Government of Madhya Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department
Government of Madhya Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department
Government of Madhya Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department
Appendix 2.10
Design, Construction and Retrofitting of Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jal Jeevan Mission
at Village 1. Keli, 2. Sangwi, Block Segaon Distt. Khargone based on Tube wells/Dugwell
including installation of electric submersible/centrifugal water motor pumps, Construction of
RCC OHT 02 Nos. (1 Nos.-100kl, 12 Mtr. Staging, 1 Nos.-125kl, 12 Mtr. Staging) sumpwells 02
Nos (40KL), pump houses, laying and jointing of rising main, distribution pipe line system,
household tap connections, electric power connections at Tube wells/Sumpwells etc including
cost of all material and labour with testing commissioning thereafter 90 Days of successful
Trial Run of entire scheme.
1|P a g e 1 5 1
Public Health Engineering Department
Appendix 2.10
Tender Document
For Percentage Rate only in Works Departments and other Departments similar
to Works Departments (Effective from 01/01/2014)
Office of the : EE PHE Division, Khargone
2|P a g e 1 5 1
Appendix 2.10
Tender Document
Table of Contents
3|P a g e 1 5 1
Notice Inviting e-Tenders
Government of Madhya Pradesh
Public Health Engineering Department
2. The Bid Document can be purchased only online AS PER THE CRITICAL DATES mentioned in
the online NIT on portal
3. Amendments to NIT, if any, would be published on website
only, and not in newspapers.
4|P a g e 1 5 1
Notice Inviting Tender
Government of Madhya Pradesh
Public Health Engineering Department
Online percentage rate bids for the following works are invited from registered contractors and firms
of repute fulfilling registration criteria:
1. All details relating to the Bid Document(s) can be viewed and downloaded free of cost on the
2. Bid Document can be purchased after making online payment of portal fees through
Credit/Debit/Cash Card/internet banking.
3. At the time of submission of the Bid the eligible bidder shall be required to:
5|P a g e 1 5 1
i) Pay the cost of Bid Document;
ii) Deposit the online Earnest Money;
iii) Submit a self attested affidavit.
iv) Tender Acceptance Letter, etc
Details can be seen in the Bid Data Sheet.
(a) At the time of submission of the Bid the bidder should have valid registration with the
Government of Madhya Pradesh, Centralized New Registration in PWD. However, such
bidders who are not registered with the Government of Madhya Pradesh and are eligible for
registration can also submit their bids after having applied for registration with appropriate
(b) The bidder would be required to have valid registration at the time of signing of the Contract.
(c) Failure to sign the contract by the selected bidder, for whatsoever reason, shall result in
forfeiture of the earnest money deposit.
5. Pre-qualification – Prequalification conditions, wherever applicable, are given in the Bid Data
6. Exeperience Certificate - Supporting details in the format Annexure I-1A shall be enclosed along
with the experience certificate submitted.
7 Special Eligibility - Special Eligibility Conditions, if any, are given in the Bid Data Sheet.
8 The Bid Document can be purchased only online as per Critical dates mentioned in online
NIT.Other key dates may be seen in bid data sheet.
9 Amendments to NIT, if any, would be published on website only, and
not in newspaper
6|P a g e 1 5 1
The detailed description of work, hereinafter referred as ‘work’, is given in the Bid Data Sheet.
2. General Quality of Work:
The work shall have to be executed in accordance with the technical specifications specified in
the Bid Data sheet/ Contract Data and shall have to meet high standards of workmanship,
safety and security of workmen and works.
The procedure for participation in e-tendering is given in the Bid Data Sheet.
4.1 The bidder can be an individual entity or a joint venture (if permitted as per Bid Data
Sheet). In case the J.V. is permitted, the requirement of joint venture shall be as per the Bid
Data Sheet.
4.2 No bidder shall be entitled to submit more than one bid whether jointly or severally. If he
does so, all bids wherein the bidder has participated shall stand disqualified.
5. Cost of Bidding
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his bid, and
no claim whatsoever for the same shall lie on the Government.
6. Site Visit and examination of works
The bidder is advised to visit and inspect the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain for
itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and
entering into a contract for construction of the work. All costs in this respect shall have to be
borne by the bidder.
B. Bid Documents
The Bid Document comprises of the following documents:
1. NIT with all amendments.
2. Instructions to Bidders, Bid Data Sheet with all Annexures
3. Conditions of Contract:
i. Part I General Conditions of Contract and the Contract Data with all Annexures; and
ii. Part II Special Conditions of Contract.
4. Specifications
5. Drawings
7|P a g e 1 5 1
6. Priced Bill of Quantities
7. Technical and Financial Bid
8. Letter of Acceptance
9. Agreement, and
10. Any other document(s), as specified.
8. The bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions of contract,
the contract data, forms, terms and specifications, bill of quantities, forms and drawings in the
Bid Document. Bidder shall be solely responsible for his failure to do so.
9. Pre-Bid Meeting (where applicable)
Wherever the Bid Data Sheet provides for pre-bid meeting:
9.1 Details of venue, date and time would be mentioned in the Bid Data Sheet. Any change in the
schedule of pre-bid meeting would be communicated on the website only, and intimation to
bidders would not be given separately.
9.2 Any prospective bidder may raise his queries and/or seek clarifications in writing before or
during the pre-bid meeting. The purpose of such meeting is to clarify issues and answer
questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage. The Employer may, at his option,
give such clarifications as are felt necessary.
9.3 Minutes of the pre-bid meeting including the list of the questions raised and the responses
given together with any response prepared after the meeting will be hosted on the website.
9.4 Pursuant to the pre-bid meeting if the Employer deems it necessary to amend the Bid
Document, it shall be done by issuing amendment to the online NIT.
10. Amendment of Bid Documents
10.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may amend or modify the Bid
Documents by publication of the same on the website.
10.2 All amendments shall form part of the Bid Document.
10.3 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the last date for submission of bids by publication
of the same on the website.
C. Preparation of Bid
11. The bidders have to prepare their bids online, encrypt their Bid Data in the Bid Forms and
submit Bid Seals (Hashes) of all the Envelopes (Cover) and documents related to the Bid
required to be uploaded as per the time schedule mentioned in the key dates of the Notice
Inviting e-Tenders after signing of the same by the Digital Signature of their authorized
The bid submitted online by the bidder shall be in the following parts:
8|P a g e 1 5 1
Part 1 – This shall be known as Online Envelopes (Cover) A and would apply for all bids.
Online Envelopes (Cover) A shall contain the following as per details given in the Bid Data
i) Registration number or proof of application for registration and organizational details in
format given in the Bid Data Sheet.
ii) Payment of the cost of Bid Document;
iii) Earnest Money; And
iv) A Self attested Affidavit (As per Annexure 'B'),organization details (Annexure H)
v) Tender acceptance letter (As per Annexure'Z')
vi) Joint venture, agreement with notarized power of attorney (as per annexure 'G') (If
available) etc .
Part 2 – This shall be known as Online Envelopes (Cover) B and required to be submitted only
in works where pre-qualification conditions and/or special eligibility conditions are stipulated
in the Bid Data Sheet. Online Envelopes (Cover) B shall contain a self-certified sheet duly
supported by documents to demonstrate fulfillment of pre-qualification conditions .
Part 3 – This shall be known as Online Envelopes (Cover) C and would apply to all bids.
Envelopes (Cover) C shall contain financial offer in the prescribed format enclosed with the
Bid Data Sheet/ BOQ bid Template.
13. Language
The bid as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the
Bidder and the Employer shall be in English or Hindi. Supporting documents and printed
literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied
by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English. In such case, for the purposes of
interpretation of the bid, such translation shall govern.
14.1 Only, in case of bids with pre-qualification conditions defined in the Bid Data Sheet, the
Technical Proposal shall comprise of formats and requirements given in the Bid Data
14.2 All the documents/ information enclosed with the Technical Proposal should be self-
attested and certified by the bidder. The Bidder shall be liable for forfeiture of his
earnest money deposit, if any document / information are found false/ fake/ untrue
before acceptance of bid. If it is found after acceptance of the bid, the bid sanctioning
authority may at his discretion forfeit his performance security/ guarantee, security
deposit, enlistment deposit and take any other suitable action.
9|P a g e 1 5 1
i. The bidder shall have to quote rates in format referred in Bid Data Sheet, in overall
percentage, and not item wise. If the bid is in absolute amount, overall percentage would
be arrived at in relation to the probable amount of contract given in NIT. The overall
percentage rate would apply for all items of work.
ii. Percentage shall be quoted in figures as well as in words. If any difference in figures and
words is found, lower of the two shall be taken as valid and correct.
iii. The bidder shall have to quote rates inclusive of all duties, taxes, royalties and other
levies; and the Employer shall not be liable for the same.
iv. The material along with the units and rates, which shall be issued, if any, by the department
to the contractor, is mentioned in the Bid Data Sheet.
The bids shall remain valid for a period specified in the Bid Data Sheet after the date of “close
for biding” as prescribed by the Employer. The validity of the bid can be extended by mutual
consent in writing.
17.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of the Bid, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), in the amount
specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
17.2 The EMD shall be through epayment by NEFT/RTGS.
17.3 Bid not accompanied by EMD shall be liable for rejection as non-responsive.
17.4 EMD of bidders whose bids are not accepted will be returned online to their specified
Bank account.
17.5 EMD of the successful Bidder will be released when the Bidder has signed the Agreement
after furnishing the required Performance Security.
17.6 Failure to sign the contract by the selected bidder, within the specified period, for
whatsoever reason, shall result in forfeiture of the earnest money deposit.
D. Submission of Bid
18. The bidder is required to submit online bid duly signed digitally and Envelopes (Cover) ‘A’ in
physical form also at the place prescribed in the Bid Data Sheet.
E. Opening and Evaluation of Bid
19.1 Envelopes (Cover) ‘A’ shall be opened first online at the time and date notified and its
contents shall be checked. In cases where
Envelopes (Cover) ‘A’ does not contain all requisite documents, such bid shall be treated as
non-responsive, and Envelopes (Cover) B and/or C of such bid shall not be opened.
10 | P a g e 1 5 1
19.2 Wherever Envelopes (Cover) ‘B’ (Technical Bid) is required to be submitted, the same shall be
opened online at the time and date notified in the Bid Data Sheet. The bidder shall have
freedom to witness opening of the Envelopes (Cover) ‘B’. Envelopes (Cover) ‘C’ (Financial Bid)
of bidders who are not qualified in Technical Bid (Envelopes (Cover) ‘B’) shall not be opened.
19.3 Envelopes (Cover) ‘C’ (Financial Bid) shall be opened online at the time and date notified. The
bidder shall have freedom to witness opening of the Envelopes (Cover) ‘C’.
19.4 After opening Envelopes (Cover) ‘C’ all responsive bids shall be compared to determine the
lowest evaluated bid.
19.5 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process
and reject all the bids at any time prior to contract award, without incurring any liability. In all
such cases reasons shall be recorded.
19.6 The Employer reserves the right of accepting the bid for the whole work or for a distinct part
of it.
20. Confidentiality
20.1 Information relating to examination, evaluation, comparison and recommendation of contract
award shall not be disclosed to bidders or any other person not officially concerned with such
process until final decision on the bid.
20.2 Any attempt by a bidder to influence the Employer in the evaluation of the bids or contract
award decisions may result in the rejection of his bid.
F. Award of Contract
21. Award of Contract
The Employer shall notify the successful bidder by issuing a ‘Letter of Acceptance’ (LOA) that
his bid has been accepted.
22. Performance Security
22.1 Prior to signing of the Contract the bidder to whom LOA has been issued shall have to furnish
performance security of the amount in the form and for the duration, etc. as specified in the
Bid Data Sheet.
22.2 Additional performance security, if applicable, is mentioned in the Bid Data Sheet and shall be
in the form and for the duration, etc. similar to performance security.
23. Signing of Contract Agreement
23.1 The successful bidder shall have to furnish Performance security and Additional Performance
Security, if any and sign the contract agreement within 15 days of issue of LOA.
23.2 The signing of contract agreement shall be reckoned as intimation to commencement of work.
No separate work order shall be issued by the Employer to the contractor for commencement
of work.
11 | P a g e 1 5 1
23.3 In the event of failure of the successful bidder to submit Performance Security and Additional
Performance Security, if any or sign the Contract Agreement, his EMD shall stand forfeited
without prejudice to the right of the employer for taking any other action against the bidder.
The Employer requires that bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Employer:
i. may reject the bid for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has,
directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in
competing for the Contract; and
ii. may debar the bidder declaring ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to
participate in bids, if it at any time determines that the bidder has, directly or through an
agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in
executing, a contract.
For the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth above are defined as follows:
a. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly,
anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;
b. “fraudulent practice” means any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other
benefit or to avoid an obligation;
c. “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or
indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a
d. “collusive practice” means an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve
an improper purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of another party.
[End of ITB]
12 | P a g e 1 5 1
Bid Data Sheet
13 | P a g e 1 5 1
4 Whether Joint Venture is allowed Yes, for PAC more than Rs 1 crore
Envelopes (Cover)-C Financial Bid As per 'Annexure - J '/ BOQ bid Template
Materials to be issued by the As per 'Annexure - K'
16 Period of Validity of Bid 120 Days from the date of submission of tender.
14 | P a g e 1 5 1
Earnest Money Deposit Rs 4,07,100/- As per NIT
Forms of Earnest Money Deposit Electronic (e-EMD) to be submitted
17 through e-tender portal
EMD valid for a period of Not Applicable (Online)
FDR must be drawn in favour of Not Applicable (Online)
21 Letter of Acceptance (LoA) As per 'Annexure -L'
Amount of Performance Security 5% of Contract Amount
Additional Performance Security, if any As per SCC Clauses
Performance Security in the format As per 'Annexure- M'
Performance Security in favour of Executive Engineer PHE Division
Performance Security valid up to Performance Guarantee (Security) for
works shall be valid upto 3 months
beyond the completion of Defect
22 Liability Period. Performance
Guarantee (Security) shall be released
after successful trial run of entire
Additional Performance Security valid up to Additional Performance Guarantee
(Security) shall be valid upto valid
Execution/ Construction period plus 03
Additional Performance Guarantee
(Security) shall be released after
Construction/ Execution of work
15 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – A
(See clause 1,7 of Section 1 -NIT )
16 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – B
(See clause 3 of Section 1 -NIT )
(To be contained in Envelope A)
I/ We, _____________________ above deponent do hereby certify that the facts mentioned
in above paras 1 to 4 are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Verified today _____________ (dated) at ______________ (place).
17 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – C
(See clause 5 of Section 1 -NIT )
(For NIT having PAC above Rs.2.0crores)
The bidder should have:
A. Financial - YES
I. Average annual turnover of the bidder during the last 3 financial years should not be less than
33 % of the Probable Amount of contract.
ii. Bid Capacity-Bidder shall be allotted work up to his available Bid capacity, which shall be
worked out as given in format I-2 of Annexure I.
B. Physical - YES
If the NIT has the work of construction of Intake well, Anicut, Treatment Plant, Over Head
Tanks / Ground Level Service Reservoir (GSR)/ Sumpwell of capacity more than 30KL then Pre-
qualification will be required. The bidder should have executed similar items of work during the
last three financial years, which should individually not be less than 33% of the quantity/
capacity (maximum) of the items included in the BOQ. Bidder having experience of OHT
construction shall also be eligible for prequalification of GSR/sumpwell construction.
If interested bidder has not executed these works (Intake well,Anicut Treatment Plant , Over
Head Tanks and Ground Level Service Reservoir (GSR)/Sumpwell of capacity more than
30KL), then he can submit an agreement (on Rs. 1000/- non judicial stamp paper duly
notarized) with an experienced contractor to execute this work on his behalf at the time of bid
submission. This experienced contractor should also have a valid registration in MPPWD
centralized registration system at the time of agreement between the department and
qualifying bidder. This experience contractor should have an experience certificate of execution
of these works issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer. The experience
certificate issued by Chief Muncipal officer (CMO) must be countersigned by Executive Engineer
of Urban Admistration Department.
The total value of the work to be executed by such experienced contractor(s)
shall not exceed 25 percent of the Probable Amount of Contract (PAC).
If any bidder/contractor has constructed these items (intake well, Anicut, treatment
Plant ,Over Head Tanks / Ground Level Service Reservoir (GSR)/Sumpwell of capacity more
than 30KL) in private sector in Madhya Pradesh during the last 03 years, he can also participate
in the bid process. Such bidder/contractor should request the EE PHED of the concerned
District where he has completed such construction works, to issue an experience certificate.
The concerned E.E will verify the said works and issue a certificate stating therein the year of
construction, capacity, cost and quality of work etc.
Physical Qualification for the work shall be as below:-
Quantity Period
S No Particulars
18 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – D
(See clause 6 of Section 1 -NIT )
19 | P a g e 1 5 1
(See clause 2 of Section 2 –ITB&
Clause 10 of GCC)
Name of Work: - Design, Construction and Retrofitting of Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jal
Jeevan Mission at Village – 1. Keli, 2. Sangwi, Block Segaon Distt. Khargone based on Tube
wells/Dugwell including installation of electric submersible/centrifugal water motor pumps,
Construction of RCC OHT 02 Nos. (1 Nos.-100kl, 12 Mtr. Staging, 1 Nos.-125kl, 12 Mtr. Staging)
sumpwells 02 Nos (40KL), pump houses, laying and jointing of rising main, distribution pipe
line system, household tap connections, electric power connections at Tube wells/Sumpwells
etc including cost of all material and labour with testing commissioning thereafter 90 Days of
successful Trial Run of entire scheme.
The details of work, which may be require to execute: -
S.No. Particulars Unit
Keli Sangwi Qty
3 Rising Main 0
110 mm dia.HDPE 8 Kg/cm² 3950 4600 8550 Mtr.
4 Distribution Main 0
160 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm² 374 844 1218 Mtr.
140 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm² 874 850 1724 Mtr.
125 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm² 664 1676 2340 Mtr.
110 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm² 2043 1778 3821 Mtr.
90mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm² 8550 10300 18850 Mtr.
5 House Hold Taps Connection 628 686 1314 Nos.
6 Galvanized Iron (MS) Pipes 0
50 mm dia, class medium with heavy duty seamless
1895 2418 4313 Mtr.
100KL/ 125KL/
7 OHT capacity in kl/staging in mts. 12 12 0 Nos.
Mtr. Mtr.
8 GSR/Sumpwell Cum Pumphouse 40 KL 40 KL 2 Nos.
9 Disinfection Unit 1 1 2 Nos.
10 Electric work 1 1 2 Job
11 Trial Run 90 90 90 Days
20 | P a g e 1 5 1
I. Supply and installation of submersible/centrifugal motor pump: - ISI Marked BEE 5-star rated
energy efficient 3-Phase Submersible/centrifugal motor pump of required head and dischagre as per
design requirement or mention in BOQ. It shall be suitable to install in tubewells/sumpwell including
suitable control panel and electric cable (minimum 4 copper) including electric service line
(ISI marked armoured cable) from electric pole to control panel with oil immersed starter. Material
of construction shall be as per IS: 8034: 2002. The pump set will be tested by third party as
nominated by the department. The fee and all related cost of the testing shall be borne by the
contractor. 50 mm G.I. Pipes medium class (as per IS-1239) shall also be used for lowering the pump
22 | P a g e 1 5 1
Applicable Codes
The manufacturing, testing, supplying, laying, jointing and testing at work sites of HDPE pipes shall
comply with IS : 4984-1995 all currently applicable statues, regulations, standards and amendments
and others as follows.
Code No. Title / Specification
IS 4984 High Density Polyethylene Pipes for Water Supply
IS 2530 Methods of test for polyethylene molding materials and polyethylene compounds GRP
Pipes, Joints and Fittings for use for Potable Water Supply
IS 5382 Rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mains and sewers.
IS 4905 Methods for random sampling
IS 7328 High density polyethylene materials for molding and extrusion
IS 7634 Laying & Jointing of Polyethylene (PE) Pipes
IS 9845 Method of analysis for the determination of specific and / or overall migration of
constituents of plastics material and articles intended to come into contact with
IS 10141 Positive list of constituents of Polyethylene in contact with food stuffs, pharmaceuticals
and drinking water.
IS 10146 Polyethylene for its safe use in contact with foodstuff, Pharmaceuticals and drinking
The color of the pipe shall be black.
The materials used for the manufacturer of pipes should not constitute toxicity hazard, should not
support microbial growth, should not give rise to unpleasant taste or odour, cloudiness or
discoloration of water. Pipe manufacturers shall obtain a certificate to this effect from the
manufacturer or raw material by any internationally reputed organization as per the satisfaction of the
Raw Materials
(a) Resin used to manufacturer the HDPE pipes shall be 100% virgin PE Black pre-compounded
confirming to IS : 4984, IS: 7328 and ISO : 4427-2007 ( Latest version). The resin proposed to be
used for manufacturering of the pipes should also comply with the following norms as per ISO
9080-2003 ( latest version)
(b) The resin should also have been certified by an independent laboratory of international repute like
Bodycote / Slevan / Advantica for having passed 10,000 hour long term hydrostatic strength (
LTHS) test extrapolated to 50 years to show that the resin has a minimum MRS of over 10 MPa.
There should not be any brittle knee at 80oC before 5000 hours. Self certificate of any resin
manufacturer will not be acceptable.
(c) Certificate from reputed organization OR Raw material supplier for having passed the full scale
repid crack propagation test as per ISO 13478. High density Polyethylene (HDPE) used for the
manufacturer of pipes shall conform to designation PEEWA-50-T-003 of IS 7328. HDPE conforming
to designation PEEWA-50-T-003 of IS: 7328 may also be used. Melt Flow Rate (MFR) of the specific
base density material shall also conform to clause of IS: 7328.
(d) The resin shall be compounded with carbon black. The carbon black content in the material shall
be within 2.5+0.5% and the dispersion of carbon black shall be satisfactory when tested as per IS:
23 | P a g e 1 5 1
The percentage of anti-oxidant used shall not be more than 0.3 percent by mass of finished resin. The
anti-oxidant used shall be physiologically harmless and shall be selected from the list given in IS :
Reworked Material
No addition of Reworked / Recycled Material from the manufacturer's own rework material resulting
from the manufacturer of pipes is permissible and the vendor is required to use only 100% virgin resin
Maximum Ovality of Pipe
The outside diameter of pipes, tolerance on the same and ovality of pipe shall be as given in table 2 of
IS 4984.
HDPE Pipes shall be detectable when buried underground, by providing an insulated copper
wire having minimum diameter of 1.20 mm, firmly attached along the entire length of pipe.
To avoid theft or dislocation during handling / laying or earth refilling in trench, the insulated
Copper wire shall be firmly fixed on the outer surface of HDPE pipe at Pipe
Length of Straight Pipe
The length of straight pipe used shall be more than 6 m or as agreed by Engineer-in-Charge. Short
lengths of 3 meter (minimum) up to a maximum of 10% of the total supply may be permitted.
The pipes supplied in coils shall be coiled on drums of minimum diameter of 25 times the nominal
diameter of the pipe ensuring that kinking of pipe is prevented. Pipe beyond 110 mm dia shall be
supplied in straight length not less than 6.00 m.
Fittings & Specials
All HDPE fittings specials shall be of minimum PN 6 or above Pressure class, fabricated in accordance
with IS: 8360 (Part I & III) PE Inexction molded fittings shall be as per IS: 8008 ( Part I to IX). All fittings /
specials sall be fabricated or molded at factory only. No fabrication or molding will be allowed at site,
unless specially permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. Fittings will be welded to the pipes or other
fittings by use of Electro-fusion process. Recommended makes for PE / Compression fittings / specials
are Kimplas, Georg-Fischer. Glynwed, GF, Trustlene, Astore, Magnum and GPS.
HDPE bends shall be plain square ended conforming to IS: 8360 Part I & III Specifications. Bends shall
be molded.
HDPE Tees shall be plain square ended conforming to IS: 8360 Part I & III Specifications. Tees may be
equal tees or reduced take off tees. Tees shall be molded.
HDPE Reducers shall be plain square ended conforming to IS: 8008 Part I & VII Specifications. Reducers
must be molded.
Flanged HDPE Pipe Ends
HDPE Stub ends shall be square ended conforming to IS: 8008 Part I & VI Specifications. Stub ends will
be welded on the pipe. Flange will be of slip on flange type as described below.
24 | P a g e 1 5 1
Slip-On Flanges
Slip-on flanges shall be metallic flanges covered by epoxy coating or plastic power coating. Slip-on-
flanges shall be conforming to standard maching relevant flange of valves, pipes etc. Nominal pressure
rating of flanges will be PN 10.
