Module 3-Problem Solving GE MMW
Module 3-Problem Solving GE MMW
Module 3-Problem Solving GE MMW
We always exercise our problem solving skills on a daily basis, in as simple as choosing
what to eat for breakfast and what products to buy to restock our pantry or as complex
as managing our personal finances. Even when we play online games, best practices and
analysis are needed-from choosing what weapons to acquire, deliberating who to ally with,
to improving your fighting techniques, these are needed so you and your team end up as
Module 3 allows us to view Mathematics that is not just about numbers, but that much
of it is problem solving and reasoning. We have two goals in this module. First, to help you
become a better problem solver. And second, to demonstrate that problem solving can also
be an enjoyable experience for you and me.
We have 3 lessons in this module. Lesson 1 focuses on the discussion of two types of
logical reasoning- inductive and deductive, their differences, and their use in writing proofs.
It also involves an application of deductive reasoning. Lesson 2 introduces a technique to help
us solve problems involving patterns. Now, if you may have observed, there is no such thing
as one-solution-answers-all-math-problems. So Lesson 3 gives us a basic problem solving
strategy that we can use to solve any type of problem. Furthermore, a thorough discussion
is also given on the different problem solving techniques that we can use to solve non-routine
and recreational math problems.
Learning objectives
After going through this module, the students will be able to
• Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about math-
ematics and mathematical concepts
• Solve problems involving patterns and recreational problems following Polya’s four
• Organize one’s method and approaches for proving and solving problems.
• Manifest patience and determination in solving problems involving inductive and de-
ductive reasoning, patterns, and Polya’s 4 steps.
Let us consider the following sequence.
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, . . .
What number comes next in the sequence?
Inductive reasoning is commonly used to solve problems that deals with patterns. For
instance in number sequences such as
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ? 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, ?
where we predict the next number based on the pattern observed. Inductive reasoning
can also be used to write logical proofs in order to justify statements and arguments. We
demonstrate this in the following examples.
Example 1.1 Consider the following procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by
6, add 9 to the product, divide the sum by 3, and subtract 3.
Complete the above procedure for three different numbers. Use inductive reasoning to make
a conjecture about the relationship between the size of the resulting number and the size of
the original number.
Solution: In this process, we just pick any number we want. Let us pick the numbers −3, 0,
and 10.
Original number: -3 Original number: 0
Multiply by 6: −3 × 6 = −18 Multiply by 6: 0×6=0
Add 9: −18 + 9 = −9 Add 9: 0+9=9
Divide by 3: −9 ÷ 3 = −3 Divide by 3: 9÷3=3
Subtract 3: −3 − 3 = -6 Subtract 3: 3−3=0
Original number: 10
Multiply by 6: 10 × 6 = 60
Add 9: 60 + 9 = 69
Divide by 3: 69 ÷ 3 = 23
Subtract 3: 23 − 3 = 20
Observe that when the original number is −3, the resulting number is −6. When the original
number is 0, the resulting number is 0, and when the original number is 10, the resulting
number is 20. In each case, the resulting number is always twice larger the original number.
Therefore,we conjecture that the given procedure gives a number that is twice the
original number.
Solution: In inductive reasoning, we can pick any number we prefer and do the process for
at least three times so we can see the pattern involved.
a. We pick any two odd numbers and take their sum. Let’s consider −3 and 5, 7 and 9,
and 13 and 27. The process is demonstrated below.
−3 + 5 =2
7 + 9 =16
13 + 27 =40
Observe that for any two odd numbers we picked, their respective sums are 2, 16, and
40 which are all even numbers. We conjecture that the sum of two odd numbers is
always even.
b. Similarly we pick any number we want, one is odd and one is even. Consider the following
pairs of odd and even numbers.
3 × 6 =18
−5 × 2 = − 10
11 × 22 =242
Notice that the product in each case are always even. We conjecture that the product
of an odd number and an even number is always even.
Learning Check 1
1.1. Consider the following procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 5, add 10
to the product, divide the sum by 5, and subtract 2.
Make a conjecture about the relationship between the size of the resulting number and
the size of the original number.
1.2. Fill in the blank. Use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture on the following:
a. The sum of two even numbers is .
b. The product of two odd numbers is .
Conclusions made using inductive reasoning are based on observation or patterns. For this
reason, a conjecture may be incorrect at times. If we find just one case which nullifies our
conjecture, we call it a counterexample. As a result, we claim that the conjecture is false.
How do we do this? We just find any number that would make the statement false. Take
note that it is possible for one statement to have many counterexamples. We demonstrate
the process in the following example.
Example 1.3 Find a counterexample which makes the following statements false.
For all numbers x,
a. |x| > 0 b. x2 > x c. x2 = x
(Aufmann et al. 2013, p. 5)
a. Let x = 0. Then
|x| > 0
|0| > 0 (Substitute 0 to x)
0 ≯ 0. (Because 0 = 0)
Hence, for all numbers x, |x| > 0 is not true.
b. Let x = 1. Then
x2 >x
12 >1 (Substitute 1 to x)
1 ≯1. (Because 1 = 1)
Thus, x2 > x does not hold for all numbers x.
c. Let x = −1. Then
x2 =x
(−1)2 = − 1 (Substitute − 1 to x)
1 6= − 1.
Therefore, x2 = x is not true for all numbers x.
Learning Check 2
Find a counterexample that makes the following statements false. For all numbers x,
2.1. + 1 = 2 2.2. x3 > x 2.3. x2 ≥ x
The following examples demonstrate the use of deductive reasoning in solving problems.
