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Paxson Spring 2017 CS 161 Computer Security Final Exam: (Last) (First)

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Paxson CS 161

Computer Security Final Exam

Spring 2017

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academic misconduct on this exam will be reported to the Center for Student Conduct and
may lead to a “F”-grade for the course.

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You may consult two sheets of notes (each double-sided). You may not consult other notes,
textbooks, etc. Calculators, computers, and other electronic devices are not permitted.
Please write your answers in the spaces provided in the test.
You have 180 minutes. There are 9 questions, of varying credit (600 points total). The
questions are of varying difficulty, so avoid spending too long on any one question. Parts of
the exam will be graded automatically by scanning the bubbles you fill in, so please do
your best to fill them in somewhat completely. Don’t worry—if something goes wrong with
the scanning, you’ll have a chance to correct it during the regrade period.
If you have a question, raise your hand, and when an instructor motions to you,
come to them to ask the question.

Do not turn this page until your instructor tells you to do so.

Question: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Points: 80 74 48 72 64 54 96 56 56 600

Page 1 of 35
Problem 1 True/False (80 points)
For each of the following, FILL IN THE BUBBLE next to True if the statement is
correct, or next to False if it is not. Each correct answer is worth 4 points. Incorrect
answers are worth 0 points. Answers left blank are worth 1 point.
(a) Thanks to strong cryptography, a TLS connection to your bank is secure even if
their web server’s TCP/IP implementation has a buffer overflow vulnerability.
True False
(b) Thanks to strong cryptography, a TLS connection to your bank is secure even if
your home router’s TCP/IP implementation has a buffer overflow vulnerability.
True False

Solution: A key property of TLS is how it provides end-to-end security: two

systems can communicate using TLS without having to trust any of the inter-
mediaries that forward their traffic. Thus, even if an attacker completely pwns
your home router, the worst they can do to you is deny you service to your

(c) To protect against Kaminsky blind spoofing attacks requires servers to implement
a new version of the DNS protocol.
True False
(d) Using DNSSEC to resolve example.com guarantees authenticity and integrity on
subsequent HTTP connections to example.com, but not confidentiality.
True False

Solution: DNSSEC provide authenticity and integrity for DNS results, but not
for any subsequent use of those results. The subsequent connections will have
to achieve security separately, such as by using TLS.

(e) A properly configured firewall can prevent any DDoS attack from disrupting the
ability of remote users to access your network.
True False
(f) Using a prepared statement to feed user input to an SQL query ensures that nothing
the user enters will be treated as an SQL command.
True False
(g) VPN can enable you to safely connect to your company when using an untrusted
public WiFi network.
True False

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(h) When configuring a firewall, it’s safer to use a whitelisting approach than it is to
use a blacklisting approach.
True False
(i) A malicious website can execute a successful clickjacking attack even if the victim
website uses HTTPS and the user’s browser correctly implements the same origin
True False
(j) A secure hash function will not produce any collisions.
True False
(k) Recall that secure-cookies are cookies which the browser will only transmit over
HTTPS connection. Using HTTPS and secure-cookies is one way to prevent click-
jacking attacks.
True False
(l) Suppose Alice has signed up for text-message two factor authentication on bank.com.
If bank.com randomly generates a long number (e.g., a 16-digit number) for its 2FA
codes and an attacker doesn’t hijack Alice’s phone number, then Alice’s bank.com
account is secure against phishing attacks.
True False
(m) For AES-CBC encryption, the IV does not need to be kept secret.
True False
(n) For AES-CTR encryption, the IV does not need to be kept secret.
True False
(o) If all messages are the same length and a message is never repeated, then it is secure
to re-use the same one-time-pad for encryption.
True False
(p) To securely store user passwords, a server should use AES to encrypt each user’s
password and only store the ciphertexts in its database.
True False
(q) If Website A loads a website from another domain (Website B ) inside of an iframe,
the same origin policy prevents Javascript from Website A from accessing any of
the other website’s content in the iframe.
True False
(r) A certificate authority that issues a TLS certificate for example.com can also pas-
sively decrypt TLS traffic to example.com.

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True False

Solution: The certificate authority only knows example.com’s public key, not
its private key, which it would need for passive decryption. A certificate binds
a public key to an identity (in this case the domain name example.com).

(s) Consider a worm that spreads by each infected instance uniform randomly selecting
a 32-bit IP address. We would expect the worm to initially spread exponentially
fast, but then slow down its spread during the later part of its propagation.
True False
(t) The Slammer worm spread extra-fast because each infected instance of the worm
kept increasing its scanning speed.
True False

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Problem 2 Multiple Choice (74 points)
(a) (6 points) Suppose an attacker steals the private key of a website that uses TLS,
and remains undetected. What can the attacker do using the private key? Mark
ALL that apply.

Decrypt recorded past TLS sessions Decrypt recorded past TLS sessions
that used RSA key exchange. that used Diffie–Hellman key ex-
Successfully perform a MITM attack
on future TLS sessions. None of these.

(b) (6 points) DNSSEC provides which of the following security properties for DNS
responses? Mark ALL that apply.

Confidentiality Authentication

Integrity Availability

None of these

(c) (8 points) “Mixing program control and user data” is a class of vulnerabilities where
a program/application accidentally treats user input as code and executes it. Which
of the following attacks exploit this class of vulnerabilities? Mark ALL that

Buffer overflows Stored XSS

CSRF Reflected XSS

SQL Injection Clickjacking

None of these

(d) (6 points) To verify that she is visiting the correct website, Alice is told to make
sure to check that the URL in the browser’s address bar is the URL she actually
wants to visit. Which of the following statements are true? Mark ALL of the
following statements that apply.

Of relevance for this situation is the This will help Alice defend herself
principle of Least Privilege against some DNS spoofing attacks

Of relevance for this situation is the This will help Alice defend herself
principle of Consider Human Factors against some phishing attacks
This will help Alice defend herself
None of these
against CSRF attacks

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(e) (6 points) Alice is trying to visit maps.google.com and neither her machine nor her
local resolver have any entries in their DNS caches. In the following, assume that
google.com subdomains use HTTPS and are on the predefined HSTS (HTTP Strict
Transport Security) list in Alice’s browser. You do not need to worry about attacks
on availability, nor attacks based on stealing private keys, malware infections, or
obtaining a fraudulent google.com certificate. Mark ALL that apply.

For DNSSEC to work securely, the Because google.com subdomains are

root and .com zones will need to on the predefined HSTS list, Alice’s
sign their NS and glue/additional visit to maps.google.com is secure
records. against MITM attacks.

For DNSSEC to work securely, the

Because google.com subdomains are
root and .com zones will need to en-
on the predefined HSTS list, Alice’s
crypt their NS and glue/additional
visit to maps.google.com is secure
against ssl-strip attacks.
Because google.com subdomains are
on the predefined HSTS list, Alice’s None of these apply.
visit to maps.google.com is secure
against DNS spoofing attacks.