Electro Fusion Tapping Saddle, Branch Saddle & Electro Fusion fittings:
a. All the Electro fusion fittings should be manufactured with top quality virgin pre-compounded PE
100 resin which should be compatible with the distribution mains.
b. The products shall comply with the requirements of EN 12201-3, EN 1555-3 or ISO 8085-3.
c. All the fittings shall be of SDR- II rating.
d. The fittings shall have the approval from any Agencies like KIWA, DVGW, WRC-NSF, U.K. CIPET etc.
e. All the products shall be manufactured by injection molding using virgin compounded PE 100
polymer having a melt flow rate between 0.2- 1.4 grams/10 minutes and shall be compatible for fusing
on PE 100 distribution mains manufactured according to the relevant national or international
standards. The polymer used should comply with the requirements of EN 12201-1. Process voltage of
all saddles must not exceed a maximum of 40 volts.
(e) Compression Fitting.
Compression fitting used for House service connection should comply as per ISO 14236 with Threaded
metal inserts - SS 304 with BSP Threads.
(f) Pressure Testing
The Pressure rating of compression fittings should be as per clause 8 of ISO 14236 which shall be PN
(g) Dimensions
The Dimension of compression fittings shall be as per clause 7.1 of ISO 14236 Performed.
Leak tightness under internal pressure.
Leak tightness under internal Vacuum.
Long term Pressure Test for Leak tightness for assembled joint
MRS Value as per ISO 9080
Resistance to Internal Pressure
(h) Effects on Quality of Water
The compression fitting for intended for conveyance of potable water for Human consumption to be
tested to comply with BS 6920 specifications in any of the laboratories like DVGW / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC - NSF and certificate of compliance to be produced for the following parameters:
a. Odor & Flavor of Water.
b. Appearance of Water
c. Growth of Micro Organism
d. Extraction of Metals.
All fittings with threaded ends should be with BSP threads.
01 Preliminary: - Before laying the pipes, the detailed map of the area showing the alignment, sluice
valves, scour valves, air valves. The pipeline may be laid on the side of the street where the
population is dense. Pipes are laid underground with a minimum cover of 0.90 m on the top of the
25 | P a g e 1 5 1
pipe. Before starting the excavation of trenches for laying of pipeline the work of pegging out,
clearing and disposal of all shrubs, grass, large and small bushes, trees, hedges, fences, gates,
portions of old masonry and debris from the route shall be done.
02 Excavation and preparation of trenches for laving underground pipeline:- The trench shall
be so dug that the pipe may be laid to the required alignment and at required depth. When the
pipeline is under a roadway, a minimum cover of 1.0 m shall be provided, in other cases the
minimum cover of 0.90m above the crown of the pipe shall be provided. The trench shall be
shored, wherever necessary and kept dry so that the workman may work there in safely and
03 Dewatering:- The contractor shall carry out dewatering, wherever necessary. The discharge of
the trench dewatering pumps shall be conveyed either to drainage channels or natural drains and
shall not be allowed to spread over in the vicinity of work place.
04 The excavation of trenches shall be carried out by hand or machines. The width of trench shall be
kept to a minimum consistent with the working space required. At the bottom, between the faces,
it shall be minimum 200 mm clearance on either side of the pipe. Additional width shall be
provided at positions of sockets and flanges for jointing. Depth of pit at such places shall also be
sufficient to permit finishing of joints. However this is for the safety of the trench the method of
laying and jointing the pipe and the need to avoid damage to pipe coating.
05 Preparation of bottom of trench:- The bottom of the trench shall be properly trimmed to
permit even bedding of the pipeline. The curvature of the bottom of the trench should match the
curvature of the pipe as far as possible, subtending an angle of 360º at the center of the pipe.
Where rock or boulders are encountered, the trench shall be trimmed to a depth of at least 100
mm below the level at which the bottom of the pipe is to be laid and filled to a like depth with non
compressible material like sand or crusher dust or moorum of adequate depth to gave the curved
seating. Bedding of the pipe trench should be as per IS: 12288- 1987 code of use and Laying of
Ductile Iron Pipes.
06 Special foundation in poor soil:- Where the bottom of the trench at sub grade is found to
consist of material, which is unstable to such a degree that in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge it
cannot be removed and replaced with an approved material thoroughly compacted in place to
support the pipe properly, a suitable foundation for the pipe, consisting of piling, timbers or other
materials, in accordance with the direction of the Engineer-in-charge, shall be constructed.
07 Excavation in hard rock by blasting: - Blasting for excavation shall be done only when the
contractor obtains the license for the same and only when proper precautions are taken for the
protection of persons and property. The hours of blasting shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge,
the procedure of blasting shall conform to the requirement of licensing authority. The excess
excavation blasting shall be filled up by 1:4:8 cement concrete. The contractor shall have to make
his own arrangement for procurement for procurement and storing of explosives of required for
08 Care of surface material for reuse: - All surface material which, in the opinion of the Engineer-
in-charge are suitable for reuse in restoring the surface shall be kept separate from the general
excavation material as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
09 Stacking of excavated and safety provisions: - All excavated materials shall be stacked in such
a manner that it does not endanger the work and avoids obstructing footpaths and roads,
hydrants under pressure, surface boxes, fire or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and
accessible until the work is completed. Gutters shall be kept clear or other satisfactory provisions
made for street drainage & natural water courses shall not be obstructed.
10 Barricades, guards and safety provisions:- To protect persons from injury and to avoid
damage to property, adequate barricades, construction signs, torches, red lanterns and guards, as
required, shall be placed and maintained during the progress of the construction work and until it
is safe for traffic to use the roadway. All materials, piles, equipments and pipes, which may
26 | P a g e 1 5 1
obstruct traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by proper lights
when visibility is poor. The rules and regulations of the local authorities regarding safety
provisions shall be observed.
11 Maintenance of traffic and closing of streets: - The work shall be carried out in such manner
that it cause the least interruption to traffic, and the road/street may be closed in such a manner
that it causes the least interruption to the traffic. Where it is necessary for traffic to cross open
trenches, suitable bridges shall be provided. Suitable signs indicating that a street is closed shall be
placed and necessary detour/diversion signs for the proper maintenance of traffic shall be
12 Structure protection: - Temporary support, adequate protection & maintenance of the
underground & surface structures, drains, sewers & other obstructions encountered in the
progress of the work shall be furnished under the direction of the Engineer-in- charge. The
structures, which may have been disturbed, shall be restored upon completion of the work.
13 Protection of property and surface structures: - Trees, shrubbery fences, poles and all other
property and surface structure shall be protected unless their removal is shown on the drawings
or authorized by the Engineer-in-charge. When it is necessary to cut roots and tree branches such
cutting shall be done under the supervision and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
14 Preparation of Formation for Sections of pipe line to be laid above Ground:- Working
survey of the pipeline alignment shall be carried out by the contractor before start of the
excavation work. The contractor shall provide all the instruments such as leveling instruments,
steel tape, ranging rods, strings, pegs etc for carrying out the survey. Based on the working survey,
the alignment, L-section and location of specials, valves and chambers shall be finalized and got
approved from the engineer in charge. The gradient and alignment shall be such that minimum
horizontal and vertical bends shall be required. Formation should be prepared by cutting high
grounds and filling in low areas. Care has to be taken while fixing the alignment and gradient of
the pipeline, to balance the cutting and filling quantities, as far as possible, with minimum of lead.
Care should also be taken to ensure that pipe rests fully either on cutting or on bank. Where so
ever the line is laid on G.L. or above G.L., the pipe line should be properly protected by any
suitable means.
15 Disposal of surplus material: - Excavated material in excess than required for backfilling the
trenches, shall be disposed off as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge. Surplus excavated stuff
available at one section shall be used for back filling at other reaches, wherever required.
16 Extra material required for back filling:- If in any case, it is required to bring the soil for back
filling from outside, it should be of good quality and should not have chemicals e.g. sulphates,
chlorides, conductivity etc., which may cause corrosion to pipes, specials and other structures,
beyond the permissible limits.
Note:- All types of pipes shall be inspected by a third party as nominated by the department and
all fee and other incidental expenses related to these inspection shall be borne by the contractor.
01 Lowering of Pipes and fittings
All pipes, fittings, and valves shall be lowered into the trench, by means of derricks, ropes or other
suitable tools and equipment to prevent damage to pipe materials and protective coatings and
The pipe should be lowered progressively with the help of shear legs or cranes using wide belts or
sling. In case of coated pipes, extra care shall be taken to preserve the coating while lowering.
Slings may be removed progressively without the necessity of digging under the pipe. Where the
trench is sheeted, the pipes shall be lowered into the trench by removing at a time, one or two
struts only, care being taken to see that no part of the shoring is disturbed or damaged. If
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necessary, additional struts may be fixed during lowering. After the pipe is lowered, it shall be laid
in correct line and level by use of leveling instruments, sight rails, the theodolites etc.
02 Cleaning of pipes and fittings
All lump, blisters and excess coating material shall be removed from socket and spigot end of
each pipe and outside of the spigot and inside of the socket shall be wire-brushed and wiped clean
and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid.
After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the socket and the
pipe forced home and aligned to gradient.
The pipe shall be secured in place with approved back fill material packed on both sides except at
The socket end should face the upstream while laying the pipeline on level ground, when the
pipeline runs uphill, the socket ends should face the up gradient. When the pipes run beneath the
heavy loads, suitable, size of casing pipes or culverts may be provided to protect the casing of the
pipe. High pressure mains need anchorage at dead ends and bends as appreciable thrust occurs
which tend to cause draw and even blow out joints. Where thrust is appreciable concrete blocks
should be installed at all points where movement may occur. Anchorages are necessary to resist
the tendency of the pipes to pull apart at bends or other joints of unbalanced pressure, or when
they are laid on steep gradients and the resistance of their joints to longitudinal or shear stresses
is either exceeded or inadequate. Anchor or thrust blocks shall be designed in accordance with IS:
5330 – 1984.
Backfilling: -
Backfilling should closely follow jointing of the pipe so that the protective coating will not be
subsequently damaged. Material harmful to the pipeline shall not be used for backfilling. Refilling
shall be done in layers not exceeding 30 cm. Each layer shall be consolidated by watering,
ramming, care being taken to prevent damage to the pipeline. The filling on the two sides of the
pipeline shall be carried out simultaneously. Where timbers are placed under the pipeline to aid
alignment, these timbers shall be removed before backfilling. For further precautions and use of
material in backfilling, reference should be made to IS: 3114-1994.
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2.5 MIXING:- Concrete shall always be mixed in a mechanical mixer. Mixing shall be continued till
there is a uniform distribution of the ingredients the mass is uniform in colour and consistency,
but in no case the mixing shall be done for less than two minutes.
2.6 TRANSPORTION: Concrete shall be handled from the place of mixing to the place of final deposit
as rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent segregation or loss of any ingredients and
maintaining the required workability.
2.7 PLACING AND COMPACTING: The concrete shall be placed and compacted before setting
commence and should not be subsequently disturbed. Methods of placing shall be such that there
is no segregation concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints, the
position and arrangement of which shall be determined by the designer. When the work has to be
resumed on swept clean, then roughly wetted and covered with a 12 mm layer of mortar which
shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before the placing of the concrete.
2.8 MECHANICAL VIBRATION: mechanical vibration for compacting concrete shall always be used
and reduced water content should be adopted. Over vibration is harmful, and should be avoided,
when –ever vibration has to be applied externally the design of form work and the disposition of
vibrators should receive special consideration to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid surface
2.9 CURING: The concrete shall be covered with a layer of old gunny or canvas or similar absorbent
material and kept constantly wet for at-least twenty eight days from the days of placing of
2.10 All the iron duck foot bends puddle collers, bell mouths and other specials, shall be of class
medium and as per I.S.S. pipes required for inlet, outlet, overflow and scour shall be of C.I.D.F. and
shall be supplied and fixed in position by the contractor from desired inside level of the tank to
duck foot bend, one meter below G.L and further providing and fixing all double flanged C.I. pipes
and specials from duck foot bend on-ward up to 2.50 M outside the supporting structure of the
tank (i.e. R.C.C. Column) shall also be supplied and fixed to the contractor including testing of the
fittings and joints with cost of the materials and joints. All the fittings shall be as per I.S.
2.11 The arrangements for inlet, outlet, overflow and scour pipes shall be such that all these pipes
are independent of each other and each of these shall have bell mouths at their ends to be supplied by
the contractor. The top of bell mouths of inlet shall be 15 cm above FTL of the tank. The top of bell
mouth of the outlet pipe shall be 15 cm above floor of the tank. The bell mouth of scour pipe shall be
flushed with floor level. All these vertical CI Double Flanged pipes shall terminate with flanged duck
foot bends bottom fixed one meter below ground level. Further C.I D.F. pipe shall be provided up to
2.50 M away the supporting structure of the tank. All these duck foot bends shall all be fixed with
heavy class ISI marked sluice valves. The contract also includes providing and fixing of sluice valves,
construction of valve chambers and providing R.C.C. Chamber covers. All the pipe and specials
required for above shall be fixed during concreting. Specials which are to be embedded in concrete
shall have collars at the centre of concrete thickness.
2.12 Details of various pipe sizes bell mouth, sluice valve are as follows: -
33 | P a g e 1 5 1
150 200 100 150 150 200 100 150 150 200 100
04. ABOVE 200 KL TO 300 KL
150 200 150 150 150 200 150 150 150 200 150
05. ABOVE 300 KL TO 450 KL
200 250 200 150 200 250 200 150 200 250 200
06. ABOVE 400 KL TO 650 KL
250 300 250 200 250 300 250 200 300 250 200
Note :- The top of the inlet / outlet scour and overflow pipe shall have bell mouth.
Following valves and special are to be supplied and fixed by the tenderers.
1. C.I. bell mouth of suitable for pipe. 4 Nos
2. C.I. puddle Collar suitable size for pipes. 4 Nos.
3. C.I. Duck foot bend of suitable size for Pipes. 4 Nos.
4. C.I. double flanged sluice valve of suitable size for 3 Nos.
Intel, Outlet and scour pipe of raiting PN-1.0 with operating
4 Nos.
5. C.I D.F Distance piece pipe of suitable length and size to extend
the pipes upto 2.50 mt. Beyond the outlet supporting column.
2.13 The tank shall will have to be tested for the water tightness as per IS: 3370 and it shall be the
responsibility of the contractor to make it water tight. Any defects shrinkage or other faults which
may appear within 12 months from the completion of the tank arising out of defective or
improper materials of workmanship are upon the direction of the Executive Engineer to be
amended and made good by the contractor (s) at his/ their own cost and in case of default, the
governor of M.P may recover from the contactor (s) the cost of making good the works.
The arrangements of water for construction and testing shall be done by the contractor at his own
cost. For testing purposes, the contractor shall have to give a test of water tightness of reservoir to
the entire satisfaction of the department. The responsibility of structural stability shall also rest
solemnly with the contractor. The refund of earnest money and security deposit contemplated in
the agreement shall be refunded only after expiry of twelve months after the satisfactory
completion of the work.
2.14 Aluminium/copper Lightening conductor shall be provided & Fixed with proper earthing
arrangements as per relevant I.S. specifications. The earthing plate shall be of copper.
2.15 Lightening conductor should be provided as per clause No. 17 of this item .
2.16 Supplying and fixing copper earth plate 600600mm3 mm size with copper nuts and bolts
complete including digging pit of required size and filling it 10 kg of salt and 15 kg of charcoal etc.
(For lightening conductor)–one no. including testing. Supplying and laying earth connection for the
earthing with 253 mm Aluminium tape, jointing materials all complete for railing where ever
2.17 Water level indicator shall comprise of copper float, guide, and pulleys with a pointer on the
enamel painted indicator plate which shall be calibrated to read the depth of water in the tank in
2.18 Painting by exterior water proof emulsion paint like Ace, Apex etc. on the tank shall be done
only after the tank is successfully tested for water tightness. After a base coat, two coats of colour
paint, to be approved by the PHED, shall be applied to the entire satisfaction of the department.
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2.19 No charges for the plastering if required for proper finishing of the surface of structures shall
be paid under any circumstances. Amount shall be deducted from the L.S. cost for improper
2.20 Construction Joints: Construction joints be treated in accordance with IS:456. The surface of
already laid concrete be cleaned be water jet and cement slurry be applied. Cement mortar 10
mm. thick of the same proportion as in concrete be applied and then fresh concrete of the lift be
laid. The form work must overlay 100 mm on the already laid concrete.
2.21 If a Dome is provided at the top, the thickness can be limited to 100 mm after proper
designing. Rectangular / Square columns are not allowed. Circular shafts are also not allowed. In
respect of horizontal braces, corners shall be chamfered by 4040 mm.
2.22 The depth of footing on the face of column shall not be less than 1/3rd of the spread of
footing from the face.
Minimum steel: Design requirement as set out in relevant codes in respect of steel shall be fully
satisfied. However, following minimum steel shall be provided.
a) Vertical steel in 0.8% of cross-sectional area actually required and 0.3% when section
columns than actually required is provided.
b) Horizontal link on Not less than 8 mm. dia at 200 mm c/c or 10 mm dia not more than
columns 300 mm c/c
c) Exposed R.C.C. surface On both faces when thickness is 150 mm or more.
2 kg/sqm in perpendicular direction.
The above requirement is satisfied if.
8 mm bars @ 200 mm /c/ or 10 mm bars @ 300 mm c/c are provided.
Even if design steel is less than above, the above minimum shall be
d) Steel in tank As per provision steel is I.S. 3370 subject to minimum as set out in (c)
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The formwork should be left longer, as it would assist the curing. The number of props, their sizes
and position shall be such as to be able to safely carry the full dead load of the slab, beam or arch
as the case may be together with any live load likely to occur during further constructions.
5.3 Assembly of Reinforcement – It shall be as per clause No. 12 of IS 456-2000.
5.3.1 Reinforcement shall be bent and fixed in accordance with procedure specified in IS 2502. The
high strength deformed steel bars should not be rebent or straightened without the approval of
Engineer-in-Charge. Bar bending schedule shall be prepared for all reinforcing work.
5.3.2 Placing of reinforcement shall be done as per clause No. 12.3 of IS 456-2000. Spacers, cover
blocks should be of concrete of same strength.
5.3.3 Welded joints or mechanical connection in reinforcement shall be used but in all cases of
important connections, tests shall be made to prove that the joints are of the full strength of the
bars connected. Welding of reinforcement shall be done in accordance with the recommendations
of IS 2751 and IS 9417. It shall be done as per clause No. 12.4 of IS 456-2000.
5.3.4 Transport
After mixing concrete shall be transported to the form work as rapidly as possible by methods
which prevent segregation on loss of any ingredients and maintaining the required workability. It
shall be done as per clause No. 13 of 456-2000.
5.4 Placing and compacting
The concrete shall be placed and compacted before initial setting of concrete commences and
should not be subsequently disturbed. The method of placing should be such that there should be
no segregation and concreting shall be carried out continuously upto construction joints, the
position and arrangement of which shall be determined by the designer and Construction joints
should comply with relevant IS 11817. When the work has to be resumed on surface, which has
hardened, such surface shall be roughened. It shall be taken swept clean, then roughly wetted and
covered with a 10 mm layer of mortar of same proportion which shall be freshly mixed and placed
immediately before the placing of the concrete.
Where the concrete has not hardened, all loose material shall be removed by scrubbing the wet
surface with wire of bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid dislodgement particle of aggregate.
The surface shall be thoroughly wetted and all free water removed. The surface shall then be
coated with neat cement grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this surface shall not
exceed 15cm in thickness and shall be rammed against old work, particulars attention being paid
to corners and close spots. Concrete should be thoroughly compacted and fully worked around
the reinforcement, around embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork.
5.5 Mechanical Vibration – Concrete shall be compacted by mechanical vibrators complying with,
over vibration and under vibration are harmful and should be avoided and vibration of very wet
mixes should be avoided. It shall also comply the clause No. 13.3 of IS 456-2000.
5.6 Curing – The concrete shall be covered with a layer of old gunny bags of canvass or similar
absorbent material and kept constantly wet for the atleast seven days from the date of placing of
concrete in case of O.P.C. Curing should be done with the help of pump. Curing shall be completed
as per the provision under clause No. 13.5 of IS 456-2000.
5.7 TESTS: - All tests as per specified in the IS specification code and required for the execution of the
work shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost as per instructions of Engineer-in-
charge. Few number of test are given below:-
S.No. Lab Material Test Test Methods
1. Coarse & fine sand I – Gradation IS 2386 (Part I)
II- Deleterious Constituents IS-2386 (Part II)
38 | P a g e 1 5 1
S.No. Lab Material Test Test Methods
III. Fineness modulus IS 2386
IV. Silt content IS 2386
V. Bulking IS 2386
2. Coarse aggregate I - Los-Angles abrasive value IS-2386 (Pt.IV)
II. Aggregate Impact value IS-2386
III. Gradation Chemical test IS 2386
3. Water Chemical test IS 456-2000
4. Concrete I. Slump test IS 1199
II. Compressive strength IS 456-2000, IS 516 & IS 9103
5. Steel I. Tensile strength IS 1786
II. 0.20% proof stress/yield stress IS 1786
III. Elongation percentage IS 1786
6. Cement I. Initial & final setting IS 3536-1996
II. Compressive strength
5.8 Field Test : The contractor shall provide all equipments and make all arrangements for field test
to exercise proper quality control over works especially for tests as mentioned.
5.8.1 Test for compressive strength of concrete: Test specimens should be cubical in shape
shall be 15x15x15 cm. The mould shall be of metal, preferably steel or cast iron and strong
enough to prevent distortion. The base plate shall be such dimension as to support the mould
during the filling without leakage and it shall be preferably attached to the mould by springs of
i. The tapping bar shall be steel bar 16mm in diameter 0.6m long and bulled pointer at the lower
ii. The test specimen shall be made as soon as practicable after mixing and in such a way as to
produce full compaction of the concrete with neither segregation nor excess laitance. The
concrete shall be filled into the mould in layers approximately 6cm deep. In placing each scoop
full of concrete the scoop shall be moved around the top edge of the mould as the concrete
sides from it in order to ensure symmetrical distribution of the concrete within the mould. Each
layer has been compacted, the surface on the concreting shall be finished in level with a top of
the mould, using trowel and covered with a glass or metal plate to prevent evaporation.
iii. The mould should be kept cured in same condition and place as that of part of structure for
which test specimens have been taken.
6.0 Acceptance criteria
The concrete can be accepted if it satisfied clause No. 16.1 of compressive strength and clause
No. 16.3, 16.4, 16.5 of quality of concrete of I.S. 456-2000.
7.0 Inspection & testing of concrete structure
7.1 In order to ensure that the construction complies with the design and all the structural
requirement, clause No. 17 of IS 456-2000 shall be followed. It should also be noticed that
during construction the settlement of sump due to self weight during construction should be
noticed by proper procedure.
7.2 Water Tightness Test : After the completion of structure it shall be tested for water tightness.
Initially the structure shall be filled gradually to ensure uniform settlement all over the area. The
39 | P a g e 1 5 1
full supply should reach in a period of not less than 72 hours. At the time of testing verticality
should be checked by theodolite as per IS 3370 (part I general requirement) code of practice for
concrete structures for the storage of liquids specifies water tightness test at full supply level.
After seven days period for observation after filling with water the external face should not show any
sign of leakage and remain apparently dry.
7.3 The water for testing and pump for lifting water shall be arranged by the contractor at his own
7.4 The contractor shall give the test for water tightness to the entire satisfaction of the
department. The responsibility of structural stability shall solely be rest on the contractor.
8 If under unavoidable circumstances or for reason beyond control of the department, any site of
construction of different components is required to be changed/shifted the contractor shall
have to take up construction at alternate site or if design change due to any reason, the
contractor shall not make any claim on this accounts.
9 Railing: - Wherever railing is to be provided it shall consist of 1.20 M high R.C.C. post of 100 mm
dia. Posts at 1.50 M c/c, embedded /welded with already casted reinforced cement concrete
with 3 rows of 20 mm dia. Medium class G.I. pipes railing both side of staircase.
10. General Construction : If not stated, otherwise, as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge,
wherever required the general RCC work shall be carried out in M-25 grade concrete and water
retaining structure shall be in R.C.C. in M- 30 grade concrete, all brickwork shall be carried out
in well burnt chimney brick crushing strength not less than 25 Kg/cm2 and water absorption not
more 15%, in cement mortar 1:5 and cement plaster 1:5 and the thickness of brick wall shall not
be less than 20 cm in any case, the flooring shall be done by Vitrified tiles of 600 mm X 600 mm
as per standard specification with dado / skirting over base of 20 mm thick cement mortar in 1:4
complete laid over base concrete in M-7.5 grade,
11. Ladder: If not stated, otherwise, as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge, wherever required
the ladder shall be of mild steel, consisting of railing made from 50 X 50 X 5 mm angle medium
class with 2- 16 mm round bar and steps minimum 600 mm wide, made of ISA 30 X 30 X 5 mm
frame with 30 X 5 mm flat duly anchored with suitable holdfast arrangement and painting etc.
