule .
• Inner segment
• It is connected to outer segment by Cilium
• Contains large number of mitochondria
•Cell body
• It is the portion containing nucleus of the cell.
• Synaptic terminal
• It synapses with dendrites of bipolar cell and horizontal cell
• Involved neurotransmitter Glutamate
• Sodium ions normally get efluxcd from mn ‘ get back influxed into outer
l) The axons of ganglionic cells leave eyeball through optic disk and forms the optic
2) The fiber from the nasal half of the optic 11e1ve crosses midline and travels opposite
side while fibers f1om temporal side remains uncrossed.
3) The crossing area of optic nerve fibers is called as Optic chiasma.
4) The fibers both crossed and uncrossed after runhing backwards, outwards forms the
Optic tract.
5) These f1bers run across cerebral peduncle to reach lateral culate body in thalamus.
6) Some of the fibers do not synapse at lateral geniculate body and terminates at –
Superiorcolliculi Supra optic nucleus of hypothalamus
7) Fibers from lateral geniculate body pass through intema| capsule and forms Optic
8) Optic radiation ends in visual cortex situated in occipital lobe.
Sense of touch is associated under somato-sensory system.
Somatic Sensations - Those which arise from skin, muscles, tendons and joints.
Special Sensations: - These are some complex type of sensations for which body has
a set of specially organized structures called as Sense Organs.
Somatic sensations:
• Epicritic sensations
• Protopathic sensations
• Deep sensations
Epicritic sensations:
These are light or mild sensations May include -
• Fine touch or tactile sensation.
• Tactile localization
• Tactile discrimination 5
• Temperature sensation (ranging between 25 to 40 °C)
Protopathic sensations:
These are crude type of sensations May include –
• Pressure sensation
• Pain sensation
• Temperature sensation (ranging below 25°C and above 40 °C)
Deep sensation:
These are sensations arising from deeper structures. May include-
Vibratory sensation
Kinesthetic sensation.
Conscious kinesthetic sensation
Sub conscious kinesthetic sensation
Visceral sensation –
Sensory pathways –
There are two main pathways carrying impulses of sensations from periphery of body to
central nervous system for proper coordination.
Somatosensory pathways
Viscerosensory pathways
Motor activities of body depend upon different group of tissues of the body-
Motor activities are divided into two types –