Solution: Many students found this problem difficult.

DNSSEC does not protect NS and glue/additional records in any manner. It
doesn’t need to because its focus is on assuring the correctness of the final result
(i.e., object security), not how the client gets the result.
The presence on the HSTS list means that the visit to maps.google.com will
definitely occur using HTTPS. Given that, no DNS spoofing attack can fool
Alice into visiting a different site unless the attacker has obtained a fraudulent
certificate (which is ruled out in the framing of the problem).
Similarly, the guaranteed use of HTTPS secures the Alice’s visit against MITM
Finally, ssl-strip attacks rely on the user’s visit initially using HTTP rather than
HTTPS. The use of HSTS will prevent such an initial visit from occurring.

(f) (8 points) Gandalf is surfing the web and visits the URL http://gondor.berkeley.edu.
Assume that neither his machine nor his local resolver have any entries in their DNS
caches, and that berkeley.edu is the authoritative name server for all berkeley.edu
subdomains. Assuming global deployment and use of DNSSEC, and that DNS zones
use Key Signing Keys (KSKs) and Zone Signing Keys (ZSKs), which of the following
are True? Mark ALL that apply.

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Gandalf’s machine can use the Gandalf’s machine will receive a fi-
berkeley.edu KSK to encrypt the nal A record for gondor.berkeley.
query it sends to the berkeley.edu edu that is encrypted with a pub-
DNS server. lic key that Gandalf provides in his
DNS query.
berkeley.edu’s ZSK will be signed
by the root’s KSK. The final A record for gondor.
berkeley.edu will have object secu-
berkeley.edu’s ZSK will be signed
by berkeley.edu’s KSK. If zones correctly implement
DNSSEC, then Gandalf is secure
Gandalf’s machine will receive against a MITM attacker who at-
a final A record for gondor. tempts to modify content retrieved
berkeley.edu that is signed with from the gondor.berkeley.edu
berkeley.edu’s ZSK. web site.

(g) (6 points) A border firewall’s primary purpose is (Mark ONE):

Block incoming VPN connections. Prevent a network intruder inside

the network from spreading inter-
Prevent CSRF attacks. nally.

Detect buffer overflows. None of these.

Prevent XSS attacks.

Solution: A border firewall’s primary purpose is to control which systems and

which types of connections are allowed across the site’s border. It does not
focus on attack detection; generally allows, rather than hinders, incoming VPN
connections; and cannot contain a network intruder already inside the network
from spreading internally, since that spread does not transit the site’s border.

(h) (8 points) Which of the following attacks might allow an attacker to steal one of
your browser cookies (Mark ALL that apply):

Reflected XSS Buffer overflow

Stored XSS TLS downgrade

Clickjacking DDoS

None of these

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Solution: A common mistake was to select Clickjacking. While clickjacking
can cause user input (clicks or keystrokes) to go where the user did not intend
it to go, these misdirections still result in HTTP requests that follow the usual
rules regarding whether and which cookies to send.

(i) (6 points) Alice and Bob want to communicate over an insecure channel using one
of the following schemes, where M is the message in plaintext. Which scheme
should they use in order to avoid padding oracle attacks? Assume that (1) all of
the algorithms are secure, and (2) MAC and Sign do not leak anything about M .
Mark ALL that apply.

Enc(M ), MAC(M ) Enc(M ), MAC(Enc(M ))

Enc(M || MAC(M )) Enc(M ), Sign(M )

None of these

Solution: Recall from Project 2 that in padding oracle attacks, the attacker
modifies the ciphertext in some cleverly chosen fashion, asks the client to decrypt
it, and then observes whether the decryption process caused an invalid-padding
error. If the attacker can observe whether such an error occurred, then this
leaks partial information; after repeating this many times, an attacker can piece
together all of these clues to deduce what the original message must have been.
To defend against padding oracle attacks, the recipient must be able to verify
the integrity of the ciphertext before decrypting it. That is, the MAC / signature
must be computed over the ciphertext, and not the plaintext. Hence, only the
option on the top right is correct; in the others, the integrity of the message can
only be verified after decrypting the ciphertext.

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(j) (6 points) Let S be a publicly available trusted service that knows the public keys of
all users. Alice communicates with S to obtain Bob’s public key using the following
1. A −→ S : A, B
2. S −→ A : [KB , B]K −1

In step 1, Alice sends along her identity A and asks S for Bob’s public key. In step
2, S responds by returning Bob’s public key KB along with his identity B, and
signs the message.
Which of the following attacks is this protocol vulnerable to? Mark ALL that

Mallory can tamper with S’s re- Since S’s response is not encrypted,
sponse so as to substitute her own Mallory can use KB to decrypt any
public key KM instead of KB . messages Alice sends to Bob in the

Mallory can tamper with S’s re- None of these.

sponse so as to substitute an older
key KB0 that Bob might have re-

Solution: Option 1 (upper left) doesn’t work because it requires Mallory to

forge a signature on (KM , B). Option 3 (upper right) is factually incorrect –
Mallory requires KB−1 to decrypt the messages.

(k) (8 points) For the same situation as in the previous question, which of the following
modifications to step 2 would defend against the attacks that the protocol in that
question is vulnerable to? Mark ALL that apply.

S −→ A : [KB , A, B]K −1 S −→ A : [KB , B, A, N ]K −1 , where

N is a nonce randomly selected by S
S −→ A : [KB , B, T ]K −1 where T is
a timestamp S −→ A : [KB , B, N ]K −1 , where N
is a nonce randomly selected by S
S −→ A : [KB , T ]K −1 where T is a
timestamp None of these

Solution: The server can prevent a replay attack by including a timestamp in

its response, as in Option 2. Option 1 (upper left) does not prevent replays.
Option 3 (lower left) doesn’t work because it doesn’t bind the public key to Bob’s

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identity; Mallory can request her own key from the server and then forward the
message to Alice. Using a nonce instead of a timestamp in S’s response (Options
4 and 5) only works if A sends the nonce to S in step 1.
A student pointed out on Piazza that the problem asks for defending against
attacks applicable to the protocol in the previous question, and Option 3 does
so, even though it’s flawed in a different way. We allowed full credit for answers
that included Option 3 providing no other options (other than Option 12) were
selected, and only the correct option was selected for the previous question.

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Problem 3 Bypassing ASLR (48 points)
Mallory is trying to perform a return-to-libc attack on a simple stack buffer overflow
vulnerability. She wants to overwrite the return address of the vulnerable function with
the address of the system function, and pass it an arbitrary command argument. But
the system she wants to attack has ASLR enabled, so &system (the address of system)
is different every time.
Wanting to explore this further, Mallory writes the simple program:
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
printf("system is at 0x%x\n", &system);
She runs this five times, with ASLR enabled, and gets the following output:
system is at 0xbf9d7f14
system is at 0xbf9d7f99
system is at 0xbf9d7f88
system is at 0xbf9d7f36
system is at 0xbf9d7f08
(a) (16 points) She shouts “Eureka! It won’t work every time, but I can easily break
this now!”. What did Mallory learn? How can she use it to successfully exploit the
buffer overflow with a return-to-libc attack?