12. Use of excavated hard rock:- Rubble available from excavation of hard rock, shall be the
property of the contractor, for which recovery of Rs. 150/- per cum of the quantity of hard rock
excavated shall be made from his running account bills.
13. DESIGN FOR SEISMIC FORCES: All the structures shall be designed for seismic loads that may
come on the structure during its lifetime and the design of structure shall be conforming to IS
1893-2002 'Criteria for earthquake resistance design of structures'.
14. In the tender the term Owner, PHED and Department have been used synonymously. The term
Contract Document, Contract Specifications, tender Specifications have been used
15. LIGHTENING CONDUCTOR:-The arrangement for lightening protective system for protection
of all the structures should be made as per IS:2309–1969 Code revised up to date. The earthing
plate shall be copper 600X600 mm size. The Lightening protective system should be designed,
installed with aluminium earthing strip of 25X3 mm and arrestor should be tested as per this
In addition to above mentioned detailed specifications, contractor shall have to follow and abide by
specifications mentioned under general scope of work in chapter XXVI (RCC ESR/OTH, GSR/ and
RCC Sumpwell, BM pump house and MS staging Polythelyen Tank) of 2nd addendum issued on
6.8.2020) to Public Health Engineering Department schedule of rates (effective from 3-7-2018)
which are as under:-
40 | P a g e 1 5 1
Specification for RCC Elevated Service Reservoir/Over Head Tank:-
General Scope:- Preparation of structural design, drawing, construction, testing & commissioning and
trial-run of RCC Elevated Service Reservoir/Over Head Tank (ESR/OHT) of various capacities and
staging/height complying with provisions of relevant Indian standards and E-lN-C, MPPHED,
guidelines issued vide circularNo.8674 Dt 05.10.2018. Using latest Soil [nvestigation Report of
proposed site, Seismic zone, Wind speed Zone. Including:
(l) Container shape ofany suitable type (or as specified),
(2) Staging consisting of column brace trestle / combination column- brace trestle as appropriate
(or as specified)
(3) Appropriate foundation system. This includes excavation in all types of soil strata (including hard
rock), casting 100 mm thick P.C.C. leveling course in M-10, Refilling the pit with proper soil and
disposing ofthe surplus stuff at allrequired lead and lift.
(4) This will also include cement plaster in CM l:2 with approved water proofing compound all over
inside container (i.e. walls, base, top slab/dome bottom etc. all).
(5) All types of labour & material charges of lowering , laying, erecting / hoisting & jointing of pipe
assembly of Inlet, Outlet, overflow, washout and bye pass arrangement as per hydraulic design
are including.
(6) Providing and fixing of any accessories (specified), CI Manhole frame and covers, water level
indicator, lightening conductor, Gl Pipe railing around walk way, at roof level, at gallery and both
sides of staircase. Adequate cowl type ventilators or lantern type ventilator with stainless steel
jali. Aluminum ladder to provide access inside the tank
(7) Scope of work includes constructing RCC spiral staircase with adequate tie beams, staircase
footing, RCC chambers for valves. Ventilating shafl and ventilators as well as door after first
flight of staircase to prevent intruders SS grating to be provided to outlet pipe (inside container)
for safety.
(8) lncluding providing and applying three coats of all weather exterior paint (as specified) to the
whole structure.
(9) It also includes satisfactory water tightness test as per relevant I.S. Code and painting name
ofscheme & capacity on the tank as per direction of Engineer in charge. Approval of
design/drawing from Covernment Institution will be the responsibility ofcontractor, if provided
by contractor
List of Indian Standards for design of ESR: Note: The structural design of ESR shall be in
accordance with provisions of relevant Indian standards
(1) I.S.3370 part Itl & IV 1965 or Its latest revision ( I .l ) I.S. 3370 part III & IV 1965 or Its latest
(2) IS 456-2000 Reaffirmed 2016
(3) lS 11682- 1985 Reaffirmed 2003
(4) lS 1893-20l6part I to V
(5) IS 13920-1993, or Its latest revision drp Paget2of 28
(6) IS 875 part I to III,l987 or Its latest revision
(7) IS I1089- 1984 Reaffirmed 2002
(l) The Min. concrete grade for RCC shall be M-30 for water retaining structure and M-25 for
remaining structure ofconcrete ingredients shall be as per Mix design using weigh batching.
(2) HYSD (Fe 415) or higher grade reinforcing bars confirming to IS 1786/1 139 or CRS /TMT bars
shall be used as per detailed specification.
(3) In case of column -brace trestle type staging having more than 6 columns intemal horizontal
bracing is obligatory. One bracing shall be at foundation level in case oflndividual footings .
(4) Min. size/ thickness of various components shall be provided as per design criteria /
specifications / IS Code (or as per std. practice). Capacity of the ESR shall be considered
excluding free board.
41 | P a g e 1 5 1
(5) Minimum dimensions specified for various components in tender data /specifications should be
(6) The Safe bearing capacity (SBC) /allowable pressure on soil shall be refened from latest SBC test
report or tender datasheet. During execution. if poor soil strata or ground water table is
encountered, the SBC shall have to bere-ascertained and the design should be revised
(7) Maximum spacing between horizontal bracings shall be 5 m (story height).
(8) For ESR-having staging height more than l5 m the spiral staircase shall be provided outside the
staging with effective tie beams in more than one direction.
(9) Water level indictor shall be provided and fixed float type /electronic (as specified).
(10) The rate shall include providing and fixing pipes, specials, and valves required for inlet, outlet,
washout, over flow and Bye- pass arrangement as stipulated in tender documents. The scope of
work includes constructing supporting RC pillars, erecting, laying, fixing and joining pipes and
special setup to3 m length from face ofstaging (outer most columns).
(11) The rate shall include cost of dewatering during execution making all arrangement with any
dewatering technique.
(12) The structure shall be designed properly for upliftdueto Ground water table specified in data or
GWT encountered during execution. No extra payment shall be paid for the same.
(13) Effective curing shall be carried out up to required period as per specifications.
(14) Agency shall engage qualified (at least graduate) consulting Engineer for designing the structure
and he/she shall visit the site for guidance of work at all levels (i.e. below foundation, up to GL,
above GL for all lifts up to container).
(15) Container bottom slab shall preferably be flat slab.
(16) Rates for this item are fol all seismic zone of MP State.
(IV) Design and Construction of R.C.C. Sumpwells
R.C.C. Sumpwell:- Design, construction, testing and commissioning of R.C.C . Sumpwells
including providing and fixing of G.I. pipes for connecting Scour and delivery pipe line and providing
and fixing of all accessories such as Aluminium ladder from inspection chamber to floor of the
sumpwell, manhole covers. Specifications are as follows:-
General Scope :- Preparation of structural design & drawing, construction, testing & commissioning
and trial-run of RCC Under Ground/Partiarly underground/Ground Lever Resirvoir of required-
capacity'' as per relevant I.S. standards including excavation in all types of soil strata (including hard
rock), shoring strutting if required, for loose protect from collapse, casting 100mm thick P.C.C.
leveling course in M- I 5, refilling the pit with proper soil and disposing of the-surplus stuff at all lead,
cement plaster in CM l:2 with approved. Water proofing compound to all over in side container (i.e
walls base, top slab/dome bottom etc. aIl). Item will also inciude all types of labour, and material
charges of lowering laying, erecting/hosting and jointing of pipe assembly io inlet, outlet overflow,
washout and bye pass arrangement as per hydraulic design, providing and fixing accessories, CI
manhole frame and cover, water level indicator,_ adequats cowl type -ventilators or lantern type
ventilator with stainless steel jali. Aluminum ladder to provide aciess inside the tank, RCC clambers for
valves, providing and applying three coats of all weather exterior paint to the out side face of
structure. It also includes satisfactory water tightness test as per rerevant I.S. code and painting name
of scheme and capacity on the tank as per direction.. of engineer in charge. Approval of
design/drawing from Government Institution will be the responsiblity of contractor, if provided by
List of lndian Standards for Design of GSR / Sumpwell: _ The structural design of cSR shall be in
accordance with provisions relevant I.s standards
(1) I.S. 3370 part I & II 2009 or tts latesr revision (l.l) I.S. 3370 part III & IV 1965 or lts latest revision
(2) IS 456-2000 Reaffirmed 2016
(3) IS I 893-20 | 6 parr I to V
42 | P a g e 1 5 1
(4) I.S. 875, Part - I to 3, 1987 or Its latest revision.
(i) The sump well shall be designed and constructed in M-30 grade of concrete.
(ii) The bottom slab of sump well shall not be placed on BC soil; soil stabilization shall be done
in such case. The minimum free board shall be 200 mm.
(iii) The sump well shall be 500 mm above GL.
(iv) The thickness of RCC wall and base of sump shall not be less than 150 mm.
(v) Two opening of 200 mm dia for suction pipe of pump and delivery pipe shall be provided
and one opening of 750X750 mm with suitable MS Angle frame and MS gate of minimum
3mm thickness GI sheet for inspection shall also be provided on the floor slab.
(vi) Common manifold of minimum 65 mm dia GI pipe class medium/MS pipe (8 mm thick)
shall be fabricated with one SV and NRV at delivery side of each pump. One bypass shall also
be fabricated from common delivery pipe to sump with SV.The pipe diameter shall be
designed as per discharge of pump.Typical drawing is also enclosed in this regard.
(vii) One bypass shall also be fabricated from common delivery pipe to distribution system
before inlet pipe of over head tank with minimum 80 mm dia GI pipe class medium/MS pipe
(8 mm thick) with SV. The pipe diameter shall be designed as per discharge of pump.
Survey and investigation of soil will be done by the contractor and got tested from the reputed
testing lab. Based on the bearing capacity of the soil, contractor will submit the design and
drawing duly checked by any Governement Enginering College of the Madhya Pradesh. After
the approval of design and drawing of the sumpwell by the department, contractor will start
the work at site. Item of Construction of sumpwell included in the BOQ is the Lumpsum item
and contractor shall be fully responsible for its design life. RCC work of sump well shall be
carried out as per IS 456:2000 and other releveant IS codes.
In addition to above mentioned detailed specifications, contractor shall have to follow and
abide by specifications mentioned under general scope of work in chapter XXVI (RCC ESR/OTH,
GSR/ and RCC Sumpwell, BM pump house and MS staging Polythelyen Tank) of 2nd addendum
issued on 6.8.2020) to Public Health Engineering Department schedule of rates (effective from
3-7-2018) which are as under:-
1) Water depth in container shall be adopted as per data of tender. Capacity shall be
calculated excluding free board of the reservoir. If water depth is not specified, the suitable
water depth/acceptable to Engineer in Charge of the work shall be provided.
2) Shape of container (in plan) specified in datasheet shall be adopted; in absence of any data
circular shape shall be adopted.
3) Size shall be fixed as per availability of space (land area) at site / acceptable engineer in
4) Effect of overlapping of pressure bulbs on soil due to nearby structure and proposed sump
should be considered. Page 15 of 28
5) Care shall be taken so that no damage occurs to nearby existing structure. Compensation
shall be paid for the same by the contractor.
6) The minimum concrete grade for RCC shall be M-30.
7) HYSD Fe 415/500 grade reinforcing bars confirming to I.S. 1786/1139 shall be considered in
design. CRS/TMT bars shall be provided. In saline atmosphere corrosion resistance stainless
steel/HCR rebar shall be provided. Any other steel can be used with approval of C.E./in
situation of non-availability in market without extra cost.
43 | P a g e 1 5 1
8) Minimum size (or thickness) of various components shall be provided as per tender
criteria/specifications in absence as per I.S./ Std. practice of MPPHED Minimum dimensions
specified for various components in tender data/specifications shall be provided without fail.
9) The safe bearing capacity (SBC) shall be referred from SBC test report. In absence of report
it shall be referred from data sheet. If poor soil is found/water table is met with during
excavation SBC shall be scientifically as curtained and design shall be revised. No extra shall be
paid for increase in quantity.
10) Pipes and special shall only be used as stipulated in tender documents.
11) The rate shall include cost of dewatering during excavation making all arrangement when
water table meets within depth.
12) The structure shall be designed properly to resist uplift due to ground water table
specified in data or actual ground water table meets with during excavation.
13) 20 mm GI pipes railing in three rows with 100 mm vertical RCC Pole shall be provided over
GSR periphery when GSR height is ≥ 2 meter above ground level.
14) RCC stair case / RCC Steps should be provided from GL to GSR tops slab (It will be
applicable for GSR).
15) Aluminum ladder, main hole cover with lock to be provided.
16) Appearance of structure should be aesthetically good looking acceptable to authority.
17) Any change in size, shape, depth below GL, height above GL, water depth, F.B., size of
member etc can be permitted in exceptional case due to site condition or hydraulic design
requirement by C.E. No extra shall be paid for change.
18) Any change in data, dimensions, shape, water depth, reduction in size if permitted by
competent authority and if it reduces quantity then payment shall be reduced prorata.
19) When capacity of GSR/Sump capacity is > 20 lakh litres two or suitable compartments
acceptable to executive engineer shall be designed and provided.
20) Agency shall engage qualified (at least graduate) consulting engineer for designing the
structure and he/she shall visit the site for guidance of work.
21) Rates for this item are for all seismic zone as prevailing in states of MP.
22) This chapter is introduced only for preparation of estimate for their item. The tenders for
this item will be called on turn-key basis only.
23) If pump house is to be constructed above the sump well, then design of sump well to be
done considering the requirement of construction of pump house over the sump well floor by
extending the required columns from the foundation to the pump house slab.
In case of any discrepancy or variation in the specifications of RCC ESR/OHT and
GSR/Sumpwell mentioned elsewhere in the NIT and those mentioned in the addendum of
SOR, later shall superseed.
44 | P a g e 1 5 1
such agencies where ever required. The work also includes testing at the place of manufacture by a
third party as approved by the Employer/ MPPKVVCL at contractor's cost.
1. Structural design, drawing and construction of RCC framed brick masonry pump house.
2. Minimum plinth area should be 9.00 sqm.
3. The minimum clear height of the pump house shall be 3.30 m.
4. The columns, Beams, Lintels, Chajjas, and Slabs shall be constructed in RCC M - 25 grade of
concrete and walls shall be constructed in brick masonry with 1:6 cement motor and of minimum 200
mm thickness, duly plastered with 1:6 cement mortar. Anti skid tiles of 600 mm X 600 mm flooring
shall be done as per standard specification, 30 % of floor area shall be provided for door and windows.
MS door of size 1.0 m x 2.10 m shall be provided.
5. The door and windows shall be of 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame of 40x40x5 mm angle iron
and 3mm M.S. gusset plates at the junctions and corners, all necessary fittings complete, using M.S.
angels 40x40x5 mm for diagonal braces, including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer
and two coats of best quality enamel paint as per direction of engineer in charge.
6. Concealed electric fitting shall be done as per standard IE rules. Pump house shall be provided with
sufficient number of points for lights, fans, power points, sockets and etc.
7. All fixtures like energy efficient tube lights/LED bulbs, Fan, Exhaust Fans, electric swithes etc. of ISI
mark and of standard make shall be provided as per direction of engineer in charge.
8. Painting of pump house shall be done by all weather exterior paint as per direction of engineer in
(B) Specifications for mini pump house near Source (As applicable):-
Supply & errection of ready made mini pump house (control pannel box) GI sheet of 18 gauge of size
90cmx90cmx60cm with 40x40x5mm angle Iron frame to fix it 200 mm below ground level with hold
fasts grouted in foundation and 300 mm above ground level for clearance suitable for fixing of conrol
pannel, fuse unit, main switch etc. as per aproved specification.
45 | P a g e 1 5 1
Specification for Argentum Oligodynamic Silver Ionization Water
Disinfection equipment
Suply, delivery, erection and commissioning of following capacity of micro-controller based water
disinfection equipment using Silver –Ionization process based on Oligodynamic technology , suitable
to provide directly ON LINE to pumping main, or to sump or to overhead tank with by-pass
arrangements controlling valves, micro processor based control panel, in built transformer relay,
miniature circult breaker, took kits, spares etc. The water chambers must be made up of corrosion
free stainless steel confirming to SS 304 investment casting capable to withstand a pressure of 10
kg/CM2 with inbuilt electrodes, either separately or mounted on a power coated (mild steel) cabinet
of 20gg thickness with universal lock and key for safety. The control panel should have Electrode
active indication to show that the water is flowing inside the chamber, and completion is working and
Electrode indication to show that electrode is nearing completion for easy maintenance of the
equipment. The control panel must have two dosage modes of Low dosage and Normal dosage. Low
dosage must give 0.005mg/lit of silver and Normal dosage must give 0.01mg/lit of silver. The dosage
should be able to be adjusted by press of a button. The flow rate setting must be adjustable by
pressing increase/ decrease buttons in steps of 250LpH or 500 LpH. The silver ions produced by the
electrode must be totally non toxic as permitted by BIS standards and the residual effect of the
disinfectant should be long lasting for more permitted by BIS standards and the residual effect of the
disinfectant should be long lasting for more than 2 days. The equipment must be powered by a single
phase 220V/50 HZ power supply and provided with an on-site disinfectant analyzing kit with
consumables to do minimum of 10 tests
Control panel: All control panels must be micro controller based and should work on single phase 180-
250Hz power supply and should be housed in metallic box of 20 swg thickness. The box should be
powder coated and weather proof.
The control panel for 3,000 LpH 5,000 LpH 10,000 LpH must have LCD (liquid Cristal display) screen
with display driver to view the discharge and the company's name. The control panel must also have
increase decrease button to increase and decrease the discharge in steps of 250 LpH or 500 LpH. They
should have two dosage setting of NORMAL and LOW to give a dosage of 0.01 mg/lit and 0.005mg/lit
The control panel for 15,000 LpH must have a LED (light Emitting Diode) display with display drive to
view the discharge. The control panel must also have two dosage setting of NORMAL and LOW to give
dosage of 0.01 mg/lit and 0.005mg/lit respectively.
The control panel for 10000 LpH and above must have a LED (Light Emitting Diode) display with display
drive to view the discharge. The control panel must also have increase decrease button to increase
and decrease the discharge in step of 1000 LpH. They should have two dosage setting of NORMAL and
LOW to give a dosage of 0.01 mg/lit and 0.005 mg/lit respectively, respectively. The control panel
should have Electrode active indication to show that the water is flowing inside the chamber, and the
electrode is working, clean Electrode indication to show that electrode is clogged and change
electrode indication to show that electrode is nearing completing, for easy maintenance of the
The printed circuit board of the control panel must be tested and certified from NABL approved labs
for Environmental test as per IS 9000.
Water Chamber: Material of construction of water must be SS 304 investment cating. ON LINE water
chamber must be provided for capacity of 3,000 LpH, 5,000 LpH, 10,000 LpH, 15,000 LpH and 25,000
The disinfecting argentums electrode as per the size given in the table must be fixed on non corrosive
PVC plates inside the ONLINE chamber. THe online chamber must have butterfly valves of the table.
The bigger capacities of more than 50,000 LpH must have bypass lines and the dia of the water
chamber and size of the argentums electrode must be as mentioned in the following table.
All stainless steel should confirm to SS 304 investment casting. A test report from NABL approved lab
showing the same must be attached otherwise the tender will be summarily rejected..
46 | P a g e 1 5 1
Electrode: The argentums electrode must be dmade of 99.9% pure metal. A test report from NABL
approved lab showing the same must be attached.
The size of the electrode must be as mentioned in following tabulation. Proper electrical wiring must
be made for minute dissipations of electrode.
Pipeline: PVC or GI Pipe line for taking by pass line from argentum oligodynamic technology based
equipment to the existing pumping main for capacities 50,000 LpH and above.
Field Test kit: To measure the residual quantity of argentum ions by colour comparator method at site
by addition of HACH (USA) reagents and using filter papers. The test kit must be capable of carrying
out 10 tests.
Outer cabinet: Mild steel fabricated, power coated cabinet of required size as per the capacity of
thickness 1.3 mm with universal lock and key.
Voltage Stabilizer: Voltage stabilizer of appropriate rating to be fixed before the equipment for
capacity 25,000 LpH and above.
Water Flow meter: Reputed make of reputed size of bypass to line for capacities 50,000 LpH and
Booster Pump: Boost pump of reputed make of 0.5 HP capacity or required capacity for equipments
with bypass arrangements for capacities 50,000 LpH and above.
Booster Pump bed: mild steel fabricated powder coated bed suitable for above pump for capacities
50,000 LpH and above.
Residual Effect: The residual effect of the disinfectant should be long lasting for more then 2 days .
Water quality treatment standard: Shall be As per IS 10500-1991, for bacteriological quality .
Inner Dia Length of Life
Capacity On line Size of size
of water water No. of electrode
S.No of plant or butterfly length &
chamber chamber electrode in Lakh
LpH bypass valve width in
in mm in mm liters
1 6000 ON LINE - 50 290 1 No. 100 100X30
2 10000 ON LINE 50MM 50 290 1 No. 120 100X30
3 15000 ON LINE 50MM 50 290 1 No. 200 150X30
4 25000 ON LINE 75MM 68 445 1 No. 300 260X40
5 50000 BY PASS - 57 350 1 No. 600 260X40
6 100000 BY PASS - 85 356 2 Nos. 1000 260X65
7 200000 BY PASS - 110 618 2 Nos. 2000 450X85
8 300000 BY PASS - 110 618 3 Nos. 3000 450X85
47 | P a g e 1 5 1
1. It is proposed that disinfection equipment shall be installed after junction point of two pumping
mains and to operate it automatically the control panel box is proposed with readymade mini
pump house as per specifications of MP PHED SOR year 2016 (control panel box); with G.I. sheet
of 18 gauge of size 90cmx90cmx60cm with 40x40x4 mm angle iron frame to fix it 200 mm below
ground level with hold fasts will be grouted in foundation and (300mm) above ground level for
clearance suitable for fixing of control panel with fuse unit main switch, Insulation etc. for the in-
house arrangement of the Control Panel of Argenium Oligodynamic Based Water Purifier. Power
to run the disinfection equipment shall be extended from the nearest tubewell mini pump
house.Only disinfected water shall have be supplied to consumers at consumer end.If
mentioned disinfection unit is under maintenance /or not functioning upto the mark, then
contractor has to provide alternative methods of disinfection method as approved by
Suprintending Engineer at his own cost till refunctioning of original arrangement other wise
suitable penalty would be imposed.
48 | P a g e 1 5 1
of cost for plants with black cotton soil and should be maintained by firm for two years. One tap
connection shall be there in the campus for watering the plants.
49 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – F
(See clause 3 of Section 2 -ITB)
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein
should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact
person indicated in the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to MP
TENDERS Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 MP TENDERS Portal Helpdesk.
51 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – G
1. Bids submitted by a joint venture1 of two or more firms as partners shall comply with the
following requirements:
a. one of the partners shall be nominated as being Lead Partner, and this authorization shall be
evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the
b. the bid and, in case of a successful bid, the Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding
on all partners;
c. the partner in charge2 shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on
behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture and the entire execution of the contract,
including payment, shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge;
d. all partners of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the
contract in accordance with the contract terms, and a statement to this effect shall be included
in the authorization mentioned under [c] above, as well as in the bid and in the Agreement [in
case of a successful bid];
e. The joint venture agreement should indicate precisely the role of all members of JV in respect of
planning, design, construction equipment, key personnel, work execution, and financing of the
project3. All members of JV4 should have active participation in execution during the currency of
the contract. This should not be varied/modified subsequently without prior approval of the
f. The joint venture agreement should be registered5, so as to be legally valid and binding on all
partners; and
g. a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement entered into by the partners shall be submitted with the
2. The figures for each of the partners of a joint venture shall be added together to determine the
Bidder’s compliance with the minimum qualifying criteria required for the bid. All the partners
collectively must meet the criteria specified in full. Failure to comply with this requirement will
result in rejection of the joint venture’s bid.
3. The performance security7 of a Joint Venture shall be in the name of the partner Lead
Partner/joint venture.
4. Attach the power of attorney8 of the partners authorizing the Bid signatory(ies) on behalf of the
joint venture
5. Attach the agreement among all partners of the joint venture [and which is legally binding on all
partners], which shows the requirements as indicated in the Instructions to Bidders’.
