Assignment 05 - (ARM) - M Kashif Saleem - SAP 29396
Assignment 05 - (ARM) - M Kashif Saleem - SAP 29396
Assignment 05 - (ARM) - M Kashif Saleem - SAP 29396
The current study aimed at examining the impact of competitive advantage dimension
realise main aim of the study. A questionnaire was employed as to gather data from 65
Analysis was performed on the data, using the SPSS software. Result of study indicated that
the main aim was realised, and ethical project leadership moderates the relationship between
competitive advantage and project organisational commitment. Our findings contribute to the
existing body of literature of how ethical project leadership can moderate the relationships
1.0 Introduction:
Research on organizational commitment spans over four decades and remains an area of
framework was adopted based on three distinct but connected types of commitment:
affective, continuance and normative (Allen and Meyer, 1990). Organisational commitment’s
affective dimension implies to the emotional attachment and involvement to the organisation
(Meyer and Allen, 1991). Normative commitment which is the new domain of the
member of an organization (Allen and Meyer, 1990). Then development in the field of
commitment theory and research, Meyer and Herscovitch (2001) recommend restricting
outcome variables to two main classes: focal and discretionary. Focal variables deal with the
variables related to the withdrawal from the organization while discretionary variables are
extra role activities that benefit the organization such as citizenship behavior. Cohen (2007)
intentions and outcome variable of behavior. Therefore, overcame the unclear understanding
commitment as propensity to predict former one. His theory here emphasizes affective
organisational commitment as the highest order form of commitment comparing the basic
instrumental one. Somers (2009) suggest research in organisation commitment should focus
In new competitive economy and information age Intellectual capital has become the real
capital of organizations. Intellectual capital is a key factor that plays the main role in the
process of innovation, change, creativity, transform knowledge into value and then to a
competitive advantage. Central point in value generation has shifted from the exploitation of
motivating it to make the greatest possible effort, which leads to improving the performance
of the organization through used the policies, technologies, and programs that serve both the
organization and the individual (Amos, Pearse, Ristow, & Ristow, 2016). The commitment
appears in the worker’s effort to make additional efforts at the workplace. Therefore,
individuals committed to their organizations are a source of strength to aid their survival and
to compete with other organizations (Jafri, 2010). Allui and Sahni (2016) emphasize due the
capital is the most prominent and is the only one achieving this sustainable competitive
advantage. Many researches are showing the relationship of competitive advantage with staff
empowerment and organisational success. But this domain that I choose to explore further is
not researched. I think the relationship of the competitive advantage domains with the project
organisational commitment under the influence of ethical leadership is one such relationship
which will explore that ethical project leadership will make the relationship effective between
How ethical project leadership effectively moderates the relationship between competitive
Answering the above question was done through answering the following questions:
What is the relationship between competitive advantage domain and ethical leadership?
Can ethical leadership support a enhanced commitment for the organization through
The literature also provides evidence about how ethical leadership relates to employees’
Competitive advantage is based on the existence several dimensions that together constitute
the absolute meaning of competitive advantage, which are:
The organizations that seek to gain a greater market share as a basis for their success and
supremacy are the ones that offer their products at a lower cost than their competitors.
Organisations competing through cost have the main operation goal to reduce the cost
(Rahim et al, 2019). Even organizations that compete through competitive advantages other
than cost, they seek to achieve low costs for the products they produce (Kalashi et al, 2020).