Solution: The implementation of ASLR has insufficient entropy — &system

appears to have no more than one byte of randomness, so Mallory learned that
just by repeatedly trying a manageable number of times, she can eventually luck
upon the correct address of system.
Full credit required conveying the notion of exploiting repeated attempts to
eventually make a correct guess.

(b) (8 points) What is the probability that Mallory will succeed if she has 1 chance to
perform her return-to-libc attack?

Solution: If there is one byte of randomness, than the probability for a single
attack to succeed is 256 . There might even be less randomness; in the output
Mallory saw, the high bit in the bottom byte of the address never varied, so the
probability might be as much as 128 .
If the probability is 256 , then it will take Mallory an expected 128 tries to guess
correctly if her failed guesses do not cause re-randomization due to crash-and-
restart; or an expected 256 tries if it does.

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(c) (24 points) Suppose Mallory is able to control the input (i.e. argv[1]) to the
following silly backup program, written by programmers from Junior University
(assume headers necessary for this code to compile have been included):
// Protect our data by making 2 copies!
void double_copy(char *data) {
char buf1[16];
char buf2[16];

strcpy(buf2, data);
strcpy(buf1, data);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

// recall: argv[0] is the name of the program
if (argc != 2)
return -1;

Give an input that will cause “sudo rm -rf /” to be run on the victim machine
with probability equal to what you answered in the previous part.
Use the following assumptions about the victim system:
1. It is an IA-32 platform with 4-byte words (recall it’s also little endian).
2. The stack is aligned at word granularity.
3. Local variables of each function are placed on the stack in the order they appear
in the source code.
4. ASLR is enabled for the stack segment.
5. argv[1] == 0x07070707 will always evaluate to true.
Hint: # is the shell comment character.
You can use \x** (where the *s are replaced by hex digits) to represent a character
in hexadecimal form. Fill in the answer below:

Solution: Note 1: the write to buf2 doesn’t matter for the purposes of this
problem. Any overflow will be immediately rewritten by the write to buf1.
Note 2: we don’t use any 0 characters in our solution since these would be
interpreted as NUL-terminators and cause the strcpy() to stop.
"sudo rm -rf / ##AAAA\x14\x7f\x9d\xbfDUMM\x07\x07\x07\x07"

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Fill the 16 byte buffer. Note the shell comment character sudo rm -rf / ##
# at the end so that subsequent bytes are ignored
Overwrite SFP in order to get to RIP (next line). AAAA
Guess at &system. (reversed to account for little endi- \x14\x7f\x9d\xbf
Dummy value in the stack position where a proper IA-32 DUMM
call would have pushed $eip to become the stored
$rip. The system function’s assembly code will ex-
pect 4 bytes to proceed the arguments on the stack (by
“proceed”, we mean appear in lower memory addresses).
This is the address that system() will return to. For
this attack, it doesn’t matter that the value is bogus
since system() waits for the shell to finish executing,
at which point Mallory has presumably completed her
Address of memory storing the attack string argument \x07\x07\x07\x07
(argv[1]). This is what system() will read as its argu-
Getting this answer fully correct was quite difficult. We awarded partial credit
for specifying various parts.

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Problem 4 Attacks on TLS (72 points)
Recall the TLS protocol, depicted in the figure below. We use the following notation:
{M }K denotes a message M encrypted using the key K. [M ]−1 K denotes a message M
along with a signature over M using the key K −1 .

Client Server
1 ClientHello
1. Client sends a 256-bit random number Rb
2 ServerHello and supported cipher suites C
2. Server sends a 256-bit random number Rs
and chosen cipher suite Cser
3 Certificate 3. Server sends certificate
ha nge
4 ServerKeyExc 4. DH: Server sends [g, p, g a mod p]Kserver

5 ServerHelloD 5. Server signals end of handshake
6 ClientKeyExc
ha 6. DH: Client sends g b mod p
RSA: Client sends {P S}Kserver
Client and server derive cipher keys Cb , Cs
7 ChangeCiphe and integrity keys Ib , Is from Rb , Rs , P S
rS pec, Finished
7. Client sends MAC(dialog, Ib )

rSpec, Finished
8 ChangeCiphe 8. Server sends MAC(dialog, Is )
9 Application
Data 9. Client data takes the form {M1 , MAC(M1 , Ib )}Cb
10 Application 10. Server data takes the form {M2 , MAC(M2 , Is )}Cs

Figure 1: TLS 1.2 Key Exchange

(a) (24 points) Suppose the client and server use RSA to exchange the premaster secret.
Mallory intercepts the ClientKeyExchange message and replaces P S with a fake
value P S 0 . Assume that Mallory can modify the messages after ClientKeyExchange
as well, if required. Which of the following are true? Mark ALL that apply.

Mallory will be able to decrypt the Mallory can avoid detection until the
application data sent by the client to server receives Finished from the client,
the server. at which point she’ll be detected.
Mallory will be able to decrypt the Mallory can avoid detection until the
application data sent by the server to client receives Finished from the server,
the client. at which point she’ll be detected.
The server will detect the tampering
when it receives ClientKeyExchange. None of these

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Solution: Mallory can pick an arbitrary P S 0 , encrypt it with the server’s pub-
lic key to obtain a valid ciphertext {P S 0 }Kserver , and replace {P S}Kserver with
{P S 0 }Kserver in ClientKeyExchange. The server will be unable to detect the
tampering, and Option 3 (lower left) is therefore incorrect.
Mallory can then obtain the symmetric keys Cb0 , Cs0 , Ib0 , Is0 as derived by the server
from P S 0 . She can use Ib0 to forge a valid MAC over the modified dialog in Step 7
and avoid detection by the server. Option 4 (upper right) is therefore incorrect.
However, Mallory will still be unable to obtain the keys Cb , Cs , Ib , Is as derived
by the client, since she does not know the value of P S. In Step 8, the server
will send the client a MAC over the dialog using the fake key Is0 . In order to
avoid detection, Mallory would need to re-compute this MAC using the key Is as
expected by the client. She will be unable to do so (since she does not know Is ),
and will necessarily be detected (Option 5).
Once the client detects the tampering, it will terminate the handshake. Op-
tions 1 and 2 (top and middle left) are therefore incorrect as well. Of the two
of these, Option 2 is better than Option 1. Mallory is trying to get the server
to accept a bogus P S, which would allow Mallory to know what keys the server
uses, and therefore to potentially decrypt the data it sends. But Mallory has
no way to change the client’s view of P S, nor to recover the original P S, so
even if Mallory’s subterfuge goes undetected, she has no way to read data that
the client sends. Therefore, answers that included Option 1 received no credit.
Answers that included Option 2 but not Option 1 potentially received some
partial credit, depending on which other options were selected.

