Badass Braids
Badass Braids
Badass Braids
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Proof 1 2 T
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Proof 1
From the gladiator ring to the courts of movies, including Game of Thrones, Outlander,
Renaissance queens, from the lands of Middle- Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games.
earth to a galaxy far, far away, the creativity Originally I began doing it just for my own
displayed by today’s costume dramas—in film amusement, but when I created my Silvousplaits
and television—is simply amazing. Their strong YouTube channel and started posting tutorials for
characters and richly crafted worlds have inspired all to see, I discovered how much fun it was to
massive followings, and lots of people want to share my passion for hairstyling with others.
bring a bit of otherworldliness into their daily This book is the culmination of that
lives. One simple and powerful way to do so is to process, offering 45 of my favorite hairstyles
duplicate the characters’ hairstyles, and that’s my from several popular and geeky movies, shows,
goal with this book: to teach you how to recreate and video games—all presented with the DIY
the best hairstyles from your favorite shows and stylist in mind. The styles are arranged by genre
movies on yourself and others. into separate chapters, each of which features
I have always loved hairstyling because the hairstyles for a variety of hair lengths, textures,
possibilities are endless and it gives you so much and skill levels. Step-by-step instructions and
confidence. At the same time, I’m a big nerd. For illustrations will teach you how to achieve
the last several years I have studied and replicated these looks on yourself, and behind-the-scenes
the hairstyles in my favorite TV shows and information from show stylists will shed light
Proof 1
Hair Tip
nice and straight sections in your hair, simply place
the pointed end against your scalp and draw a line
where you want the section to be.
My favorite everyday brush is called the Tangle
Teezer, which has an ergonomic hold and
flexible bristles that don’t rip through tangles. Proof 1
Hair Elastics
Hair elastics come in many sizes and colors, as well Topsy Tail
as a variety of materials, such as rubber or fabric. A topsy tail is a simple plastic device that works
It’s useful to have a variety of sizes, colors, and like a giant needle and is used to flip ponytails
materials on hand. Small and clear elastics are good inside out or to weave one section of hair through
for the ends of braids, particularly when you want another. To use it, simply thread a section of hair
to hide the braid end underneath a bun. Large, soft- through the large hole in the topsy tail, then use
surfaced hair elastics are better for making ponytails the pointed end to push the topsy tail through
with big sections of hair, since these elastics are whatever hair you want to weave through (e.g.,
easier to remove without snagging the hair elastics. under a hair elastic or through the strands of
For added comfort, elastic ribbon ties are also another braid). When you pull the topsy tail out
available, as well as a telephone-cord-like tie called the other side, the section of hair you threaded
Invisibobble, which leaves no ponytail crease! through the hole comes with it. Topsy tails can be
bought online very cheaply.
Hair Pins
Bobby pins are really useful for getting hair to stay Hair Beads
in whatever position you want it. When you make Hair beads have been used for millennia all around
buns, twists, and generally any shape that involves the world, and they are incorporated into many
defying gravity, bobby pins will usually be involved. styles on the screen today. You can buy dedicated
You can use these to attach one section of hair to hair beads that are high quality and artistic, but in a
another place on the head, and for extra hold, you pinch, you can also use any sort of crafting bead.
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Hair Tip
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English Braid
The English braid is just the fancy name for a
normal three-strand braid. After splitting your hair
into three strands, weave one of the outer strands
over the middle one, so the two switch places. Then
weave the outer strand on the opposite side over the
middle one, so it becomes the new middle strand.
Continue this alternating pattern to the ends of
your hair.
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Proof 1
ow one’s hair was styled was an important indication of status in
Ancient Rome and Greece. In this chapter we will be recreating the
hairstyles of characters from the historical drama series Rome and
Spartacus, as well as the Frank Miller–inspired film 300. In the latter we find
Gorgo, Queen of Sparta, helping to rally 300 Spartans into taking arms against
the ruthless Persian king Xerxes and his army of 300,000 in 478 BCE. Rome,
which aired on HBO from 2005 to 2007, centers on the exciting period of
first-century BCE Roman history as the republic transformed into a vast empire.
Among the power players in this Emmy Award–winning drama is Julius Caesar’s
niece Atia of the Julii, a conniving noblewoman who competes with Cleopatra
for the affections of Mark Antony. Spartacus, which aired on Starz between 2010
and 2013, is based on the story of the historical Thracian gladiator who led slaves
in a massive uprising against their Roman captors from 73 to 71 BCE. One of
Spartacus’s generals in the rebellion is the Celtic ex-gladiator Gannicus. On the
other side of the conflict is Lucretia, a femme fatale like Rome’s Atia who carries
on an affair with an enslaved Gallic gladiator and murders her political enemies.
Proof 1
Played by English actress Polly Walker, the character of Atia is (very loosely)
based on Julius Caesar’s actual niece, the pious Atia Balba (85–43 BCE), who
became the mother of Rome’s first emperor, Augustus. However, interviews
with the series creators reveal that Atia of the Julii’s character takes more
inspiration from the highly educated—and extremely scandalous—Roman
noblewoman-poet Clodia Metelli (born ca. 95 BCE). A notorious drinker
and gambler, Clodia had numerous extramarital affairs, taking slaves and
married men as lovers. Nicknamed Medea of the Palatine by Cicero (in
reference to the legendary sorceress who murdered her own children), Clodia
was even suspected of poisoning her husband in 59 BCE.