Operations management seeks to reduce production costs compared to competitors and to
reach competitive prices that enhance the competitive advantage of products in the market
(Hurmelinna-Laukkanen et al, 2018). Quality
Quality is one the of major and vital dimension of the competitive advantage. According to
Cantele and Zardini (2018), that quality is an important competitive advantage, which
indicates how things are doing correctly to provide products that match the needs of
customers; customers want products with quality that meet the characteristics required by
them, which are the characteristics that they expect or see in the advertisement (Seyyed-
Amiri et al, 2017). Organizations that do not provide products with quality that meet the
needs and desires of customers and their expectations cannot survive and succeed in the
behavior of competition (Amer and Abdulwahhab, 2020). Flexibility
In the 21st century the business and economic environment is so turbulent that we need to
have adaptive organisations. The who entrepreneurial environment is so rapidly changing due
factors like technology and innovations that in order to survive an organisation needs to be
flexible. Flexibility is the basis for achieving the competitive advantage of the organization
by responding quickly to changes that may occur in product design and to suit the needs of
customers (Kusumadewi and Karyono, 2019). Flexibility means the ability of the
organization to change operations to other methods, this means changing the performance of
operations as well as changing the method and time of performing operations (Tsai and Lin,
2018). Delivery
According to Minbaeva (2018) the delivery dimension is the basic rule for competition
between organizations in the markets by focusing on reducing lead times and speed in
designing new products and presenting them to customers in the shortest possible time. There
are three factors for the delivery dimension: speed of delivery, on-time delivery, speed of
development (Bharadwaj et al, 2017) . Innovation
Some writers and researchers add creativity as a dimension of competitive advantage Al-
Zwaylif and Taher (2020); Saeidi et al (2020); Mohammed et al (2019); and Ciurea (2017).
The opinions of writers and researchers on innovation have varied. There are many
definitions of creativity. Chengwu (2020) defined it as the process or activity that an
individual performs and produces something new. As for creativity Kaleka and Morgan
(2017), it means the product of useful ideas and the ability to adopt these ideas and put them
into practice.
Research design is a framework of research plan of action. Zikmund (2003) defines research
design as a plan of the researcher that defines the procedure and method for collecting and
analysing the necessary information. Research design includes time horizon, types of setting
and unit of analysis which are discussed below.
The current study was explanatory in nature, focusing on the hypothesis testing based on
hypothetic deductive methods. Method of investigation was causal, by testing the cause and
effect relationship between safety leadership, attitude towards safety, and safety compliance.
While the interactive effect of attitude towards safety and safety consciousness on safety
compliance was tested.
The participant for study from the construction field because the supervisor and their
subordinate contacted in project base private construction organization was contacted to fill
the questionnaire in their natural work environment. The data were collected in one month for
this study, the data in nature cross sectional and collected at one time.
3.1.4. Population
The population utilized in this study includes project managers/supervisors and employees
working under them in different project-based organizations in Pakistan. Pakistan is the 5th
most populous country in the world, with 220 million citizens, more than 60 million strong
labor force and a growing middle class. The sector employs 7.61% of the employed Pakistani
labour force. GFCF (Gross fixed capital formation) in private sector grew by 20.6%
between FY2019 and FY2020. Pakistan’s construction sector provides up to 380 billion PKR
in GDP. 325,000 individuals are working at managerial or supervisor level out of which 60%
are working in the private sector. Each questionnaire has an attached cover letter explaining
the purpose of the study to the respondents. Questionnaires were filled by the willingness to
participate by the employees. Cover letter also explains that the present data will be used for
academic purposes without highlighting any particular organization or employee.
Furthermore, confidentiality of information to employees was also ensured in order to drive
out their hesitation in filling the questionnaire.
3.1.5. Sample
Keeping in view the true reflection of population, the Nonprobability sampling method used
in the study to collect data. Convenience sampling technique incurs relatively less time and
financial costs as compared to other sampling techniques, therefore it was instrumental in
selecting the sample size quickly and efficiently. The data collection was done from private
construction sector of twin cities (Rawalpindi and Islamabad) of Pakistan. It is somehow hard
to identify the total number of employees working in this sector, but this sector has shown
significant growth in the past 5 years. This sector has contributed significantly in different
parts of Pakistan as well. Due to the large number of population of this sector, it is not
possible to cover all employees due to different constraints such as time scarcity, resource
scarcity and cost. Hence a sample was selected to collect data from this industry. The sample
size selected for this study was 70. In line with appropriate sample size for the population
suggested by Krejcie and Morgan (1970), the total numbers of 70 questionnaires were
distributed via google form to different private construction companies. Some of the private
construction companies are listed below;
For this research 70 questionnaires were distributed, and 66 questionnaires were received
back for data analysis. The respondent response rate was 94% out of 100% which is highly
positive response. Thus, data analysis used the final sample size of 66. The sampling strategy
used in this study is nonprobability sampling i.e., convenient, and judgmental sampling. The
companies were first contacted with reference person and the respondents were requested to
take part in a survey. Questionnaires were sent through emails with the link of google form
for their convenience.