Example 1.4 Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure produces a
number that is twice larger than the original number.
Procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 6, add 9 to the product, divide the sum
by 3, and subtract 3.
With n as the original number, we obtain 2n for the resulting number. Hence, the proce-
dure gives a number that is twice the original number.
We have answered this example using both inductive reasoning (see Example 1.1) and
deductive reasoning. Do you see the difference between the two methods we used?
The following example helps us determine whether an argument is expressed using in-
ductive reasoning or deductive reasoning.
Example 1.5 Determine whether each of the following arguments is an example of induc-
tive reasoning or deductive reasoning.
a. During the past 10 years, a tree has produced plums every other year. Last year the tree
did not produce plums, so this year the tree will produce plums.
b. All home improvements cost more than the estimate. The contractor estimated that my
home improvement will cost $35,000. Thus my home improvement will cost more than
c. All Janet Evanovich novels are worth reading. The novel Twelve Sharp is a Janet
Evanovich novel. Thus Twelve Sharp is worth reading.
d. I know I will win a jackpot on this slot machine on the next 10 tries, because it has not
paid out any money during the last 45 tries.
a. The argument reaches a conclusion based on the pattern observed for the past 10 years,
so it is an example of inductive reasoning.
b. The argument starts with a general assumption, the word “all” acts as an indicator, then
makes a specific conclusion. Hence, it is an example of deductive reasoning.
c. Similar with (b), this argument also starts with a general assumption then makes a
specific conclusion. Therefore, it is an example of deductive reasoning.
d. Similar with (a), the argument reaches a conclusion based on the pattern observed for
the previous 10 tries. Thus, it is an example of inductive reasoning.
Learning Check 3
3.1. Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure produces a number that
is equal to the size of the original number.
Procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 5, add 10 to the product, divide
the sum by 5, and subtract 2.
3.2. Determine whether each of the following arguments is an example of inductive reasoning
or deductive reasoning.
a. Cats don’t eat tomatoes. Tigger is a cat. Therefore, Tigger does not eat tomatoes.
(Aufmann et al. 2013)
b. Emma enjoyed reading the novel Under the Dome by Stephen King, so she will
enjoy reading his next novel. (Aufmann et al. 2013)
c. Every English setter likes to hunt. Duke is an English setter, so Duke likes to hunt.
(Aufmann et al. 2013)
d. Your stomach aches every time you eat fast food. You conclude that fast food
makes your stomach ache. (Dayap et al. 2018)
Example 1.6 Each of four neighbors, Sean, Maria, Sarah, and Brian, has a different occu-
pation (editor, banker, chef, or dentist). From the following clues, determine the occupation
of each neighbor.
Clue 1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before the dentist.
Clue 2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not the editor.
Clue 3. The dentist and Sarah leave for work at the same time.
Solution: We make a 4×4 grid since there are 4 persons and 4 sports to deduce from.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Clue 1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before the dentist.
This suggests that Maria is neither the banker nor the dentist. We write an x mark in the
Banker and the Dentist columns of Maria’s row as shown below.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Maria x x
Clue 2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not the editor.
Since Sarah is not the editor, we put an x mark in the Editor column of Sarah’s row. Also,
clue 1 suggests that the order of the people getting home from work is Banker → Maria →
Dentist. Since Sarah is the last who goes home from work, she cannot be the banker as well.
So we put an x mark in the Banker column of Sarah’s row.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Maria x x
Sarah x x
Clue 3. The dentist and Sarah leave for work at the same time.
So Sarah is not the dentist. We write an x mark in the Dentist column of Sarah’s row. There
are now three Xs in Sarah’s row. So Sarah must be the chef and we place a X in that box.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Maria x x
Sarah x x X x
Since Sarah is the chef, none of the other three people can be the chef. We place an x mark
to the rest of the boxes in the Chef column.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Sean x
Maria x x x
Sarah x x X x
Brian x
There are now three Xs in Maria’s row. Therefore Maria must be the editor. We place a X
in that box and x marks to the rest of the boxes in the Editor column.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Sean x x
Maria X x x x
Sarah x x X x
Brian x x
Clue 4. The banker lives next door to Brian.
So Brian is not the banker. We write an x mark in that box. Since there are three Xs already
in Brian’s row, we deduce that Brian is the dentist and we write a X in that box. So Sean
cannot be the dentist. We write an x mark in that box. And since there’s only one box
remaining, we conclude that Sean must be the banker and place X in that box.
Editor Banker Chef Dentist
Sean x X x x
Maria X x x x
Sarah x x X x
Brian x x x X
Hence, Sean is the banker, Maria is the editor, Sarah is the chef, and Brian is the
Learning Check 4
Rose, Romeo, Ramon, and Remy were named athletes of the year since they bagged the gold
medals in the school district competition for scrabble, chess, badminton, and volleyball. The
following data are known about the athletes:
Clue 1. Rose does not play chess.
Clue 2. Romeo’s sister who plays chess is one of the athletes of the year.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...
Recall that these are the first numbers of a Fibonacci sequence. When we deal with number
sequences we are often asked what number comes next. There are sequences when the
pattern is obvious. However, in the case when the pattern seems quite tricky, constructing
a difference table is helpful. For instance, consider the sequence 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, .... The
following demonstrates how a difference table is constructed.