(b) Now suppose the client and server use Diffie-Hellman for exchanging the premaster
secret. Mallory wants to decrypt the data sent by the server to the client by
downgrading the cipher suites. She doesn’t care about the data sent by the client
to the server. If the server always picks the strongest cipher suite and parameters
available, specify whether Mallory’s attack will succeed in the following scenarios
If yes, then list the handshake messages Mallory will need to necessarily modify. If
not, explain why.
Assume that unless specified, all cryptographic algorithms supported by the client
and server are secure.
i. (12 points) Suppose the client and server support 3DES in addition to AES.
Mallory is aware of an attack on 3DES that allows her to learn any message
encrypted using it. She therefore wishes to force the client and server to use
3DES instead of AES as the encryption algorithm.

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Solution: No. Mallory will still be unable to learn the master secret, and
hence will not be able to forge the MAC over the dialog. She will thus get

ii. (12 points) Suppose the client and server support a weak variant of Diffie-
Hellman (DHweak ). Mallory is aware of an attack on DHweak that allows her to
learn the exchanged secret. She therefore wishes to force the client and server
to use DHweak instead of standard Diffie-Hellman.

Solution: Yes. Mallory needs to modify ClientHello + both Finished mes-

sages. Since she can extract the exchanged secret, she can derive the in-
tegrity keys necessary to modify the MACs.

(c) (24 points) Recall that ClientHello contains a nonce Rb , along with C, the cipher
suites supported by the client. ServerHello contains a nonce Rs along with Cser ,
the cipher suite chosen by the server. Which of the following modifications to the
TLS protocol would prevent Mallory from conducting any downgrade attacks on
the cipher suites? Mark ALL that apply.

ServerKeyExchange includes ServerKeyExchange includes

[Rb ]Kserver
−1 , [C]Kserver
−1 [C]Kserver
−1 , [Cser ]Kserver

ServerKeyExchange includes [Rb , C]Kserver

ServerKeyExchange includes [C || Cser ]Kserver

ServerKeyExchange includes
ServerKeyExchange includes [C]Kserver
[Rb || C || Cser ]Kserver

ServerKeyExchange includes [Cser ]Kserver

−1 None of these

Solution: The attack won’t work if the client can verify that the cipher suites
C received by the server were altered by Mallory. To this end, the server can
send the client a signature over C after binding it with Cser (as in Options 6
and 7). The client can then verify the signature, validate C, and be assured
that the server chose Cser after receiving the correct cipher suites. (Including
Rb as in Option 7 is unnecessary, but doesn’t cause any problems.)
Options 1, 2 and 3 (lefthand column) don’t work because Mallory can obtain
the necessary signature by launching her own separate TLS session with the
server and sending C in the ClientHello message. Including Rb in the signature
doesn’t help because Mallory can still MITM the connection as follows:
1. Pause the client’s ClientHello message
2. Launch a separate TLS session using the client’s Rb and C, obtaining a
valid signature over these

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3. Resume the client’s ClientHello after downgrading C to C 0
4. Replace the server’s signature over C 0 and Rb using the one obtained in (2).
Option 4 (lower left) doesn’t contain a signature over C, so the client can’t tell
that the server never received the client’s original cipher suite offerings.
Option 5 (upper right) doesn’t work because it contains separate signatures
over C and Cser , allowing Mallory to selectively replace the signature over C, as
described above.

Problem 5 Software vulnerability (64 points)

Here is a fragment of Python source code for a fictitious email-based spell-checker service:
def process_incoming_email(msg):
return_addr = msg.get("From")
search_term = msg.get("Subject")
status = os.system("fgrep " + search_term + " /usr/share/dict/words")
if status == 0: # exit code 0 means success
response = "The word " + search_term + " is spelled right!"
response = "Sorry, " + search_term + " is not a word."
send_response(return_addr, response)
In this service, users submit a word to check as the Subject: header field of an email.
For example:
To: spellcheck@example.com
From: user@berkeley.edu
Subject: phenommenon
The process incoming email function is responsible for checking the spelling of the
word, generating an appropriate response message, and sending the response back to
the original sender via email. The function works by extracting a search term from
the Subject header field, then using the fgrep command to search for the term in
/usr/share/dict/words, a file containing a list of English words. The fgrep command
searches a file for a fixed text pattern; its syntax is ‘fgrep pattern filename ’.
os.system is a Python function that accepts a single string and executes the string
using the command shell. It works the same as the C system() library routine that we
discussed in lecture.
(a) (16 points) The process incoming email function has a vulnerability. What email
Subject: could you send that would cause the server to pause for 10 seconds before

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Solution: There are several possibilities. Here are some examples (the last two
only work if the shell used is Bash):
Subject: ; sleep 10; fgrep word
Subject: word /dev/null; sleep 10; echo
Subject: & sleep 10 #
Subject: $(sleep 10)
We accepted various ways of running a delay, like sleep 10, wait 10, and
sleep(10) (even though the parentheses are shell metacharacters and wouldn’t
actually work in a shell command). We also accepted // and -- as comment
markers in place of #.
We show what command each of these Subject: lines will run. The general
theme is to first do something that escapes the context of the fgrep command,
and at the end do something to take care of the /usr/share/dict/words that
will be appended.
fgrep & sleep 10 # /usr/share/dict/words
fgrep is immediately put into the background with ‘&’ and ignored. The
sleep command runs, then ‘#’ starts a comment that continues to the end
of the line.
fgrep ; sleep 10; fgrep word /usr/share/dict/words
The ‘;’ ends the fgrep command. Running fgrep without arguments is an
error, but the error is ignored and the shell next runs the sleep command.
The injected fgrep word combines with the code’s /usr/share/dict/words
to finish with a valid command, as if the user had done a request for ‘word’.
fgrep word /dev/null; sleep 10; echo /usr/share/dict/words
The first fgrep command searches /dev/null, a pseudo-file with no con-
tents (basically turning the fgrep into a no-op. The echo command at
the end harmlessly consumes the terminating filename.
fgrep $(sleep 10) /usr/share/dict/words
The $(...) syntax spawns a new subshell and substitutes the result of
the subcommand into the top-level command line. You can also write
it using backquotes: `sleep 10`. Because sleep does not produce any
output, the command will first sleep for 10 seconds, then run the command
fgrep /usr/share/dict/words.

(b) (16 points) What email Subject: could you send that would tell you whether or
not there is a user called dbadmin on the spellcheck server? The list of users is
stored in the file /etc/passwd.