Here, we learn to recreate one of the hairstyles the fictional Atia wears
for her ostentatious parties aimed at currying favor with Caesar.
Known as “God of the Arena” and portrayed by the Australian actor Dustin
Clare in the Spartacus television series, the character of Gannicus is based
on a real Celtic slave who helped command the so-called “Gladiator War”
against the Roman Republic and met his end in the winter of 71 BCE,
near present-day Mount Soprano in southern Italy. By the fourth and final
season, War of the Damned, Gannicus has become the only gladiator ever
to win his freedom through his unparalleled fighting prowess in the arena,
and he has decided, in honor of his dear fallen friend Oenomaus, to join
Spartacus’s rebellion.
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Hair Tip
Played by the Kiwi actress Lucy Lawless, Lucretia is as ambitious and ruthless
as Batiatus, her husband. Batiatus, who owns the ludus in Capua where
Spartacus trains to become a gladiator, seeks power and government favor
by securing spots for his fighters in prestigious games. Lucretia plays the
soft-power game by cultivating important friends, dressing fashionably, and
building a reputation of procuring certain “entertainment” for Capua’s elite.
This complex and elegant hairstyle can be seen in the fourth episode
of Blood and Sand, when Lucretia and Batiatus are scheming about how to
make more money from the fighting pits.
Proof 1
Hair Tip
6.Using the curling iron, curl the hair below 7.Pick up a chunk of hair behind the ears now
the braids in sections 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 and split it in half. Then coil and pin up the
cm) wide by wrapping the section around half closest to the ear, clipping the other
the iron and holding for about ten seconds. half out of the way for now. Repeat this step
Unclip the hair above the horizontal part on the other side of the head. Coil and pin
and curl it as well. Then pick up one curl up the rest of the hair to finish the curl bun,
at the top of the head and wrap it tightly making sure to cover the braids in the back of
around a couple of fingers to form a coil the head. Then unclip the two tendrils of hair
about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. Pin it to you left out of the bun and let them hang over
the top of the head. Repeat this step with the shoulders to finish the look.
the rest of the hair above the horizontal
Proof 1 2 T
n Norse mythology, beautiful hair is a symbol of fertility. Sif, the goddess of
fertility and family, had long golden hair representing bountiful wheat. In
one story recorded by the Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson in his Prose
Edda (ca. 1220), the mischievous god Loki cuts off Sif ’s hair and is punished
severely: not only does he have to make Sif a golden headdress, but he is also
forced to offer gifts to three other gods—one of which is Thor’s mighty hammer.
Clearly, hair was an important indicator of social status and marital eligibility
among the Vikings, and interest in the culture is experiencing a renaissance of
sorts thanks to Vikings, the History Channel’s hit television series. In this chapter
I will be demonstrating how to recreate the hairstyles of some leading characters
in Vikings, including chieftain Ragnar Lothbrok—who is based on the legendary
Norse hero from the Völsunga saga—as well as Kwenthrith, Queen of Mercis,
and the Viking shieldmaidens Lagertha and Torvi. Also included is a hairstyle
of the Saxon warrior Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the fictional protagonist of the
BBC’s historical drama series The Last Kingdom, which is set during the Viking
occupation of England in the ninth century.
Proof 1
Uhtred of Bebbanburg
1.To prep the hair for the rough warrior 2.Now divide the hair on top of the
look, tease the hair on top of the head. head into five sections, running from
the forehead back to the crown. The
outermost sections should start at the
corners of the forehead, with the other
three in between. Liberally spray this hair
with hairspray or texture spray so that it
will hold its shape better. Twist each of
these sections, starting with just a little
bit of hair at the forehead. Add in more
hair to each twist as you progress back to
the crown. Clip the twists for now.
4.Divide the hair on one side of the head in half 5.Slide a hair bead over each elastic on the
horizontally, and then make two more twists four side twists.
with each of these halves, securing each twist
with a small, clear hair elastic near the back of
the head. Repeat this step on the other side of
the head.
Proof 1
If your hair is very long, don’t worry about making a bun out of the entire length
of the braids—you can let the ends hang free and just remove the elastics.
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Proof 1
3.Pick up three small sections of hair on each 4.Make a small rope accent braid on each
side of the head. Slide three small hair side of the head as well, securing them
beads onto each one of these sections. with hair elastics or letting them hang free
if you wish to have a looser look. For the
finishing touch, drape a beaded necklace
or circlet across the forehead and pin it
into the rope braids to hold it in place.
Proof 1 2 T
Ragnar Lothbrok
The Norse king Ragnar Lothbrok is more a figure out of folklore than
history; there’s a saga in which he marries and has four sons (Ubbe, Hvitserk,
Sigurd Snake-Eye, and Ivar the Boneless) with Auslag, daughter of the
legendary dragonslayer Sigurd and Valkyrie shieldmaiden Brynhildr. The
Vikings character Ragnar, played by Australian actor Travis Fimmel, has a
son with his first wife, Lagertha (page 53), before coming under the spell of
the beautiful Auslag. As Earl of Kattegat in southern Norway, he leads his
clan on terrifying raids in England and France while struggling to keep them
united with one another.
The hairstyle shown here is his classic look from season one.
Proof 1
Played by the English actress Georgia Hirst, Torvi is a strong-willed woman.