3.2 Instrumentation
3.2.1 Measures
The data was collected through the questionnaires selected from different authentic sources
through adoption of those questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed in English. All the
items Competitive Advantage Dimensions (Quality, Responsiveness, Innovation and
Efficiency), Ethical Leadership and organisational Commitment are filled by project leader
and employees/subordinated/labour. All the items of the questionnaire are to be filled on a 5-
points Likert-scale where 1 represents (strongly disagree), 2 represents (disagree), 3
represents (Neither agree nor disagree), 4 represents (Agree) and 5 represents (strongly
agree). Dimensions of Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage was measured using the Competitive advantage dimensions Scale
(Hill, C.W.L., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A. (2015), Strategic Management Theory, 11th
ed., Cengage Learning.). A 20- items scale having four dimension Quality, Responsiveness,
Innovation and Efficiency was used in the research paper Responses were made using a 5-
point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Ethical Leadership was measured using the Ethical Leadership Scale (Bavik, Y. L., Tang, P.
M., Shao, R., & Lam, L. W. (2018). Ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing:
Exploring dual-mediation paths. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(2), 322-332). A 07 - items
scale was used in the research paper Responses were made using a 5-point scale ranging from
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Data and figures collected through questionnaire for analysing, SPSS (Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences) was used. The statistics has been verified for investigating the
correlation, regression and moderating analysis. For evaluating the relationship or connection
of independent variable is linked with the dependent variable through correlation analysis.
Regression analysis is used to inspect to know the accurate deviation in independent variable
produced modification in dependent variable.
In the total sample of 66 of the population, no of respondents of male were 52 and female
were 14, having percentage of the overall sample 78.79% and 21.21% respectively. As
expected, male employees are working in majority then female colleagues, thus showing
consistency with perceptions about that Pakistani culture male dominant society as well as
male dominant employees in the construction sectors. From the sample of respondents’
majority were young. The respondent between age 21 to 30 years were 33, they contributed
50% of the entire responses of the current study. The middle-aged responders range from 31
to 50 years were 30 making percentage of 45.45% of the total sample, and the responded of
age 50 years and above were 3, having percentage of 4.55% of the total responded sample.
For the marital status from the sample of respondents, the data is equally divided into two
groups, 33 are single and 33 are married. For the qualification from the sample of
respondents, the Bachelors level is 15 have percentage of 22.7%, while the Masters level is
the greatest figure among the respondents which is 35 having percentage of 53.0%, M.Phil. /
M.S. level qualification is 13 in numbers and having percentage of 19.7%, the contribution
from Others level respondents is 3, having percentage of 4.5% of the total sample size. For
the experience from the sample of respondents, the “less than 5 years” is 27 have percentage
of 40.9%, while the “5-10 years” is 10 having percentage of 15.2%, “11-15 years” is 15 in
numbers and having percentage of 22.7%, the contribution from “16 + Years” is 14, having
percentage of 21.2% of the total sample size. For the work status from the sample of
respondents, the “Permanent Employee” is 55 have percentage of 83.3%, while the “Part-
time employee” is 11 having percentage of 16.7%.