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Subject: dbadmin /etc/passwd #
The above search term will cause process incoming email to build this com-
fgrep dbadmin /etc/passwd # /usr/share/dict/words
Instead of searching /usr/share/dict/words, fgrep will search /etc/passwd.
The ‘#’ turns the /usr/share/dict/words at the end of the command into a
comment. The exit code of fgrep will reflect whether the search term dbadmin
was found in /etc/passwd. If dbadmin was found, the email reply will be
The word dbadmin /etc/passwd # is spelled right!
If dbadmin was not found, the email reply will be
Sorry, dbadmin /etc/passwd # is not a word.
Some ideas that do not work completely:
dbadmin /etc/passwd; cd
This doesn’t work because the return value of os.system is the return
value of the last command. Putting a cd (or other command) at the end
will cause the return value of os.system to reflect that command, not
fgrep dbadmin /etc/passwd.
dbadmin /etc/passwd;
This doesn’t work because the /usr/share/dict/words that gets ap-
pended will be interpreted as a command name by the shell. Because the
file is not executable, trying to execute it will always result in a nonzero
exit status.
The slight variant dbadmin /etc/passwd (no semicolon at the end) actu-
ally does work, because the /usr/share/dict/words that gets appended
will be interpreted as an additional filename argument to fgrep, not a
separate command. The search will work correctly as long as dbadmin is
not present in /usr/share/dict/words.

(c) (32 points) State one way that you could fix the vulnerability? (If you name more
than one, we will only grade the first.)

Solution: Possible solutions:

• Use subprocess.Popen in place of os.system. (Or some other API that
allows you to specify a vector of command arguments, rather than a shell

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• Carefully escape search term to remove shell metacharacters. (This is
tricky because it requires detailed knowledge of how the shell will interpret
each character.)
• Implement the search in Python rather than using a fgrep subprocess.

Problem 6 Coffee Shop Worries (54 points)

Alice and Bob just arrived at Brewed Awakening, the local coffee shop. Eve is already
there, enjoying a cup of tea.
(a) (6 points) Alice wants to connect to Brewed Awakening’s WiFi network. Under
which protocols would her connections be safe from sniffing attacks by other coffee
shop visitors, such as Eve? Mark all that apply.

WEP WPA2 - Enterprise mode

WPA2 - Personal mode None of these

Solution: Only “WPA2 - Enterprise mode” provides per-connection secret keys

with the WiFi access point to secure each connection separately.

(b) (24 points) Turns out that Brewed Awakening’s network has no encryption. Al-
ice warns Bob that its not safe to use this connection, but Bob disagrees. Bob
connects to the WiFi, and tests that he has Internet connectivity by going to
https://kewlsocialnet.com. It loads without issues. Bob says the Alice: “See,
no problem! That access was totally safe!”
If Bob is correct and the access to kewlsocialnet.com was safe, explain why he is
correct. If he is not correct, provide a network attack against Bob.

Solution: Bob is correct.

Bob is visiting an HTTPS website, which uses TLS to provide an end-to-end
secure channel. As Bob’s browser did not encounter any certificate warnings,
then unless there’s been a CA breach or some other CA issue, the network
connection has confidentiality, authentication, and integrity.
We allowed full credit for solutions that specified that Bob was incorrect and
provided a valid approach for undermining his HTTPS connection to the site,
including the threat of obtaining fraudulent certs from misbehaving CAs.
We allowed only partial credit for solutions that framed attacks that would work
in the situation if TLS did not provide all of the strong security properties that it

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does. These solutions received more credit if they clearly stated that the attack
is relevant for Bob’s subsequent connections, rather than his test connection.
These solutions received less credit if they were simply stating that because the
WiFi network is unencrypted, an attacker could read Bob’s private information,
since use of HTTPS prevents that.

(c) (24 points) Now that he has tested his WiFi access, Bob then tells Alice: “I want
to buy that last muffin at the counter. Let me check if I have enough money
in my bank account.” Eve hears this and panics! She wants the last muffin too
but is waiting for her friend Mallory to bring enough cash to buy it. She is now
determined to somehow stop Bob from buying that last muffin by preventing him
from checking his bank account. Through the corner of her eye, Eve sees Bob start
to type https://bank.com in his browser URL bar . . .
Describe two network attacks Eve can do to prevent Bob from checking his bank
account. For each attack, describe clearly in one or two sentences how Eve performs
the attack.
Attack #1:

Attack #2:

Note that Eve cannot do an ARP or DHCP spoofing attack as Bob has already
connected to the WiFi network, so already knows the IP and hardware addresses
of the local network’s gateway and DNS resolver. (This assumes that extraneous
ARPs are not accepted by Bob’s system. ARP spoofing is a viable answer for
this problem if accompanied by specific mention of this consideration.)
1. TCP RST injection attack — Eve can sniff Bob’s transmitted (and re-
ceived) packets, so she can observe the sequence numbers of TCP packets.
Thus, Eve can send a valid TCP RST packet to Bob’s browser (or to the
bank website), resetting the TCP connection.
2. DNS response spoofing — When Bob tries to load the bank website, his
browser will generate a DNS request for the bank’s domain. Eve can
spoof a response with an incorrect answer, preventing Bob from loading
the bank website properly.
3. DoS attack on either Bob’s system or the coffee shop network. This can be
done through various means, such as DNS amplification attacks directed
at Bob.

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DoS attacks on the bank itself only received partial credit, as it assumes that
bank.com is a site that is as easy to overwhelm as Bob’s system or the local
Kaminsky’s DNS cache poisoning attack is inappropriate because it assumes the
Bob’s system remains vulnerable to a vulnerability for which we discussed how
it has been subsequently fixed; and it is not necessary because Eve is on-path,
not off-path.

Problem 7 The Great Cannon (96 points)

In 2015, Github experienced a DoS attack orchestrated by China using the so-called
“Great Cannon” (GC). It worked as follows. (Some details of the attack have been
simplified or modified for this problem.)
Many websites include a fetch for a script for analytics from Baidu, a large Inter-
net service in China somewhat similar to Google. The script would be retrieved via
http://hm.baidu.com/h.js. The GC operated in-path at the border between China
and the rest of the Internet. Upon seeing a request for this script, the GC would prevent
the original HTTP request from being forwarded, and would instead return a different
script, which instructed clients to repeatedly load http://github.com/cn-nytimes.
You can assume that Baidu served its traffic using servers in China; Github did so from
servers in the USA; and websites using the analytics script were hosted all over the world.
(a) (6 points) For which of the following layers would the GC need to guess or infer
header values it could not directly determine in order to carry out the attack?
Mark ALL that apply.

Physical Transport

Link Application

Network None of these

Solution: Because the GC operated in-line, it can see all of the packet header
values it needed in order to construct its bogus reply. Because the fetch used
HTTP and not HTTPS, it could in addition see the germane application-layer

(b) (6 points) Which layer was this attack meant to particularly stress regarding Github’s
servers? Mark the BEST choice.

Physical Network

Link Transport

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Application None of these

Solution: The queries redirected to Github all used fully established TCP con-
nections. This means they did not particularly stress the Transport layer or any
lower layers. The attack imposed load on Github’s web server process, i.e., at
the Application layer.