52 | P a g e 1 5 1
6. Furnish details of participation proposed in the joint venture as below:
1. Joint Venture is an arrangement in which two or more parties under an agreement for the
purpose of executing a specific task/project and all parties shall be jointly and severally
responsible to incur all the liabilities under the task/project, if awarded.
2. Partner in Charge – i.e. Lead partner.
3. This agreement shall also mention the NIT No./System I.D., Name of Work, Name of Joint
Venture Firm, lead partner and other partners.
4. The lead partner and the other partners shall have minimum 51% and 20% stake respectively in
the Joint Venture.
5. The joint venture agreement should be made on Rs. 1000/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper, duly
Notarized/registered. Each partner of the joint venture shall be individually registered in the
appropriate class required for participation in the tender or if eligible for registration, can also
participate after having applied for registration in appropriate class.
6. The joint venture agreement entered into by the partners shall be submitted in envelope A
online (scanned copy) with the bid.
7. The Earnest Money Deposit and Performance Security of the joint venture shall be drawn in
favour of the concerned Executive Engineer and on Account of the partner – i.e. Lead
partner/joint venture.
8. Power of Attorney shall be prepared separately on Rs. 500/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper, duly
Notarized and should be submitted in Envelope A (online scanned copy) alongwith joint venture
53 | P a g e 1 5 1
Format: H
(See clause 12 of Section 2–ITB &
Clause 4 of GCC)
(To be enclosed with technical proposal)
S. No. Particulars Details
1. Registration number issued by Centralized Registration (if applicable, Scanned copy of
System of Govt. of M.P. or proof of application for proof of application for
registration registration to be uploaded)
2 Valid Registration of bidder in appropriate class through Registration No. ..................
Centralized Registration of Govt. of MP
(Scanned copy of Registration to be
3. Name of Organization/ Individual/ Proprietary
Firm/Partnership Firm
4. Entity of Organization Individual/ Proprietary Firm/
Partnership Firm (Registered under Partnership Act)/
Limited Company (Registered under the Companies Act–
1956)/ Corporation/ Joint venture
5. Address of Communication
6. Telephone Number with STD Code
7. Fax Number with STD Code
8. Mobile Number
9. E-mail Address for all communications
Details of Authorized Representative
10. Name
11. Designation
12. Postal Address
13. Telephone Number with STD Code
14. Fax Number with STD Code
15. Mobile Number
16. E-mail Address
Note: In case of partnership firm and limited company certified copy of partnership deed/ Articles of
Association and Memorandum of Association along with registration certificate of the company shall
have to be enclosed.
54 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – I
(See clause 14 of Section 2 -ITB)
Envelope – B
Technical Proposal shall comprise the following documents:
S No Particulars Details to be
1. Technical Proposal should be uploaded duly page numbered and indexed.
2. Technical Proposal uploaded otherwise will not be considered.
55 | P a g e 1 5 1
Format: I-1
1. Certificates duly signed by the employer not below the rank of Executive Engineer shall be
enclosed for the actual quantity executed during the last 03 financial years. The experience
certificate issued by Chief Muncipal officer (CMO) must be countersigned by Executive Engineer
of Urban Admistration Department.
2. Similar works: The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods
technology or other characteristics of main items of work viz. earth work, cement concrete,
Reinforced cement concrete, brick masonry, stone masonry etc.
3. Supporting details in the format Annexure I-1A shall be enclosed along with the experience
certificate submitted.
4 **Bidder shall submit details of existing commitments for financial evaluation, otherwise
bid shall be treated as invalid.
56 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure I-1A
4 WTP …………MLD
5 Other Components
57 | P a g e 1 5 1
ifjf'k"V &Q
Format: I -2
(See clause 14 of Section 2 -ITB)
** If the contract period is iess than 1 year, then for the purpose of
calculating bid capacity, contract period shall be taken as 1 year.
*Mandatory to submit
58 | P a g e 1 5 1
Format: I -3
(See clause 14 of Section 2 –ITB&
Clause 6 of GCC)
List Of Technical Personnel For The Key Positions
Similar work
Similar work
Key Position
Key Position
Total Work
Total Work
Name of
S. No.
S. No.
As per provisions in works department manual / circulars
Format: I -4
(See clause 14 of Section 2 -ITB)
Format: I -5
(See clause 14 of Section 2 -ITB)
59 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – J
(See clause 14 of Section 2 -ITB)
(To be Contained in Envelope-C)
NAME OF WORK: Design, Construction and Retrofitting of Piped Water Supply Scheme
under Jal Jeevan Mission at Village – 1. Keli, 2. Sangwi, Block Segaon Distt. Khargone based on
Tube wells/Dugwell including installation of electric submersible/centrifugal water motor
pumps, Construction of RCC OHT 02 Nos. (1 Nos.-100kl, 12 Mtr. Staging, 1 Nos.-125kl, 12 Mtr.
Staging) sumpwells 02 Nos (40KL), pump houses, laying and jointing of rising main,
distribution pipe line system, household tap connections, electric power connections at Tube
wells/Sumpwells etc including cost of all material and labour with testing commissioning
thereafter 90 Days of successful Trial Run of entire scheme.
I/We hereby bid for the execution of the above work within the time specified at the rate (in
figures) _______ (in words) _______________________ percent below/ above or at par based on the
Bill of Quantities and item wise rates given therein in all respects and in accordance with the
specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing in all respects in accordance with such
conditions so far as applicable. I/We have visited the site of work and am/ are fully aware of all the
difficulties and conditions likely to affect carrying out the work. I/We have fully acquainted
myself/ourselves about the conditions in regard to accessibility of site and quarries/kilns, nature and
the extent of ground, working conditions including stacking of materials, installation of tools and plant
conditions effecting accommodation and movement of labor etc. required for the satisfactory
execution of contract.
Should this bid be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and
provisions of the said conditions of contract annexed hereto so far as applicable, or in default thereof
to forfeit and pay to the Governor of Madhya Pradesh or his successors in office the sums of money
mentioned in the said conditions.
Note: i. Only one rate of percentage above or below or at par based on the Bill of Quantities and item
wise rates given therein shall be quoted.
ii. Percentage shall be quoted in figures as well as in words. If any difference in figures and words is
found lower of the two shall be taken as valid and correct rate. If the bidder is not ready to
accept such valid and correct rate and declines to furnish performance security and sign the
agreement his earnest money deposit shall be forfeited.
iii. In case the percentage "above" or "below" is not given by a bidder, his bid shall be treated
as non-responsive.
iv. All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the bidder shall be included in the percentage
quoted by the bidder but exclusive of Goods and Service Tax (G.S.T.) to be levied on
works/service contracts.
Signature of Bidder
Name of Bidder
The above bid is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the Governor of Madhya Pradesh dated
the _________ day of __________ 20______________
60 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – K
(See clause 15 of Section 2 -ITB)
61 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – L
(See clause 21 of Section 2 -ITB)
M/s. ___________________________
(Name and address of the contractor)
Subject: _________________________________
(Name of the work as appearing in the bid for the work)
Your bid for the work mentioned above has been accepted on behalf of the Governor of
Madhya Pradesh at your bided percentage _____ below/ above or at par the Bill of Quantities and
item wise rates given therein.
You are requested to submit within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of issue of this letter:
a. the performance security/ performance guarantee of Rs. __________ (in figures) (Rupees
____________________________________________ in words only). The performance
security shall be in the shape of term deposit receipt/ bank guarantee of any nationalized /
schedule commercial bank valid up to three months after the expiry of defects liability period.
Please note that the time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the bid is 6 Months
including rainy season, shall be reckoned from the date of signing the contract agreement.
Yours Faithfully
62 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – M
(See clause 22 of Section 2 -ITB)
_____________________[name of Employer]
_____________________[address of Employer]
WHEREAS ________________________[name and address of Contractor]
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for
compliance with his obligation in accordance with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee:
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you on
behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of ___________ [amount of guarantee]* ___________ ___(in
words), such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price
is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or
argument, any sum or sums within the limits of _________________[amount of guarantee] as
aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum
specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the contractor before
presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may
be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this
guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid until 3 (three) months from the date of expiry of the Defect
Liability Period.
* An amount shall be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the percentage the Contract Price
specified in the Contract including additional security for unbalanced Bids, if any and denominated in
Indian Rupees.
63 | P a g e 1 5 1
Conditions of Contract
Part – I General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Table of Clauses of GCC
Sno Particulars Sno Particulars
A. General 21 Payments for Variations and / or Extra
1 Definitions 22 No compensation for alterations in or
restriction of work to be carried out.
2 Interpretations and Documents 23 No Interest Payable
3 Language and Law 24 Recovery from Contractors
4 Communications 25 Tax
5 Subcontracting 26 Check Measurements
6 Personnel 27 Termination by Engineer in Charge
7 Force Majeure 28 Payment upon Termination
8 Contractor's Risks 29 Performance Security
9 Liability For Accidents To Person 30 Security Deposit
10 Contractor to Construct the 31 Price Adjustment
11 Discoveries 32 Mobilization and Construction Machinery
12 Dispute Resolution System 33 Secured Advance
B. Time Control 34 Payments Certificates
13 Programme E. Finishing the Contract
14 Extension of Time 35 Completion Certificate
15 Compensation for Delay 36 Final Account
16 Contractor’s quoted percentage F. Other Conditions of Contract
C. Quality Control 37 Currencies
17 Tests 38 Labour
18 Correction of Defects noticed 39 Compliance with Labour Regulations
during the Defect Liability Period
D. Cost Control 40 Audit and Technical Examination
19 Variations - Change in original 41 Death or Permanent Invalidity of Contractor
Specifications, Designs, Drawings
20 Extra Items 42 Jurisdiction
64 | P a g e 1 5 1
A. General
1.1. Bill of Quantities: means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities forming part of the Bid.
1.2. Chief Engineer: means Chief Engineer of the zone/ basin concerned.
1.3. Completion: means completion of the work as certified by the Engineer-in-Charge, in
accordance with provisions of agreement.
1.4. Contract: means the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor to execute,
complete and/or maintain the work. Agreement is synonym of Contract and carries the same
meaning wherever used.
1.5. Contract Data: means the documents and other information which comprise of the Contract.
1.6. Contractor: means a person or legal entity whose bid to carry out the work has been
accepted by the Employer.
1.7. Contractor's bid: means the completed bid document submitted by the Contractor to the
1.8. Contract amount: means the amount of contract worked out on the basis of accepted bid.
1.9. Completion of work: means completion of the entire contracted work. Exhaustion of
quantity of any particular item mentioned in the bid document shall not imply completion of
work or any component thereof.
1.10. Day: means the calendar day.
1.11. Defect: means any part of the work not completed in accordance with the specifications
included in the contract.
1.12. Department: means Department of the State Government viz. Water Resources Department,
Public Works Department, Public Health Engineering Department, Rural Engineering Service
and any other organisation which adopts this document.
1.13. Drawings: means drawings including calculations and other information provided or
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.14. Employer: means the party as defined in the Contract Data, who employs the Contractor to
carry out the work. The Employer may delegate any or all functions to a person or body
nominated by him for specified functions. The word Employer / Government / Department
wherever used denote the Employer.
1.15. Engineer: means the person named in the Contract Data.
1.16. Engineer in charge: means the person named in the Contract Data.
1.17. Equipment: means the Contractor's machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site
for execution of work.
1.18. Government: means Government of Madhya Pradesh.
1.19. In Writing: means communicated in written form and delivered against receipt.
1.20. Material: means all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for
incorporation in the work.
1.21. Superintending Engineer: means Superintending Engineer-in-Charge of the Circle
1.22. Stipulated period of completion: means the period in which the Contractor is required to
complete the work. The stipulated period is specified in the Contract Data.
1.23. Specification: means the specification of the work included in the Contract and any
modification or addition made or approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.24. Start Date: means the date of signing of agreement for the work.
1.25. Sub-Contractor: means a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor,
duly authorised to carry out a part of the construction work under the Contract.
1.26. Temporary Work: means work designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the
Contractor that are needed for construction or installation of the work.
1.27. Tender/Bid, Tenderer/Bidder: are the synonyms and carry the same meaning where ever
65 | P a g e 1 5 1
1.28. Variation: Means any change in the work which is instructed or approved as variation under
this contract.
1.29. Work: The expression "work" or "works" where used in these conditions shall unless there be
something either in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, be construed and
taken to mean the work by virtue of contract, contracted to be executed, whether temporary or
permanent and whether original, altered, substituted or additional.
2.1 Interpretations
In the contract, except where the context requires otherwise:
a. words indicating one gender include all genders;
b. words indicating the singular also include the plural and vice versa.
c. provisions including the word “agree”, “agreed” or “agreement” require the agreement to be
recorded in writing;
d. written” or “in writing” means hand-written, type-written, printed or electronically made, and
resulting in a permanent record;
2.2 Documents Forming Part of Contract:
1. NIT with all amendments.
2. Instructions to Bidders (ITB,Bid Data Sheet with all Annexures)
3. Conditions of Contract:
i. Part I General Conditions of Contract and the Contract Data; with all Annexures
ii. Part II Special Conditions of Contract.
4. Specifications
5. Drawings
6. Bill of Quantities
7. Technical and Financial Bid
8. Agreement, and
9. Any other document(s), as specified.
3. Language and Law
The language of the Contract and the law governing the Contract are stated in the Contract
4. Communications
All certificates, notice or instruction to be given to the Contractor by Employer/Engineer shall be
sent to the address or contact details given by the Contractor in [Annexure H of ITB]. The
address and contact details for communication with the Employer/Engineer shall be as per the
details given in the Contract Data. Communication between parties that are referred to in the
conditions shall be in writing. The notice sent by facsimile (fax) or other electronic means (email)
shall also be effective on confirmation of the transmission. The notice sent by registered post or
speed post shall be effective on delivery or at the expiry of the normal delivery period as
undertaken by the postal service. In case of any change in address for communication, the same
shall be immediately notified to Engineer-in-Charge.
5. Subcontracting
Subcontracting shall be permitted for contracts of value more than amount specified in the
Contract Data with following conditions.
a. The Contractor may subcontract up to 25 percent of the contract price with the approval of
the Employer in writing, but will not assign the Contract. Subcontracting shall not alter the
Contractor's obligations.
b. Following shall not form part of subcontracting:
i. Hiring of labour through a labour contractor.
ii. The purchase of Materials to be incorporated in the works.
iii. Hiring of plant & machinery
c. The sub-contractor will have to be registered in the appropriate category in the centralised
registration system for contractors of the GoMP.
66 | P a g e 1 5 1
6. Personnel
6.1 The Contractor shall employ for the construction work and routine maintenance the technical
personnel as provided in the Annexure I-3 of Bid Data Sheet, if applicable. If the Contractor fails
to deploy required number of technical staff, recovery as specified in the Contract Data will be
made from the Contractor.
6.2 If the Engineer asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the Contractor's
staff or work force, stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the
Site within three days and has no further connection with the Works in the Contract.
7. Force Majeure
7.1 The term “Force Majeure” means an exceptional event or circumstance:
(a) Which is beyond a Party’s control.
(b) Which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into the
(c) Which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome, and
(d) Which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.
Force Majeure may include, but is not limited to, exceptional events or circumstances of the
kind listed below, so long as conditions (a) to (d) above are satisfied:
(i) War, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies,
(ii) rebellion, terrorism, sabotage by persons other than the Contractor’s Personnel, revolution,
insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war,
(iii) Riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Contractor’s
(iv) munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by radio-
activity, except as may be attributable to the Contractor’s use of such munitions, explosives,
radiation or radio-activity, and
(v) Natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity.
7.2. In the event of either party being rendered unable by force majeure to perform any duty or
discharge any responsibility arising out of the contract, the relative obligation of the party
affected by such force majeure shall upon notification to the other party be suspended for the
period during which force majeure event lasts. The cost and loss sustained by either party shall
be borne by respective parties.
7.3 For the period of extension granted to the Contractor due to Force Majeure the price
adjustment clause shall apply but the penalty clause shall not apply. It is clarified that this sub
clause shall not give eligibility for price adjustment to contracts which are otherwise not subject
to the benefit of price adjustment clause.
7.4 The time for performance of the relative obligation suspended by the force majeure shall stand
extended by the period for which such cause lasts. Should the delay caused by force majeure
exceed twelve months, the parties to the contract shall be at liberty to foreclose the contract
after holding mutual discussions.
8. Contractor's Risks
8.1 All risks of loss or damage to physical property and of personal injury and death which arise
during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract are the responsibility of the
8.2 All risks and consequences arising from the inaccuracies or falseness of the documents, drawing,
designs, other documents and/or information submitted by the contractor shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor alone, notwithstanding the fact that the designs/ drawings or
other documents have been approved by the department.
9. Liability for Accidents to Person
The contractor shall be deemed to have indemnified and saved harmless the Government
against all action, suits, claims, demands, costs etc. arising in connection with injuries suffered
by any persons employed by the contractor or his subcontractor for the works whether under
the General law or under workman's compensation Act, or any other statute in force at the time
of dealing with the question of the liability of employees for the injuries suffered by employees
and to have taken steps properly to ensure against any claim there under.
67 | P a g e 1 5 1
10. Contractor to Construct the Works
10.1 The Contractor shall construct, install and maintain the Works in accordance with the
Specifications and Drawings as specified in the Contract Data.
10.2 In the case of any class of work for which there is no such specification as is mentioned in
Contract Data, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions and
requirement of the Engineer-in-charge.
10.3 The contractor shall supply and take upon himself the entire responsibility of the sufficiency of
the scaffolding, timbering, machinery, tools and implements, and generally of all means used for
the fulfilment of this contract whether such means may or may not be approved or
recommended by the Engineer.
11. Discoveries
Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on the
Site shall be the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of such
discoveries and carry out the Engineer's instructions for dealing with them.
12. Dispute Resolution System
12.1 No dispute can be raised except before the Competent Authority as defined in Contract Data in
writing giving full description and grounds of dispute. It is clarified that merely recording protest
while accepting measurement and/or payment shall not be taken as raising a dispute.
12.2 No dispute can be raised after 45 days of its first occurrence. Any dispute raised after expiry of
45 days of its first occurrence shall not be entertained and the Employer shall not be liable for
claims arising out of such dispute.
12.3 The Competent Authority shall decide the matter within 45 days.
12.4 Appeal against the order of the Competent Authority can be preferred within 30 Days to
the Appellate Authority as defined in the Contract Data. The Appellate Authority shall decide the
dispute within 45 days.
12.5 Appeal against the order of the Appellate Authority can be preferred before the Madhya
Pradesh Arbitration Tribunal constituted under Madhya Pradesh Madhyastham Adhikaran
Adhiniyam, 1983.
12.6 The Contractor shall have to continue execution of the Works with due diligence
notwithstanding pendency of a dispute before any authority or forum.
B. Time Control
13. Programme
13.1 Within the time stated in the Contract Data, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval a Programme showing the general methods, arrangements, order and timing for all the
activities for the construction of works.
13.2 The program shall be supported with all the details regarding key personnel,
equipment and machinery proposed to be deployed on the works for its execution.
The contractor shall submit the list of equipment and machinery being brought to site, the list of
key personnel being deployed, the list of machinery/equipment being placed in field laboratory
and the location of field laboratory along with the Programme.
13.3 An update of the Programme shall be a programme showing the actual progress achieved on
each activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining Works,
including any changes to the sequence of the activities.
13.4 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval an updated Programme at intervals no
longer than the period stated in the Contract Data. If the Contractor does not submit an updated
Programme within this period, the Engineer may withhold the amount stated in the Contract
Data from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next
payment after the date on which the overdue Programme has been submitted.
13.5 The Engineer's approval of the Programme shall not alter the Contractor's obligations.
14. Extension of Time
14.1.The contract is for completion of works and therefore non approval of EOT shall not in any way
invalidate the contract. The contractor will have to complete the works.
68 | P a g e 1 5 1
14.2 In the event of delays attributable to the contractor, the EOT shall not be given by the Engineer-
in-Charge and the Liquidated Damages shall be levied from the contractor in accordance with
the provision of the contract.
14.3 In the event the delays are not attributable to the contractor the EOT may be issued by the
Engineer-in-Charge without imposition of Liquidated Damages either suo-motto or on a written
request of the contractor.
It is clarified that out of the total delays in completion of works, the EOT shall be issued only for
the part which is not attributable to the contractor.
15. Compensation for delay
15.1 The time allowed for carrying out the work, as entered in the agreement, shall be strictly
observed by the Contractor.
15.2 The time allowed for execution of the contract shall commence from the date of signing of the
agreement. It is clarified that the need for issue of work order is dispensed with.
15.3 In the event milestones are laid down in the Contract Data for execution of the works, the
contractor shall have to ensure strict adherence to the same.
15.4 Failure of the Contractor to adhere to the timelines and/or milestones shall attract such
liquidated damages as is laid down in the Contract Data.
15.5 In the event of delay in execution of the Works as per the timelines mentioned in the Contract
Data the Engineer-in-charge shall retain from the bills of the Contractor amount equal to the
liquidated damages leviable until the Contractor makes such delays good. However,
the Engineer-in-charge shall accept bankable security in lieu of retaining such amount.
15.6 If the Contractor is given extension of time after liquidated damages have been paid, the
Engineer in Charge shall correct any over payment of liquidated damages by the Contractor in
the next payment certificate.
15.7 In the event the Contractor fails to make good the delay until completion of the stipulated
contract period (including extension of time) the sum so retained shall be adjusted against the
liquidated damages levied.
16. Contractor's quoted percentage
The Contractor’s quoted percentage rate referred to in the "Bid for works" will be deducted/
added from/to the net amount of the bill after deducting the cost of material supplied by the
C. Quality Control
17. Tests
17.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for:
a. Carrying out the tests prescribed in specifications, and
b. For the correctness of the test results, whether preformed in his laboratory or elsewhere.
17.2 The contractor shall have to establish field laboratory within the time specified and having such
equipments as are specified in the Contract Data.
17.3 Failure of the Contractor to establish laboratory shall attract such penalty as is specified in
the Contract Data.
18. Correction of Defects noticed during the Defect Liability Period
18.1 The Defect Liability Period of work in the contract shall be as per the Contract Data.
18.2 The Contractor shall promptly rectify all defects pointed out by the Engineer well before the end
of the Defect Liability Period. The Defect Liability Period shall automatically stand extended until
the defect is rectified.
18.3 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect pertaining to the Defect Liability Period to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, within the time specified by the Engineer, the Engineer will assess
the cost of having the Defect corrected, and the cost of correction of the Defect shall be
recovered from the Performance Security or any amount due or that may become due to the
contractor and other available securities.
69 | P a g e 1 5 1
D.Cost Control
19. Variations - Change in original Specifications, Designs, and Drawings etc.
19.1 The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any alterations, omissions or additions to or
substitutions in the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions, that may appear
to him to be necessary during the progress of the work and the contractor shall carry out the
work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing signed by
the Engineer-in-charge, and such alterations, omission, additions or substitutions shall not
invalidate the contract and any altered, additional or substituted work, which the contractor
may be directed to do in the manner above specified, as part of the work, shall be carried out by
the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agrees to do the main work.
19.2 The time for the completion of the work shall be adjusted in the proportion that the
altered, additional or substituted work bears to the original contract work and the
certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion.
20. Extra items
20.1 All such items which are not included in the priced BOQ shall be treated as extra
21 Payments for Variations and / or Extra Quantities
21.1 The rates for such additional (Extra quantity), altered or substituted work / extra items under
this clause shall be worked out in accordance with the following provisions in their respective
a. The contractor is bound to carry out the additional (Extra quantity), work at the same rates as
are specified in the contract for the work.
b. If the item is not in the priced BOQ and is included in the SOR of the department, the rate shall
be arrived at by applying the quoted tender percentage on the SOR rate.
c. If the rates for the altered or substituted work are not provided in applicable SOR - such rates
will be derived from the rates for a similar class (type) of work as is provided in the contract
(priced BOQ) for the work.
d. If the rates for the altered, substituted work cannot be determined in the manner specified in
the sub clause (c) above - then the rates for such composite work item shall be worked out on
the basis of the concerned Schedule of Rates minus/plus the percentage quoted by the
e. If the rates for a particular part or parts of the item is not in the Schedule of Rates and the rates
for the altered, or substituted work item cannot be determined in the manner specified in sub
clause (b) to (d) above, the rate for such part or parts will be determined by the Competent
Authority as defined in the Contract Data on the basis of the rate analysis derived out of
prevailing market rates when the work was done.
f. But under no circumstances, the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-
acceptability of rates on items falling under sub clause (a) to (d). In case the contractor does not
accept the rate approved by the Engineer in Charge for a particular item, the contractor shall
continue to carry out the item at the rates determined by the Competent Authority. The
decision on the final rates payable shall be arrived at through the dispute settlement procedure.