Table: Gender
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 52 78.8 78.8 78.8
Female 14 21.2 21.2 100.0
Total 66 100.0 100.0
Table: Age
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 21 - 30 Years 33 50.0 50.0 50.0
31 - 40 Years 17 25.8 25.8 75.8
41- 50 Years 13 19.7 19.7 95.5
51- 60 Years 3 4.5 4.5 100.0
Total 66 100.0 100.0
Table: Marital Status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Single 33 50.0 50.0 50.0
Married 33 50.0 50.0 100.0
Total 66 100.0 100.0
Table: Education
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Bachelors 15 22.7 22.7 22.7
Masters 35 53.0 53.0 75.8
M. Phil. / MS 13 19.7 19.7 95.5
Others 3 4.5 4.5 100.0
Total 66 100.0 100.0
Table: Experience
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Less than 5 years 27 40.9 40.9 40.9
5 - 10 Years 10 15.2 15.2 56.1
11 - 15 Years 15 22.7 22.7 78.8
16-20 Years 6 9.1 9.1 87.9
More than 20 Years 8 12.1 12.1 100.0
Total 66 100.0 100.0
In this study demographics were also considered so responses related to demographics were
also collected. It is obligatory to check the relevance and significance of the demographics
variables which are Gender, Age, Marital Status, Education, Experience and Work Status
with Dependent Variable which in our case is Organisational Commitment. In order to check
whether demographic variable influence Organisational Commitment or not we run one-way
ANOVA analysis. Results we got after running this test are given below.
Demographics variable “Gender” is showing the significance of p value hence this variable
needs to control in order to determine the effect of IV and moderator on the DV.
Under given tables depicts the reliabilities of different scales used in this research. In order to
find these values of Cronbach Alpha reliability analysis through SPSS was done.
Variable Name Mean Alpha
Dimension of Competitive Advantage - Quality 4.245 0.768
Dimension of Competitive Advantage - Responsiveness 3.503 0.715
Dimension of Competitive Advantage - Innovation 3.885 0.656
Dimension of Competitive Advantage – Efficiency 3.879 0.710
Ethical Leadership 3.978 0.759
Organizational Commitment 3.731 0.597
Cronbach’s Alpha value at-least 0.70 is preferable.
The objective behind running a reliability test is to check whether the scale is reliable of not.
In other words, it shows that whether scale is consistent with the results or not. The value
which determines the reliability of the scale is Cronbach Alpha which ranges from Zero to
One (0-1). As this constant move nearer to 1 it means higher reliability and as it moves near
to 0 it means low reliability. The adequate and acceptable level of Cronbach Alpha is 0.7. if
any variable has 0.7 as value of Cronbach Alpha it means that results are reliable. Due to low
number of sample the Cronbach Alpha of “Dimension of Competitive Advantage –
Innovation” and “Organisational Commitment” is low.
Correlation analysis is carried on in order to explore the relation between variables. It shows
the relation between the variable irrespective of direction. It only focuses that whether
variables are related to each other or not. The condition which is to be applied on variables
whose correlation is to be calculated is that they should be continuous variable in nature, and
they must be measured by using numbers. Correlation analyses come handy when the aim of
researcher is to investigate the potential connection among variables. A wrong perspective of
correlation analysis has been widely spread that effect and cause is established by it. But this
is not true because there are certain other variables which are part of current research, and
they are present in the environment which can cause a change in the other variable.
Organized change in value of one variable cause a methodological change in value other
variable, this condition can only withstand when there is correlation among two variables.
This change in value of variable on the basis of change in value of other variable is limited to
a specific time limit. Correlation value which is outcome of this analysis depends on the
value of both variables and it can be positive and it can also be negative. There are two
conditions in which correlation value can be negative and positive. In first condition when
increment in value of one variable results increase in the value of other variable then value of
coefficient would be positive. In the second condition when there is inverse relation, in other
words increase in variable cause decrease in other’s value or decline in value of one variable
results increment in value of other variable, then the coefficient of correlation would be
negative. Pearson coefficient is measure of the correlation among variables and it ranges from
+1 to -1. The more a coefficient is nearer to +1 the more it is positive relation and the more it
is near to -1, more it will be negative relation. 0 value of coefficient indicated no relation. The
given table represents the detailed depiction of relation between variables of the study.