(c) (4 points) Whose traffic contributed to the DDOS attack? Mark the BEST

Web browsers inside China Both of these

Web browsers outside China Neither of these

(d) (4 points) Which packets would the implementers of this attack need to inspect?
Mark the BEST choice.

Packets going into China Both of these

Packets going out of China Neither of these

(e) (12 points) Why doesn’t the Same Origin Policy prevent this attack? (Limit your
answer to no more than 2 sentences.)

Solution: The SOP prevents one origin from accessing another’s DOM. Here,
the issue is instead that an origin can still load another site (e.g., in an iframe),
which in this case will trigger a request to Github and increase load on the
Github server.

(f) (12 points) For this and the next question, suppose that after the attack began,
Github installed a NIPS to deal with this particular attack. Assume the NIPS
is deployed on the Ethernet link connecting the github.com server to the public
Internet. What kind of detection is MOST LIKELY to be effective under the
circumstances? Mark the BEST choice and provide a short explanation.

Signature-based Behavioral

Anomaly-based Honeypots

Specification-based Vulnerability scanning


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Solution: As described in the problem, instances of the attack traffic will all
look similar: particular github.com page requests with the same Referer. That
situation fits with the general notion of signature-based detection looking for
activity that reflects a known attack.
Anomaly-based could potentially work if accompanied by a discussion of the
Github operators having trained their detector on past access patterns (such as
the order in which a given client visits different github.com pages).
Specification-based approaches would be difficult to manage. It’s not clear what
sort of specification Github could use that would allow legitimate traffic but for
which this traffic would be in violation.
Behavioral detection generally applies to detecting the consequences of an attack
rather than the attack itself. It thus is not a direct fit here. That said, an
approach based on a behavior such as “visited http://github.com/cn-nytimes
as the first-visit-ever to github.com” could work, accompanied by discussion
that the visit is evidence of a successful attack on the client (namely, the GC
manipulating the client’s operation).

(g) (12 points) Suppose that the attack caused Github to receive 50 times as many
bogus requests as legitimate requests, and that Github will consider a defense suc-
cessful if it reduces the volume of flooding requests by at least a factor of 50, so the
flooding is no larger than the volume of legitimate requests. Suppose further that
Github found that their NIPS had a precision of 0.999 and a recall of 0.99 when
detecting this attack. To what degree would this represent a successful defense?
Mark ONE of the following and BRIEFLY explain (≤ 2 sentences) your

Yes, the NIPS provided a successful No, the NIPS did not provide a suc-
defense. cessful defense.

Additional information is needed to Such a combination of precision and

tell whether the NIPS provided a recall values is not possible under
successful defense. these circumstances.


Solution: A reminder that Precision = P [attack|alert] and Recall = P [alert|attack].

Github’s success criterion is a reduction of the flooding traffic by a factor of at
least 50. This means that at most 2% of the flooding requests can escape de-
tection. A recall value of 0.99 means that 99% of the flooding requests result in
an alert (and thus in blockage, since Github is using an network IPS), so only
1% of the flooding requests will escape detection.

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While not part of what we expected in a solution, there’s a somewhat subtle ad-
ditional consideration. The problem’s wording states that “flooding is no larger
than the volume of legitimate requests.” If the blocking included dropping many
legitimate requests, then it could be difficult to tell whether this requirement is
met. However, the precision of 0.999 means that this is not a significant effect.
Consider the fate of 10,000 requests, of which about 9,800 are bogus and about
200 are legitimate (so about a 50:1 ratio). We expect about 9,702 alerts for the
attack traffic (we miss 1% of them, per the recall value). A precision of 0.999
means that we could have in addition at most about (in expectation) 9.7 addi-
tional alerts that correspond to legitimate activity. This constitutes only 5% of
the legitimate requests.
While not part of the problem framing, one could wonder whether the defense
might fail to be “successful” due to excessive false positives. In this situation,
the concerns of the Base Rate Fallacy do not apply: what’s being detected is
something that is very common (more so than legitimate activity), rather than
something that is much more rare than legitimate activity. That said, while
the value for precision tells us that nearly all of the alerts correspond to actual
attacks, it does not tell us whether the occasional blocking of legitimate traffic
due to the (rare) incorrect alerts is inexpensive enough (in terms of impact to
the site’s operation) so as to not constitute an operational problem.
Answers that stated that more information was necessary received partial credit
if framed in terms of false positives. (This credit was reduced if the answer also
discussed the need to know about false negatives, since the value of Recall
already provides this.) They did not receive full credit, however, because the
problem explicitly framed what Github considered to be successful, namely a
50x reduction in attack traffic.

(h) (8 points) This attack occurred for sets of HTTP requests. Which of the following
changes would have prevented the attack? Consider each choice in isolation (i.e.,
assess whether it prevents the attack assuming none of the other choices are in
effect). Mark ALL that apply. For each choice, assume that the content that
the site serves remains the same.

Every website that uses Baidu’s an- Baidu switches its analytics server
alytics switches to serve its content over to only be accessible using an
using HTTPS instead of HTTP. HTTPS URL.

Github’s server redirects any incom-

Baidu’s analytics server redirects
ing HTTP connection to a corre-
any incoming HTTP connection to
sponding HTTPS URL.
a corresponding HTTPS URL.
Github switches its server over to
None of these. only be accessible using HTTPS.

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Solution: If Baidu switches its analytics server over to only be accessible using
an HTTPS URL, then the requests that the GC sees will (1) be encrypted, and
(2) have their integrity protected due to use of TLS. This will prevent the GC
from manipulating them.
If websites using Baidu’s analytics switch to HTTPS, that simply means that
the server’s response that includes the instruction to fetch the analytics script
enjoys TLS’s protection. However, the browser receiving the response will still
issue an HTTP request to get the analytics script, which the GC can manipulate.
If Baidu’s analytics server redirects incoming HTTP requests to an HTTPS
URL, that action occurs too late in the process. The GC will see the incoming
HTTP request first, and can manipulate it at that point, before there’s an
opportunity for the request to switch over to HTTPS.
Github changing to HTTPS (either option) doesn’t prevent the attack: what
the GC is manipulating is the reply to the request for the analytics script, not
the request sent to Github.

(i) (8 points) Which of the following techniques could Github have used to make the
attack ineffective? Mark ALL that apply.

Blacklist any packets from Chinese Move the affected Github server to a
IP addresses new IP address

Use SYN cookies for all new Remove all use of Baidu analytics
connections from Github web pages

None of these

Solution: None of these solutions will be effective:

1. The attack traffic seen by Github does not come from Chinese IP ad-
dresses. The GC is manipulating browsers outside of China to send traffic
to Github.
2. The attack does not involve spoofed TCP SYN requests, so SYN cookies
will not provide any benefit.
3. If Github moves their server to a new IP address, they will need to update
the DNS binding of github.com to point to resolve to the new address;
because the GC directs browsers to retrieve a URL that uses that domain
name, rather than a direct IP address, the attack traffic will follow the
4. The Baidu analytics scripts are used on numerous other websites; the

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attack will continue as before regardless of whether Github itself uses
Baidu analytics.