We first list down the numbers in the sequence in correct order. We then take the differences
for each pair of succeeding numbers in the sequence, these are listed in the first differences
row, particularly, the numbers in the first differences are the differences of the numbers above
it, i.e. upper right number minus upper left number. Notice that the first differences are all
the same. If the pattern continues, then the sixth term and the fifth term will also have a
difference of 7. We extend the table to the right as shown below.
We work upwards next by adding 7 to the fifth term, 32, to obtain the sixth term which is
39, as demonstrated below.
This process can be repeated if we want to obtain additional terms in the sequence.
However, in the case when all of the first differences are not the same, we compute the
differences of the first differences to obtain the second differences. If all of the second
differences are also not the same, then we take the differences of the second differences to
obtain the third differences. This process is continued until all of the differences are the
same. We demonstrate this in the next example.
Example 2.1 Use a difference table to predict the next term in the sequence.
Solution: We construct a difference table and take the first differences as shown below.
Notice that the first differences are not the same. We continue the process by taking the
differences of the first differences in the same manner to obtain the second differences.
Since the second differences are still not the same, we take the differences of the second
differences to obtain the third differences.
This time, all of the third differences are the same. If the pattern continues, then the next
third difference would also be 6, and we can extend the table to the right as shown.
We then work upwards by adding 6 to the second difference 30 to obtain the next second
difference which is 36. We continue the same process by adding 36 to the first difference 89
to obtain the next first difference which is 125. Lastly, we add 125 to the sixth term 207 to
obtain the seventh term which is 332. The completed difference table is shown below.
Learning Check 5
Find the next term in the sequence using a difference table:
5.1) 1, 12, 44, 105, 203, 346, . . . 5.2) −7, 13, 46, 92, 151, 223, . . .
To become a good problem solver, it helps to examine each of these steps and determine
what is involved.
Understand the problem You need to have a clear understanding of the problem. Con-
sider the following questions.
Devise a plan Successful problem solvers use a variety of techniques when they attempt
to solve a problem. Here are some frequently used procedures.
Carry out the plan Once you have devised a plan, you must carry it out.
• Work carefully.
• Keep an accurate and neat record of all your attempts.
• Realize that some of your initial plans will not work and that you may have to
devise another plan or modify your existing plan.
Review the solution Once you have found a solution, check the solution.
• Ensure that the solution is consistent with the facts of the problem.
• Interpret the solution in the context of the problem.
• Ask yourself whether there are generalizations of the solution that could apply to
other problems.
Example 3.1 The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 100. The father is 28 years
older than the son. How old are they? (Ballado and Tan-Adalla 2017, p. 43)
Understand the problem. Considering that the sum of the ages of a father and a son is
100, whose father is 28 years older than the son, we can deduce that both father and son
must be on the older side.
Devise a plan. Since we have a clue that the sum of their ages is 100, we can make a wise
guess and verify if it’s correct. This is the guess and check strategy.
Carry out the plan. We pick numbers whose sum is 100 and check if their difference is
28. We can try numbers around 60 and 40.
Try 65 and 35 :
65 − 35 = 30
Try 64 and 36 :
64 − 36 = 28
Thus, the father is 64 years old while the son is 36 years old.
Review the solution.
64 + 36 = 100
Are there other possible combination of ages which would satisfy the given conditions?
Learning Check 6
A 156-page textbook is opened at random. To what pages is it opened if the product of the
facing page numbers is 5256?
Example 3.2 A baseball team won two out of their last four games. In how many different
orders could they have won two wins and two losses in four games? (Aufmann et al. 2013,
p. 31)
Understand the Plan. We consider the possibility that there are different orders the team
could have won twice and lost twice in their games.
Devise a plan. The best way to solve this problem is by making an organized list of all
the possible orders.
Carry out the plan. We list down the different orders possible to win twice (W) and lose
twice (L). We have to be careful in this part since we need to avoid any duplications.
The team won in the first game W LW L
The team lost in the first game LW LW
Review the solution. We go back to our list and make sure there are no duplications.
Therefore, there are six different orders the basketball team won twice and lost twice.
Learning Check 7
In a true-or-false quiz that contains four items. In how many ways can a student answer this
Example 3.3 A pair of socks and a pair of jeans together cost Php 1, 000. The jeans costs
Php 700 more than the socks. How much do the socks and jeans cost?
Understand the problem. We need to find two amounts whose sum is Php 1, 000. Since
the jeans costs Php 700 more than the socks, this means that their difference is Php 700.
Devise a plan. We can write an equation. We let:
x = the cost of the socks and x + 700 = the cost of the jeans
Together, the socks and the jeans cost Php 1, 000, so our equation is x + x + 700 = 1000.
Carry out the plan. We solve the equation for x.
x + x + 700 =1000
2x + 700 =1000
2x =1000 − 700
2x =300
2 x 300
2 2
x =150
What is this? When is it appropriate to use this technique?
In this technique, we formulate an equation that meets the given information in order to
answer the give problem. This is used when the given information can be translated into a
mathematical equation and solving the formula gives the answer to the problem.
Learning Check 8
The sum of four consecutive numbers is 70. What are these numbers?
Example 3.4 Determine the digit 100 places to the right of the decimal point in the decimal
representation of . (Aufmann et al. 2013, pp. 32-33)
Understand the problem. If naturally this problem made you grab your calculator, the
answer it might give you is 0.25925925926. However the correct decimal representation of
is 0.259 since it is a non-terminating, repeating decimal. Through this, we see a pattern
where the digits 259 continually repeat.