Table: Correlation Analysis
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. DCAQ 1
2. DCAR 0.203 1
3. DCAI 0.307 0.527** 1
* **
4. DCAE 0.206 0.594 0.694** 1
5. EL 0.228 0.555** 0.758** 0.795** 1
6. OC 0.164 0.612** 0.635** 0.750** 0.728** 1
Regression analysis is also known as predictive analysis and most commonly used method of
regression analysis is linear regression. The concept behind the linear regression provides
answer to two major questions. First one is about the ability of independent variables that
whether they do justice in explaining the change in dependent variables and the second one is
the identification of that those independent variables which explain the significant change in
outcome. In addition to this also gives the answer about to what extent the variable explains
and direction of estimated represented by beta.
Table: Regression Analysis:
The model summary gives the details about how much variation in the predicted variable has
been explained by independent variable. Simple value of R is the actual Pearson coefficient,
when it is multiplied by itself, we get R Square. In results of current regression analysis, the
value of R Square is 0.124, 0.672 and 0.790 which indicates that almost 54.8% change in the
value of Dependent Variable (organizational commitment) is explained by Independent
Variable (Dimensions of competitive Advantage). The 3rd step explains the level of influence
caused by the Moderator on the influence of IVs to DV. From the above table R Square value
for the interaction terms are 0.79 which suggests that 11.8 % R Square change is due to the
moderator role which is also significant.
Secondly, the Value of Beta Coefficient tells about the change in value of Dependent
Variables (Dimensions of Competitive Advantage) if value of Independent Variable
(Organisational Commitment) experiences an increase of 1. The sign with the beta
determines the direction of this change, if it’s negative then it is decreasing and if it has
positive sign then it is increasing. Lastly, the value significant value of significance of Beta
value describes that whether it is worthwhile to examine the Beta value or not. In above table
Dimensions of Competitive Advantage – Responsiveness, Dimensions of Competitive
Advantage – Efficiency and Interaction term between Ethical Leadership and Dimensions of
Competitive Advantage- Responsiveness is showing significance.
4.0 Discussion:
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the connection between Competitive
Advantages Dimensions (Quality, Responsiveness, Innovation and Efficiency) and
Organizational Commitment through moderating effect of Ethical Leadership. Quantitative
approach was adopted in order to realize main aim of study. A questionnaire was employed
as to gather data from (66) individuals within Islamabad’s private construction sector. Study
was able to reach the following results:
Respondents had high awareness of study variables as all their responses scored
higher than mean of scale which indicated a valid command and understanding from
their side on the presented statements.
Competitive Advantage has the ability to influence organizational commitment.
Competitive advantage has the ability to influence organizational commitment under
the moderating role of Ethical Leadership.
The study proved that the prevailing leadership style and the philosophy pursued by the
management in its dealings with its employees have a significant impact on the level of
creativity of the workers, and there is no doubt that the creative capabilities of the
subordinates are affected by the prevailing leadership style in their institutions. Based on the
results of the study in addition to opinions of Kadhim et al (2018); Safari et al (2020) and
Khan and Anjum (2013) it has been proven that an ethical leader can contribute to developing
the creative capabilities of employees by promoting quality of work, responsiveness of the
organization, innovative culture and organizational efficiency encouraging them in solving
problems and addressing them and presenting their solutions openly to them based on the
basics of competitive advantage enjoyed by the organization and its employees.
Consequently, the individual's awareness by the leadership of the importance of the role that
he plays in the administrative process and the provision of opportunities for him through
competitive advantage is among the motivating factors that push the individual toward the
organizational commitment. As predicted, we found a positive association between
Competitive Advantages Dimensions (Quality, Responsiveness, Innovation and Efficiency)
and Organizational Commitment. This finding implies that only one dimension of
Competitive Advantage which is efficiency plays a significant part in increasing the
organizational commitment. Thus, H4 of the study is accepted.