(j) The remainder of this problem concerns a Web security feature called Subresource
Integrity (SRI). It works by adding an attribute to the script tag for externally
loaded scripts:
<script src="http://example.com/script.js" integrity="[CRYPTOGOOP ]">
Browsers then validate the integrity of the script retrieved from the given src=
i. (8 points) What should CRYPTOGOOP contain for it to achieve its goal of
assuring integrity, while minimizing the effort required by web developers to
adopt it? Mark the BEST answer.

An encryption of the script being A digital signature of the script be-

loaded ing loaded

A MAC of the script being loaded A hash of the URL of the script

A hash of the script being loaded

Solution: If a browser visits website A and receives from it a script di-

rective to fetch a script from website B, then all that is needed to ensure
that the fetch has integrity is a hash, because an attacker who messes with
the fetch would have to also mess with the original reply from A in order
to alter the CRYPTOGOOP. If the attacker can do that, they can change
A’s reply in arbitrary ways anyway, so there’s no need for the attacker to
instead only adjust A’s reply to enable the attacker to supply a bogus value
for the fetch from B.
While in principle MACs or digital signatures could provide integrity, they
both introduce unnecessary complexity. For MACs, website A would need
to provide the associated key; doing so reduces the MAC to essentially a
hash-based approach. For digital signatures, the browser would have to use
some sort of PKI to verify that the script it receives matches the signature.
This adds complexity without providing any benefit to offset that.

ii. (8 points) Suppose every website with Baidu’s analytics starts using SRI. Given
GC’s capabilities, could it still redirect some Baidu analytics traffic to Github?

Yes No
Explanation (1 sentence):

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Solution: If some of the websites were hosted within China and over
HTTP, the Great Cannon could potentially replace their SRI response with
one that included an SRI tag that matches the malicious script.

iii. (8 points) Name ONE drawback to a website’s owner from deploying SRI. (If
you name more than one, we will only grade the first.)

Solution: Website owners will have to manually update the SRI tag if the
external script changes. This will require coordination between the website
and the external site to pick up any new features, bug fixes, or security
updates. We allowed partial credit for answers that did not identify this
consideration but did flag that the website owner would have to do some
initial work to securely gather the CRYPTOGOOP.
We allowed partial credit for answers stating that the use of SRI would slow
down web page load times. This is a very modest effect, since hashes are
quick to compute.
No credit was given for answers that discussed the cost of servers having
to generate CRYPTOGOOP in response to incoming requests for a script.
The generation would be done offline, since it’s only needed one time per
change to a script.
No credit was given for answers that discussed leveraging the cost of cryp-
tography for DoS. That would not be a drawback for the website owner,
since it would only be relevant for them if they themselves wanted to use
SRI to induce a DoS on other sites.

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Problem 8 Computing on encrypted data (56 points)
Recall the El Gamal scheme: The El Gamal public key is (p, g, h), x is the private key, and
h = g x mod p. The encryption of a message M is Enc(M ) = (g r mod p, M × hr mod p),
for a random r.
(a) (24 points) Say function F can be computed over El Gamal ciphertexts. This
means given only C1 = Enc(M1 ) = (s1 , t1 ), C2 = Enc(M2 ) = (s2 , t2 ), and the El
Gamal public key, anyone can compute a ciphertext C3 = Enc(F (M1 , M2 ))
Which of the following arithmetic operations can be computed over El Gamal ci-
phertexts? Mark ALL that apply.

Modular Addition: F (M1 , M2 ) = Modular Exponentiation: F (M1 , M2 ) =

M1 + M2 mod p M1 M2 mod p

Modular Multiplication: F (M1 , M2 ) =

M1 × M2 mod p None of the above

For each arithmetic operation you select, write down the equation that someone
can use to compute C3 using the components of C1 , C2 (i.e., s1 , t1 , s2 , t2 ), and the
public key. Or if none of the computations is possible, explain why not.
Equation(s) or Explanation:

Solution: Modular Multiplication: C3 = (s1 s2 mod p, t1 t2 mod p)

(b) (24 points) Suppose Alice sends Bob a message M0 after encrypting it with Bob’s El
Gamal public key. Let C0 = (s0 , t0 ) be the corresponding ciphertext. Mallory wants
to learn the message M0 . Bob agrees to decrypt a single ciphertext C1 = (s1 , t1 ) of
Mallory’s choice, as long as C1 6= C0 . Explain how Mallory can take advantage of
Bob’s offer in order to learn M0 .
Hint: Mallory observes that she can manipulate C0 in a way that allows her to
obtain another valid ciphertext that also decrypts to M0 .

Solution: El Gamal is vulnerable to chosen ciphertext attacks, as this question

aims to illustrate. A couple of ways in which Mallory can learn M0 are as follows:
1. Let C0 = (g r mod p, M0 × hr mod p). Mallory picks an arbitrary number
s, and computes C1 = (g r+s mod p, M0 ×hr+s mod p) (since g, h, and p are
known). She then asks Bob to decrypt C1 . The corresponding plaintext
M1 will be equal to M0 .
2. Let C0 = (g r mod p, M0 × hr mod p) = (s0 , t0 ). Mallory picks a message
M1 and computes its ciphertext C1 = (g s mod p, M1 ×hs mod p) = (s1 , t1 )
by encrypting M1 with Bob’s public key and using a random number s.

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She then computes:

C2 = C1 × C0
= (s0 s1 mod p, t0 t1 mod p)
= (g r g s mod p, M0 M1 × hr hs mod p)
= (g r+s mod p, M0 M1 × hr+s mod p)

and asks Bob to decrypt C2 . The corresponding plaintext will be M2 =

M0 × M1 mod p. Mallory can then obtain M0 = M2 × M1−1 mod p.
Students came up with innovative additional approaches. A simpler version of
the second option above is for Mallory to encrypt M1 = 1, which eliminates the
need to multiply by M1−1 mod p.
Even simpler is to construct C1 = C0 + p. Given that both components of the
ciphertext are processed mod p, this ciphertext will decrypt to the same value
as what C0 decrypts to. The ciphertext is arguably not “well-formed” (which
we didn’t specify for this problem). However, it’s certainly within the spirit of
conducting attacks to look for ways to bend the rules!
We did not provide any partial credit for solutions that were based on a miscon-
ception in the previous problem regarding which functions can be computed on
El Gamal ciphertexts. Such approaches are arithmetically flawed. In addition,
it is possible to solve this problem even if a student did not correctly solve the
previous problem.