Devise a plan. Because a pattern exists, we can deduce that the digit 100th decimal digit is
either 2, 5, or 9. We can make a table to help us see the pattern and enable us to determine
which among 2, 5, or 9 is the 100th place from the decimal point. Since there are three digits
being repeated, we make a table with three columns.
The first 15 decimal digits of .
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Location Digit Location Digit Location Digit
1st 2 2nd 5 3rd 9
4th 2 5th 5 6th 9
7th 2 8th 5 9th 9
10th 2 11th 5 12th 9
13th 2 14th 5 15th 9
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . .
Carry out the plan. Observe that in the table above, the decimal digit locations in column
3 are divisible by 3. Since 99 is divisible by 3, it follows that the 99th decimal digit must be
9. According to the pattern, 2 follows 9. Therefore, the 100th decimal digit must be 2.
Review your solution. The above table also illustrates another pattern. Each of the
location numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, . . . ) in columns 1, 2, and 3 can be divided by 3. The re-
sulting remainder will tell us if the digit in the location is either 2, 3, or 9. If the remainder
is 1, then the digit is 2. If the remainder is 2, the digit is 5. If the remainder is 0, the digit is 9.
Learning Check 9
Determine the units digit (ones digit) of 29999 .
Example 3.5 Consider the map shown below.
Julie is on an errand to pick-up a cake in Red Ribbon. How many direct routes can she take
if she wishes to walk along the streets from Home to Red Ribbon?
Understand the Plan. By a direct route, we assume that Julie is to take the shortest
route available to go from home to Red Ribbon. For instance, there’s only one direct route
to go from Home to Jollibee, and that is via Boulevard. However, going to Jollibee via 1st
St. is not a direct route as illustrated below.
Devise a plan. Julie can walk along any of the streets because there are no additional
conditions involved. The best way to solve this problem is by drawing a diagram. Although
the map shows many details, we do not need much of it. So we can opt for a simpler diagram
such as the one below.
Since there are many possible routes to consider, tracing along the streets to find direct
routes from Home to Red Ribbon might be too much for our eyes. So we consider a similar
but simpler case first, let’s start with the first block where Julie’s home is.
Carry out the plan. By tracing we identify the number of direct routes from Home to the
indicated point in the illustration.
Do you see a pattern? It appears that the number of direct routes for each intersection
is the sum of the direct routes of the intersection on its left and the intersection directly
above. For example, the number of direct routes to the intersection labeled 6 is the sum of
the intersections on its left, labeled 3, and the intersection directly above, labeled 3, as well.
Using the pattern, we can fill-in the number of direct routes for the remaining intersections.
Hence, there are 20 direct routes that Julie can possibly take to walk from Home to Red
Review the solution. You can try to trace along the map and see if you can find 20 direct
routes from Home to Red Ribbon without missing or duplicating a route.
What is this? When is it appropriate to use this technique?
Drawing a diagram allows us to visualize and see the problem. This is appropriate when
a problem can be visually represented and the diagram allows us to conveniently solve the
Learning Check 10
Consider the same map in Example 3.5. If Julie wants to walk from Home to Red Ribbon
but wishes to go past McDonald’s, how many direct routes can she possibly take?
Example 3.6 In consecutive turns of a Monopoly game, Stacy first paid $800 for a hotel.
She then lost half her money when she landed on Boardwalk. Next, she collected $200 for
passing GO. She then lost half her remaining money when she landed on Illinois Avenue.
Stacy now has $2500. How much did she have just before she purchased the hotel? (Aufmann
et al. 2013, pp. 33-34)
Understand the problem. We need to determine the amount of money Stacy had just
before she purchased the hotel.
Devise a plan. This problem can be solved using different strategies. An equation can be
written. However, since there are a lot of operations involved, it might get a little confusing.
Since we know the end result, we can use the working backwards strategy. In this strategy,
we make use of inverse operations, that is, the inverse operation of addition is subtraction
and vice versa, and the inverse operation of multiplication is division and vice versa.
Carry out the plan. We start from the end result going backwards. At the end, Stacy
has $2500. But before she ended up having $2500, she already lost half of her money. This
means that her money was divided into 2. We revert it:
$2500 × 2 = $5000.
Now, before she had the $5000, she collected $200. This means that her previous money was
added by $200. We revert it:
$5000 − $200 = $4800.
Before she had $4800, she lost half her money. Again her previous money was divided to 2.
We revert:
$4800 × 2 = $9600.
Before she had $9600, Stacy paid $800 for a hotel which means that her previous money was
deducted the amount of $800. Again, we revert it:
What is this? When is it appropriate to use this technique?
This technique allows us to solve the problem by starting from the end result and working
our way back, just as the name suggests. This is best used when the final result is clear
and the beginning value is unknown. In this strategy, a direct approach of the problem may
involve a complicated equation and a sequence of reversible actions.
Learning Check 11
Dave visited the games-of-chance at the Cebu Fair for three consecutive days. On the first
day, he doubled his money and spent Php500. On the second day, he tripled his money and
spent Php850. On the third day, he quadrupled his money and spent Php1600. He found
that he had Php37,000 when he left the fair. How much money did Dave start with?