After her first husband, Earl Borg, is brutally executed by Ragnar Lothbrok
(page 45), she is forced to murder her abusive second husband, Erlendur, in
order to save the life of her lover (and Ragnar’s son), Bjorn. Before long she is
married to Bjorn and leading battles as a shieldmaiden, second in command
under Bjorn’s mother, Lagertha (page 53).
Torvi also has some of the most eye-catching and unique hairstyles in the
show. The look shown here is from the fourth episode of season four, when
Bjorn asks Torvi to be with him instead of Erlendur.
Proof 1
Hair Tip
Proof 1
Played by the Canadian actress Katheryn Winnick, the character of Lagertha
is a shieldmaiden and the first wife of Ragnar Lothbrok (page 45). The
Lagertha of folklore is believed to have lived in the ninth century, and she
appears in the twelfth-century writings of Saxo Grammaticus as “Ladgerda,
a skilled Amazon, who, though a maiden, had the courage of a man, and
fought in front among the bravest with her hair loose over her shoulders. All
marveled at her matchless deeds, for her lock flying down her back betrayed
that she was a woman.”
The Vikings stylists gave Lagertha many awesome looks to live up to this
description. The one shown here can be seen in season two, when she has
become an earl following her separation from Ragnar.
Proof 1
5.Turn all six braids into “slide-up” 6.Loosen the slide-up braids a little bit
braids—that is, remove the elastic at the and then secure them with the small hair
ends, grab the end of one strand, and elastics. Then gently braid together the
slide the other two strands up toward the three braids on each side of the head,
head until they can go no farther. securing each larger braid with an elastic.
Proof 1
s in other eras of history, the way Renaissance women wore their hair
was strongly connected to social status and religious observance. In this
chapter we will be recreating hairstyles from four historical dramas set
in Renaissance Britain, France, and Italy. As this cultural apex is flourishing in
fifteenth-century Florence, we are introduced to the inner rivalries of a notorious
aristocratic family, including those of the clever and beautiful Lucrezia Borgia,
in the Showtime drama series The Borgias. The 2017 Starz miniseries The White
Princess transports us to England in 1486, where two warring houses are united by
the marriage of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Showtime’s The Tudors
examines the scandalous life of Henry VII and Elizabeth’s son, King Henry VIII,
who beheaded two of his six wives—including the vivacious, tempestuous Anne
Boleyn—and initiated the English Reformation in the process. The TV series
Reign, which first aired in 2013, follows Mary, Queen of Scots’s ascent to power
in Scotland and France in the late sixteenth century, as well as her growing rivalry
with Queen Elizabeth I of England.
Proof 1
The Tudors
Anne Boleyn
In 1536, after being accused of adultery with multiple men, Anne Boleyn
became the first English queen to be publicly executed. Reportedly fond
of wine, archery, and gambling, young Anne was described by witnesses as
sharp-tongued and flirtatious. In 1526, while serving as a lady-in-waiting
to Queen Catherine, Henry VIII’s first wife, she caught the eye of the king,
eventually giving birth to Queen Elizabeth I and setting into motion one of
the most dramatic series of events in English history.
In the Showtime historical drama The Tudors, she is skillfully portrayed
by the English actress Natalie Dormer. This updo can be seen on Anne at the
end of season two, as she fights to hold on to her crown.
Proof 1
3.Gather the remaining hair, including the 4.Form this braid into a circle at the back of
hair framing the face, at the base of the the head and pin it in place with bobby pins.
head and rope-braid it. Secure the ends
with a hair elastic.
Proof 1 2 T
Becoming queen when she was only six days old, Mary, Queen of Scots
lived a short life full of political intrigue, scandal, and murder before she was
beheaded in 1587 at the command of her rival to the English throne, Queen
Elizabeth I. Reign (somewhat inaccurately) follows the early period of Mary’s
life at the French court of Henry II, during her marriage to King Francis, and
later in Scotland as she attempted to secure her own crown.
This particular hairstyle is from season one, during Mary’s days at the
French court.
3.Coil the English braid around itself at the crown 4.Wrap each small lace braid around the bun
to make a bun. Pin to hold the braid in place. (wrapping along the bottom of the bun, then
over), and tuck the ends of the braids underneath
the bun, pinning to secure them. If you have a
Proof 1 2 T
The Borgias
Lucrezia Borgia
Born into the infamous Borgia family, Lucrezia (1480–1519) was most likely
used as a pawn in her family’s quest to take over parts of Italy. Her father,
Pope Alexander VI, arranged for all three of her politically advantageous
marriages, the first one occurring when Lucrezia was only thirteen. He also
helped end her marriages when they were no longer beneficial to the family.
Yet this cunning, golden-haired femme fatale—played by the English actress
Holliday Grainger in the shocking historical drama The Borgias—had a
power all her own.
The hairstyle shown here can be seen in a scene from season two, when
Lucrezia is meeting with her lover Paolo.
Hair Tip
Curly and wavy hair work best for this style! The texture helps hold the twists together
and keeps the bobby pins from sliding out. So, if you are not blessed with natural waves
or curls, take a curling iron and add some curls to your hair before you begin.
Proof 1
5.Wrap these braids around the outside of 6.Take the decorative ribbon and pin it over
the circle you made earlier, pinning them the bottom of the circle. Then position
in place. more decorative ribbon or a tiara inside
the top of the circle.