(c) (8 points) Which of the following best describes the attack in the previous ques-

Ciphertext-only attack Chosen plaintext attack

Known plaintext attack Chosen ciphertext attack

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Problem 9 Password Cracking (56 points)
Mallory has an account on www.lamesec.com, a hot new social networking site. So
does her rival, Alice. Mallory desperately wants to break into Alice’s account (user-
name “alice”) to read Alice’s private messages. www.lamesec.com specifies that account
passwords must:
1. Be no longer than 7 characters.
2. These characters must be either lowercase letters or one of the following symbols:
+, -, , $, *, !.
3. Should be randomly chosen given these constraints.
One of Alice’s many traits that Mallory finds annoying is that Alice will always comply
with rules like these.
Mallory has observed that if she tries to use her browser to guess a possible password for
Alice’s account, she receives a reply from the www.lamesec.com web server that looks

Mallory in addition notices that the site uses a framework for which the below Python
code at the server validates authentication attempts:
def CheckPassword(account, submitted_password):
if len(submitted_password) != len(account.password):
return False
for i in range(len(submitted_password)):
if submitted_password[i] != account.password[i]:
return False
return True
Assume that the code is compiled without any optimization, and that all comparison
operators take a single instruction to execute. Also assume that len(x) always takes

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the same number of instructions to execute regardless of how long x is, and access to
account.password likewise takes constant time.
Knowing that this is the specific code that is used, Mallory analyzes the information
returned for a number of failed authentication attempts she makes to her own account. In
doing so, she is free to repeatedly change her password to new values if she wishes. After
analyzing this information, Mallory feels ready to try to attempt to infer information
about Alice’s password.
(a) (12 points) How many authentication attempts will suffice for Mallory to determine
the length of Alice’s password? Choose the MINIMUM such number of attempts
that guarantees success for Mallory:

1 attempt 1012 attempts

103 attempts
Mallory can do this but will need
more than 1012 attempts
106 attempts

109 attempts Mallory cannot do this

Solution: The key observation to this problem is that the web server’s answer
leaks information about the amount of computation done to validate the pass-
word for the account. This provides a side channel. The server’s reply provides
5 types of such potential information:
1. The server’s software version. This won’t change between answers, so does
not provide any additional information.
2. The time the job began and finished, to one-second granularity. As indi-
cated in the example, the resolution of these times (here, resulting in an
elapsed time of 0 seconds) is too coarse to provide a useful timing channel.
3. The number of instructions executed. This provides a very fine-grained
indication of how much computation was done, analogous to (and in fact
even better than) the timing channel discussed in lecture.
4. The amount of memory required. This could provide fine-grained infor-
mation about the amount of computation that’s done, but the checking
routine (and the one in the next part of the problem) doesn’t vary its
memory consumption based on the progression of the password-matching
process. (But see below.)
5. The disk storage required. As indicated in the example, this does not
appear to provide any useful information.
Note that the problem is framed in terms of Mallory using her browser to access
the server: thus, Mallory is not operating on the same system as the server,

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and cannot use techniques such as leveraging page-alignment to induce a timing
Thus, Mallory will need to exploit the side channel of the number of instructions
executed. Given that, if Mallory tries a password with a different number of
characters than in Alice’s password, then the first conditional will fail, resulting
in a lower instruction count than if Mallory’s guess has the same number of
characters. Given that, by trying 7 passwords of distinct lengths, she can see
which one executes more instructions, revealing the length of Alice’s password.
In fact, trying 6 passwords will suffice, since if the instruction counts for all of
them match the not-the-right-length count, then the length not tried must be
the correct length.
Mallory cannot however guess the length of Alice’s password in 1 guess, because
for her one guess she might pick a candidate with the wrong length, which will
not then provide information about which of the 6 other possible lengths is the
correct one.
When grading, however, we realized that some students assumed that the amount
of memory consumed would depend on the length of Alice’s password. While the
code we provided does not have this property, we agree that that is a reasonable
possibility. That side channel could enable determining Alice’s password in a
single query (by Mallory first constructing a dictionary of memory sizes seen for
different-length passwords for her own account). Accordingly, we also provided
full credit for solutions that stated that the length could be determined in just
one attempt.

(b) (16 points) How many authentication attempts will suffice for Mallory to determine
the exact value of Alice’s password? Choose the MINIMUM such number of
attempts that guarantees success for Mallory:

1 attempt 1012 attempts

103 attempts
Mallory can do this but will need
more than 1012 attempts
106 attempts

109 attempts Mallory cannot do this

Solution: Mallory first determines the length of Alice’s password. This requires
at most 6 attempts, each of a distinct length. (Because even if all 6 fail, then
she knows that the length she didn’t try is the correct one.)
Because the checking routine exits immediately upon finding a mismatch, Mal-
lory can know how many instructions correspond to a mismatch in the 1st, 2nd,

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3rd, etc. characters. (She can experiment on her own account to determine
these values.) Thus, to determine the 1st character, she can try all 32 possible
initial values and see which one progresses further into the matching than the
others. Once she has determined that, she can repeat this process for the 2nd
character, and so on.
In total, this requires at most 7 · 32 = 224 additional guesses. (Actually, 7 · 31,
since if all of the first 31 attempts yield the same timing, then she knows that the
untried 32nd value is correct.) Thus, the total effort is well under 103 attempts.
The size-of-memory side channel discussed above does not apply in this case.
While it potentially leaks length information, it does not leak content informa-

(c) (12 points) Suppose www.lamesec.com instead uses the following code to validate
authentication attempts:
def CheckPassword(account, submitted_password):
if len(submitted_password) != len(account.password):
return False
num_correct = 0
num_incorrect = 0
for i in range(len(submitted_password)):
if submitted_password[i] == account.password[i]:
num_correct = num_correct + 1
if submitted_password[i] != account.password[i]:
num_incorrect = num_incorrect + 1
return num_incorrect == 0
Given this change, now how many authentication attempts will suffice for Mallory
to determine the length of Alice’s password? Choose the MINIMUM such number
of attempts that guarantees success for Mallory:

1 attempt 1012 attempts

103 attempts
Mallory can do this but will need
more than 1012 attempts
106 attempts

109 attempts Mallory cannot do this

Solution: For the revised code, the check for length at the beginning hasn’t
changed. Thus, the same logic applies as before; it takes 6 attempts to determine
the length.

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We again also gave full credit to answers stating it could be done in 1 attempt,
on the assumption that these reflect use of a size-of-memory side channel.

(d) (16 points) Continuing with the new version of CheckPassword, now how many
authentication attempts will suffice for Mallory to determine the exact value of Al-
ice’s password? Choose the MINIMUM such number of attempts that guarantees
success for Mallory:

1 attempt 1012 attempts

103 attempts
Mallory can do this but will need
more than 1012 attempts
106 attempts

109 attempts Mallory cannot do this

Solution: Once the execution has proceeded beyond the length test, the re-
vised code completely eliminates the instruction-counter side channel: no mat-
ter whether any of the characters match or do not match, the same number of
instructions are executed.
Thus, all Mallory can do at this point is resort to brute force. This requires
327 = (25 )7 = 235 attempts. Approximating 210 ≈ 103 , this corresponds to
25 · 109 . So 109 attempts won’t suffice, but 1012 will.

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