70 | P a g e 1 5 1
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71 | P a g e 1 5 1
26.3 Any over/excess payments detected, as a result of such check measurement or otherwise at any
stage up to the date of completion of the defect liability period specified in this contract, shall
be recoverable from the Contractor, as per clause 24 above.
27. Termination by Engineer in Charge
27.1 If the Contractor fails to carry out any obligation under the Contract, the Engineer in Charge may
by notice require the Contractor to make good the failure and to remedy it within a specified
reasonable time.
27.2 The Engineer in Charge shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if the Contractor
a) abandons the Works or otherwise plainly demonstrates the intention not to continue
performance of his obligations under the Contract,
b) the Contractor is declared as bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for approved
reconstruction or amalgamation;
c) without reasonable excuse fails to comply with the notice to correct a particular defect within a
reasonable period of time.
d) the Contractor does not maintain a valid instrument of financial security as prescribed;
e) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by such duration for which the
maximum amount of liquidated damages is recoverable;
f) If the Contractor fails to deploy machinery and equipment or personnel or set up a field
laboratory as specified in the Contract Data.
g) If the contractor, in the judgment of the Engineer in charge has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing the contract.
h) Any other fundamental breaches as specified in the Contract Data.
27.3 In any of these events or circumstances, the Engineer in Charge may, upon giving 14 days’ notice
to the Contractor, terminate the Contract and expel the Contractor from the Site. However, in
the case of sub-paragraph (b) or (g) of clause 27.2, the Engineer in Charge may terminate the
Contract immediately.
27.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Engineer-in-Charge may terminate the Contract for convenience
by giving notice to the Contractor.
28. Payment upon Termination
28.1 If the contract is terminated under clause 27. 3, the Engineer shall issue a certificate for value of
the work accepted on final measurements, less advance payments and penalty as indicated
in the Contract Data. The amount so arrived at shall be determined by the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall be final and binding on both the parties.
28.2 Payment on termination under clause 27. 4 above -
If the Contract is terminated under clause 27.4 above, the Engineer shall issue a certificate for
the value of the work done, the reasonable cost of removal of Equipment, repatriation of the
Contractor's personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor's costs of protecting
and securing the Works and less advance payments received up to the date of the certificate,
less other recoveries due in terms of the contract and less taxes due to be deducted at source as
per applicable law.
28.3 If the total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the
difference shall be recovered as per clause 24 above.
29. Performance Security
The Contractor shall have to submit performance security and additional performance security,
if any, as specified in the Bid Data Sheet at the time of signing of the contract. The contractor
shall have to ensure that such performance security and additional performance security, if any,
remains valid for the period as specified in the Contract Data.
30. Security Deposit-
30.1 Security Deposit shall be deducted from each running bill at the rate as specified in the Contract
Data. The total amount of Security Deposit so deducted shall not exceed the percentage of
Contract Price specified in the Contract Data.
30.2 The security deposit may be replaced by equivalent amount of bank guarantee or fixed deposit
receipt assigned to the Employer, with validity up to 3 (three) months beyond the completion of
Defect Liability Period/ extended Defect Liability Period.
72 | P a g e 1 5 1
30.3 The Security Deposit shall be refunded on completion of Defect Liability Period. The Additional
Performance Security shall be refunded on satisfactory completion of of the work.
31. Price Adjustment
31.1 Applicability
1. Price adjustment shall be applicable only if provided in the Contract Data.
2. The price adjustment clause shall apply only for the works executed from the date of signing
of the agreement until the end of the initial intended completion date or extensions granted for
reasons attributed to the Employer by the Engineer.
3. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any benefit arising from the price adjustment clause for
extension in the contract period for reasons attributed to the Contractor.
4. In the Force Majeure event the price escalation clause shall apply.
31.2 Procedure
1.Contract price shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in rates and price of labour,
materials, fuels and lubricants in accordance with following principles and procedures and as per
formula given in the contract data.
2. The price adjustable shall be determined during each quarter from the formula given in
the contract data.
3. Following expression and meaning are assigned to the work done during each quarter:
R = Total value of work during the quarter. It would include the amount of secured advance
granted, if any, during the quarter, less the amount of secured advance recovered, if any during
the quarter, less value of material issued by the department, if any, during the quarter.
4. Weightages of various components of the work shall be as per the Contract Data.
31.3 To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the contractor is not covered
by the provisions of this or other clauses in the contract, the unit rates and prices included in the
contract shall be deemed to include amounts to cover the contingency of such other rise or fall
in costs.
31.4 The index relevant to any quarter, for which such compensation is paid, shall be the arithmetical
average of the indices relevant of the calendar month.
31.5 For the purpose of clarity it is pointed out that the price adjustment may be either positive or
negative, i.e. if the price adjustment is in favour of the Employer, the same shall be recovered
from the sums payable to the Contractor.
32. Mobilization and Construction Machinery Advance
32.1 Payment of advances shall be applicable if provided in the Contract Data.
32.2 If applicable, the Engineer in Charge shall make interest bearing advance payment to the
contractor of the amounts stated in the Contract Data, against provision by the contractor of an
unconditional Bank Guarantee in a form and by a nationalized/ scheduled banks, in the name as
stated in the Contract Data, in amounts equal to the advance payment. The guarantee shall
remain effective until the advance payment has been repaid, but the amount of the guarantee
shall be progressively reduced by the amounts repaid by the contractor.
32.3 The rate of interest chargeable shall be as per Contract Data.
32.4 The construction machinery advance, if applicable, shall be limited to 80% of the cost of
construction machinery and admissible only for new construction machinery.
32.5 The advance payment shall be recovered as stated in the Contract Data by deducting
proportionate amounts from payment otherwise due to the Contractor. No account shall be
taken of the advance payment or its recovery in assessing valuations of work done, variations,
price adjustments, compensation events, or liquidated damages.
33. Secured Advance
33.1 Payment of Secured Advance shall be applicable if provided in the Contract Data.
33.2 If applicable, the Engineer shall make advance payment against materials intended for but not
yet incorporated in the Works and against provision by the contractor of an unconditional Bank
Guarantee in a form and by a nationalized/ scheduled bank, in the name as stated in
the Contract Data, in amounts equal to the advance payment. The guarantee shall remain
effective until the advance payment has been adjusted, but the amount of the guarantee shall
be progressively reduced by the amounts adjusted by the contractor.
73 | P a g e 1 5 1
33.3 The amount of secured advance and conditions to be fulfilled shall be as stipulated in
the Contract Data.
33.4 The Secured Advance paid shall be recovered as stated in the Contract Data.
34. Payment Certificates
The payment to the contractor will be as follows for construction work:
(a) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer monthly statements of the value of the work
executed less the cumulative amount certified previously, supported with detailed
measurement of the items of work executed.
(b) The Engineer shall check the Contractor’s monthly statement and certify the amount to be paid
to the Contractor.
(c) The value of work executed shall be determined, based on the measurements approved by the
Engineer/ Engineer-in-charge.
(d) The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in the Bill of
Quantities completed.
(e) The value of work executed shall also include the valuation of Variations and Compensation
(f) All payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payment, security deposit, other
recoveries in terms of contract and taxes at source as applicable under the law.
(g) The Engineer may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the proportion of
any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later information.
(h) Payment of intermediate certificate shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against
the final payment and not as payments for work actually done and completed.
(i) Intermediate payment shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect or
unskilled work to be removed and taken away and reconstructed or be considered as an
admission of the due performance of the contractor any part thereof, in any respect or the
occurring of any claim.
(j) The payment of final bill shall be governed by the provisions of clause 36 of GCC.
75 | P a g e 1 5 1
Contract Data
79 | P a g e 1 5 1
(See clause 10 of Section 3 – GCC )
R.C.C. Overhead Tanks and Sumpwells
(in villages as per table below )
B.C. Soil A
Yellow Soil B
Murrum C
Soft Rock D
Strata Indicator
Name of
S. No. Capacity Thickness
Village Thickness Thickness Thickness
A B c D
OHT 0 0 1.5 2
1 Keli 12Mtr.
SW 40 Kl/ 0 0 1.5 2
OHT 0 0 1.5 2
2 Sangwi Mtr.
SW 40 Kl/ 0 0 1.5 2
It is just for guidance, it is the responsibility of contractor to verify the strata and design the OHT
accordingly, No compensation shall be paid on any change in strata.
80 | P a g e 1 5 1
81 | P a g e 1 5 1
82 | P a g e 1 5 1
83 | P a g e 1 5 1
84 | P a g e 1 5 1
85 | P a g e 1 5 1
86 | P a g e 1 5 1
(See clause 15 of Section 3 -GCC )
Details of Milestones
Note: - In case the NIT has more than one scheme, the milestones would be considered
separately for each scheme.
S. No. Village Execution period with testing Successful Trial Run after
and commissioning i/c rainy completion of Construction/
season (starting from date Execution of works with
of agreement.) successful testing and
1 Keli 4 Months 90 Days
2 Sangwi 4 Months 90 Days
Note: - In case of more than one Scheme in the NIT, time period for each scheme shall start
from date of agreement
87 | P a g e 1 5 1
(See clause 15 of Section 3 -GCC)
Compensation for Delay
If the contractor fails to achieve the milestones, and the delay in execution of work is attributable to
the contractor, the Employer shall retain an amount from the sums payable and due to the contractor
as per following scale -
Note: For arriving at the dates of completion of time span related to different milestones, delays
which are not attributable to the Contractor shall be considered. The slippage on any
milestone is if made good in subsequent milestones or at the time of stipulated period of
completion, the amount retained as above shall be refunded. In case the work is not
completed within the stipulated period of completion along with all such extensions which are
granted to the Contractor for either Employer’s default or Force Majeure, the compensation
shall be levied on the contractor at the rate of 0.05% per day of delay limited to a maximum of
10% of contract price.
The decision of Superintending Engineer shall be final and binding upon both the
88 | P a g e 1 5 1
(See clause 17 of Section 3 -GCC )
89 | P a g e 1 5 1
(See clause 31 of Section 3 -GCC)
Price Adjustment
92 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – S
(See clause 32 of Section 3 -GCC)
* An amount shall be inserted by the Bank or Financial Institution representing the amount of the
Advance Payment, and denominated in Indian Rupees.
93 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – T
(See clause 33 of Section 3 -GCC )
This indenture made the ___________ day of __________ 20___ BETWEEN ____________
(hereinafter called the contractor which expression shall where the context so admits or implies be
deemed to include his executors, administrators and assigns) or the one part and the Employer of the
other part.
Whereas by an agreement dated ______________ (hereinafter called the said agreement) the
contractor has agreed.
AND WHEREAS the contractor has applied to the Employer that he may be allowed advanced
on the security of materials absolutely belonging to him and brought by him to the site of the works
the subject of the said agreement for use in the construction of such of the works as he has
undertaken to executive at rates fixed for the finished work (inclusive of the cost of materials and
labour and other charges)
AND WHEREAS the Employer has agreed to advance to the Contractor the sum of Rupees
_________________________ on the security of materials the quantities and other particulars of
which are detailed in Accounts of Secured Advance attached to the Running Account Bill for the said
works signed by the Contractor on _________ and the Employer has reserved to himself the option
of making any further advance or advances on the security of other materials brought by the
Contractor to the site of the said works.
Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said agreement and in
consideration of the sum of Rupees ___________ on or before the execution of these presents paid
to the Contractor by the Employer (the receipt where of the Contractor doth hereby acknowledge)
and of such further advances (if any) as may be made to him as a for said the Contractor doth hereby
covenant and agree with the President and declare as follows:
That the said sum of Rupees ________________ so advanced by the Employer to
(1) the Contractor as aforesaid and all or any further sum of sums advanced as aforesaid shall
be employed by the Contractor in or towards expending the execution of the said works and
for no other purpose whatsoever.
(2) That the materials details in the said Account of Secured Advances which have been offered
to and accepted by the Employer as security are absolutely the Contractor's own propriety
and free from encumbrances of any kind and the contractor will not make any application
for or receive a further advance on the security of materials which are not absolutely his
own property and free from encumbrances of any kind and the Contractor indemnified the
Employer against all claims to any materials in respect of which an advance has be made to
him as aforesaid.
(3) That the materials detailed in the said account of Secured Advances and all other materials
on the security of which any further advance or advances may hereafter be made as
aforesaid (hereafter called the said materials) shall be used by the Contractor solely in the
execution of the said works in accordance with the directions of the Engineer.
94 | P a g e 1 5 1
(4) That the Contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary and adequate arrangements for
the proper watch, safe custody and protection against all risks of the said materials and that
until used in construction as aforesaid the said materials shall remain at the site of the said
works in the Contractor's custody and on his own responsibility and shall at all times be
open to inspection by the Engineer or any officer authorized by him. In the event of the said
materials or any part thereof being stolen, destroyed or damaged or becoming deteriorated
in a greater degree than is due to reasonable use and wear thereof the Contractor will
forthwith replace the same with other materials of like quality or repair and make good the
same required by the Engineer.
(5) That the said materials shall not be removed from the site of the said works except with the
written permission of the Engineer or an officer authorized by him on that behalf.
(6 That the advances shall be repayable in full when or before the Contract receives payment
from the Employer of the price payable to him for the said works under the terms and
provisions of the said agreement. Provided that if any intermediate payments are made to
the Contractor on account of work done than on the occasion of each such payment the
Employer will be at liberty to make a recovery from the Contractor's bill for such payment by
deducting there from the value of the said materials than actually used in the construction
and in respect of which recovery has not been made previously, the value for this purpose
being determined in respect of each description of materials at the rates at which the
amounts of the advances made under these presents were calculated.
(7) That if the Contractor shall at any time make any default in the performance or observance
in any respect of any of the terms and provisions of the said agreement or of these presents
the total amount of the advance or advances that may still be owing of the Employer shall
immediately on the happening of such default be re- payable by the Contractor to be the
Employer together with interest thereon at twelve percent per annum from the date or
respective dates of such advance or advances to the date of repayment and with all costs,
charges, damages and expenses incurred by the Employer in or for the recovery thereof or
the enforcement of this security or otherwise by reason of the default of the Contractor and
the Contractor hereby covenants and agrees with the Employer to reply and pay the same
respectively to him accordingly.
(8) That the Contractor hereby charges all the said materials with the repayment to the
Employer of the said sum of Rupees____________________________ and any further sum
of sums advanced as aforesaid and all costs, charges, damages and expenses payable under
these presents PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed and declared that
notwithstanding anything in the said agreement and without prejudice to the power
contained therein if and whenever the covenant for payment and repayment here-in-
before contained shall become enforceable and the money owing shall not be paid in
accordance there with the Employer may at any time thereafter adopt all or any of the
following courses as he may deem best:
(a) Seize and utilise the said materials or any part thereof in the completion of the said works
on behalf of the contractor in accordance with the provision in that behalf contained in the
said agreement debiting the contractor with the actual cost of effecting such completion
and the amount due to the contractor with the value of work done as if he had carried it out
95 | P a g e 1 5 1
in accordance with the said agreement and at the rates thereby provided. If the balance is
against the contractor, he is to pay same to the Employer on demand.
(b) Remove and sell by public auction the seized materials or any part thereof and out of the
moneys arising from the sale retain all the sums aforesaid repayable or payable to the
Employer under these presents and pay over the surplus (if any) to the Contractor.
(C) Deduct all or any part of the moneys owing out of the security deposit or any sum due to the
Contractor under the said agreement.
(9) That except in the event of such default on the part of the contractor as aforesaid interest
on the said advance shall not be payable.
(10) That in the event of any conflict between the provisions of these presents and the said
agreement the provisions of these presents shall prevail and in the event of any dispute or
difference arising over the construction or effect of these presents the settlement of which
has not been here-in-before expressly provided for the same shall be referred to the
Employer whose decision shall be final and the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act for the
time being in force shall apply to any such reference.
96 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – U
(See clause 35 of Section 3 -GCC )
Name of Work :
Agreement no. ……......................…………. Date ……………………..
Amount of Contract Rs …………………
Name of Agency : …………………........……………………………
Used MB no. ...................................................
Certified that the above mentioned work was physically completed on ………………. (date) and
taken over on ……………….. (Date) and that I have satisfied myself to best of my ability that the work
has been done properly.
Date of issue
97 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – V
(See clause 35 of Section 3 -GCC )
Name of Work:
Agreement no. ………….............……. Date ……………………..
Name of Agency : ………………………………………………
Used MB no. ...................................
Certified that the above mentioned work was physically completed on ………………. (date) and taken
over on ……………….. (date).
Agreemented amount Rs. …………………..
Final Amount paid to contractor Rs. ----------------------
I have satisfied myself to best of my ability that the work has been done properly.
Date of issue
98 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – W
(See clause 39 of Section 3 -GCC )
99 | P a g e 1 5 1
j) Industrial Disputes Act 1947: - The Act lays down the machinery and procedure for
resolution of industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out becomes illegal and
what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees or closing down the
k) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946: - It is applicable to all establishments
employing prescribed minimum (say, 100, or 50). The Act provides for laying down rules
governing the conditions of employment by the Employer on matters provided in the Act and
gets these certified by the designated Authority.
l) Trade Unions Act 1926: - The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade unions
of workmen and Employers. The Trade Unions registered under the Act have been given
certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986: - The Act prohibits employment of
children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for
regulations of employment of children in all other occupations and processes. Employment of
child labour is prohibited in building and Construction industry.
n) Inter-State Migrant Workmen’s (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service)
Act 1979: - The Act is applicable to an establishment which employs prescribed minimum
(say, five) or more inter-state migrant workmen through an intermediary (who has recruited
workmen in one state for employment in the establishment situated in another state).
The Inter-State migrant workmen, in an establishment to which this Act becomes applicable,
are required to be provided certain facilities such as Housing, Medical-Aid, Travelling expenses
from home up to the establishment and back etc.
o) The Building and Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996: - All the establishments who
carry on any building or other construction work and employs the prescribed minimum (say,
10) or more workers are covered under this Act. All such establishments are required to pay
cess at the rate not exceeding 2% of the cost of construction as may be modified by the
Government. The Employer of the establishment is required to provide safety measures at the
building or construction work and other welfare measures, such as canteens, first-aid facilities,
ambulance, housing accommodations for workers near the work place etc. The Employer to
whom the Act applies has to obtain a registration certificate from the Registering Officer
appointed by the Government.
p) Factories Act 1948: - The Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans before setting
up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions, working hours, annual earned
leave and rendering information regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to designated
authorities. It is applicable to premises employing the prescribed minimum (say, 10) persons
or more with aid of power or another prescribed minimum (say, 20) or more persons without
the aid of power engaged in manufacturing process.
100 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – X
psd fyLV
101 | P a g e 1 5 1
Updated list of Firms/Manufacturing units Empanelled up to 31.12.2020 in
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal
Item / Component Recommended makes
Kirloskar / Jyoti / Mather+Platt /WPIL/Becon Weir/Flowmore
1 VT and Centrifugal Pumps Ltd.,Gudgaon/ Crompton Grieves/Falcon/ CRI/Texmo or
Kirloskar / Jyoti / Crompton Grieves / ABB /
2 Electric motors
Marathon/BHEL/Siemens/ Bharat Bijlee or equivalent
ABB / Crompton Greaves/ Emco / Siemens/ Shriram
3 Power Transformers Switchgears/Vardhman Electro-Mech Pvt. Limited/ Star
Delta Transformers Limited or MPPVVCL Approved Make or
Electrosteel / Jindal / Tata / Electrotherm/ Jai Balaji
4 DI Pipes Industries/Rashmi Metaliks/ Shrikalahasthi pipe/ Electrosteel
Steel Limited or equivalent
Note :-
1. Equivalent or Superior make/brand will be approved by the Superintending
Engineer of the concerning Circle after evaluation of proposed make/brand.
Superintending Engineer shall document that substitution is inevitable in the
interest of the project and the alternate make/brand proposed by the contractor is
substantially equivalent or superior to the one recommended in the above table.
2. The E-in-C Public Health Engineering Department can issue a revised list from
time to time. The Contractor shall follow the latest list issued by the E-in-C.
103 | P a g e 1 5 1
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108 | P a g e 1 5 1
109 | P a g e 1 5 1
110 | P a g e 1 5 1
111 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure – Y-1
Keli Sangwi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
112 | P a g e 1 5 1
Providing and laying including testing
0 SOR Page no.
5 Bend 45 confirming to IS
123/ item Item 9.3
5.01 110 mm dia 8kg/cm2 8.00 12.00 20.00 Each
5.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 145.00 170.00 315.00 Each
5.03 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 36.00 30.00 66.00 Each
5.04 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 12.00 28.00 40.00 Each
5.05 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 16.00 14.00 30.00 Each
5.06 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 8.00 16.00 24.00 Each
Providing and laying including testing
SOR Page no.
6 Equal Tee confirming to IS
124/ item Item 9.4
6.01 110 mm dia 8 kg/cm2 2.00 5.00 7.00 Each
6.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 76.00 100.00 176.00 Each
6.03 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 18.00 25.00 43.00 Each
6.04 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 6.00 16.00 22.00 Each
6.05 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 8.00 8.00 16.00 Each
6.06 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 4.00 8.00 12.00 Each
Providing and laying including
SOR Page no.
7 testingReducer: confirming to IS
124/ item Item 9.6
7.01 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 70.00 90.00 160.00 Each
7.02 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 18.00 20.00 38.00 Each
7.03 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 6.00 16.00 22.00 Each
7.04 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 8.00 10.00 18.00 Each
Providing and laying including testing
SOR Page no.
8 End Cap confirming to IS
124/ item Item 9.8
8.01 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 10.00 25.00 35.00 Each
8.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 60.00 80.00 140.00 Each
113 | P a g e 1 5 1
Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion
Fittings in accordance with BS EN
12201 : Part-3 suitable for drinking
water with in black/blue color
manufactured from compounded
PE80/PE100 virgin polymer and
compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in SOR Page no.132/
pressure rated SDR 11 with min PN Item 9.14.6
12.5 rated for water application and
shall be inclusive of all cost such as
testing, inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking
etc. complete.
10.01 110 mm dia 8 kg/cm2 36.00 55.00 91.00 Each
(ix) Cast Iron Adopter (Flange Spigot) SOR Page no. 81/
tail piece Item 5.8 ix
18.02 80 mm - Class 15 10.00 36.00 46.00 Each
18.03 100 mm - Class 15 30.00 36.00 66.00 Each
18.04 125 mm - Class 15 6.00 10.00 16.00 Each
Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion
Fittings in accordance with BS EN
12201 : Part-3 suitable for drinking
water with in black/blue color
manufactured from compounded
PE80/PE100 virgin polymer and
compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in SOR Page no. 129
pressure rated SDR 11 with min PN Item 9.14
12.5 rated for water application and
shall be inclusive of all cost such as
testing, inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking
etc. complete.
Spigot Long Neck Pipe End (Stub End) SOR Page no.
for Electro Fusion Joint 132Item 9.14.6
SOR Page no.
19.02 90 mm dia 170.00 260.00 430.00 Each
SOR Page no.
19.03 110 mm dia 45.00 40.00 85.00 Each
115 | P a g e 1 5 1
SOR Page no.
19.04 125 mm dia 15.00 35.00 50.00 Each
SOR Page no.
19.05 140 mm dia 20.00 20.00 40.00 Each
Supply of Woltman Turbine Bulk
meterclass b, multijet, magnetically
coupledas per specifications conforming
to IS770/1994, ISO 4064/1 and
EECapproved, including transportation
tosite, storage, safety, installation,
testingcommissioning, making SOR Page no.230/
20 1.00 1.00 2.00 Job
connectionwith existing pipeline having Item17.24
totalmeasuring capacity of 10,000
Kilolitrewith least cound of one
Kilolitrencluding excavation at site,
deweteringand reinstating the same
aftercompletion and as per
specificationsincluding all taxes.
116 | P a g e 1 5 1
SOR Page no. 267
24.01 4.0 Sq mm multi strand / Item no. 24.20. 3860.00 4886.00 8746.00
107 (ii)
117 | P a g e 1 5 1
Provision for inter connection of old to
new pipe line with excavation of trench
as per requirement of any diameter &
type of pipe line in muddy area i/c
dewetering the trench laying & jointing
SOR Page no. 229
31 of pipe and specials, back filling the
/ Item no. 17.22
trench i/c testing of joints cost of labour
& specials such as D-Joints couplers,
solvent cement etc, complete job work
as per approved specification and as
directed by Engineer in charge.