Proof 1
Elizabeth of York
When Elizabeth of York married Henry VII in 1486, their union represented
the end of the Wars of the Roses. A mother of seven children, of whom only
four survived past childhood—including the extravagant and vengeful Tudor
monarch Henry VIII (see page 59)—the historical Elizabeth of York wasn’t
exactly badass in the traditional sense. In fact, she was known as a gentle,
doting wife and mother, avoiding politics and enjoying the company of her
pet greyhounds until her untimely death on her 37th birthday in 1503.
Based on the historical fiction novel by Philippa Gregory, the Showtime
miniseries The White Princess cast English actress Jodie Comer in the lead role
and presented a much saucier version of known events.
Hair Tip
Proof 1 2 T
n this chapter, I have recreated hairstyles from movies and TV shows
that depict the romance and adventure of the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, including Black Sails, Penny Dreadful, Outlander, and the 2005
movie Pride and Prejudice. Black Sails is a pirate adventure drama set in the early
eighteenth century (ca. 1715) in the lawless West Indies, where ruthless and
greedy buccaneers are engaged in a bloody contest over the region’s wealth. One
of these pirates is Charles Vane, a former slave and protégé of Blackbeard who
establishes himself as one of the most feared captains in the Caribbean. Vane’s
temporary captive, Max, is another former slave who—like Vane—vies for the
love of the powerful black marketeer Eleanor Guthrie. Set in Victorian London
(ca. 1891), Penny Dreadful centers on the gifted but tortured figure of Vanessa
Ives, who uses her mystic powers to vanquish evil spirits. The time-travelling
drama Outlander, based on the bestselling historical-fantasy book series by Diana
Gabaldon, follows the unlikely romance between a twentieth-century combat
nurse and an eighteenth-century Scottish fugitive, both of whom owe their lives
in part to the latter’s older sister, Jenny Murray. Based on the beloved early
nineteenth-century novel by Jane Austen, the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and
Prejudice follows the story of Lizzy Bennet, a sharp-witted rebel against the rigid
expectations of Regency-era British society.
Proof 1
Vanessa Ive s
Brilliantly played by the French actress Eva Green, the medium Vanessa
Ives is a standout original among a cast of characters culled from Gothic
literature, including Frankenstein, Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Ives’s mysterious background and
literal inner demons play center stage in this horror drama, which is inspired
by the cheap, sensational stories common in Victorian London—“penny
dreadful” was a nickname for serial stories on fantastical topics that you
could buy for a penny.
This fashionable style is a variation on the Newport Knot, a twisted
updo that was popular in England around the turn of the twentieth century.
(That’s a little later than the Victorian era, but close enough!)
Hair Tip
Black Sails
Charles Vane
Proof 1 2 T
Jenny Murray
3.Wrap this braid around itself to make a bun 4.Cross these braids at the back of the head
at the top of the head. Pin it in place. Divide and pin them to the opposite sides of the
the remaining hair in half. Braid each half bun. Wrap the remaining tails of the braids
in a three-strand braid, directing the braids around the bun and pin in place. Tuck the
upward, so there is no bulging at the roots of tails underneath the lengths of braid that
the braids when you lift them up to the bun. make the X in back so that you don’t cover
Secure the braids with small elastics. this feature.
Proof 1
When starting misdirected braids—braids that go in the opposite direction of how the
hair grows—it’s helpful to use a Dutch-braiding pattern, weaving the outer strands
under the middle strand, to help keep bulging roots to a minimum.
Proof 1
Black Sails
Prostitute-turned-madam Max, played by the Canadian actress Jessica Parker
Kennedy, can readily be described as “crafty.” Raised in slavery and later
captured by the motley crew of Charles Vane (page 79), she is not one to give
up as she seeks to become the merchant queen of Nassau.
This style is a version of the look she wears once she’s climbed the social
ladder and become madam.
Proof 1
5.Wrap these small braids over the top of 6.If you don’t have curly hair, curl the rest of
the head, in front of the large braid, and the hair with a curling iron, including the
pin them in place. wispy bits at the face. Leaving the wispy
bits out, scrunch up the rest of the hair,
one large section at a time, and pin into a
messy bun at the lower back of the head.
Proof 1
Lizzy Bennet
Played by the English actress Kiera Knightley in the 2005 movie version
of Pride and Prejudice, Lizzy Bennet is headstrong and independent, and
expected to find a wealthy husband. When she matches wits with the
arrogant Mr. Darcy, one of the most entertaining and satisfying courtships
ever written ensues.
Lizzy wears this fancy pearl-studded style in the ballroom party scene,
when she first meets Mr. Darcy.
1.Horizontally divide the hair in half. 2.Clip up the top section of the hair for
now. Take a horizontal section of hair from
the lower half, right below the part, and
French-braid this section from one side
of the head to the other. When you reach
the other side of the head, stop adding in
new hair and English-braid it to the ends.
Secure the braid with a small hair elastic.
Hair Tip
This braid is meant to wrap around the whole head. If the hair is not long enough to
do that, you can make two braids instead, starting in the middle of the back of the
head, with each braid ending on opposite sides of the head.