An enjoyable and interesting way of studying problem solving in general is to consider recre-
ational problems in particular. (Averbach and Chein 2000)
Example 4.1 An ant is at the foot of a flight of ten steps. Everyday it will climb up three
steps and climb back down two steps. When will it reach the top? (Cabatay et al. 2018)
Solution: Since the ant climbs 3 steps up and 2 steps down for each day, then 1 step is
reached for each day. If the pattern continues, then the ant is on the seventh step on the
seventh day. On the eighth day, it reaches the top by climbing 3 steps up. Thus, the ant
reaches the top in eight days.
Example 4.2 An elimination boxing tournament was organized. There were 114 partic-
ipants and so there were 57 matches in the first round of the tournament. In the second
round, the 57 fighters remaining were paired, resulting in 28 matches; one fighter received
a bye (that is, did not have to fight in that round). The 29 fighters remaining were then
paired, and so on. How many matches in all were required to determine a winner of the
tournament? (Averbach and Chein 2000, pp. 2-4)
Solution: From 114 participants, the number of participants will continue to decrease until
there’s only one fighter remaining to be declared as the winner. The number of matches
after every round is determined by dividing the number of participants into two. However,
if the number of participants is odd, then one fighter advances to the next round without
fighting. To determine the number of matches, we can make an organized list as illustrated
4th round starts with 15 fighters: 7 matches, 1 fighter advances, 8 fighters remain.
5th round starts with 8 fighters: 4 matches, 4 fighters remain.
6th round starts with 4 fighters: 2 matches, 2 fighters remain.
7th round starts with 2 fighters: 1 matches, 1 fighter remain.
Example 4.3 There are cows and chickens in a farm. Altogether, they have 50 heads and
128 legs. How many chickens are there?
Solution: From the given, we know that there are 50 animals in total. We need to consider
that cows has 4 legs while chickens only has 2 legs. We can use the guess and check strategy
by assigning 2 numbers whose sum is 50 and whose sums of their products, when multiplied
by 2 and 4, respectively, should give the total number of legs which is 128.
Guess 1: Guess 2:
chickens: 30 × 2 legs = 60 legs chickens: 35 × 2 legs = 70 legs
cows: 20 × 4 legs = 80 legs cows: 15 × 4 legs = 60 legs
140 legs in total 130 legs in total
The total number of legs is larger than 128. We exceeded by 2 legs. So we decrease the
We decrease the number of cows and increase number of cows by taking 1 cow and increase
the number of chickens. the number of chickens by adding 1 chicken.
Guess 3:
chickens: 36 × 2 legs = 72 legs
cows: 14 × 4 legs = 56 legs
128 legs in total
Example 4.4 A rancher needs to get a dog, a rabbit, and a basket of carrots across a river.
The rancher has a small boat that will only stay afloat carrying the rancher and one of the
critters or the rancher and the carrots. The rancher cannot leave the dog alone with the
rabbit because the dog will eat the rabbit. The rancher cannot leave the rabbit alone with
the carrots because the rabbit will eat the carrots. How can the rancher get across the river
with the critters and the carrots? What is the minimum number of crossing that must be
made by the boat?
Solution: From the given conditions, we understand that the dog and the rabbit cannot be
left together, so as the rabbit and the basket of carrots. However, it is okay to leave the dog
with the basket of carrots. We make an organized list of the trips to be taken.
1st trip: The rancher crosses the river with the rabbit, leaving the dog with the
basket of carrots.
2nd trip: The rancher goes back to the other side of the river, leaving the rabbit
3rd trip: The rancher crosses the river with the dog, leaving the basket of
4th trip: The rancher goes back to the other side of the river with the rabbit
while leaving the dog alone.
5th trip: The rancher crosses the river with the basket of carrots, leaving the
rabbit alone.
6th trip: The rancher goes back to the other side of the river alone.
7th trip: The rancher crosses the river with the rabbit.
After seven trips, the rancher has crossed the river together with his critters and the carrots.
Therefore, a minimum of seven crossings can be made.
Learning Check 12
Nine dots are arranged as shown. Is it possible to connect the nine dots with exactly four
lines if you are not allowed to retrace any part of a line and you are not allowed to remove
your pencil from the paper? If it can be done, demonstrate with a drawing.(Aufmann et al.
5 Answers to Learning Check Exercises
Learning Check 1
(2 × 5) + 10
1.1. • If the original number is 2, then − 2 = 2, which is equal to the
original number.
(5 × 5) + 10
• If the original number is 5, then − 2 = 5, which is also equal to the
original number.
(8 × 5) + 10
• If the original number is 8, then − 2 = 8, which is again equal to the
original number.
By inductive reasoning, we conjecture that the resulting number is always
equal to the original number.
1.2. a . We take any two even numbers and add them to take their sum such as the following
2 + 2 =4
4 + 6 =10
12 + 20 =32
Notice that all three sums produced are also even. Thus we conjecture that the
sum of two even numbers is always even.
b . Similarly, we take any two odd numbers and multiply them to find their product.
3 × 3 =9
7 × 3 =21
11 × 5 =55
Observe that the product we have for all three are all odd. Hence we conjecture
that the product of two odd numbers is always odd.
Learning Check 2
0 0
2.1. Let x = 0. Then + 1 6= 2 since is indeterminate.
0 0
2.2. The counterexample can be any real number greater than or equal to 1. Let x = 1.
Then (−1)3 = −1 and −1 ≯ −1, since they are equal.
1 1 1 1 1
2.3. Let x = . Then = and .
2 2 4 4 2
Learning Check 3
3.1. Let n be the original number.
Multiply by 5 : n × 5 = 5n
Add 10 : 5n + 10
5n + 10
Divide by 5 : =n+2
Subtract 2 : n + 2 − 2 = n
Observe that the original and the resulting number are both n. Hence, the resulting
number and the original number are equal.