118 | P a g e 1 5 1
Providing and making Consumer
Service Connection (Functional House
Hold Taps Connection) from HDPE pipe
with the help of electro fusion machine
including all labour and material such as
Electro fusion Saddle, brass ferrule (Not
less than 100 gm in weight)/MDPE
ferrule/flow control valve, double
compression elbow, male/female
threaded adopter with metal insert,
sockets, MDPE union 20mm dia/GI
union 15 mm dia (medium class),
36 ADDENDUM. item
brass/SS tap etc all complete and all
no. 17.41. 4
items/fittings shall be complying with the
relevant BIS Codes. Rates also include
excavation, cutting of road if required,
refilling the trenches and restoration of
road with minimum M-20 (1:1.5:3) grade
CC or equivalent grade of existing CC
cutting for providing tap connection
(whichever is richer), construction of
Platform and grouting of circular post
neat finished as per the drawing
attached, testing all complete items.
For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE
Page No. 4
36.01 pipe upto 5 meter and CONCRETE 220.00 240.00 460.00 Nos
ROAD CROSSING is necessary.
For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE
pipe upto 5 meter to 10 mtr and Page No. 4
36.02 214.00 240.00 454.00 Nos
For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE
pipe upto 5 meter and road crossing is Page No. 4
36.03 70.00 69.00 139.00 Nos
not required. (Distribution pipe line is on /17.41.3
the same side of house)
119 | P a g e 1 5 1
Earth work in excavation by mechanical
(Hydraulic excavator) / manual means
over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in
width as well as 10 sqm on plan) SOR Page no. 208
including disposal of excavated earth, / Item no. 16.6
lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m,
disposed earth to be leveled and neatly
dressed. Soft rock with or without
blasting or bituminous pavement /
cement concrete road.
In ordinary or Soft rock with or without
blasting or SOR Page no. 208
37.04 7.35 7.35 14.70 Cum
bituminous pavement / cement concrete / Item no. 16.6(a)
120 | P a g e 1 5 1
12mm thick cement plaster in single
coat including
37.2 16.29(a)/ 214
finishing even, smooth and curing
37.21 1:6(Cement 1: Sand 6) 16.29(a)(iv)/ 214 177.38 177.38 354.76 sqm
Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth
37.22 exterior paint of 16.42/216
required shade :
New work ( two or more coats applied
@ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including
37.23 priming coat of exterior primer applied 16.42(i)/216 190.85 190.85 381.70 sqm
@ 2.20
kg/ 10sqm)
121 | P a g e 1 5 1
MPVVCL SOR Provision for extension
of electric power line up to tube well
including installation of suitable
transformer.(The material to be used
and work to be executed shall be as per
Schedule Ref. of MPMKVVCL SOR
given below in the items. Any decrease
or increase in the work/itemgiven in the
39 composit reference schedule item shall
be payable according to the actual
Note – The electrical items shall be
taken as per requirement of the
scheme.Executive Engineer should
decide the required items and include in
this BOQ. Mostly used electrical items
are given below.
11 KV line on 140 kg. 8.0 Mtrs. long
PCC Poles with rabbit conductor
39.01 average span of 70 mtr. in rural area. 2.50 3.50 6.00 Km
- 2019-20
(Schedule Ref. C-1.2 of MPMKVVCL for
SOR - 2019-20)
11 KV D.P. Structures on 140 kg. 8.0
mtr. long PCC poles for tapping DP. MPMKVVCL SOR
39.02 12.00 16.00 28.00 Each
(Schedule Ref. C-5.2 of MPMKVVCL for - 2019-20
SOR - 2019-20)
11 KV T.P. Structures on 140 kg. 8.0
mtr. long PCC poles for tapping DP. MPMKVVCL SOR
39.03 6.00 8.00 14.00 Each
(Schedule Ref. C-5.1 of MPMKVVCL for - 2019-20
SOR - 2019-20)
One Kilometre L.T. Lines 3 phase 5 wire
on PCC support using 1100 volts grade
Aerail Bunched cable 3x MPMKVVCL SOR
39.04 1.20 1.70 2.90 Km
16+1x16+1x25 sq. mm XLPE with - 2019-20
maximum span of 50 m (Schedule Ref.
D-3.2 of MPMKVVCL for SOR 2019-20)
11/0.4 KV out-door type transformer
39.05 25 KVA on 140 kg. 8.0 meter long PCC 6.00 8.00 14.00 Each
- 2019-20
Pole (Schedule Ref. E-1.1 of
MPMKVVCL for SOR 2019-20)
122 | P a g e 1 5 1
1 KM OF 11 KV LINE ON PCC Pole Using Rabbit Conductor Max Span 70 Mtrs IN RURAL AREA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M-0501004 140 Kg., 8.0 Mtrs. long PCC Poles No. 1722 6810 14 24108
11 KV 'V' cross-arms angle type
2 M-0502010 No. 814 7216 14 11396
(65x65x6 mm angle)
Back clamps (50x6 mm flat) for 140
3 M-0502030 No. 71 7216 28 1988
kg PCC Pole
11 KV Top clamps angle type
4 M-0502060 No. 198 7216 14 2772
65x65x6 mm
Earthing Coil ( coil of 115 turns of
5 M-0403096 50 mm.dia. and 2.5 Mtrs. lead of 4.0 No. 97 7217 14 1358
mm. G.I wire)
11 KV Pin insulator Polymer
6 M-0602002 No. 144 8546 42 6048
Composite (5KN) FRP dia 24mm
AAAC Conductor Rabbit with 3 %
7 M-0401013 Km. 25885 7614 3.1 80244
Jointing Sleeves suitable for 55 Sq.
8 M-0404233 No. 70 7308 6 420
mm.Al. Eq. AAAC conductor
Painted Stay set 16 mm. complete
9 M-0502230 No. 384 7217 6 2304
turn buckles
Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. (5.5 kg.stay
10 M-0403019 Kgs. 53 7217 33 1749
wire per stay set )
Clamps for 140 kg PCC pole (50x6
11 M-0502091 Set 97 7216 6 582
mm Flat)
12 M-0601036 Stay insulator No. 12 8546 6 72
13 M-0001001 Back filling of poles with boulders. No. 103 9954 14 1442
123 | P a g e 1 5 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M-0501004 140 Kg., 8.0 Mtrs. long PCC poles No. 1722 6810 1 1722
D.C.cross- arm of ISMC channel of
2 M-0502104 100 X 50X6 mm., suitable for 8' Set 3717 7216 1 3717
Clamps for 140 kg PCC pole (50x6
3 M-0502091 Set 97 7216 2 194
mm Flat)
11 KV (45KN) 16mm FRP with
4 M-0602007 25mm per KV creepage Disc No. 110 8546 3 330
Insulator Polymer
5 M-0404210 11KV Strain hard ware fitting No. 84 7308 3 252
11 KV Pin insulator Polymer
6 M-0602002 No. 144 8546 2 288
Composite (5KN) FRP dia 24mm
7 M-0502395 Horizontal and cross bracing 8' centre Set 4243 7216 1 4243
Back Clamp sutiable for 140 kg. PCC
8 M-0502030 No. 71 7216 4 284
Painted Stay set 16 mm. complete
9 M-0502230 No. 384 7217 2 768
turn buckles
Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. (5.5 kg.stay
10 M-0403019 Kgs. 53 7217 11 583
wire per stay set )
Clamps for 140 kg PCC pole (50x6
11 M-0502091 Set 97 7216 2 194
mm Flat)
12 M-0601036 Stay insulator No. 12 8546 2 24
Stone Block/Pre cast block for base
12 P-0702056 No. 211 99541 1 211
pedding 450x450x75mm
Concreting of PCC pole @0.30 cmt Cmt.
13 P-0001011 3742 99541 0.3 1123
per pole ( with Muffing) (1:3:6)
Total 16536
23 Labour charges 2460
Total Amt
Ex- HSN of (Rs.) using Ex-
Item Code Particulars Unit Works SAC Works Rate as
No. Qty.
Rate Code per Column
No. 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M-0501004 140 Kg.,8.0 Mtr. long PCC Support No. 1722 6810 20 34440
2 M-0404205 A.B Cable hanging clamps/ tension clamps (Galvanized) No. 298 8536 6 1788
8 M-0502230 Stay set 16 mm. complete without Stay wire (Painted) No. 384 7217 12 4608
9 M-0403019 Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. (5.5 kg.stay wire per stay set ) Kgs. 53 7217 66 3498
10 M-0502091 Clamps for 140 Kg. PCC Pole (50x6 mm flat) Set 97 7216 32 3104
12 M-0001001 Back filling of pole pit with boulder No. 103 9954 20 2060
14 P-0001003 Concreting of stay @ 0.2 cmt. per stay 3742 99541 2.4 8981
15 M-0403208 M S Nuts and bolts Kg. 59 7318 30 1770
Earthing for PCC Pole 4.00 mm-8 SWG G.I wire- 0.8
17 M-0403173 Kgs. 52 7217 16 832
Kg, per pole)
Total 160,890
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M- DTR 11/0.4 KV BIS EE-Level-2 25
1 No 44094 8504 1 44094
0114004 KVA
2 140 Kg., 8.0 M. long PCC poles No. 1722 6810 2 3444
16 Stay insulator No 12 8546 4 48
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610
17 mm ,Wt- 1.46 Kg using 50X6 mm Ms Set 97 7216 4 388
P- Cmt.
20 Concreting of Stay @ 0.2 cmt. per stay 3742 99541 0.8 2994
0001003 (1:3:6)
21 AAA Conductor Rabbit for Jumper Km. 25885 7614 0.03 777
M- Danger Boards Enamalled Type 11KV
22 No. 50 8310 1 50
126 | P a g e 1 5 1
M- HT Bi-metallic Clamp for DTR Each
23 60 8538 3 180
M- LT Bi-metallic Clamp for DTR 12 mm Each
24 105 8538 4 420
25 Earthing set Set 4290 7306 1 4290
Anti climbing devices (Barbed wire
26 2.24 mm Dia (14 SWG) (3.5 Kg. wire No. 219 7313 2 438
per pole)
27 Red oxide paint Ltr. 67 3208 1 67
28 Aluminium paint Ltr. 142 3208 1 142
29 M.S.Nuts and Bolts Kg. 59 7318 14 826
Total 101997
127 | P a g e 1 5 1
Annexure “Z”
Dear Sir, 1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely:
as per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents
(including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc .,), which form part of the contract
agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organization too has also been
taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender document(s)
/ corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred by any Govt.
Department/Public sector undertaking.
6. I / We certify that all information furnished by the our Firm is true & correct and in the event that
the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department/
organization shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or
terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture
of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
128 | P a g e 1 5 1
Conditions of Contract
Part – II Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
129 | P a g e 1 5 1
13- bZ-,e-Mh- (EMD) jktlkr fd;s tkus dh fLFkfr esa fufonkdkj }kjk tek bZ-&bZ-,e-Mh- (e-EMD)
dh jkf'k iksVZy ij jktlkr dh tk,xh rFkk jktlkr dh x;h jkf'k lfoZl izksokbZMj }kjk rqjar
yksd LokLF; ;k¡f=dh foHkkx ds 8443 flfoy tek [kkrs esa tek dh tk,xh ftls fu{ksi [kkrs ds
/kkjd }kjk pkyku ds ek/;e ls jktLo izkfIr;k¡ 0215 'kh"kZ esa tek djkbZ tk,xhA
14- fufonkdkj dks fufonk izi= esa layXu ,usDlj&ch vuqlkj lsYQ fMDysjs'ku izLrqr djuk gksxkA
15- izkIr U;wure fufonk nj ¼,y&1½ ianzg izfr'kr ls vf/kd uhps (More Than Fifteen
Percent Below) gksus ij fufonk nj dks vO;ogkfjd nj (Unworkable Rates) ekuk
tkosxkA vO;ogkfjd njsa (Unworkable Rate) izkIr gksus ij lQyre fufonkdkj ¼,y&1½
}kjk fufonRr nj vuqlkj fufonk jkf'k (Tendered Amount) ,oa ,l-vks-vkj- ij
fufonk dh ykxr ls 15 izfr'kr de jkf'k (Amount 15% below PAC) ds varj dh jkf'k
vfrfjDr ijQkjesal X;kjaVh ds :i esa (Additional Performance Guarantee) yh
tk;sxhA Additional Performance Guarantee izkIr gksus ds mijkar gh vuqca/k fu"ikfnr
fd;k tk;sxkA
16- vfrfjDr ijQksjesal xkjaVh mlh izk:i esa yh tkosxh ftlesa vjusLV euh@ ijQkjesl
a X;kjaVh
(Earnest Money/Performance Guarantee) yh tkrh gSA
17- Additional Performance Guarantee HkkSfrd :Ik ls dk;Z iw.kZrk izek.k&i= (Physical
Completion Certificate) tkjh gksus ds i'pkr gh okil dh tk,A
18- fufonk Lohd`fr ds mijkar fufonkdkj dks vuqca/k gsrq foHkkx }kjk i= tkjh fd;k tkosxk]
ftldh lwpuk fufonkdkj dks ,l-,e-,l-@OgkVl,IIk@bZ&esy ls nh tkosxh] fufonkdkj dks i=
tkjh gksus ds fnukad ds 15 fnol ds vanj vuqca/k fu"ikfnr dj dk;Z izkjaHk djuk gksxk vU;Fkk
fcuk fdlh vU; lwpuk ds mudh vekur jkf'k jktlkr dj yh tkosxh rFkk fufonkdkj QeZ ,oa
mlds Hkkxhnkj ¼;fn dksbZ gks rks½ dks vkxkeh ,d o"kZ ds fy;s laiw.kZ izns'k esa foHkkxh; dk;ksZa dh
fufonk izfØ;k esa Hkkx ysus gsrq izfrcaf/kr fd;k tk ldsxkA fufonk vuqca/k gh dk;kZns'k gksxk]
i`Fkd ls dksbZ dk;kZns'k tkjh ugh fd;k tkosxkA
19- fufonk vuqca/k ds nLrkostksa ij e/;izn's k jkti= ¼vlk?kkj.k½ Hkksiky fnukad 28 ekpZ 2020 ls
izdkf'kr foRr v/;kns'k 2020 ds vuqlkj lafonk vuqca/k ds nLrkostksa ij lafonk eqY; vuqlkj
fuEukuqlkj LVkEi 'kqYd izHkkfjr gksxkA
¼,d½ ;fn laofnk eqY; ipkl yk[k :i, rd gks :i;s ikap lkS :i,
¼nks½ ;fn laofnk eqY; ipkl yk[k :i, ls vf/kd ikap yk[k :i, dh vf/kdre
gSA lhek ds v/;k/khu jgrs gq, lafonk
ewY; dk 0-10 izfr'krA
;fn 'kklu }kjk bl 'kqYd esa dksbZ ifjorZu fd;k tkrk gS rks ,slh ifjfLFkfr esa vuqca/k
ds le; izpfyr njksa ij LVkEi 'kqYd izHkkfjr gksxkA
20- dk;kZns'k ,oa Hkqxrku vkoaVu dh miyC/krk ij fuHkZj djsxk foyac ls gksus okys Hkqxrku ij dksbZ
Dyse fufonkdkj }kjk ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA
21- fufonk esa fufgr dk;ksZa ds fØ;kUo;u esa fuekZ.kdrkZ laLFkk@Bsdsnkj }kjk ty thou fe'ku ds
ifjpkyu fn'kk&funsZ'k ds vuqlkj dk;ksZ dk fØ;kUo;u fd;k tk;sxkA ty thou fe'ku ds
ifjpkyu fn'kk&funsZ'k foHkkxh; osclkbZV ( ij miyC/k gSA
22- vuqca/k dk laiknu lnL; lfpo] ftyk ty ,oa LoPNrk fe'ku ¼dk;Zikyu ;a=h yksd LokLF;
;kaf=dh foHkkx lacaf/kr [k.M½ }kjk fufonkdkj ds lkFk fd;k tk;sxkA xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk
lfefr ¼OghMCY;w,llh½@xzke iapk;r dk lfpo Hkh vuqca/kdrkZ ds :i esa 'kkfey gksx s kA bl
izdkj ;g vuqca/k f=i{kh; (Triparty Agreement) gksxkA
130 | P a g e 1 5 1
23- ;fn vuqca/k esa ,d ls vf/kd xzkeksa dh ;kstuk ds dk;Z lfEefyr gSa rks vuqca/k esa lfEefyr lHkh
xzke dh OghMCY;w,llh@xzke iapk;r ds lfpo vuqca/k drkZ ds :i esa lfEefyr gksx a As izR;sd
OghMCY;w,llh@xzke iapk;r ds lfpo dk bl vuqca/k ds rgr~ nkf;Ro mlds xzke rd lhfer
24- LFkkfir uyty ;kstuk dh jsVªksfQfVax laca/kh dk;Z dh fufonk esa ;kstuk ds LFkkfir vo;oksa esa
vko';d lq/kkj fufonkdkj }kjk fd;s tkdj ;kstuk dks iw.kZ :i ls pkyw fd;k tk;sxkA bl
izdkj fd;s x;s lq/kkj dk;Z gsrq fufonkdkj dks Hkqxrku vuqca/k esa fufgr izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj
fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn dksbZ vk;Ve tks fd chvksD;w esa 'kkfey ugha gS fdUrq ;kstuk dks iw.kZ :i ls
pkyw djus gsrq mldk fØ;kUo;u vko';d gS rks ,sls vfrfjDr vk;Ve dk vuqeksnu l{ke Lrj
ls izkIr dj mldk fØ;kUo;u fd;k tk;sxkA
25- LFkkfir ;kstuk dh jsVªksfQfVax@vko/kZu dh fufonk ds izdj.k esa fufonkdkj dks vuqca/k laiknu
ds fnukad ls 07 fnol esa ;kstukvksa ds leLr LFkkfir vo;oksa dks] HkkSfrd lR;kiu mijkUr
vius vf/kiR; esa ysuk gksxkA vuqca/k laiknu ds 07 fnol esa lR;kiu u fd;s tkus dh n'kk esa
;g ekuk tk;sxk fd foHkkx }kjk mYysf[kr rF; fufonkdkj dks ekU;@Lohdk;Z gS] mlds mijkUr
dksbZ vkifRr ekU; ugha dh tk;sxhA
26- Bsdsnkj ls ns;d ds Hkqxrku (Running Payment) gsrq vuqjks/k izkIr gksus ij jkT; ty ,oa
LoPNrk fe'ku ¼,lMCY;w,l,e½ }kjk lwphc) FkMZ ikVhZ fujh{k.k ,tal s h ¼VhihvkbZ½ esa ls
MhMCY;w,l,e }kjk p;fur@vuqcaf/kr VhihvkbZ }kjk fujh{k.k gsrq fu/kkZfjr ekin.M ds vuqlkj
dk;ZLFky ij dk;Z dk OghMCY;w,llh@xzke iapk;r] yksd LokLF; ;kaf=dh foHkkx ds lkFk
fuEukuqlkj igyqvksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq;s uyty ;kstuk ds rgr fu"ikfnr flfoy] eSdsfudy
vkSj bysfDVªdy ?kVdksa ls laacfa /kr lHkh bathfu;fjax dk;ksZ dk ij la;qDr fujh{k.k fd;k tk;sxk
25-1½ fuEufyf[kr dh uewuk tk¡p dh tk;sxh %&
25-1-1 fuekZ.k ds fy;s iz;qDr lkexzh dh ijh{k.k fjiksVZ(
25-1-2 dk;ZLFky ij fuekZ.k ds le; ij viuk;s x;s xq.koRrk fu;a=.k ds mik;(
25-1-3 dk;ZLFky ij fuekZ.k ds le; ij viuk;s x;s lqj{kk mik;(
25-1-4 Bsdsnkj }kjk miyC/k djk;s x;s Jfedksa dk HkqxrkuA
25-2½ Hkqxrku ds fy;s izLrqr fcy ds vuqlkj fu"ikfnr dk;ksZa dh ek=k vkSj xq.koRRkk(
25-3½ Vªk;y ju ds nkSjku uyty ;kstuk dk ijQkWjesUl(
27- la;qDr fujh{k.k ls lacaf/kr leLr fcUnqvksa dks xzke iapk;r@milfefr@ OghMCY;w,llh }kjk bl
dk;Z gsrq rS;kj odZ jftLVj esa uksV fd;k tk;sxk vkSj ml ij leLr i{kksa }kjk gLrk{kj fd;s
tk;saxsA blds vk/kkj ij foHkkx eki iqfLrdk ¼,e-ch-½ esa eki dks fjdkMZ djsxk rFkk la;qDr
fujh{k.k mijkar Hkqxrku gsrq vuq'kalk izkIr gksus ij foHkkx fu"ikfnr dk;Z ds fy;s Hkqxrku gsrq
izfØ;k 'kq: djsxkA
28- OghMCY;w,llh ds lg;ksx gsrq xzke esa fØ;kUo;u lgk;rk laLFkk ¼vkbZ,l,½ miyC/k gksxh] ftlds
nkf;Ro ty thou fe'ku ds ifjpkyu fn'kk&funsZ'k esa mYysf[kr gSA ;kstukUrxZr vkbZ,l, }kjk
xzke ds ?kjksa dk losZ{k.k dj mu ?kjksa esa fn;s tkus okys uy dusD'ku gsrq x`g Lokeh dk uke]
vk/kkj uEcj ,oa vk/kkj dkMZ dh Nk;kizfr izkIr djsxhA ;g tkudkjh vkbZ,l, }kjk ,d
jftLVj esa la/kkfjr dh tk;sxhA vko';drk vuqlkj bl tkudkjh dk osfjfQds'ku
foHkkx@OghMCY;w,llh }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn xzke esa vkbZ,l, miyC/k ugha gS rks ,slh fLFkfr
esa mijksDr nkf;Ro dk fuoZgu Bsdsnkj }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA Bsdsnkj }kjk ;kstukUrxZr xzke esa uy
dusD'ku nsus ds mijkar blh jftLVj ij x`g Lokeh ds gLrk{kj@vaxwBk izkIr fd;k tk;sxk rFkk
dk;Zokgh iw.kZ gksus ij jftLVj foHkkx dks lkSaiuk gksxkA bl jftLVj esa ntZ ?kjksa dh la[;k ,oa
fn;s x;s uy dusD'ku ds osfjfQds'ku ds mijkar gh ?kjsyw uy dusD'ku gsrq fu/kkZfjr jkf'k dk
Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
131 | P a g e 1 5 1
29- ;kstuk esa izLrkfor ikbZi dk O;kl] iai dh {kerk vkfn foHkkx ds }kjk ;kstuk ds :ikadu
(Design) ij vk/kkfjr gSA fufonkdkj ;kstuk gsrq viuh Design ns ldrk gSA bl Design ds
dkj.k ;fn ikbZi ykbZu ds O;kl@yEckbZ rFkk iai dh {kerk esa ifjorZu gksrk gS rks mldk
Hkqxrku vuqca/k ds GCC Section-3 dh dafMdk 21 ds vuqlkj fd;k tk;sxkA fufonkdkj }kjk
;kstuk dh uohu Design izLrqr djus ij mPpLrjh; Vadh dh {kerk esa dksbZ Hkh ifjorZu ugha
fd;k tk ldsxkA fufonkdkj }kjk bl izdkj ;kstuk dh uohu Design izLrqr djus ij mDr
uohu fMtkbZu&Mªkbax dk vuqeksnu v/kh{k.k ;a=h lacaf/kr e.My }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA
30- ;fn mPp Lrjh; Vadh dh fMtkbZu&Mªkbax Bsdsnkj }kjk izLrqr dh tkrh gS rks mDr
fMtkbZu&Mªkbax dk vuqeksnu bathfuf;fjax@ikWyhVsfDud dkWyst ls djkdj foHkkx dks izLrqr
djuk gksxkA
31- vkjlhlh mPp Lrjh; Vadh ds fMtkbZu esa ckWVe LySc dk :ikadu ¶ySV LySc ds :i esa Hkh
fd;k tk ldrk gSA
32- vkjlhmPp Lrjh; Vadh@th,lvkj@lEiosy ds fuekZ.k ds iwoZ izLrkfor LFky dh Soil
Bearing Capacity dk ijh{k.k Bsdsnkj }kjk Lo;a ds O;; ij djkdj ijh{k.k fjiksVZ foHkkx dks
izLrqr djuk gksxhA
33- fufonkdkj }kjk foHkkx eas miyC/k ¼;fn dksbZ gks rks½ vkj-lh-lh- mPp LRkjh;
Vadh@lEiosy@vkj-lh-lh- de fczd eslujh iai gkml dh fMtkbu&Mªkbax mi;ksx esa ykbZ tk
ldsaxh] bl gsrq lacaf/kr vk;Ve gsrq ns;d dqy jkf'k esa ls vkj-lh-lh- mPp LRkjh; Vadh gsrq
:i;s 25000@& th,lvkj@lEiosy@lEiosy de iai gkml gsrq :i;s 7500@& ,oa vkj-lh-
lh- de fczd eslujh iai gkml ¼lEiosy ds Åij u cukrs gq;s i`Fkd ls cuk;s tkus okys iai