Study was also able to clarify that organizational commitment is influenced by the
efficiency which leads to the competitive advantage that are supported with ethical leadership
as it was agreed on by Gautam and Ghimire (2017). As it was seen through analysis that
efficiency scored the highest means indicating that they were the most positively answered
variables of all and referring to the fact that leadership does mediate the relationship between
competitive advantage and organizational commitment. This was agree on by Javed et al
(2017) when they argued that ethical leadership supports employees' organizational
identification, and at the same time plays a role in defining a better image for the organization
before the employees, this leads to igniting a feeling within individuals that they are
important for their organization, they are essential and their existence means a huge idea
which came a long also with Al-Zoubi (2012) and Phangestu (2020) As a result- Shafique et
al (2019) – employees begin to put better efforts, and present higher performance in order to
realize organizational strategies and turn its goals into actual results. On the same track,
current study appeared to meet with what came along with Duan et al (2018) who argues that
ethical leadership is one of the aspects that influences employees/ organizational
responsiveness leading them to take more creative decisions and brainstorm ideas that would
be an added value to the operations of the organization. Every project demands an efficient
organization that tells how the organizational commitment is affected. This study also found
that Ethical leadership moderates the relationship between Competitive Advantage
Dimensions – Responsiveness and organizational commitment, such that increase in ethical
leadership strengthens the relationship. Hence, H6 of the study is also accepted.
4.1 Recommendations
By shedding light on Competitive Advantage Dimensions (Quality, Responsiveness,
Innovation and Efficiency) and its impact on Organizational commitment, and the overlap of
the ethical leadership relationship with these two variables, it has been proven that
Competitive advantage depends on the type and style of leadership that is adopted, Quality,
Innovation, responsiveness and efficiency under the conscious and ethical leadership
guidance, improves the organizational commitment. From here it can be said that it is correct
to rely on the expertise and skills of the employee which will positively augment the
competitive advantage, but the conscious moral leadership and the ethical leader who takes
into consideration the interests of the employees and the organization together are the most
capable of reaching positive results centered around increasing organizational commitment.
Based on previous discussion and conclusion of study it is recommended:
Redesigning work to achieve job enrichment through qualifying and training courses
in order to raise the level of employee skills in quality, Responsiveness, Innovation
and Efficiency.
Encouraging workers to submit proposals that have an impact on developing their
skills and helping to expand their field of innovation/problem solving, TQM and
effective efficiency compared to the previous stage.
Giving workers who have proven ability and skill the opportunity to participate in
decision-making, which enhances their skills, and paves the way for them to develop
further in the field of competitive advantage at a later time.
4.2 Limitations and Future Research
This study was constraint by limited time, resources and small sample size. Future
researchers may use large sample size and more time spam to study the impact of
current model more precisely.
This study collected data at once, future research can cover different time lags.
This study has been conducted on sample collected from only private sector
organizations of Islamabad region. Future studies can also collect sample from private
and public sector and collective impact of both sectors can also be observed.
Current research only analyzed few dimensions of the Competitive advantage as
independent variables. Future researchers may examine other dimensions like cost,
flexibility and delivery as independent variables such as Cost, flexibility and delivery.
During this study it has been observed that few other variables like employee
empowerment, Inclusive/Passive/Authentic/Transformational Leadership can be
incorporated as moderators or mediators in this research model.
4.3 Conclusion
This study was carried out to better define the impact of Competitive Advantage
on organizational commitment under the moderating role of ethical leadership. The data for
study was collected through the questionnaire filled from private construction project-based
organizations. Sample of 65 employees were used for the analysis of data. The findings of the
analysis accepted 2 proposed hypotheses such as H4 and H6. This implies that this study
found positive association of Competitive Advantage Dimensions with Organizational
Commitment. Hence, competitive advantage of the organization has been encouraged in
private construction project-based organizations. Moreover, this study also supported the
significant relationship of moderator (ethical leadership) that strengthens the relationship of
Competitive Advantage and Organizational Commitment. However, 6 other Hypothesis of
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Appendix 01
Dear Respondent,
Please read the instructions carefully and answer all the questions. There are no “tricky”
questions, so please answer each item as conveniently and as honestly as possible. It is
important that all the questions be answered. Your identity will remain confidential, thus
more fair feedback is solicited. The responses will be evaluated on Likert Scale, ranging
from 1-5, and consume around 10 - 15 minutes of your good-self, accordingly.
Please, put a tick mark in the space provided or fill according to the specific instructions
1. Personal Details
Kindly tick the appropriate response against each item. You are requested to be honest in
answering the item as per likert scale interval:
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5