3.2. a. The conclusion is a specific case of a general assumption. So the given is an example
of deductive reasoning.
b. The argument reaches a conclusion based on specific examples, so the argument is
an example of inductive reasoning.
c. Similar to (a), the conclusion is a specific case of a general assumption, so the
argument is an example of deductive reasoning.
d. Similar to (b), the argument reaches a conclusion based on specific examples, so
the argument is an example of inductive reasoning.
Learning Check 4
Clue 1. Rose does not play chess.
We deduce that Rose is not the athlete of the year for chess. We write an x mark in the
Chess column of Rose’s row.
Scrabble Chess Badminton Volleyball
Rose x
Clue 2. Romeo’s sister who plays chess is one of the athletes of the year.
We conclude that Romeo is not the athlete of the year for chess. We put an x mark in that
box. Since it is Romeo’s sister, we deduce that it must be Remy, since Ramon is obviously
a guy’s name. We put an x mark in the Chess column of Ramon’s row. We then place a X
on Remy’s row for the Chess column and an x mark to the rest of her row.
Scrabble Chess Badminton Volleyball
Rose x
Romeo x
Ramon x
Remy x X x x
Clue 3. Neither Romeo nor Ramon ever tried scrabble.
We conclude that neither Romeo nor Ramon is the athlete of the year for scrabble. We place
an x mark for the Scrabble column on both Romeo and Ramon’s row. Since there are three
x marks on the Scrabble column, then Rose must be the athlete of the year for scrabble. We
place a X on her row for the Scrabble column and x mark to the rest of her row.
Scrabble Chess Badminton Volleyball
Rose X x x x
Romeo x x
Ramon x x
Remy x X x x
Clue 4. Ramon dislikes all sports involving a racket.
We deduce that Ramon is not the athlete of the year for badminton since it involves a racket.
We place an x mark in that box. Since there are three x marks on the Badminton column,
then Romeo must be the athlete of the year for Badminton. We place a X on the Badminton
column of Romeo’s row and an x mark to the rest of his row. Lastly, Ramon must be the
athlete of the year for Volleyball. We place a X on that box.
Scrabble Chess Badminton Volleyball
Rose X x x x
Romeo x x X x
Ramon x x x X
Remy x X x x
Learning Check 5
5.1. We create a difference table for the given sequence and find the differences.
By extending the difference table, we predict that 542 is the next term in the sequence.
5.2. We create a difference table for the given sequence and find the differences.
By extending the difference table, we predict that 308 is the next term in the sequence.
Learning Check 6
Understand the problem. We need to find two consecutive numbers from 1 to 156 whose
product is 5256.
Devise a plan. We can take any two consecutive numbers from 1 to 156 and take their
product. However, there are quite a lot of numbers to consider. We can narrow our choices
down by taking the square root of 5256 instead since it will give a number that is close to
the page numbers we are looking for.
Carry out the plan. Since the product of two consecutive numbers is 5256, we take its
square root √
5256 ≡ 72.5.
Then the facing page numbers must either be 71 and 72 or 72 and 73.
Guess 1 : 71 × 72 = 5112
Guess 2 : 72 × 73 = 5256
Learning Check 7
Understand the problem. There are several ways a student can answer a 4-item true-
or-false quiz. One way is TTTT where all answers are True or FFFF where all answers are
Devise a plan. We make an organized list by designating T for an item answered with
True and F if a student answers False. The list must contain any four combination of T and
F without any restriction.
Carry out the plan. We list down all possible orders.
4Ts :T T T T
3Ts and 1F : 2Ts and 2Fs : 1Ts and 3Fs :
4Fs : F F F F
There are 16 ways to answer a 4-item True or False quiz.
Review the solution. Since the list is complete and has no duplications, then there are
only 16 ways possible to answer a 4-item True or False quiz.
Learning Check 8
Understand the problem. We need to find four consecutive numbers and their sum must
be 70.
Devise a plan. We can write an equation and let:
x= first number
x+1= second number
x+2= third number
x+3= fourth number
x + x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3 = 70
Carry out the plan. We solve the equation for x. It will give us the first number. We
can then easily find the remaining numbers.
x + x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3 =70
4x + 6 =70
4x =70 − 6
4x =64
4 x 64
4 4
x =16
x+1 = 16 + 1 =17
x+2 = 16 + 2 =18
x+3 = 16 + 3 =19
The four consecutive numbers are 16, 17, 18, and 19.
Review the solution. We take their sum:
16 + 17 + 18 + 19 = 70.
Learning Check 9
Understand the problem. We need to find the digit in the ones place when 29999 is
Devise a plan. We compute the first powers of 2 and see if any pattern exists.
21 =2 25 = 32
22 =4 26 = 64
23 =8 27 = 128
24 =16 28 = 256
Observe that after 4 cycles, the units digit of 2 repeats in the same pattern and order. When
2 is raised to a power, its unit digit is 2, 4, 8, or 6.
Carry out the plan. Observe that when the exponent n of 2 is divided by 4 and the
remainder is 1, the units digit of 2n is 2, such as in 21 and 25 . Similarly when the remainder
is 2, the units digit is 4, such as in 22 and 26 . When the remainder is 3, the units digit is
8, such as in 23 and 27 . But if there’s no remainder, then the units digit is 6, such as in 24
and 28 . Now when 9999 is divided by 4, the remainder is 3. We conjecture that the units
digit of 29999 is 8.