Proof 1
Hair Tip
5.Curl the rest of the hair, also making barrel curls
like in step 4. Pin these curls along the bottom
of the existing curl bun to make it larger and to The actress wore bangs with
cover the braid at the back of the head. Finish this style, so if you have
off the style by inserting pearl hair pins among
bangs, let them hang free!
the curls at various points. Proof 1 2 T
Fierce Fantasy
ow we leave the world of romance and adventure and enter a realm of fantasy
and make-believe. The looks in this chapter—which are inspired by several
popular fantasy TV series and films—are more extravagant than the historically
inspired styles of the previous chapter, but still heavily inspired by real-world artistic
traditions. Game of Thrones, which has won multiple Emmys and is based on the book
series A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R. R. Martin, has had its fans in a frenzy
since its premiere in 2011. This medieval-inspired HBO series follows nine powerful
families—whose members include Cersei Lannister, Sansa Stark, Margaery Tyrell, and
Daenerys Targaryen—as they plot to take over the coveted Iron Throne. Speaking of
medieval, BBC’s Merlin follows the characters of the Arthurian legend as youths, including
Arthur’s potent nemesis, Morgana Pendragon. In Once Upon a Time, the residents of
Storybrooke, Maine, discover that they are transplants from a fairytale world, and only one
woman—the bail-bond agent Emma Swan—has the power to break the curse that enslaves
them. In The Shannara Chronicles, based on the YA book series by Terry Brooks, the world
known as the Four Lands is being threatened by demons, and it is up to three young heroes,
including the orphan thief Eretria, to save it. From the novels of J. R. R. Tolkien come
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings film trilogies, where hobbits, wizards, dwarves, and
more—including the elves Legolas and Tauriel and the shieldmaiden Éowyn—join forces
against the evil creatures and sorcerers within Middle-earth. Finally, Diana Prince lends her
unparalleled Amazonian fighting prowess to the aid of World War I British troops in the
2017 blockbuster movie Wonder Woman. Proof 1
Emma Swan
Talk about a storied past! Though Emma Swan, played by the American
actress Jennifer Morrison, grew up in foster care in Minnesota, she is actually
the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming of Storybrooke, Maine.
Now it is up to her ten-year-old son, whom she gave up for adoption as
a baby, to return her to Storybrooke, where she can bring back happy
storybook endings.
Most of the time, Emma’s style in this enchanted environment is
modern, with jeans, a leather jacket, and her hair worn loose. When she
becomes the Dark One in season five, however, she sports a looped braided
bun. It looks intricate and fancy, but it isn’t hard to do. I promise!
Hair Tip
If your hair is thin and you want a big bun like Emma’s, you can add some
clip-in extensions before making the braids. Also, if you wish, add a silver
hair comb like the one Emma wears in the Enchanted Forest.
Proof 1
Margaery Tyrell
Played by the English actress Natalie Dormer, Margaery Tyrell is the premier
social climber of the Seven Kingdoms. With the goal of being queen—and
encroaching upon Cersei Lannister’s territory (page 121) in the process—she
marries not one, not two, but three kings. Her personal style is distinctly
graceful, yet seductive, and her hairstyles feature many rope braids and
twists, which Sansa Stark (page 129) mimics in season three as she tries to fit
in at King’s Landing.
Proof 1
Hair Tip
Wonder Woman
Diana Prince
She fights ferociously, inspires truth, wields God-given weapons, and builds a
better world—even just talking about Wonder Woman gets you fired up and
feeling empowered! Played by the Israeli actress Gal Gadot, this Amazonian
princess is training for battle on her home island of Themyscira, when Steve
Trevor, an American World War I pilot, crashes nearby and requires her
immediate assistance. Her battle-braid style is based on the French fishtail
technique, with a slight adjustment to hold it in place.
Proof 1
3.Keep forming the fishtail braid like this, passing hair from the opposite side of the head
underneath the braid and then adding it in. This gives the braid a downward chevron pattern,
but makes it sit on top of the head like a Dutch fishtail braid. It also adds more friction to the
style so the braid holds together better. When there’s no more hair to add in, finish the braid to
the ends as a normal fishtail and secure it with the hair elastic.
Proof 1
Sent as a messenger by his father to the Council of Elrond, Legolas, played
by the English actor Orlando Bloom, volunteers to represent the elves as
one of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring. With his mad
archery skills, heightened senses, and strikingly perfect hair, this Prince of the
Woodland Realm is an asset on the quest to destroy the One Ring.
Legolas wears this fishtail braid style in all three of The Lord of the Rings
movies, as well as in The Hobbit trilogy.
Proof 1
Morgana Pendragon
When her magical powers materialize, this good girl, played by the Irish
actress Katie McGrath, turns bad. Uther Pendragon, Morgana and King
Arthur’s father, outlawed magic in Camelot, and those who are caught
practicing it may be sentenced to death. Morgana isn’t keen to give up her
powers so easily, leaving her with little option but to turn against family and
friends as she plots to take over the kingdom.
Style-wise, Morgana’s fall from grace is reflected in her hair, which
becomes increasingly disheveled, but when she is momentarily crowned
queen, after she and the sorceress Morgause capture Camelot, she wears
this side-braided look.
Daenerys Targaryen
Proof 1
Hair Tip
Proof 1
Lady Éowyn of Rohan is one of the few female characters in The Lord of the
Rings trilogy. Though her storyline varies a little between the books and the
movies, in both she is brave and fiercely loyal to her people. She eventually
becomes temporary leader of Rohan during Théoden’s battle against the
army of Isengard and then a warrior when she disguises herself as a man and
slays the Witch-king of Angmar at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Played by Australian actress Miranda Otto, Éowyn wears this elegant
updo worn during Théodred’s funeral, when she sings a lament for the
fallen prince.