gkml gsrq½ gsrq :i;s 5000@& dh dVkSrh lacaf/kr vk;Ve ds izzFke ns;d ls dh tk;sxhA
34- fo|qr dusD'ku dk;Z fufonkdkj }kjk fufonk esa Lohd`r njksa ds vuq:Ik e0iz0 if'pe fo|qr
forj.k daiuh }kjk iznRr izkDdyu@MPPKVVCL ds SOR es fu/kkZfjr ekinaM vuqlkj fd;k
tkosxkA MPPKVVCL dk SOR tks fnukad 11-09-2019 ls ykxw gS] dh njas ekU; dh tk;sx a hA
35- dk;Z gsrq fdlh Hkh izdkj dk ifjogu ls lacaf/kr O;;] rFkk fufonkdkj }kjk iz;qDr fdlh Hkh
lkexzh vFkok midj.k ds [kjkc gksus ij vFkok ekudksa ds vuq:Ik u gksus ij mldks
cnyus@lq/kkj djus esa gq;s O;; dk foHkkx }kjk dksbZ Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tkosxkA
36- ;kstuk ds gLrkarj.k ds le; fufonkdkj ds }kjk Engineer-in-Charge }kjk vuqeksfnr As
Built Drawings rhu izfr;ksa esa foHkkx@OghMCY;w,llh@iapk;r dks izLrqr djuk vfuok;Z
37- Bsdsnkj }kjk fufeZr vo;oksa ;Fkk Vadh] lEiosy] ty forj.k iz.kkyh dk vko';drkuqlkj
fMlbuQsD'ku (Disinfection) dk nkf;Ro gksxkA bl gsrq i`Fkd ls dksbZ Hkqxrku fufonkdkj dks
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
38- fufonkdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ty forj.k ds nkSjku is;ty ikbZi ykbZu esa VwV&QwV] okYo
yhdst bR;kfn ls iznwf"kr u gksA
39- fufonkdkj }kjk ty iznk; ds laca/k esa ,d iath la/kkfjr dh tk;sxhA bldk lR;kiu foHkkxh;
mi;a=h }kjk de ls de 15 fnol esa ,d ckj fd;k tk;sxkA Hkqxrku gsrq ns;d izLrqr djrs
le; mDr iath dh Nk;kizfr fufonkdkj }kjk layXu fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksxkA iath dh
Nk;kizfr layXu u gksus dh fLFkfr esa Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
40- uy dusD'ku ?kj ds vksVys ij@ckM+@ s QSflax@ckm.Mªhoky ds vanj nsuk gSA blds fy, ftruk
Hkh ,eMhihbZ@thvkbZ ¼ch-vks-D;w- esa fu/kkZfjr ikbZi eVsfj;y vuqlkj½ ikbZi yxsxk] mDr ikbZi
fufonkdkj ;k QeZ dks yxkuk gksxkA bl ikbZi dk Hkqxrku vyx ls ugha fd;k tkosxkA lMd
ds ikl fd, x, uy dusD'ku ekU; ugh gksxAsa
132 | P a g e 1 5 1
41- fufonkdkj }kjk foHkkx esa lwphc) Make/Brand dh lkexzh dk gh mi;ksx fd;k tk;sxkA lwphc)
esd@czkM a dh lkexzh miyC/k u gksus s dh fLFkfr esa fufonkdkj Engineer-in-Charge dks voxr
djk;sxkA Engineer-in-Charge ;fn vko';d gks rks ,slh fLFkfr esa izLrko v/kh{k.k ;a=h dks izsf"kr
djsaxsA foHkkx }kjk le;≤ ij lkexzh ds esd@czkM a dh lwph fufonk vuqca/k ds ckn Hkh tkjh dh
tk;sxh ftlesa 'kkfey lkexzh ds esd@czkM a dk mi;ksx Hkh bl vuqca/k ds rgr fd;k tk ldsxkA
fufonkdkj }kjk lkexzh dh xq.koRrk dk ijh{k.k lkexzh ds QSDVjh ls fMLisp ds iwoZ foHkkx }kjk
fu/kkZfjr FkMZ ikVhZ fujh{k.k ,tsl a h ¼VhihvkbZ½ ls djkuk vko';d gksxk ftlds mijkar gh lkexzh dk
iznk; LFky ij fd;k tk;sxkA FkMZ ikVhZ bUlisD'ku gsrq ns; jkf'k dk i`Fkd ls Hkqxrku ugha fd;k
tk;sxk] ;g jkf'k lkexzh dh ykxr esa 'kkfey gSA FkMZ ikVhZ fujh{k.k ,tsalh }kjk fujhf{kr lkexzh ds
izek.k i= ds lkFk iznk;drkZ@fuekZ.kdrkZ daiuh ds fcy dh lR;kfir izfr Hkh ns;d ds lkFk izLrqr
djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA FkMZ ikVhZ fujh{k.k ,tal s h }kjk tkjh fujh{k.k izek.k i= esa mYysf[kr lkexzh dh
ek=k dk feyku daiuh ds fcy esa mYysf[kr ek=k ls gksus ij gh lacaf/kr lkexzh dk Hkqxrku fd;k
tk;sxkA fufonkdkj }kjk lwphc) Make/Brand dh daiuh ls lkexzh Ø; djus ds laca a/k esa lkexzhokj
i= dk;Zikyu ;a=h yksd LokLF; ;kaf=dh [k.M ls fy;k tk;sxk ftlesa vuqca/k esa mYysf[kr@vuqca/k ds
vuqlkj dk;Z dks iw.kZ djus gsrq vko';d lkexzh dh ek=k dk mYys[k gksxk rFkk bl izek.k&i= dks
fufonkdkj }kjk lwphc) Make/Brand dh daiuh dks fn;s tkus okys Ø; vkns'k ds lkFk layXu
fd;k tk;sxkA lwphc) Make/Brand dh daiuh }kjk lkexzh rS;kj gksus ij FkMZ ikVhZ ijh{k.k ,tsl a h
dks fujh{k.k gsrq vkeaf=r fd;s tkus ij dk;Zikyu ;a=h ds mDr i= dks vius vkea=.k ds lkFk FkMZ
ikVhZ fujh{k.k ,tsalh dks izsf"kr djuk gksxkA
42- dafMdk 40 esa mYysf[kr VhihvkbZ dafMdk 25 esa mYysf[kr VhihvkbZ ls fHkUu gksxhA dafMdk 25 eas
mYysf[kr VhihvkbZ fufonkdkj }kjk fd;s tkus okys dk;Z dh ek=k ,oa xq.koRrk dk fujh{k.k djsxh]
tcfd dafMdk 40 esa mYysf[kr VhihvkbZ lkexzh dh QSDVªh esa xq.koRrk ijh{k.k djsxhA
43- lkexzh ds QSDVªh ls jokuk gksus ds iwoZ fujh{k.k@ijh{k.k gsrq fuEukuqlkj VhihvkbZ fu/kkZfjr gS %&
Ø- lkexzh dk fooj.k VhihvkbZ ,tsl
a h
1- IykfLVd ikbZi& ,p-Mh-ih-bZ] ,e-Mh-ih-bZ-] lh- lsUVªy baLVhV~;wV vkWQ IykfLVd bathfu;fjax ,.M
ih-Ogh-lh] vks-ih-Ogh-lh- ikbZi lfgr vU; VsDuksykWth ¼flisV½
leLr izdkj ds IykfLVd ikbZi] fQfVax ,oa
vU; IykfLVd eVsfj;yA
2- Mh-vkbZ-@th-vkbZ ikbZiA flisV] jkbZV~l] vkbZ-vkj-,l-] bZ-vkbZ-,y-
3- eksVj iai] okYo&Lis'kYl ,oa vU; lkexzh tks jkbZV~l] vkbZ-vkj-,l-]bZ-vkbZ-,y-
bl rkfydk ds ljy Øekad 1 o 2 esa 'kkfey
ugha gSA
4- ,p-Mh-ih-bZ- ikbZIl ,oa fQfVaXl] ,e-Mh-ih- ,l-th-,l- bf.M;k izk-fy- Hkksiky
bZ- ikbZIl ,oa fQfVaXl] SCADA,
Intrumentation ,oa Automation
Materials ds vfrfjDr vU; lkexzh ds
FkMZ ikVhZ ijh{k.k gsrq
44- fufonkdkj }kjk dk;Z ds fØ;kUo;u ds nkSjku ;fn fdlh foHkkx ls vuqefr dh vko';drk gksrh gS rks
,slh vuqefr;kW fufonkdkj }kjk yh tkosxh rFkk foHkkx }kjk bu vuqefr;ksa dks izkIr djus esa ;FkklaHko
enn dh tkosxhA vU; foHkkxksa ls vuqefr izkIr djus esa ;fn bu foHkkxksa }kjk fdlh Hkh izdkj dh Qhl
;k jkf'k dh ekax dh tkrh gS] rks ;g Qhl@jkf'k fufonkdkj }kjk lacfa /kr foHkkx dks nh tkosxh ftldh
izfriwfrZ foHkkx }kjk fufonkdkj dks dh tkosxhA
45- fufonkdkj dks ;kstuk esa iz;qDr gksuh okyh lkexzh tSls ikbZi] okYo] Lis'kYl lfj;s] lhesaV] jsr fxVVh]
vkfn vkbZ-,l-vkbZ- Lisf'kfQds'ku ds vuqlkj yxkuh gksxhA
46- pfyr ns;d ls ikbZi ykbZu dh VsfLVax gsrq jkf'k bl lsD'ku dh dafMdk 63 esa mYYksf[kr izfr'kr ds
vuqlkj jksdh tk;sxhA ikbZi ykbZu dk fu/kkZfjr ekin.M vuqlkj ikuh ds ncko ij VsfLVax larks"kizn
133 | P a g e 1 5 1
gksus ij pfyr ns;d ls VsfLVax gsrq jksdh xbZ jkf'k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkosxkA VsfLVax ds le; yhdst
o vU; nks"k fufonkdkj dks Lo;a ds O;; ij Bhd djuk gksxkA
47- ikbZi ykbZu dh [kqnkbZ djrs le; o iwoZ esa nwjHkk"k foHkkx ls VsyhQksu dscy ykbZu dh tkudkjh
vuqlkj gh [kqnkbZ dk dk;Z djsxsa] ;fn VsyhQksu dscy bR;kfn ,oa vU; dksbZ {kfr gksrh gS rks fufonkdkj
dh lEiw.kZ tokcnkjh gksxh A
48- ikbZi ykbZu gsrq ikbZi o Lis'ky fufonkdkj }kjk iznk; fd;k tkosxkA ifjogu fufonkdkj }kjk fd;k
tkosxk] VwV QwV dh lEiw.kZ tokcnkjh fufonkdkj dh gksxhA
49- ;fn CykfLVax dh vko';drk gksrh gS rks fufonkdkj }kjk fu;ekuqlkj vuqefr izkIr dj fdlh
yk;lsfUlax gksYMj ls CykfLVax dk;Z fd;s tkosxsAa ;fn fdlh izdkj dh nq?kZVuk o vfu;ferrk gksrh gS
rks fufonkdkj Lo;a ftEesnkj jgsxkA
50- vko';drkuqlkj jksM dks dkV dj ikbZi ykbZu fcNkuh gksxh rFkk ikbZi ykbZu dh VsafLVax mijkar
dkadzhV dj jksM dks dkaØhV xszM ,e&20 vFkok rksM+h xbZ dkaØhV jksM ds dkaØhV xzsM ds vuqlkj ¼tks
csgrj gks½ fufeZr djuk gksxkA fd;s x;s dk;Z dh okLrfod ek=k ds vuqlkj fufonkdkj dks Hkqxrku
fd;k tk;sxkA
51- lHkh flfoy dk;Z yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx ds esU;qvy rFkk yksd LokLF; ;kaf=dh foHkkx }kjk fu/kkZfjr
ekin.Mksa ds vuqlkj ekU; gksxkA
52- fo|qr dk;Z gsrq vko';d lkexzh e-iz-i-{kS-fo-fo-daiuh fyfeVsM ds lacaf/kr vf/kdkjh ¼dk;Zikyu
;a=h@lgk;d ;a=h@vfHk;ark½ ls fujh{k.k ds mijkar mfpr xq.koRrk dh ikbZ tkus ij gh mi;ksx dh
tkosxh rFkk Vªkl
a QkeZj dh xkjaVh 2 o"kZ dh vof/k rd gksxhA 2 o"kZ dh vof/k esa VªkalQkeZj [kjkc gksus
ij fufonkdkj dks Lo;a ds O;; ij Vªkla QkeZj rRdky Bhd djkuk gksxkA
53- fo|qqr dk;Z iw.kZ gksus ds mijkar fufonkdkj dks laikfnr dk;Z e-iz-i-{kS-fo-fo-daiuh fyfeVsM dks gLrkarfjr
dj gLrkarj.k i=d izLrqr djus ij gh vafre ns;d dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkosxk
54- fo|qqr dk;Z fo|qr daiuh ds fu;ekuqlkj daiuh esa ^^v^^ esa iatho} fufonkdkj ds ek/;e ls gh
djkuk gksxk A
55- uyty ;kstuk ds flfoy@ikbZi ykbZu ,oa fo|qr lac/a kh dk;Z esa fdlh Hkh dk;Z dk dVks=k vFkok
vfrfjDr ek=k dk ewY;kadu yksd LokLF; ;kaf=dh; foHkkx rFkk fo|qr daiuh ds fufonk vkea=.k fnukad
dks izpfyr ,l-vks-vkj- ds vuq:i fufonk esa iznRr njksa ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkosxkA fo|qr daiuh ds
}kjk fn;s x;s izkDdyu esa Centage rFkk Transpotation Charge ;fn dksbZ gks rks mudk
Hkqxrku Bsdsnkj dks ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
56- uyty iznk; ;kstuk ds fuekZ.k ,oa Vªk;y&ju~ dh vof/k ds nkSjku fufonkdkj }kjk fu;ksftr dfeZ;ksa
dh lqj{kk gsrq vko';d midj.kksa dh O;oLFkk fufonkdkj }kjk Lo;a ds O;; ij dh tk;sxhA dk;Z
laiknu ds nkSjku gksus okyh fdlh Hkh ?kVuk@nq?kZVuk ,oa mlds oS/kkfud ifj.kkeksa ds fy;s fufonkdkj
iw.kZr% mRrjnk;h gksxkA
57- lEiw.kZ uyty ;kstuk dk Vªk;y&ju fufonkdkj dks Vªk;y&ju dh fu/kkZfjr vof/k 90 fnol rd djuk
gksxkA ;kstuk ds Vªk;y&ju dh vof/k esa vuqca/k vuqlkj ;kstuk ds leLr vo;oksa ds dk;Z larqf"V ds
lkFk iw.kZ fd;s tkus ds laca/k esa dk;Zikyu ;a=h }kjk fufonkdkj dks i= tkjh fd;k tk;sxkA bl izdkj
dk;Zikyu ;a=h }kjk tkjh fd;s x;s i= dh fnukad ls Vªk;y&ju dh vof/k izkjaHk gksxhA Vªk;y&ju dh
vof/k ds nkSjku xzke ds 'kr~izfr'kr ifjokjksa dks ?kjsyw uy dusD'ku ls fu/kkZfjr ek=k ,oa xq.koRrk dk
is;ty 90 fnol rd lrr~ :i ls miyC/k gksus ij rFkk ;kstuk leLr vo;oksa ds dk;Z ls
foHkkx@xzke iapk;r@OghMCY;w,llh ds larq"V gksus ij Vªk;y&ju dh vof/k iw.kZ gksxhA ;kstuk ds
Vªk;y&ju vof/k ds nkSjku fufonkdkj }kjk xzke iapk;r@OghMCY;w,llh ds lnL;ksa ,oa muds }kjk
p;fur vkWijsVj vkfn dks ;kstuk ds lapkyu&la/kkj.k gsrq fu%'kqYd izf'k{k.k fn;k tk;sxkA Vªk;y&ju
iw.kZ gksus ds mijkar ;kstuk lapkyu&la/kkj.k gsrq xzke iapk;r@OghMCY;w,llh dks gLrkarfjr dh tk;sxhA
58- fufonkdkj }kjk ;kstuk ds fofHkUu vo;oksa ;Fkk iai gkml] mPp Lrjh; Vadh] ty 'kks/ku la;a=] ikbZi
ykbZu ,oa okYOl vkfn dk lh-ih-,p-bZ-bZ-vks- eSuqvy ds izko/kkuksa ,oa foHkkxh; funsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj
Vªk;y&ju fd;k tk;sxkA
134 | P a g e 1 5 1
59- ;fn Vªk;y&ju vof/k esa fdlh uyty ;kstuk dk L=ksr vlQy gks tkrk gS] vFkok L=ksr esa ty vkod {kerk
vi;kZIr gks tkrh gS rks Engineer in Charge foHkkxh; :Ik ls oSdfYid O;oLFkk dj ldrk gS] vFkok bl gsrq
vko';d dk;Z dk izkDdyu rS;kj dj] ,sls dk;Z dh l{ke Lohd`fr izkIr dj] ,sls dk;Z dks blh vuqca/k ds
varxZr fufonkdkj ds ek/;e ls fØ;kfUor djk ldsxkA fufonkdkj ds fy;s ;g vko';d gksxk fd og ,slk dk;Z
fu;r le;kof/k esa Lohd`r fufonk nj ij iw.kZ djsxk ,oa foHkkx }kjk bl dk;Z dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxk ,oa
vko';drk gksus ij vko';drk gksus ij bl dk;Z gsrq vuqc/a k ds izko/kku vuqlkj le;ko`f) nh tk ldsxhA bl
izdkj vfrfjDr :i ls fd;s x;s dk;Z ds iw.kZ gksus dh fnukad ls Vªk;y&ju dh 90 fnol dh vof/k bl
vfrfjDr dk;Z ds fy;s izHkkoh gksxhA
60- ;kstuk ds Vªk;y&ju ds nkSjku gksus okyk leLr O;; fufonk nj esa lfEefyr gS] vFkkZr~ Vªk;y&ju ds nkSjku
fufonkdkj dks i`Fkd ls dksbZ jkf'k ns; ugha gksxh fdUrq ;kstuk ds lapkyu ds nkSjku izkIr gksus okys fo|qr ns;d
dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku lkekU;r% iapk;r@is;ty milfefr@OghMCY;w,llh }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA
61- ;kstuk dk lQyrk iwoZd Vªk;y&ju iw.kZ fd;s tkus dk izek.k&i= dk;Zikyu ;a=h }kjk tkjh fd;s tkus ij
chvksD;w ds fofHkUu vk;Veksa esa izko/kkfur Vªk;y&ju ¼Successful Trial Run of Entire Scheme½ dh jkf'k
dk Hkqxrku fufonkdkj dks fd;k tk ldsxkA
62- Vªk;y ju dh vof/k izkjaHk gksus dh fnukad ls fufonkdkj dks ;kstuk ds izR;sd L=ksr ds ty ds uewus Lo;a ds
O;; ij ijh{k.k gsrq de ls de 15 fnol esa ,d ckj foHkkx dh ftyk@mi[k.M Lrjh; iz;ksx'kkyk esa ijh{k.k
gsrq izsf"kr djus gksx
a sA uewuksa dk ijh{k.k foHkkx }kjk fu%'kqYd fd;k tk;sxkA ty ijh{k.k gsrq Hksts tkus okys
uewuksa dh vko`fRr fofHkUu _rqvksa esa foHkkx ds funsZ'kkuqlkj de ;k vf/kd gks ldrh gSA ijUrq vko`fRr vf/kd
gksus ij Hkh fufonkdkj dks vyx ls dksbZ Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
63- ;kstuk ds Vªk;y&ju dh vof/k esa fdlh vkosnd }kjk uy dusD'ku dh eakx fd;s tkus ij xzke
iapk;r@is;ty milfefr@OghMCY;w,llh dh vuq'kalk ij fufonkdkj }kjk lacaf/kr vkosnd dks uy dusD'ku
miyC/k djk;k tk;sxkA bl gsrq fufonkdkj dks fufonk ds izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
64- ;fn eq[; xzke ds fdlh clkgV@eksgYys@Hkkx esa uyty ;kstuk LFkkfir gS rFkk eq[; xzke esa bl vuqc/a k ds
rgr ;kstuk fØ;kfUor dh tk jgh gS rFkk ,slh clkgV@eksgYys@xzke esa LFkkfir uyty ;kstuk dks eq[;
xzke dh ;kstuk ls tksM+k tk jgk gS rks fufonkdkj }kjk nksuksa {ks= ¼eq[; xzke ,oa clkgV@eksgYyk@xzke½ dh
;kstukvksa dk lexz :i ls Vªk;y&ju fd;k tk;sxkA
65- dkadzhV jksM ds uhps Vªpsa ysl VsDukykth ¼gkfjtUVy MkbjsD'ku fMfyax½ ls ikbZiykbZu Mkyus ij Providing,
Laying, Jointing of pipeline okys vkbZVe esa ls mruh yackbZ esa :i;s 10@& izfr ehVj ds eku ls dVkS=k
fd;k tkosxkA ;g dk;Z flQZ dkadzhV jksM ;k [kjatk jksM ds uhps gh fd;k tkosxkA dk;ZLFky dh fLFkfr ds
vuqlkj bl dk;Z dh ek=k de ;k vf/kd dk;Zikyu ;a=h dh vuqe fr ls djokbZ tk ldsxhA Vªp sa ysl VsDukykth
ls Mkyh tkus okyh ikbZiykbZu okys LFkku ij fd, tkus okys flfoy dk;Z dk Hkqxrku vyx ls fd;k tkosxkA
dk;ZLFky dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj tgkW dkadzhV jksM ds uhps Vªp sa ysl VsDukykth ls dk;Z gksuk laHko ugha gksxk] ogkW
ikbZi ykbZu dh fu/kkZfjr [kqnkbZ dh pkSMkbZ ds cjkcj dkadzhV jksM dkVdj iqu% iwokZul q kj dkadzhV djuk gksxhA
blds dkj.k Vªpsa ysl VsDukykth ds vkbZVe ;k dkadzhV djus ds vkbZVe dh ek=k esa dkQh ifjorZu gks ldrk gSA
tks QeZ dks foHkkxh; vf/kdkfj;ksa ds funsZ'kkuqlkj djuk gksxkA
66- uy dusD'ku esa IysVQkeZ] isjkisV vkSj LVS.M iksLV dh xzkmfVax dh nj lfEefyr gSA lkbZV ij ifjfLFkfro'k ;fn
mijksDr dk;Z ughaa gks ikrs gS rks izeq[k vfHk;ark] yksd LokLF; ;kaf=dh foHkkx] Hkksiky }kjk tkjh la'kks/ku fnukad
06-08-2020 ds vkbZVe 17-44 vuqlkj IysVQkeZ vkSj isjkisV ugha cukus gsrq : 350/- izfr dusD'ku ,oa LVS.M
iksLV dh xzkmfVax ugha djus ds dkj.k vkbZVe : 150/- izfr dusD'ku dk dVkS=k fd;k tkosxkA ¼uy dusD'ku
dh MªkbZax i`"B Ø- 89 ij layXu gS½A
67- ckmUMªhokWy ds lekukUrj fczd ls D;kjh cukdj izR;sd nks ehVj dh nwjh ij o`{kkjksi.k bathfu;j bapktZ ds
funsZ'kkuqlkj djuk gksxkA bl gsrq i`Fkd ls Hkqxrku ugh fd;k tk;sxkA
68- izeq[k vfHk;ark] yksd LokLF; ;kaf=dh foHkkx Hkksiky ds i= dzekad 6402@eksfu@iz -v-@yksLok;kafo-@2019 Hkksiky
fnukad 11 tqykbZ 2019 ,oa i= dzekad 8315@eksfu@iz-v-@yksLok;kafo-@2019 Hkksiky fnukad 07 flrEcj 2019
ls tkjh funsZ'kkuqlkj %& uyty ;kstukvksa esa yxus okys okVj fMlbuQsD'ku ;wfuV dh rduhd uhjh] ukxiqj
}kjk vuqeksfnr gksA okVj fMlbuQsD'ku ;wfuV dh rduhd] Lisf'kfQds'ku rFkk iznk; drkZ QeZ dk
;wfuV@ izksMDV@l;a= uhjh ukxiqj }kjk ijhf{kr@ eqY;kafdr gksuk pkfg;s rFkk fuekZ.k drkZ ds ikl muds l;a=
dh rduhd dk vuqeksnu rFkk l;a= dh Evaluation Of Efficacy uhjh ukxiqj ds }kjk tkjh gksuk pkfg;sA
69- fufonkdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ty L=ksr dh xq.koRrk LFkkuh; dkj.kksa ls ¼tSls&L=ksr esa iznwf"kr
ikuh feyuk] L=ksr ds ikl dwM+&
s dpjs] xkscj gksuk vkfn½ izHkkfor u gksA
135 | P a g e 1 5 1
70- fufonk dh ch-vks-D;w- (Bill of Quantities) ds ,sls vk;Ve ftlesa "Providing laying /jointing/
installation and testing/ commissioning" dk dk;Z lfEefyr gS] mu vk;Veksa dk Hkqxrku
fuEukuqlkj cszdvi esa fd;k tk;sxk %&
1- lkexzh dk LFky lkbV@LVksj ij iznk; gksus ds mijkar (Providing/ vk;Ve nj dk 60
Procurment) izfr'kr
2- lkexzh dks fu/kkZfjr LFky ij yxkus ds mijkar (Laying/ Jointing/
Installation) :-
(a) ikoj iai@Vªkla QkeZj LFkkiuk lac/a kh dk;Z %& vk;Ve nj dk 20
iai LFkkiuk ,oa fu;fer fo|qr la;kstu dk;Z iw.kZ djus ijA izfr'kr
(b) ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z tgk¡ Road Cutting dh fLFkfr gks %& vk;Ve nj dk 20
Laying / Jointing rd dk dk;Z iw.kZ djus ijA izfr'kr
(c) ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z tgk¡ Road Cutting dh fLFkfr u gks%& vk;Ve nj dk 30
Laying/Jointing rd dk dk;Z iw.kZ djus ijA izfr'kr
3- After Testing & Commissioning :-
(a) ikoj iai@Vªkla QkeZj LFkkiuk lac/a kh dk;Z %& vk;Ve nj dk 15
Testing & Commissioning iw.kZ djus ijA izfr'kr
(b) ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z tgk¡ Road Cutting dh fLFkfr gks %& vk;Ve nj dk 15
Testing & Commissioning ,oa Road Restoration (Making good izfr'kr
the same) dk dk;Z iw.kZ djus ijA
(c) ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z tgk¡ Road Cutting dh fLFkfr u gks%& vk;Ve nj dk 5
Testing & Commissioning ,oa ikbZi ykbZu VSaªp dh Backfill dk dk;Z izfr'kr
iw.kZ djus ijA
4- After Successful Trial-Run of Entire Scheme :-
(a) ikoj iai@Vªkla QkeZj LFkkiuk lac/a kh dk;Z %& vk;Ve nj dk 5
Testing & Commissioning iw.kZ djus ijA izfr'kr
(b) ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z tgk¡ Road Cutting dh fLFkfr gks %& vk;Ve nj dk 5
Testing & Commissioning ,oa Road Restoration (Making good izfr'kr
the same) dk dk;Z iw.kZ djus ijA
(c) ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z tgk¡ Road Cutting dh fLFkfr u gks%& vk;Ve nj dk 5
Testing & Commissioning ,oa ikbZi ykbZu VSaªp dh Backfill dk dk;Z izfr'kr
iw.kZ djus ijA
mijksDr czsdvi ikbZi] iai] Lis'kYl] Vªkla QkeZj] Electric Conductor And Pole ds iznk; laca/kh
vk;Veksa ij gh ykxw gksxkA vU; vk;Veksa ds Hkqxrku ij mDr cszdvi ykxw ugaha gksxk rFkk mudk Hkqxrku
ch-vks-D;w- dh nj ds vuq:i lacfa /kr vk;Ve ds iw.kZ :i ls fØ;kfUor gksus ij gh gksxkA
71- mijksDr izko/kku fufonkdkj ds Cash Flow dks cuk;s j[kus ds mnns'; ls fd;k x;k gSA vr%
fufonkdkj dh ftEesnkjh gksxh fd og lkexzh ds iznk; ds lkFk&lkFk laying/jointing/installation
dk 07 fnol esa izkjaHk djs ;fn fufonkdkj }kjk ek= lkexzh dk iznk; fd;k tkrk gS vkSj mldk
laying/jointing/installation dk 07 fnol esa dk;Z izkjaHk ugha fd;k tkrk gS rks dk;Z ds vU;
ns;d dh jkf'k ls mDr jkf'k dk dVkS=k fd;k tk;sxkA
72- vkjlhlh mPp Lrjh; Vafd;ksa ds BOQ Item dk Payment Schedule (Breakup) fuEukuqlkj gksxk
S. Stage of payment % of amount of Cumulative
No. Item to be paid Percentage
1. After casting of Leveling Course 3% 3%
2. After foundation including columns to 1st brace 5% 8%
136 | P a g e 1 5 1
3. After casting 50% R.C.C. Staging 10% 18%
4. After full Staging 15% 33%
5. After Ring Beam bottom Slab Casting 15% 48%
6. After Casting Vertical wall of tank 15% 63%
7. After Casting Stair-Case Including railing Work 10% 73%
and Top Dome Slab
8. Supply of all Pipes, Specials and fixing complete 12% 85%
9. After G.L Protection Work Gate work Complete 5% 90%
10. After Finishing work, Testing, Commissioning and 5% 95%
completion of work of this item in all respect.