Review the solution. You can try to check our answer with a scientific calculator. Some
calculator might be unable to display the answer since 29999 is too large. But a scientific
calculator app may display the answer and you will find that our answer is correct. Otherwise,
we need to rely on the patterns we have observed.
Learning Check 10
Understand the problem. For Julie to walk past McDonald’s, she needs to walk along
2nd St. from Narcisso St. to Navarro St.
Devise a plan. We solve this problem by drawing a diagram. We then label each intersec-
tion that Julie can pass through with the number of direct routes. Recall the pattern that
the number of direct routes for each intersection that Julie can pass through is the sum of
the direct routes of the intersection on its left and the one directly above. Take note that
we do not label those intersections that Julie will not pass through.
Carry out the plan. The figure below shows the number of direct routes for each inter-
section that Julie can pass through.
Therefore, there are 6 direct routes that Julie can take from Home to Red Ribbon
and pass by McDonald’s.
Review the solution. The total of 6 routes seem reasonable. You can try to trace along
the diagram and find the 6 direct routes without missing or duplicating a route.
Learning Check 11
Understand the problem. We need to determine the amount of money Dave started
Devise a plan. Since the problem involves reversible actions where the resulting money
is given and the initial amount is unknown, we use the work backwards strategy. We start
from the end result going backwards and do the inverse of each process Dave went through.
Therefore, Dave started with Php 2,000.
Review the solution. We check if our answer is correct by going through the process from
start to finish.
Learning Check 12
Aufmann, Richard N. et al. (2013). Mathematical Excursions. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole
CENGAGE Learning.
Averbach, Bonnie and Orin Chein (2000). Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathemat-
ics. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc.
Ballado, Ronato S. and Mary June F. Tan-Adalla (2017). Problem Solving. Quezon City:
Great Books Trading.
Bandong, Divina Gracia T. and Ronaldo M. San Jose (2010). Real-World Mathematics Ele-
mentary Algebra. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Cabatay, Henry et al. (2018). Mathematics for the Modern World. Valenzuela, Manila: Ymas
Publishing House.
Dayap, Jonecis A. et al. (2018). Exploring the Basics of Mathematics in the Modern World.
Santa Cruz, Cavite: San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite.
Instruction: Copy the questions and write your answers clearly and neatly on a short-sized
bond-paper. Provide complete solutions. No solution means no credit.
1. Every Filipino likes to eat bihon. Isabella is a Filipino. Therefore, Isabella likes to
eat bihon.
2. My sister receives her pay-check every other Friday. She did not receive her pay last
Friday. Therefore, she will receive it this Friday.
3. I order my groceries through an online grocer. For the first three instances, I always
receive my groceries on the same day I order them at around 7 pm. Hence, this time
I know that the deliveryman will arrive at around 7 pm, too.
4. All books written by Rick Warren are life-changing. The book The Purpose Driven
Life is authored by Rick Warren. Thus The Purpose Driven Life is life-changing.
1. 2x > x 2. =1
D. Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure produces a number that
is always equal to 3.
Procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 3. Add 9 to the product. Divide
the sum by 3. Subtract the original number.
E. Use a difference table to predict the next term in the sequence: −5, 10, 29, 60, 111, 190, . . .
F. Solve any four of the following problems using Polya’s four steps.
4. In how many ways can a student answer a six-item true-or-false quiz if the student
answers four of the questions with “true” and the other two with “false”?
5. Cathy has saved some money for a vacation. She spent half of her vacation money
for a 4-night and 5-day vacation package. On the first day, she spent Php 450 for
taxi. On the third day, she spent half of her remaining money for some water sports
activities. On the last day, she bought Php 3,000 worth of pasalubong. After she
received a cash prize of Php 5,000 from a raffle, she finds that she has Php 22,000
left. How much vacation money did Cathy initially have?
6. Four students Anna, Brent, Lucas, and Nancy are in different year levels (1st, 2nd,
3rd, and 5th) who are taking up different programs (accountancy, computer engi-
neering, IT, and psychology). Assuming that each of them is a regular student,
determine the program each student is taking up from the following clues.
Clue 1. Anna was a freshman last year.
Clue 2. The computer engineering student is already on his/her final year while the
IT major is a freshman.
Clue 3. The psychology major has been in the program longer than the accountancy
Clue 4. Lucas, who is not graduating this year, has been in the program longer than
7. Consider the following map. Jenny wishes to walk along the streets from point A to
point B. How many direct routes (no backtracking) can Jenny take?
Total points: 50
A. (1 point each)
1 × 2 =2
2 × 3 =6
3 × 4 =12
We conjecture that the product of any two consecutive counting numbers is always
0 + 1 + 2 =3
1 + 2 + 3 =6
2 + 3 + 4 =9
We conjecture that the sum of any three consecutive whole numbers is always a
multiple of three.
Multiply by 3 : n × 3 = 3n
Add 9 : 3n + 9
3n + 9
Divide by 3 : =n+3
Subtract n : n + 3 − n = 3
By extending the truth table, we predict that the next number in the sequence is 305.
(4 points)
F. (7 points each, 28 points in total)Note that students must answer using Polya’s 4 steps.
The solution provided here only covers steps 2 and 3.