3.Split the remaining hair in half, then rope- 4.Coil up these braids on the back of the head
braid each half to the ends. Secure these into a vertical elongated shape, pinning as
braids with small elastics. you go. Position the braid buns right next to
each other so that there’s no gap between
them. If you have any extra length in the first
pair of braids, wrap it around the braid buns
and secure with bobby pins. Make sure to
tuck the ends of the braids underneath the
bun to hide them.
Proof 1
Introduced for the first time in Peter Jackson’s film adaptations of The
Hobbit, Tauriel, whose name translates to “Daughter of the Forest,” is
captain of the Mirkwood Elven Guard. Played by the Canadian actress
Evangeline Lilly, this skilled warrior and healer fights alongside the elf prince
Legolas (page 105), helping to defeat the evil orcs and their chieftain.
Tauriel’s look is a great visual representation of her character. The fishtail
and rope braids are ethereal elements that other elves incorporate, but hers
function to pull the hair backward and keep it out of her face for battle.
Further, the lace-braid design on top of her head resembles armor, hinting at
her fighting prowess.
Proof 1
Cersei Lannister
3.Now gather up the hair at the top of the back 4.English-braid the left half and secure the
of the head so that you’re holding about half ends with a small hair elastic.
of the remaining free hair. Divide this into left
and right halves. Clip the left half out of the
way for now, then rope-braid the right half
and secure it with a small elastic.
Proof 1
7.Wrap the six small rope braids around the large 8.Finally, pin the English braid around the bun.
rope-braid bun, pinning them in place. Make sure
to tuck the ends of each braid underneath the bun
to hide them. Proof 1
Eretria, played by the Spanish actress Ivana Baquero, begins the first season
of The Shannara Chronicles as a Rover—a nomadic people who sometimes
thieved or worked as mercenaries to survive. On her first solo thieving
mission, she encounters the half-human/half-elf Wil and the elven princess
Amberle, and after a tug-of-war over Elfstones, they team up to protect the
Four Worlds from demons escaping from their place of banishment: the
ancient tree, Ellcrys.
This style is Eretria’s eye-catching side-braid look.
Proof 1
Hair Tip
If it’s too difficult to keep the twists in step 2 in place, braid this hair into two lace-
rope braids instead, so that they hold together better.
Proof 1
Proof 1
Sansa Stark
Every character in Game of Thrones has to figure out a way to survive the dangerous
politics of Westeros—or perish. Sansa Stark, played by English actress Sophie
Turner, practices the subtle art of blending in, always shifting her look in order to fit
into each new environment she encounters. For example, at the very beginning of
the show, she wears lace and French braids on top of her head, in the Northern style.
Once in King’s Landing, however, she adopts this elaborate eighteenth century–
inspired padded style common to the Southern ladies.
3.Slide the hair outward to cover the entire 4.With a blunt needle, sew some thick white
hair roll, and then pin it down to the head. thread around this roll.
Gently smooth the hair on the roll with a
comb and hairspray.
5.Next, roll up the first section by the forehead. 6.For the last roll, pick up a small section at the
This roll should be a little shorter than the crown and roll it up. Pin it directly behind the
first. Again, roll it tight, slide the hair to cover big roll on top of the head.
the whole roll, pin it in place, and use a comb
and hairspray to make it smooth.
Proof 1
9.Make two more rope braids, one behind 10.Make two more rope braids, this time at
each ear. Cross them at the back of the the corners of the back hairline. Cross
head. Drape them over all the rolls and pin these braids at the back as well, drape
down in front of the first roll. over the rolls, and pin in front. If the hair
isn’t long enough to make the braids
reach all the way over the rolls, you can
pin them in between the two top rolls
or behind the largest roll.
Sci-Fi Heroines
cience fiction is all about the strange and imaginative stories that explore the
furthest reaches of possibility. In this chapter, you will learn to make hairstyles
from many popular and highly regarded shows and movies that epitomize the sci-fi
aesthetic, where outer space and post-apocalyptic wastelands are frequent backdrops for
all kinds of heroics. “In a galaxy far, far away,” the Star Wars trilogy of trilogies (original,
prequel, and sequel) features some of the most badass heroines in the history of sci-fi
cinema, including Leia Organa, Padmé Amidala, and Rey, as they battle the “dark side” of
the Force. Star Trek: The Next Generation, which aired from 1987 to 1994, follows the crew
of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), including the half-Betazoid lieutenant commander
Deanna Troi, as they “boldly go where no one has gone before.” Back on Earth, a Wild
West–themed amusement park is the setting of Westworld, where humans pay big bucks to
interact with android hosts such as the beautiful Mariposa Saloon madam Maeve Millay.
Based on the YA book series by Kass Morgan, The 100 tracks the journey of one hundred
teenage prisoners, including Octavia Blake, who are packed off to post-apocalyptic planet
Earth to get a sense of its (in)habitability. Youths are also sacrificed—in this case, fighting
to their deaths—in The Hunger Games series, based on the bestselling YA book trilogy by
Suzanne Collins. Among them is Katniss Everdeen, whose heroics make her an instant
celebrity, and with assistance from the documentary filmmaker Cressida, a spokeswoman
for the rebellion against the Capitol. Moving from a dystopia to a galaxy with a jammin’
1970s soundtrack, Guardians of the Galaxy follows a ragtag group of misfits, including the
green-skinned Zen-Whoberin assassin Gamora, who sets out to save the universe. Proof 1
The protagonist of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, Rey, played by the English
actress Daisy Ridley, is strong, independent, and Force-sensitive. Growing up
as an orphan on the desert planet Jakku, Rey supports herself by scavenging
parts from old spaceships and tinkering with them. After she escapes from
Jakku by piloting the Millennium Falcon, she is thrust into a much larger
conflict between the Resistance, led by General Leia Organa (page 145), and
the sinister First Order.