11. After Successful Trial-Run of Entire Scheme 5% 100%
137 | P a g e 1 5 1
Section 4
Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
Name of work - Design, Construction and Retrofitting of Piped Water Supply Scheme under
Jal Jeevan Mission at Village – 1. Keli, 2. Sangwi, Block Segaon Distt. Khargone based on Tube
wells/Dugwell including installation of electric submersible/centrifugal water motor pumps,
Construction of RCC OHT 02 Nos. (1 Nos.-100kl, 12 Mtr. Staging, 1 Nos.-125kl, 12 Mtr. Staging)
sumpwells 02 Nos (40KL), pump houses, laying and jointing of rising main, distribution pipe
line system, household tap connections, electric power connections at Tube wells/Sumpwells
etc including cost of all material and labour with testing commissioning thereafter 90 Days of
successful Trial Run of entire scheme.
(i) THE UNIFIED SOR for Water Supply, Sewerage and Allied works Issued by Engineer in
Chief P.H.E. Department Jal Bhawan, Banganga BHOPAL w.e.f. 03.07.2018 with
amendment first issued vide 164 Date 30-03-2019 and Second amendment issued vide letter
No. 254 Date 06-08-2020
(ii) THE UNIFIED SOR for Civil works Issued by Engineer in Chief Public Works
Department BHOPAL w.e.f. 01.12.2020 with upto date amendments
(iii) As per Market Rates / LUN Price list.
(iv) SOR issued by Additional Chief Engineer (works) Office of Managing Director (WZ)
M.P.P.K.V.V. Co. Ltd. Indore vides his Letter No. MD/WZ/08-03/21689 Indore, Dated 22-11-
2019 for year 2019-20 (With amendments) Excluding centages, Transportation etc.
Probable Amount of Contract (Rs. in Figure) : Rs :- 407.10 lacs
(Rs. in words) : Four crore seven lac ten thousand
Sl. Item Description Iteam No. and Total Units Estimated TOTAL
No. Page No. QTY. of 2 Rate in AMOUNT
Village Rs. P Without
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Earth work in excavation by
Mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in
SOR Page no.207
1 width as well as 10sqm on plan) 16600.22 Cum 140.00 2324030.80
/ Item no. 16.4
including disposal of excavated earth,
leadup to 50 m and lift up to 1.5
m,disposed earth to be levelled and
neatly dressed.All kind of soil.
Earth work in excavation by
mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in
width as well as 10 sqm on plan)
SOR Page no.208
2 including disposal of xcavated earth, 4187.64 Cum 255.00 1067848.20
/ Item no. 16.6 (a)
lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m,
disposed earth to be leveled and
neatly dressed. Soft rock with or
without blasting or bituminous
pavement / cement concrete road.
138 | P a g e 1 5 1
Providing, Laying, Jointing & field
testing of HDPE pipes (High Density
Polyethylene Pipes) confirming to IS
51/12786/13488 with necessary
jointing material like mechanical
connector of jointing pipes by heating
to the ends of pipes with the help of
Teflon coated electric mirror/ heater to SOR Page no.
the required temperature and then 122/ Item 9.1
pressing the ends together against
each other, to form a monolithic & leak
proof joint by thermosetting process. It
may be required to be done with Jack/
Hydraulic Jacks/ Butt fusion machine.
(50 mm & above fusion jointed &
below 50mm mechanical jointed)
3.01 110 mm dia 8kg/cm2 8550.00 R/m 426.00 3642300.00
3.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 18850.00 R/m 232.00 4373200.00
3.03 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 3821.00 R/m 388.00 1482548.00
3.04 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 2340.00 R/m 451.00 1055340.00
3.05 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 1724.00 R/m 563.00 970612.00
3.06 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 1218.00 R/m 753.00 917154.00
Providing and laying including testing
SOR Page no.
4 Bend 90̊ confirming to IS
122/ item Item 9.2
4.01 110 mm dia 8 kg/cm2 17.00 Each 308.00 5236.00
4.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 263.00 Each 199.00 52337.00
4.03 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 63.00 Each 264.00 16632.00
4.04 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 35.00 Each 379.00 13265.00
4.05 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 27.00 Each 514.00 13878.00
4.06 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 21.00 Each 737.00 15477.00
Providing and laying including testing
0 SOR Page no.
5 Bend 45 confirming to IS
123/ item Item 9.3
5.01 110 mm dia 8kg/cm2 20.00 Each 359.00 7180.00
5.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 315.00 Each 210.00 66150.00
5.03 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 66.00 Each 312.00 20592.00
5.04 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 40.00 Each 434.00 17360.00
5.05 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 30.00 Each 633.00 18990.00
5.06 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 24.00 Each 913.00 21912.00
Providing and laying including testing
SOR Page no.
6 Equal Tee confirming to IS
124/ item Item 9.4
6.01 110 mm dia 8 kg/cm2 7.00 Each 453.00 3171.00
6.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 176.00 Each 300.00 52800.00
6.03 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 43.00 Each 439.00 18877.00
6.04 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 22.00 Each 485.00 10670.00
6.05 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 16.00 Each 663.00 10608.00
6.06 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 12.00 Each 957.00 11484.00
Providing and laying including
SOR Page no.
7 testingReducer: confirming to IS
124/ item Item 9.6
7.01 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 160.00 Each 127.00 20320.00
7.02 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 38.00 Each 133.00 5054.00
139 | P a g e 1 5 1
7.03 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 22.00 Each 158.00 3476.00
7.04 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 18.00 Each 206.00 3708.00
Providing and laying including testing
SOR Page no.
8 End Cap confirming to IS
124/ item Item 9.8
8.01 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 35.00 Each 110.00 3850.00
8.02 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 140.00 Each 105.00 14700.00
Providing butt fusion welded
joint/joining by heating to the ends
with the help of Teflon coated electric
mirror/heater ends together etc. by
thermosetting processes to HDPE SOR Page no.
Pipe 124/ item Item 9.7
and specials. (6 kg. 8 kg. 10 kg.) (50
mm & above fusion jointed & below 50
mm mechanical jointed) including
9.01 90 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 1770.00 Each 146.00 258420.00
9.02 110 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 663.00 Each 161.00 106743.00
9.03 125 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 282.00 Each 194.00 54708.00
9.04 140 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 196.00 Each 206.00 40376.00
9.05 160 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 120.00 Each 223.00 26760.00
Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion
Fittings in accordance with BS EN
12201 : Part-3 suitable for drinking
water with in black/blue color
manufactured from compounded
PE80/PE100 virgin polymer and
SOR Page
compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in
10 no.132/ Item
pressure rated SDR 11 with min PN
12.5 rated for water application and
shall be inclusive of all cost such as
testing, inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc. complete.
10.01 110 mm dia 8 kg/cm2 91.00 Each 770.00 70070.00
Demolishing cement concrete
manually / by mechanical means
11 including disposal of material within 50
m lead as per direction of engineer-in-
Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix ( SOR Page
11.01 i/c equivalent no.209/ Item 855.00 Cum 745.00 636975.00
design mix ) 16.15.1
Providing & laying mechanically mixed
concrete 20mm nominal size graded
crushed stone
excluding cost of centering &
shuttering.(a) In Plinth & foundation
SOR Page
12.01 1:3:6 (M-10) no.210/ Item 427.50 Cum 3965.00 1695037.50
16.23 a(ii)
SOR Page
12.02 1:2:4 (M-15) no.210/ Item 427.50 Cum 4695.00 2007112.50
16.23 a(ii)
140 | P a g e 1 5 1
Installation of HDPE pipe by
Horizontal Direction
Drilling Method including preparing
and setting up the plant and
equipment, making string of new pipe
material, installing new pipe string and
making the system ready for
commissioning by HDD operation
including drilling, stringing, reaming
Page-207 Item
13 and pulling back the new pipe on the
designed bore path alignment, proper
disposal of drilling fluid, as per code of
practice for horizontal direction drilling
technique suiting indian conditions.
Required pipes/ specials and other
civil work shall be paid separately-in
all types of soils. (Thisitem shall be
executed only after prior permission of
Superintending Engineer)
HDPE pipe of any class-90 mm outer
13.01 730.00 Rmt 451.00 329230.00
HDPE pipe of any class-110 mm outer
13.02 265.00 Rmt 492.00 130380.00
Providing & fixing of following Cast
iron double flanged sluice valves as
per I.S.:14846-2000 fitted with cast SOR Page
14 iron cap including jointing & testing no.111/ Item
with cost of jointing material such as no.8.1
bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. all
14.01 80 mm dia - CLASS PN-1.0 23.00 Each 3397 78131.00
14.02 100 mm dia - CLASS PN-1.0 33.00 Each 4671 154143.00
14.03 125 mm dia - CLASS PN-1.0 8.00 Each 5678 45424.00
Construction of Brick masonry valve
chamber with 20 cm thick wall in 1:6
2nd Addendum
C.M. with 12mm thick 1:4 Cement
15 P.No. 7 item no
Plaster and base course 10 cm. thick
in M-15. Inside Dimensions
110x80x100cm with -
M-20 RCC chamber cover size 150cm 2nd Addendum
15.01 x 120cm x 12cm including cost of P.No. 7 item no 80.00 No. 6219.00 497520.00
materials, labour etc. complete. 17.45.1
141 | P a g e 1 5 1
Providing & laying in position including
testing following cast iron plain ended
SOR Page no. 78/
18 standard specials confirming to
Item 5.8
IS/5531/1988 (Reaffirmed 2002)
manufactured by mazza process
(ix) Cast Iron Adopter (Flange Spigot) SOR Page no. 81/
tail piece Item 5.8 ix
18.02 80 mm - Class 15 46.00 Each 531 24426.00
18.03 100 mm - Class 15 66.00 Each 652 43032.00
18.04 125 mm - Class 15 16.00 Each 839 13424.00
Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion
Fittings in accordance with BS EN
12201 : Part-3 suitable for drinking
water with in black/blue color
manufactured from compounded
PE80/PE100 virgin polymer and
compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in SOR Page no.
pressure rated SDR 11 with min PN 129 Item 9.14
12.5 rated for water application and
shall be inclusive of all cost such as
testing, inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc. complete.
Spigot Long Neck Pipe End (Stub
SOR Page no.
19.01 End)
132Item 9.14.6
for Electro Fusion Joint
SOR Page no.
19.02 90 mm dia 430.00 Each 505.00 217150.00
SOR Page no.
19.03 110 mm dia 85.00 Each 770.00 65450.00
SOR Page no.
19.04 125 mm dia 50.00 Each 1213.00 60650.00
SOR Page no.
19.05 140 mm dia 40.00 Each 1380.00 55200.00
Supply of Woltman Turbine Bulk
meterclass b, multijet, magnetically
coupledas per specifications
conforming to IS770/1994, ISO 4064/1
and EECapproved, including
transportation tosite, storage, safety,
installation, testingcommissioning,
SOR Page
20 making connectionwith existing 2.00 Job 13500.00 27000.00
no.230/ Item17.24
pipeline having totalmeasuring
capacity of 10,000 Kilolitrewith least
cound of one Kilolitrencluding
excavation at site, deweteringand
reinstating the same aftercompletion
and as per specificationsincluding all
Supplying & Installation of Energy
efficiant five star BEE rating ISI
Marked required capacity of Three
Phase, 50 Hz, 415V, deep well
submersible pump Steel body, suitable
SOR Page no.
for 6"tube well with Control Panel
21 267 / Item
Starter suitable for Submersible pump
with dry run protection, single phase
preventer, connections, including
clamps, bore cap etc. as required as
per specifications but excluding pipe
and connection cable.
142 | P a g e 1 5 1
SOR Page no.
10 H.P. with 20 stages, Head Mt. 184-
21.01 267 / Item 16.00 Each 68414.00 1094624.00
80 Discharge LPM 60-270
no.24.20.106 (IX)
143 | P a g e 1 5 1
Filling available excavated earth in
SOR Page no.
trenches, lead up to 50m and lift up to
27 208 / Item no. 20445.90 Cum 24.00 490701.60
1.5m in all kind of soil excluding
16.10 (b)
watering and ramming.
144 | P a g e 1 5 1
Design and Construction of RCC
framed brick masonry pump house
over the sump with all necessary fitting
and requirement as mentioned in
relevant chapter of USOR, IS codes PHE SOR 2nd
34 and departmental guidelines. ADDENDUMItem 2.00 No. 85000.00 170000.00
Complete turn key job. This item will np.26.3 p.n. 18
only be used with item no 26.2 only in
cases where pumphouse to be
constructed above the proposed
Design, drawing, construction, testing
and commissioning of Elevated
Service Reservoir/ Over Head Tank
(ESR/OHT) with all necessary fitting 2nd Addendum
35 as mentioned in relevant chapter of P.No. 14 item no.
USOR, IS codes and departmental 26.1
guidelines. Complete turn key job for
following capacities with 9/12/15 meter
staging height from GL :-
35.01 100 KL 12 Mtr stagging 1.00 No. 1458000.00 1458000.00
36.02 125 KL 12 Mtr stagging 1.00 No. 1620000.00 1620000.00
Providing and making Consumer
Service Connection (Functional House
Hold Taps Connection) from HDPE
pipe with the help of electro fusion
machine including all labour and
material such as Electro fusion
Saddle, brass ferrule (Not less than
100 gm in weight)/MDPE ferrule/flow
control valve, double compression
elbow, male/female threaded adopter
with metal insert, sockets, MDPE
union 20mm dia/GI union 15 mm dia
36 (medium class), brass/SS tap etc all
item no. 17.41.
complete and all items/fittings shall be 4
complying with the relevant BIS
Codes. Rates also include excavation,
cutting of road if required, refilling the
trenches and restoration of road with
minimum M-20 (1:1.5:3) grade CC or
equivalent grade of existing CC cutting
for providing tap connection
(whichever is richer), construction of
Platform and grouting of circular post
neat finished as per the drawing
attached, testing all complete items.
For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE
Page No. 4
36.01 pipe upto 5 meter and CONCRETE 460.00 Nos 2830.00 1301800.00
ROAD CROSSING is necessary.
For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE
pipe upto 5 meter to 10 mtr and Page No. 4
36.02 454.00 Nos 3020.00 1371080.00
For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE
pipe upto 5 meter and road crossing is Page No. 4
36.03 139.00 Nos 2030.00 282170.00
not required. (Distribution pipe line is /17.41.3
on the same side of house)
145 | P a g e 1 5 1
Construction of Boundary wall
Based on open foundatio.
37.07 M-20 (Nominal Mix 1:1.5:3) 16.24(a)(i) /211 19.02 cum 4751.00 90364.02
Providing & fixing form work i/c centering
37.08 shuttering including strutting, propping etc.
removal of form work for:
Lintels, beams , plinth beams, girders,
37.09 bressumers and 16.30 (iv)/214 107.60 Sqm 298.00 32064.80
146 | P a g e 1 5 1
Providing & laying mechanically mixed
cement concrete 20mm nominal size
37.16 graded crushed stone excluding cost of 16.23(a) /210
centering & shuttering (a) In Plinth &
37.17 M-20 (Nominal Mix 1:1.5:3) 16.23(a)(iii) /210 2.57 cum 5161.00 13243.13
Brick work with open Bhatta bricks having
crushing Rs. strength not less than 20
kg/cm² and water absorption not more than
37.18 25% in super structure above plinth level
and up to floor two level i/c form work &
curing etc. complete.
37.19 In Cement Mortar 1:6 16.28(b) (Iv)/213 33.00 cum 5794.00 191202.00
12mm thick cement plaster in single coat
37.2 finishing even, smooth and curing
16.29(a)/ 214
37.28 ( two or more coats ) on New work 16.43(i)/ 216 381.70 sqm 68.00 25955.60
Fabrication, providing and fixing of typical
information board of size 2.40 m x 1.80 m
made out as detailed below -
1. Three vertical support made out from
100 mm x 50 mm , 6.0 mm thick channel.
This shall be minimum 1.0 m below GL and
3.00 m above GL. The Channel shall be
erected on 600 mm x 600 mm x 1000 mm
foundation blocks at appropriate depth
made of cement concrete 1:2:4.
2.The board shall be fabricated from 1.6 second
mm thick MS sheet of size 2.40 m x 1.80 Addendum Page
38 m, The frame of board shall be fabricated
2.00 Job 27000 54000.00
No. 7 Item no.
with 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 thick angle with 17.47
one horizontal additional support in center
with same angle.
3. Whole structure shall be painted by
standard color with lettering border,
heading and logo etc using synthetic
enamel paint of superior quality including
welding, excavation, concreting , painting of
base, border and lettering, painting and
other required details etc complete as
directed by Engineer in charge.
147 | P a g e 1 5 1
MPVVCL SOR Provision for extension of
electric power line up to tube well including
installation of suitable transformer.(The
material to be used and work to be
executed shall be as per Schedule Ref. of
MPMKVVCL SOR given below in the items.
Any decrease or increase in the
work/itemgiven in the composit reference
39 schedule item shall be payable according
to the actual execution.)
Note – The electrical items shall be taken
as per requirement of the
scheme.Executive Engineer should decide
the required items and include in this BOQ.
Mostly used electrical items are given
1. The above items/quantities are for guidance of tenderer for type of works to be executed. It is not necessary to
execute all the items/quantity mentioned above. As per requirement of particular scheme some new items may
also be required to execute. The payment shall be made for the actual items/quantities executed.
2. For any items included in the BOQ or subsequently included in the BOQ, contractor has to supply the said item as
per the make /brand as empanelled by the department, or wherever quality standards have been specified, the
contractor shall engage supplier and abide by the specified quality standards. Information in this regard may be
seen in Annexure–Y.
3. Provision for extension of electrtic power line as per MPPKVVCL SOR 2019-20 up to tube well/ Sumpwell including
installation of suitable transformer. (The material to be used and work to be executed shall be as per Schedule Ref.
of the work/item given in the composite reference schedule item) .
4. No Extra Lead and Lift would be payble for all items except as mentioned in the BOQ.
5. Villagewise quantites of different items of work included in above BOQ is given in Annexure-Y-1
148 | P a g e 1 5 1
This agreement, made the _________________ day of ________________
between ___________________ (name and address of Employer) (hereinafter called " the
Employer) and____________________________________ (name and address of contractor)
hereinafter called "the Contractor" of the other part.
Whereas the Employer is desirous that the Contractor execute ___________________
_______________________ (name and identification number of Contract) (hereinafter called "the
Works") and the Employer has accepted the Bid by the Contractor for the execution and completion of
such Works and the remedying of any defects therein, at a cost of Rs.______________________
1. In this Agreement, words and expression shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the conditions of contract hereinafter referred to and they shall be
deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement.
2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter
mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the
Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all aspects with the provisions of the
3. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and
completion of the Works and the remedying the defects wherein Contract Price or such other
sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the
manner prescribed by the Contract.
4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be ready and construed as part of this
Agreement viz.
i. Letter of Acceptance
ii. Contractor's Bid
iii. Condition of Contract: General and Special
iv. Contract Data
v. Bid Data
vi. Drawings
vii. Bill of Quantities and
viii. Any other documents listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract.
In witnessed whereof the parties there to have caused this Agreement to be executed the day
and year first before written.
The Common Seal of ____________________________________________ was hereunto
affixed in the presence of:
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said ________________ __________________________
in the presence of :
149 | P a g e 1 5 1