31 =3 51 =5
32 =9 52 =25
33 =27 53 =125
34 =81 54 =625
35 =243
36 =729
37 =2187
Notice that the units digit for 3n has a pattern that repeats after 4 cycles. By
dividing the exponent n by 4, if the remainder is 1 then the units digit of 3n is 3. If
the remainder is 2, then the units digit is 9. If the remainder is 3, the units digit
is 7. And if the remainder is 0, then the units digit is 1. Since the remainder of
200 ÷ 4 is 0, then the units digit of 3200 is 1.
For 5n , observe that for any exponent n, the units digit is always 5.
Therefore, the sum of the units digit of 3200 + 5675 is 1 + 5 = 6.
2. We know that there 35 animals with 100 legs in total. We assign 2 numbers whose
sum is 35 and when each number is multiplied by 2 and 4, respectively, must give a
sum (of the respective product) of 100.
x = the cost of the necktie and x + 350 = the cost of the polo shirt
Together, the polo shirt and the necktie cost Php 700, so our equation is x+x+350 =
700. We solve the equation for x.
x + x + 350 =700
2x + 350 =700
2x =700 − 350
2x =350
2 x 350
2 2
x =175
x + 350 =175 + 350
Therefore, the polo shirt costs Php 525.
4. We create an organized of the different possible orders a student can answer a 6-item
true-or-false quiz with 4 Ts and 2 Fs.
Hence there are 15 possible ways a student can answer a 6-item true-or-false quiz
where 4 are True and 2 are False.
5. Since the resulting money is given with the starting money unknown, we use the
working backwards strategy.
Resulting money: 22, 000
22, 000 − 5, 000 = 17, 000
Last day: 17, 000 + 3, 000 = 20, 000
Third day: 20, 000 × 2 = 40, 000
First day: 40, 000 + 450 = 40, 450
40, 450 × 2 = 80, 900
Starting money: 80, 900
Starting money: 80, 900
80, 900 ÷ 2 = 40, 450
First day: 40, 450 − 450 = 40, 000
Third day: 40, 000 ÷ 2 = 20, 000
Last day: 20, 000 − 3, 000 = 17, 000
17, 000 + 5, 000 = 22, 000
Resulting money: 22, 000
Thus, Cathy has a starting vacation money of Php 80,900.
6. We draw a table and solve the logic puzzle using the given clues.
Accountancy Comp. Eng’g IT Psychology
Anna X x x x
Brent x X x x
Lucas x x x X
Nancy x x X x
Therefore, Anna is the accountancy major, Brent is the computer engineering major,
Lucas is the psychology major, and Nancy is the IT major.
7. We solve this problem by drawing a diagram. We label each intersection by the
number of direct routes it takes to get to each intersection. We take into consider-
ation that for each inner intersection, the number of its direct routes is the sum of
the direct routes of the intersection to its left and the intersection directly above it.
Thus there are 18 direct routes Jenny can take if she wishes to walk along the streets
from point A to point B.
Performance Task
1. Solve any (only one) of the problems listed in (F) of the problem set given.
2. Present your solution and answer following Polya’s four steps (not necessarily written
but must be explained orally) and record yourself in a video. Your content must have
the following:
(a) Tell us what you understand about the problem. What information are provided?
What conditions are given? What is your goal?
(b) Tell us what your plan is to solve the problem. What strategy do you want to
use? Explain why you chose the said strategy.
(c) Solve the problem using the strategy you want to use. Provide complete details
of your solution by carefully explaining the steps you did. Do not miss out a basic
idea. Note that the presenter must write the solution while recording the video.
Hence, the solution must not be written beforehand.
(d) Check if your answer satisfies the given conditions/problems.
Video Guidelines
1. Present your solution and answer, by speaking and writing. You can choose to be seen
on the camera or not.
2. The problem must be shown in the video and must be read prior to presenting the
solution and the answer.
3. Any form of visual aid can be used. Solution presented must be organized.
5. Video must be uploaded in the LMS not later than the deadline. Late submission will
result to deduction points.
Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Partially Proficient (2) Incomplete (1)
Speaks with fluctuation Speaks with satisfactory Speaks in uneven volume Speaks in low volume
in volume and inflection variation of volume and with little or no inflection. and/ or monotonous
Delivery to maintain audience inflection. tone, which causes
interest and emphasize audience to disengage.
key points.
The presentation was The presentation had There were minimal signs The presentation lacked
well organized, well organizing ideas but of organization or organization and had
Organization prepared and easy to could have been much preparation. little evidence of
follow. stronger with better preparation.
Demonstrates full Demonstrates a good Demonstrates slight Does not have grasp of
knowledge by presen- knowledge by presenting knowledge by presenting problem, solution has
Content ting the solution with the solution with a good the solution uncomfor- lots of errors or
thorough explanations amount of explanations tably and with some was unable to answer
and elaboration. and slight error. errors. problem correctly.
Video is stable and Video is slightly shaky Video is shaky and/or Video is very shaky
quality is good to but has good quality. pixelated. Noise in the and/or very pixelated.
Video and excellent. Background There is slight noise in background is distracting Background noises are
audio quality noise is little to none. the background but but audio can still very distracting and
Audio can be heard audio can still be be heard. audio cannot be
clearly. heard. heard clearly.
Video is short of 30 Video is less than 1 Video is under 1
Use of Time Video is 2-5 minutes seconds or exceeded 30 minute and 30 seconds or minute.
long. seconds from the more than 5 minutes and
given time limit. 30 seconds.