Rey’s hairstyle in these movies is easy to recreate and ideal for anyone
whose hair is not quite long enough for more elaborate braided styles.
Proof 1
3.With half of the remaining hair, form a 4.Form a third club in the same way with the
second club right below the first one, remaining hair.
finishing it as in step 2.
Proof 1
This alien and former assassin is ready to make amends. Gamora, played by
American actress Zoe Saldana, was originally a cold-blooded killer raised
to be the ultimate weapon by the evil Thanos. To exact her revenge on
Thanos for killing her family and making her this way, she teams up with
the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy in their quest to destroy the fanatical
supervillain Ronan.
Being a badass warrior, Gamora doesn’t have time for an elaborate
hairstyle, so this simple style is great for those who want to add just a bit of
attitude to their everyday look.
3.On one side of the head, pick up a small 4.Add a couple of hair beads along the
section of hair from the lower back hairline. length of the braid.
English-braid this hair to the ends and secure
with a small hair elastic.
Proof 1
Played by English actress Natalie Dormer, Cressida joins Katniss and the
rebellion in the third The Hunger Games movie. Her charge is to film the
atrocities committed by Capitol forces in the poorer districts in order
to erode President Snow’s popular support. Cressida rocks a completely
side-shaven style, with a little French braid running along the edge of the
remaining hair, but you can still approximate her look without taking an
electric clipper to one side of your head.
In the movie, this style is actually created using a French braid, but a Dutch braid helps us
pull the side hair tight to get the faux–side shave look, while allowing the braid to stand
out more. If you already have a shaved side, lucky you! Just make a thin French braid that
runs all the way from your forehead to your neck along the edge of your hair.
1.Make a part with the pointy end of the 2.Make a thin Dutch braid, about ⁄ inch (13 1
comb that starts on the left side of the mm) wide, along the part with hair from
forehead, runs to the back of the head, the smaller section. Keep braiding until
continues down the back, and ends at the you reach the back of the head.
neck. Clip or tie the larger section of hair
out of the way.
Proof 1
Leia Organa
Leia may be only a princess in Star Wars, but she is the undisputed queen of
sci-fi hairstyles! This 4-foot-11 badass babe, played by the American legend
Carrie Fisher, appears in both the original trilogy (as a spy for the Rebel
Alliance) and the sequel trilogy (as the general of the Resistance). Raised
by Senator Bail and Queen Breha Organa on the planet of Alderaan, she
fights alongside her twin brother, Luke Skywalker, and her smuggler-turned-
husband, Han Solo, using Force sensitivity to defeat the Galactic Empire and
destroy the cataclysmic Death Star.
Leia has many iconic hairstyles through the series, but this is perhaps one
of the most wearable and practical.
3.With the remaining hair, make a Dutch lace braid 4.Pin both braids along each other into
across the lower back of the head. Start directly a circular shape. When you get to
behind the ear where you ended the first braid, the ends of the braids, tuck the tails
and form this braid in the opposite direction. underneath the circle to hide them,
When there’s no more hair to add in, English-braid then pin them in place.
it to the ends and secure with a small hair elastic.
Maeve Mill ay
Proof 1 2 T
Hair Tip
Padmé Amidal a
Hair Tip
Katniss Everdeen
Proof 1
THE 100
Octavia Bl ake
Born as an illegal second child on the space station The Ark, Octavia, played
by the Canadian actress Marie Avgeropoulos, grew up always having to stay
hidden. After she is found and imprisoned, she is chosen to accompany
the other teens sent to Earth’s nuclear wasteland, where she demonstrates a
natural ferocity and ultimately bonds with the native Grounder warriors.
Octavia dons this braided style after she has joined the Grounders.
Proof 1
Proof 1
Deanna Troi
3.With pins and hairspray, smooth the hair from 4.Brush forward and tease both the hair in
the ponytail around the donuts to completely front of the circular ponytail section and
cover them. the hair on the sides of the head.
Hair Tip
If your hair isn’t long enough for these braids to reach very far, braid some small
sections of loose hair extensions and pin these to the head instead.
Proof 1
7.Line up a string of beads with one of the 8.Line up another string of beads with another
braids, and pin both of these around the braid, and drape it toward the front of the
base of the bun. head. Make a loop with this braid and bead
string, securing it with pins on top of the
center part, near the forehead. Pin the rest of
the braid tail and beads around the base of
the bun.
n this chapter, we will leave the land of “real hair” entirely and recreate styles from the
animated television series Sailor Moon and Avatar: The Last Airbender, the animated
movie series How to Train Your Dragon, and the video game franchises The Legend of
Zelda, Assassin’s Creed, Final Fantasy, and Horizon Zero Dawn. The Japanese anime series
Sailor Moon, which originally aired in Japan from 1992 to 1997, follows Usagi Tsukino
(aka Sailor Moon) and the other Sailor Senshi (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus) as
they defend Earth from evil. In the thirteenth installment of Nintendo’s three-decade-
old Legend of Zelda series, Hyrule crown princess Zelda makes the ultimate sacrifice in
order to rescue her kingdom from the Twilight. In the Emmy-nominated Avatar: The Last
Airbender, Katara teaches the protagonist Aang the art of Waterbending as they prepare to
invade the Fire Nation and restore peace to all nations. Astrid Hofferson and her Black
Nadder dragon Stormfly are a force to be reckoned with in DreamWorks’ How to Train Your
Dragon series. In the latest of Square Enix’s fifteen Final Fantasy games, Tenebrae princess
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret is instrumental in saving the world from a plague of darkness.
Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Syndicate takes the age-old fight between the Assassins and the
Templars to the streets of Victorian London, where Evie Frye and her twin brother attempt
to outfox the Blighters. Finally, in Horizon Zero Dawn, warrior and outcast Aloy is called to
save the world, including the people who shunned her, from corrupted machines.
Proof 1 2 T
Usagi Tsukino
When this sailor-suited teen rescues a black cat with a crescent moon on its
forehead, she doesn’t realize that she will be enlisted to save Earth from the
Dark Enemy. After a magic brooch transforms her into Sailor Moon, she
joins forces with the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask, fighting the villainous
Queen Beryl, Dead Moon Circus, and countless other antagonists as they
seek out the legendary Silver Crystal.
Because anime stories are often hand-drawn, the characters have
relatively simple hairstyles, so this style is quite easy to recreate with real hair.
Lucky us!
Proof 1
In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda’s kingdom of Hyrule has
been taken over by the King of Twilight, and all the inhabitants have turned
into wandering spirits. To help save the world, she recruits Link from Ordon
Village to revive the Light Spirits and defeat the evil king. Then she does
the ultimate selfless act, sacrificing her life and power in order to revive the
Twilight creature Midna, who is helping Link on his quest.
Hair Tip
Teenaged Katara and her brother, Sokka, members of the Southern Water
Tribe, inadvertently discover a young boy named Aang frozen in a block
of ice. When they learn that he is the lost Avatar, they journey out into the
wider world to help Aang master all the element-bending arts and eventually
defeat tyrant Firelord Ozai.
For much of the first season, Katara dons this hairstyle, which features
her famous loopies!
Evie Frye
It’s 1868 in the polluted city of London, and twin siblings Jacob and Evie Frye are
recruited by the British Brotherhood of Assassins to defeat a powerful Templar boss
named Starrick. Luckily Evie’s stealth and smarts are a good complement to Jacob’s
combat prowess as they encounter Templars and gangsters who are hell-bent on
thwarting their mission. Evie needs a clear view as she leaps from buildings and
wrestles with evil henchmen, so this braided updo is a practical look that keeps hair
neatly and stylishly away from the face.
Proof 1
Astrid Hofferson
This teenaged Viking dragon rider is known for her axe-wielding skills and her fierce
attitude. Now, with the help of her Black Nadder Stormfly, she must defend her
village and save the dragons of the world from the ruthless dragon-hunter Drago
Bludvist, who wants to control them all for his own ends. Why not do it in style?
Proof 1
3.Tie the leather headband across the 4.Now gather the remaining hair to the side
forehead, underneath the accent braid and of the head, where the accent braid is,
over the rest of the hair. and switch off between English-braiding
and knot-braiding this hair too. The accent
braid should be incorporated into this
braid as one of the strands. Secure the
ends with the large hair elastic.
Proof 1
Proof 1 2 T
and secure it with a large hair elastic.
Proof 1
Proof 1
Aloy is the protagonist in the post-apocalyptic environment of Horizon Zero
Dawn, which is overrun by animal-like robots that have been corrupted by a
mysterious force. Cast out of the Nora tribe as a baby, Aloy later proves that
she is a kickass warrior who can go head-to-head with any adversary and win,
thanks in part to her superb archery skills and some “old-world” technology.
The hairstyles of the Nora tribe involve thick twists, dreads, and braids,
which Aloy shows off through the entire game.
Proof 1
3.Cross the outer twists over the elastic 4.On both sides of the head, divide the hair in
holding the middle twist, then tie these twists two horizontally. Twist the first half of the top
together underneath the first elastic. Gently section.
tug on little bits of the twists to fluff them out.
Proof 1 2 T
7.Make small Dutch lace braids with the 8.Finally, make two more English braids from the
remaining hair above the ears. hair behind the head so that each one falls over
each shoulder.
Proof 1 2 T
I would like to give a big thank you to everyone who made this book possible! Without you, there wouldn't
even be the inkling of an idea for this project. First, a shout out to everyone at Quarto for inviting me to
write this and for pulling this book together in a hurry, including the editorial staff (Melanie Madden,
Jeannine Dillon, Erin Canning, Heather Rodino) and the design team (Merideth Harte, Melissa Gerber).
Thank you to Fortuna Todisco for creating all the step-by-step illustrations, and Frank Hom for spending a
full four days with me taking photographs of all the different hairstyles in this book.
A special shout out goes to to all the models who let me do their hair: Ashlyn Madden, Anna Smirnova,
Dawn Desvigne, Andy Baptiste, Lucy Shen, Macrina Cooper-White, Maya Waeger, Kimi Beck, Kevin
Burke, and Jess Shropshire. You guys were amazing. Also, special thanks to Kate Marley for the awesome
Last but not least, I would like to thank my Aunt Michelle, for teaching me to braid all those years ago;
my hair mentors and good friends Siobhan Retsina and Heather Eberly, whose guidance helped me develop
my styling enough to show it to you all; my parents for their unwavering support; and my boyfriend, Eli, for
all his patience and love.
Proof 1